Fragile femininity. Work on yourself: how to be affectionate and gentle. Use the right words

Being a feminine girl is a real art. First of all, you need to have incredible inner strength so that a person pays attention and says: “Oh, how beautiful this girl is, everything is perfect in her!”. The word “femininity” combines everything in harmony: correct speech, the ability to present oneself, behavior in public, and self-care. Such a woman will always be stared at, and other girls will constantly begin to take an example. No one is forcing you to become feminine right now, but you have a chance to understand what it is and how to turn from an ordinary girl into an ideal lady.

External beauty through the eyes of men

It's no secret that any man first looks at a woman, and only then delves into her inner world. No matter what anyone says, guys will always love with their eyes. First of all, a man will definitely look at the figure and forms, and only then - at thoughts and behavior. Young people gain impressions by looking at the lady, and then they either have a desire to continue the conversation or meetings, or disappear. So, this is a list of what it means for men that very necessary femininity that everyone should have.

  1. Hair. The stereotype that most men prefer long, beautifully styled hair is true. Approximately 70% love it when a girl knows how to take care of her head, and this is already an indicator of neatness. Short haircuts is also in fashion, but for some reason it so happened that many guys “peck” at those who have very beautiful long hair.
  2. Figure. By the way, this does not mean ideal figure with parameters 90-60-90. It's just that men love those who take care of their bodies, exercise regularly, and try hard. Agree, the girl who adheres to all this does not look her age, but much younger. Likewise, the desire to overcome excess weight- already a guarantee of success and incredible femininity.
  3. Cloth. According to the men, women's wardrobe should include not only trousers, jeans and T-shirts, but also dresses, high heels and formal blouses. This does not mean that you need to follow all fashion trends. But to keep the style and try to look airy, easy and cute is the main thing that any girl should strive for. For example, guys do not like brutality, which consists of chains, disharmonious look and permanent sneakers.
  4. Makeup. A feminine lady in the eyes of men is one who knows how to apply beautiful make-up. Moreover, this is not “war paint”, as many used to call it, but the correct use of cosmetics, suitable for hair color and eyes. Vulgar eyeliner, too thick eyeliner, clumpy mascara, blush exaggeration, bright lipstick- all this is not what men like. They prefer soft, delicate and barely noticeable shades in makeup - cute and tasteful.

Inner beauty through the eyes of men

Despite the fact that appearance is the first thing that men pay attention to, when they get to know the girl better, the guys begin to delve into the inner qualities. So, here are the most important things through the eyes of many men.

  1. Calm. Approximately 60% of 100 believe that every girl should be relaxed, not tense, calm and smiling. Imagine a beautiful fluffy cat lying on the sofa, purring and touching everyone. Well, isn't it lovely? True, this cat always knows when to lash out if she doesn't like something. Therefore, hidden rapacity should still be inherent in women.
  2. The ability to trust. Men do not like it when girls begin to command, raise their voice, drill their eyes and pronounce a ton of words, just to put a person in his place. The most important thing is to trust, that's what men think. That girl who knows how to restrain herself, understand her soul mate and solve problems peacefully will always be happy, and there is a lot of femininity in such a lady.
  3. Motherhood. One of the most important points that young people note about themselves. If a girl wants a child, is ready for a baby, thinks soberly or is already raising children, then she can be considered 100% feminine, since being a mother is a very big job. In other words, this is a feminine destiny. No man can feel the way a mother's heart is ready to feel her child.

Femininity ranking ascending

  • softness in character;
  • trust in the male sex and respect for him;
  • lack of constant conflicts and "brain removal";
  • affectionate character;
  • sincere love for the baby, the desire to have children;
  • good slender figure;
  • long well-groomed hair, not painted;
  • cleanliness;
  • constant self-development;
  • the absence of any bad habits.

Steps to become feminine

And now, let's look from a female point of view, namely, we will understand the main stages that are necessary for you to be the most perfect girl for your man.

  1. Feminine girls will always take care of their appearance and hygiene. Try to take a shower every day, use delicious shower gels, shampoos and soaps, preferably scented ones, when washing. The aroma from the body is still felt when a person is standing next to you.
  2. Use of creams and lotions. Soft to the touch skin is an important feminine component of every girl. Lubricate your skin as often as possible nourishing cream and moisturizing lotion. Then, and acne will quickly go away, and there will be no irritation. Use only those creams that are ideal for your skin, use them early in the morning and before bed. The face and hands will be constantly soft, pleasant to the touch, fragrant and young.
  3. Nail care. No matter what anyone says, fingernails and toenails should always be well-groomed. No one says that every week you need to varnish them and pay big money for manicures and pedicures, but at least once a month you need to monitor your appearance. And in general, everyone pays attention to the hands - beautiful and well-groomed fingers will be immediately noticeable.
  4. Hair Styling. One of the most important rules for feminine girls is to style your hair daily so that your head is always in order. You may wash your hair every day, but it's worth it to look perfect. It all also depends on what kind of haircut you have: for example, hair can be long, but using a curling iron, you can make chic curls in a matter of minutes. In head care, femininity plays an important role.
  5. The use of perfume. Believe me, a girl who is feminine will always enjoy delicious perfume. It is best to start with pleasant fruity aromas or light floral notes. Also, it is necessary to learn how to properly apply the fragrance so that it does not bother passers-by and is pleasant to them at the same time. Delicious-smelling girls are femininity itself.
  6. Freshness of breath. If you really take care of yourself, then completely. Feminine girls will always make sure that the breath is fresh, and oral hygiene is carried out every day. Today you can find a huge number of pastes for individual dental care, special mouthwashes and much more. Be sure to watch your breath and cleanliness - this is extremely important in order to become a feminine lady.
  7. light makeup. Femininity does not imply the application of bright and vulgar cosmetics. Today, naturalness is worth its weight in gold, so it is best if there is a minimum of makeup on the face. If you still really want your eyes and lips to somehow stand out, then make a light daytime make-up so that it does not catch your eye, but looks very cute, modest and tasteful. Femininity is fraught with many secrets, one of which is the ability to properly paint and select those shades that really suit.
  8. Ironed clothes. Sloppiness and bruising are not stages of femininity. A girl who carefully looks after herself will try to look not only beautiful all the time, but also wash things every 2-3 days, iron them and not allow herself to appear in public in dirty linen. In fact, cleanliness is inherent in every girl since childhood, because our mothers teach us to do this. True, someone completely goes headlong into the world of cleanliness and order, but someone does not care. So think about who is more feminine.
  9. Women's clothing. Seeing a girl in sneakers, pants that are two sizes too big, and a T-shirt with huge sleeves, one can hardly say that she is feminine. More likely, this is bad taste than a beautiful neat appearance. Real woman will not allow himself to dress in this way - and even more so, will not buy caps, short shorts or tomboy sports shoes. The best that can be is dress pants, pretty shoes, delicate dresses, jumpsuits, sweatshirts and so on. No one says that you need to immediately run to the store to buy all this. Just watch your appearance and try to dress as little as possible in sport style, neglecting the classical
  10. Soft colors. You need to monitor not only your appearance, but also tastefully decorate the apartment in which you live. So, the tones should not be flashy, light, soft and pleasing to the eye. The same applies to selected furniture. Remember that your personal space is your cozy nest, which can tell a lot about you. Many choose pastel shades and light airy tones.
  11. Organization. Feminine girls are very careful in business, everything is always organized with them. In other words, it is impossible to find scattered things around the apartment. Everything is on the shelves, like the real p. To put all your feminine things, there are many boxes and other containers for this. At the same time, you can remove the mess and create the perfect girly interior, and admire the cleanliness around you. Femininity is a neatness that is present in almost everything.
  12. Gait. Incidentally, walking gracefully is an important part if you've always dreamed of being feminine. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, chin up. Take neat little steps so that everyone can see - this woman is simply irresistible. Also, when you sit down, never slouch, but, on the contrary, keep your posture as even as possible. Never cross your legs and arms, be an open person, do not hesitate to communicate. You don’t need to wag your sexual “fifth point” while walking, walk as usual, without overacting.
  13. Romance. Well, what womanly girl can refuse romantic evening? By the way, the girl will see romance everywhere and always. It all starts with cute books about love and ends with amazing dates that blow your mind. They say that romantic natures are the most feminine ladies in the world, very soft in character and easy to communicate with.
  14. Etiquette. It is impossible to do without conversational rules, because the correct manner of communication is an important part of femininity and culture. For example, in no case should you eat with your mouth open, laugh during a meal, or bite off too much. A woman should seem "tiny" even in this moment, showing that she is incredibly feminine, knows how to behave correctly and knows what etiquette is.
  15. Aesthetics. The development of the right bites instills discipline in the girl. For example, going to the theater, museums, cinema - all this is the aesthetics of behavior. You always need to develop yourself as much as possible. That is why, the female taste should be limitless, namely, you should be interested in everything related to art, beauty and aesthetics. As they say, this is where the interest in the beautiful and elegant is born. Femininity comes slowly when you really understand that the information you receive is very important and necessary for later life.
  16. Inaccessibility. All men think that a girl is very easy to get. The stereotype has reached the point that one or two and the woman is already in the hands of anyone who wishes. young man. But this is far from being the case. If you are an inaccessible lady, able to say “no”, even if you really want to, protect your honor, then you will be idolized and called the most feminine in the world. Men should look at you and “lick their lips”.

Many psychologists work with girls, helping them to become real WOMEN. There are a lot of situations from life: someone has stopped believing that it is possible to be feminine at all, others, on the contrary, do not quite understand what all this is for. Here is what psychologists say about this:

  • , first of all, in yourself, believe in your strength;
  • no matter what, respect the people around you, even if they somehow offended you;
  • quarrel with men as little as possible, smooth out all conflicts so that they go to “no”;
  • find new acquaintances and start getting along with strangers;
  • behave decently, analyze your own behavior, watch your speech;
  • always be on the lookout for a new hobby that would be very interesting;
  • change yourself, develop as much as possible, do not be afraid of new changes, work on yourself;
  • be, don’t think about bad moments at all, build your goal;
  • be as satisfied as possible that life is the best that can be.

One of the most best advice psychologist is the ability to sincerely smile. Femininity is coquetry, cuteness, charisma, openness. Having settled a real smile in your character, you can become an absolutely feminine girl, which other men will not only look at, but also very gallant gentlemen will look after. Also, you must always accept yourself for who you are: no matter what flaws you have. In any case, negative points can always be changed if you try hard.

Being feminine is very simple, you just need to want it with all your might. Stop constantly seeing only flaws in yourself, be yourself, believe in yourself and always believe in yourself, no matter what. Only in this case, femininity will surely become the main companion in life.

The question is how to become desired and feminine, occurs, as a rule, in girls who feel the need to be weaker than their chosen one. Psychology such a desire is to allow your partner to feel their strength, and sometimes awkwardness. On the background graceful a girl who looks like a defenseless, fragile and delicate pearl that needs to be protected, men feel like her protectors, care for her, protect and cherish.

How to become feminine in character - what is femininity

If we are talking about how to be feminine, then the first thing you need to understand is what this femininity is, what is its psychology and how it happens development? In our understanding, femininity is the external result of the fullness of women with those natural principles that have been present in them since birth. In other words, femininity is the original feminine nature.

Outwardly it is inherent in any woman the property is manifested in gait, in gestures, in voice, in behavior, in style of clothing, in tastes, feelings, etc. Inside, femininity leaves imprints on personal and life values, worldview, personal and life goals, etc. Men are always attracted to feminine woman. If we consider femininity and masculinity, then the first is a kind of “yin”, and the second is “yang”, i.e. opposition-unity of two fundamental aspects of the Universe.

But to be elegant And desired, a woman of one feminine principle and freedom is not enough. Here, her pure soul is also needed so that the manifestation of this beginning is harmonious and adequate. And if the female soul is pure, i.e. “not polluted” by an ignorant worldview, false values, goals unnatural to female nature, critical misconceptions about not only oneself, but other people, life and the world as a whole, coarse emotions, all kinds of distortions, etc. ... And if the feminine natural principle in a woman blossoms, filling her with her magic and is freely present in her ... And if a girl is openly, freely, harmoniously, sincerely and adequately able to express herself as a woman ... Then the totality of all these aspects makes a girl really feminine woman(with a capital letter)

It is not necessary to be an indescribable beauty in order to have all the charming qualities of femininity. May be woman with an ordinary appearance, like millions of others, or even have an imperfect figure and ugly facial features, but at the same time be feminine in the soul and thereby desired for true connoisseurs female beauty. It should be noted that very many owners of beautiful faces and figures, due to the rudeness of their manners and completely unfeminine behavior, cannot make a proper impression on men, and are very unhappy in relations. If you will be graceful, elegant , gentle, cheerful and gentle, and also develop V yourself other similar qualities, then no man will look for the presence of features of classical beauty in you. Regardless of your external data for a man, you will become a model of femininity, and this is much more important than ordinary external beauty.

If a woman is so unprepossessing that this fact is simply impossible to ignore, then all the same, the development of all of the above qualities will make a man see her as a special attraction. Perhaps he will not consider her a beauty, but will appreciate her charm, insight, liveliness, gaiety, pleasantness and sophistication, in general, everything that strongly attracts any man in a woman. As a rule, such women are especially charming and able to become desired for sane men, for whom, without femininity, no beauty makes sense. Since they know that it is precisely from such women that excellent life partners often turn out, next to which any beauties look unattractively gray.

Most likely, everything is in order with your femininity, because any woman is absolutely ideal to the extent that nature has given her. But, if you are still looking for an answer to the question: How to be feminine ?”, so you don’t feel it in yourself fully. Psychology here is such that, most likely, you lack a sense of inner harmony and love for yourself, which are the "fillers" of female charm. Disclosure these abilities in yourself it is not an easy task, because it is necessary develop first of all, love yourself and learn to appreciate yourself exactly the way you are, and after that try to be feminine in relations with your partner and those around you.

Today, in order to learn how to be feminine, you can pass education in special centers, see video lessons on the Internet, etc. and so on. But again, remember that develop this property is not as simple as one would like. For our part, we would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with some tips that will help you. open And bring up in itself is a property of the feminine character.

How to become feminine in character - be a pleasant and cheerful person

Generally feminine girls more cheerful than the rest. They have many hobbies, interests and friends. Such girls are always happy when there is an opportunity to tell something interesting or to laugh. Therefore, it is necessary to develop yourself cheerfulness, as well as being able to have fun and laugh, but not only at others, but also at oneself. Bad attitude towards other people and selfishness will not help you become a real lady.

If you want to become even more feminine, then try to smile as often as possible, and not be sullen. Don't be embarrassed to smile in the store, on the street, and elsewhere, but do it appropriately and elegantly. You will immediately notice that people will begin to distinguish you from the gray surrounding crowd. You will definitely get a mutual response and be able to feel these mesmerizing vibes.

also in relations need to be more attentive not only to those with whom you often communicate or be friends, but also to everyone else. Remember that everyone deserves a chance, so don't make exceptions. If we summarize all of the above, then feminine girls are modest, sweet, pleasant in communication and they practically do not have a bad mood, in extreme cases, they do not show it to others and do not convey negativity.

How to become feminine in character - learn to speak well and correctly

As you understand, rude speech and swearing is not at all feminine and not attractive. Therefore, if you want to become feminine, and “strong” words are found in your vocabulary, then they should be in yourself eradicate. To begin with, try to replace the swear words you use with other less offensive words. Soon you will completely get rid of them.

Also try to eliminate from your speech such words as "idiot", "fool" and the like. Although such words are not abusive, they can still offend a person and cross out your image of a sweet and feminine girl. Development correct speech is a kind of art. But if her develop, then a correctly delivered speech will give you the opportunity to impress others as an educated and intelligent person.

Try to speak in an even voice - not too loud, but not too low. Of course, you should speak in such a way that your opinion is heard, but not necessarily at a distance of 5 kilometers. There is also no need for everyone to listen and lean in to hear what is being said.

Read books, magazines and newspapers to improve your vocabulary. You can also watch interesting video, and then retell it to friends, trying to use the words of the main characters. Reading romance novels that were written by women, such as Charlotte Bronte or Jane Austen, helps many people to replenish their vocabulary. There are many options - choose the most suitable for you.

How to become feminine in character - be noble

Nobility or a refined nature is one of the main signs of femininity and suggests that you are well-mannered. Psychology here it is simple - a noble woman is not just feminine, she is courteous, tactful, attentive to others, diplomatic and understands what others feel. In addition, such women are highly moral, have generosity and good taste. Refined noble women will never allow rudeness and will not offend. They are always polite and will not make a thoughtless remark.

If you want to be feminine and always desired , needs to be developed in yourself feeling of nobility and sophistication. To do this, never interrupt anyone, do not transfer the conversation to yourself, trying to set the tone for the discussion, and do not start discussing topics that may not please those present or embarrass them.

A feminine noble and charming woman will never speak of others with disdain and express her point of view sharply and harshly, even if she is 100% sure that she is right. If you notice that the issue you raised puts the person in an awkward position, then try to be courteous and get away from discussing this topic as soon as possible.

The question is how to become a feminine girl , desired for your lover can be considered indefinitely. We want to advise you the most important thing - if you think you are not feminine enough, then throw such thoughts out of your head and start thinking in a new way. Set yourself up for peace, nobility and joy. Fill your life with holidays and you will see how your femininity will begin to bloom like a beautiful flower bud!

Be healthy!

Compare two girls: a girl in a baggy T-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers and a girl in a light dress, in cute ballet flats or shoes and with beautiful curls. Which one do you think guys and young men will pay attention to? Of course, for the second. About the first they will think: “Is it even a boy or a girl? She needs to be more feminine!” But femininity is not only in clothes. Feminine girls feel more confident and comfortable. But how can this be achieved?

1. Take care of your skin.
Wash your face after every walk, use lotion every day, and use only the bare minimum of makeup. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week to help your skin's natural cycle of producing new cells.

2. Choose elegant makeup.
Lip gloss and mascara are suitable for every day (apply them carefully, no one will like lumps of mascara on the eyelashes). You can also emphasize the cheekbones with blush, apply some shadows in a pleasant color: for example, pink or beige. Too much makeup has never done anyone, it looks artificial. And as you know, the best beauty is natural.

3. Stay hygienic.
Shower regularly, brush your hair at all times, and cover your nails in a natural shade of pale pink or sheer glitter. Brush your teeth twice a day! If you use perfume, apply it in moderation.

4. Take care of your nails.
Keep your nails in order, uneven nails look unattractive. If you're just starting out as a feminine girl, don't use dark nail polishes, go for "girly" colors like pink, pale lilac, beige. Buy a moisturizing hand cream, it will improve your nails and make your hands softer.

5. Watch your hair.
Try to give up electronic hair styling devices such as hair dryers, curling irons, irons. Let your hair dry itself. After they are dry, comb them with a wooden comb, it does not harm the hair.

6. Take care of yourself.
Eat right and exercise. If everything is in order with your health, then everything is fine with your figure! But if you still think that you weigh too much, contact a nutritionist, he will tell you the diet that suits you. After all, you won't be feminine if you don't have confidence in your appearance.

7. Keep your teeth white.
Brush your teeth twice a day and occasionally have them whitened at the dentist and you'll be fine! Also, if you have uneven teeth, do not be afraid of braces, think about that beautiful smile that will be after they are removed. :)

8. Get enough sleep.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Every girl needs to rest, healthy sleep will set the pace for a good day.

9. Have a sense of style.
It is very important to be in fashion. Read on websites, in magazines, what is better to combine with what. Try to combine clothes from your wardrobe. At first, you may not be very good at it. But, as they say, “the first pancake is lumpy”, so try and you will succeed! Find your style, because it's better to be different than the rest. When buying clothes, do not forget about basic wardrobe every girl.

10. Wardrobe.
Pink is a typical color for girls, but don't be intimidated by black and blue, they can look cute too.
In your wardrobe you should have:
- one black or dark skirt for school;
- any other walking skirt of your choice;
- shorts for walking to your taste;
- a few plain t-shirts in pastel colors. they are good to combine with shorts and jeans;
- two pairs of dark skinny jeans;
- cute sweater for cold weather;
- a pair of light blouses for school;
- at least three pairs of shoes: sports shoes, for school and for walking;
- two dresses for serious holidays;
- one light dress for summer.

11. Good stores for buying cute clothes.
- Forever 21
- H&M
- Zara
- New Yorker
- Stradivarius
- mango
- Zolla

12. Be graceful.
Straighten your back and raise your head. Always make sure you walk with your head up, that your shoulders are squared, and your back is straight.

13. Be a bright, cheerful and happy person.
Don't laugh all the time, it irritates people. On the contrary, make others laugh and don't take yourself too seriously.
Be nice and generous, with narcissism you will not come close to feminine behavior. Always smile and be nice to everyone. And most importantly - keep yourself in control, do not act rashly.

14. Don't let others play tricks on you.
If someone is trying to be funny, let them know that, for example, your generosity is not weakness at all, but respect for others. Do not swear, but be nice and restrained even in an argument.

15. Be romantic.
Read novels and be interested in poetry, listen to love songs.

16. Stop swearing.
Cursing and a loud voice are not feminine. It can be hard to unlearn, but swearing is the worst thing a girl can say. Learn to speak correctly, it's an art. Find a good “loudness” so that people can hear you well without having to listen or cover their ears from screaming.

17. Don't stuff your mouth with food.
Chew food thoroughly, do not make unnecessary sounds and swallow it. Do not bite off huge pieces - take smaller ones. When you sit at the dinner table, don't rest your elbows on the table, don't slouch, slurp, and never speak with your mouth full. If those who are sitting with you at the table have said something to you and are waiting for a response, let them know that you have not chewed your food yet.

18. Hang out with other girls.
Girls love shopping malls and long conversations. Get together with your friends and go shopping, sleepover or go to the movies. If you do not have girlfriends or they are busy with business, call your mother, she will be glad for your attention.

19. Keep a diary.
Write down what motivates you throughout the day and everything that interests you.

20. Be organized.
If you are not organized, then it causes stress and a little panic, besides, it is not feminine. Make sure you have things in order. Check all your cabinets, shelves and drawers, everything should be in perfect order, maintain it.

21. Concentrate on your studies.
It is important to do well in school. Try to study well in every subject and do all your homework. Do not talk during the lesson and do not exchange notes. It will be embarrassing if you are noticed. Participate in class discussions, answer in class. Participate in school activities. Read additional literature on new topics at school. Help those who ask you for help.

22. Read or watch the news.
Subscribe to publics or blogs that interest you. Watch the news on TV regularly. What is happening in the world and in your city is very important. If you are not interested, take a look in order to keep the conversation going. You will look a little silly if you don't know the latest developments.

23. Go in for sports.
Choose a section that interests you: swimming, figure skating or something else.
Sports will improve your posture, figure and health.

Other Tips:

A true girl knows how important a handbag is. Your handbag should contain the following: chewing gum, a phone, a nail file, handkerchiefs, makeup items (mainly mascara and lip balm), a comb, pens, a notebook, and a small mirror.
- Always have lip gloss (lip balm) and a small concealer pencil with you at school. You never know when a pimple might pop up.
- Befriend a lot of people, don't exclude anyone, and don't act like you're better than anyone. Being a feminine girl also means being kind to everyone, even if they are sometimes rude.
- Express yourself and show your sincere feelings. Don't try to be someone you are not. Nobody likes "actors".
- When you are at school, always keep things on your desk in order.
- Don't get yourself into trouble. Try not to break important rules and always think about the consequences of your actions. You never know - it might save you from being unladylike.
- Don't fart or burp, don't rub your nose in front of others. This is not feminine at all, and so people will only turn away from you. Always remember about good manners wherever you are!
- If you have some talent, such as drawing, dancing, singing or playing any musical instrument, then do not hide it, use it. Let people see how good you are at something when you share your creativity or play a musical instrument. If you are good at acting, then look for a theater group for yourself.
- Don't be shy. Being a feminine girl means that you have your own personality. Don't be afraid to show yourself a little.
- A girl should not have hairy legs and armpits.
- When you write messages, e-mails or talk to someone on the Internet or anywhere else where you need to type, then remember that you must have the correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. You don't want to appear uneducated, and text without grammar rules looks very offensive.
- Respect your parents.
- Always remain calm around young people, never be afraid to talk to them. This will make you seem more experienced, and they will start to respect you. Don't flirt to get what you want - it's not fair.
- Be smart. A feminine girl should be a good conversationalist. Therefore, it is important to learn what is interesting for you and what will be useful to you in life. Read books and enrich your vocabulary. People will appreciate it because you are smart and confident.
- Always be yourself.

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Tell me, please, please, what is there to make the chest grow or become at least a little larger? T also, what to do if the legs are crooked? Maybe some exercise? Help. you are my last hope, love you: 3

Start over. The growth of the mammary glands ends at about 15 - 16 years, but for some, the breast can increase up to 24 years, though not significantly. Without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons, it is impossible to enlarge the breasts, unfortunately. You can slightly lift the chest with the help of special exercises. A post about crooked legs is already on the blog.

What is Ari's height and weight? and its volume?

Nothing is known, growth is about 1.60.

My hair quickly gets oily, literally on the second day after washing (help: 3 Thank you very much for your posts, they are great!

There's only one way to deal with this problem, but I don't think you'll like it. My head is not every day, but every other day, so the hair will gradually get used to it and will not be greasy the next day.

A diary can be a chronicle of your daily life, a summary of your most personal thoughts, or simply serve as a cheat sheet - a memo in order to remember what needs to be done and when. There are no definite rules for keeping a diary, and it all depends on your passions and preferences, but there are general recommendations for those who decide to start keeping their own diary, which are given below.

And sometimes a person sits down for a personal diary simply because he wants to. Without any specific purpose. And this is also quite normal, because in general we are now talking about deeply personal activities.

- Choice of tools:

The next step to start keeping a personal diary is the choice of tools. Now in stores there is simply a limitless selection of different notebooks, notepads and other stationery. What exactly to choose is a matter of taste for each person. It is more convenient for someone to take a large A4 notebook, while someone prefers to hide their secrets in a miniature notebook that easily fits in the palm of your hand. In any case, you are free to arrange your personal diary according to your own preferences.

- When to write:

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no concrete answer, and it cannot be. Write when your heart desires. Many people prefer to give themselves up to inner experiences before going to bed, when no one is disturbing anymore and you can calmly think about the events and listen to yourself. This is probably the best time. But again, not for everyone.

— Design ideas:

1. Cover

This is the face of your diary. Be sure to sign it. If you wish, you can draw something or stick it on. Since this notebook is used often, it is advisable to wrap it so that it lasts longer.

2. First page

On the first page, it is best to write basic information about the author. It's like filling out a questionnaire, but only in addition to traditional questions, you can highlight some personal, only known and significant points to one author.

3. Lettering and stickers

And, finally, in the design you can use various sayings, favorite quotes, inscriptions and even stickers. Develop your own tagging system and you will have a unique code known only to you.

- What to write:

What could you tell yourself? Yes, almost anything you want! This kind of information, such as secrets, experiences, stories, can easily become the content of a personal diary. You can write down some facts, even the prices for new clothes - then it will be interesting to read about it. The more details, seemingly insignificant and empty, the more saturated and alive the recordings will become.

Keep diaries, get to know your own soul through them - and something beautiful and infinitely deep will be revealed to you. Or rather, you yourself.

How to become feminine? Such a question of the development or discovery of one's own female manifestations regains its relevance, because being endowed with all the qualities and manifestations of femininity from birth, more and more immersed in social life, a woman loses them or some part. The realities of life have practically equalized gender differences and, along with numerous rights, women have received additional responsibilities, now they enter those areas of life that were previously available only to men and are forced to compete there, on rather tough conditions. With a constant struggle for survival, the danger of showing her own weakness and the need to use male strategies of behavior, a woman gets used to living in this way, and then she wonders how to become soft and feminine, and not a hard sexless machine to achieve goals.

Femininity is not acquired in one day or a session in the spa, this is the innate state of every woman, everyday care is only to take care of its maintenance or restoration in case of loss. So, if you got to a seminar dedicated to something about femininity and they begin to reshape you there into who you never were and force you to do things that suck energy out of you, and do not feed you with strength and joy - feel free to leave, because disclosure laid down by nature should not be felt as violence and hard work. The return and care of one's own femininity in the organic course of events is accompanied by joy, inspiration, a surge of strength and a desire to share such a happy state of oneself, easily striving further.

How to become more feminine

ponder over similar situation a woman usually starts when she notices the absence male attention to his own person, while what rotates, most likely, precisely in men's team, where she is her boyfriend, partner or competitor, but no one has invited her on a date for a long time. A collision with reality can cause a trip to visit a friend who is lost and not knowing how to cope with the simplest tasks (drive in a nail or go grocery shopping on her own). Having turned on the analysis, the woman begins to understand that her husband, brothers and unfamiliar men flock to help this ineptness, and on the contrary, they scatter from her, skillfully choosing a drill in a hardware store.

If you are thinking about how to become more feminine and tender, take a closer look at your own look, it usually broadcasts a lot about your condition and the habit of building contact. A purely professional or medical interest may arise in a cold, prickly and arrogant, watching every little thing look in men. Many try to dress up in pink skirts with ruffles, hang themselves with ringing bracelets and wait for happiness, but femininity for the most part consists not only in external manifestations. You can bring yourself to the standard state of a cinematic beauty, but as soon as those around you meet your gaze or hear mentoring notes in your voice, the charm of the outer mask will dissipate. Your gestures and gait, manner of speaking, vocabulary and volume of voice, touch and sense of tact play a significant role. big role in the manifestation of femininity.

Femininity is the most important quality that attracts men, and not a sense of humor, erudition and a pumped butt (this is rather a female list of attracting parameters in a man), but it is a mistake to think that manifestations of feminine nature are necessary only in male-female relationships. This is a set of qualities that helps build and improve relationships in the family (in its global sense, with all relatives and generations) and the work team. Many begin to think about how to become soft and feminine when a child appears, because if both parents behave more in a masculine way, then the child simply has nowhere to learn sensitivity, understanding emotions, building communications and many more things that are more developed in women.

To figure out how to become more feminine and tender, it is worth identifying the main positions that make up the femininity of the woman herself and those around her. Practically synonymous with femininity in a statistical survey was softness, and softness in everything. This applies to how you present your own gestures, if they are sharp and torn, then the image is far away, and if they are smooth and fluid, then you are close to ideal. The softness of touch, warm, almost imperceptible, instead of sharp jolts or unexpected, frightening touches.

The softness of your intonations and voice - if you control how you communicate with people, removing hysterical shrill notes, lowering the timbre and adding velvety, then even harsh criticism will sound soft and enveloping. Softness also includes what people experience when they touch you - warm cashmere, soft silk, well-groomed warm hands immerse in an atmosphere of light, comfort and warmth. While the skin, metal rivets, icy fingers make you tense up and pull yourself together, and the inner feeling of such a person is alert and opposing.

If you feel a loss of connection with your femininity, then join the women's company, in principle, everyone should have it (at least one girlfriend in the minimum version), since the male society will never replace communication with representatives of the same sex. Our energy and world-perceiving processes are arranged differently, and when you are in a male environment for a long time, your natural rhythms and ways begin to change to less suitable ones. Women's society restores the normal functioning of the female psyche, where emotions become more accessible, the observation of many details at the same time, as well as the implementation of exclusively female ones.

In the female circle, increased communication needs are satisfied, and shopping with a girlfriend will be much more exciting than pulling out even the best friend to try on thousands of outfits (well, or whatever you like out there that men don’t understand). In addition, you support your gender and understand that every situation can be solved in a feminine and masculine way, and looking at your friends and listening to their stories you can learn a lot (for example, how not to nail the kitchen shelf yourself).

In behavior, femininity is manifested by cheerfulness and a variety of hobbies; when communicating, openness and willingness to help a person are shown (you can fill an awkward pause in a conversation in time and the person will be very grateful to you). A feminine girl is in contact with society and actively participates in its life, showing kindness, care and gentleness. Those. leave swearing at the station with drunks to law enforcement officers, and you yourself can feed the tramp. There is an opinion that the feminine lexicon does not tolerate swear words, but you should not turn into a defenseless sheep either - learn to put your opponent in his place with a quiet voice and literary epithets (it sounds even more offensive for another, because it immediately raises you several levels higher).

The replicated image of the Vedic woman as the ideal of femininity can lead along the wrong path of perception - to smile, to please, to be silent, to endure, but this is not true, even from the point of view of the Vedic concept itself. It talks a lot about respect and, as well as the fact that if a person behaves with you inappropriately, then your direct responsibility is to stop this behavior.

A woman is not only softness, it is also passion and fire, a powerful force that can create and destroy. Shutting off some of your energy in order to appear comfortable is not the way to your own femininity. Remember that all your qualities are laid down for a reason, but you need to learn how to apply them, and if you have great strength, then direct it into the world, do not tolerate ridicule and threats - give a strong and instant rebuff, showing your teeth. It is such living and real people that attract attention, women who are able to put a man in his place become interesting to them, since each person has his boundaries and limits of acceptability.

How to become feminine and desirable

If we talk about the manifestation of femininity as the main factor in attracting men, then the importance of appearance begins to affect, although it is useless to talk about standards, since the criteria for beauty and femininity change depending on the era and country, unless we consider that every man can have his own, flavors different from others. Fitting yourself to the image from the cover is no longer relevant, instead, you should highlight your outstanding features and take care of the care. It is worth getting rid of the main points that appear in appearance and speak of health problems - cure the skin, correct your posture, take care of your teeth and nails, as well as the condition of your hair. These indicators should not correspond to fashion, but should speak about health and look well-groomed. No money for fashion coloring and building - cut off the split ends and remove the peeling varnish. Femininity is not in the amounts left in the salon, but in respect for one's own body.

Give yourself care in the form of massage and aromatherapy - this not only improves health, but fills you with joy, replenishes tactile hunger, promotes the production of endorphins, and develops sensitivity. A woman who glows with happiness, moves in a relaxed way and knows her sensitive and erogenous zones is perceived in a completely different way even by strangers walking down the street. In principle, the whole woman is about pleasure. And the more you give it to yourself, the more you know the ways and your own reactions to various pleasing events, the greater the variety of sensuality you can conquer a man. In addition, a satisfied woman becomes soft and plastic, in her behavior, without any conscious measures, femininity is more and more revealed and she becomes more and more desirable.

It would be nice to deal with your own social roles (mistress, mother, daughter, boss, male incarnations), since it is their mixing that prevents you from building full-fledged pair relationships. This happens because of lingering childhood and teenage complexes, received psychological trauma, or it is a consequence of actions according to the script, but when a woman communicates with a man from a different position, he loses his desire. For example, increased control and guardianship, maternal attitude in small doses are appropriate in a relationship, especially when a spouse, for example, is sick, but excessive communication from such a position kills any intimate desire. Just like the interaction from the role of a little girl, it will turn on care in a man and he will bring you sweets, but he will build relationships with an internally adult woman. And with a strong activity of your animus, the relationship will become competitive, but not loving. These are just a few examples of how roles and internal subpersonalities can destroy relationships, so if you feel that the matter is in your behavior, instead of buying a third sexy dress, it’s better to go to a psychotherapist to learn how to regulate the manifestations of your own internal parts in interaction with people.

Desire in a man excites not what he can see, but what he can imagine - it is him and understatement that give birth, and frank cutouts and bright colors inspire boredom (what to wish if you have already seen everything?). This rule works for appearance (so choose closed styles that outline your figure) and for behavior (ambiguous jokes with royal intelligence, lack of embarrassment when talking about intimate moments, along with physical integrity) - such combinations make the male fantasy work to its fullest, and the desire of your society grows stronger.

How to become elegant and feminine

Elegance is what saves many women in its manifestation in the world, it is always relevant, always appropriate, emphasizes femininity and does not go out of fashion. The basis of any elegance is simplicity and taste, as far as appearance, then this is impeccable personal hygiene and maintaining the health of the body, neatness (excessive length of nails and hair in various parts of the body can skew the image, subject to all other recommendations). Keep moderation in makeup - its main function should be to adjust skin tone, all other color solutions can correct imperfections, being in a neutral nude range, with the exception of evening looks or for special occasions, then you can add a bright accent (adhering to the principle of moderation - either eyes or lips).

Elegance is a quality that touches everything, so when choosing a perfume, stop at one original representative of the perfume house, instead of a dozen bottles of fakes or cheap colognes sold in the aisles. The same is true for jewelry - one laconic platinum earrings is better than a whole closet of cheap jewelry.

As for clothes, they should emphasize your dignity, be comfortable and reflect your inner style. If you have a lot of location changes per day, and you are trying to travel in white stilettos, it will look comical. Always choose what suits the situation and your life. Naturally, clothes should not be worn, holey or dirty, but there is no need to buy everything in expensive boutiques. Folding your own style, you may find that the most comfortable shirt made from natural fabrics is sold at a nearby handmade store.

If you don’t know what to choose, give preference to the classics, and if you don’t sew clothes to order, customize them for yourself in length and darts, volume and flare (the shapes are different, and the factory pattern is the same, so spending a little time on fitting clothes, you get a perfect thing sitting on you).

classic colors and natural fabrics they look expensive and elegant, in addition, they are successfully combined with each other, so you get a versatile wardrobe. Between the choice to wear something or not, always choose less - simplicity is the basis of elegance, and an image overloaded with details is more characteristic of boho-chic than classical elegance.

The ability to create a pleasant atmosphere around and to show ease is the virtue of elegance. The ability to win people over, to find common topics (by the way, they can be prepared in advance) and to remain calm in any situation are developed through training. A polite attitude towards people (regardless of their status and your personal relationships) and compliance with social norms are manifestations of not only knowledge of etiquette, but characterize the inner intelligence of a person. Lightness and unobtrusiveness, restraint and confidence, restraint and dignity are common features of elegance and femininity.

Everyone has long known that most men like feminine, tender and defenseless girls. This female type often used in movies, TV series and books. But these are two different things - to look from the outside at the object of universal adoration and to be it. There are several basic rules that will help formulate life attitudes and get closer to the male ideal.

Choose an environment

Before making any internal and external changes, make sure that only people who love you are in your environment. Envious, angry and aggressive, as well as people who show their disorder in life to the whole world, are excluded from the environment. The closest ones are those who may not understand, but will allow you to look at the situation from the outside, those who will help you correct the course of changes - that's who should be next to you at this time.

Think about your behavior

All change starts with a change in mindset. You must conduct a deep analysis and understand what prevents you from becoming tender and flawless. Perhaps this is an inner core that is visible to the naked eye? This is not bad, but in this case, what should you be protected from? Or the manner of speaking: if you speak rudely, in raised tones, or show the world with your conversation that you are its worthy rival, it is unlikely that anyone will have an idea about your tenderness and airiness.

Therefore, you must, through introspection, find out your pros and cons and start moving in the right direction.

Follow a few tips to help you change.

Of course, one theory will not help you become a gentle and feminine girl. At first, you will have to prove this to yourself daily by looking in the mirror. And when you realize that you really love yourself for who you are, you can start to change if you still have the desire.