There will be an increase in the military pension in October. News from the Russian government: President Putin's decree on pensions for the military. The procedure for calculating accruals for the military and police

They are a special category of persons and receive financial support from the departments where they served. This includes internal affairs units, fire fighting services, drug control agencies, penitentiary institutions, and National Guard troops.

For former military personnel seniority content if one of the following conditions is true:

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice by calling the hotlines:

  • with a total length of service equal to 20 years and more;
  • upon reaching the age limit of 45 years and the total length of service from 25 years old, of which 12.5 years belongs to the service.

If the soldier received, then he is provided with payments of a different type. The provision is assigned in cases where health problems that led to disability arise during the service or within a three-month period after dismissal.

Payments are also due if the disability was established later than these dates, but it was caused by injuries or concussions acquired during the performance of official duties.

Families of military personnel who have died in the line of duty are entitled to material assistance. Financial assistance is provided only to disabled family members.

Some military personnel receive state content paid by the Pension Fund. This includes cosmonauts, flight personnel, citizens who received a disability during conscription service, the Second World War or the blockade of Leningrad.

Indexation of military pensions

The size of the military content directly depends on the salary of a soldier and the duration of his duties. Additionally, the amount of the pension is adjusted by a reduction factor. Its value is set at the federal level.

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The amount of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (calculation formula)

The definition of length of service for a police officer is regulated by Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1.

When calculating this type of pension the following factors are taken into account:

  • the size of the salary;
  • salary for a special rank;
  • length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or mixed length of service;
  • seniority allowance.

The formula for calculating the pension of an employee of the internal affairs bodies with a length of service of 20 years and with a mixed length of service of 25 years in 2019 is as follows:

RPO \u003d 1/2 × (OD + OSZ + NVL) × 72.23%,

  • RPO- the amount of pension provision;
  • OD- salary according to the position;
  • OSZ - salary for a special rank;
  • NVL- seniority bonus;
  • OD + OSZ + NVL- the amount of monetary allowance of a serviceman (DD).

The amount of pension provision may increase for each year of service over 20 years - 3% of the specified DD, but not more than 85% in total, and with a mixed length of service for each year over 25 years - 1% of the DD amounts.

Calculation of the old-age insurance pension for a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 "About insurance pensions" produced by the following formula:


  • joint venture- insurance old-age pension;
  • IPK- the value of the individual pension coefficient;
  • SPK- the cost of one PC on the day of the appointment of a pension.

Increase (indexation) of pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 in Russia for those who are already retired

Since the amount of pensions for police officers depends on the amount of monetary allowance, an increase in the amount of pension provision becomes possible in the event of its increase, which has not been carried out for several years. The indexation planned for October 2016 was not carried out due to lack of funds.

The reason for this situation is the difficult economic situation in our country, which negatively affects the filling of the Federal budget, from which the Ministry of Internal Affairs is financed.

At the end of October 2016, the government of the Russian Federation submitted a bill to the State Duma to extend until January 1, 2018 the "freeze" of the pay of federal employees, the military and employees of other law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However in 2018 military pensions will increase by increasing the amount of money by 4%. At the same time, in 2018 it will be set at 72.23%.

Must be done annually:

  • February 1 at the rate of inflation;
  • April 1 based on the possibilities of the Pension Fund.

As for the second labor pension, it has been increased by 3.7% since January 1, 2018, which is ahead of schedule and higher than inflation in the previous year.

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019

In the original version of the draft law on the payment of one-time compensation, there was no mention of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose payments are regulated by a separate law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1, and only recipients through the Pension Fund were mentioned.

However, after the meeting held on November 8, 2016 in the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the President's order followed to make the appropriate amendments to the pensioners of law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, planned for January 2017.

Police officer pension calculator in 2019

Currently, there are many Internet services with which you can calculate the pension for police officers who retire.

In order to make calculations on the calculator, you need to go to the page of the corresponding site, fill in the information fields and make the calculation.

To carry out this operation the following data is required:

  • salary for the last position held;
  • the amount of salary for a special rank;
  • the amount of the seniority allowance;
  • qualification category (if any);
  • preferential length of service (in special or combat conditions, etc.);
  • district coefficient (if any);
  • year of pension.

Using an online calculator, determine the exact amount of the pension, more likely, will not work, because he cannot take into account all the features of the pension case of each employee. It, in fact, is not intended for this, but with its help you can evaluate your capabilities and prospects.

It is worth using calculators, the calculation algorithm of which contains up-to-date data, taking into account the latest changes in legislation.

The procedure for applying and paying pensions to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

All issues related to the procedure for applying for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the appointment of pensions and the timing of its payment are regulated by Articles 51-56 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1.

For seniority, a police officer must contact the personnel service of his unit, where he will be provided with the necessary advice and a list of documents and certificates that will need to be submitted to the pension department of the Internal Affairs Directorate is determined.

Applications received by the pension department are considered within 10 days from the date of their submission or from the date of submission of the last required document, and the appointment takes place from the day the employee is dismissed, but not earlier than the day until which he was paid the allowance.

The payment of pensions is made at the place of residence or place of temporary residence of the recipient through:

  • post office;
  • branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension apply to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on a general basis.

Required documents for registration

To apply for a retirement pension for a police officer the following documents are required:

  1. a special application in the form of a form to fill out, which can be found in the personnel service, the pension department of the Office or download it on the Internet on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  2. payslip for years of service, which can be taken from the accounting department of your unit;
  3. a money certificate can also be found in the accounting department (you only need a spine from it);
  4. if there are grounds, it is necessary to take documents on the right to benefits (if any);
  5. fill out and sign the form with consent to the processing of personal data.

To appoint a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the PFR unit, in addition to the relevant application, you will need to provide next package of documents:

  1. passport with the FMS stamp of registration;
  2. work book or other documents certifying the length of service;
  3. income statement for 5 years before 2002;
  4. documents certifying the presence of dependents of the applicant, family members;
  5. certificates of ranks and awards (if any).

It is necessary to start collecting the necessary documents for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension in advance in order to exclude a possible delay due to the lack of necessary certificates and waiting for answers to requests from the FIU.

If a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs works, will he pay a second pension?

Many pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after retirement, continue their labor activity in civil structures and, upon reaching, under conditions specified by law, they become entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension simultaneously with the departmental pension already assigned to them through the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The payment of pensions assigned to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with Article 57 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 is made to their recipients, regardless of employment.

If a pensioner of the internal affairs bodies, receiving two pensions, continues to work, then pension payments, both through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, continue to be made in full, but in accordance with Article 26.1 of Federal Law No. 385-FZ, indexation of payments under the line The Pension Fund will be suspended for the period of employment by the recipient of the pension.

What news is there about pensions for employees of government departments and internal affairs bodies and methods for calculating and accruing them? We have tried to collect all the basic information regarding 2017. Rossiyskaya Gazeta has already written that military pensioners who continue to work after reaching retirement age are entitled to a second pension - through the PFR. However, after this, information appeared that the service life required to receive a superannuation pension could be increased by no less than a third of the existing values. To date, the bill has not been adopted, although the first information about this appeared in April 2016.

Increasing pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - what history teaches us and what to expect in 2017?

If you look at the statistics, from 2013 to 2016, the pension of employees employed in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased six times. Of them:

4 times due to the fact that the allowance was increased (it is one of the base values ​​for recalculation),
- 2 times due to the fact that the estimated amount of the pension has increased, which is currently used to calculate allowances and increases for certain categories of pensioners (who are participants in the Second World War, home front workers, veterans of military operations and military conflicts, etc.).

As a percentage, by the end of 2015 it was almost 15 percent (14.79% to be exact). This figure is in line with the values ​​reported at the beginning of 2013. What to expect in the year 2017?

Let's start with the fact that back in 2015, by order of the government, Part 2 of Art. No. 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of criminal -executive system, and their families" (hereinafter - the Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I), which provided for an annual increase in pensions for the above categories of citizens (pensioners through the Ministry of Internal Affairs also fall into it) by two percent of the share of monetary allowance taken into account when pension calculation. This already suggests that the pension reform in Russia will affect all participants, not limited to those citizens who receive an old-age pension.

However, it is worth remembering that even internal affairs employees exceed the average values ​​of old-age pensions fixed in the country by about two and a half times.

Military pensions from October 1, 2017, latest news: today all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the military of our country, are interested in the issue of possible indexation, which can be carried out as early as October this year. According to preliminary data, the size of the pension can be increased by only 2 percent, but exact information on this issue has not yet been announced.

Citizens who have spent at least 20 years in state structures of a certain kind fall under the category of military pensioners. Some citizens retired earlier, because there is an opportunity to serve in hot spots or in the north of the country, where it is considered a year and a half or two.

Military pensions from October 1, 2017, latest news: will there be an increase in pensions

The size of the pension provision established at the time of appointment is subject to indexation along with an increase in salaries for current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has not been carried out for several years. Due to the deepening economic and financial crisis, it is not worth counting on any significant increase in the amount of pensions for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017.

From October 1, military pensioners can have their pensions indexed by another 2%. The final decision on whether military pensioners should expect this indexation has not yet been made. Nevertheless, the government promises to return the previous procedure for calculating pension payments to the military. But when this happens, and what size indexation will be carried out, officials do not give a definite answer.

Military pensions from October 1, 2017, latest news: military pensions in 2017

The government promises to ensure an adequate level of income for military pensioners. This category of citizens, who devote their lives to military service, hopes that upon retirement they will receive a high pension that will allow them to live their old age with dignity. The authorities claim that people who have worked in law enforcement agencies will receive a decent pension. But so far, not all military pensioners can boast of a good pension.

Given the complicated general political situation on the world stage, Russia plans to increase spending on the maintenance of the army, the development of new types of weapons and other items. 3.3% will be allocated for the development of the defense sector this year. The government promises that the monetary allowance of military personnel will also increase. Although the growth of pensions from salaries will be carried out gradually, since the economic situation in the country does not allow to immediately significantly increase their salaries and pension payments.

A military pension is received by those people who have served for at least 20 years in the structures of the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies. In addition to pensions, these citizens can also claim benefits that are provided for service in special territories and under special conditions. This year, the indexation of pensions of military pensioners was carried out twice - in February and April by 5.4%, that is, according to the inflation rate of the previous year. In January, military pensioners also received 5,000 rubles - this was a lump sum payment provided to pensioners instead of additional indexation in 2016.

Increase in pensions for military pensioners from October 1, 2017: Military pensioners expect their pensions to be raised several times this year. The government promises to ensure an adequate level of income for military pensioners. This category of citizens has devoted their lives to military service, and hopes that upon retirement they will receive a high pension that will allow them to live their old age with dignity.

Retirement topics do not leave the pages of the media, reports The resonance in society is simply incredible. Despite the fact that the government has already raised pensions for Russians twice this year, many of them consider the increase ridiculous, including military pensioners, as well as pensioners from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Military pensioners have always enjoyed much more support from the state than others. However, this year the situation has changed. Pensions were raised, like others, but the increase turned out to be negligible.

A military pension is received by those people who have served for at least 20 years in the structures of the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies. In addition to pensions, these citizens can also claim benefits that are provided for service in special territories and under special conditions, the website noted.

This year, the indexation of pensions of military pensioners was carried out twice - in February and April by 5.4%, that is, according to the inflation rate of the previous year. In January, military pensioners also received 5,000 rubles - this was a lump sum payment provided to pensioners instead of additional indexation in 2016.

According to rumors, from October 1, military pensioners can have their pensions indexed by another 2%. The final decision on whether military pensioners should expect this indexation has not yet been made.

Nevertheless, the government promises to return the previous procedure for calculating pension payments to the military. But when this happens, and what size indexation will be carried out, officials do not give a definite answer.

Increase in pensions for military pensioners from October 1, 2017: additional indexation cancelled?

Last month, a statement was received that the increase in pensions for military pensioners from 1, informs, will not happen, reports A real hype has begun on the network, and people continue to search for information on payments today.

Today, the government of the Russian Federation is discussing an increase in pensions for working pensioners, because it has not been raised for 2 years, as the website said. And most likely, it will be indexation associated with currency inflation.

Military pensioners, however, most likely will not be able to get a raise this year due to the budget deficit. Bills have been repeatedly submitted to the government to help the former military, but the treasury simply cannot bear such expenses. However, no final decision has yet been made on this issue.