How to get rid of static at home. The fight against static electricity in everyday life: an apartment, on clothes and hair. How to get rid of static electricity

Dry hair is an electrostatic paradise

What is static electricity? The nature of this phenomenon is quite complex and not fully understood. Electrostatic stress occurs in the process of friction, induction, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and chemical reactions. And even the movement of air in a dry room in the form of an ordinary draft can contribute to the accumulation of electrostatic potential.

Why is static electricity dangerous? You are shocked when you take off your clothes, comb your unruly hair, wash your face, greet someone. You feel an unpleasant discharge from water taps, heating elements, door handles, handrails in public transport. But these are flowers. The voltage of the static potential can be tens of thousands of volts, but at the same time it is characterized by a negligible current strength. Therefore, it does not pose a direct threat to life. Problems begin when, for unknown reasons, household appliances refuse to work, computers, tablets, smartphones, and other complex electronics become capricious or fail. But that's not all.

The main danger of static electricity lies in its effect on biological objects and our body in particular. Prolonged exposure to an electrostatic field is not the most in the best way affects the CNS and, as a result, cardiovascular system. The functional changes arising under its influence can manifest themselves in sleep disturbance, increased excitability, irritability and emotionality in general, apathy, depressive states. Phobias are also possible in the form of an obsessive fear of an electric discharge and the pain associated with it.

All of the above suggests that the manifestations and causes of the accumulation of static electricity must be dealt with. And we're going to do it right now.


The easiest way to remove static potential is to discharge. Any grounded system is suitable for this - radiators or pipelines. In order not to get a click on the fingers - not fatal, but not very pleasant, you should take some metal non-insulated object in your hand, for example, scissors, and touch them to the surface of the battery. The charge will go away, but this does not mean that it will not accumulate again. Therefore, in order to protect yourself and your electronics, a similar procedure must be repeated periodically.

We take a shower

Everyone knows the feeling of freshness and energy after taking a shower. It is believed that such a procedure balances the energy of the body. There is no esotericism or mysticism here. Everything is simple to the point of banality. Water, depending on its composition - both a conductor and a dielectric, "pulls" excess static electricity onto itself, while washing away charged particles of dust and pollution. So she really leads to a perfect score energy balance, removing the electrostatic potential causing discomfort. Taking a bath is not as effective, but nothing prevents you from completing the bath procedure with a soft contrast shower.

We do wet cleaning

Dust in the room is a powerful accumulator of static electricity. Therefore, wet cleaning is one of the simplest and most effective in the air, on the floor, walls, and various objects. With its help, the possibility of manifestation of static electricity in the space around us is minimized. You can complete the procedure by spraying an antistatic agent, which is easy to purchase in any department of household chemicals.

Humidify the air and ventilate the room

These two activities should be carried out in combination. To saturate the air with water vapor, you can use special devices - humidifiers or place containers with liquid in the rooms. Thus, moist air "absorbs" the entire electrostatic potential of the premises, and then will be removed with a 10-minute ventilation.

We carry out an audit

If the manifestations of static electricity create a truly tangible discomfort, then it is time to conduct a serious biased audit of the premises. Pay special attention to carpets, runners, bedspreads, curtains, Stuffed Toys and even slippers. It can be confidently asserted that if all of them are made of natural materials- cotton, wool, linen, silk, leather, then there will be no problems with static electricity in your home.

Special care must be taken with modern building and finishing materials. Take at least the carpet - this is a ready-made generator of static electricity. You can get information about the electrostatic characteristics of various materials from special literature. It is easily accessible, in particular, on the Internet.

Looking after hair

Let it sound funny, but our hairstyle is also a kind of generator and storage of static electricity, and quite effective. The more magnificent the hair, the more potential it is able to create and accumulate. As a result, the hairstyle begins to live its own life, reacting poorly to the owner's attempts to call her to order.

What to do? First, eradicate the habit of washing your hair every day. Hair that is too dry is a paradise for electrostatics. Secondly, use the “correct” comb - a wooden, metal, plastic anti-static or now fashionable boar bristle brush. Thirdly, choose the right headgear. wool, felt, natural leather and fur are the best of materials.

In emergency cases, you can quickly calm down the electrified hair with plain water - spray it on your hair or straighten it with wet palms. The method is effective, but the effect of it is short-lived.

Changing wardrobe

An easy way to stop being a walking source of static electricity is to ditch clothing made from synthetic materials. Alternative - linen, cotton, silk, cashmere, wool. Of course, this is not a panacea, but the positive effect will be tangible. In a natural, moisture-absorbing fabric, "naughty" electrons sit quietly and do not build spatial structures in the form of electrostatic fields. Of course, you can use antistatic, but it has a rather specific smell.

Changing shoes

Any footwear with a sole made of synthetic materials is a store of electrical potential. Another thing is completely natural shoes, boots, boots. Of course, this is not the most affordable, and sometimes convenient option. But still, such shoes should be preferred. She wins not only the possibility of natural "grounding", but also more hygienic.

Deceiving static electricity

You can trick static electricity with metal objects. A pin fastened to the inside of a jacket, metal coat hangers in a closet, and even a trifle in a trouser pocket have a special attraction for static electricity. In the process of accumulation, the electrical potential will be taken away by the metal objects in contact with your clothing.

We wash things with soda

A very good effect in the fight against electrostatics is the use of ordinary soda in the washing process. All that is needed is to pour a quarter cup of soda on the laundry put in the washing machine. For more things, the portion can be increased, but not more than twice. creates a protective layer on each piece of clothing, preventing the accumulation of static electricity.

We use vinegar in washing

Between wash and rinse cycles, pour 50-60 ml of distilled white on the laundry, and if there is none, add apple cider vinegar and allow the machine to complete the whole process. Like baking soda, vinegar acts as a fabric softener, preventing the buildup of static electricity and eliminating odors.

We are engaged in a car

For many of us, the car is the second small house where we spend a lot of time. Our presence, combined with a number of other factors, provokes the accumulation of electrostatic potential in the car interior. And this is not only harmful and uncomfortable, but also unsafe. LPG equipment is installed on many cars today, and gasoline with diesel fuel is far from the most harmless options.

Probably, many people remember the rubber "tails" of the old Soviet "Zhiguli", "Moskvich", "Zaporozhets" and metal chains dragging along the ground behind the trucks. All this was done to remove the electrostatic potential, which accumulates in excess during the operation of the equipment. A lot has changed in our time. There are new design requirements, improved technologies for getting rid of static electricity, which are taken into account at the design stage. But, unfortunately, they cannot be called perfect. Incomprehensible and inexplicable cases of car fires are not uncommon today.

You can, of course, treat the interior of the car with antistatic, hold on to the metal of the body when you exit, so as not to get a snap on your fingers, use air conditioning to maintain the microclimate, if any. But this is not enough. If you want to truly protect your car from static electricity problems, drop all prejudices and give your "iron horse" a rubber "tail" and ride calmly. This works great.

The thing is harmless, but unpleasant. We meet with him throughout our lives. Literally everything that is made of metal beats with current. Sometimes the "spark" slips when touching another person. What is it connected with and how to deal with it? In order to understand how to remove static electricity from your own body and various objects that accumulate it, you should take a closer look at the nature of its occurrence.

The nature of static electricity

It is known from school textbooks that a discharge can only jump between a positively charged object and a negatively charged one. And in most cases, we ourselves are the carriers of a positive charge. When in contact with a voluminous metal object or another person (since our body is 80% water, the tissues of the human body are a priori excellent conductors of electricity), a discharge occurs, that is, a phenomenon when your body is discharged, otherwise it is freed from its positive charge. But how to remove static electricity without harmful effects and discomfort? Let us first analyze the background of its occurrence.

Where does the positive charge in our body come from?

We will explain in an accessible and understandable language for everyone, even those who are not proficient in physics. Material objects accumulate any charge in themselves through friction. Each atom that makes up any material body (including a human one) has electrons revolving around its nucleus. Let's take a simple example.

When we take off our clothes over our heads and throw a sweater on the sofa, a large number of electrons are, as it were, erased from their orbits through friction and go to the sweater that we took off. It is well known that electrons are negatively charged particles, and therefore our blouse becomes negatively charged, since an excess of electrons from our body is now felt in its tissues, while we ourselves become positively charged, since a deficit of negatively charged particles is now felt in the tissues.

If after that we decide to touch a metal object or another person, we will feel a discharge of current. A microscopic lightning discharge will appear between the fingertips of the hand and the object, during which a discharge will occur in the literal sense of the word. Through this discharge, our body will absorb the missing number of electrons from this object, and the energy in it will again become balanced. Plus and minus will again be balanced.

How does static electricity accumulate in our body?

But in order for an imbalance of charged particles to arise in your body, it is not necessary to remove something from yourself. Sitting in a car, we rub against the seat. In the process of walking, clothes can erase some of the electrons from our body. Any friction contributes to the transfer of a certain amount of electrons from somewhere to something. And now you have already turned into a charged material body, which, upon contact with any conductor (metal and other fairly massive conductive object), will definitely be discharged, that is, it will absorb the missing electrons from this object by means of a spark that has slipped between you and this object. But how to remove static electricity from yourself and surrounding objects?

First and foremost rule

A sufficiently grounded object will never accumulate static electricity. What does "grounded" mean? This means constantly in contact with the earth's surface. But in order to "contact with the earth's surface", it is necessary that the shoes have conductive soles. At the present time, this is hardly possible, since all modern shoes are made on the soles of synthetic polymers, rubber, rubber, etc.

"But how to remove static electricity from a person in this case?" - you ask. How else can you "ground"? The answer is simple, and it lies in the increased humidity of the air. If the level of humidity in the room is even slightly higher than usual, the air itself, saturated with moisture, will become an excellent “discharger” for your body. That is why static electricity does not occur with high humidity, just as it does not occur if, say, you get wet in the rain.

How to remove static from yourself painlessly?

A spark during discharge is not so painful as it is unpleasant. How to remove static electricity from your body or, to be more precise, how to discharge yourself without receiving an unpleasant electric shock? To do this, you need to take any small steel product, such as a nail file, a teaspoon or tweezers, as a result of which the positive potential of your body will spread to them. Next, you should touch the edge of the tweezers to the radiator, car or other massive metal object.

Then the spark will slip not between your fingers and the tweezers, but between the tweezers and the object that you touch with them. In this case, you will not experience any negative feelings. Only you will have to do this over and over again at some intervals, otherwise sooner or later the charge will accumulate in you again, and you will still get an electric shock.

What clothing is conducive to the accumulation of static electricity?

Many people wonder how to remove static electricity from clothes. The fact is that clothing itself cannot accumulate either a positive or a negative charge. In order for it to accumulate, friction must occur between the parts of the clothing. And friction occurs while wearing clothes, taking them off, etc.

And in these cases, the charge is accumulated not in the clothes themselves, but in your body. Only at the moment of parting with clothes between you and a wardrobe detail can a spark slip through. This is especially true for clothing made from synthetic fibers. Taking off a synthetic sweater over your head, you can see with your own eyes the discharges flickering between its fabric, the fabrics of the clothes remaining on you, your hair and your body. This is especially noticeable when the lights are off. Even the air is filled with the smell of ozone, which occurs only during moments of electrical discharges, and the hairs on the head stand on end as they begin to repel each other.

But a piece of clothing that shocked you goodbye does not fully return to your body all the electrons taken from it, and therefore, after such undressing procedures, you always turn into an object with a “plus” sign, which sooner or later will be discharged to “minus”.

In order to prevent the accumulation of static charge in you while wearing synthetic clothes, you need to wash them with special conditioners that prevent the wardrobe item from collecting electrons from your body. There are many such air conditioners, and they are all sold in any household chemical stores.

"Evil" car

Very often, a spark of static discharge slips between a car and a motorist (passenger). What to do if your car constantly rewards you with an electric shock? How to remove static electricity from a car so that every time you get out of the car, it does not “bite” you goodbye?

Here the problem, again, lies in you, that is, in your driving behavior and in the materials from which the car seat covers or the seat itself are made. While driving, you are still moving, creating friction. A charge accumulates in you, and the rubber mats of the car prevent discharge, and the voltage remains in you all the time you are in the car, until you, getting out of it, touch a part of your body to the metal body of the car. At this point, the discharge occurs. There is little pleasant, and therefore you should stock up on special tools for processing car seats. These antistatic agents are in the form of aerosols. By spraying this product on chair covers, you will prevent them from accumulating a positive charge in you during friction.

But a car is a thing that can accumulate static in itself, especially in dry weather. In order to prevent this from happening and your car does not beat you with current for nothing, buy a special strip (strap) at the auto parts store, which is attached under the rear bumper and is powered to the car body. The current varieties of antistatic straps are completely attached to the exhaust pipe. The tip of such a strip, constantly in contact with the ground, will prevent the accumulation of static in the body.

"Evil" computer

The computer itself will not be able to accumulate a static discharge, since its entire body is powered by ground, that is, minus from the outlet. Therefore, the question of how to remove static electricity from a computer does not make sense in itself. Static electricity in the event that any household appliance plugged into the outlet hits you with a discharge, you need to remove it not from it, but from you. This is done in the ways described above.

"Evil" phone

Many phone models have metal parts in their body, from contact with which a small spark can also slip between the gadget and you. The question of how to remove static electricity from the phone has the same explanation, namely, the “plus” accumulates in you, and not in the gadget. Get rid of the accumulated positive charge in your body, and the phone will not “snarl” at you.


In conclusion, I would like to return to the accumulation of statics in our body. Most often, static accumulates in the hair during combing. This makes this procedure very difficult, since the hair bristles and is attracted to the comb, stands on end and interferes with our manipulations in every possible way. How to remove static electricity from hair to finally comb normally? Here, replacing a synthetic comb with a wooden one or, again, special cosmetics - antistatic air conditioners, can help. Or comb through damp hair. As already mentioned, moisture is an excellent conductor of electricity, and during combing, static will not accumulate in your hair.

Each of us, one way or another, had to deal with static electricity in everyday life, in public places. It is present in the apartment, transport, at work, in the procedure for combing hair, in contact with clothing or any objects. It's electricity from friction. In this article, we will look at ways to get rid of static electricity.

What is static electricity?

Electrified materials cause static electricity. Static electricity is the process of formation of free electrically charged particles on the surface of materials that do not conduct electricity.

Important!Static electricity is accompanied by a violation of the intramolecular or intraatomic equilibrium state in which an electron is lost or gained. The rate of formation of free electric charges depends on the speed, friction force and differences in the electrical properties of materials.

The most common static electricity observed in nature is:

  • Near large waterfalls, where negative ions outnumber positive ions in the surrounding air.
  • Near the shores of the sea coast, where a positive charge is observed in the surrounding atmosphere due to the presence of salt water.
  • On snow-covered mountain surfaces where avalanches move.
  • In addition, lightning is a source of static electricity.

Important!AT modern world human habitation, static electricity is a type of pollution environment. This type of pollution is due to the use of a huge amount of synthetic materials in the construction industry, the presence of a large range of artificial fabrics in the light industry, the use of non-stationary raw materials for furniture and equipment. Therefore, it is not surprising that a familiar object, like a plaid, is electrified.

Exposure to static electricity

Office equipment, computer equipment and various household appliances are a source of static electricity. This technique creates an electrostatic field - both the bodies of these devices, and microscopic dust particles that fall into the area of ​​\u200b\u200boperation.

Settling of charged particles can occur on:

  • furniture upholstery;
  • display screens;
  • carpets;
  • linoleum surfaces;
  • clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • skin and respiratory tract.

Until now, researchers have not fully studied the effect of static electricity on the human body. Although many scientists adhere to generally accepted assumptions that the main influence on the human body has a so-called neuro-reflex nature. Upon contact with a device that has an electrostatic charge, a small amount of the device's charge is discharged through the human body. As a result, a reflex movement appears, which leads to various injuries and falls.

Important!Prolonged stay of a person in an electrostatic field can contribute to functional changes in the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system of the heart. Due to such functional changes, there may be loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, headaches, increased irritability, and increased emotionality.

In addition, there may be a risk of phobias, which are expressed in a person's fear of the appearance of an electrostatic charge and the presence of pain at the same time.

Static electricity at home

Consider the main causes of the occurrence of an electrostatic field at home:

  1. Dry indoor air leads to the formation of an electrostatic charge. This can provoke the electrification of the bedspread and blanket. To avoid excessive dryness, it is necessary to moisten the room. You can use the most simple methods, such as: regular ventilation of the room, constant wet cleaning. You can also purchase a special device for humidifying the air. You can simply pour water into a container and put it next to a heating source, or simply hang wet towels or wet wipes on the battery. There are many options.

Important!On the windowsills in every house or apartment there are indoor plants. They help not only to clean the air, but also to reduce the electrostatic field. The presence of ficus, draken, chlorophyte, echeveria, begonia, lemon and others indoor plants helps to regulate indoor humidity.

  1. The modern interior of each living space is characterized by the presence of synthetic materials. It is best to use natural materials when buying furniture, bedspreads, carpets, curtains, bed linen. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to use antistatic agents for the treatment of interior items or use a damp cloth to wipe the surfaces.
  2. It is impossible to imagine a modern apartment without convenient household appliances. The presence of electrical equipment concentrated in one place in the room causes the appearance of static electricity. Therefore, it is desirable to place electrical appliances evenly throughout the apartment and it is not recommended to use all household appliances at the same time.

Important!When working with electronics, use antistatic wrist straps. These special devices are worn on the wrist and connected to a grounded part of the electronic device. If such a wrist strap is not available, do not touch exposed areas of the case when working on electrical equipment. You can only rely on the earthed part of the instrument.

What can I do to prevent electrification of blankets?

The process of electrification is directly related to the dryness of the air in the room. Therefore, there are several effective ways get rid of static electricity:

  • If the blanket becomes electrified, it can be wiped with antistatic wipes that eliminate this phenomenon.
  • You can use a spray gun and spray water onto the bedspread. When the water drops dry, the blanket will no longer be electrified.
  • You can also get rid of static electricity with an antistatic spray.
  • Regular hairspray can also help eliminate static. It is necessary to lightly spray hairspray on the blanket from a distance so as not to leave stains on the blanket.

Important!The hairspray has a formula that can combat the electrification in the hair, and can also rid the products of static charge on the fabric.

  • Baby powder can also help with this problem. To do this, apply a small amount of powder on the blanket, then shake off the residue.

A long-term solution against the electrification of the blanket and bedspread

For a long-term solution to the problem of static electricity, the following procedures should be performed:

  1. Increase the humidity in the room. As a rule, the electrification of the blanket appears in winter, when the room is heated, and the air in the apartment is very dry. If you buy a humidifier and install it in an apartment, then after a while electrification will disappear.

Important!If this device is not available, then after the shower procedure, you can hang a blanket in the bathroom. The presence of moist air will relieve it of an electrostatic charge.

  1. Wash the cover in the washing machine at low speed. During the drying process, you need to place an anti-static cloth inside the dryer drum while the blanket is still damp.
  2. After the washing process is complete, stop the washing machine and add white distilled vinegar. If a washing machine has a compartment for conditioner or softener, you can pour vinegar into the dispenser.

Important!Vinegar helps soften the fabric of the bedspread and prevents it from drying out, and also prevents the material from hardening. This reduces the electrification process of the bedspread. White vinegar is ideal for this process, but apple cider vinegar can also be used if needed.

  1. While washing the bedspread, you can put a small piece of foil into the washing equipment and start the normal wash. The presence of the foil will allow the positive and negative charges generated during the washing procedure to be released.
  2. When washing the comforter, use a fabric softener. Using liquid fabric softener helps prevent static electricity. When the wet coating rotates in the dryer, a static tension is formed, and the softeners consist of special chemical substances, which do not allow the formation of charges.
  3. After the blanket is taken out of the dryer, it must be shaken in order to prevent static electricity.
  4. To exclude the electrification of the blanket, it is necessary to get rid of the statics of the body. To do this, it is enough to walk barefoot, and the body will be freed from static.

There are some guidelines to follow to help eliminate static electricity:

  1. Blankets should be dried separately from other things, and the room should be well ventilated.
  2. It is advisable to dry the blanket outside, as air drying helps prevent excessive drying of the bedspread, and, accordingly, the formation of an electric charge.
  3. The process of washing bedspreads in hard water contributes to the formation of a static charge in the product, so a water heater must be used to prevent electrification.

Which cover is better to choose so that it does not become electrified?

Nowadays, bed or sofa cover is used not only for practical use, but also as a decorative element in the room. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose a blanket to make it a pleasant companion for you, and not a source of continuous problems. The most important thing you should pay attention to is the material of manufacture. The quality of the blanket depends on the fabric.

Important!All blankets are divided into two types:

  • blankets in which natural fibers predominate;
  • bedspreads containing a large amount of synthetic fibers.

Plaid material

Consider the main materials from which bedspreads and blankets are made:

  • Fleece, viscose, faux fur and acrylic are synthetic products that contribute to the electrification of the plaid.

Acrylic bedspread is very easy to clean. Such a blanket is soft to the touch and is mainly characterized by a bright color. But this is a synthetic product, the material of which practically cannot pass air. Synthetic fibers have a not entirely pleasant property - the effect of electrification. In addition, much more dust settles on an acrylic blanket than on natural blankets.

Important!To maintain the quality of the acrylic bedspread, it must be washed at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Fleece blankets are very soft and thin, but can cause an electrifying effect. Polyester refers to synthetic materials that look like natural wool.

Faux fur bedspreads are very popular today. These throws have an attractive texture that gives the atmosphere a certain element of luxury. Plaids made of high-quality faux fur are breathable, pleasant to the touch, do not wear out quickly and do not fade in the sun. For the price they are more expensive than fleece blankets, but cheaper than cotton models. However, faux fur is susceptible to electrification. In addition, it helps to attract and retain dust.

  • The wool blanket is one of the best natural materials, which is characterized by better heat retention and excellent air throughput. Such a blanket is not electrified, it is very warm and comfortable to sleep under it. In the heat, this blanket gives a comfortable freshness, and in cool weather, it heats up.
  • Cotton cover is the most affordable in terms of quality and price factor. Cotton blankets warm well, they perfectly tolerate the washing process and are environmentally friendly.

Important!When choosing such a blanket, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the seams, since high-quality tailoring guarantees a long service life of the entire product.

Advantages and disadvantages of synthetic blankets

The main advantages of synthetic fabrics are:

  • products made of synthetic materials do not require special care;
  • perfect for any temperature conditions;
  • are light in weight;
  • varied in design;
  • are low priced.

The main disadvantages of synthetic materials from which blankets are made:

  • Tends to accumulate dust
  • Such blankets are subject to electrification,
  • They do not pass air well and cannot provide such air circulation as natural materials.

Since the blanket contains synthetic fibers that can accumulate electrostatic charges, after a while carpets attract odors and dust.

To prevent the effects of electrification during washing, it is necessary to use special means.

Important!Currently, there is practically no material that contains 100% of a certain type of fiber. Basically, natural fibers are mixed with synthetic fibers. These mixed fibers contribute to the durability of the blanket. But if you do not want to constantly think that the bedspread is electrifying, choose a product in which the percentage of synthetics is minimized.

Care instructions

It is quite simple - to care for the blanket so that it is less electrified. For this you need:

  • Periodically shake out any dust covers.
  • If the blanket is not made of wool, then it safely transfers machine wash at a temperature of 30 degrees.
  • The coating should be laid out on a table or other horizontal surface and the drying process should be carried out in this form.
  • The blanket needs to “breathe”, so plastic wraps are not suitable for storing bedspreads. It is best to store the blanket in cardboard box Or just put it on a cabinet shelf.

Good afternoon friends. Many of you have pretty good computer skills. Even more, some users can easily disassemble the system side into its component parts. At the same time, not everyone follows the technique of safe repair. Today we will talk about the safety of such a repair, namely, a computer static electricity.

Let me remind you that static electricity occurs on the surface of a dielectric during friction with various materials. For example, at school we often carried out an experiment: - we rubbed a pen on our hair. After that, pieces of paper, feathers, wool and so on stuck to the handle.

Try rubbing on wool or hair balloon. After that, hairs, pieces of paper, and so on will begin to stick to the ball. Even more. Throw the electrified ball up. In most cases, it will stick to the ceiling. You can see for yourself.

Also, put on rubber gloves, rub them against your hair and try to catch the ball. It will be repelled from your hands, because. has the same charge as the ball.

All this is due to static electricity. Electrons accumulate on the surface of the ball, and it will automatically look for surfaces with the opposite charge and repel objects with the same charge.

The danger of static electricity

Few people know that when an airplane lands on the ground, an iron chain is first thrown from the airliner. When the chain comes into contact with the ground, numerous sparks come from it. In other words, they remove static electricity from the airliner (in modern aircraft, grounding occurs automatically).

If this is not done and a person touches the body of the aircraft, a person can be electrocuted. Such a strong charge acquires the body of an airliner. The same applies to conventional machines(I don’t mean that a person can be electrocuted, but a decent shake). Have you noticed that when a fuel truck is driving, an iron chain is pulled behind it?

The chain rattles, and many grandmothers at the same time arise: - Sloppy, went and did not hook the chain! In fact, the circuit creates a ground. Gasoline is such a substance that one small spark is enough to cause an explosion in the tank! Especially when it comes to gas stations. Do not fill up the car in synthetic clothing!

Also, I think many of you have noticed that sometimes sparks fly when shaking hands. All this is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, in our case, for computers. Especially for RAM boards. They can completely fail.

Therefore, most of the PC components must be stored and sold in special packages, antistatic. Usually they are painted in a gray-silver color. When buying operational boards, it is advisable not to touch them with your hands. Grab an antistatic bag and look at the boards.

Don't let the seller take the fees into their own hands and then hand them over to you. If he took the board in his hands, let him put it on the table. Only after that it can be taken to the buyer (although in reality, this rule is rarely observed).

Also, static electricity is dangerous for laptops. There were times when the cat took a walk, her hair absorbed a static charge, and then the cat jumped onto the laptop. After that, the laptop crashed. Keep laptops away from cats!

In general, laptops should not be disassembled on their own. Especially modern, with one-piece cases. Replacing boards in such laptops is difficult, even for specialists.

How to remove static electricity from a computer?

So, you decided to open the system unit and change some parts, or just clean it from dust. Let me remind you that computer dust cleaning is required, because dust conducts electricity very well and is often the cause of damage:

  1. First of all, wash your hands with soap. At the same time, do not wipe them with a towel.
  2. Ventilate the room, let the electrified air out of the room. After airing, you can spray the air with a water sprayer.
  3. Remove wool sweater and synthetic clothing. Synthetic clothing accumulates a similar charge more than others. Perform PC repairs in cotton clothes.
  4. Move aside the synthetic carpet if you have one in your room. If this is difficult, repair the system unit with bare feet.
  5. If you have an antistatic wrist strap, put it on. Such bracelets are used when working with complex equipment in production. At the same time, they are rarely available for sale (I don’t understand why).
  6. Remove rings, watches with metal bracelets, chains.
  7. Treat your clothing with an antistatic agent, if you have one. Antistatic can be purchased at clothing stores.
  8. Just before repairing a PC, touch the heating battery in the apartment. The heating batteries are grounded, and this will remove the static discharge from your body. If this is not possible, remove your slippers and touch the floor with your hands.

In addition to these tips, let me remind you that the outlet to which your computer is connected must be grounded. This will save the computer from many troubles with short circuits and power surges.

If you have a regular outlet, you just have to apply all the other recommendations. Many may say: - I disassembled the computer so many times, and nothing happened! Consider yourself lucky! It's a matter of chance!

How to remove static voltage, you now have an idea. Don't ignore these tips! At least, about grounding through the battery (in general, make it a rule: - before repairing a PC, you need to touch the battery), and your computer will work longer and better.

If you want to purchase a device that removes static electricity, do it you can follow the link...

In the wardrobe there is always a place for products made of synthetics, wool and silk, which turn even the most ordinary outfit into a luxurious look. However, everyone knows the situation when, instead of a flowing canvas, the outfit looks like a product stuck to the body. How to make things not electrified?

How to avoid electrifying things

  • The reason for the appearance of static on products is dry air. Indoors, you need to provide sufficient air humidification, this will help a conventional humidifier. After a certain time, it will be difficult not to notice that things are not electrified.
  • You can cope with the electrification of products if you place the products in the bathroom immediately after taking a shower or in another room saturated with water vapor.
  • It is important not to forget to follow the recommendations for the care of silk, woolen and synthetic products in order to prevent the occurrence of electrification of the fabric.

How to get rid of static electricity on clothes and other things

To cope with the electrification of things, just use one of the following simple tips.

  1. Use a tissue against static electricity. It is necessary to process the inside of the product with it. The last step will be the processing of the product from the outside.
  2. The classic method is to use water and a spray bottle. It is important not to overdo it, as too much water will simply wet the thing. You need to spray water on the problem area. After the moisture evaporates, the canvas will no longer be electrified.
  3. Pour water into a container with a spray bottle, add a small amount of fabric softener to it. You can use this method in any weather.
  4. It is quite possible to do with wet hands. You will need to moisten your palms a little, then run them over the product. To enhance the effectiveness of the product, you can add a small amount of salt to a container of water.
  5. Soap will help to cope with static: you need to wrong side rub them on the canvas.
  6. You can get rid of the electrification of things if you lubricate the body with a lotion with a moisturizing effect. You can replace body lotion with talcum powder.
  7. Stores stock a wide range of antistatic products for your favorite products. It is necessary to spray the product at a distance of 30 centimeters from the product. It is recommended to carry out the procedure on the balcony so as not to leave chemical odors in the apartment.
  8. The hem of a dress or skirt is recommended to be processed from the inside, then the product will not stick to tights.
  9. An ordinary hairspray can replace a modern antistatic agent.

Secrets of the correct rinsing of things

If your favorite products are electrified, then due attention should be paid to washing and rinsing things. Proper rinsing will help to forget about the problem of electrification of clothes.

  • It is necessary to combine soda and acetic acid in the same container in a ratio of 1 to 6. While rinsing things, add the mixture to water, the effect will please you. Using this rinsing method will eliminate soap stains, give the fabric softness and save things from the ability to accumulate static electricity.
  • Rinse products in the following solution: mix hair balm with water and vinegar.
  • When rinsing products, simply add to the water citric acid. After the products are dry, sticking to the body will be a thing of the past.
  • Mothers and grandmothers dealt with this problem in the following way: clothes need to be laid out on the floor, then you need to walk on it with bare feet. Such a simple manipulation will eliminate the problem of electrification.

  • If you wash clothes in an automatic machine, then you can eliminate the electrification of products if you turn off the spin on the device and use the delicate washing mode.
  • The cause of the electrification of clothing can be low quality, high hardness of the water used for washing. To remove the hardness of the water, you need to use fabric softener. The tool will help to give things softness.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the information indicated on the product label. The manufacturer indicates on the label the requirements for the care of the product.

If the problem of electrification of things is familiar to you, then do not rush to part with your favorite clothes, as simple practical advice will eliminate static electricity from the canvas. The secret lies not in the use of expensive products, but in proper care and the use of hand tools. Let your images always carry aestheticism and comfort!