Who celebrates the day of the internal affairs officer. Police Day (Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies). Congratulations on Police Day in verse

Happy Police Day!
May the service and fate be successful.
All crime will disappear like smoke
May you be happy, love and be loved!

You serve in the police with us,
And there is no order on earth without you.
Always obey the laws
In all matters, both in life and in work.

I want to sincerely tell you
That I will wish you good luck.
Let the dream come true soon
I wish you to truly fall in love!

Dear police officers and veterans of the internal affairs bodies!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! A holiday of strong and selfless people on whom the peace of the citizens of Russia depends.

On this day, we honor those brave and courageous people who always come to the rescue in the most difficult circumstances. For the most part, the police are dedicated specialists, for whom duty and justice are not just words. Today, the well-being, safety and tranquility of an individual, society and the state as a whole depend on each employee, from an ordinary to a general.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and success in your difficult but noble service. And for your families, personal well-being and peace of mind for loved ones.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies
We wish you successful, brilliant service!
To stand guard over order is your lot,
Before your courage - the enemies are unarmed!

The police are hard work.
Criminals, danger is near.
Still badly called
Send more where they don't need to.

Well, today is your holiday
And I congratulate you on it.
You, most importantly, be proud of yourself,
After all, there is a reason - I know for sure!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation! On this day, we honor courageous and courageous people, those who are entrusted with protecting the life and peace of citizens, the interests of the state. Citizens turn to you for help at critical moments, you are looking for support and protection in the most difficult situations. The fight against crime, ensuring law and order and the rule of law - this is just one side of the dangerous, responsible service of employees of the internal affairs bodies. You give a lot of time and energy preventive work to prevent illegal and unlawful actions.

On this day, we express special appreciation and gratitude to veterans, whose personal qualities and invaluable experience are always in demand and allow us to educate a new generation of professionals.

We wish you good health, good spirits, confidence in the future! Patience, health and prosperity to you and your families!

Day and night, rain and snow
Protects our peace!
It's in the shape of a man
Every day he goes to battle.
At the police station today
Their honorable, glorious day.
It's like a birthday
Up another step.

There are many wonderful holidays
But there is one favorite of all -
The one that suddenly became the police,
Celebrate your success!
Employee of the bodies of the brave,
Accept today a toast from us,
Everyone needs you and it's clear
You saved people many times!
Let it be hard in the service of that
Are you ready to do your duty?
Your health! Be okay!
Save you from grief, God!

On the day of the internal affairs officers
Congratulations to all those whose destiny
To protect peace of peaceful citizens,
Protect them from criminals!
We wish you health, warmth,
Life to be light and bright,
Every year - in pursuit of a star,
And good luck always and everywhere!

On this festive day, we praise lovingly,
Gathering a feast here
General li, sergeant, we praise you
For hard, but righteous work!
With you next to me - calmness, silence,
Let the path of struggle with the lads only be begun,
You will protect mothers from punks,
From rapists - our girls;
Establish order in the country
Know a lot about victories over the mafia! ..
Be loved and completely happy
Fulfilling your duty to us!!!

Even though you call the police now,
Your service has not become easier.
You are also bravely rushing into battle
Protect us all from crime!
Round the clock stands guard over the truth
Your strong and friendly family.
Policemen, we are very glad to see you all,
Happy Police Day to you, friends!

Glorious employee of internal affairs!
You are impeccably honest and brave,
Our support, protection forever,
Wise, always worthy man!

We select the words of congratulations,
So grateful for your work without laziness,
Happiness, good luck, less work -
Let only worries be pleasant!

Let luck and success
They go through life with you
Today is a holiday of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The whole Fatherland will celebrate!

And I, my love, will say
You are my best man
I appreciate and love you
And it's all mutual!

Today you are elegant, beautiful,
Let crime fall asleep forever
We say to you for everything: "Thank you!",
We are grateful to you, gentlemen!
You are the protection of the people,
You stop crimes
And you are engaged in solving cases,
You are in perpetual motion...
And on your day - from the bottom of our hearts we wish
To make the country calmer
So that you are at home more often,
To appreciate you in your family!

Who walks together in a row?
Our Police Squad!
Everyone is beautiful and smart
Honest, modest and slender.

We are everywhere, always and everywhere
Helping good people
If something suddenly goes wrong -
We'll call you an outfit.

But today is a special day
Because on the threshold
Dear Police Day -
Happy Holidays, dear friend!

I congratulate my colleagues!
So that you do not know all the troubles,
To increase wages
And crime has gone down!

On the day of police officers
Today I wish uncle
All the best in your work,
You don't work for money

And for the honor of the native country,
Be worthy of a policeman
Let good dreams dream -
Sleep peacefully with a clear conscience!

Times, names changed, -
You have always worked well
Fought valiantly against crime
To live in peace in your native country,
And today you are the bulwark of order,
Solve complex problems
Let things go smoothly in the service
And luck accompanies everything!

Let me congratulate you on Police Day!
And wish you success from the bottom of my heart!
Today, according to the established tradition, we
Let's celebrate the holiday together!

We wish you ups at work,
Promotions, all kinds of awards!
And so that in his personal life - like clockwork -
Everything went smoothly, smoothly, without obstacles.

Who protects
Our restful sleep?
Who brings peace
In every house?
Faithful Police
Bold guards
Like medieval
Warriors and Riders
You are on watch
Every day and night
Ready every day
Something to help
Be you happy
Peace to your homes!
Health and good luck
We wish you!

Happy Police Day, I want to congratulate
The most reliable man!
Let friends be with you shoulder to shoulder
Conquer a new peak!

Honey, on Police Day, I want to say
It is difficult to find what is stronger than a defender!
I am calm and always warm with you,
I'll be with you next to all the winds in spite!
I will surround with care, I will give my heart,
After all, I love you more than anyone in the world!

Let the most recent bully
Do not dare to hooligan on this holiday,
Let him lift a hundred grams for you,
And it will never fail again.
We wish you easy service and success
We are in every day and every hour of service.
Let the authorities notice as soon as possible
Let him sign an order for an increase!

You are the guardian of our life,
Protecting my city
Serve the Fatherland with honor
Heart, body and soul,
Don't let words describe everything
But the whole country is proud
daily feats,
Fully saluting!

Happy police day, I congratulate
Noble work of a fighter!
I wish you infinite luck
A lot of happiness, love without end!

I wish you patience and strength
Many small stars and big ones,
Thanks, certificates and awards,
New titles, cool finances!

And I wish you health
May your life path succeed!
Let the insidious criminal be afraid
You don't let him rest!

There is the tenth number in November,
We must not forget him
And the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a wonderful date
It's time to congratulate.
You are strong and brave people
And don't be afraid of anything
You are doing something important
And thank you for it!

The native militia became the police,
However, she did not change her position:
For a brave deed stands a mountain,
Catch up, neutralize the bandit in a hurry!
Decision can be made quickly
And give the victim a hand!
On your holiday, of course, we want to wish
Responsible affairs, promotions,
Strong family and devoted friendship!

I'm on the country's police day
I want to wish my beloved
So that you, full of dignity,
Were able to achieve goals.

With friends - do not spill water
You stay forever.
Help each other in business
And never be discouraged!

This is the job of the police.
To eradicate crime in Russia,
On a festive day of success and good luck
A huge country wishes you
people are saying thank you
For difficult and very important work,
May there be more happy days in life
And troubles will bypass you!

I wish you today
Victory in your work
Let there be true friends -
After all, life is more beautiful with friends

So that the opera shoulder to shoulder
Fighting crime
I sincerely wish -
So that sorrows rush away!

Every year on November 10, our country celebrates the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Until 2011, this holiday was called the Day of the Russian Police, and even earlier, until 1991, the Day of the Soviet Police.

In 2018, this holiday intersects with another very important event: the Russian police turned 300 years old. A significant anniversary (three centuries of the police chief's office) pervades many events that are held by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018.

Based on the scientific research conducted by the Russian expert community of historians, it was found that on May 25 (June 5, according to a new style) ‎1718, Emperor Peter I established the position of St. royal batman Anton Divier. At the same time, a guiding document was published under the title "Points given to the St. Petersburg police chief general." This document contained a formulated program of police activities, and also determined its role and place in the state. It was from 1718 that the Russian police should be conducted, as a special institution that was included in the system of state bodies.

The actual date of November 10, as the official date of the holiday, arose after the 1917 revolution. On October 28 (November 10, according to the new style), 1917, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs A. I. Rykov signed a decree "On the workers' militia." Starting from 1962, this date began to be celebrated as a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this happened after the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1962. Today similar holidays exist in many countries of the world. For example, Police Day in Cuba coincides with the Russian date, where it is also celebrated on November 10th. And in the United States, there is National Police Week, which is dedicated to law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, as well as those who, in fact, risk their lives on a daily basis in the service. In Russia, the Day of Remembrance of employees of the internal affairs bodies who died in the line of duty is celebrated on November 8.

At the time of its formation, the militia in our country was under the jurisdiction of local Soviets, then it was transferred to the structure of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and since 1946 - to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The historical changes that have taken place in our country over the past decades have required a fresh look at the place and principles of the activities of the internal affairs bodies, especially taking into account the changing socio-political structure of the country. The need to create a new legal platform that would meet the modern requirements. As a result, the current law "On the Police" was subjected to adjustments several times, but this did not desired results. In addition, in the 21st century, new challenges and threats facing the Ministry of Internal Affairs - terrorism, extremist activity, corruption in government bodies, the spread of transnational organized crime, as well as crimes committed in the sphere of high technologies. Taking into account everything that was said before the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the task became more and more clear - reorganization of the department in such a way that the system would work using modern technologies, in accordance with international legal standards, professionally and effectively responding to new challenges and threats of today.

The beginning of the process of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was given at the end of 2009, when the President of Russia signed a decree of December 24 "On measures to improve the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation." The active phase of reforms began in Russia on March 1, 2011, when the Federal Law “On Police” of February 7, 2011 came into force, which, among other things, led to the renaming of the militia into the police. At the same time, in 2011, the necessary the legislative framework activities of the Russian police, measures were taken to optimize the organizational structure and functions of the entire system. The basis of the new Russian police legislation was federal laws“On the Police”, “On Social Guarantees for Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” and “On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”.

The main directions of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country were updating the regulatory framework, getting rid of unnecessary management links, increasing the role of operational services, and carrying out organizational and staffing measures aimed at freeing the police from functions unusual for it. An important direction in reforming the system was the humanization of the methods and forms of work of the Russian police, an attempt to bring the relationship between law enforcement agencies and society to a partnership model.

Today, the tasks of the Russian police include protecting public order, preventing and solving crimes of varying severity, searching for those who have committed a crime and missing people, combating the terrorist threat and manifestations of extremism, combating drug trafficking, traffic control, and ensuring road safety . According to the data for 2018, the official number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is set at a little less than 900 thousand people.

Regardless of the historical period, a large number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrate their professional holiday while on duty, providing reliable protection and peace of mind for the lives of ordinary citizens and protecting their creative work. Every year, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia successfully solve their daily tasks to protect the country and society from various kinds criminal attacks.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies have a lot of work both on weekdays and in holidays. In January-September 2018 alone, 1,490.9 thousand different crimes were registered in Russia (3.9 percent less than in the same period of 2017). An increase in registered crimes was noted in 27 regions of Russia, a decrease in crime - in 58 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 92.7 percent of registered crimes are revealed by employees of the internal affairs bodies, and 4.6 percent of them are at the stage of preparation and attempt. In the first nine months of 2018, employees of the internal affairs bodies of Russia solved 833.5 thousand crimes (2.6 percent less than in the same period of 2017). 579.5 thousand crimes have not been solved (2.5 percent less than in the same period of 2017), of this number, grave and especially grave crimes account for 21.9 percent, the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reports.

On November 6, 2018, on the eve of the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the country Vladimir Kolokoltsev held a reception for veterans of the department. Veterans of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as heads of the largest veteran organizations of internal affairs bodies from 21 regions of the country were invited to the event. Vladimir Kolokoltsev reminded the audience that 2018 is a special year, as it marks the 300th anniversary of the Russian police. According to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, veterans of the internal affairs bodies make a significant contribution to the results achieved by the department in the fight against crime, and also take an active part in the training of professional police personnel.

November 10 "Military Review" congratulates the current employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as veterans of the department on their professional holiday!

Based on materials from open sources.

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Behind last years Much has changed in our lives, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

History of the Russian police

The day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is a great occasion to look at the page of history.

The history of the Russian police dates back to the reign of Peter I. In 1715, the Emperor created a public order service in Russia and called it the police, which means "government of the state" in Greek. On September 8, 1802, under Alexander I, the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire was formed. The tasks of the Ministry, in addition to establishing and maintaining calm, ensuring fire safety, fighting fugitives and deserters, also included the construction of roads, overseeing shelters, it controlled trade, mail, medicine and monitored the payment of taxes. However, already in 1810, the leadership of the police was removed from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Police was created. On July 6, 1908, the existence of detective departments under the police departments of cities and counties engaged in operational-search activities was legally fixed.

The Workers' and Peasants' Militia (RKM) was created immediately after the October Revolution on November 10 (October 28, old style) 1917 to protect revolutionary public order. Citizens who had reached the age of 21, who recognized Soviet power, were literate and enjoyed the right to vote, were accepted into the militia. Each enrolled in the police gave a subscription to serve at least 6 months. Many city and county executive committees set up voluntary organizations to assist the Soviet militia (Voluntary Police Detachments, Friends of Public Order, etc.). The introduction of a uniform uniform for police officers increased its prestige in the eyes of workers.

During the years of the Civil War and intervention, police officers actively participated in hostilities and at the fronts.

In 1919, over 8,000 policemen were sent to the Red Army. In 1920, the entire militia of the front line took part in the battles against the troops of Wrangel and the White Poles: more than 3 thousand employees of the railway militia were sent to the Western Front.

The "Regulations on the Workers' and Peasants' Militia" dated June 10, 1920 established that the main units of the apparatus of the RCM are the city and county (general), industrial, railway, water (river and sea) and search police. The regulation defined the RCM as an armed executive body, having the value of armed special forces.

Many police officers for participating in the military operations of the Great Patriotic War awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, orders and medals.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1988, the holiday was renamed Police Day.

The roots of the process of formation of the Soviet militia go back to the February Revolution in Russia. After the overthrow of the autocracy, the tsarist police were liquidated. The decision of the Provisional Government dated 03/06/1917 on the liquidation of the gendarmes corps, and on 03/10/17 on the abolition of the Police Department became the legal consolidation of the liquidation process. The replacement of the police by the "people's militia" was proclaimed.

The legal basis for the organization and activities of the militia was determined in the decrees of the Provisional Government "On the Approval of the Militia" and "Temporary Regulations on the Militia" issued on April 17, 1917. In its resolution, the Provisional Resolution tried to prevent the simultaneous existence of both the people's militia and the armed formations of workers that existed in this troubled time. Arising during February Revolution The Soviets of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies, along with the people's militia, organized detachments of workers' militia and other armed groups of workers who guarded factories and factories and supervised the maintenance of public order. In the resolution "On the Approval of the Militia", the Provisional Government indicated that the appointment of the people's militia is carried out by the state administration. Thus, the people's militia, created immediately after the February Revolution, became an integral part of the state apparatus.

After the October Revolution, as they say now, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets legally secured the formation of the Soviet state and secured the liquidation of the Provisional Government and its bodies locally and in the center. The central militia bodies ceased to exist on December 2, 1917. On the ground, everything depended on the will of the new "masters of life." In many cities and districts, the militia of the Provisional Government was disbanded, while in others it was reorganized under the leadership of semi-literate political workers.

The legal basis for the organization of the Soviet militia was the resolution of the NKVD "On the workers' militia" issued on 28.10 (10.11). 17. This resolution did not provide for the organizational forms of the police apparatus. This was connected, first of all, with the views of the ruling elite on the state system. These views consisted in the fact that with the demolition of the old state machine, first of all, the army and the police were liquidated, and their functions were transferred to the armed people. This view existed for some time after the October Revolution. This idea received organizational and legal expression in the fact that the formation of the workers' militia took place, as a rule, on the basis of voluntariness, and only in some cases the formation took place on the basis of the service introduced by the Soviets.

Due to the fact that the formations of the workers' militia did not have a permanent staff, they were in the nature of mass amateur organizations. However, the real state of affairs has shown the unviability of such an approach to the organization of ATS. The party leadership at that time had a sober mind and sound memory. Already in March 1918, the Commissar of the NKVD raised the question of organizing the Soviet militia on a full-time basis before the Government. This issue was considered at a meeting of the Government, and the NKVD was asked to develop and submit a draft regulation on the Soviet militia.

On May 10, 1918, the NKVD collegium adopted the following order: "The police exist as a permanent staff of persons performing special duties, the organization of the police must be carried out independently of the Red Army, their functions must be strictly delineated."

On May 15, this order was sent by telegraph to all the governors of Russia. On June 5 of the same year, the draft Regulations on the People's Workers' and Peasants' Protection (police) were published. It clarified and deciphered the order of the NKVD, which we quoted. Then, the congress of chairmen of the provincial Soviets, which took place from 30.07. on 08/01/18 "recognized the need to create a Soviet workers' and peasants' militia."

On August 21, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars considered the draft Regulations on the Soviet militia. The Council of People's Commissars instructed the NKVD, together with the NKJ, to rework the draft into an instruction, adapting it (the instruction) to the performance of the direct duties of the police. And, finally, on October 21, 1918, the NKVD and the NKJ approved the Instruction on the organization of the Soviet worker-peasant militia. On October 15, 1918, this instruction was sent to the provincial and district police departments. She established the organizational and legal forms of the police for the entire Russian Federation. The central body of the Soviet militia became the Main Directorate of Militia. It carried out: general management of the activities of the Soviet police; publication of orders and instructions defining the technical and, of course, the political aspects of the work; supervision over the activities of the militia, etc.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

For a long time of its existence, the law enforcement service has been repeatedly renamed and restructured. Today, the valiant policemen stand guard over our security. However, not every Russian knows what date Police Day is celebrated in Russia. This article is devoted to the hard work of police officers and their professional holiday.

history of the holiday

The day of the Russian police originates from the reign of Peter I. It was this great reformer who introduced a special service aimed at protecting public order. It was called the police and existed until the October 1917 revolution. Immediately after the October Revolution, the police was reorganized into a different power structure. This happened on the basis of the decision of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of November 10, 1917. 1962 was the year from which workers began to celebrate Police Day internal organs, then still policemen. These events were unofficial until 1980. In 1980, the official status of the militia day was assigned by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

More, neither after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, nor in connection with the renaming of the militia to the police in 2011, did the date of the celebration change.

Thus, the answer to the question of what date is the day of the police is given by Decree No. 1348, signed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on October 13, 2011.

Holiday traditions

Like representatives of any other profession, on the day of their professional holiday, police officers organize small festive feasts, congratulate each other, accept congratulations from the leadership. In honor of the holiday, some employees are awarded extraordinary titles for special merits in the service. According to centuries-old tradition, stars are washed in a glass of vodka. Most employees of the internal organs meet the day of the police, performing their official duties, therefore, on November 10, it is allowed to wear a festive uniform.

In many police schools, November 10 is a day open doors. On this day, it is customary to honor service veterans and remember departed colleagues.

Celebrations on Police Day

According to rough estimates, the number of police officers in our country is slightly less than 750 thousand people. Therefore, Police Day is celebrated on a grand scale. The Kremlin Palace hosts ceremonial events and concerts, at which representatives of the government always make congratulatory speeches.

It should be noted that the police officers themselves are not deprived of talents. The Academic Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has a huge number of fans.

Also, the day of the police is widely covered by the central television. Leading Russian channels broadcast films and series about policemen, and police officers are invited to popular TV shows.

How to congratulate those who guard our peace?

best congratulations for police officers on the day of their professional holiday there will be your sincere gratitude for their hard work.

Friends and relatives can be presented with a modest gift in the form of a souvenir. It can be a funny figurine of a policeman, you can pick up figures that correspond to the department in which your friend works. Various talismans-amulets are also very popular, because this profession is often accompanied by risk.

About the police profession

The day of the police officer is widely covered by the media. On the day of the Russian police, festive parades and demonstration performances by employees of the special services are held. Watching the beautiful and fit officers and employees of special units, many young men and women are thinking about choosing the profession of a policeman. But a holiday is a holiday. And what are the weekdays of the police?

The main task of the police service is to maintain law and order. However, it should be understood that not only precinct officers work in the police. The modern police of Russia includes several departments and units responsible for order and security in various areas. The activities of the modern police are very diverse. It includes the traffic police department, the migration service, the anti-extremism service, the criminal investigation department, the transport police, the tax police, military police, forensic center and other departments.

The police are keeping order in public places, in enterprises, in residential premises and so on. Therefore they have legal grounds to visit any place in case of suspicion of an offense.

At the disposal of the police is a special ammunition, as well as a baton and firearms. At the same time, police officers are obliged to strictly observe the Charter and the law.

In addition to appropriate education, police officers need to regularly improve their skills. Only physically strong, hardy and strong guys and girls with such qualities as integrity and stress resistance are accepted into the ranks of police officers. A modern police officer must be ready at any moment to provide assistance and even endanger his own health.

In addition, police officers must have a sufficient level of legal literacy. This is necessary for the correct establishment of the boundaries of what is permitted, as well as the legal explanation of their actions or the illegality of the actions of violators of the law.

Heroes of our time in the ranks of the police

Most of the work in the police is always accompanied by risk. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is always a place for achievement. Often these heroes are modest people, so only the closest people know about the importance and hardships of their service.

How many lives have been saved, how many crimes have been prevented thanks to the courage and dedication of the valiant police officers!

It so happens that without hesitation the best representatives of the profession give their lives for us and our peace of mind.

With such an ambiguous attitude of society towards the police, it is important to remember the daily risk to which law enforcement officers are exposed, and other disadvantages of this profession.

Police officers often have irregular working hours, unscheduled shifts and long business trips. With all the difficulties, the police are ready to work for the safety of the citizens of their country. That is why their work, not always appreciated, is important for everyone.

How to become a police officer?

The celebration of the day of the policeman is also accompanied by the popularization of this difficult profession. It is on this day that many young men and women ask themselves the question: “how to become a policeman?”.

You can become an ordinary police officer after serving in the army or after graduating from a police school. You can enter such a school on the basis of secondary education. And in order to take a serious position in the police, you will need a special higher education that gives knowledge of the law. The most prestigious universities where you can get this knowledge are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk, Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok.

Now you know everything about Police Day: what date is celebrated, how to congratulate law enforcement officers, etc.

The history of the emergence of the public order service dates back to 1715, when Peter I created such a service and called it "police", which means "government of the state". In subsequent years, this service changed its name many times until it came to its modern name. There are two directions - this is the criminal police and the public security police. On November 10, 1917, a decree was issued on the creation of a workers' militia, and since 1962, this day began to officially celebrate the Day of the Russian Militia. The police in our time is busy with a very important matter - it ensures the peace and security of the citizens of our country, therefore the state constantly provides an increase in the level of knowledge of employees, conditions for improvement in the profession, and supplies a modern material and technical base. For many years on the main channels of the country on this day they show big holiday concerts.

On Police Day I wish
Many different perspectives:
And career, and success,
And a great team.

Honor, courage, courage,
So that the beast ran to the catcher.
Well, at home to wait
Hearts that love you!

Allow me to apply
Read congratulations?
On Police Day, on your holiday,
We want to wish you
On the shoulder straps of new stars,
Strength, accuracy, health,
For an increase in wages.
To take less risk
For crime to go down.
So that in the family and at work
You were valued like a treasure.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Russian Police Day! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. Let working days be safe, reliable - the partner's shoulder, strong - willpower and convictions. Health, prosperity and all the best!

Your work is not easy
You are trusted for a reason.
Let your hard work
Always respect and protect.
Let the salary be worthy
So that vacation is somewhere in the Emirates,
Less stress, more laughter.
In all matters, always success!
And so that always, everywhere, in everything
Be ahead and behind the wheel!

At the keepers of order
Everything will be smooth in life.
Less evil and crime -
More happy moments.
Peace, miracle, laughter, sun!
Let grief not touch you.
Quiet days at work
Don't let your friends let you down
Let faith not fade in goodness -
Happiness bright without measure!

Happy Police Day cordially
I congratulate you!
Your work is infinitely important
May fate keep you.

May success be near
Peace reigns at home, peace.
Let the angel with an invisible look
Keeps you calm.

Congratulations on Police Day.
Let the career only go up
Doesn't let you get bored and inspires
There will be honor and respect.

Hooligans will all leave without a trace,
On shoulder straps the stars will shine.
Let the boss be not malicious,
And colleagues just have fun!

Let the wallet fill with greenery
So as not to measure the money, not to count,
Life always makes you laugh
Gives positivity and grace!

There is an important day in the calendar -
It's called police day.
Let everyone who serves in it
The sun will smile today!

Order, honor, law of the Russian Federation -
All this is your life credo.
So let the service bring
Peace, prosperity from the fatherland!

Health, ease in everything
Today we wish you
And Happy Police Day dear
We sincerely congratulate you!

I wish your shoulder straps
Decorated with three stars
To the rank of colonel,
You got it sooner.

So that things are revealed,
You showed ingenuity.
And your courage, courage,
Save for years.

So that reliable colleagues
The family was there too.
Stay human
Happy police day to you.

Happy Police Day to you
Happy holiday!
Without work you and the day
Don't sit still:
law breakers
You catch everyone personally
So that your area
Everything was great
Keeping our peace
From trouble, misfortune!
I wish on your holiday
More happiness for you!

Cop, congratulations!
We respect very much
For your profession
Yes, because you are in the ranks.
You zealously keep order
And this work is not so sweet.
After all, he is dangerous and difficult,
We will pray for you.
Go to the new "stars"!
A number of successes on the way!
Smile and don't be sad!