The third month of pregnancy, the development of the fetus and the sensations of the mother. The third month of pregnancy - changes in the body of the expectant mother How does a child happen when she is 3 months pregnant

At the beginning of the third month, the embryonic period of the development of the child ends: we are no longer talking about the embryo, but about the fetus. You don't notice his movements yet, but he moves! Between the 12th and 14th week of amenorrhea, the first ultrasound is performed. No doubt you are looking forward to confirmation that everything is going well.

Growth and rapid development

The period called the embryonic period ends, since organs have already appeared, albeit in an embryonic state. Henceforth, the embryo is called a fetus. This difference is semantic. It is a bit artificial, since the development, formation and maturation of organs is a progressive, constant process that does not end with birth.

During the third month, the baby will triple in size to about 10 cm. Kidneys appear and urine begins to be expelled into the amniotic fluid. The fetus swallows and fills its stomach. The brain is divided into two symmetrical Lobes. The intestine, which began its development outside the abdominal cavity, takes its place. External genital organs appear, but it is very difficult to distinguish between the pubic tubercle of a girl and the penis of a boy. The head is still disproportionately large, but the ratio with the body is gradually leveling off. You can distinguish the face, because its features have already been determined. The child already looks like a little man. Little by little, lips appear. On the front of the head open! eyes, I frame them with eyelashes. At the end of the third month, the mouth opens and closes in imitation of sucking. The ears are also located in their usual place. The first bones are formed. You can distinguish the hands and the thumb, which has separated from the rest. By the 13th week, the palm may already be clenched into a fist. The limbs are elongated, the arms are faster than the legs, and can make movements in an individual mode. The fetus has been able to move for several weeks now, but the movements are still very light, so that the mother almost does not notice them.

First ultrasound

Ultrasound is performed to measure the transparency of the occipital part of the head (with an increased titer, this parameter is a sign of an anomaly of trisomy 21, or Down's disease), to make sure that there are no visible congenital malformations of the baby. On examination, you can also more accurately determine the date! start of pregnancy and detect the presence of twins or triplets.

So, the dimensions of the future Baby are approximately! 6-7 cm from head to hips, approximate weight - 50 g. He is already quite "as big", but he still has many weeks to grow before he can enter into life.

Girl or boy

During this period, the external genitalia begin to form in the fetus. The girl's ovaries begin to descend. The boy has a noticeable penis at the 12th week, but it is still difficult to determine the sex of the child on ultrasound. To do this, you will have to wait for ultrasound diagnostics in the fifth month; however, even at this time, the position of the child may not allow determining his gender (for example, if the perineum is blocked by the umbilical cord).

The description of the development of the embryo is based on data from a real pregnancy. If in your case the calculation is based on amenorrhea, then you need to add 2 weeks each time: for example, the 10th week of coombemcmbyem is the 12th week of amenorrhea.

Mom's well-being

During the first trimester, fatigue and some minor, harmless ailments disrupt your normal life. Body changes continue, but starting from the 3rd month, all troubles are gradually smoothed out.

Major minor ailments and how to deal with them

By “malaise” you can mean different things: you can feel a little dizzy, feel unwell, or actually faint. In most cases, this does not have serious consequences. Here are the most common situations.


Sometimes it occurs if you get up abruptly, which is associated with a decrease in blood pressure. It will not bother you if you make it a rule to get up slowly: from a lying position, for example, it is better to sit down first and then stand up.

Not enough sugar

Other ailments are associated with low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). They arise when you are hungry. Treat yourself to a light second breakfast or snack that includes fruit - fresh or dried - in the morning and another one in the afternoon. This kind of glycemia is not dangerous and is not associated with diabetes, except in very rare cases. But, if the attacks are repeated regularly, consult your doctor.

anemia risk

In exceptional cases, poor health indicates the presence of anemia (in a condensed form, this is weakened oxygenation - oxygen saturation - of tissues, provoked by iron deficiency in the body). Malaise occurs during exercise, shortness of breath and a strong heartbeat, increased pallor and fatigue appear. Urgent consultation required.

3rd month of pregnancy: the future baby is now officially referred to as the "fetus", and he has a gender.

Acne: unpleasant rashes

  • Yes, it happens! The hormonal changes that are taking place in your body at the moment can provoke acne breakouts at the beginning of pregnancy. This unpleasant phenomenon is the result of hypersecretion and accumulation of sebum, which is not excreted through the pores. The face, chest and back are most commonly affected.
  • Your doctor may prescribe you zinc capsules, which will regulate the secretion and excretion of sebum. During pregnancy, this treatment option is the only possible one.
  • To increase efficiency, strictly follow the rules of hygiene, use dermatological products for sensitive skin.
  • In nutrition, spices, coffee and, of course, alcohol-containing drinks should be avoided. Gradually, over a few weeks, your skin condition will return to normal.

In the third month, morphological changes become more and more noticeable.

Bra: it's important

Since the beginning of pregnancy, your breasts have increased in volume due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels, they have also become heavier and more sensitive. For support, so that the weight does not have a negative effect on the condition of the skin, it is necessary to wear an adapted bra for the entire 9 months. It is advisable to purchase two bras in order to have one in reserve, but no more. Your size will definitely change during pregnancy.

  • Go to a special maternity clothing store or lingerie shop for professional advice and see different models.
  • Prioritize quality, comfort and cotton.
  • An underwire bra is desirable for the best support if that doesn't bother you. Try it on before buying to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  • The bra should be close-fitting, with deep cups that separate the breasts well without squeezing them, and with wide straps.
  • A nursing bra is worth purchasing after childbirth, choosing a size larger, as your breasts will increase in size during breastfeeding.

I have bloating, it's very unpleasant and I'm afraid it will hurt the baby


Your baby is protected by amniotic fluid from any outside influence, including your digestive disorders. On the contrary, the gurgling and rumbling in your stomach calms it and has a sleeping effect. Bloating is most significant at the end of the day. To minimize this effect, you need to empty your bowels regularly, eat less, but more often and more slowly, rest before you sit down to the table. Identify foods that cause gas and try to avoid them. Most often, these are onions, cabbage, beans, fried and fatty sauces.

Balanced diet

Do you want to make sure that your child gets enough nutrition, combine the pleasure of eating with the ease of preparing it? A balanced diet is easy if you follow a few simple rules.

Menu variety

Good food, which would combine all the food elements, does not exist, just like bad food. It's a matter of quality and balance.

Nutrients are divided into 5 groups: meat or fish, or eggs; dairy products; legumes or starchy foods; vegetables and fruits; dietary fats. Elements of one group have common characteristics and are interchangeable, but it is desirable to vary them. On the other hand, one product group cannot replace another. Thus, maintaining a balance is very simple: for optimal nutrition, it is enough to consume the indicated amount of food from different food groups every day.

Meat and fish

Eat at lunch and in the evening from 150 to 200 g or meat (large choice - beef, veal or poultry), or fish to get the body of proteins. If you like it, then once a week you can eat offal. You can also replace 50 g of meat with 1 egg or dairy products. Fish can be consumed 2 or 3 times a week: vary the types, limiting the use of those that, due to the state of the environment, may contain harmful substances (sea bream, tuna, swordfish).

Starchy and legumes

Eat 150 to 200 g (yield after cooking) in one of the two main meals; can be divided for breakfast and lunch, combining with green vegetables.


You can consume from 200 to 300 g or more, depending on your appetite! It is advisable to consume at least 1 serving of crudite (chopped raw vegetables with sauce) with each meal and 1 dish of boiled or fried vegetables per day.


With each meal, it is advisable to use 1 type of dairy products to form the baby's skeleton and to protect: your own. One serving is 1 cup of milk or yogurt, or a slice of cheese. All this you can eat separately or enter into the dishes you prepare.


2-3 fruits a day, preferably raw or mixed with yogurt, white cheese or cereal. It can also be consumed in the form of juice, compote or baked in the oven.


From 80 to 120 g, that is, a third or half of a baguette. For breakfast, you can replace 40 g of bread with three crackers or 30 g of cereal.


It is advisable to consume from 30 to 40 g per day, half of which is in the form of vegetable oil. For example, two tablespoons of sunflower oil (20 g) plus two pieces of butter (20 g) are distributed between three meals.

How many meals should you write per day?

Your baby has an increased need for energy, and you must “supply” it to him gradually. That is why it is impossible for you to remain hungry for a long time. There is no need to shift the time of eating. Divide your day into 4 meals, maybe even more: three main meals, one light breakfast in the morning, and an afternoon snack between lunch and dinner.

This schedule will help you fight nausea in the early months and improve digestion in the later stages.

Tea or coffee?

Tea and coffee contain theine and caffeine, they can provoke insomnia and palpitations, but they have different effects on different women. You yourself must find by trial method the amount of tea or coffee that suits you. It should be borne in mind that Robusta contains twice as much caffeine as Arabica, and that there is a decaffeinated coffee.

I am amazed: in the first trimester I gained 6 kg! What to do?

Weight in the first trimester

You won't be able to go back. These kilograms came to you for a long time - do not expect to find a thin waist immediately after childbirth. The fetus will need a certain amount of calories and nutrients regularly over the coming months. At the same time, you should reduce your calorie intake, otherwise you risk gaining the same amount, or even more, during each trimester. Dieting to lose weight during pregnancy is not recommended. If there's nothing you can do about the pounds that keep piling up, then at least you can make an effort to keep things from getting worse. Consult with your doctor or nutritionist to balance your diet without harming the successful course of your pregnancy.

From a child's point of view

I can swallow this warm liquid that I swim in. It amuses me, and it's almost always the same thing. But at some point I can catch a lot of different flavors. It's a surprise every time and a new discovery. If I like, I can swallow twice as much of this liquid - and I'm interested! There are flavors that are often repeated, and I already recognize them, it's delicious! But if I don't like it, I can wince and suck my thumb or sleep.

Vegetables and fish fillets are steamed quickly and well.


I get dizzy when I get up after sitting or lying down. Yesterday I ran, and I had a feeling that I was about to faint. This is fine? Is there any risk to the child?

Dizziness and other ailments

In ordinary life, a woman on the verge of fainting is a pregnant woman. In fact, a pregnant woman rarely loses consciousness. But dizziness and other ailments happen often and for various reasons: a decrease in blood pressure in the 1st month, uterine pressure on the vessels during the 2nd month. Often, dizziness occurs because you get up too quickly (the blood washing the vessels of the brain recedes). The solution is very simple: when you're sitting or lying down and need to get up, do it gradually and don't rush to the phone (it's the best way to make yourself dizzy!).

Lack of sugar in the blood (hypoglycemia) also provokes malaise. To get rid of this, you must eat food containing sugars of low digestibility (starch, in particular, rice, pasta, rice ...). Avoid easily digestible sugars such as sweets, sweets, cakes, they only aggravate hypoglycemia.

Closed spaces (shop, stuffy office, bus, etc.) also cause fainting. In this case, get some fresh air or open windows. Try not to wrap yourself up, do not overheat your neck and waist. When you think you're close to fainting, lie down immediately to ease blood flow to your head and raise your legs (not your head). Fainting is rare, but it is better to insure. They do not affect the development of the child. If you feel unwell, tell your doctor about it: feeling unwell may be a sign of anemia.

I have never had a headache so often. Can't get rid of it?

How to deal with a headache

Prevention and treatment of headaches depend on the cause. Migraines that pregnant women suffer from are often caused by hormonal changes, fatigue, stress, hunger, physical or emotional stress, and other factors.

We offer several ways to treat and prevent headaches.

  • Relax. For some women, pregnancy is a source of anxiety that causes headaches. They are helped by meditation and yoga. Other women are advised to simply lie down in a quiet, dark room or put their feet up on a chair and rest quietly for 15 minutes until the tension subsides and the pain in the head subsides. If the cause of the headache is stress or nervous tension, apply ice to the back of the head (you can buy a bag of cryogenic gel at the pharmacy), close your eyes and relax for 20 minutes.
  • Rest. Pregnant women often experience overwhelming sleepiness between the 1st and 3rd trimester, that is, from the beginning to the end of their pregnancy, especially if they are working and/or have children. This category of women should rest even more.
  • Eat regularly. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can also cause headaches. Do not skip meals. Eating should be regular.
  • Keep your back. You can’t sit for a long time with your head down to a book or hunched over your work. This contributes to headaches. Watch your posture.
  • Strive for peace and quiet. Avoid, as far as possible, noisy places. Ventilate the room. Avoid artificial lighting.

Unreasonable headaches lasting several hours should alert you and force you to immediately go to the doctor.

Headaches of the last three months, accompanied by high blood pressure, are a reason for a visit to the doctor and possibly hospitalization, as they can be a sign of preeclampsia.

I heard something about a low glycemic regimen. What it is?

Low glycemia

Glucose is the main food of the developing child. The indicator (or index) of glycemia indicates the ability of the product to raise the level of glucose in the blood. Foods containing starch have a low glycemic index.

A low glycemic diet has many health benefits for both mother and child. The mother's sugar intake affects the baby's blood glucose levels, which is a factor in its growth. The complex glucides found in bran bread and starch break down slowly and release glucose gradually. More saturated than simple glucides, they help control the child's appetite and weight.

Your baby is constantly taking glucose out of your bloodstream, and the gradual and slow release of glucose helps keep both of you supplied with energy on a regular basis.

Elevated glucose levels can make the baby too large. There is also a risk for the future health of the baby (obesity and diabetes). Studies show that women with low glycemic levels give birth to normal-sized babies with less body fat than women who consume foods high in glucose.

A low glycemic regimen helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic mothers and reduce complications associated with diabetes during childbirth.

Follow a balanced diet: avoid the simple glucides found in refined foods. They are very quickly absorbed and increase blood sugar levels.

The gynecologist said that I have a cyst on the ovary. She claims there is no risk, but I'm concerned.

corpus luteum

In women of reproductive age, every month after ovulation, a small corpus luteum develops inside the ovaries, formed from many cells. Corpus luteum (literally - corpus luteum) is placed in the cavity previously occupied by the follicle that released the egg. The corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone, is programmed to naturally break down around the end of day 14, leading to lower hormone levels and the onset of menstruation. In pregnant women, the corpus luteum continues to develop. It releases progesterone and acts on the lining of the uterus, which will later become the placenta. It also forms a small cyst. The activity of the corpus luteum gradually decreases by the 8th week of amenorrhea, and by the end of the 3rd month it is completely replaced by the placenta. The corpus luteum disappears.

In 10% of pregnancies, the corpus luteum does not regress, but develops, forming a cyst, which, as the gynecologist told you, does not pose any risk. Your doctor will order an ultrasound to look at the structure and size of the cyst. If it gets too big, you will have surgery, which happens in only 1% of ovarian cysts.

The first trimester is coming to an end. The body of the expectant mother has undergone internal and external changes. And they will continue with a double intensity. But the third month of pregnancy is very important - during this period the body and internal organs of the fetus are formed.

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the placenta (the organ that connects the mother and the unborn child) is completely ready for work. It gradually replaces the yolk sac, which provides nutrition and respiration of the embryo from the very first day of existence.

Painful condition - "toxicosis" - ceases to be an urgent problem. By the end of the first trimester, the amount of estrogen reaches its maximum, thereby facilitating the well-being of a pregnant woman. Unpleasant symptoms: weakness, drowsiness and nausea - in most cases pass without a trace.

What do you feel?

Three months of pregnancy is a kind of milestone, a transition when the fetus ceases to be an embryo. If a few weeks ago, strangers could not visually see your interesting position, then after 12 weeks, the tummy began to increase rapidly in size. The phenomenon indicates the rapid growth of the unborn baby. Especially if the pregnancy is not the first.

Many pregnant women experience sudden mood swings, which leads spouses into confusion. Male nature is unable to perceive such behavior: joy and laughter, and a minute later tears for no apparent reason.

At 3 months of gestation, the doctor may allow sex. A prerequisite is good health and safe postures. Some women experience an increase in libido, while others, on the contrary, notice a decrease in libido. The phenomenon is not constant, jumps are sometimes observed. The explanation lies in the instability of the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, which is responsible for the emotional state.

Old clothes and shoes still fit, after a while the situation will change. A great time to take care of your wardrobe. An increase in the volume of the waist and possible swelling on the legs will make wearing familiar clothes uncomfortable. Updates are great to lift your spirits.

Doctor's account

In our country, it is customary to get medical records at the antenatal clinic at the place of residence. Early registration provides constant supervision and, in case of any threat, the opportunity to eliminate it. For each pregnant patient, the gynecologist creates a separate exchange card, where all visits, tests and ultrasound results are recorded.

It is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic on strictly allotted days, appointed by the doctor, with a frequency of two weeks. Starting at 30 weeks, a pregnant woman needs to go to an appointment every week.

A woman is obliged to pass the following tests and examinations as soon as possible after a doctor's appointment:

  1. Weighing. The doctor fixes the initial body weight of the patient for constant monitoring. All subsequent visits will begin with scales.
  2. Measurement of blood pressure. All data is recorded in the exchange card, the document is constantly with the expectant mother.
  3. Urine tests for sugar and protein content. The analysis is given before each visit to the gynecologist.
  4. Test for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, and hepatitis.
  5. Mandatory ultrasound examination and screening. It detects chromosomal abnormalities, in case of pathologies they are eliminated without serious harm to the woman. They are carried out in the interval of 11–14 weeks, since many developmental disorders can be diagnosed during this period, including Down syndrome.
  6. Checking the legs for swelling.
  7. Fetal heart rate control.
  8. Measuring the circumference of the abdomen. According to these results, the doctor determines the size of the uterus at a given period of gestation.

What does the belly look like in the third month?

Rounding of the abdomen is normal at the end of the first trimester. Its value largely depends on the complexion of the body of a pregnant woman. In girls with a normal or thin figure, the tummy appears earlier than in the beautiful owners of magnificent forms. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the waist disappears somewhat faster, since the muscles of the abdominal cavity are already stretched by that time and do not have increased elasticity.

The body gradually begins to prepare for feeding the future baby and the woman gains weight. This happens due to the growing uterus, the engorged breast, not to mention the developing fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid. Any diet is contraindicated, but you do not need to be zealous. Extra pounds will disappear almost immediately after childbirth. Only the subcutaneous fat accumulated during pregnancy will remain. Therefore, you should not get carried away with sweets and you need to lead a moderately active lifestyle.

embryo development

In the first trimester, the formation of the future person takes place: eyes, face, ossification, all internal organs and even lymph nodes. The process ends and the internal organs gradually begin to function. From the age of 3 months, the main task of the child is to increase body weight.

At the beginning of the 3rd month, the fetal heart can be heard with an ultrasonic stethoscope. The number of beats per minute is up to 150 times. The baby moves independently in the womb for the first time, but the expectant mother cannot yet feel his movements due to the tiny size.

Bleeding at 3 months pregnant

Pregnancy itself is a huge burden on a woman's body. Sometimes menstrual flow continues up to three months of gestation. But such situations are observed only in 10 percent of women. If the first signs of bleeding appear, contact your doctor immediately. There is a high risk of miscarriage.

Possible causes of bleeding:

  1. Allocations are permissible during the period of attachment of the embryo inside the uterus.
  2. The highest percentage of miscarriages occurs in the first trimester. Leakage of blood out of the uterus may indicate a spontaneous abortion. At this time, a woman often feels cramps and pain in the abdomen. Timely medical care in a large number of cases helps to avoid fetal death.
  3. Sex. Bloody discharge may well appear due to sexual intercourse. The reason is not particularly dangerous, but the partner's posture and activity should be reduced.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. (more info)
  5. Problems with the placenta.

Time for an ultrasound

At week 12, an ultrasound examination of the fetus is mandatory. Ultrasound allows you to timely identify possible pathologies, and in case of deviations, prevent them. One such disorder is FGR, or fetal growth retardation syndrome. Ultrasound is able to determine the date of conception and childbirth with an accuracy of several days.

The doctor shows the first image of the baby on the screen. If desired, you can invite the future father or close relatives to the office.

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the third month

  1. Nausea. The sensations preceding vomiting weaken from the 12th week, and may disappear altogether. All pregnant women have an individual phenomenon.
  2. A burning sensation in the esophagus accompanies the expectant mother throughout the entire gestation period. But heartburn is a personal symptom.
  3. Depending on the physical characteristics of the body, the first signs of varicose veins may appear.
  4. Possible increased drowsiness. The desire to fall asleep most often occurs in the afternoon. But many pregnant women note: they want to sleep almost constantly.
  5. The breast increases in size. The mammary gland also undergoes a series of changes in preparation for breastfeeding.
  6. Disorders of the digestive system. During this period, constipation or diarrhea is observed. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism.
  7. Frequent calls for little need. They are associated with an enlarging fetus pressing on the bladder.
  8. Bloating and gas formation cause many inconveniences.

Sports and fitness

Moderate physical activity in the third month will not harm, but will benefit mom and baby. But it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. Do not abuse stretching exercises.
  2. Wear sportswear, it does not interfere with the movement of blood.
  3. Listen to your own body. At the first sign of fatigue, take a break.
  4. Physical activity is prohibited when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.
  5. Choose exercises that minimize the risk of injury.

Facial care

Against the background of hormonal changes, the skin of the face is rebuilt and requires special attention. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman faces problems:

  1. Skin pigmentation. The best advice is to avoid a lot of UV exposure and use sunscreen.
  2. Acne. To combat rashes, products for sensitive skin and vitamin A are suitable.
  3. Venous "asterisks". The problem usually goes away on its own after the baby is born. You can contact a phlebologist.
  4. Stretch marks. They occur due to a lack of protein and elastin in the body. Proper nutrition, vitamin E can minimize traces.

In order for the gynecologist to better assess the condition of the mother and monitor the further development of the fetus, at the end of the third month, a pregnant woman should undergo the following studies:

  • Blood test - general
  • Blood tests for - syphilis; HIV; hepatitis B and C; infections that cause malformations
  • Blood test for Rh factor and blood type
  • Individual examinations for infections (if necessary)
  • Blood test for biochemistry and coagulation
  • Electrocardiogram

It is also necessary to undergo examinations and get advice from the following doctors:

  • therapist;

3rd month of pregnancy: girl or boy?

3rd month of pregnancy: What happens to mom?

By the beginning of the 9th week, the placenta, the “organ of life”, through which the baby will eat and receive oxygen from the mother until the very birth, is finishing to form. Through it, the metabolic products of the crumbs (urine and feces) are also excreted. The placenta is a kind of filter that cleans everything that passes through it to the baby and back.

Moms who were tormented by dizziness and vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy begin to feel better, their mood improves (however, unfortunately, it often changes). There is no tummy yet, and so far nothing burdens you in the truest sense of the word. So don't waste this happy time and go shopping. After all, now your tummy will have to grow up, you will need new clothes and shoes. But remember, now mom gets tired quickly, quickly becomes absent-minded and whiny. Sometimes, against the background of hormonal changes, the head aches. All this will come to an end third month of pregnancy. But it is better not to take risks and not spend a lot of time shopping. Among other things, constipation and heartburn may occur. Therefore, always carry an apple, prunes or peeled carrots in your purse, fiber will help to cope with this scourge.

3rd month of pregnancy: how the baby develops

The life of the crumbs is becoming more and more interesting: he can already unclench his tiny fingers, turn his head, open his mouth and even suck his thumb. At 9 weeks, he already has a hard palate and mouth. The baby yawns, sometimes swallows amniotic fluid. Its body is covered with a barely noticeable fluff (lanugo). And eyebrows and eyelashes are already appearing on the face, like an adult. The body becomes more perfect: blood cells (lymphocytes), lymphatic vessels appear, the cerebral cortex is clearly outlined, the pituitary gland and cerebellum begin to form, the most important glands responsible for digestion develop, the kidneys and liver form. Small joints improve, the bones begin to harden. At 11 weeks, the voice-forming apparatus is formed. And by week 12, the baby increases in size, so it rises higher (due to the mother's pubic bone). By the end 3 months pregnant the length of the fruit reaches 8-9 cm, and the weight is about 20-30 g.

3rd month of pregnancy: at the doctor's office

If the expectant mother has not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, now is the time to do it. The obstetrician-gynecologist will fill out and give you an exchange card, your “diary” with your baby, which will be with you until the birth. In it, the doctor will enter all the indications of the course of pregnancy and the results of the tests.

You will definitely be asked again to take tests for infections and chronic diseases, a urine test for sugar and protein content, weigh, measure blood pressure and waist circumference, and adjust your diet if necessary. Also at the end third month of pregnancy(at 11-12 weeks) an ultrasound is done to monitor the development of the fetus. The gynecologist will determine the height of the fundus of the uterus with an external examination. And he will give you recommendations for the fight against edema and varicose veins.

If you've had questions about how you're feeling this month, it's time to ask your doctor. He will definitely give you advice.

Never self-medicate, do not indiscriminately drink even the most "harmless" and "homeopathic" drugs without a doctor's prescription. Believe me, even they can sometimes hurt the baby.

Urgently consult a doctor

  • for any pain in the abdomen.
  • with pulling pains in the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • with a clear feeling of pressure on the rectum;
  • with increased separation of mucus from the vagina;
  • with the appearance of any bleeding;
  • Every two to three weeks (unless the doctor recommends more or less) visit your gynecologist.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber (fresh, steamed, with the skin on if possible).
  • Introduce products from wholemeal flour, raisins, prunes, dried apricots into the diet. However, introduce gradually, in small portions, to avoid bloating and discomfort.
  • Drink more. Water, fruit and vegetable juices, help intestinal motility. In this sense, water with lemon (without sugar) and a decoction of prunes are especially good.
  • Be sure to make it a habit to do 10 minute calisthenics or brisk walks for half an hour each day.
  • Proper regular nutrition and calmness will help get rid of bloating. Make sure your bowels are emptied regularly. Eat small meals slowly. Eliminate onions, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, fried foods, sweets and beans from your diet.
  • Do not be afraid of your desire to have sex during pregnancy, it is not contraindicated in the third month. On the contrary, some women discover new sensations.

Bride Klitschko lit up her belly in the eighth month of pregnancy

3 months pregnant: changing habits

Now that the nausea and vomiting are behind her, the expectant mother can safely enjoy delicious and healthy food, little by little and often. But we should not reach fanaticism - now we are watching our weight. If the mother was a vegetarian before pregnancy, it is better to change her beliefs for a while and start eating protein foods, meat. Analyze everything you put in your mouth. Medicines easily pass through the placenta and can harm the baby ... Vaccinations (live vaccines) are also contraindicated for expectant mothers. However, flu shots are highly recommended by doctors.

Disadvantages 3 months pregnant

How does the belly grow during pregnancy

Here you will find photos of four women with different body types. From the photographs you will be able to track how their belly changes and grows during all nine months of waiting. In addition, you will learn what factors and conditions affect the parameters of your abdomen.

When does the tummy start to grow during pregnancy? What will it look like? What determines the size and shape of the abdomen? And is it possible to predict what will be the belly of a pregnant woman? Expectant mothers ask all these questions. And obviously their curiosity has many explanations. A pregnant woman wants to know when her position will become visible to others. After all, if relatives and friends have already announced good news, then, for example, colleagues want to talk about changed plans far from immediately. In addition, trying to find out "normal" parameters, a woman seeks to keep the situation under control. After all, if the tummy corresponds to the average data, then the baby is in order. Is it really? Should women compare their tummies to photos on the Internet, or just "measure" their bellies with their girlfriends by position?

When does the belly start to grow? At what time is the belly visible?

Let's immediately turn to the photographs of four pregnant women. The photos were taken at the same time, however, the difference in how their tummies look is obvious. The belly changes its shape already from the second month of pregnancy, but the difference compared to the previous month is small, isn't it? Moreover, in the third month of pregnancy, the changes are also not yet obvious. And here in the fourth month others are likely to pay attention to the fact that the girls have changed.

The photographs also show that the growth of the abdomen begins at individual times. As obstetricians note, the abdomen becomes noticeable from the sixteenth obstetric week of pregnancy. However, it is quite possible that pregnancy will make itself felt a little earlier or even noticeably later. There are cases when, already in the first month of pregnancy (if the correct menu is not followed), women showed a noticeable increase in the abdomen due to gas formation. Pregnancy hormones affect bowel function, slowing down digestion. And if a woman continues to eat sweet, starchy foods, eats in large portions and rarely, then her stomach becomes noticeably large. In addition, in practice there are (albeit extremely rare) cases of “hidden gestation”, when the abdomen does not change shape and size until the very late stages of pregnancy.

What determines the size and shape of the abdomen

1. The tummy is more noticeable in women who are re-pregnant. This is due to the fact that in the first pregnancy, the abdominal muscles were not yet stretched.

2. The size and shape of the abdomen depend on the build, physique, height and weight of the woman. It is believed that petite women notice a rounded belly much earlier than tall women with a magnificent complexion. However, this does not mean that there may be exceptions.

3. The size and shape of the abdomen may depend on heredity. Therefore, it is more likely that you can predict the parameters of the abdomen by looking at photographs of your mother in position (or your father's mother, if you inherited his complexion).

4. Weight gain during pregnancy will also affect the size of the abdomen.

5. The estimated size of the baby, as well as the growth rate of the fetus. The larger the fetus, the sooner everyone will notice your belly! There is average information about the size of the fetus at certain times of pregnancy. Knowing them, it is easier to understand where the baby is “hiding” in the stomach until the fourth month.

As can be seen from the table, a significant increase in the fetus occurs precisely at the 16th week of gestation.

6. It affects the size of the abdomen and the growth of the uterus. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus has a pear-shaped shape, and by the end of the second month it becomes round and triples in size. In a non-pregnant woman, the uterus weighs only fifty to one hundred grams, and by the end of pregnancy, its weight reaches one kilogram! The size of the uterus will be given to you at each of your scheduled check-ups. But you can learn about how the belly changes each week of pregnancy (and see what the uterus looks like too) here: Pregnancy in pictures by week. In addition, if the location of the fetus in the uterus is closer to its front wall (with front diligence), then the stomach will appear larger. Amniotic fluid also plays an important role. Here's how amniotic fluid builds up:

Why the belly does not grow during pregnancy

So, earlier we found out that until the fourth month of pregnancy, the stomach can be completely invisible. But what does the slowed growth of the uterus mean? Lagging rates of uterine enlargement may indicate fetal malnutrition (doctors call it growth retardation). The risk of having a small child is high. The uterus may be smaller than its size even if there is molarity, which can develop as a result of maternal hypertension, infectious and inflammatory diseases, lesions of the fetal excretory system, placental insufficiency, preeclampsia.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the belly of a pregnant woman may look different depending on the six factors that we have listed. And yet, you should not neglect the medical supervision of the course of pregnancy. Only a doctor can accurately measure the size of the uterus, fetus (using ultrasound) and the volume of amniotic fluid.

Pregnancy week by week - how the fetus develops, what happens to the woman.

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3 month pregnant

The third month of pregnancy is the final stage of the first trimester. From now on, a pregnant woman is advised to visit a doctor once a week. This month there are more tests and examinations, evaluating which the doctor will be able to draw conclusions about the course of pregnancy, the formation of the fetal body and his well-being. The fetus at 10-11 weeks went through the embryonic path of development, almost all organs and systems have already been formed.

During this period, active growth and improvement of the little future man will begin. By this time, the placenta is fully prepared to provide the baby with nutrients and oxygen. By the end of the first trimester of development, the fetus is able to perform motor functions with the lower and upper limbs, turn the neck, open and close the mouth, and swallow. His height reaches 9 cm.

In the third month of pregnancy, all the characteristic signs for the first and second months remain - the manifestation of toxicosis, morning sickness, vomiting.

Belly at 3 months pregnant

The stomach at 3 months of pregnancy is barely noticeable, but towards the end, it will begin to emerge. The figure of a woman acquires rounded shapes, there is a visually slightly noticeable increase in the waist and hips, and the pelvic bones expand. During this period, you already have to change your wardrobe, change into looser clothes. In many primiparous women, maternal feelings appear a little later, but already at three months the presence of a baby is felt.

Signs and symptoms 3 months pregnant

Signs and symptoms of 3 months of pregnancy are aggravated, the child grows, emotional instability, irritability, mood changes, incontinence persist. All the same changeable addictions to food and smells. Exhausting fatigue makes itself felt, but you should be patient and by the end of this period there will be relief, the symptoms characteristic of the first months will pass.

The mammary glands of expectant mothers continue to fill up, there is heat, a slight tingling and slight itching. Under the skin on the chest, the circulatory network becomes very noticeable. This is due to increased blood circulation. Veins can show through on the abdomen and on the legs, which may indicate a predisposition to varicose veins. It is necessary to pay attention to this sign and monitor weight, exclude long walking and standing in one place.

Your doctor may recommend wearing compression stockings or stockings. Feelings of pain in the third month of pregnancy in the abdomen or in the lumbar region should no longer be disturbing. If there are periodic or prolonged pain in the lower abdomen or in the sacrum, then you should definitely visit a doctor. Increased uterine tone is a direct threat to pregnancy.

Discharge at 3 months pregnant

Allocations in the 3rd month of pregnancy may become more abundant. Normally, they should be light or slightly whitish, should not have an unpleasant odor and be accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. If the discharge is cheesy or frothy, yellow or greenish in color, with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching and burning, such symptoms indicate the presence of an infection that is very dangerous for the child. The deviation from the norm that has appeared must be urgently eliminated, the gynecologist will prescribe an appropriate, sparing treatment.

Ultrasound at 3 months pregnant

Ultrasound at 3 months of pregnancy (at 11-12 weeks), mandatory. The specialist will once again specify the gestational age and the estimated date of birth, confirm or exclude the possibility of multiple pregnancy. Diagnostics will allow you to assess the degree of risk of genetic abnormalities and malformations of a small organism.

Nutrition at 3 months pregnant

Nutrition at 3 months of pregnancy should include proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other useful substances. With an increase in the uterus, the weight of the pregnant woman simultaneously increases, there may be an increase in weight of 3-4 kilograms. Energy will be provided by bread, rice, potatoes, wholemeal flour products, which contain fiber. These foods should make up 70% of the diet.

Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables in fresh, frozen, dried form. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit will replenish the supply of vitamin C. It is useful to eat white and cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, spinach, sweet peppers, tomatoes and vegetables with dark green leaves.

Meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and legumes provide the protein needed for fetal growth, cell reproduction, and blood production. Milk and dairy products are sources of calcium, which promotes the development of bones and teeth in a child. The menu of the expectant mother should not contain coffee, alcohol. It is mistakenly believed that red wine prevents anemia. Sugar, sweets, animal fats that are low in nutrients and high in calories will lead to weight gain.

Bleeding at 3 months pregnant

Bleeding at 3 months of pregnancy is a direct threat of miscarriage, so if blood is found in the discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. This pathology occurs in about 2-8% of pregnant women in the third month. The causes of spontaneous abortion can be neoplasms of the genital organs, endocrine system disorders, underdevelopment of the uterus, a consequence of inflammatory or infectious diseases, etc.

Sex at 3 months pregnant

Sex at the 3rd month of pregnancy is possible if there are no medical contraindications, which include a repeated attempt to carry a pregnancy or increased uterine tone. Affectionate and tender relations of the spouses will benefit the further course of pregnancy. For some women, by the end of the first trimester, negative factors fade away - nausea, dizziness and increased sexuality or rather sexual tension is observed, this is due to the constant pressure on the genitourinary system of the growing fetus.

In the absence of a doctor's prohibition, sexual intercourse during pregnancy is permissible if the couple is aware of the nature of the physical and hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. With the necessary precautions, you can continue to give joy to each other in intimate relationships.

Abortion at 3 months pregnant

Abortion at 3 months of pregnancy can be spontaneous or artificial. Artificial termination of pregnancy during this period is highly undesirable; good reasons are necessary for its implementation. Surgery can cause irreparable harm to the female body and lead to infertility. In case of spontaneous abortion, the fetal egg, exfoliating from the walls of the uterus, damages the vessels of the decidua.

Bleeding occurs, contraction of the myometrium expels the fetus from the uterine cavity. A miscarriage at 3 months of pregnancy is the most common fear of women, many are afraid of it. The causes of fetal loss are different, rejection can occur from many abortions, from stress, trauma, stress on the body, lifting heavy objects and sexual relations, disorders of the mother's immune system, previous sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

The appearance of bleeding with spasms or pain are likely signs of a miscarriage. It is very important to compare the symptoms of a normal pregnancy and not to attribute them to the symptoms of a miscarriage. Weak spasms and soreness, a slightly perceptible feeling of heaviness, appear from stretching of the ligaments of the enlarging uterus. Most women, having found spotting, can, with timely contact with the clinic, bring the pregnancy to the due date.


At this time, the female body continues to undergo characteristic changes, and these changes occur very quickly. The placenta is almost fully formed. At the end of the second month of pregnancy, and until the very moment the baby is born, she will communicate between the body of the mother and the child.

It will nourish and fully provide oxygen to a small growing organism. In addition, all metabolic products are excreted through the placenta. The expectant mother at this time notices more frequent urge to go to the toilet. This is because the kidneys begin to function in the fetus.

Usually, in the third month, the signs of toxicosis become less pronounced, and by the end of it they often disappear altogether and do not bother the expectant mother. However, at this time, a woman is characterized by a drowsy state and fatigue. The expectant mother also becomes more distracted and inattentive.

You should not worry too much about this, as this is a normal condition that will pass after the baby is born. A woman may be bothered by constipation, and in order to avoid this, she should drink more fluids, while maintaining the necessary diet, and enrich her diet with vegetables and fruits.

Of course, do not forget about multivitamin complexes that are designed for women in position. They were specially designed for pregnant women and have a beneficial effect not only on the mother's body, but also help the baby's body develop properly.

Multivitamin complexes include all the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements that a woman additionally needs when carrying a child. Doctors advise taking them after childbirth, during breastfeeding.

At this time, a woman is obliged to register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic, if this has not been done earlier. The doctor who will monitor the course of pregnancy will create an individual exchange card, in which he will record the results of all prescribed tests and examinations, as well as the current condition of the pregnant woman.

This document should be with a pregnant woman until the very birth. A visit to the antenatal clinic at this time is carried out approximately once every two or three weeks. At the end of the first trimester, many women (it all depends on the individual) may develop a rounded tummy.

Studies that are mandatory during the first three months include:

  • Tracking the weight and blood pressure of a woman. Each period is characterized by a certain weight gain, which should be followed.
  • The delivery of urine tests for sugar and protein, which is carried out a few days before the scheduled examination by an obstetrician.
  • Examination of the limbs of a pregnant woman in order to determine possible edematous conditions, as well as to detect signs of varicose veins.
  • Listening to the woman's abdomen with a stethoscope to monitor the fetal heartbeat.
  • Calculation of the size of the uterus by external palpation and comparison of data with the standards that are typical for this period of pregnancy.
  • Measurement of the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Pregnant women with adrenal dysfunction (especially those expecting a boy) are at some risk at 13 to 14 weeks.

At this time, the sex glands of the child secrete a very large amount of testosterone - the male hormone. And if there are defects in the enzyme system in the adrenal cortex, this leads to the fact that the amount of androgens in the woman's body increases.

As a result, this phenomenon leads to dissonance, which can cause fetal rejection and miscarriage. It is worth paying close attention to this in order to eliminate all risks.

If the pregnancy is stable, there should be no pain. If a pregnant woman feels pain of a different nature in the abdomen or in the back, or there is an abundant discharge from the mucous membrane of the vagina, or there is pressure on the rectum, as well as any other unexpected signs and discomfort, she urgently needs to consult a doctor who monitors the progress of the pregnancy.

In such a situation, you should not postpone the consultation, this may result in unexpected consequences. Of course, you should not raise a panic, a pregnant woman should not expose herself to neuroses. It is best to calmly wait for the doctor and move less.

What happens to the baby at 3 months pregnant?

For the fetus, the first three months are the most important. It is at this time that the formation of all internal organs and vital systems takes place, which will continue to change as they develop. By the end of the third month, you can observe the movements of the baby's legs and arms.

He is already able to clench and unclench his fists, turn his head, open his mouth and even swallow. And during the ultrasound, you can even notice how a small child sucks his thumb. The work of the red bone marrow is getting better, it organizes the hematopoietic function. The full-fledged work of the liver and intestines begins, which is filled with contents, which include bile.

At the end of the first trimester, the baby reaches a size of nine centimeters.

The last month of the first trimester can be stressful for a pregnant woman for several reasons. Some symptoms that cause discomfort to a woman remain from the first months. However, new psychological as well as physical inconveniences are beginning to appear. Most often they appear as:

  • Rapid fatigue and increased drowsiness of a woman.
  • Frequent urination that has not been observed before.
  • Unexpected bouts of nausea and even vomiting, which are accompanied by increased salivation.
  • Problems with stools, digestion, heartburn, frequent gas formation in the intestines.
  • Aversion to certain foods.
  • Various changes in the mammary glands. These include a visible bluish mesh under the skin, hardening and weighting of the chest, around which the sweat glands appear.
  • Increases and manifestations of veins on the legs, as well as on the abdomen.
  • Increased headaches.
  • Characteristic emotional mood swings, frequent manifestations of irritability, nervous conditions, a constant desire to cry.
  • The appearance of a feeling of complete inner peace, approaching the end of the first trimester.

As a rule, the first ultrasound scan is prescribed by a doctor at 12 or 13 weeks of pregnancy. The passage of such a study during this period is of particular importance, you should not miss it.

These terms can be manifested by the formation of congenital malformations of the fetus and chromosomal pathologies. Ultrasound at this time makes it possible to identify existing fetal pathologies in time, since after a while it becomes impossible to determine the malformations of the child, since they can completely disappear.

In addition, ultrasound helps to determine the exact date of conception, the error can be only 2 or 3 days.

Photos tummies

At this time, the female body continues to undergo characteristic changes, and these changes occur very quickly. The placenta is almost fully formed. At the end, and until the very moment the baby is born, she will carry out the connection between the body of the mother and the child.

It will nourish and fully provide oxygen to a small growing organism. In addition, all metabolic products are excreted through the placenta. The expectant mother at this time notices more frequent urge to go to the toilet. This is because the kidneys begin to function in the fetus.

Usually, in the third month, the signs become less pronounced, and by the end of it they often disappear altogether and do not bother the expectant mother. However, at this time, a woman is characterized by a drowsy state and fatigue. The expectant mother also becomes more distracted and inattentive.

You should not worry too much about this, as this is a normal condition that will pass after the baby is born. A woman may be disturbed, and in order to avoid this, you should drink more fluids, while maintaining the necessary diet, and enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits.

Of course, do not forget about multivitamin complexes that are designed for women in position. They were specially designed for pregnant women and have a beneficial effect not only on the mother's body, but also help the baby's body develop properly.

Multivitamin complexes include all the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements that a woman additionally needs when carrying a child. Doctors advise taking them after childbirth, during breastfeeding.

At this time, the woman is obliged to the antenatal clinic, if this has not been done earlier. The doctor who will monitor the course of pregnancy will create an individual exchange card, in which he will record the results of all prescribed tests and examinations, as well as the current condition of the pregnant woman.

This document should be with a pregnant woman until the very birth. A visit to the antenatal clinic at this time is carried out approximately once every two or three weeks. At the end of the first trimester, many women (it all depends on the individual) may develop a rounded tummy.

Studies that are mandatory during the first three months include:

  • Tracking the weight and blood pressure of a woman. Each period is characterized by a certain weight gain, which should be followed.
  • The delivery of urine tests for sugar and protein, which is carried out a few days before the scheduled examination by an obstetrician.
  • Examination of the limbs of a pregnant woman in order to determine possible edematous conditions, as well as to detect signs of varicose veins.
  • Listening to the woman's abdomen with a stethoscope to monitor the fetal heartbeat.
  • Calculation of the size of the uterus by external palpation and comparison of data with the standards that are typical for this period of pregnancy.
  • Measurement of the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Pregnant women with adrenal dysfunction (especially those expecting a boy) are at some risk between 13 and 12 weeks of gestation.

At this time, the sex glands of the child secrete a very large amount of testosterone - the male hormone. And if there are defects in the enzyme system in the adrenal cortex, this leads to the fact that the amount of androgens in the woman's body increases.

As a result, this phenomenon leads to dissonance, which can cause fetal rejection and miscarriage. It is worth paying close attention to this in order to eliminate all risks.

If the pregnancy is stable, there should be no pain. If a pregnant woman feels pain of a different nature in the abdomen or in the back, or there is an abundant discharge from the mucous membrane of the vagina, or there is pressure on the rectum, as well as any other unexpected signs and discomfort, she urgently needs to consult a doctor who monitors the progress of the pregnancy.

In such a situation, you should not postpone the consultation, this may result in unexpected consequences. Of course, you should not raise a panic, a pregnant woman should not expose herself to neuroses. It is best to calmly wait for the doctor and move less.

What happens to the baby at 3 months pregnant?

For the fetus, the first three months are the most important. It is at this time that the formation of all internal organs and vital systems takes place, which will continue to change as they develop. By the end of the third month, you can observe the movements of the baby's legs and arms.

He is already able to clench and unclench his fists, turn his head, open his mouth and even swallow. And during the ultrasound, you can even notice how a small child sucks his thumb. The work of the red bone marrow is getting better, it organizes the hematopoietic function. The full-fledged work of the liver and intestines begins, which is filled with contents, which include bile.

At the end of the first trimester, the baby reaches a size of nine centimeters.

The last month of the first trimester can be stressful for a pregnant woman for several reasons. Some symptoms that cause discomfort to a woman remain from the first months. However, new psychological as well as physical inconveniences are beginning to appear. Most often they appear as:

  • Rapid fatigue and increased drowsiness of a woman.
  • Frequent urination that has not been observed before.
  • Unexpected bouts of nausea and even vomiting, which are accompanied by increased salivation.
  • Problems with stools, digestion, heartburn, frequent gas formation in the intestines.
  • Aversion to certain foods.
  • Various changes in the mammary glands. These include a visible bluish mesh under the skin, hardening and weighting of the chest, around which the sweat glands appear.
  • Increases and manifestations of veins on the legs, as well as on the abdomen.
  • Increased headaches.
  • An increase in the size of the abdomen.
  • Characteristic emotional mood swings, frequent manifestations of irritability, nervous conditions, a constant desire to cry.
  • The appearance of a feeling of complete inner peace, approaching the end of the first trimester.

As a rule, the first passage is prescribed by a doctor on or. The passage of such a study during this period is of particular importance, you should not miss it.

These terms can be manifested by the formation of congenital malformations of the fetus and chromosomal pathologies. Ultrasound at this time makes it possible to identify existing fetal pathologies in time, since after a while it becomes impossible to determine the malformations of the child, since they can completely disappear.

In addition, ultrasound helps, the error can be as little as 2 or 3 days.

The third month is the boundary between the I and II trimesters of pregnancy. During this period, dramatic changes occur in the female body. The fetus is gradually growing and very soon will announce its presence by pushing into the mother's stomach.

If before the beginning of 3 months the woman did not register in the antenatal clinic, then now is the time to do it. The expectant mother will have to pass a lot of tests and undergo several examinations - this is the only way the gynecologist will be able to assess the patient's condition and predict the outcome of the pregnancy.

3 months pregnant is how many weeks?

In obstetric practice, it is customary to calculate the gestational age by weeks, starting from the first day of the last menstruation. The duration of the first trimester is exactly 12 weeks. During this short period of time, several interesting events take place. The egg is fertilized, migrates through the fallopian tubes and attaches to the wall of the uterus, after which the embryo begins its development.

Many women are interested in the question of how many weeks are three full obstetric months? The third month starts at week 9 and ends after 13 weeks and 2 days (see also:). From this moment, the stage of embryonic development is completed, the fetus begins to actively grow and gain weight.

What happens to the baby at 3 months pregnant?

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The third month of pregnancy is marked by the beginning of the full functioning of the placenta. Only now the embryo can rightfully be called a fetus. His heart is already beating, which is clearly visible on the ultrasound machine. Now the umbilical cord connects the future mother and child. The fetus is under reliable protection, the amniotic sac filled with amniotic fluid protects it from impacts.

From week 10, the cerebellum develops. This part of the brain is responsible for the regulation of muscle tone and coordination of movements. The fetus already feels touch and pain.

At 3 months, the child's circulatory and urinary systems are already functioning. By the beginning of 4 months, a high-resolution ultrasound machine can determine the sex of the child.

This is what an embryo looks like at 12-14 weeks of gestation (we recommend reading:)

If by the beginning of the 9th week the size of the embryo was 2-3 cm, then at the 13th week its length is 7-8 cm, and it weighs about 20 g. By the end of the first trimester, the baby looks like a small person (see photo). All limbs are formed in him, but the size of the head prevails over the body. The bones gradually harden, auricles have appeared, there are rudiments of teeth, and well-developed eyes are open or half-closed for centuries.

The bone marrow, in addition to red blood cells, begins to produce white blood cells. Gradually, the baby learns to breathe, from time to time he makes respiratory movements, although his lungs are not yet working. The liver is fully functional, the intestines are filled with bile.

Expectant mother at 3 months

If before the 9th obstetric week a woman experienced symptoms of early toxicosis, then in the future her condition will not change. Morning sickness and vomiting will persist until the end of the third month. Hormonal changes also affect the emotional state of the expectant mother. Her mood remains unstable, causeless joy will be replaced by irritation. A pregnant woman reacts sharply to smells, she develops new eating habits.

At the 3rd month of pregnancy, new sensations appear. The mammary glands noticeably increase in size, stretch marks may appear. Due to increased sensitivity, a woman may experience tingling in the chest and itching.

During pregnancy, an additional circle of blood circulation is formed that feeds the fetus. The volume of circulating blood increases, so expectant mothers often notice how veins appear on the legs, chest and arms. Pregnancy can contribute to the development of varicose veins.

By the middle of the third month of pregnancy, a woman gains about 2 kg in weight. This is due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, swelling of the mammary glands, and fetal growth. Due to the increase in the uterus, the tummy becomes visible, this is especially noticeable in thin women. The volume of the hips increases. Old clothes become tight.

Feelings of a woman

While the hormonal background has not returned to normal, the emotional state of a woman remains unstable. She becomes inattentive, distracted and whiny. During pregnancy, the "energy saving" mode is launched, the body accumulates strength, preparing for the upcoming birth and breastfeeding. Often expectant mothers complain of constant fatigue and drowsiness.

A change in the level of hormones in the blood provokes a migraine. Pregnant women may experience headaches throughout pregnancy, unfortunately, stopping them with pills during the gestation period is allowed only under strict indications.

The growing body of the uterus causes the internal organs to shift, slight pains in the pubic joint may appear. By the end of the third month, the uterus already extends beyond the small pelvis, which is why the woman has problems with bowel function. Often, due to the increased concentration of progesterone in the blood, develop:

  • constipation;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

Due to the increase in blood volume (up to 40-60%), the heart, lungs and kidneys begin to work in an enhanced mode. The load on the spine increases. There may be pain in the back and lower back. If a woman had problems with the musculoskeletal system before pregnancy, now her condition may worsen.

The nature of the discharge

By the end of the first trimester, vaginal discharge may increase. The norm is light discharge without impurities and an unpleasant odor. If the nature of the discharge has changed, and along with this, itching and burning of the external genital organs have appeared, then we can talk about pathology. As a rule, the groin area is very itchy with thrush (vaginal candidiasis).

Of greater concern are discharges mixed with blood. Signs of a miscarriage at 9-13 weeks of gestation may include severe pain in the lower abdomen and vaginal bleeding. In such a situation, the patient should be immediately hospitalized.

Smearing bloody or brown discharge in some cases indicates a missed pregnancy. The fetus stops developing and dies.

Sometimes a pink "daub" appears, if it is not accompanied by pain, most likely the reason is a hormonal imbalance. The expectant mother needs to contact a gynecologist, who, upon confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe hormonal medications to maintain the pregnancy.

The size of the abdomen and uterus

By the end of the third obstetric month, a woman may notice how her tummy has grown. The uterus gradually rises above the small pelvis, moving into the abdominal cavity. At this point, its size is 10 cm in width. The height of the bottom of the uterus is normally 11-12 cm. The skin on the abdomen is stretched, which sometimes leads to the appearance of stretch marks.

So far, the waist of the expectant mother has not increased much. For those around her pregnancy may go unnoticed. If a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time, then her stomach at the 13th week of pregnancy looks more rounded than in those who have become pregnant for the first time (see also:). What kind of belly the expectant mother will have at this time can be seen in the photo.

Is it possible to feel the movements of the baby at this time?

By the end of the third month, a woman can already independently feel the uterus in the lower abdomen. The baby is still too young to announce itself with thrusts in the stomach, although its skeleton is already fully formed and the bones have begun to harden.

At 3 months he is quite active. His joints bend, he can move his limbs, bend his fingers and turn his head. The baby moves inside the uterus, sometimes he bumps into its walls and tries to push off.

At this time, the 1st trimester ends, in the future, the pregnancy will be much more interesting. Very soon, after a couple of weeks, a woman will be able to feel for the first time that a small life is developing in her womb. Usually such sensations appear for a period of 16 weeks.

Ongoing research

At three months, a pregnant woman must register with the antenatal clinic, if she has not done so before. The doctor will issue an exchange card, which the expectant mother will have to carry with her throughout the pregnancy. It will record the results of the research.

A woman should regularly visit her doctor and follow all his recommendations. At this time, the patient should conduct the following studies:

  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • gynecological smear;
  • measuring the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • fetal heart rate control;
  • examining the legs for swelling and varicose veins.

Also, the expectant mother will be given a referral for a consultation with narrow specialists:

  • therapist
  • dentist
  • endocrinologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist.

At a period of 11-12 weeks, the first planned ultrasound is performed. Screening examination allows timely detection of pathologies of fetal development, determine the number of embryos and set the expected date of birth.

Possible Complications

By the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, there is a risk of developing:

  • Spontaneous miscarriage. Fetal rejection can occur for several reasons. Most often, such a problem is faced by patients with disorders in the endocrine system, a lack of the hormone progesterone. Sometimes a miscarriage occurs if the fetal egg is attached to the uterine wall in the wrong place.
  • Frozen pregnancy. At this time, the woman does not feel the movements of the fetus, so she cannot determine whether the fetus is developing or whether it has died. When the embryo died, the symptoms of toxicosis may abruptly stop in a woman and severe pains in the lower abdomen may appear. In this case, the patient is referred for an additional ultrasound.

In order for pregnancy to proceed without complications, experts recommend:

  • drink more fluids, especially with severe toxicosis;
  • do not wear tight clothing;
  • eat right and balanced;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not take medicines without a doctor's prescription;
  • if there is a threat of miscarriage, you need to give up sex;
  • limit physical activity;
  • spend more time outdoors.