Why is the baby in the mother's belly very active. Baby kicks hard in the stomach Baby kicks hard in the stomach 30 weeks

The 30th week of pregnancy is the time of laying the foundation for the future relationship between mom and baby. At this time, a woman can completely forget about all the problems that exist in her current situation, and devote herself and her care to the unborn child.

fetus at 30 weeks pregnant

The size and weight of the fetus at 30 weeks of gestation is ideally 37.5 cm and 1400g, respectively.

The baby's vision continues to improve, but this does not mean that it is already reaching good levels. As practice shows, a child, even after birth, does not distinguish objects well.

During this period, the growth of the head is very strongly activated, which sometimes reaches the size of half the head of an adult. Fetal movements become less abrupt and frequent, because. there is much less space in the mother's uterus than in the initial stages of pregnancy.

It should be noted that the fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy is very sensitive to maternal caress. Stroking the belly and tender words will be perceived with a bang, the baby will make pleasant sounds, shrug his shoulders, clench his fists.

If the child is not satisfied with the position of the mother's body, he will definitely "protest" in all known ways - he will wince, beat in the stomach and be indignant.

Active movements at 30 weeks pregnant can be a bad sign. Perhaps the baby reacts this way to bright light, noise and loud sounds from the outside, which cause inconvenience to him.

On ultrasound, you can see systematic movements in the chest area of ​​​​the crumbs. Do not be afraid, this is quite normal: this is how the baby's lungs develop. At the 30th week of pregnancy, there are significant changes in the development of the eye muscles. During this period, they begin to move consciously. In most cases, at 30 weeks, the baby's hair on the back and head disappears, but sometimes children are born with it. This is fine.

It is also worth noting that at week 30, the mass of the brain increases in the child, but it begins to fully function only after birth.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

Woman at 30 weeks pregnant

Feelings at the 30th week of pregnancy due to the increased growth of the fetus are not the best. Due to the fact that the organs are getting tighter, the woman is becoming increasingly uncomfortable, the normal gait up to this time is replaced by a slow and tiring one. Sometimes feeling unwell and shortness of breath can be caused by the fact that the uterus is too high, so it presses on the diaphragm, and she, in turn, on the heart.

At week 30, pregnant women noticeably increase in breast size, and especially nipples. Constipation and incontinence are possible, so experts recommend visiting the toilet more often.

Dangers at 30 weeks pregnant

What happens at 30 weeks of gestation to women who are at risk of Rh incompatibility? They may need an injection of a special substance that will prevent the child from developing hemolytic disease. This injection is given to such women if there is a conflict on the Rh factor.

The mother's shortness of breath and shortness of breath are already clearly expressed. They are due to the fact that the child presses very hard on the diaphragm.

At 30 weeks, bleeding from the vagina may begin. This is a sign that the placenta is bleeding, which has detached from the uterus or is too low from it. In this case, you need to take a position, lying down and immediately call a doctor. The doctor, most likely, will determine the woman in the hospital and, possibly (if necessary), try to induce labor artificially - caesarean section or stimulation.

Pain in the abdomen at 30 weeks of gestation can indicate many things, for example, malnutrition. Therefore, you should remove from your diet foods such as cabbage, sweets, grapes, peas.

At 30-32 weeks of pregnancy, it is not recommended to overwork, as, indeed, for the entire period of pregnancy. But inactivity is fraught with consequences! A pregnant woman is not recommended to sleep lying on her back, so as not to squeeze the inferior vena cava. During sleep and sitting, you should try not to cross your legs, because. this is a direct threat of varicose veins.

During this period, it is important to obtain an exchange card, in which all the results of tests, examinations and ultrasound will be entered. This card will be needed when entering the maternity hospital, and since. it is not known when this moment will come, you need to keep the card with you at all times. Back pain can be easily relieved by asking a loved one for a gentle massage. Waking up at night out of need, you should not abruptly jump out of bed, you need to do this slowly, turning over on your side.

30 weeks pregnant

…he winces and pulls himself up, yawns and hiccups.

... he decides for himself when to sleep and when to stay awake.

... he feels even the smallest touches on his stomach.

... he understands you, reacts to stimuli, remembers and analyzes.

He is your child. He feels you. He loves you. Today. Now. Always.

30 weeks pregnant. Features of the development of the child, the movement of the baby, changes in the body of the expectant mother.

The baby continues to grow and gain weight. The weight of the baby at the 30th week of pregnancy is approximately 1300-1500 grams with a height of about 40 cm.

Features of the development of the child at 30 weeks of gestation

  • - Improvement of the respiratory system continues. It is worth noting that the lungs produce the suffractant on their own. Now the baby trains the lungs: the chest rises and falls, while amniotic fluid enters the lungs, and then is pushed out.
  • - the improvement of the brain continues, on which more and more convolutions and grooves are formed. It also increases the mass of the brain. It is interesting that the little man not only reacts to the stimulus, but also knows how to memorize and analyze it. If the baby hears a loud sound for the first time, he will make certain movements with his arms and legs, open his eyes. If this sound is repeated further, then the baby will react to it less and less. The child gets used to the irritant and no longer accepts it as a new one.
  • - Improving the functioning of the nervous system. Nerve cells function, nerve fibers appear, and the myelin sheath is formed.
  • - the baby's skin slowly continues to smooth out. This is due to the accumulation of fat under the skin.
  • - lanugo's original fluff begins to disappear.
  • - the liver accumulates iron, it will be involved in the formation of blood cells in the first year of a child's life.
  • - by the 30th week, the formation of the genital organs of both the boy (the testicles have descended into the scrotum completely) and the girls (the vagina and external genitalia have fully formed) has ended.
  • - the baby reacts to light, as his eyes are open! Eyelids open and close. There are eyelashes.


The movements of the baby are felt less often. And this is understandable, because every week there is less and less space in the uterus. The kid is growing. And now he can't tumble as fast as before. The baby prefers to stay in one position, moving the arms, legs, knees, elbows. These movements and hears future mom. Sometimes they are quite painful.

It is worth alerting if a quiet child suddenly starts spinning and pushing too actively, or an active baby suddenly calms down for a long time. Of course, perhaps the child shows his character in this way. But perhaps he lacks oxygen. Always watch your baby move.

If you are worried that the baby is moving too little or too much, take a notebook with a pen and watch the crumbs move.

  • When observed for 1 hour - at least 6 movements during wakefulness of the crumbs
  • When observed for 6 hours - at least 10 movements
  • When observing 12 hours - at least 24 movements

Mother. Changes in the body of a woman at the 30th week of pregnancy. Visiting doctors and taking tests.

  • - after the 30th week of pregnancy, you will need to visit a gynecologist 2 times a month or once every two weeks. The doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat, measure the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus.
  • - you need to take blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and Rh factor, and you will also take a swab for the flora. And, as usual, a urinalysis to monitor kidney function.
  • - you will need to visit a general practitioner, as well as an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist should give you an opinion on whether you can give birth on your own or if there is an indication for a caesarean section.
  • - the increase should be about 10-11 kg.
  • - the location of the uterus - 7.5-10 cm above the navel
  • - breathing becomes difficult, a slight shortness of breath may appear, since the diaphragm, moved by the uterus, presses on the heart, which, in turn, can even change its location.

Possible difficulties at 30 weeks of gestation and how to deal with them are described in the article in the table here.

thirty weeks pregnant- how many months is that?

The obstetric month is exactly four weeks, and the gestational age is considered precisely the obstetric weeks. So 30 weeks of pregnancy is 7.5 obstetric months of pregnancy, or without two weeks, eight months of pregnancy. It is also 28 weeks from conception and 26 weeks from missed periods.

The 30th week of pregnancy is the beginning of your work holiday. This leave is granted to all pregnant working women by law. Many women in these recent weeks they begin to “go crazy” - they begin to wash, cook, clean, and so on in such numbers that it becomes scary. The second comes "hibernation". I don't think it's worth explaining. Question. Why go to extremes?

On maternity leave, you need to give the body a rest, prepare for a new stage of life. But you also need to give rest to the soul. Get enough sleep, walk, read interesting books (especially about the periods of childbirth and breast-feeding), find new acquaintances, go in for sports, find an interesting activity for yourself, of course, while not forgetting to cook food and create home comfort.

Pregnancy is an “interesting” position that has been embedded in the dreams of every representative of the beautiful half of humanity from a young age.

The period of bearing a child is especially responsible for the expectant mother. A change in hormonal levels, the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, poisoning or a common cold may not have the best effect on the development of the embryo. Every week is worth its weight in gold. What more! The seventh and a half month or 30th week of pregnancy is a particularly important period. It is from this period that the full-fledged maternity leave and the third trimester of pregnancy, which has its own characteristics in the development of the fetus, making changes to the calendar of the general physical condition of the mother.

Baby at 30 weeks pregnant

It is logical to ask the question: 30 weeks of pregnancy - how many months is it? Taking into account the fact that the obstetric month is four weeks, then 30 weeks is seven obstetric months and two weeks in addition.

The photo of the fetus proves that at the beginning of the eighth month the baby reaches from 35 to 38 cm. Its total weight increases to 1100-1400 g. Photos of the 30th week of pregnancy make it possible to determine the size of the fetus, which can be compared to a winter melon. He has a practically formed appearance of a little man with the presence of certain reactions. The whole reason is the development of the nervous system and psyche: the baby has phases of sleep and wakefulness, which often do not coincide with the life rhythm of the mother.

The child can pull himself up and frown, actively clench his fists, give a response to like and dislike. The maturation of the fetus in the eighth month of pregnancy gives him the opportunity to react to the light that seeps to him through the skin and muscles. As a rule, bright light flashes encourage the baby to take action: he tries to “knock” with his arms or legs, kicking his mother in the stomach.

The fetus at 30 weeks of gestation is exercising its lungs. On ultrasound at 30 weeks of gestation, you can observe how the chest alternately rises and falls, filling the lungs with amniotic fluid, and then pushing it back. Thus, the baby is preparing to breathe air. During this period, the adipose tissue of the baby is deposited enough, making preterm birth safer. According to statistics, the survival rate of children born at 30 weeks is close to 100%.

In the ultrasound photo at the 30th week of pregnancy, you can see that the baby's eyes are completely open, the head has noticeably increased, reaching sixty percent of the size of an adult's head. A photo of a child will still capture his red and wrinkled skin.

Mom at 30 weeks pregnant: physiological changes and sensations

Sleep in a comfortable position

Since by eight months the baby has grown enough and gained weight, the expectant mother states significant changes in her physical condition. And, perhaps, the first thing is that the belly at 30 weeks of pregnancy is distinguished by its impressive size, affecting the health and gait of the future woman in labor.

From the photo of the bellies to different terms you can see how they change appearance and size. Due to the fact that the abdominal muscles during this period are stretched like a string, obstetricians are advised to avoid sudden movements. So, getting out of bed, first of all, you should roll over on your side and then rise. Stretch marks are not excluded. To eliminate this, by no means an aesthetic defect, it is necessary to use creams and gels for special purposes. The ideal option will be the use of citrus, almond or olive oil which perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the abdomen, giving it elasticity.

If we talk about the physiology of changes, then during this period the uterus rises above the navel by 10 cm. The expectant mother recovers on average by 500 g, and her total weight since pregnancy is added by 8-10 kg. At this time, it is necessary to pay special attention to your health, not forgetting that the health of the mother is the key to the health of the baby. As a result of the pressure of the diaphragm on the heart, shortness of breath may occur in a woman. To avoid its manifestation, it is important to monitor your posture, keep your back straight and not strain.

From time to time, so-called “false” contractions can appear - slight contractions of the abdominal muscles. This is quite normal. But with an increase in their intensity, you should urgently call a doctor. Significant enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on internal organs women in labor can cause constipation and frequent urination.

In 85% of the fairer sex, the position on the back during sleep or daytime rest causes inferior vena cava syndrome, which causes tinnitus and a headache. Not infrequently, this can lead to loss of consciousness. With a mild manifestation of the disease, the future woman in labor may not notice discomfort in her feelings. However, it affects the child, causing his heart to beat almost twice as often. Experts strongly recommend choosing the safest position for relaxing while sitting with a chair back tilt of 45 degrees. It is better to sleep on your side, holding a small pillow between your legs.

And again analyzes

On ultrasound, you can see the condition of the fetus

Analyzes at the 30th week of pregnancy are carried out to exclude deviations in the development of the fetus and in order to warn against various kinds of diseases. From the eighth month, a visit to the doctor should be done once every fourteen days. Among the tests are: a study on HIV, Rh factor, bacterioscopy. It is also necessary to take regular tests: blood and urine tests, which will make it possible to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. Each time, the doctor measures the pressure, the size of the abdomen, weighs, listens to the baby's heartbeat and determines its position.

In the period from 30 to 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is just right to do another ultrasound. Ultrasound examination will help determine the rate of fetal development and the condition of the placenta. At this time, an ultrasound examination will be able to detect heart disease or intestinal obstruction in a baby.

Something new: wiggling at 30 weeks pregnant

The child is sick and actively kicks

Most babies in the eighth month take his position upside down and do not change it until the very birth. During this period, the expectant mother especially clearly feels the movement of the baby. His character has changed significantly, sometimes causing pain. This is due to the fact that the child can touch the liver or uterus with its legs, which provokes a sharp pain.

You should continue to count the movements of the baby, which should be at least 10 in 12 hours. There is an opinion that excessive activity of the child is a sign of hypoxia. It's a delusion. It is much more dangerous if the fetus moves less than 10 times a day. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. In case of poor movement, specialists use a non-stress test and fetal cardiography, as a result of which an ultrasonic sensor is fixed on the woman’s stomach and the baby’s heartbeat is recorded on paper tape. The study of the resulting curve makes it possible to assess the condition of the fetus.

We monitor health: discharge at 30 weeks of gestation

Be careful with secretions

The thirtieth week of pregnancy requires responsibility and painstaking tracking of changes in the body of the woman in labor. This period may be characterized by an increased rate of vaginal discharge. In order not to suffer in guesswork, you should know that they should be slightly milky in color and have a uniform consistency without clots, curdiness or pus. The smell of discharge may resemble slightly sour milk.

Clots of mucus indicate the presence of an infectious disease, which leads to the premature release of fetal fluid. Having penetrated inside the uterus, pathogenic bacteria can infect the child and lead to polyhydramnios. In 20-60%, it becomes the cause of surgical intervention during childbirth.

Polyhydramnios at the 30th week of pregnancy often develops with an Rhesus conflict and increases as the Rh factor of the child increases in the mother's blood. It is during this period that it is necessary to monitor the size of your abdomen and, if it increases sharply, consult a doctor. As a rule, polyhydramnios is determined by a feeling of fatigue, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, swelling, the appearance of a large number of stretch marks, an increase in the abdomen and bleeding.

The bloody nature of the discharge from the vagina can be fraught with consequences for both the mother and the child. Therefore, noticing, even a small amount of blood smears and pain in the lower abdomen, it is worth calling an ambulance. Minor bleeding may indicate placenta previa and placental exfoliation. A small yellowish discharge may be amniotic fluid, the premature release of which is accompanied by contractions. Asymptomatic effusion is also possible, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the amniotic membranes.

Intimate details of 30 weeks of pregnancy

Sexual relations only with the permission of the doctor

Often young couples ask themselves an intimate question while "waiting for the stork." Sex at the 30th week of pregnancy takes place if there are no restrictions from the doctor. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, doing it gently and slowly.

It is important to know that during this period a woman feels a decline in her sexual needs. But, if she feels desired and the spouse is not embarrassed by such an “interesting” position, why not.

Delivery at 30 weeks pregnant

30 obstetric week pregnancy can be the final for the expectant mother. And although nature has established that it is still too early to be born, there is nothing terrible and unusual in premature birth.

During this period, the child is already fully adapted to independent survival: all organs important for life work, the kidneys and intestines function, the child knows how to breathe on his own.

With proper medical equipment and professional approach life of a baby born at 30 weeks is not in danger.

Today, expectant mothers are dedicated to a lot of video material, which describes each week of pregnancy and its features. In Internet videos you can find a lot of interesting and useful information. At the same time, it is important to understand that the slightest deviation during pregnancy can be fatal for a small child. Therefore, do not neglect the visit to the doctor and follow his recommendations. From the 30th week of pregnancy, you should always carry medical card She may be needed at any moment. After all, the “gift in cabbage” is almost “ripe”!

The child is actively moving in the stomach - is it good or bad? Should this be considered a feature of the baby's temperament or a sign of some kind of pathology? Let's discuss.

Pregnancy is the most exciting time in any woman's life. But along with pleasant emotions, many fears and questions often arise. Expectant mothers are concerned about how the baby feels in the womb, and too active turns and pushes can be a cause for great concern.

How actively should the baby move at different stages of pregnancy? On average, a woman begins to feel the movements of the fetus, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, the movements become stronger, and by the end of pregnancy, the baby's activity decreases.

You can name the following reasons why the child is actively moving in the mother's tummy.

1. Reaction to external factors. With active movements, the baby can show his dissatisfaction with his mother's posture, loud noises and music, a bright light directed at the stomach. Try to change the position of the body, dim too bright lights or turn down the music, and the baby will calm down.

2. Mom's mood. Your baby's restless movements may be a reaction to your anxiety, worry, or fear. Try to be less nervous so that the baby does not worry with you.

3. A certain period of pregnancy. From 24 to 32 weeks, the child's activity is periodic. This is due to its rapid growth, development and desire to learn the world, which is limited so far by the walls of the uterus.

4. Daily routine. Sometimes the baby pushes hard in the mother's stomach. After all, he lives according to his own particular regime. Active shocks are noted during wakefulness, and a lull during sleep, which lasts about 3 hours in a row.

5. Hiccups. Sometimes the frequent movements of the baby can be confused with hiccups, which occurs during pregnancy due to swallowing by the baby. amniotic fluid. Hiccups are an absolutely normal, periodically occurring phenomenon. It should not be a cause for concern about the health of the crumbs.
After 24 weeks of pregnancy, the norm is 10-15 movements per hour (excluding sleep time).

Sometimes it pays to be extra vigilant. For example, if the nature of the child's movements has changed, they have become stronger and more intense, the baby is actively moving without a break for sleep. This may be a sign of a lack of oxygen, that is, hypoxia. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe cardiotocography (a method for calculating the heart rate and fetal movements per hour) or dopplerography, which is performed using a special ultrasound machine. Upon receipt of indirect evidence of fetal hypoxia, the doctor will most likely advise hospitalization and prescribe treatment to improve the condition and health of the crumbs. But it is more dangerous if the child does not actively move, this almost always indicates oxygen deficiency and intrauterine growth retardation.

Before contractions, the baby usually calms down inside, the movements become rare and less intense. Therefore, they say that childbirth is approaching if the child stops moving a lot. When at 40 weeks the baby is actively moving, this is rather an exception to the rule, since there is very little space in the uterus for the baby. The kid will rather roll over, straighten his legs and arms, but, for example, he will not be able to roll over.

Active fetal movement before childbirth can sometimes indicate oxygen starvation, some kind of discomfort. Try to walk on fresh air and then listen to the behavior of the crumbs. If active movements have not stopped, then it would be advisable to visit a doctor just in case, since hypoxia is dangerous at any time.

During the normal course of pregnancy, the movements of the baby at 30 weeks are no longer as noticeable as at more early dates. All this is due to the fact that at this time the fetus is already quite large and the baby is already getting crowded. Mom, of course, will feel stirring, but there will be no more pushes and “kicks”.

Fetal movements at 30 weeks are very smooth

When the fetus moves at 30 weeks, the mother can already feel not only the handle or the leg, but also the fingers (but this is of course not in all cases). For clarity, we can make a small comparative characteristic. So: most mothers feel the first movements at 12 weeks, at 15-16 weeks they are already clearly felt, from 17 to 25 mothers it seems that babies are playing football in the tummy. 30 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements are not so pronounced. After 30 and before the birth of the baby, the movements are very slight, constrained.

If everything happens according to these periods, then the pregnancy is proceeding correctly. 30 weeks, movements, when they are already almost imperceptible, when the woman has already gone on maternity leave (doctors recommend that it is at this time that you finish your labor activity) mothers can already afford to pay maximum attention to their pregnancy. At this time, the child has already formed limbs, the mother can clearly feel where the baby has arms, legs or head. The fingers and toes are also formed.

The child during this period of his life clearly feels the light and reacts to it, which is why the correct daily routine for the mother is very important. When the time of day is dark, the child will fall asleep easier in the womb than in the light. During this period, children's hearing is especially formed, so it's time to teach the child to the beautiful. You can start reading children's fairy tales aloud, the child will hear.

In order for at least partial understanding to occur, it is necessary to read with expression and it is desirable to change voices (for example, a bunny speaks in a more pleasant thin voice, and a gray wolf in a rougher, louder voice), it is better to read slowly observing punctuation marks. Also, during the formation of hearing, you can listen classical music, but something light with a predominance of one instrument is desirable, Chopin is perfect, it is recommended to listen to multi-instrumental works (when growing up, the child will quickly begin to distinguish the violin from the cello), but not heavy, not minor.

As for charging, it must be done regularly, since for a period of thirty weeks the woman's mobility is already very limited, it is imperative to knead all muscle groups.

Nothing new needs to be added during this period, it is enough just to follow the old scheme, if something becomes difficult, then it is recommended to reduce the number of approaches to the exercise or the number of times. It is worth carefully monitoring the diet during this period.

If at the very beginning of pregnancy, doctors focused on eating meat and poultry, as the skeletal system is being formed, then in the third trimester, along with meat and poultry, you need to increase the amount of fruit and fiber in the diet. The brain and bone marrow are formed and actively develop in the child, and to improve the functioning of the brain, both adults and children are recommended to eat dates, peanuts, walnuts and cashew. Also, do not forget about fermented milk products, yogurt, cereals, cottage cheese. Even if a woman does not like these foods, it is necessary to eat them at least a few times a week.

A woman in this period of pregnancy feels much better than in the first trimester, when the main surprises were toxicosis and a great desire to eat either cucumbers or ice cream or fish. In the last trimester, a woman enjoys pregnancy more than ever, because at this time nothing but the joy of motherhood should worry her. At this time, the woman begins to prepare for childbirth and the first months of motherhood. Worth a stroll through the shops and look at goods for children.

Recently, there are a lot of such stores, even if they have not caught my eye before. There are huge stores, such as "Children's World" in such stores you can find everything from bonnets, diapers, vests, and everything that a child may need at the beginning of his life. There you can also look at beautiful cradles or cradles, playpens for a child - as practice shows, this is very necessary thing, even if at first it was not planned to purchase it.

Also during this period, many experts recommend that young mothers go to special courses, not those that are required to attend, but paid ones - they are very inexpensive, and women will be told a lot of useful things about raising a baby, about proper feeding, how to properly put to sleep so that the child fell asleep faster. How to develop the personality of a child even before his birth (just from the period of thirty weeks, from the very beginning of the third trimester). Also, such courses will help to prepare psychologically for the birth itself - this will be very useful for young nulliparous women.

As mentioned above, the child's brain is actively developing at this time, so it is extremely important to avoid stress during this period of the baby's life. The slightest stress of the mother can negatively affect the mental health of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary during this period to live in maximum comfort and harmony with oneself.

Not recommended physical exercise on this period. Of course, in principle, during pregnancy, you should not pull weights, but as for weeks 3-5, as well as 29-33, you need to be extremely careful. Attentive attitude to pregnancy is a guarantee of the birth of a healthy baby.