Breast growth and pain in it in early pregnancy. The breasts of women during pregnancy: what the mammary glands of a pregnant woman look like and what changes occur in them

Pregnancy in the body of the expectant mother causes a global hormonal restructuring. Under the influence of hormones, the breast begins to grow, its growth continues until the very birth. During pregnancy, this growth is more pronounced. A woman can also experience a slight increase and thickening of the breast, her swelling before the onset of menstruation: during this period, hormonal changes also occur.

The weight of the mammary gland of a young woman is 150-200 grams, during lactation this weight rises to 300-900 grams.

In many, the areolas (the skin around the nipple) increase and become dark. In the normal state, the diameter of the areolas is 3-5 centimeters, during pregnancy it can increase to 4-7 cm. In some women, breast growth can be painful, unpleasant pain usually disappears by the tenth to twelfth week of pregnancy. The chest can also hurt in the third trimester.

At the twelfth to thirteenth week of pregnancy, discharge from the chest may appear in the form of a yellowish liquid, which is colostrum. Colostrum is a unique highly nutritious product responsible for strengthening the child's immunity. It is released only 1-3 days after birth. Then, instead of it, it begins to be produced breast milk.

Breast care during pregnancy

Breast augmentation is temporary. After stopping breastfeeding, it will decrease, will look sagging, on it. To minimize these unpleasant, start caring for the earliest pregnancy. Take a contrast shower while washing, while on the chest you need to alternately direct cold and warm water. The procedure should not be accompanied by discomfort, so make sure that the water is not very cold or hot.

Pregnancy and lactation are good prevention of breast cancer.

When washing, do not lather the areolas: soap erases the protective layer of the skin, in which case the risk of cracks increases. Use special products (cream or oil) to minimize the occurrence of stretch marks. Pay great attention to the selection of a bra. When choosing it, you need to accurately calculate the size in order to feel as comfortable as possible. Choose models with wide straps, they will be able to hold a heavy chest. The bra should lift the chest, but in no case squeeze it. Underwires in a bra are undesirable, they can interfere with blood circulation.

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Pregnancy is a serious hormonal surge that affects all body functions. The breast is one of the first to react to such changes, since in nine months it must be seriously rebuilt in order to be ready for the process of feeding the child.


It should be noted that changes in the mammary glands can occur in different dates and different schemes. However, basic changes in one form or another are present in everyone.

Breast size, for example, usually increases already by a very early dates. Actually, a noticeable increase in the breast is a signal from the body that fertilization has already occurred. The hormones progesterone and estrogen are responsible for the growth of the mammary glands, which begin to be produced during pregnancy in large quantities. In nine months, the breasts can increase by two to three sizes.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, many women have quite strong breasts. Any touch causes discomfort, the skin becomes very sensitive. Such sensations are connected with the fact that preparation for future feeding begins in the body.

If you notice that your nipples have taken on a rich dark hue, and their areolas are covered with characteristic pimples, consider buying a pregnancy test, as such changes appearance characteristic of the first month of pregnancy.

Unfortunately, as the breast increases, the collagen fibers of the connective tissues may not withstand the load and begin to tear. This results in dark red stretch marks on the surface of the breasts that fade after the baby is born but rarely disappear completely.

On later dates Pregnancy may begin the allocation of a yellowish, rather thick mass, which is called colostrum. It usually appears shortly before childbirth as a kind of test.

To keep your breasts attractive and healthy, you need to follow a few important recommendations. First of all, you need to buy proper bra, but several are better. Models with wide straps and pitted are considered the most comfortable, they support the chest, but do not squeeze it.

It is very important to take a shower every day, and do not forget about the softened version of the contrast shower. Be sure to massage the chest with a soft washcloth, but do not touch the nipple area.

By the way, it is very important to strengthen the nipples in advance, as they can seriously suffer from the baby's gums. A contrast shower and a variety of creams will help make your nipples less sensitive.

Helpful advice

Use an anti-stretch mark cream during rapid breast growth to help keep your breasts in good condition. A similar cream can be bought at any pharmacy.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many changes - the hormonal background changes, the usual center of gravity shifts, the belly grows and the breasts increase.


Changes in the mammary glands become noticeable around the second or third month of pregnancy. The breast becomes very sensitive, begins to increase in size. In some cases, pain and itching may occur. In general, the breasts actively grow in the first ten weeks after conception and, in some cases, immediately before childbirth. The reason for these changes is an increase in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The first stimulates an increase in the milk ducts, and the second promotes the development of glandular tissue.

Usually by the third month, noticeable bluish veins appear on the chest, and the skin around the nipples becomes a little darker. By the fifth month, the nipples themselves can increase significantly, so the body is preparing for breastfeeding. In a fairly large number of women at this time, when pressing on the chest, colostrum (yellowish liquid) is released.

The breasts may further increase before childbirth in the eighth or ninth month. At this time, pain may reappear and sensitivity may increase. It is very important to choose the right underwear for pregnant women in order to compensate for such changes, to correctly distribute the increased load on the back, to keep the chest in good shape, minimizing the risk of stretch marks. Expectant mothers need to choose bras from natural fabric with wide straps that evenly distribute the weight on the shoulders, which helps to avoid back pain. A bra for pregnant women should not tighten the chest too much. It is best to choose models that fasten in front.

Every day, you need to wash your chest several times with soap and water, you can use a soft washcloth. Such procedures allow you to prepare the breast for feeding. After washing it is recommended to use fat cream for processing nipples so that their surface is not covered with cracks.

A contrast shower will help maintain the elasticity and shape of the breast, but the temperature difference should not be too large. If suddenly the skin of the chest has become very dry and sensitive, a hot shower should be abandoned, and after washing, apply suitable moisturizers to the skin surface.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to use special firming creams with silicones and vitamin E. Unfortunately, such creams do not get rid of existing stretch marks, but prevent the appearance of new ones. It is advisable to start using such funds already in the second month of pregnancy, when breast enlargement becomes noticeable. Some cosmetologists recommend using such creams in advance to prevent stretch marks, unless, of course, pregnancy is planned.

Tip 4: Why breasts become more sensitive during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. He restructures his work to perform an important function - bearing a baby. One of the painful changes in the first months of pregnancy will be an increase in breast sensitivity.

In addition to the fact that during the period of a woman it becomes more sensitive, the bust also increases in size. This is due not only to changes in the hormonal background, but also to other metamorphoses. During pregnancy, additional fat begins to accumulate in the mammary glands of women. During the period of bearing a baby in the chest, the amount of glandular tissue increases, blood circulation increases. Milk ducts develop and open on the surface of the nipple. It is believed that during pregnancy increases by one size. Perhaps darkening of the nipples, as well as their protrusion. Moms with thin skin a bluish network of blood vessels can be translucent.

The right bra will help you cope with severe sensitivity and soreness of the breast during pregnancy. It is recommended to buy underwear in specialized stores for expectant mothers, where you can also get advice on choosing a particular model. Experts do not recommend expectant mothers to purchase bras with underwire. It is better to give preference to underwear with wide straps, with good chest support and an adjustable fastener. A woman can wear a bustier or sports bra, preferably made from natural fabric. It is possible that such options will suit her more than traditional underwear. If a pregnant woman is engaged in physical activity, then a properly selected bra will help her maintain the shape of her breasts, prevent it and the appearance of stretch marks.

While you are carrying a child, your body undergoes tremendous changes. The chest is no exception. It not only grows in size, but also changes all the time. What is happening to her, what to expect and what to prepare for, Woman`s Day has collected all the information in one collection.

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, her body expects a lot of new things. Noticeable changes occur with the chest. “From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman’s body begins to produce a huge amount of hormones, including in the mammary glands, in order to prepare future mother to breastfeeding,” he says. Mary Jane Minkin, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Yale University School of Medicine, author of The Woman's Guide to Sexual Health. You can observe all the changes known and described by obstetrician-gynecologists, or only a part of them, but one thing is certain: your breasts will never be the same while you are carrying a child in you.

1. They get bigger.“During pregnancy, not only the stomach grows. From the very beginning, the amount of adipose tissue and blood flow to the breast increases, due to this, the mammary glands also increase. In just the first six weeks of pregnancy, many women's breasts grow by one size,” says Dr. Minkin.

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2. They get heavier. Due to increased blood flow and expansion of the glandular tissue, the breast begins to swell. The whole body, including the chest, begins to retain fluid - this by-effect an increase in the hormones progesterone and estrogen in the body, explains Dr. Minkin. As a result, by the ninth month of pregnancy, each breast gains an average of 400 g in weight.

3. They hurt. The disadvantage of "restarting" the work of all systems caused by pregnancy is that the breasts become more tender. Therefore, an increase in blood flow, tissue swelling, fluid retention in the body - all this can be manifested by painful sensations. In fact, such pain in the mammary glands is one of the very first signs of pregnancy.

4. They become wiry. And the blue branches of the veins become more and more noticeable with the course of pregnancy. “This is because veins, like all body systems, adapt to increased blood flow,” explains Dr. Minkin.

5. nipples get bigger, become more pronounced and stick out more often than it usually happened before pregnancy. Areolas become larger and darker. Everything is fine, "this is a consequence of the high level of estrogen," the doctor reassures. Montgomery's glands (small bumps "scattered" over the areola) also enlarge and secrete an oily substance that protects the nipples and areolas from cracking or drying out during pregnancy and lactation.

6. They flow. This happens in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother suddenly discovers yellowish discharge from the nipple. This colostrum is the very first milk of a woman, which appears in the second half of pregnancy or in the very first days after childbirth. It is not necessary that colostrum flow abundantly, it can also be found in the form of a crust on the papilla, in which case, of course, the woman will not feel any discomfort from dampness in the breast area. This is a natural process. Just use special breast pads.

7. Stretch marks appear on them.. The increase in volume causes the skin to stretch. And if it is not elastic enough, stretch marks may appear. That the skin stretches can be understood by itching. To soothe itching and keep breast skin supple, doctors recommend using a moisturizer after showering and before bed.

8. Your tender breasts have become full, heavy and now more than ever need support. Your best investment right now is in a supportive bra.. Properly selected, it will make life easier and support your back. Choose bras with a wide band under the cups (which now should never be underwired), with wide straps and with the ability to adjust access to the nipple. When choosing between cotton and synthetic, opt for cotton because it allows the skin to breathe. And for a restful sleep at night, wear a cotton sports bra or a special maternity bust.

9. They changed forever. After you wean your baby from the breast, your nipples will gradually regain their previous color, and your breasts will return to pre-pregnancy sizes. But due to the fact that the skin is stretched, the stretch marks that appear will not go anywhere. However, instead of yearning for firmer and perky breasts, embrace your new ones - they are a true sign of motherhood.

You have a slight delay, but the mammary gland has changed significantly: it has swollen, it has become more sensitive. At times, you experience quite unpleasant sensations. This is especially true of the nipple and areola. Did the desired pregnancy still come? One hundred percent this question can be answered by a doctor or, in extreme cases, a pregnancy test. And we can assure 95% that you are indeed pregnant.

Indeed, breast changes are one of the first signs of pregnancy. It increases in size, becomes more elastic and, as we noted earlier, more sensitive. Some women even complain of unpleasant painful sensations.

Breast growth occurs under the influence of "pregnant" hormones and continues until childbirth. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, it is a good sign that she is preparing for breastfeeding by ensuring the growth of the halo, in which milk will be produced. The size and shape of the breasts of each woman are individual and do not affect the implementation of successful lactation.

But! Keep in mind that these symptoms - slight breast enlargement, swelling and tightness, as well as pain - may indicate the approach of menstruation. After all, after all, but with the onset of menstruation, the hormonal background, albeit not much, but also changes.

In addition to breast growth in early pregnancy, a woman may notice darkening and enlargement of the areolas (the skin around the nipples), the diameter of which in the "non-pregnant" state is 3-5 centimeters.

Approximately at the end of the first trimester, a yellowish liquid appears - colostrum. For 2-3 days after birth, colostrum will pass into milk, and in the first minutes after birth, it will perform an important function: it will create strong immunity for the baby.

The weight of the gland in young nulliparous women ranges from 150-200 g, in those who have given birth (during lactation) it increases to 300-900 g. didn’t want to, she would “deflate”. To avoid stretch marks and sagging breasts after breastfeeding, start caring for her from the very early stages of pregnancy. First of all, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. To do this, direct jets of warm and cold water alternately on the chest. Make sure that the water is not very hot and, at the same time, that the procedure does not bring discomfort. In addition, during water procedures, avoid soaping the areolas.

Being in an "interesting position", it is very important to ensure that the pregnant woman's bra is in size and comfortable for her. It should be on wide straps, pitted, slightly raise the chest (but in no case squeeze!).

Usually by the end - the pain will decrease. Although it can resume in the third trimester.

Remember, childbirth is an excellent prevention of breast cancer. Therefore, bear a child, give birth, breastfeed and be healthy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

With the onset of conception, changes in the mammary glands occur in the female body, which are difficult to miss. Under the influence of hormones, the breasts in early pregnancy increase and become more sensitive.

These changes are sometimes attributed to premenstrual syndrome, since they appear even before the pregnancy is diagnosed. But at this stage it is already developing new life. It is important to understand how breasts change during pregnancy and what to be wary of.

The growth of the mammary glands is noted in all women preparing for motherhood. From the first weeks, they notice that the mammary glands become more voluminous. This is due to the growth of the glandular tissue of the breast and milk ducts - their growth is stimulated by the hormones estrogen and.

Despite the intensive growth of the breast while waiting for the baby, after childbirth, these changes may come to naught - for many women, it may take on its original appearance. There is no need to worry if the breast does not change at the beginning of pregnancy - sometimes the process of its increase starts a little later, closer to the sixth month.

Sensitivity and pain

Against the background of hormonal changes, expectant mothers note the appearance of soreness in the chest. In this case, the nipples become sensitive, and the glands become more tense and dense. This indicates that the body is actively preparing for.

It is because of the increased sensitivity of the breast that many women begin to suspect pregnancy yet. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether the chest hurts in the early stages of a normal pregnancy will be positive.

This pain will be more pronounced than before menstruation, since there are much more hormones in the body.

Areola darkening

Areolas are dark patches of skin around the nipples. With the onset of pregnancy, they darken and increase, characteristic pimples appear on their surface. The size of the areolas can increase from 3-5 to 4-7 cm.

After the birth of the baby, these changes will disappear, the color and size of the areolas will become the same.

Discharge from the nipples

Many women mistakenly believe that breast discharge, namely colostrum, begins to be produced just before childbirth or only after the baby is born. Actually it is not. Of course, everything is individual. But discharge from the chest can appear even in the early stages of pregnancy, closer to the 12th week. And this is a completely natural phenomenon.

You should not worry about the discharge from the chest, you need to pay more attention to the care of the mammary glands. In order not to stain underwear and outerwear with secreted colostrum, you can use special pads for bras.

Venous mesh on the chest

As the mammary glands of a pregnant woman increase in size, blood flow to their tissues also increases. That is why a network of veins appears under the skin, resembling a cobweb.

This is a completely normal phenomenon that occurs in all women expecting a baby. After childbirth and the end of breastfeeding, there will be no trace of the venous network.

Reasons for change

Changes in the breast occur under the influence of hormones. After conception, estrogen and progesterone are intensively synthesized in the female body. Intensive development also begins, which causes the production of the hormone prolactin.

Under their influence, a woman's breasts begin to actively prepare for lactation. It increases due to the growth of glandular and connective tissue, its blood supply improves. All this leads to increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

How long do unusual sensations last?

Discomfort and pain in the chest usually decrease by the second trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is stabilizing by this time.

But this does not mean that the mammary glands have ceased to prepare for breastfeeding. Their growth and development continues throughout pregnancy, but is no longer so noticeable for a woman.

If there are no changes?

If pregnancy occurs, hormonal changes do not bypass any woman. But if in the early stages of pregnancy the breast does not hurt, it is not necessarily a pathology.

This may be due to the lesser susceptibility of a woman's mammary glands to hormonal changes - this is an individual phenomenon that is the norm. In some women, intensive breast growth is observed only in the second half of pregnancy.

In addition, not all women are attentive to their body and think about how the chest hurts in the early stages of pregnancy. Due to their own inattention, they miss the first signs of pregnancy.

What symptoms should you be wary of?

Sometimes women worry about the fact that the breasts do not enlarge and remain soft to the touch. This is not always a reason for panic, but a woman is advised to listen to her feelings and possible symptoms troubles.

So, the cause for concern may be:

  • from the genital tract of any intensity;
  • sudden increase in body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • asymmetric breast growth, the presence of bulges and depressions;
  • general weakness.

If you have any of the symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Also, attention is required when the breast stopped hurting in the early stages of pregnancy or returned to its original volume.

If the tension and sensitivity of the mammary glands are completely absent, we can talk about conditions such as or.

How to care for breasts in early pregnancy

Enlargement, changes in the appearance of the breast and discharge from it during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon.

After the end of lactation, the mammary glands most often return to their previous volume, but at the same time, stretch marks and sagging skin often appear on them. To preserve the beauty of the breast, it is necessary to take care of it from the first weeks of pregnancy.

In the process of washing does not need to be treated detergent areola and nipples. The fact is that soap destroys the protective layer of the skin, drying them out. On the delicate skin of the areola, this can cause cracking and irritation.

To prevent stretch marks, you can use oils or other cosmetics. You need to carefully approach the choice of a bra - in it a woman should feel as comfortable as possible.

Changes in the breasts in the first trimester of pregnancy manifest themselves differently in all expectant mothers. In some, they are necessarily associated with increased sensitivity and painful sensations, in others - with external manifestations, and in both cases we are talking about variants of the norm.

There is no single standard for how healthy breasts look in early pregnancy, everything is individual. If the changes are not accompanied by pathological symptoms, there is no need to worry.

Useful video on how to prepare breasts for lactation