The baby moves very actively at 38 weeks. What happens in a woman's body by this time

Pregnancy of 38-39 weeks is always associated in a woman with a feeling of fatigue from her condition. Childbirth is approaching, as evidenced by the stomach, which by this time may fall. This greatly reduces discomfort in the stomach, but at the same time leads to pain in the pelvic region.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the baby rarely moves actively. His body weight is large and he is already getting cramped. As a result, when making movements, he experiences inconvenience.

It is important to remember that labor can begin at 38-39 weeks of gestation at any moment. This means that you should always keep a mobile phone at hand in order to be able to ask for help.

Woman's condition

At the thirty-eighth week, the stomach begins to sink. But at repeated births the uterus descends just before childbirth. If this happens, then the fetus at the 38th week of pregnancy normally presses its head tightly against the pelvic bones.

When carrying one child, the circumference of the abdomen is approximately 90-95 cm. The 38th week of pregnancy is the time when you need to be extra careful. The weight of the child at 38 weeks of gestation is large, so the center of gravity of the body is disturbed.

Against this background, there are problems with coordination, which increases the risk of falls. A huge belly interferes with sleep and there are difficulties with choosing a comfortable position. Since the uterus has descended, it no longer puts pressure on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the diaphragm.

By the end of pregnancy, it always becomes easier for a woman to breathe. Also, the 38th week of pregnancy is associated with the restoration of the normal functioning of the stomach and the disappearance of heartburn.

The skin on the abdomen continues to stretch, so there is severe itching. It is important to continue to intensively care for the skin, using specialized products. This will not only relieve unpleasant symptoms at thirty-eight weeks, but will also minimize the risks of unsightly stretch marks after childbirth.

Feelings at the 38th week of pregnancy have nothing to do with who should be born a boy or a girl. Fetal movement is very slight. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to track the movements of the child.

It is normal if a woman feels tremors at least 10 times a day. If there are no movements at the 38th week of pregnancy, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. Such a symptom may indicate that there is a threat to the life of the child.


Pain at 38 weeks of gestation is common. They may occur for the following reasons:

  • Due to the relaxation of the ligaments and joints, the lower back often hurts at 38 weeks of gestation. Preparing the body for labor activity is a natural process that minimizes the risks of birth injuries in a child when passing through the birth canal.
  • At the 38th week of pregnancy, the lower back is pulled and the back often hurts due to a shift in the center of gravity of the body due to the fact that the weight of the fetus has increased significantly.
  • 38 obstetric week characterized by an increased load on the pelvic bones, so at this stage of pregnancy it hurts between the legs.

  • Pain in the area of ​​​​the sacrum is observed due to compression of the femoral nerve in the case when the stomach sank at the 38th week of pregnancy.
  • Calves begin to hurt with an insufficient amount of calcium in the body of a woman.

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen manifests itself in the form of false contractions. In order to eliminate them, you need to change the position of the body or perform special exercises. But if such symptoms do not disappear, you should call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Sometimes it not only pulls the lower abdomen, but also the stomach turns to stone at the 38th week of pregnancy. Such symptoms appear against the background of softening of the cervix. A periodically hardening belly indicates that preparations for childbirth are taking place. With severe discomfort, a pregnant woman can start taking antispasmodics, but only in consultation with the doctor.

When the 38th week of pregnancy comes, the head often hurts. This is due to the nervous tension before childbirth. Not recommended for headaches medicines. All you need is to calm down and tune in to the positive.


At the 38th week of pregnancy, the discharge should normally not change. They should be light milky, without a pungent odor and have a uniform consistency. The mucus that appears in the secretions does not pose any threat. Its appearance is associated with the opening of the uterus and partial discharge of the mucous plug.

Dangerous are discharges of a greenish tint with a pungent odor and a curdled consistency. They are signs of an infection. It is imperative to get rid of it before childbirth in order to exclude infection of the child when passing through the birth canal.

Bloody discharge at the 38th week of pregnancy, which is accompanied by a pulling pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, is very dangerous. When they appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Blood can be a sign of a dangerous complication associated with placental abruption. Even slightly brown discharge at 38 weeks of gestation cannot be ignored. They can be harbingers of the onset of severe bleeding with unpredictable consequences.

If there are very liquid and cloudy discharge, then this indicates the discharge of amniotic fluid. This often happens immediately before childbirth, so you need to urgently contact the maternity hospital.

Fetal condition

Many are interested in what happens to the baby at 38 weeks of gestation. By this time, the child is prepared for life outside the mother's body. All the organs of the fetus at the 38th week of pregnancy are formed, and the life support systems work smoothly. At this time, nothing remarkable happens. The development of the fetus is associated with its growth:

  • At the 38th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight may exceed 3 kg.
  • The growth of crumbs at 38 weeks is about 50 cm.

noted active work digestive system. As a result, the original feces - meconium - are completely formed. Normally, it comes out immediately after birth, but sometimes it happens a little earlier. The ongoing process is not dangerous, but it leads to a change in the color and composition of the amniotic fluid.

Scheduled ultrasound at 38 weeks is not provided. But the ultrasonic method can be shown in special occasions. For example, if it was previously discovered that the baby's neck was entwined with an umbilical cord.

Also, specialists may be interested in the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, the size of the baby and its position. When performing an ultrasound at 38 weeks of gestation, you can see the following:

  • The skin of the baby is smoothed and has a pink natural shade.
  • The original lubrication is gone;
  • There is no fluff on the skin.

Harbingers of childbirth

Since labor can begin at any time, a woman should be aware of the signs of an impending labor. The 38th week of pregnancy has obvious harbingers. Therefore, an attentive woman always has the opportunity to turn to specialists in a timely manner.

The 38th week of pregnancy is always associated with frequent false contractions. Thus, the uterus is prepared for labor. Sometimes they become very painful. The abdomen often hardens and there is a strong lumbar pain syndrome. If, after a change in body position, uterine contractions do not subside, then this is evidence of the onset of labor.

When the stomach does not pull strongly at the 38th week of pregnancy, then you should definitely pay attention to other symptoms. Rapid labor often occurs with a second pregnancy.

Such a process is dangerous and threatens birth trauma for the child. Therefore, if during the second pregnancy the lower back hurts and the stomach begins to ache, it is better to go to the hospital. At the 38th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth can manifest themselves as follows:

  • Stopping or reducing the weight of a woman by about a couple of kilograms.
  • Long-lasting tone of the uterus, as well as the fact that at the 38th week of pregnancy the stomach becomes stony.
  • Increased urination due to the fact that the pressure of the uterus on the lower abdomen increases.

Among the psychological harbingers of childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy, experts note the desire of a woman to put things in order in own house. Despite the aching pain in the abdomen and even the blood trail in the discharge, she begins to do general cleaning. Psychologists call this behavior just before birth the "nesting" effect.

You need to understand that children are born healthy and childbirth takes place safely when a woman in the last month of pregnancy monitors her condition and is in a positive mood.

You should know that at the 38th week of pregnancy, the stomach hurts against the background of fatigue. In order to bring the baby to the deadline set by nature, you need to strive to take care of yourself and rest as often as possible. But if the state of health remains unsatisfactory, it is better recent weeks spend in the hospital.

At week 38, you need to observe proper and nutritious nutrition. The diet should include healthy foods that will allow the baby to gain the maximum amount of strength before childbirth. You need to strive to surround yourself with positive, eliminate any stress and not be nervous over trifles.

38 weeks of pregnancy is the period when walking difficulties arise. But, nevertheless, experts recommend that a woman stay active in the last month. In the time remaining before childbirth, it is recommended to take daily walks on fresh air.

It is necessary to correctly distribute the modes of sleep and wakefulness. Be sure to find time to study special literature. Important are the issues related to the care of the child and his proper feeding. Remember that after childbirth there will be no time for self-education.

Due to the tightness inside the uterus, the baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy becomes less mobile, although his movements do not stop. Movements become clearer, stronger and more active. However, often pregnant women notice a change in the nature of the movements. Why is this happening?

Often, expectant mothers note changes in the behavior of the crumbs, the movements either decrease and weaken, or become overly active. How dangerous are these conditions and when do you need a doctor's help, what features should you pay attention to? First of all, it is worth remembering that in 12 hours you must definitely feel the fetal movements in this period at least 10-12 times. Permissible periods of sleep for the crumbs, when he hardly moves, and his increased activity - after eating, during rest, after consuming sweets, when the mother is nervous.

38 weeks pregnant: the baby is actively moving

At 37-38 weeks of gestation active stirring the fetus is hampered by the tight walls of the uterus. The fetus has occupied almost the entire space in it, and now its movements are somewhat limited. However, he can actively move his arms, head and legs, which you and your loved ones clearly feel when you put your hands on your stomach or look at it. If the child kicks hard at 38 weeks, this may indicate an uncomfortable position for him, discomfort or a lack of nutrition and oxygen. Often he can move more actively if he has passed the loops of the umbilical cord with his body, changing his position, he corrects the situation. If at 38 weeks pregnant you have a very active child you can talk to your doctor. Ultrasound is usually performed to assess the condition of the fetus, often the features of the development and temperament of the crumbs are revealed even before birth. Such children are active during the day, but the most active child of 38 weeks moves at night. In such cases, it is worth talking with the baby, stroking the stomach and choosing the position that is most convenient for you.

However, if excessive fetal activity is detected at 38 weeks, it is worthwhile to be examined by a doctor. Often, if at 38 weeks the baby twitches strongly, these may be the first signs of feto-placental insufficiency and a lack of nutrition and oxygen for the fetus. Due to active movements, he tries to compensate for this state.

38 weeks pregnant: why does the baby move a little

The reverse is the situation when the child does not move well at 38 weeks. In many ways, a decrease in the intensity of movements is associated with cramped conditions in the uterus, the characteristics of the temperament of the fetus itself, but sometimes this can be a sign of serious danger. If you notice little movement at 38 weeks of gestation, or the baby does not move for more than 6-12 hours in a row, immediately see a doctor for an ultrasound. Such a symptom may be the result of hypoxia or any pathologies of pregnancy, which will require emergency delivery for the benefit of the fetus and mother.

Hiccups in the fetus at 38 weeks

Often, pregnant women are worried if the baby hiccups in the stomach at 38 weeks. In this case, rhythmic movements of the fetus occur, lasting from several minutes to an hour. You should not worry about this, this is a completely normal condition for the fetus. He swallows amniotic fluid, training breathing and swallowing movements. One of the versions why the fetus hiccups at 38 weeks is the training of the respiratory muscles for independent breathing after childbirth, in the process of hiccuping, the diaphragm and chest muscles contract, which imitates breathing air. This trains the muscles to properly coordinate the first and subsequent breaths.

Fetal heart rate at 38 weeks: normal

To assess the condition of the fetus according to ultrasound and during examination, determine its heartbeat. The heart rate of the fetus reflects its condition and blood oxygen saturation. Normal values ​​​​in this period will be 140-160 beats, when moving, the frequency of contractions increases, when the child sleeps, it slows down somewhat.

Heartbeats are assessed using a stethoscope, ultrasound and CTG, the deviation from the norm should not exceed 10-20 beats, if it changes dramatically, the doctor will conduct additional examinations.

A change in the fetal heart rate occurs as a reaction to hypoxia, with an acute lack of oxygen, an increase in heart contractions first occurs, with a prolonged state, contractions decrease. This must be remembered so that the causes of oxygen deficiency can be identified and eliminated in time.

So 9.5 obstetric months of pregnancy (or 8.5 normal months) have ended. A maximum of two more weeks - and mommy will finally see her baby. Of course, sometimes pregnant women give birth at 42 weeks, but mostly births occur at 38-40 weeks. Many factors speak of the approaching birth - the produced oxytocin makes the mother thirsty for activity and the desire to put the house in order before the birth, the lowered tummy brings relief, the contractions become more painful and rhythmic.

If you feel that the body is ready for childbirth and they are about to begin - do not waste time, check again if you have collected everything for the trip to the hospital, leave the list of necessary things for the future dad after discharge from the hospital, visit a beauty salon - after all, after childbirth, you will not soon be able to do a pedicure and manicure!

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the weight of the baby is at least 3000g, and its length exceeds 47cm. Its size and the degree of maturity of the organs indicate that it is completely ready for childbirth. While he still feeds through the placenta, which can weigh up to two kilograms, however, he is quite able to eat mother's milk if the birth occurs at 38 weeks of gestation.

How many months have passed? Nine and a half obstetric months have already passed (in one obstetric month - 28 days, or exactly four weeks).

What's happening?

At the 38th week of pregnancy, your baby is no longer growing as intensively as before - after all, all his organs and systems are fully formed, and he is absolutely ready for an independent life.

At this time, the baby is gaining no more than thirty grams per day, respectively, and mommy should not gain much weight. The main reason for weight gain at this time is swelling. Try to eat right, do not eat too sweet and fatty foods, limit yourself to fluids - so the appearance of edema can be, if not prevented, then significantly reduced.

Quite serious signs that you should immediately contact the maternity hospital with are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, combined with severe edema and high blood pressure. This is preeclampsia, which is extremely dangerous for both mom and baby. If you notice several of these symptoms, call an ambulance and immediately go to the hospital. With timely assistance to you and the baby, nothing threatens.

Your baby is already fully formed: the lungs are ready to breathe air, the heart is able to provide the whole body with blood, the kidneys and intestines regularly remove harmful substances from the body, and the brain is mature enough so that the baby can be outside of the mother.

The child loses lanugo and original lubrication, becomes pretty - after all, he has already accumulated sufficient fat reserves, so the baby's body and face acquire charming infantile plumpness. The nails continue to grow - some babies are born with a long manicure, which they can scratch themselves and their mother with.

During this period, the child no longer grows as actively as before, and its size does not allow it to move too actively in the uterus, so most of the time the baby is resting, preparing for the upcoming birth.

Baby photo, ultrasound

A few photos from an ultrasound at 38 weeks of gestation will allow you to have a better idea of ​​\u200b\u200byour baby at this time.

The belly at 38 weeks of gestation is usually already lowered (although in some pregnant women it does not fall until the very birth), and the expectant mother becomes much easier. The uterus does not press on the stomach so much, which causes heartburn and nausea to disappear, appetite returns. There is a lowering of the abdomen due to the fact that the head of the child before childbirth begins to descend into the small pelvis.

Despite the improvement in well-being, one should not lean too much on food - weight gain by the end of the 38th week of pregnancy should be from 8 to 15 kg (the greater the initial weight, the greater the increase). On the contrary, smoking and pickles, sweets should be completely excluded from the menu, and fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat should be consumed more often. If you follow the right diet, you will certainly be able to minimize swelling and not gain excess weight before childbirth. Each kilogram gained in excess of the norm significantly aggravates the process of childbirth for both the mother and her baby.

Fetal movements at 38 weeks

By the end of pregnancy, the child significantly increases in its weight - on average, the weight of babies born at the 38th week of pregnancy is 3000 - 3500g. This fact does not allow the baby to move in the mother's tummy as actively as before - because it is rather densely surrounded by the uterus. By the time of 38 weeks of pregnancy, the number of movements of the child per day is about 10, the rest of the time he rests and gains strength before childbirth. However, the movements still need to be monitored - if it seems to you that you have not felt the baby's pushes for too long, contact the doctors to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Mom's Feelings

The last weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult for mom: health does not improve, fatigue accumulates, besides, swelling and frequent false contractions begin to torment the pregnant woman. Often expectant mother it seems that her pregnancy lasts forever and never ends. But the proximity of the long-awaited meeting pleases!

Edema often becomes a real scourge for moms. They are associated not only with compression of the ureters and bladder, but also with compression of the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the legs. When it is squeezed by the uterus, the blood stagnates in the veins of the legs, they swell significantly and hurt. To avoid this, try to lie on your left side more often, stand less, do not sit in one position for a long time. You should definitely not cross your legs - this aggravates venous congestion in the legs. Limit yourself to liquids. If your legs are very tired - lie down and put them on a pillow or other elevation.

Also, due to the compression of the bladder by the descending head of the fetus, mommy begins to visit the toilet even more often. Frequent awakenings because of this are aggravated by anxiety before childbirth, therefore, at 38 weeks of gestation, insomnia is also a frequent companion of pregnant women.

Allocations at 38 weeks of gestation should be whitish, with a slightly sour smell. Mucous discharge streaked with blood or Pink colour- this is the discharge of the mucous plug before childbirth.

Be careful - heavy spotting is a sign of bleeding and requires urgent hospitalization in the maternity hospital! Abundant watery discharge indicates the passage of water and the onset of labor.

Pain at 38 weeks pregnant

Pain during this period is due to the fact that the body is actively preparing for childbirth: the pelvic bones diverge, the ligaments and joints become more pliable, the cervix gradually begins to open. All these processes cause pain in the lower back and abdomen. In addition, the uterus begins to contract more and more often - while these are the so-called false contractions. If this is your first pregnancy experience, then you can distinguish false contractions from real ones by changing position or walking around - false contractions will immediately become weaker. The stomach pulls at the 38th week of pregnancy quite often, it turns to stone and hurts. If the contractions become rhythmic and become more frequent - most likely, you have started giving birth, it's time to go to the hospital.

Harbingers of childbirth

The body is already fully prepared for childbirth. And you are afraid to miss the moment when this very birth will begin? Don’t worry, it’s quite difficult to miss your own birth, and the harbingers of childbirth will help you prepare for their onset:

  • Your belly drops and it becomes easier for you to breathe.
  • There is slight weight loss.
  • Discharge from the genital tract - pinkish, streaked with blood or profuse watery.
  • The uterus is constantly in good shape.
  • Periodically, the stomach turns to stone.
  • Contractions become more frequent and rhythmic.

The appearance of precursors suggests that childbirth can begin at any time. Now try not to be alone, all things must be fully assembled and packed, and the husband must be in constant readiness to take you to the hospital.


Contractions at 38 weeks of gestation are false, but real contractions can also begin. False contractions are not as painful, and usually only the stomach hurts. When changing position or when moving, they usually pass. Also, between two false contractions, a woman may well fall asleep, which will not happen with real contractions.

Real contractions are quite painful, the stomach and lower back hurt, they do not go away from a change in position. In addition, real contractions become more frequent and rhythmic over time. As soon as your contractions begin, start counting how long they last and what is the interval between them (this will help the doctor determine the expected time of delivery), and also call an ambulance - it's time to go to the hospital.

The following parameters speak about the beginning of childbirth:

  • At least 10 contractions per hour lasting from 30 seconds to a minute.
  • Contractions are accompanied by increased secretions.
  • Your water broke in large quantities at once.

When these signs appear, you need to urgently go to a medical institution, although the duration of contractions before childbirth can be up to 10-12 hours.

Research and analyzes

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you should visit the gynecologist every week, also weekly for timely detection serious problems(preeclampsia).

When visiting antenatal clinic the doctor will measure the circumference and abdomen and the height of the uterus, listen to the fetal heartbeat.

An ultrasound at 38 weeks is done only if there are any problems and malfunctions on the part of the mother or baby.

38 weeks of second pregnancy

If you already have experience of going to the maternity hospital, then the second pregnancy will be easier - because you know everything and are ready for anything! The only thing to remember is that the second pregnancy almost always ends in childbirth at 38–39 weeks of gestation. Therefore, by this time everything should be ready for the trip to the hospital - the bags are packed and standing at the doorstep, you and your loved ones have long decided who will take you to the hospital, and the baby's room is ready for his arrival home.

Usually the second birth is easier and faster than the first, although many mothers complain of stronger pain at the second birth. You should be aware that the cervix opens much faster during a second birth, so lifting weights or traveling to public transport standing can lead to an unplanned onset of labor - under the weight of the fetal head, the cervix can open very quickly, and the baby can be born in just a couple of tens of minutes. The multiparous mother later dates pregnancy should take care of itself, so as not to provoke childbirth ahead of time.

38 weeks pregnant with twins

Of course, it is rare that twin pregnancy lasts until 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, but there are such, and there are quite a few of them. More often multiple pregnancy ends with childbirth before the 37th week of pregnancy - this is due to the heavy load on the body of the mother of twins. If you brought your babies before this time - now they are guaranteed to be born absolutely mature and ready to meet this world!

Twin babies born at 38 weeks of gestation practically do not differ from other children, except for size - often twin babies have a slightly lower weight (from 2500g) and height (from 45cm). In terms of development, they perfectly correspond to children who lived alone in their mother's tummy, and sometimes even outstrip them.

Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

Of course, sex at 38 weeks pregnant can be a little more traumatic than at more early dates- especially if the cervix has already begun to open. If you experience a strong sexual attraction, you should not deny yourself pleasure, but you need to be more careful during sex. Many women are advised by their doctors to have sex to stimulate labor - the surge of hormones during orgasm helps the cervix to open up better and contractions become more coordinated.

Questions - answers

I went 38 weeks pregnant - frequent urination began to bother me at night. I used to get up at night much less often. Does this mean inflammation (cystitis)?

By the 38th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to sink its head into the small pelvis - it becomes lighter and the stomach becomes much easier, but the baby's head presses on the bladder much more intensely than before. In this regard, before giving birth, many mothers complain that the frequency of urge to urinate has become such that they literally cannot move away from the toilet. If during a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic, no changes are found in the urine test, this means that the date of birth is approaching.

After the 38th week of pregnancy has come, I want to sleep almost all the time. At the same time, I often get up at night to go to the toilet, do not get enough sleep, and then during the day I want to sleep even more. I feel overwhelmed and very tired.

By the end of pregnancy, many mothers feel tired and look forward to giving birth. This is normal, especially considering that due to problems with bladder and feelings of anxiety you do not get enough sleep. However, when visiting a antenatal clinic, it does not hurt to take urine and blood tests, examine blood glucose levels, and measure blood pressure. If, after these studies, the doctor does not find any pathology in you, there is no reason for concern, but you should try to rest more, walk in the fresh air before going to bed.

Is it true that an orgasm at 38 weeks pregnant can trigger labor?

It is believed that sex, and even more so an orgasm at 38 weeks of gestation, can improve the course of childbirth - with a surge of hormones in a woman's body during an orgasm, the cervix begins to open better, and contractions become more coordinated. At the moment, there is no evidence that ordinary sex can provoke the onset of labor. Of course, if you do not have careless sex, during which the genital mucosa or the fetal bladder may be injured.

The 38th week of pregnancy is coming to an end - it became painful to walk, pains in the pelvis, lower back and legs are disturbing.

Before childbirth, the pelvic bones diverge quite noticeably, which may cause moderate pain when walking in the pubic joint, aching the pelvic bones. Also, due to edema and deterioration of the outflow of blood from the legs, they quickly get tired and start to hurt when walking. All of these are normal signs. early delivery. If the pain in the womb is unbearable, it sharply increases when you try to move your legs, you need to urgently go to the hospital, as this may be a sign of a rupture of the pubic joint.

When the pregnancy moves to its logical conclusion, parents look forward to the birth of the baby. After 37 weeks it is quite natural. The child and his mother are already ready for such an important event.

Therefore, when the first signs of the imminent completion of such a long process appear at 38–39 weeks, a woman should not be left alone for a long time. She always needs to keep her phone with her. After all, the expected event can happen at any moment.

What happens at 38–39 weeks to the body of the mother and her baby? What to expect and how to behave should be known to every woman in labor.

Woman's well-being

The 38th week of pregnancy for the mother is characterized by a number of changes in well-being. She feels that the fetus has already reached its final size. From day to day, the fights will begin.

If parents are expecting a girl, she can be born immediately after 37 weeks. The boy can wait a few more days or even weeks. It stays inside the uterus, usually a little longer. The woman's body is undergoing changes. Every pregnant woman needs to know them.


37-38 obstetric week is marked by a number of sensations. The weight of the placenta during this period is 1-2 kg. It is 20 cm in diameter. The height of the uterus above the pubic bone is about 57 cm. All this contributes to changes in well-being:

  1. There may be training (false) contractions.
  2. The position of the uterus seems to be very low. If this is already the second or third birth, this does not cause concern for a woman. After all, this feeling is now quite normal.
  3. Colostrum production often increases. If it is small or not at all, this is also the norm.
  4. Weight reaches its peak and may even decrease slightly.
  5. Observed pain due to softening of the ligaments and increased joint mobility. This is an integral part of the process. The baby is presented low, which can also provoke quite severe pain.
  6. The abdomen seems huge, and the skin on it itches.

Often 38-39 obstetric week becomes difficult and tiring for mommy. When the belly is so big it's hard to find comfortable posture for sleep.

Ultrasound at this time is rarely performed. Only if necessary, assess the development of the child, whether the fetus is entangled in the umbilical cord. So a woman during this period is simply preparing for a future birth. It will happen any day.


At 37–38 weeks, a woman's belly becomes very large. The fetus has also grown. He's cramped inside. This often makes it difficult for the mother to move.

At a period of 38-39 weeks, the stomach becomes stony. Preparations for the completion of intrauterine development are actively moving forward.

The skin on the mandible is stretched, becomes dry and periodically itches. If the stomach is hard, it is quite normal. The fetus with its head presses on the bottom of the pelvis. Because of this, it seems that the stomach has dropped. If such harbingers of imminent labor activity are observed, the child will be ready to be born from day to day. If the stomach has already dropped, it will be easier for mommy to breathe.


At 38–39 weeks, significant hormonal changes occur. An increase in the concentration of specific substances is observed. The main ones are:

  • Estrogen.
  • Relaxin.
  • Oxytocin.
  • Vasopressin.

When there is very little time left before the appearance of the baby, serious changes occur in the body. The amount of estrogen and relaxin increases. The first of these hormones can cause vomiting or diarrhea. This will allow a woman to give birth easier, since from that day the body begins to get rid of unnecessary obstacles. The weight is reduced. The child will pass through the birth canal more easily. So these things are quite natural.

Since childbirth at 38 weeks is considered the norm, the body is actively preparing for this process. When relaxin levels rise, the pelvis expands and the ligaments soften.

Harbingers of the imminent appearance of a child are an increase in the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. From the day of increasing their concentration, one should wait for the replenishment of the family. These hormones regulate the process.

When the level of oxytocin increases, mommy intuitively feels that she will soon give birth. From this day on, a woman may actively manifest a desire to prepare for the coming changes. You may want to clean houses, rearrange. If there is a surge in economic activity, there is little time left until the fetus leaves the uterine cavity.


One of the important criteria for assessing the state of intrauterine development is discharge at 38 weeks of gestation. Some harbingers of an early, successful completion of bearing a baby can be recognized precisely by this factor.

The 38th week of pregnancy is marked by an increase in the amount of discharge. Normally they are white, sometimes they have brown shades. Their texture is the same.

When the cervix opens, mucous secretions appear. A few days before delivery, they may appear brown or pink shades. It's quite normal. Mucous brown discharge indicates a cork discharge.

Bloody ointments from the genital tract are alarm signal and require immediate hospitalization. You should also urgently contact a gynecologist if you find their unpleasant smell, burning sensation in the vagina.

Liquid, abundant discharge suggests that the fetus will be born soon. It is urgent to go to the hospital, even if the contractions have not yet begun.

Changes in the baby's body

The weight of the child has already reached its maximum in the process of its internal development. He is ready to be born. Ultrasound at this time is rarely performed. Sometimes an examination is necessary to rule out pathologies. What during this period can be seen on an ultrasound scan, it will be interesting to know for every woman in labor.

Fetal development

The normal weight of a child at 37–38 weeks is approximately 3 kg. Growth is fixed at about 50 cm. Sometimes the weight can reach 4 kg. This is considered the norm.

At 38–39 weeks, an ultrasound scan shows that the fluff on the baby’s body has disappeared, the amount of original lubricant has decreased. The fetus feels cramped, so it tries to sleep more. On ultrasound, you can also listen to the beating of a tiny heart. The pulse at this time is 120-160 beats.

The main changes that the fetus undergoes at 37–38 weeks include the following events:

  1. The placenta ages, this reduces the supply of nutrients to the baby. Therefore, its weight practically does not change. All resources go to life support.
  2. The fetus at 38–39 weeks has already descended head down the uterus.
  3. In the intestines of the child, the original feces accumulate, which will be released after the baby is born.

Also, it is at the period of 37-38 weeks that the ultrasound should show that the boy's testicles have descended into the scrotum. It rarely happens after birth.

baby activity

When mommy's stomach turns to stone, and harbingers of imminent contractions appear, changes in the behavior of the crumbs are determined. The baby, regardless of gender, moves less actively than a few weeks ago. This is fine.

The increased weight makes the baby feel stiff. He gently moves, limited to light jolts. This allows you to keep the correct presentation.

However, the normal activity of the baby should be expressed in small movements. Mommy should notice movements at least 10 times a day. At 37–38 weeks, the lack of movement is very disturbing. In this case, go to the hospital immediately. It is very important at 38-39 weeks to feel the movements of the crumbs.


At a period of 38-39 weeks, tests, ultrasound are no longer done. Only if it is necessary for certain reasons. Uterine tone at this time may be increased.

The doctor controls the pressure and weight of the woman at this time. If it is necessary to control the course of pregnancy, the following studies are carried out at this time:

  1. Examination at the gynecologist.
  2. Blood analysis.

During the examination, the doctor measures the woman's weight. It may go down a bit. The pressure may be slightly elevated.

Ultrasound at this time allows you to clarify the presentation of the fetus, the position of the placenta. She no longer thickens. Its growth in diameter, which can be seen on ultrasound, speaks of preeclampsia. This is a departure from the norm.

Blood tests are most often done to determine hCG levels. It is in the range of 2700-78000 mIU / ml.

Signs of the onset of labor

The body for a period of 38-39 weeks is ready for childbirth. At this stage, harbingers of the beginning of the process may appear. A woman is looking forward to the day when she can take her baby in her arms. There are signs that indicate the imminent resolution of pregnancy:

  1. The stomach dropped.
  2. Feeling of tightness.
  3. Feeling as if the tummy is made of stone.
  4. Increased uterine tone.
  5. There were highlights.
  6. Slight weight loss.

The tone of the muscles of the genital organ can be observed a week, or even more, before childbirth. These are fake contractions. They do not have periodicity. If such contractions are felt by mommy, you need to walk. They disappear with increased physical activity. So the body is preparing for the upcoming work. False contractions lead to muscle tone. From this day on, you should expect the end of the gestation period soon.

Also, if the stomach has dropped, it is necessary to prepare for labor. But if the contractions become periodic and the pain increases with movement, their frequency should be monitored. When the interval between them is less than 10 minutes, you need to go to the hospital.

Also, if the waters have broken, you should go to the hospital. Even if there are no contractions at this moment, it is extremely necessary.

For a period of 37–39 weeks, a woman should adhere to a number of recommendations. They will make it easier for you to go through the process of having a baby. Gynecologists give advice in the field of:

  1. Nutrition.
  2. intimate life.
  3. Physical loads.

If this is the second birth, mommy knows how to behave. However, it should be noted that in this case the process may start suddenly. Childbirth is faster. Therefore, if the uterine tone is high, from this day it is necessary to be ready for an early delivery.


Meals during this period should be fractional and contain all essential vitamins and minerals. However, you shouldn't overeat. This will complicate the birth process. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, low-fat protein foods (fish, cottage cheese).

Sweet, salty, spicy is better not to use in large quantities. But if there is no appetite, chocolate or cookies will help maintain strength.

The doctor should, if necessary, prescribe vitamins, calcium preparations.

sex life

Many couples are interested in whether sex is acceptable at this time. This is due to the fear of harming the baby. Gynecologists say that sex at 38 weeks can be in the absence of contraindications. If they don't exist, intimate life can be carried out until the resolution of pregnancy.

The husband should not have genital infections. Sex at 38 weeks should be neat. Pressure on the abdomen should be avoided. Lovemaking is good for both mother and baby. In this case, a woman produces a hormone of joy. The fetus gets more oxygen. Because sex in such circumstances is even useful.

Also, intimacy can speed up the moment the baby is born. Some women even use it. If they feel tired from their so long bearing of the baby, sex will lead to a quick and successful completion of this "marathon". The baby is considered full-term.

Physical exercise

At 37–38 weeks physical exercise no longer worth doing. Recommended walks accompanied by relatives or friends. You can do breathing exercises.

Housework should be postponed for now. Cleaning will easily lead to the appearance of a baby. If there are harbingers of the imminent completion of the gestation process, you should go to the hospital. You may have to give birth soon.

By carefully listening to her body, thinking about the good, mommy will help herself and the baby easily cope with the upcoming serious work. A little miracle is coming soon. In her arms, a woman will hold her healthy and happy baby.