1 month old baby doesn't want to eat. The baby is not eating well. What to do in such situations

Changes in the behavior of the baby, deviations from generally accepted norms are very frightening for young parents. One of the evaluation criteria proper development the baby is gaining weight and the amount of milk eaten. This is especially interesting for grandmothers who love chubby cheeks. Sometimes, under the yoke of someone else's opinion, and sometimes the mothers themselves feel that the child eats little. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, often they depend on the time of occurrence of this effect.

Why does a newborn eat poorly?

If problems with feeding the baby arose even in the hospital, then this may be:

  1. Incorrect attachment to the breast. This will be helped by nurses in the maternity hospital or specialists in breastfeeding.
  2. Lack of milk. The child sucks greedily, but the flushes are not enough. In such cases, tactile contact with the baby, the use of brewed dill seeds or other lactation preparations helps.
  3. Too much milk, too much pressure. The baby may choke and refuse to breastfeed. Then it is necessary to express the first pressure, weaken it.
  4. The taste of milk has changed. This is possible when using new products with a pronounced taste (beam, garlic, spicy food).
  5. It is difficult for a child to suck due to congenital pathologies. For example, a short bridle. Such a problem is solved painlessly by surgery.

What to do in such situations?

The milk remaining in the breast can be expressed and supplemented with a spoon or syringe (do not forget to remove the needle). And forget about the strict regimen of your childhood - feed your baby on demand. More frequent feedings, even small portions, will allow you to gain weight well. And do not forget about the benefits of night feedings - they help, if necessary, to establish lactation and get the daily norm.

If the baby is artificial feeding then change the mix. This is especially true for hypoallergenic mixtures that have a specific flavor. Moreover, with growth, the work of the gastrointestinal tract comes in order, which allows the introduction of fermented milk mixtures.

Refusal to eat with age

There are times when babies begin to eat less with age. In this case, only a pediatrician can accurately identify the cause.
  1. Colic. After eating only a little, the baby begins to cry, arch and refuse the breast. The cause may be pain, the so-called infantile colic. The baby's digestive system is absolutely sterile and is just beginning to adapt to the reception of any food, and its progress through the gastrointestinal tract causes swelling and pain. Colic can also be caused by the air that the baby swallows while feeding. Therefore, check if he takes the breast correctly or hold the baby upright to release him. To relieve colic before feeding, children are given dill water or other carminative preparations.
  2. . Symptoms of dysbacteriosis are similar to colic. The baby begins to eat, but with screams throws the breast. It is possible to make this diagnosis only after receiving the results of the tests. It usually appears after antibiotic treatment of the baby or from the mother through breast milk. Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by a change in the color of the stool from yellow to green, the appearance of mucus.
  3. . Increased can cause not only food refusal, but also lead to. It can be established by conducting an ultrasound of the brain. It is also characterized by a pulsation of the fontanel.
  4. . If the baby cries while eating and there are white spots in the mouth, and the mucous membrane under them is inflamed, then this is thrush. The baby could become infected with it during childbirth or by pulling a dirty toy into his mouth.
  5. . The child is hungry, but a stuffy nose prevents him from eating. Don't panic, just rinse your nose or use baby drops. If necessary, rinse before each feeding.
  6. . The swallowing reflex increases the pain in the ears. You can verify the source of pain by clicking on the tragus. In this case, supplement your baby with a spoon.

It's not necessarily a disease.

Healthy children can eat less. Children with low weight, especially those born ahead of time while eating they get very tired, and accordingly fall asleep on their chest, having eaten a little. But when trying to take it away, they wake up and continue to eat. Such feedings can be an hour and a half. But with age, they get stronger and become more active, due to which saturation comes faster. To get enough, the baby is enough for 10 minutes.

At 4 months, the child begins to actively learn the world, and is easily distracted by any extraneous sounds, smells. And if during the meal someone came in, the music played or the light turned on, the child would be distracted and forget about food. It is better to feed such children in a separate room with subdued light.

Babies may also refuse to eat when they are teething. Pain in the gums reduces appetite. To resume normal mode, you can use cooling gum gels.

Sometimes the baby does not want to eat because of the mood. He didn’t sleep enough or his parents didn’t carry him in his arms and the baby burst into tears and was unable to take the breast. First, he should be calmed, shaken, if necessary, let him take a nap and offer to eat again.

Sometimes, appetite decreases after prophylactic vaccinations. The immune system is trying to fight the virus and the baby becomes sleepy, trying to regain strength. After a couple of days everything is restored. Meteorological children react to changes in the weather by refusing to eat.

In general, if the baby is not worried about anything, he smiles, plays, gains weight normally, then there is no reason for concern. The changes may be temporary. You should not take your child to the doctors and think that something is wrong. It's just that he's small by nature.

We, parents, often think that the child eats little. Grandparents are especially worried about this. They think that their grandson is thin, pale, because he eats badly, and they try to feed him more satisfying and more.

Such an opinion is natural. The universal statement that a good appetite is a sign of good health lives firmly in the mind. In the old days in Rus', workers were chosen by food. According to the principle: eat a lot ─ will work a lot.

Weight gain

The situation is different for newborns. Babies are born with a sucking instinct, their small body has not yet learned to overeat, so the baby absorbs as much as required, no more. If the parents think that the newborn is not eating enough, check if the baby is gaining weight.

In pediatrics, special norms have been approved that stipulate how many grams a baby gains weight every month, every week, every year. Referring to the norms, parents will understand whether the child is eating properly, whether he has enough milk or whether it is time to introduce complementary foods. The tables show weight gain during the month for boys and girls who grow and develop differently.

The increase per week is almost not noticeable, only 70-190 g, but the monthly baby grows already by 760-1340 g. In 2 months, the baby adds 1720-2640 g. by 4 months, the baby adds only 2980-4270, although he eats well, and much more than in the first days. Therefore, it seems to us that the child does not have enough nutrition.

Weight gain rates are calculated for the average child, you should not follow them to the nearest gram. Each person is individual in external parameters, internal processes are also different. If an infant with good health is alert and active, weight gain is observed, then parents have no reason to worry.

Baby doesn't eat well

Sometimes it happens that a newborn does not eat well. This happens infrequently, but in some families it happens that the baby sucks really weakly or refuses to breastfeed at all. When a baby does not eat well or does not take a breast ─ it is scary for the baby, for the mother and for all family members. A hungry baby wants to eat, screams from hunger, quickly loses weight and weakens.

The baby may eat little, but if he behaves actively, does not act up, does not cry, then most likely everything is in order with him

Sometimes a baby is born weak, especially premature. Such a baby sleeps a lot and eats almost nothing. Pediatricians advise in this case to switch to a free method of feeding, that is, to feed when she wakes up. Do not wake a sleeping baby: in a dream, the baby is gaining strength. Gradually, the baby will get stronger, and nutrition will improve.

Feed a small baby not by the clock, but on demand. Let him eat little by little, how much he will eat, then he will learn to eat more. To help the baby, express milk. Supplement with expressed milk with a spoon or in another way.

If there are no congenital pathologies and ailments, the baby eats as much as the body needs. If the child does not have enough food, he does not feel well, the issue is resolved with the attending physician. The pediatrician will examine, collect an anamnesis, prescribe treatment. According to indications, it is recommended to take tests and consult specialist doctors.

Why the newborn eats little: the main reasons

With fever, colds, colic, infections, otitis, stomatitis, the baby eats little or even repels food. At the same time, he may be hungry, but severe pain or fever, which makes the baby lethargic, immobile, does not allow him to get enough. It turns out that the baby eats a little, he does not have enough strength for growth, there is no weight gain. That's why he cries, cries, looks weak.

Whether the baby’s appetite will be good depends on many factors: on his mood, on the taste of breast milk, on the correctness of the baby’s grip on the nipple, on the smells around, and even on the psychological climate in the house.

In addition to pathologies and diseases, there are many other reasons poor appetite baby, each crumb has its own problem.

  • With the wrong position of the baby during feeding or the wrong shape of the nipple, the amount of food eaten decreases sharply. When the nipple is not completely captured, air instead of milk enters the mouth and stomach, gas, colic, problems with the tummy are obtained, but there is no saturation.
  • As paradoxical as it sounds, a baby can be in a bad mood. It happens that he woke up, cried loudly, called his mother, but his mother did not come right away. The baby was frightened, agitated. Now he cannot suckle, he needs to be given time to calm down, only then feed.
  • There are such happy mothers who have a lot of milk, it splashes heavily into a small mouth. The baby can not cope with such a flow, just chokes, coughs, cannot swallow. It is advisable for such mothers to express a little milk to ease the pressure. Then the little one eats quietly.
  • A nursing mother carefully chooses the products for her diet so that the milk turns out to be sweet and tasty. If you are trying a new dish, take one small spoon, no more. Do not scare the little one, because the taste and smell of breast milk directly depends on the mother's nutrition. Exclude from the menu spicy, spicy, alcoholic. Quit smoking: it's bad for you and bad for your baby's brain.
  • It is known that while the mother is breastfeeding, pregnancy does not occur. Therefore, spouses are not protected during this period, but failures still happen. The onset of pregnancy makes the milk bitter, unacceptable for the crumbs. The baby refuses such food, the mother bandages the breast, urgently introduces complementary foods. From this day, breastfeeding ends, the period of artificial feeding begins.
  • Mixed feeding brings another problem. Even with excellent, tasty milk from mother, the child will not want to suck hard at the breast, if the hole in the nipple on the bottle is large enough, the food is sucked out easily, without effort, without tension.
  • Another point that repels the baby from the chest is cosmetics and perfumes. Since intrauterine life the baby knows the mother's native smell. Therefore, always use the same hygiene products. If you try a new perfume, do it very carefully so that the new fragrance is not felt, but slightly guessed. A tiny child tends to rely on the senses, including the sense of smell. The baby may not recognize you by smell and will not accept your breast and even a bottle with a pacifier from your hands.
  • It has been said and written time and time again that an important factor the correct, full development of the newborn is a healthy psycho-emotional climate in the family. When there are strife, screams, scandals, and even fights in the family, it is unlikely that the baby will have an excellent appetite. Try to establish mutual love and kindness, address the baby affectionately, gently, approach him only in a kind, calm disposition.

Nutritional problems before and after a year

Starting from the sixth month after birth and up to a year, complementary foods are gradually introduced to the baby. Mom's milk is the most delicious and healthy food in the world, but over time, the baby grows up to other foods. By this time, the gastrointestinal tract is formed into an almost adult, ready to digest more coarse food. Therefore, only on mother's milk the baby is hungry. Since that time, the crumbs have been fed.

Frequent causes of "littleness" of children are their overfeeding by mothers and grandmothers, as well as the fact that they simply do not have time to get hungry properly.

This is where the problems begin. Here are some of them:

  • Many mothers have been looking for “their” mixture for a long time, which would suit the baby, would not cause allergies in him, he would like it. But, before making a choice, most have to try at least a few brands.
  • Prolonged breastfeeding. Often it leads to the fact that at 8-9 months the baby does not accept complementary foods at all and does not eat anything except breast milk.
  • The baby refuses to eat food that seems to be familiar to him - a mixture or complementary foods that his mother has already tried with him. She wonders why she doesn't eat, what to do about it. For a month he ate well, opened his mouth, and now refuses. The reasons are banal: either the portion is too large (the mother overfeeds the baby), or the little one simply did not have time to get hungry. With age, the regimen for children changes, and parents do not always have time to fix this: they feed and put the children to bed according to their usual rhythm, while the baby has already “outgrown” it. So, you should reduce portions, do not feed when you do not want to, otherwise the baby will not get used to new food in a year.

Important: paediatricians and specialists in baby food are sure that excessively large portions and force-feeding fight off food interest in new food. It is unlikely that this situation will change in two months or a year.

Then other problems begin. Do not think that you will mark the anniversary date for 1 year, and all problems will be a thing of the past. Now you are offering an adult peanut other food ─ solid. If for 3-4 months he ate from a bottle, now he begins to eat purees and porridge with a spoon. If the baby has not learned to eat in a year solid food help him. Offer soft food: banana, strawberry, delicious puree, cutlet. While he has a few teeth, knead hard foods with a fork and give a little.


So, we looked at some aspects of newborn nutrition. If there are problems, do not delay, consult a doctor. If everything is in order with the baby and mother, then the suspension from food is temporary, it will soon pass. Learn to understand the baby, pick it up more often, talk, sing songs, walk with the baby more often. Soon the baby will learn to eat well and will delight you with a good appetite again.

Is your child not eating well for 2 months? What is the reason? Any change in his life may be the reason why the baby does not eat well.

Very often, mothers turn to the doctor with such a problem as a decrease in appetite in young children, still infancy. This is especially worrisome for those mothers whose children are only a couple of months old. Such a situation when a baby, having been born, ate well, gained everything he needed, and then suddenly stopped eating, or began to eat less than in the first month of his life, is not uncommon.

Pediatricians almost every day face such a problem when mothers, especially those who gave birth to their first child, simply come in horror and begin to complain about their child’s poor appetite.

Let's find out if a child sleeps poorly for 2 months, then for what reasons.

Reason one. The kid got sick. When a child is older, his appetite sharply decreases, as, indeed, in adults. Only after recovery, the appetite returns to normal.

The second reason. The child does not eat well when his nose is clogged. And in infants, this happens very often, and not at all from a cold, but because a crust forms in his nose. The reason for this is insufficient air humidity.

Reason three. Very often in babies, especially at 2 months of age, the tummy hurts. Therefore, during colic, the baby becomes irritable and does not eat well. But it happens that pain in the tummy is not at all associated with colic. Then dysbacteriosis is to blame.

Reason five. Stomatitis or thrush. This is a very unpleasant disease, which is accompanied painful sensations in the baby's mouth. When it is present, it becomes painful for the baby to eat.

Reason six. Perhaps the mother introduced some new product into her diet, and the baby did not like the new taste of breast milk.

Reason seven. The situation has changed. Children are very sensitive to a change of scenery, which is why the baby does not eat well in a new place.

Reason eight. Tight breasts or bad nipple. In this case, it is difficult for a baby to breastfeed. The ninth reason, which concerns artificial people. If you change the milk formula and the child does not like it, then he will become naughty.

And it happens that an allergic reaction appears from a new mixture. Carefully observe your baby in order to find out the true reason why the baby began to eat worse. The slightest change in his life can cause a sharp decrease in appetite. And who, if not parents, can know about such changes. If you notice that your child has a poor appetite, then try to spend more time with him fresh air, play with the baby as much as possible so that he spends more energy. If these measures do not help, then you should contact a specialist.

After the birth of a baby, a number of difficulties arise that cause bewilderment and panic among young parents. Among them, there is often a situation when the child does not eat well, what to do in this case, and what are the reasons for the decrease in appetite, we will consider in more detail in our article.

Causes of poor appetite in a child

Among all the reasons why the baby does not eat well, most often experts call the following:

  1. Incorrect attachment to the breast, excess or lack of milk in the mother.
  2. Congenital abnormalities in a baby that do not allow sucking movements (short frenulum).
  3. The baby has a tummy ache (physiological colic or dysbacteriosis).
  4. Some diseases.
  5. Distraction to the outside world and curiosity.
  6. Genetic features (reduced need for food).
  7. The appearance of teeth.
  8. Bad psycho-emotional state.

Mother's milk

A common cause of reduced breast milk intake is improper attachment to the breast. Unfortunately, not all maternity hospitals teach this, so you should ask a specialist how to do it correctly.

At first, the mother may have little milk. To increase it, there are many recommendations:

  • drinking enough fluids;
  • decant after the feeding process;
  • give the child first one breast, and then the second;
  • as a last resort, you need to switch to a mixed feeding option.

If the child does not eat the mixture well, then the reason may be its wrong choice or individual intolerance to its components. Therefore, the selection should be carried out only by a doctor, taking into account individual features, needs and age of the baby.

An excess of mother's milk can reduce the appetite of a baby if it comes under pressure and the baby chokes. To eliminate such a problem, you just need to clear out before feeding. Breastfeeding can be caused by a new food accepted by the mother, it leads to a change in the taste and smell of milk. Therefore, a woman should eat right during this period.


Even an adult loses his appetite during the illness. The same phenomenon occurs when the baby falls ill. Parents notice that the baby eats little and gains weight poorly and the reasons are as follows:

  1. Many new mothers notice that the baby, when he takes the breast and makes several sucking movements, suddenly starts screaming and arching. Most often, physiological colic is manifested in this way, the cause of which is the imperfect digestive system of the baby. Food that enters the stomach and intestines begins to be digested, which causes cramps and pain.

The baby during the attack experiences severe discomfort, and ceases to eat normally. In this case, you should not worry, you need to consult a specialist. There are tools that allow you to completely remove or greatly reduce these colic. Normally, they are completely gone by 5 months.

  1. The tummy can disturb the baby if he has dysbacteriosis. To confirm such a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct special tests, followed by treatment, which should be prescribed by a specialist. The likelihood of developing dysbacteriosis in infants is high if the mother took antibiotics during breastfeeding. Or the baby had to be treated with antibacterial drugs.

Signs of dysbacteriosis are most often changes in the color and smell of feces, which in a child turns from yellow to green and becomes covered with mucus.

  1. There are times when a newborn does not eat well and sleeps a lot. This happens if the baby has a sluggish pathological process, which can only be identified when passing tests.
  1. The child also does not eat well when he has a headache. Most often, headaches when the weather changes are inherited if there are weather-sensitive people in his family with the next of kin. Meteorological sensitivity is especially manifested after 4 months, which is why a child at 5 months does not eat well. The reason may also be the first teething.
  1. If, simultaneously with a headache, there is swelling and pulsation of the fontanel on the baby's head, then this indicates increased cranial pressure. To eliminate this phenomenon, it is urgent to start treatment and take special drugs.
  1. If the baby asks for food, but after he takes the breast he throws food and screams, then you should pay attention to his breathing. If it is difficult and he has a runny nose, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages before eating.
  1. With inflammatory diseases, the ears can hurt, and when sucking and swallowing milk, the discomfort increases many times over. To continue to feed the baby, it is best to express into a prepared sterile container, and give milk from a spoon. Finally, problems with the ears of a baby can only be solved with the help of a pediatric ENT doctor.
  1. When the baby does not want to take the breast or suck the mixture from the bottle, you need to explore his oral cavity. Perhaps there will be white spots or plaque, which are well removed with a damp swab. Such signs are possessed by thrush, the infection of which occurs during childbirth from the mother, or when the infection enters the baby's mouth directly through dirty toys or poorly sterilized nipples. To treat and prevent further development of stomatitis, the child's oral cavity should be treated with a solution of soda (a small spoon in a glass of boiled warm water).

Other reasons

There are other causes of loss of appetite that are not associated with diseases:

  1. Curiosity. One of the most common reasons why a 5-month-old baby does not eat formula or breast milk well is distracting him from the world around him. Therefore, it is recommended to feed at this age in a quiet and closed room, where there are no sharp sounds and strangers.
  1. The appearance of teeth. Soreness and itching of the gums leads to a decrease in appetite. In this case, you should feed the baby when he asks, temporarily neglecting the daily routine. And only after the normalization of the state, one should gradually enter the usual schedule.
  1. There are children who eat little on their own. At the same time, they feel normal and are active.
  1. A baby, just like an adult, can have a bad mood. If he is irritable or crying, he should only be breastfed or fed when he has calmed down. Mom can distract him interesting toy or a pacifier.

Very little time passes after birth, and the mother begins to understand well what actually happens when the baby does not eat formula, milk or complementary foods. In many cases, patience should be shown, and sometimes the baby should be shown to a specialist.

The birth of a baby brings long-awaited joy to the family. With its appearance, parents have many questions that require a momentary solution. Mom worries that the baby is cozy and warm, that he is full and sleeps soundly. In the postpartum period, she is often worried about the baby's poor appetite. He may only breastfeed for a few minutes, be restless, or be overly passive. Why does the baby behave this way, and when should you really worry?

If the baby eats or sleeps little, then the mother needs to find out the reasons for this behavior of the baby

Why does a baby refuse food?

Restless sleep, poor appetite and little weight gain common causes complaints from parents of infants. A hungry baby is whiny and anxious, he often wakes up, but breastfeeding does not change the situation (he either does not suck at all, or does not eat up). Consulting a pediatrician will help find the cause and correct the situation. Common causes of poor appetite in newborns are:

  1. Incorrect attachment to the breast. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced mother to master this art. On the selection comfortable posture may take more than one day, so it is important to familiarize yourself with thematic literature 1-3 months before delivery, or get advice on breastfeeding.
  2. Pathology of newborns. It is detected in the hospital by a neonatologist. For example, a short frenulum of the tongue may prevent a baby from sucking (for more details, see the article:).
  3. During childbirth, the mother was prescribed painkillers. Many of them are excreted from the body for a long time, penetrate into milk and affect the baby's ability to suckle.
  4. Unformed nasal mucosa. The baby cannot suckle at the breast and breathe through the mouth at the same time, and it can be difficult for him to breathe through his nose. Nasal drops will help improve nasal breathing, maintaining the optimal temperature (18-22 ºС) and humidity in the room (60-70%).

Problems in weak, premature babies

Weak and premature babies mostly sleep and eat almost nothing. Neonatologists advise the mother to switch to a free feeding regimen, which involves applying not by the clock, but on demand. Don't wake up your baby to feed. In a dream, he gains strength, but when he wakes up, you need to put it on your chest. Let the baby eat little by little, as much as he wants. It is possible to supplement in 1-3 months with expressed milk from a spoon.

After waking up, the baby needs to be fed

Poor appetite in infants aged 1-8 months

There are situations when the appetite of infants disappears as they grow older. Instead of gaining weight, they lose weight, become less active. Vigilant mothers are in a hurry to take the temperature, monitor the chair and the behavior of the child. However, only a doctor can determine the true cause of low appetite, so do not delay a visit to the clinic.

Among the main reasons for the loss of appetite in infants 2-8 months of life, note:

  1. SARS, infections. The baby loses his appetite a few days before the onset of the main symptoms. He is hungry, and in a dream he can still take a breast.
  2. Stomatitis or thrush in the mouth. It is noticeable by the characteristic white coating, reddening of the mucous membrane, the formation of ulcers. All this causes pain to the baby and requires urgent treatment.
  3. Lack of physical activity. It is important to walk with the child more often, give him the opportunity to play on a rug spread on the floor, do gymnastics, massage.
  4. Colic. When the baby cries, refuses to eat, tightens his legs, sleeps poorly, he is disturbed by colic (we recommend reading:). This is typical for the age of up to 4-6 months. Mom can give drops prescribed by a doctor, press the baby with her tummy to herself, and calm her in her arms. When she diets and properly attaches the baby to the breast, colic is rarely observed.
  5. Teething. Toddlers older than 5 months may be bothered by teeth. It is important to let them chew on the teether and lubricate the gums with anesthetic gel. Appetite will gradually recover.

Lactation and mother's habits

In addition to pathologies and diseases, there are other reasons why the baby does not eat well. Among them is insufficient production of mother's milk. This occurs when improperly applied to the breast. Consultation with a breastfeeding specialist, diet, drinking enough fluids, frequent correct attachments, fennel-based tea will allow the situation to be resolved.

If the child eats little, but gains weight steadily, then perhaps he is small and does not need to be additionally fed (we recommend reading:)

You may have to temporarily switch to mixed feeding. First, the child is offered one breast, then the other, and they are supplemented with a mixture from a spoon or bottle. Among other situations that lead to a decrease in appetite in 1-3 month old babies and older:

  • Too much milk in the breast. It spurts, and the frightened child throws up the breast. If this is indeed the problem, you need to pump a little before feeding.
  • Cracked nipples, mother's flat nipples. Complicate the process of feeding. It is important for mom to take care of the mammary glands, apply ointments with panthenol, lanolin (after feeding) to prevent cracks. Irregularly shaped nipples are difficult for a baby to grasp with his mouth. Together with milk, he swallows air, which subsequently causes colic.
  • The cloying smell of clothes and deodorant. The baby may refuse to take the breast if the mother uses a pronounced perfume and deodorant. It is important to choose an unscented antiperspirant, and temporarily give up perfume.
  • Change in the taste of milk. The taste will seem unusual to the baby if the mother took certain medications, biologically active additives seasoned dishes with spices and spices. The use of carbonated drinks, spicy, smoked, fatty foods, and radishes by the mother can discourage the appetite of the crumbs.

Causes of poor appetite in "artificial" babies

With artificial feeding, it is necessary to choose the right mixture, nipple, and feeding regimen

The formula-fed baby has its own reasons for not eating. It is not easy to find a mixture that would please the baby and at the same time take care of his tummy. It is advisable to stop at one mixture that the baby eats willingly. It should be adapted, age appropriate, include probiotics for proper digestion. Other reasons why an "artificial" baby and a 5-month-old baby does not eat well include:

  1. Incorrectly selected nipple. Here, kids also have their own preferences. Someone likes less durable yellowish latex, someone likes transparent silicone. For a premature baby, it is better to buy a non-rigid nipple with a large hole.
  2. Abdominal pain, teething, infections, thrush. It is difficult for the child to swallow, and the febrile condition itself is not conducive to appetite. It is important to offer the baby a mixture and drink warm water.
  3. The mixture is more nutritious than milk. It is absorbed by the body longer, and the baby "artificial" feels hungry a little later than the baby. The bottle is given at intervals of 4–4.5 hours. The volume is calculated based on the annotation on the label. At the same time, the rule applies - it is better not to feed the baby than to overfeed.

Sleep disturbance in an infant

Poor sleep affects the activity of the baby. From this, he is in a half-asleep state, which affects the perception of the world around him. The following signs indicate that a newborn baby is not sleeping enough:

  • regular awakenings with an interval of 5-10 minutes;
  • being awake for more than 4 hours in a row;
  • the daily amount of sleep is less than 15 hours (age - up to 2 months);
  • anxiety, overexcitation, difficulty going to sleep.

Malnutrition, thirst and a wet diaper can cause poor sleep in babies

Causes of sleep disorders

Daily sleep requirements are different at every age. Babies up to 2 months sleep an average of 16-20 hours a day, at half a year old - about 14.5 hours, closer to a year old - 13 hours (we recommend reading:). Sleep in infants is disturbed for many reasons. First of all, mom needs to check if the baby is full, if the diaper is full. Another cause of concern can be diaper rash, colic, and accumulation of gases. Changes in the weather are often a cause for concern. At the same time, weather-dependent kids are capricious, sleep restlessly.

Decrease in humidity of air leads to deterioration of blood circulation. Children quickly get cold or overheat. Also, kids actively react to serious temperature changes, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. When there is a blizzard, snowstorm, strong wind outside the window, children can sleep restlessly. It is important for a mother to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, if possible, hold the baby in her arms or be near.

Another reason for disturbed sleep is noise, annoying sounds, bright lights. If a neighbor is drilling into the wall, it's no surprise that the baby can't sleep at all. The same applies to the sun or moonlight entering the room.

It is important to provide soundproofing, curtain curtains, then the baby will be able to relax. On a walk, the stroller should be placed in the shade, curtained with a translucent veil, after providing the baby with air access.

Komarovsky on how the baby should sleep

Dr. Komarovsky advises parents to immediately decide where the baby will sleep. Best of all, in a separate bed, but in a room with parents. In this case, the mother will instantly hear his call, feed and change diapers. You need to lay the baby on the side or back, but not on the tummy (he can accidentally burp, bury his nose in the pillow and cut off his oxygen supply).

A newborn baby should sleep on its side

The doctor categorically does not advise separating the baby up to a year in another room. If the sleep is too long, Komarovsky recommends waking the child. When the baby often wakes up, it is important to establish feeding. In the penultimate meal before bedtime, do not feed the baby, and before bedtime - feed tightly (without overdoing it, since sleep is disturbed on a full stomach). In his speeches, the doctor notes that one of the conditions for a comfortable sleep is a clean diaper of the right size.

What should you pay more attention to?

Behavior when the baby eats little and sleeps a lot (" good kid”), should not leave mothers indifferent. Timely feeding will be pushed to adhere to the regimen, for which the baby needs to be awakened. Sometimes passive behavior can indicate serious illness.

If, in addition to disinterest in food, weak crying, a sunken fontanel, dry mucous membranes, fever, difficulty waking up are observed, a pediatrician should be called. Drowsiness in infants may be associated with the mother taking certain medications. They are transmitted with milk and affect the condition of the crumbs. Mothers should take medicines only as prescribed by the doctor. He will take into account side effects and, if possible, will select analogues.

It is important to remember that not all babies have a good appetite, there are small children who do not need much. You should worry about stable weight loss. If the baby does not gain the prescribed 300-800 grams, looks pale and lethargic, you need to urgently look for the cause. In this case, the elimination of problems with the physiology and health of the child, feeding on schedule, walking in the air, and correction of the mother's diet will help to increase appetite in this case.