Retirement of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. When will pensions be increased and benefits provided to “children of war”? The amount of the pension of the participants in the Second World War

The category of citizens who are paid a pension of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War deservedly enjoys respect among the population of the country. In addition, the state pays them various additional payments, provides a number of free services and benefits.

As for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the federal legislation provided for insurance, funded and state payments for them.

For these reasons, they are simultaneously paid:

  • labor pension for all veterans, since they have all reached retirement age;
  • disability pension, you can receive it together with labor or state.

The conditions for receiving payments from the state are determined by the status of a veteran of the Second World War. Thus, all veterans receive a pension without any exceptions.

This article will allow an interested person to clarify certain nuances of pension and other security for citizens who survived the war period.

Usually, the pension for a participant in the Second World War is labor, it was assigned upon the onset of retirement age. It is also received by citizens who were directly involved in the work of the rear, starting from 06/22/41 to 05/09/45, for at least 6 months. This gives them the basis to receive the status of a veteran of the Second World War.

This category of participants and veterans has been granted the right to receive a lump sum payment timed to coincide with significant military events, as well as other dates, for example, the celebration of the anniversary of the Victory.

You should know that the labor pension determined earlier was assigned according to the old rules. With the adoption of new federal legislation, it is calculated in a new way, however, its size under any circumstances cannot be less than that determined by the old law.

The amount of payments for pensioners

The state pension provision of the participants of the Second World War provides for the payment of benefits in the amount of 120-255%, in comparison with social ones. They are assigned:

participants and invalids of the war;

citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad;

family members eligible to receive monthly veterans' benefits.

In 2017, the monthly pension for WWII veterans is as follows:

In addition, the state has provided additional payments:

In the current year, the average amount of monthly pension payments is:

Thus, the amount of pensions for war veterans differs from payments to ordinary old-age pensioners.

Registration procedure

Employees of the pension service, studying the documents for processing payments, make two calculation options:

  1. Under the law in force until 1998, when the following approach was applied:
    • work during the war years was counted twice as military service;
    • work in the North and equivalent territories - at the rate of a year and a half;
    • those who fought on the fronts of the war - 1 year was counted as 3.
  2. According to the new law, payments for pensioners in Russia are determined based on individual coefficients: the entire length of service is considered as a year for a year, earnings are compared with the average for the country for those years.

In the first option, the benefits that were applied before are taken into account, however, the final amount is subject to limitation. Typically, the pension is not more than 4000.00 rubles. In the second option, the size determined by the calendar length of service is much higher.

Federal legislation governing pension payments at the expense of the state provides for the right to receive pensions:

  • participants in the war;
  • people who survived the blockade with the sign "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • citizens with the status of a disabled person of all groups.

At the same time, the state assigns a pension larger than social payments to disabled veterans of the war:

  • for disabled people of the first group - by 250%;
  • the second group - by 200%;
  • the third - by 150%.

For disabled people who have dependent family members who are unable to work, the amount of the monthly pension payment is increased by 854.00 rubles for each disabled person. Payments are made for three disabled persons.

The pension supplement is paid to disabled persons of all three groups who are recognized as participants in the Second World War, as well as having the status of a resident of besieged Leningrad. The reasons for disability do not matter, they do not affect the assigned payments. Thus, the recipients consist of the following persons:

Citizens who have the right to a pension on several grounds, which are provided for by one legislative act, the pension is set on the basis of a larger amount.

In addition, the state provides a free set of various social guarantees:

  • provision of additional medical services;
  • issuance of travel documents for rail transport for a single trip across the country to the destination and back;
  • health resort vouchers for treatment and recreation.

Pension benefits for residents of besieged Leningrad

The legislation determines that this category consists of citizens who have received the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad." It is to be awarded to those who lived the period 09/08/41 - 01/27/44 for more than 4 months in the administrative territory of the besieged city. These include:

  • minors, 7th age;
  • students of educational, factory and craft training;
  • students of technical schools, higher educational institutions;
  • citizens who survived the blockade of the city, provided that they do not have a state award - the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad".

Citizens who have not received such a medal, but who have the status of a war veteran or who have been awarded the Order "For the Defense of Leningrad", receive pension military operations on a general basis.

The pension legislation provides an opportunity for citizens who survived the blockade to simultaneously receive such pensions:

  • upon reaching the age;
  • on disability, if the recipient's disability is confirmed by a medical report.

Blockade survivors receive additional payments from the state, which are equal to the amount of insurance payments.

Almost all residents who survived the siege of Leningrad have a disability, so the amount of their disability benefits as a percentage of the base is:

  • for the first group - 200%;
  • for the second - 150%;
  • for the third - 100%.

According to calculations, the average pension payment to beneficiaries in St. Petersburg is set at 19,621 rubles, and in the Leningrad Region - 18,168 rubles.

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Pensions that are provided to participants in the Great Patriotic War are a kind of state support for citizens. But unlike other pensioners, veterans also receive benefits and privileges that increase pensions and even provide additional payments.

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And no less interesting is the question related to what pension the veterans of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War) have in Russia in 2019.

What you need to know

In Russia, there are now two forms of pension maintenance, the first provides for mandatory pension insurance, and the second is state pension provision..

Moreover, the insurance pension is divided into the actual insurance and funded, and the insurance can be based on age, disability or loss of a breadwinner. But the social aspect is also included in the state security pension.

Therefore, those people who participated in the hostilities in the period 1941-1945, or have an honorary badge of a resident of besieged Leningrad, can count on certain types of benefits and special conditions for their provision.

Concept definitions

To understand the pension provision of WWII veterans, one should understand the meaning of some terms in force in the field. This will help to more clearly understand what and to what extent people with the status of combat veterans are supposed to.

concept Meaning
WWII veteran A person who participated in the hostilities of the period 1941-1945 on the territory of the USSR and other countries due to the war with Germany has evidence of this and can provide them. Not only people who directly participated in the battles, but also service personnel, for example, doctors or drivers of autobats, have the right to the title of WWII veteran
Pension A measure of social security in which a person who has reached a certain age, has received merits or has received the status of disabled, receives material security and a number of benefits that allow him to live normally and provide for his life needs
benefit A certain relief intended for a certain category of citizens, guaranteeing them a reduction in taxes or utility bills, the provision of material benefits in a simplified manner, or other state guarantees of a normal life

Payment types

There are three types of pension provision in Russia:

For compulsory pension insurance So, compulsory insurance is divided into insurance and funded pensions, and the first type is a pension for old age, disability or loss of breadwinners.
For state support State support is provided on the basis of seniority, old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and on a social basis.
For non-state support But non-state pensions are provided under special agreements concluded between a citizen and a pension fund of a non-state form of ownership. In some cases, it is more profitable, but there are risks of bankruptcy and not receiving payments made by a person.

This separation was due to the development of the economy and the improvement of the pension system, which gives greater freedom of choice for future pensioners. They can decide for themselves where to keep the money and how they want to receive their pension after they have reached it.

Legal framework

Regarding pensions in Russia, there is a separate law that is constantly supplemented and optimized in accordance with the realities of the economy. This is a legal act 166-FZ, which is also called “On State Pension Provision” It stipulates a list of persons who are entitled to a pension, sources of financing for pension funds, as well as the very nuances of the work of pension funds and interaction with the state
And with regard to some pensioners applying for pension payments, the law 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal -executive system, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, and their families” It indicates not only the length of service necessary for retirement, but also states which of the benefits are transferred to the families of such pensioners, which makes it possible for their next of kin to use the status of a person

Important Aspects

To understand what pensions are due to veterans, you need to familiarize yourself with the current rates for pension payments and calculate them taking into account all the standards of the Russian Federation.

In addition, it is important to figure out how a WWII veteran can apply for a pension payment and what kind of application you need to write for this. If the case concerns the widows of participants in the Second World War, then they are also entitled to part of the benefits of the deceased, but it is better to check the detailed list with the body providing social protection.

WWII veteran's pension

At the moment, age pensions are calculated according to a new method, which means a new calculation of payments.

Photo: pension calculation using the new formula

Thus, it is necessary to apply different formulas and bases for calculating pension payments, as well as take into account additional privileges, although they are individual.


The insurance pension is calculated according to the formula where the number of accumulated pension points (IPC) is multiplied by the price of one of them, and the result is added to the fixed payment. So, for a fixed payment, a figure of 4558 rubles should be taken, while 1 pension point costs 74.27 rubles.

Thus, it is necessary to multiply the number of points by 74.27 and add 4558 rubles to get the amount of payments due to the veteran.

By disability

The social disability pension is almost 5,000 rubles, and the specific amount is at the level of 4,959 rubles.

But the participants of the Second World War are entitled to an increase in disability payments depending on the disability group, and in all cases they increase at least twice.

If disabled veterans of the Second World War have financially dependent persons with the status of disabled, then the social pension is increased by another 1,653 rubles for each dependent, but no more than three can be added.

Over 85 years old

If a pensioner participating in the Second World War is over 85 years old, then a monthly allowance is set for his pension - 500 rubles, but at the same time only persons who have an average per capita family income below double the subsistence level can receive such an additional payment, but this value is fair for Moscow.

In other regions, upon reaching the age of 85, they can either pay other amounts by recalculating, or impose other income requirements.

Additional social payments

In addition to what pensioners receive as a pension and an increase to it, they are also entitled to social support. Such payments include UDV, a set of social services and DEMO.

Disabled people of all groups, participants in the Second World War or residents of besieged Leningrad can receive a one-time payment. Moreover, only one status is valid, and if there are several, the one that implies a large payout is applied.

For veterans, the EDV is provided at the level of 3,596 rubles. If a pensioner wants to receive free medicines, travel to the place of treatment and vouchers for treatment, then he can get social services, but he can also refuse, then he will be paid 995 rubles a month.

Terms of registration

In order to apply for a pension, a WWII participant must apply personally to the Pension Fund, or send a proxy there.

In the application, you must indicate the body to which the appeal is sent, the data on the submitter, and in the application itself, indicate in connection with which the pension is requested, what is the composition of the family and indicate the documents attached to it. At the end, the number and signature are indicated.

What is due to the widows of the participants of the Great Patriotic War

Widows of veterans of the Second World War can count on the following types of benefits:

  • pension benefits and benefits;
  • benefits for housing and communal services;
  • housing allowances;
  • medical privileges.

Special attention in our country is paid to veterans who took part in the hostilities during the Great Patriotic War or lived in besieged Leningrad. These categories of citizens receive certain benefits, including increased pension payments and additional benefits, and they can also use various services.

Before moving on to the main issue of pensions for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, let us dwell in more detail on what the actual state pension support consists of.

Briefly about the main

At the moment, there are two main forms of pension contributions in Russia:

  1. Pension insurance on a mandatory basis. This type of payment is divided into insurance and funded parts. Insurance is paid at the onset of retirement age, on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner or on disability.
  2. Pension state provision. Includes social benefits.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War, as well as residents of besieged Leningrad, can count on additional payments from the state.

Pensions to participants of the Great Patriotic War and blockade

The above categories of citizens have the opportunity to receive a disability pension under state pension programs, as well as the insurance part of the pension upon reaching a certain age. In addition, various additional payments are provided for them not only from the state, but also from the local regional budget.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, additional payments and services for WWII veterans are included in the budget. The law suggests that a disabled veteran does not have to choose one type of pension like everyone else, and can receive both types of payments by default.

Law No. 166-FZ, adopted in 2001, provides for the payment of state pensions to certain categories of citizens. Citizens of any of the disability groups who were residents of besieged Leningrad and participants in the Second World War are entitled to state support. The reason for the loss of ability to work does not play a role. There are however exceptions. If, for example, a veteran became disabled as a result of his own unlawful actions or as a result of causing harm with his own hand, then he is assigned only social disability pension payments, and he cannot count on state subsidies. At the same time, some veterans participating in the Second World War are also given additional payments for length of service.

Before the insurance pension was adopted, it was called labor. Citizens of retirement age who have seniority can receive it. Women in Russia retire at 55, and men at 60. There are also workers whose conditions allow them to retire early on their well-deserved pension.

In the event that insurance transfers for mandatory pension insurance were made in a timely manner, and the employee lost his ability to work, he may be assigned a labor disability pension. This payment is calculated regardless of the age of the employee and the number of contributions paid. The calculation of the labor pension for disability is carried out in the same way as for old age.

The participants of the Second World War and the blockade were not affected by the pension reforms carried out in recent years, since they were born at the beginning of the last century.

Calculation and amount of insurance pension

The pension for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the blockade is formed from the insurance pension, disability and other social payments. Every year, the amount of payments increases, as pensions are indexed, as well as the appointment of additional benefits. At the same time, the process of forming a pension for a WWII veteran in Moscow or other regions of the country is identical.

According to the latest changes in the legislation, now the calculation of pension accruals takes place in a new way and is included in the following formula:


At the same time, SP is an insurance pension, IPC is a set of points accumulated during work, SIPC is the price of one point, PV is a fixed payment. As of 2016, the FV amounted to 4558.93 rubles, and one point was estimated at 74.27 rubles.

Those who are included in the category of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the blockade are already receiving a labor pension. However, with the adoption of new legislation, their payments are subject to recalculation under the new system. If the amount received according to the new calculation is less than the veteran's current payments, then the pension will remain at the same level and will not change.

Calculation and amount of disability pension

Social pension amounted to 4959.85 rubles in 2016. In 2017, indexation was canceled, but a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles was made. The maximum social benefit for disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War is 12,399.63 rubles, and for blockade survivors, 9,919.7 rubles. This applies to disabled people of the first group. The minimum payments for the third group are 7439.78 rubles for the participants of the Second World War and 4959.85 rubles for the blockade.

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that persons who are classified as disabled are dependent on a disabled person. They can be grandchildren, children, brothers and sisters or a spouse. In this case, additional allowances are provided for the pension of a WWII veteran in the amount of 1,653.28 rubles for each dependent. For people living in remote areas that are unfavorable from a climatic point of view, pension payments are multiplied by the coefficient of the corresponding region.

Social payments

In addition to two types of pensions, various social benefits are transferred to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and blockade survivors. These include:

1. UDV - monthly cash payment.

2. NSO - a set of social services.

3. DEMO - additional monthly financial support.

Monthly cash payments are received by categories of Russians who belong to one of the following groups:

1. Disabled persons of the first category - 3357.23 rubles.

2. Disabled persons of the second category - 2397.59 rubles.

3. Disabled persons of the third category - 1919.30 rubles.

4. Blockade - 2638.27 rubles.

5. Participants of the Second World War - 3596.37 rubles.

If a citizen has grounds for receiving several social monthly payments from the above at once, the choice is made in favor of one, the largest one.

A set of social services is the support for pensioners, which is due to those who receive EVD. These are services such as free travel on railway transport, as well as additional medical care. If necessary, a pensioner can be provided with a voucher to a sanatorium for the purpose of spa treatment.

Anyone who is eligible for NSO can agree to monetary compensation. Replacing services with money can be partial or complete. Applications are submitted to the Pension Fund before the first of October. The full set of social services is 995.23 rubles in monetary terms.

A person accompanying a disabled person also has the right to a ticket and travel to the sanatorium.

Another type of social payments is DEMO. It is received, as a rule, These include:

1. Participants of the Second World War - 1000 rubles.

2. Blockade - 500 rubles.

It is possible to receive a DEMO only on one of the provided points. To receive this type of payment, you must submit documents according to the list to the Pension Fund.

Financing the costs associated with the calculation of additional payments to the pension of the widow of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War occurs at the expense of the Federal budget. The right to the supplement is lost if the subject remarries.

Indexation and assignment of payments

The Russian government annually indexes pension payments. As a rule, it is produced twice a year. The coefficient by which the current amount of payments is multiplied is determined by the living wage for the previous year and is set by the Government. In 2016, it was decided to increase payments by only 4 percent, which is not comparable with inflation rates. Such a meager coefficient was explained by the crisis situation of the economy in the country.

Required documents

In order to receive pensions from the state and an insurance pension, you must contact the MFC or the Pension Fund at the place of stay. There is a special application. You can also use the electronic form on the website of the Pension Fund to fill out an application or send a finished application by mail. Forms can be found on the foundation's website.

In addition to the application, in order to receive a WWII veteran's pension, the following set of papers must be submitted:

1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

2. Confirmation of the status of a disabled person. The document must indicate the reason and the group.

3. Confirmation of the status of a WWII veteran or a resident of besieged Leningrad.

Sometimes employees of the Pension Fund may be asked to provide a number of additional documents. If the pensioner has dependent family members, then it may be required:

1. Confirmation of the disability of a dependent family member.

2. Help from housing authorities.

3. Confirmation of family relationship with the dependent.

In some cases, pension payments may be recalculated. For example, if the disability group or the number of dependents has changed, etc.

In order to start receiving an insurance pension, you need to submit a package of documents to the Pension Fund, including:

1. Application.

2. Passport.

4. Confirmation of seniority with periods of work.

special status

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and blockade survivors are paid monthly. It can be received not only by the pensioner personally, but also by his authorized representative. Payments can be received through the post office, to a bank account or through the bank's cash desk. There are also organizations that deliver pensions.

Interestingly, pensions are also paid to veterans of the Second World War in Germany, to those who fought on the side of the Nazis. The amount is quite large - 1000-8000 euros per month.

Thus, when compared with other citizens, participants in the Second World War and blockade survivors receive pensions much higher. They are provided with many social payments and benefits. Veterans in need of housing receive their own square meters on an extraordinary basis. Some subjects of the country assign, among other things, regional payments to veterans.

So what is the pension of WWII veterans due to their special situation? From the above, detailed material, everyone who is interested has found the answer to this question. The state does not forget about those to whom we owe a lot, and does its best to support this category of citizens.

In 2017, a bill will finally be adopted in Russia and the “children of war” will receive an increase in pensions, as well as additional benefits. Nevertheless, not all citizens of our country are aware of what benefits from the budget they are entitled to, but it is worth taking up this issue closely, as it turns out that almost every adult citizen has the right to receive them.

Maybe there are benefits that apply to your close relatives, but they do not receive them due to ignorance?

  1. Veterans of the Second World War and military operations, their families.
  2. and the disabled.
  3. Citizens with state awards.
  4. Large families.
  5. Poor citizens.
  6. Citizens exposed to radiation.
  7. Rehabilitated persons, their families.
  8. Children under 16 years old.

Of those people who have applied and provided the necessary documents, benefits are provided first of all to the most needy citizens.

All social surcharges are divided into several categories: medical, travel, housing, tax, and others.

  • Housing- provide for a reduction in payment for utilities or the fact that housing is provided free of charge.
  • Medical- Benefits for the purchase of medicines.
  • tax- provided in the form of tax deductions.
  • Travel cards- free travel in public transport or benefits when purchasing tickets for intercity travel.

Each region, based on its budget, has the right to provide its own additional benefits: for prosthetics, discount tickets for air travel, etc.

There is no official confirmation of the status of "Children of War" at the federal level. But the draft law on assigning this status to citizens born in 1928-1945 has been considered by the State Duma for several years.

Regions adopt similar laws at their level. About 20 regions of Russia have adopted resolutions on benefits for children of war, and they are provided for their payment.

In some areas, this concept is interpreted with additions in the form of the definition of “orphans of war”.

Specific current benefits for children of war years in some regions of the Russian Federation:

  1. Service in medical and social institutions out of turn.
  2. Monthly cash payments. The amount varies from region to region. Basically, they are equated in status with the home front workers.
  3. Discounts on utility bills - may be different in different regions.
  4. Free provision of prescription drugs.
  5. The right to free travel in public transport.

Citizens who have the right to classify themselves in this category must confirm their status with documents.

According to the provision proposed in the draft law, citizens of this category should include those who were born in the Soviet Union from 1928 to 1945. These people did not take part in the hostilities, but suffered from the hardships of the war. Some were taken to concentration camps, others, as children, worked in the rear, replacing adults.

Today, the age of this category of people ranges from 88 to 93 years. They were left without childhood. The state considers it its duty to provide them with a peaceful old age, providing various benefits. But so far, the provision of benefits has been organized only in a few regions.

In 20 regions of the Russian Federation, benefits have been in place for several years: Belgorod, Tula, Samara, Volgograd, and others. Payments are small, but they are always useful for pensioners. The benefits granted to children of the war years are equated to the benefits of home front veterans, for example, in Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg, and Moscow.

This category also includes people who were left orphans during the war. If the law is adopted at the national level, then in all regions they will be equated with home front veterans, and monetary supplements to their pensions will increase significantly.

To obtain the status, citizens with the corresponding year of birth must write an application to the social security authorities, providing their passport as a supporting document. Additional documents are not required. After 2 weeks, he will be issued a certificate on the assignment of the regional status of "child of war".

Prospects for approval of the bill in 2017

In 2013, the Communist Party submitted a draft law establishing the status of "children of war." The essence of their proposals is to provide benefits:

  • Monthly payments in the amount of 1000 rubles.
  • Annual free examination.
  • Travel on all types of urban and intercity transport is free.
  • Extraordinary determination in nursing homes.

To this day, the law has not been adopted and has not even been discussed. The State Duma reacted to the need to adopt a law with a verbal proposal to equate this category of citizens with veterans of the home front.

In anticipation of the adoption of the law in 2017, citizens of this category should pay attention to other categories of beneficiaries. Perhaps they may be directly related to one of them, if benefits are not paid to children of war in the region of residence.

To clarify questions about the use of existing benefits, it is recommended to contact the local social security authorities or the Pension Fund with a passport. Today, the regions are waiting for a decision that finally some decision will be made by the federal government.

If the bill is officially approved, regional authorities will be able to adjust their budgets in accordance with the new conditions.