Synthetic textile material. Why are synthetic fabrics better than natural? Polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl alcohol synthetics


How often, when buying this or that thing, we persistently look for a label that indicates the composition of the fabric from which this thing is made. And in order to better navigate this issue, I suggest reading this text.

Modern technologies affected all spheres of human life. Perhaps the textile industry is the most striking example of science put at the service of everyday life. Thanks to chemical synthesis, a person has learned to obtain fibers with desired properties.

Distinguish between artificial and synthetic fabrics. Synthetics are made from polymers obtained by certain chemical reactions.
The raw materials for it are oil products, natural gas or coal. Synthetic fabrics with special properties are used to make overalls, protective clothing for extreme conditions, and sports uniforms.
Artificial fibers are produced by physical processing of raw materials. The most famous example of such a fabric is viscose, obtained from cellulose (wood). Fabrics made from synthetic fibers have a number of advantages and disadvantages compared to natural materials.

General properties of synthetic fibers. Despite their diversity, most artificial materials have common features.

The advantages of synthetic fabrics include the following qualities. -Durability.
- Artificial fabrics have increased wear resistance, are not subject to decay, damage by pests and mold fungi.
- Special technology of bleaching and subsequent dyeing of the fiber ensures color fastness.
- Some groups of synthetic fabrics are not resistant to sunlight.

Ease. Synthetic clothing weighs much less than its natural counterparts. Dry quickly.
- Most synthetic fibers do not absorb moisture or have water-repellent properties, that is, they have low hygroscopicity.
- Due to large-scale industrial production and low cost of raw materials, most artificial fabrics are of low cost.
-In production, they obtain high labor productivity and low cost, which stimulates the development of the industry.
-Many manufacturers regulate the technological characteristics of the material in accordance with the wishes of large customers.
The disadvantages are due to the fact that artificial material can have a bad effect on a living organism.
- Synthetics accumulate static electricity (electrify).
- Allergies, individual intolerance to chemical components are possible.
- Most artificial fabrics do not absorb moisture well - accordingly, they do not absorb sweat and have low hygienic properties. They do not let air through - this is also important for the production of clothing and linen.


Some properties of synthetic fabrics can have both positive and negative meanings, depending on how the material is used.

For example, if the fabric is not breathable, it is unhygienic for everyday wear. But outerwear made of such material will be very appropriate for protection from adverse weather conditions.

Manufacture of synthetic fabrics The first patents for the invention of synthetic fibers date back to the 1930s. In 1932, the production of polyvinyl chloride fiber was mastered in Germany. In 1935, polyamide was synthesized in the laboratory of the American company DuPont. The material is called nylon. Its industrial production began in 1938, and a year later it was widely used in the textile industry. In the USSR, the course towards the widespread introduction of the achievements of chemical science was taken in the 1960s.
Initially, synthetics were perceived as a cheap substitute for natural fabrics, then they began to use them for the manufacture of workwear and protective suits. As the scientific base developed, fabrics with different properties began to be created. New polymers have undeniable advantages over natural fabrics: they are lighter, stronger and more resistant to aggressive environments.


Fabrics, artificial and synthetic, differ in the method of manufacture and indicators of the economics of production.
Raw materials for the production of synthetics are much cheaper and more accessible, which is why this particular industry has received priority in development. Fiber macromolecules are synthesized from low molecular weight compounds.
Modern technologies provide material with predetermined characteristics. Threads are formed from melts or solutions. They can be single, complex or in the form of bundles to obtain fibers of a certain length (then yarn is produced from them).
In addition to threads, film materials and stamped products (shoe and clothing parts) are formed from the initial synthetic mass. Varieties of synthetics Currently, several thousand chemical fibers have been invented, and new materials appear every year.


According to the chemical structure, all types of synthetic fabrics are divided into two groups: carbochain and heterochain.
Each group is subdivided into subgroups with similar physical and operational properties.


Carbon-chain synthetics The chemical chain of a macromolecule of carbon-chain synthetic fabrics consists mainly of carbon atoms (hydrocarbons). The group is divided into the following subgroups:
polyvinyl chloride;
polyvinyl alcohol;


Heterochain synthetics These are fabrics made of synthetic fibers, the molecular composition of which, in addition to carbon, includes atoms of other elements: oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, sulfur. Such inclusions give the original material additional properties.
Types of synthetic fabrics of the heterochain group:

A LITTLE ABOUT LYCRA. (Heterochain synthetics).

Imagine you in the store like this, with a smart look, asks the seller:
- Tell me, girl, what do you have from heterochain synthetics)

Lycra: polyurethane synthetic fabrics Names used by trading corporations: elastane, lycra, spandex, neolan, dorlastan. THE LAST TWO NAMES HAVE NOT MEET ON THE LABELS.

Polyurethane threads are capable of reversible mechanical deformations (like rubber). Elastane is able to stretch 6-7 times, freely returning to its original state. It has low temperature stability: when the temperature rises to +120 °C, the fiber loses its elasticity.


Polyurethane threads are not used in their pure form - they are used as a frame, winding other fibers around. The material containing such synthetics has elasticity, stretches well, resilient, resistant to abrasion, perfectly breathable. Things made of fabrics with the addition of polyurethane threads do not wrinkle and retain their original shape, are resistant to light, and retain their original color for a long time. The fabric is not recommended to be strongly wrung out, twisted, dried in a stretched form.


Kapron: polyamide synthetics The material got its name due to the amide group, which is part of the fabric. Kapron and nylon are the most famous representatives of this group. Main properties: increased strength, keeps its shape well, does not rot, light. At one time, kapron replaced the silk used to make parachutes.
Synthetic fibers of the polyamide group have low resistance to elevated temperatures (begins to melt at +215 ° C), they turn yellow in the light and under the influence of sweat. The material does not absorb moisture and dries quickly, accumulates static electricity and does not retain heat well. Women's tights and leggings are made from it. Capron and nylon are introduced into the composition of the fabric in an amount of 10-15%, which increases the strength of natural materials without compromising their hygienic properties. Socks and knitwear are made from such materials.


Other trade names for synthetic materials of the polyamide group are anide, perlon, meryl, taslan, jordan and helanca. I did not meet these names, except for the measure.


Velsoft - a thick fabric with a pile, competes with terry. Children's clothes, bathrobes and pajamas, household items (towels and blankets) are sewn from it. The material is pleasant to the touch, breathable, does not wrinkle, does not shrink, does not shed. Washable, dries quickly. Printed pattern does not fade over time.

Lavsan: polyester fibers.
Polyester synthetics have increased elasticity, wear resistance, fabrics from it do not shrink, do not wrinkle and keep their shape well. The main advantage in comparison with other groups of synthetic fabrics is increased heat resistance (withstands over +170 ° C). The material is hard, does not absorb moisture, does not collect dust, does not fade in the sun. In its pure form, it is used for the manufacture of curtains and curtains. In a mixture with natural fibers, it is used to make dress and suit fabrics, as well as material for coats and faux fur. Polyester fiber provides resistance to abrasion and creasing, while natural fibers provide hygiene that synthetic fabrics do not have.

Names of fabrics made of polyester materials: lavsan, polyester, terylene, trevira, tergal, diolen, dacron.


Fleece is a synthetic soft fabric made of polyester, similar in appearance to sheep's wool. Fleece clothing is soft, light, warm, breathable, elastic. The material is easy to wash, dries quickly and does not need ironing. Fleece does not cause allergies, so it is widely used for the manufacture of children's clothing. Over time, the fabric stretches and loses its shape.


Polysatin is made from pure polyester or in combination with cotton. The material is dense, smooth and slightly shiny. Dries quickly, does not shrink, does not wear out, does not shed. It is used for the manufacture of bed linen, household products (curtains, tablecloths, upholstery for furniture), home clothes, ties and scarves. Bed linen with a 3D pattern, which is very popular today, is made from polysatin.


Acrylic: polyacrylonitrile materials Its mechanical properties are similar to wool fibers, which is why acrylic is sometimes called "artificial wool". Synthetics are resistant to sunlight, it is heat-resistant, perfectly keeps its shape. Does not absorb moisture, tough, electrified, abraded. Fabrics for furniture Used in combination with wool for the production of fabric for furniture, children's mattresses, sewing outerwear and making faux fur. Acrylic does not form pellets, which makes it an indispensable additive in wool yarn for knitting. Things made of combined yarn stretch less, they are more durable and lighter. Trade names of polyacrylonitrile materials: acrylan, nitron, kashmilon, dralon, dolan, orlon.


Spectra and Dynema: polyolefin fibers This group distinguishes between polyethylene and polypropylene fibers. The lightest of all types of synthetics, polyolefin materials do not sink in water, are characterized by low hygroscopicity and good thermal insulation properties, the extensibility of the fiber is almost zero. They have low temperature stability - up to +115 °С. They are used when creating two-layer materials, for sewing sports and fishing clothes, filter and upholstery materials, tarpaulins, carpets. In combination with natural fibers - for the production of underwear and hosiery. Trade names: spectrum, dynema, tekmilon, herculon, ulstrene, found, meraklon.


This is the one in which nothing but carbohydrates was added.

Polyvinyl chloride synthetic fabrics The material is characterized by high resistance to chemically aggressive substances, low electrical conductivity and instability to temperature effects (destroyed at 100°C). Shrinks after heat treatment. In its pure form, protective clothing is made from it. With its help, a dense synthetic fabric is obtained - artificial leather, artificial fur and carpets are also made.

Trade names: teviron, chlorine, vignon. Polyvinyl alcohol fibers This group includes vinol, mtilan, vinylon, curalon, vinalon.

They have all the advantages of synthetics: durable, wear-resistant, resistant to light and temperature effects. In terms of extensibility and elasticity, they have average indicators. Distinctive feature- they absorb moisture well, products made from synthetic fabrics of this group have a high hygroscopicity, comparable to the properties of cotton products. Under the influence of water, vinol lengthens and shrinks a little, its strength decreases. Compared to other chemical fibers, it is less resistant to chemical attack. Vinol is used for the manufacture of clothing, underwear, in combination with cotton and viscose - for the production of hosiery. The material does not roll, does not wipe, has a pleasant sheen. The disadvantage of wine products is that they quickly become dirty.

Mtilan is used for the production of surgical sutures. The combination of different fibers gives interesting technological characteristics. A striking example is microfiber, which is widely known today. It is made from a combination of nylon and polyester fibers. Microfiber does not roll, does not shed, has a high hygroscopicity, and dries quickly. It is used for the production of knitted fabrics, woven and non-woven fabrics. Depending on the thickness of the fiber and its modification, the softness and wear resistance of the final product vary.
Microfiber is not mixed with other fibers, the care of products is extremely simple - they are not afraid of washing, dry cleaning and temperature effects. Due to the many air pores, the fabric helps to maintain optimal body temperature, but at the same time perfectly protects from the wind. Microfiber is used to make sports and outerwear, home textiles, napkins and sponges for cleaning.

As you can see, chemically synthesized fibers are widely used in the production of light industry goods. They are used to make sportswear and overalls, fabrics for furniture and interior decoration, the whole range of everyday clothes: from underwear to materials for coats and faux fur. Modern fabrics have a number of advantages inaccessible to their predecessors: they can be hygroscopic, "breathable" and retain heat well. The combination of different fibers in one thread, as well as the creation of multilayer fabrics, allow manufacturers to fully meet the demands of the modern world.


Anna Turkish

Reading time: 10 minutes


Choosing things to update the wardrobe, we rarely think about how safe they are for the body. As a rule, the main selection criteria are the aesthetics of the thing and its price. It is not surprising that then an allergy of unknown origin is found in the form of a constant runny nose or a rash on the body.

Is it worth buying clothes made of synthetics, and how to choose them with the least risk to health?

The composition of synthetic fabrics for clothing and underwear

The very first artificial fibers became known in 1900, when the synthesis of petroleum products was first carried out and polymers were obtained, on the basis of which they began to produce synthetic clothing. The first patent was issued in the 30s of the 20th century, and already in 1938 the industrial production of such clothes began.

And, if in the 60s synthetics were perceived by us as a cheap substitute for high-quality natural fabric, today, when buying synthetics, we may not even notice this.

Fibers of synthetic and natural cotton fabrics

The composition of synthetic clothing - what are our dresses and tights made of?

New technologies are regularly introduced in the production of artificial threads.

Moreover, today not only oil refining products, but also components of metals, coal and even natural gas are turned into bright fabrics. For 2017, more than several thousand fibers of chemical composition have been invented!

All synthetic fabrics, according to their chemical structure, are divided into ...

  • heterochain (note - from carbon, sulfur and chlorine, fluorine, nitrogen and oxygen): polyamide and polyester fabrics, as well as polyurethane.
  • Carbochain (note - from carbon atoms): polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene, polyacrylonitrile and polyvinyl alcohol.

In total, today there are more than 300 types of synthetics, but most often we find things from the following materials on store shelves:

  • Lycra(note - polyurethane synthetics). In trade, the names spandex and neolan, elastane and dorlastan are also used. Features: ability to reversibility of mechanical deformations (stretching and return to the initial state); loss of elasticity with a strong increase in temperature. It should be noted that polyurethane threads are not used in their pure form. As a rule, they are used as a basis, stringing other fibers on top. Such things do not wrinkle, retain elasticity, color and shape, "breathe", resistant to abrasion.
  • Kapron(note - polyamide synthetics). The names used in trade are helanka and jordan, platform and taslan, as well as meryl and anid. The most popular representatives of this group are nylon and capron. The latter, by the way, once replaced the silk used for parachute fabrics. Polyamide threads are used in the production of tights and leggings. The presence of nylon and capron in the fabric by only 10% significantly increases the strength of the fabric, and without compromising hygienic characteristics. Features: does not rot, keeps its shape, has lightness and high strength, has low resistance to high temperatures, does not hold heat, does not absorb moisture, accumulates static electricity.
  • Lavsan(note - polyester synthetics). Trade names: tergal and dacron, polyester and lavsan, trevira and terylene. Such fibers are often used in the production of curtains or, with the addition of natural fibers, to create suit fabrics, coats or faux fur. Features: wear resistance, high temperature resistance.
  • Acrylic(note - polyacrylonitrile synthetics). Or faux fur. Trade names: nitron and acrylan, dolan and kashmilon, orlon and dralon. Used for furniture fabric, faux fur, mattresses. Features: resistance to fading and high temperatures, no pilling, lightness and strength.
  • Dynema and spectrum (note - polyolefin synthetics). Trade names: meraklon and found, spectrum and ulstrene, herculon and tekmilon. Used for sportswear, upholstery, tarpaulins and carpets. And also for socks and underwear with the addition of natural fibers. Features: lightness, low hygroscopicity, high thermal insulation, almost zero extensibility, low temperature stability.
  • PVC synthetic. Commercial names: vignon and chlorine, teviron. Used for tailoring overalls, faux fur / leather, carpets. Features: resistance to aggressive "chemistry", instability to the effects of temperatures, shrinkage after temperature / processing, low electrical conductivity.
  • Polyvinyl alcohol synthetic. It includes mtilan and vinylon, curalon and vinol, vinalon. It is used for the production of underwear and socks together with viscose and cotton; for surgical sutures, home textiles, sportswear, etc. Features: strength and resistance to light and temperatures, high hygroscopicity, low resistance to chemical attack.

It happens (and, unfortunately, not infrequently) that manufacturers, in pursuit of cheaper products, change the technological process, or even use prohibited components. There were cases when, as a result of examination, carcinogens and formaldehydes were found in clothes, which exceeded the norm by 900 times.

There are many cases in Russia when children and adults suffered from low-quality synthetics.

Therefore, when choosing clothes made of synthetics manufacturer should also be taken into account.(you should not buy synthetic things "for a penny" in the transition or in the market around the corner).

Cons of synthetic clothing - how can synthetic clothing or underwear harm?

The maximum allowable rate of synthetics in the composition of the fabric - no more than 30%.

What are the disadvantages of synthetic fabrics?

  1. Build up static electricity. It seems to be a trifle - crackling, sparks, but according to the research, Negative consequences static electricity has both nervous system as well as for the heart. And then we wonder why the head hurts, sleep is disturbed and pressure jumps.
  2. Rapid contamination of tissues by microorganisms. Many do not know that spores of fungi and mold grow very quickly between the fibers of synthetics, which, when they enter the mucous membranes, cause serious illness. This is one of the reasons why gynecologists recommend buying underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics.
  3. Cause dermatitis, itching, allergies. And if there are harmful components in the composition, they can cause serious diseases, including asthma, chronic allergies, and so on.
  4. Low hygroscopicity. That is, low quality moisture absorption. Given that the skin tends to produce sweat that needs to evaporate somewhere, this quality of synthetics is one of the reasons to refuse it. With such properties of the fabric, a convenient environment is created for the reproduction of harmful bacteria with all the ensuing consequences.
  5. Violation of the body's natural heat exchange and lack of adequate ventilation.
  6. Accumulation of bad odors (pretty fast).
  7. Poor quality wash.
  8. Long-term release of volatile components of fibers , including toxic ones, when ironing clothes. Such components can stand out during the year.

To whom is synthetic contraindicated?

  • First of all, allergy sufferers.
  • Asthmatics.
  • People with skin problems.
  • Children, expectant and nursing mothers.
  • Cancer patients.
  • At .

It should be noted that the most low-quality and cheap items of clothing, consisting of synthetics, have mainly these shortcomings. completely or 100%.

Pros of Synthetic Clothing - When can synthetic clothing be more useful than natural fabrics?

Are there quality synthetics?

Yes, there is.

We can say more: modern fabrics made of synthetic fibers, for the most part, are hypoallergenic, and have a lot of advantages:

  1. Health safety.
  2. High strength.
  3. Long service life without loss of quality.
  4. Breathable fabric composition.
  5. Moisture absorption and accelerated evaporation.
  6. The presence of granules with antibacterial, tonic or even fat burning properties.
  7. Wear resistance.
  8. Resistant to rot, fungus or pest infestation.
  9. Persistence of color and shape.
  10. Ease.
  11. Fast drying.

Modern synthetics does not stretch or shrink, does not wrinkle and is easy to wash. It serves for years, and the presentation of the product remains original.

Of course, such things are not cheap, and a thin artificial silk blouse can hit the wallet for 5000-6000 rubles.

However, things that are “closer to the body”, it is still recommended to choose from natural fabrics, but synthetics are also suitable for outerwear.

Learning to choose synthetic clothes - the basic rules for choosing and caring for synthetic clothes

Even 15-20 years ago, we did not particularly care about the dangers of synthetics for the body, with pleasure buying bright blouses, dresses and children's tights with suits that flooded the shelves.

Today, even children know about the dangers of synthetics, and doctors are sounding the alarm because of the increase in the number of allergy sufferers and other victims of low-quality materials (including Chinese dishes, building materials, etc.).

How to choose things from synthetics to protect your health?

  • We study the label. The minimum proportion of natural fibers in the composition is 70%. If synthetics are more than 30%, we put the thing back on the shelf and look for another one.
  • Evaluate appearance - we are looking for a marriage, we check the thing for smell, we analyze the paint on the fabric. If there is an unpleasant smell from a thing - feel free to refuse it. Remember that washing of toxic components in the composition of the fabric will not save you - they will be released every time you wash, iron, etc.
  • Consider seasonality. A fleece sweatshirt keeps heat well and is suitable for the winter, and a nylon raincoat for a rainy autumn, but in summer synthetics are completely useless and even contraindicated.
  • Purpose of a thing. Anything that comes in constant contact with your skin should be 100% or at least 70% natural fibers. That is, socks, underwear, T-shirts and shorts are only natural. Synthetic pajamas are also a bad option. But for sports, high-quality synthetics are simply irreplaceable. Moreover, modern synthetic fabrics not only retain air exchange and regulate heat transfer, but also absorb sweat, thanks to special microfibers and impregnations. Of the leaders in the quality of such clothing, Puma and Adidas, Riok, Lotto and Umbro can be noted. As for outerwear, it can also consist entirely of synthetics. The main thing is that you sweat in it.

And of course, focus only on trusted manufacturers who value their reputation.

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When choosing clothes or accessories for everyday life, it is often difficult to determine what fabric this or that item of clothing is made of. Most modern materials belong to the category of synthetics, which, despite a significant difference with natural fabrics in texture, is in great demand and is used in various fields. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a material, it is necessary to have a greater awareness of how synthetic fabrics are classified, what are the features of each of its types, how to properly care for the material in order to extend its service life. All of these nuances will be presented in detail in this article.


Synthetic fabric has special characteristics that are not typical for other materials. The main difference is the minimum amount or complete absence of fabric fibers of natural origin in the composition. Most varieties are created using artificial processing raw materials and production of fibers from various chemical components.

The composition of many fabrics belonging to the number of heterochain synthetics includes elements such as fluorine, nitrogen, hydrocarbon or chlorine. In addition to these basic elements, the fabric may include other elements that affect its characteristics. This composition is most typical for polyester, polyamide and polyurethane fibers.

To obtain carbon-chain materials, such a chemical element as a hydrocarbon is taken as the basis. Like heterochain varieties, such tissues are highly elastic. They include polyethylene, polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylonitrile, polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene fabrics. It should be noted that if the synthetic fabric is made on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol, then its elasticity decreases, but nevertheless it is much higher than the elasticity of natural materials.

Since synthetic fibers are popular for various types clothing, including those used in different weather conditions, there are GOST standards, according to which the composition of the material must undergo a series of tests before the release of products. Such fabrics must be resistant to moisture, low temperatures, bright lighting. Durability is an essential characteristic of such materials. Also, the coloring matter that is part of almost all synthetic materials must be resistant to external factors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polymer fabrics are the favorites of many users, but opinions about such material are divided in relation to some features. Before buying this or that artificial matter, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of synthetics. Among positive sides the following can be distinguished.

  • Synthetic clothes are significantly inferior in price to things made from natural fabrics such as wool and silk. At the same time, in terms of efficiency during operation, artificially created analogues are often not inferior to tissues of natural origin.
  • Another advantage of synthetics is that they come in a huge variety. Among synthetic items, you can find clothes of various textures and thicknesses.
  • Things based on polymer fibers may have various prints that are not always seen on fabrics of natural origin.
  • This type of material has a long service life. If fungus, mold and even rot can form on natural fibers over time, then such dangers do not threaten polymeric materials.
  • Fabrics made from linen, silk and wool can quickly shed or lose color. But synthetics are able to retain their original characteristics, since the technology of its dyeing occurs in a special way. The polymeric material is first subjected to bleaching, and only then - to the treatment with a dye. This also contributes to its durability.
  • Synthetic materials are significantly lighter than their natural counterparts. Even bulky synthetics tend to be lighter than wool sweaters.
  • Unlike linen and cotton materials, synthetic fibers do not deform as much. Many polymer fabrics practically do not wrinkle, so they do not require hanging on a coat hanger. Some synthetic items may not even be ironed after washing.
  • It is also worth noting that textiles made from synthetic materials dry out faster after washing than fabrics made from natural raw materials.

But despite all their advantages, synthetic fibers also have a number of negative characteristics.

  • Such tissues do not provide normal body heat exchange. This is due to the fact that the material does not absorb moisture well. Therefore, clothing made from such fabrics is not suitable for hot weather.
  • If the hygroscopicity of fabrics is low, then unpleasant odors are very easily absorbed into some synthetic fibers and remain there until the item is washed. Consequently, the need to wash clothes may become more frequent.
  • Such material is not safe for allergy sufferers. Some of them may experience skin irritation after contact with polymer fabrics.
  • Among synthetic fabrics, there are toxic materials that can adversely affect health. Therefore, young children are not recommended to wear clothes made of artificial material.
  • Natural materials have a more noble appearance. People who care about their image often prefer wool and silk clothes to synthetics, because the latter, in their opinion, looks less aesthetically pleasing. However, this minus of synthetics depends only on individual style preferences.

Types of fibers and their properties

There are many types of polymer fabric materials, each of which has its own individual characteristics.


This type of fabric was obtained in 1938. Subsequently, such well-known materials as nylon, taslan, perlon, jordan, capron, and also velsoft were produced from it. The main advantages of these fabrics are their increased strength, absolute resistance to deformation. Clothing and coatings made of such material are not subject to abrasion and tearing. Also, such fibers are able to repel water, which allows them to be used as a waterproof material.

Among the shortcomings of this thick fabric the main thing is the lack of hygroscopicity, which under certain conditions creates discomfort when using the material. The texture of such synthetic fabrics can be quite stiff, while they have a low level of resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Also, static electricity can accumulate in the fibers of matter.

This group includes some of the most popular fabrics among the female consumer audience - kapron and nylon. The main advantage of these materials is their combination of lightness and strength. Also, these fabrics dry pretty quickly. However, such materials have many disadvantages: they do not retain heat well, under the influence of sunlight, the color of such products may acquire a yellowish tint, and polyamide synthetics do not absorb moisture.

A separate type of polyamide material is velsoft - a fleecy dense material comparable to terry cloth. It does not deform, is able to pass air, is also not subject to molting and is very pleasant to the touch.


Tergal, terylene, lavsan, dacron, as well as some other synthetic materials belong to the category of polyester, the production of which began in 1941. Among the well-known fabrics, this variety includes raincoat fabric, microfiber, and polyester. Cloths usually have a high level of strength, while being quite light and soft to the touch. Also, this nonwoven material is often added to the composition of natural fabrics, making them more durable, but at the same time less expensive.

Among the disadvantages of polyester fibers, it is worth noting their ability to accumulate static electricity, they also react poorly to exposure high temperatures. In some cases, the material creates a semblance of a greenhouse effect, due to which it becomes uncomfortable to use, especially if it is used as clothing.

One of the most popular polyester materials is fleece. It retains heat well, while being lightweight and breathable. This fabric is quite elastic, quick-drying and does not require ironing. The advantage of the material is its hypoallergenicity, but over time the fabric can stretch.

In combination with cotton fibers, polyester synthetic fabric is used - polysatin. It has a dense texture that is smooth and slightly shiny. It does not dry for a long time, does not deform during washing and does not shed. Such fabrics are usually not prone to rapid wear.


Polyvinyl chloride fabrics, which are also called vignon, teviron, chlorin, are famous for their high level of resistance to various chemicals. Often these materials are used in the process of creating protective clothing. However, high temperatures adversely affect such materials, causing destruction (at +100 degrees Celsius) or deformation (shrinkage). The texture of such materials is quite dense.


Polyurethane fibers are called elastane, spandex, dorlastan, lycra and neolan. This is a well-stretched matter that has a smooth texture. Despite the high level of extensibility, such fabrics do not lose their original shape after stretching. Their weakness is the instability to high temperatures: the fiber loses its original elasticity. Polyurethane threads are added to other materials, making them more elastic, while being resistant to light rays and breathable.

Polyvinyl alcohol

Among such materials you can find such as vinol, vinylon, mtilan, curalon and vinol. Their main advantages are a high level of strength, resistance to wear, exposure to light, as well as temperature. Compared to other groups of synthetic fabrics, these have a high level of hygroscopicity, which is close to that of materials made from cotton. They are very resistant to the effects of various chemistry, but at the same time they can be deformed under the influence of moisture.


This group includes such varieties of synthetics as polyethylene and polypropylene fabrics, which are the lightest of all artificial materials. They are also impervious to water, do not sink in water and are able to withstand fairly low temperatures. Also, these fibers retain heat well. But they are not elastic. On the market, among such materials, you can find Tekmilon, Spectrum, Ulstrene, Meraklon, Herculon, Found, Dynema fabrics.


Several types of synthetic materials are often used to create certain fabrics. The most relevant example is microfiber, which is based on nylon as well as polyester raw materials. The main characteristic of this material is its sufficiently high hygroscopicity combined with the ability to dry quickly after wet processing. It is also not subject to molting and rolling, therefore it is resistant to temperature and chemical influences. This material is used for both woven and non-woven fabrics.

Having a special porous texture, microfiber maintains optimal body temperature without creating a "greenhouse effect". At the same time, such a fabric perfectly protects from the wind.

Scope of use

Synthetic fibers are used to make a huge range of different products, from clothing to home textiles and even furniture. The sphere in which this or that matter is used depends on which group of synthetic fabrics it belongs to.

  • Polyvinyl chloride materials are actively used to create faux leather, carpets, as well as faux fur.
  • Due to their high thermal insulation and hygroscopicity, polyolefin fabrics are often used in workwear, in the manufacture of hiking equipment, upholstery, underwear, and socks.
  • Among polyvinyl alcohol synthetic materials, the most popular in use is vinol, from which underwear, tights and stockings are made.
  • Mtilan is the main raw material for the creation of surgical sutures.
  • Microfiber is the main material for household textiles, outerwear, cleaning accessories, sportswear, upholstery.
  • Polyurethane synthetic fabrics are popular mainly for the production of sportswear.
  • Polyamide synthetics can most often be found as part of tights, stockings, leggings. Velsoft is an excellent fabric for the production of blankets, warm bathrobes, pajamas, towels, as well as clothes for the little ones.
  • Also, for the production of children's clothing and toys, material such as fleece is used.
  • Polysatin is most in demand for creating home textiles, for example, curtains, bed linen. It is also used to make scarves, ties and home wardrobe items.

Textiles >> Non-natural

Unlike artificial fabrics, there is not a single gram of naturalness in synthetic fabrics, only synthetics. They are made from polymers, which in turn were synthesized from coal, oil or natural gas. However, this production method makes it possible to obtain very cheap materials that have a number of unique properties that neither cotton nor silk can boast of.


There are two main types of synthetics: carbon chain, which in turn is divided into polyacrylonitrile, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene and polypropylene, and heterochain (sometimes polyester, polyamide and polyurethane).

The most common synthetic fibers

Acrylan, rovil, curalon, tekmilon, herculon, lavsan, capron, lycra, microfiber, acrylic, fleece, polyester, polyamide, polysatin, oxford, nitron, chlorin, vinol, spectrum, herculon, etc.

AcrylicAlovaAramidArizonaArselonBieberSuplexBlackoutBolognaBonding VelsoftWindblockVinylDacronLeathermatineDralonDuspoNylonKashiboKevlarKermelKrimplenLavsanLycra (Elastane)LaquerMedeaMembraneMicrofiberWet SilkNylonNeopreneNitronNomexOxfordPANPichuPolarfleecePolyacrylicPolyamidePolyesterPolyesterPolyesterPolyester SilkSoftSpandexTaslanTyu lTulleFleeceFukra

How fabric is made

The initial raw material is cellulose - a polysaccharide that is part of plant cells, it is obtained from wood. This is the difference between such a material and synthetic. To avoid confusion, the labeling rules forbid the fiber to be called rayon, but are prescribed to be labeled as viscose or acetate. The production process is as follows:

  • The crushed cellulose is exposed to alkali (caustic soda) and pressed.
  • Pre-ripening. The resulting substance is crushed and kept for some time for polymerization.
  • Obtaining xanthate. Raw materials are placed in sealed containers filled with nitrogen.
  • Dissolution of xanthate. The output is a transparent viscous viscose, which is left to age.
  • Liquid viscose is forced through spinnerets into a spinning machine with a mixture of acids. fibers are formed.
  • Threads are spun from fibers. Textile factories produce fabrics from them.
  • An important milestone is the precipitation bath. The composition of the acids in it and the temperature completely determine the properties of the fiber and future fabrics. Manufacturers keep these parameters in the strictest confidence.

Advantages and disadvantages

Outwardly, a thin artificial substitute is similar to natural fabric, but in terms of its chemical and organoleptic properties, it is closest to cotton. This is not surprising, since the basis of both viscose and cotton fibers is vegetable cellulose. Compared with analogues, the fabric has undoubted advantages:

  • absorbs moisture well, hygroscopicity is twice as high as that of cotton;
  • softness, comfortable tactility;
  • ease;
  • has a perfectly smooth texture;
  • breathability is the same as that of cotton, lower than natural silk, but higher than that of synthetic;
  • does not condense static electricity, unlike synthetics;
  • drapes well;
  • staining is stable, does not shed;
  • hypoallergenic - unlike synthetic analogues, it does not cause skin irritation and allergic reactions;
  • strength - superior to natural silk and cotton.

In addition to the advantages, the fabric has some disadvantages compared to the natural counterpart:

  • the artificial material is wrinkled, to eliminate this property, synthetic fibers are often added to its composition (more often polyester, less often polyamide or polyester);
  • in a wet state, it is deformed, loses its elasticity, can be torn;
  • worse than natural canvas passes air;
  • warms less;
  • does not have bactericidal action.

Areas of use

Their cellulose fibers produce several types of silk fabrics:

  • viscose silk - good quality imitation. Depending on the technology of weaving, almost the entire range of traditional silks (satin, chiffon, gauze, organza, crepe, etc.) can be produced;
  • Acetate silk is cellulose (mainly waste from the woodworking industry in the form of wood chips) treated with acetic acid. Wrinkles less, holds wrinkles, does not deform when wet. At the same time, it does not absorb moisture and is electrified. IN last years the material is losing popularity;
  • cupra - copper-ammonia fibers. In the technological cycle at the stage of xanthate dissolution, copper sulphate and ammonia are used. This feature of the technology allows cupra to be as close as possible to its natural counterpart, to make it more breathable, durable and elastic. The disadvantage of the fabric is its high price;
  • modal is a fabric made from eucalyptus cellulose. It has bactericidal properties of the original tree. It is used for the production of high-quality expensive bed linen;
  • lyocell is a fabric that practically does not differ from natural. Its price is high.

Artificial silk has found recognition and wide application. It is used for sewing a wide variety of products.

  • Bed linen made of artificial silk has an excellent appearance, while the price of the set is several times lower than that of a similar one made of natural fabric.
  • All kinds of clothes - on sale you can find attractive and practical blouses, scarves, stoles, scarves, children's clothes. Dresses made of artificial silk are in particular demand.
  • Artificial silk underwear, elegant and very feminine dressing gowns are an extremely popular option; you can sew a stylish and elegant set from this fabric at a very reasonable price.
  • Interior decoration - bedspreads and even artificial silk carpets successfully complement curtains made of the same material.

How to distinguish artificial silk from natural and synthetic

To determine the origin of the fabric, it is enough to set fire to a small piece. All three materials burn differently:

  • natural smoldering;
  • artificial burns brightly and smells like burning paper;
  • synthetics do not burn, but melt.

Product Care

Things made of artificial silk require careful care:

  • handwash, in extreme cases, the machine in the mode " delicate wash»;
  • products can not be twisted, you can slightly wring out, let the water drain on its own;
  • dry in a horizontally straightened position;
  • iron with a non-hot iron.

The imitation of natural fabric created as a result of the achievements of science and technology made it possible to preserve all the advantages of the original plant material, its environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity and human friendliness, while the price of the fabric turned out to be quite affordable. This is the secret of the enduring popularity of this amazing material.

Related articles:

Jacquard fabric - description, origin, product care Fabric natural silk - for luxury and comfort

Coarse calico fabric - history, properties, advantages and disadvantages

Blackout curtain fabric - advantages and properties of the canvas

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial materials

  • as a result of chemical synthesis, humanity receives materials with predetermined parameters of strength, thermal conductivity, resistance to chemical attack, and other properties. For example, some types of synthetic rubber can withstand temperatures up to 300 ° C, plastics with special properties are widely used in engineering, synthetic fabrics are extremely durable;
  • the service life of these materials is much longer;
  • are more technologically advanced and cheaper raw materials;
  • by synthesis get the majority medicines, as well as vitamins and amino acids;
  • The production of synthetic materials makes it possible to meet the needs of a growing population, which would not be possible with the availability of natural resources alone.
  • synthetic fibers are often allergens;
  • many materials contain toxic substances (plastic, oils, dyes), which eventually begin to penetrate into environment;
  • the decomposition period of waste is 100 years or more, and the disposal of synthetics is a problem.

Characteristics and properties of the fabric

It is a woven material consisting of synthetic fibers. It is also known by other names:

  • lavsan;
  • polyethylene terephthalate;

Every major textile company is trying to patent the slightest changes, assigning more and more new trade names.

But the essence remains the same, polyester (polyethylene terephthalate) is used as the basis. Only the methods of fiber formation and weaving of threads differ.

Material types and description

Types of threads and fibers:

  1. Fiber hollow structure. It has voids inside, due to which it has exceptional thermal insulation properties.
  2. Staple fibre. It has a small length, only about 50 mm. It goes to the production of fillers and heaters.
  3. Structured (filament) thread. Used for finishing products. The extensibility of the threads is satisfactory, they firmly cling to each other.
  4. Monofilament. It has almost unlimited areas of application. Depending on the density of weaving, it is possible to make the thinnest chiffon and dense bologna from it.

The modern weaving industry combines lavsan threads with fibers of natural and artificial origin. The range of fabrics based on the mixture is the widest. As you can see in the photo, products from the same material can look completely different.

Naturally, the characteristics of each material are unique. But still there are some general properties that distinguish polyester fibers:


Polyester is valued for the following qualities:

  1. Wear resistance. There are no creases on polyester products. When worn, the thing does not wrinkle and does not lose its original appearance for a long time.
  2. Bright colors. The fiber lends itself well to dyeing with all known types of dyes, which allows you to get almost any shade.
  3. Ease of care. Machine washable, dries quickly.
  4. Hypoallergenic. Polyester, made from high quality raw materials, does not cause allergic reactions.


Polyester synthetic fabric still has some disadvantages that hinder its widespread use:

  1. Low moisture absorption. On the one hand, this is a plus, but on the other hand, wearing lavsan clothes is very uncomfortable in the heat.
  2. Causes negative skin reactions. Polyester is harmless, but the fact that the skin does not breathe leads to increased sensitivity. People prone to allergies should pay attention to this.
  3. Not suitable for children's clothing. It is undesirable for young children to buy such things. The exception is outerwear.

Is there any harm to health?

By itself, the polyester that makes up the fabric is not toxic to the human body. Only low-quality dye can cause problems.

So that polyester does not cause discomfort, it is desirable:

  • do not wear tight-fitting things from this material in the heat;
  • choose clothes lined with natural fabrics;
  • use an antistatic agent, as the material can sometimes attract dust.

Applications: clothing, fillers and insulation

Polyester finds the following areas of use:

  1. Manufacture of fabrics for bedding. It can completely replace the usual cotton, or only part of it. The addition of lavsan greatly facilitates the care of linen.
  2. Bolon and raincoat fabric for outerwear. The dense material is resistant to moisture and is not blown by the wind.
  3. Material for awnings and tents. By itself, polyester is not exactly suitable for technical fabrics. But in combination with impregnation and other polymers, it is simply irreplaceable in the production of tourist equipment.
  4. All famous species fabrics ranging from twill to jacquard. Manufacturers have learned to replace natural materials with lavsan, while maintaining the unique texture of fabrics.
  5. Fillers and heaters. All insulating materials popular in recent years (holofiber, synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, thinsulate, etc.) are made of polyester.

The production of clothing and footwear from plastic waste is rapidly gaining momentum. Do you have items made from recycled plastic in your wardrobe?

Production from recycled materials

Do not think that the reuse of PET somehow degrades the properties of polyester, makes it more toxic and less quality.

In European and Asian countries, only recycled materials are used for tailoring.

Our country is just entering this stage, when plastic products can be given a second life.

Of course, recycling in developed countries encourages the separate collection of waste. In our country, this approach is not widespread enough. But, of course, there are also sources of recyclable materials in Russia.

There are companies that manufacture equipment for the recycling of polyethylene terephthalate into fiber. They take into account all the subtleties and nuances of the process, which allows you to achieve High Quality products. Developers of additives for polymers have long proposed good ways restoration of the properties of recycled PET.

Fibers made from recycled plastic are resistant to sunlight and UV exposure.

It is possible to enhance the strength and manufacturability of recycled PET threads by adding primary raw materials.

In addition, there are macromolecule chain extenders, brighteners and antioxidants. The introduction of very small amounts of these additives into the processed raw materials significantly improves the quality of the fiber and extends the service life.

Modern pigments and dyes for synthetic fabrics have good hiding power. Therefore, a slight variation in the shade of recycled fibers will not be noticeable, especially on dark colors.

In addition, in weaving mills textiles are applied with dressings (surface coatings). Finishing helps protect tissues from premature aging and wear.

More about recycling equipment plastic bottles you will find here.

Fiber technology

The process of producing fibers from recycled polyester is further complicated preliminary preparation raw components.

Since the guarantee good result serves a high degree of purification from pollution, you need to approach this stage responsibly.

For the production of thin fibers, only the purest recyclable materials are suitable, since it is rather problematic to form and stretch a thin thread.

Ideal for industrial waste:

  • sprues;
  • ingots;
  • defective blown production (bottles, preforms);
  • cuttings of non-woven and staple fibers;
  • harnesses, thick ropes.

Packaged PET waste can be used, but special attention will have to be paid to cleaning it from contaminants.

In addition to standard washing operations, it is necessary to use soaking in special chemicals, for example, caustic soda solutions and tetrachlorethylene.

Stages of the technological process:

  1. Sorting. All products must be separated by color and degree of contamination. Lids, closures and labels must be removed with great care, since the slightest impurities significantly reduce the draft of the finished thread.
  2. Splitting up. Grinding is preferably carried out to a fine and homogeneous fraction, filtering dust and especially large pieces. The crusher can be equipped with a metal separator. Read more about crushers for polymers - here.
  3. Washing. If necessary, crushed stone is washed in flotation baths and high-intensity washing complexes. For particularly contaminated products, a centrifuge is suitable.
  4. Drying. Storage type dryers and a pneumatic transport system with several cyclones are used for drying PET. The stuck together pieces are well separated and cool down in a stream of air.
  5. Extrusion. Since polyethylene terephthalate melts easily, the extruder may be short. It must be equipped with melt filtration and dosing systems and a melt pump.
  6. Die. The most technically difficult element. The size and number of holes is determined by the type of fiber produced. For textile thread, the thickness of the holes is not more than 0.3 mm. The die is made of high-quality metal to ensure a minimum number of stagnant zones where the material will burn.
  7. Cooling system. Since the fibers are very thin, they can be cooled by air flow in a closed chamber. Further, the already cooled threads are fed to the winding.
  8. Formation of tissues. Next, the finished fiber is sent to weaving and spinning machines. The type and technical equipment of textile units depends on the type of fabric. There are many types of weave - twill, satin, calico, etc. The equipment of the equipment is determined by the type of finished canvas.

Properties of synthetic fibers

Why do we love clothing made from natural materials?

Yes, it does not cause allergies, the body breathes easily in it, it has good water permeability, it is not hot in summer and warm in winter, it is pleasant for the body.

But synthetic fabrics also have their advantages, because it is beneficial features of this matter were laid at its creation. People have learned to create materials with the characteristics they need, and in many respects even superior to products made from natural fabrics.

Advantages of synthetic fabrics:

  • Do not shrink, do not deform when washed;
  • Good shape retention;
  • Have a low cost and price;
  • High strength;
  • wear-resistant;
  • Drape well;
  • Long retain the original appearance;
  • Wrinkle slightly, rarely require ironing;
  • Lungs;
  • Resistant to external influences (mechanical, fading in the sun, chemicals);
  • They have a huge variety of colors;
  • Not subject to damage by pests (moth, fungi, etc.);
  • Have a permanent color
  • Poorly absorb moisture, dry quickly;
  • Easily washable, easy to care for.

Disadvantages of synthetics:

  • Does not breathe: poorly passes air and moisture;
  • May cause allergic reactions upon contact with skin;
  • electrified;
  • Doesn't warm up in the cold.

Fabric manufacturers have learned to use all the pros and cons correctly, creating many varieties of materials for various purposes.

Synthetics are different.

The following diagram shows the main groups of synthetic fibers.

Consider the most famous representatives of these groups.

Nylon is the first synthetic fiber, invented in 1935 in the USA. The first nylon products were women's stockings. Then they began to produce parachutes, backpacks, tents, military and sports clothes from it.

Positive qualities of nylon: light, elastic and high-strength (50 times stronger than viscose), durable, dimensionally stable, water-repellent, protects from wind.

Later in Germany, a fiber with similar properties was obtained under the name kapron. Many people remember nylon ribbons for braiding braids.

Now jackets, windbreakers, raincoats, bags, umbrellas, sewing threads, camping equipment, fishing lines and nets, dental floss, and much more are made from nylon and nylon. Even the American flag planted by Neil Armstrong on the moon was also made of nylon.

The disadvantages of these polyamide materials are:

  • instability to the action of light: colored fabrics fade in the sun, and whites turn yellow;
  • increased electrification;
  • fusibility: wash should be in water not higher than 40 degrees, it is better not to use an iron.

Polyester is a widely used cheap material, has all the advantages of synthetics, and is used as a substitute for cotton linen for sewing blouses, dresses, and other casual wear. It is often used in conjunction with natural materials. We also know it under the name Lavsan.

Compared to nylon, polyester does not fade or fade in the sun, and is more resistant to high temperatures.

The material tends to fix its shape when heated - this can achieve interesting stable effects of pleated, corrugated or crash.

I personally gave the thin polyester chiffon to the crash workshop to sew a skirt later - an excellent result! In subsequent washes and any kind of crumpled storage, the fabric always had a beautiful appearance without losing the wrinkled effect.

In general, I like to sew from this fabric precisely because it does not wrinkle or shrink.

Spandex(from the English "to expand" - to stretch) - a highly elastic fiber. Its other names are elastane, lycra.

Rarely used in its pure form, it is usually added to other fabrics in the composition of 2-3%. We can see the result of adding 5-15% lycra to nylon in modern tights - tightly fitting on the leg, elastic, with a characteristic sheen.

The product with spandex fiber perfectly retains its shape, practically does not wrinkle, fits the body well. The material where it is added has the additional word "stretch" in the name.

It is used in the manufacture of fabrics for swimwear, tracksuits, corset and underwear, hosiery, elastic bandages in medicine.

Polyurethane fibers are afraid of high temperatures and chlorine, so when washing, the water should not be higher than 40 degrees, swimwear should be thoroughly rinsed after the pool.

Nitron is the softest, warmest and silkiest of all synthetic fibers. Also known as acrylic, PAN fiber.

Nitron is often called "artificial wool", because in physical terms and application it is very similar to it. In the production of fabrics, staple fibers are mainly used. They are blended with cotton, wool and viscose for the best properties.

A distinctive quality of nitron is its hypoallergenicity, unlike its other synthetic relatives. It is completely harmless and safe material. It does not discolor, is resistant to chemical and atmospheric influences, does not wrinkle, and is quite durable.

Application: costume fabrics, knitwear, curtains, blankets, carpets.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted electrified and pilling (formation of pellets during prolonged wear).

Chlorine– modified PVC fiber, extremely resistant to alkalis, acids and oxidizing agents, not afraid of fire, highly electrified, no shine. It is used for production of overalls and medical linen.

Vinol is a cheap fiber made from polyvinyl alcohol. It differs in that it absorbs water well, almost like cotton. Chemically and lightfast. It is added to viscose and cotton in the production of fabrics for linen and outerwear, blankets, technical products.

Polypropylene is a strong and light elastic fiber with good thermal insulation properties. It is used for the manufacture of ropes, filters, carpets, raincoat fabrics for outerwear.

Burning synthetic fibers

To be well versed in various types synthetic fabrics, it is useful to know the features of their combustion in a flame.

Capron, nylon Melts with the formation of resin, a melted brown ball forms at the end, there is a smell of sealing wax
polyester, lavsan It burns with a yellow smoky flame, black acrid smoke is emitted, a dense, non-rubbing ball forms at the end
Spandex Burns like lavsan
Nitron, acrylic It burns with a yellow smoky flame with flashes, forming a hard ball at the end, partially rubbed with fingers.
Chlorine Does not burn, when brought into the flame, the fiber shrinks, charring, there is a smell of chlorine
Vinol When introduced into the fire, it shrinks, then burns with a yellow flame with a slight soot, after fading, a solid light brown influx remains.
Polypropylene Poorly supports combustion, the flame is inactive, without the formation of soot


Synthetic polymers are based on low molecular weight organic compounds (monomers), which form long chains as a result of polymerization or polycondensation reactions. The location and configuration of molecular chains and the type of their bond largely determine the mechanical characteristics of polymers.

Artificial and synthetic polymers have a number of specific features. In the first place, it should be noted their high elasticity and resilience - the ability to withstand deformations and restore their original shape. An example is polyamide, rubber. Polyurethane thread - elastane, is able to change its length by 800% without breaking and then restore its original size. The presence of long molecular chains in the structure of synthetic materials determined the low brittleness of plastic products. In most cases, the increase in brittleness in some types of plastics occurs with a decrease in temperature. Organic materials are almost completely devoid of this disadvantage.

Separate types of plastics, on the contrary, have high rigidity and hardness. Fiberglass is not inferior in strength to steel, and a polymer such as Kevlar even surpasses it.

These properties are complemented by high corrosion resistance and wear resistance. Most known polymers have high electrical resistance and low thermal conductivity.

Noting the high operational and technological qualities, we must not forget about the negative aspects:

  • Difficulty in recycling. Recycling allows only thermoplastic material and only if properly sorted. A mixture of polymers with different chemical composition cannot be recycled. In nature, plastics decompose extremely slowly - up to tens and hundreds of years. When certain types of plastics are burned, large amounts of highly toxic substances and compounds are released into the atmosphere. This is especially true for plastics containing halogens. The most well-known material of this type is polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  • Poor UV resistance. Under the action of ultraviolet rays, long polymer chains are destroyed, the fragility of products increases, strength and cold resistance decrease.
  • Difficulty or impossibility of connecting certain types of synthetic materials.

The chemical properties of polymers show their high resistance to aggressive substances, but in some cases it makes it difficult to use adhesives. Therefore, for thermoplastic polymers, the welding method is used - the connection of heated elements. Some substances, for example, fluoroplastics, are generally not subject to connections, except for mechanical ones.

Classification of synthetic polymers

There are several classification groups of polymers, depending on the defining feature. First of all, these are:

  • Artificial polymers created on the basis of natural organic polymers (cellulose - celluloid, rubber - rubber);
  • Synthetic polymers based on synthesis from low molecular weight compounds (styrene - polystyrene, ethylene - polyethylene).

According to the chemical composition, the division is as follows:

  • Organic, containing predominantly hydrocarbon chains;
  • Organoelement, including inorganic atoms (silicon, aluminum) in organic chains. The most striking example is organosilicon compositions.

Depending on the types of chains of molecular composition, the following types of polymer structures can be indicated:

  • Linear, in which the monomers are connected in long straight chains;
  • branched;
  • With grid structure.

All polymer compounds are characterized differently with respect to temperature. Thus, they are divided into two groups:

  • Thermoplastic, for which the effect of temperature has reversible changes - heating, melting;
  • Thermosetting, irreversibly changing its structure when heated. In most cases, this process occurs without a melting step.

There are several more types of classification of polymers, for example, according to the polarity of molecular chains. But this qualification is necessary only for narrow specialists.

Many types of polymers are used in an independent form (polyethylene, polyamide), but a significant amount is used as composite materials, where it acts as a connecting element between an organic and inorganic base - plastics based on glass or carbon fibers. Often you can find a combination of polymer - polymer (textolite, in which the polymer fabric is impregnated with a polymer binder).

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Features, production, GOSTs

Blended fabrics, due to the peculiarities of production, have a low percentage of shrinkage, are easy to clean, do not wrinkle and do not lose their original shape, do not shed and do not lose their color saturation, are well ventilated, and have high wear resistance.

Products are characterized by high hygroscopicity. Blended fabric creates a pleasant sensation when tactile interaction with the skin.

The synthetic fibers that make up the canvas enable manufacturers to produce bright and saturated products from the conveyor. As a result of the work, budget fabrics with a variety of color solutions.

Mixed materials are used in the production of overalls, work suits, elements of outerwear. In production, homogeneous threads can be used, which initially consist of natural and synthetic fibers, as well as several different types of threads mixed in certain proportions according to their intended use. finished product.

Blended fabric is a duo of cotton fiber and polyester. The type of threads always remains the same, only their components and percentage relative to each other change.

Most often, the proportion looks like: 65% polyester to 35% cotton. The twill weaving technique used results in an elastic and at the same time very reliable material.

Varieties, use for workwear, what properties they have

Blended fabric is mainly used for tailoring workwear. Equipment for hunters and fishermen, cyclists and tourists is sewn from it. Clothing made of this material repels moisture, allows air to pass through, allows the skin to breathe, and protects against adverse weather conditions. Matter is great for frosty weather.

Mixed matter is the basis of the uniform of catering employees, hotel business personnel, medical institutions, military. It is also used for tailoring clothes for daily wear, namely blouses, overalls, bathrobes.

Blended fabric has a variety of choices. The increased content of natural threads in matter is the choice of the gas and aviation industries. Everyday clothes are also made from this fabric. A refractory layer is added to fabrics used in the energy industry. And a large percentage of synthetics are included in the overalls of medical workers, metallurgists, and builders.

Varieties and compositions of mixed fabrics:

  • Taslan. The material is a polyamide with a special weave of threads, covered with a waterproof layer. This weave includes fishing lines to enhance strength. To the touch it is a pleasant soft material that is not afraid of moisture, direct sunlight. The fabric does not shed, is easily washed off from dirt, passes air. Application: outerwear, overalls for sports.
  • TiSi. The basis is cotton fiber. These clothes are easy to wear and comfortable. Perfectly absorbs the moisture allocated by a body, is well ventilated. Rarely causes allergies or irritation, so it is used as workwear for establishments where staff is actively working all day.

    Products are resistant to damage, tearing and tightening. It is easy to wash, dries instantly, retains the brightness of colors for a long time, does not wrinkle well. Application: clothing for numerous personnel in the field of entertainment and recreation, suits for laboratory assistants, chemists.

  • Duspo. The key material is polyester. Duspo is soft, dense and strong. A water-repellent layer is sewn inside, protection from wind and rain is on top. This type of fabric is subdivided into three more categories: Duspo Sire, Duspo with knitwear base, Ray Duspo. The first matter is very soft, does not rustle, looks shiny. The second consists of raincoat fabric and knitwear, which are interconnected by impregnation. The third is distinguished by a special mother-of-pearl luster.
  • Bonding. Most often, boding is used for the manufacture of hats. The fabric is made from two layers: polyester and fabric base. The result is an elastic material that retains heat and protects from rain.
  • Taffet. Mainly made of polyester. The shine of the fabric is due to the threads of nylon woven into synthetic fiber. Clothing items are almost impossible to wrinkle, they do not react to ultraviolet light and retain their shape.
  • NC fabrics. In the name of the fabric, you can read its composition. NC are the first letters of the constituent materials, namely nylon and cotton. Here they are intertwined, giving clothing the properties inherent in both types of materials. In order for NC suits to be used for a long time, they are covered with a special impregnating layer of a substance. It improves moisture resistance.
  • Memory. The key nuance of memory is the fact that the material is able to take the form that it was given. It will be smoothed out only at the moment when you run your hand over it. Externally completely matte.
  • Alova. When touched, the sensations are pleasant. Inside is a warm knitted layer, on top - a moisture-resistant membrane. Excellent behavior in severe frosts. Application: camouflage, fishing clothes, hunter suit.
  • Oxford. Camouflage fabric with pronounced water-repellent, protective properties. Resistant to dirt. Included in the budget class of mixed fabrics. The composition is divided into polyester and nylon oxford. Application: hiking accessories (tent, backpack, raincoat fabric, shoes, covers).
  • Orton. Combines breathability and moisture resistance. A person who puts on a suit or overalls made of orton will protect himself from annoying rainfall.
  • Greta. Possesses the increased durability and firmness. Serves with proper care long time.
  • Polycotton. It is used for sewing bedding. It boasts high wear resistance, the ability to keep its shape. The fabric does not change in size, it is easy to wash.
  • Sisu, teredo, satori. Attractive in appearance and to the touch, reliable, resistant to creasing and tearing. Usually used for cutting elastic and durable overalls.

Where else are they applied?

Blended fabrics are used everywhere. In addition to the fact that they are used to tailor equipment for military personnel, workers in various fields and just people who love outdoor activities, matter has found application:

  • tourist tents;
  • shoes;
  • covers for fishing rods;
  • bags;
  • climbing equipment;
  • awning for cars;
  • umbrella.

At different manufacturers Completeness options for the Gorka suit vary. About what types of costume Gorka

happen, we will tell in a special review.

What norms and requirements are imposed in the production of winter maskhalat, find out here.

Care rules

The service life of things made of mixed fabrics is impressive: on average, it ranges from two to five years. In order for the products not to lose their properties, you need to follow certain rules for caring for them:

  • At home, you can wash only those things that do not have a dry-cleaning icon. Washing is possible in automatic machines at a temperature of 40 degrees for ten minutes. The powder is added in a proportion of 3 grams per liter of water.
  • If the product is marked with a dry cleaning symbol, wash it in ordinary car drum type is not possible. After dry cleaning in a specialized institution, drying is carried out with a stream of hot air and ironing at a temperature of 160 degrees.
  • Do not add bleach, chlorine or conditioner to the powder.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like many other fabrics, nylon has its advantages and disadvantages. Its positive qualities include:

  • Strength and wear resistance - despite the thinness of the nylon fiber, it is difficult to break it, in addition, it does not tend to thin from friction or creases;
  • Unpretentiousness in care - the material does not shrink and does not deteriorate from washing and spinning in a washing machine, and also does not require special conditions for drying things from it;
  • Crease resistance - like many synthetic fabrics, nylon holds its shape and is difficult to wrinkle;
  • Windproof - the structure of the fabric does not allow air to pass through, which makes it windproof and suitable for outerwear, tents, etc.;
  • Color fastness - nylon is easy to dye and holds color well;
  • Aesthetics - iridescent sheen and resemblance to silk make things made of nylon beautiful and attractive;
  • Availability - production technology and the cost of raw materials allow the material to be produced on a mass scale, which makes it affordable and common in retail outlets.

Among the negative properties are:

  • Tendency to electrify - like most synthetic materials, nylon can be electrified, which leads to the need to use antistatic agents;
  • Low breathability and hygroscopicity - such properties are not suitable for first-layer clothing, as it will be hot and uncomfortable in it;
  • Allergenicity - like any synthetics, nylon can cause allergies upon contact with the skin;
  • Low heat resistance - when exposed to high temperatures, the fabric may lose its appearance or completely deteriorate;
  • Low resistance to chlorine - just like high temperatures, chlorine bleach can make a thing unusable.

Properties and types

Due to the wide distribution in the light industry, many are interested in the question: "nylon, what kind of fabric."

As we have already said, nylon is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance.

It is worth noting that pure nylon fabric does not have elasticity, therefore, to give stretchability, the necessary fiber is added to the composition. It can be lycra, elastane, which is also called spandex, or other synthetic threads.

Despite the increased resistance to mechanical stress, the fabric is pleasant and soft to the touch, due to its fine structure and lightness. In addition, along with resistance to creasing, nylon easily takes the shape of the body and does not bulge.

In addition to 100% nylon, the material has some other types.

  • Ripstop is a type of fabric that can also be made from polyester. Differs in the increased durability due to the combined weaving from the main and reinforcing threads. As a result, small holes or cuts cannot expand into larger ones. Made from ripstop military uniform, sails, flags, lambrequins, etc.;
  • Cordura is a fabric produced by the American company invista. The material has a special weave, polyurethane coating and water-repellent impregnation;
  • It is used for the manufacture of specialized clothing and accessories, such as clothing for motorcyclists;
  • Silicone Coated Nylon - Silicone makes the material water-repellent, so it won't get wet. This makes it suitable for making tents, backpacks and other things for hiking, hunting, etc.


Having learned the answer to the question: “what is nylon”, you can proceed to the rules for using fabric from it.

Nylon has no tendency to absorb various pollution, so things from it are quite easy to wash off. They can also be washed in the washing machine on the standard cycle for synthetics. As we have already said, nylon is unstable to high temperatures, so it is advisable to wash it in warm water, not higher than 300. For washing, it is not recommended to use products containing chlorine or other bleaching agents.

It is better to wash white nylon clothes separately from colored and dark clothes, otherwise there is a risk of getting a gray tint.

You can wring out the material both by hand and in the drum of a washing machine. Dry preferably in a straightened form, avoiding direct sunlight and heating systems. Accordingly, you should not use radiators and batteries for drying. It is recommended to iron the material at low temperatures. You can use a damp cloth.

Artificial and natural fabrics

The quality, composition of the material determines how long the product, thing or furniture upholstery will last, while maintaining its original appearance. When choosing, the characteristics of the web, scope, frequency of use and expected loads are taken into account. A large selection of textures, colors, components in the composition allows you to choose a fabric for any purpose (sewing bed linen, home textiles, clothes, upholstered furniture, cabinet furniture, etc.) Depending on the composition, all fabrics are:

  • natural. They are made from natural fibers of linen, cotton, wool or silk. Hypoallergenic, pleasant to the touch, breathable, do not accumulate dust, static electricity. The types and properties of natural fabrics directly depend on the raw materials used. Hygroscopic, retain heat well;

  • artificial. Manufactured artificially from natural raw materials (cellulose). At the beginning, artificial components were added to natural fibers in order to give the fabric greater strength and wear resistance. Today, to obtain fabric, the presence of natural threads is not necessary;

  • synthetic. based on high molecular weight compounds chemical compositions, which determine the quality, strength of the canvas. The variety and properties of materials are constantly increasing and improving.

We will figure out what natural fabrics are made of, artificial ones, what varieties they are, what are the features of each group, consider the advantages and disadvantages.

natural fabrics

For the production of fabric from natural fibers, no synthetic or artificial components are used, so the finished fabric is completely environmentally friendly. The list of names of natural fabrics compared to synthetic ones is small. These include:

  • cotton. Made from cotton, the texture is soft and pleasant to the touch. Quickly wrinkled, absorbing moisture, becomes durable. It is unpretentious in leaving, ironed at maximum temperatures. It is used as a raw material for the manufacture of satin, cambric, calico, velor, velveteen, etc. Cotton fabrics are also used in their pure form for sewing clothes for children and adults, and home textiles. Answering the question which countries are the birthplace of natural fabrics, we note that the first evidence of cotton cultivation is found as early as the fifth century BC. in Asia, India, Mexico. To improve strength, wear resistance, polyester, viscose are added to cotton fibers. Without synthetic components, the material quickly loses color, becomes very wrinkled;

  • linen . Natural, durable material, breathable, holds its shape well. Suitable for tailoring, curtains, home textiles. The cloth is hygroscopic, wear-resistant. It is also used as the basis for the manufacture of beading, burlap, linen. Among the shortcomings, strong creasing, shrinkage when washing at high temperatures are distinguished. To eliminate minor disadvantages, synthetic elements are mixed with linen threads;

  • silk . natural material animal origin. The texture is light, silky with a characteristic sheen. At the heart of the silkworm thread. Silk also includes satin, crepe, chiffon, etc. The manufacturing process was kept secret for a long time, which equated the canvas to gold. Among the shortcomings - creasing, shrinkage when washing at high temperatures. Also, water stains remain on the surface after drying;

  • wool. Woolen products are well breathable, retain heat. There are worsted, thin-clothed, coarse-clothed. The fibers are woven from the wool of various animals (goats, sheep, camels, etc.). They are used as a basis for making felt, batting, gabardine, drape, cashmere, felt, etc. The texture is soft, pleasant to the touch. Warm, outerwear, accessories (bags, gloves, hats, etc.) are sewn from wool. Pure material, without the addition of synthetic components, wears out quickly, deforms with intensive use. Shrinks when washed at high temperatures.

Natural furniture fabrics are durable and wear-resistant. Suitable for upholstery of furniture in the nursery, sofas for daily sleep. However, without synthetic components, they quickly wear out and lose their original appearance. The material absorbs moisture, unpretentious in care.

The advantages of natural fabrics in environmental friendliness, availability, a large selection. They do not cause allergies, do not accumulate dust, static electricity. For furniture upholstery, it is better to choose fabrics with the addition of synthetic threads, the presence of which improves performance. The pros and cons of natural fabrics directly depend on the raw materials used. For example, for greater strength, bamboo fibers are added to cotton fibers. And for the manufacture of tencel (fabric raw materials) wood is used. The result is a strong, dense material that holds its shape well.

artificial fabrics

When answering the question of what artificial fabrics are made of, materials of organic and inorganic origin should be mentioned. These can be metals, cellulose, glass, rubber, wood, etc. At first, artificial fibers were added to natural ones in order to improve the strength, wear resistance, and elasticity of the fabric. Later, the components began to be used independently. Contrary to popular belief, canvases are not synthetic, although they are obtained as a result of chemical processes.

Types and names of artificial fabrics:

  • viscose. Based on wood pulp fiber. Depending on the type of production, texture, the appearance of the canvas may look like cotton, wool, silk or linen. The material is pleasant to the touch, durable and wear-resistant. Drapes easily and keeps its shape. The fibers are easily dyed, retain their color for a long time even under direct sunlight. Viscose does not cause an allergic reaction, irritation. Compared to natural ones, it costs less, therefore it is often used for tailoring;

  • acetate silk. The texture reminds natural silk: flowing, smooth, almost does not wrinkle. Acetate fiber is made from cellulose, it is often added to wool, acrylic, elastane, etc. Unlike natural silk, acetate silk is much cheaper. Among the shortcomings, one can single out low hygroscopicity, accumulation static electricity, susceptibility to high temperatures;

  • casein fibers. They are only used in combination with other materials to improve their performance. Home textiles are sewn from the fabric (curtains, bedspreads, bedding, etc.);
  • tencel. Environmentally friendly material, does not cause allergies. Suitable for making clothes, bedding;

  • bamboo. Made from bamboo pulp, durable, wear-resistant. The material is pleasant to the touch, used for sewing towels, home clothes, bathrobes, etc. Due to the high hygroscopicity, the products dry longer;

  • acrylic. The texture is soft and keeps you warm for a long time. Poor air permeability, quickly wrinkled;

  • modal. Viscose fabric based on eucalyptus, beech or pine wood. The threads are thin, strong, wear-resistant. Modal is light, hygroscopic, environmentally friendly. Outwardly, it resembles dense silk or satin. It is used for sewing light summer clothes, hosiery, home textiles.

Answering the question: what are the disadvantages of artificial fabrics, one can single out quick wrinkling, deformation, rolling during washing, low air permeability.

Synthetic fabrics

It is based on synthetic polymers created in the laboratory, which have no analogues in nature. Depending on the used raw materials, reagents, fibers of various density, elasticity and wear resistance are obtained. Comparing natural and synthetic fabrics, it is necessary to take into account the scope of their application, frequency of use, intensity of loads. Synthetic fabrics will reliably serve for several years without deforming under the influence of external factors (direct sunlight, humidity, temperature changes, etc.). These include:

  • capron. Elastic, wear-resistant, holds its shape well. Unpretentious in care, repels moisture and pollution;

  • lavsan. Made from polyester fibres. The texture is thick and cold to the touch. Does not fade even in the open sun;

  • polyester. The material is based on refined oil. Pleasant to the touch, the texture is similar to cotton;

  • dralon. Outwardly resembles wool. Does not wrinkle, holds its shape well, does not deform with intensive use.

In addition to those listed, synthetic ones include cashmere, nylon, gabardine, tergal, etc. Chemical fibers are added to the composition of natural fabrics to give the latter greater strength and wear resistance. It is impossible to unequivocally answer which type of materials is better. When choosing, you need to take into account the scope, expected loads, frequency of operation.