What is family. What is a family Distinctive features: the uniqueness of the unions of the new time

1. Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella. Try to figure out what kinds of resources her family had. Match species and resources: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the numbers under the corresponding letters.

One of the types of resources remained unused. Write it out.

Energy resources are all sources of various types of energy available for industrial and domestic use. Energy resources are divided into non-renewable, renewable and nuclear.

Remember the fairy tale and give your own example illustrating this type of resource.

Cinderella removed the ashes from the fireplace after it had been used to heat the room.

2. Fill in the chart. Write the numbers of the examples below in the appropriate column.

Examples: 1) the salary of the head of the family; 2) acquisition of a new apartment; 3) grandmother's pension; 4) son's scholarship; 5) the amount from the sale of the old car; 6) winning the television lottery; 7) tax on this winnings; 8) payment of utility bills; 9) free medicines received by a disabled grandfather; 10) products bought by the mother in the store; 11) a loan received for the purchase of a family travel voucher; 12) purchase of seedlings for a summer cottage.

Income: 1), 3), 4), 5), 6), 9)
Costs: 2), 7), 8), 10), 11), 12).

3. When entering text into the computer, the operator could not make out some words written by the author's hand. Try to complete the text using the following "unidentified" words and phrases. Put them in the correct grammatical form.

"Unidentified" words and phrases: material goods, accounting, rational, control, reasonable needs, frugality, planning, savings, needs, living within one's means, family economics.

The economy of the family in its complexity can be compared with the state. On the scale of the house, as well as on the scale of the whole state, planning is necessary, frugality, reasonable needs. An inept housewife differs from an experienced one in the first place in that she does not know the most rational methods of planning, does not own complex family accounting, and does not see ways to save money.

The budget of each particular family is unique, as is the style of her life. IN different years The budget of one family will be different, so will the needs. Agree that the measure of needs, the culture of owning things are being formed in you right now.

The phrase " live within your means does not mean constant self-restraint, denying yourself everything. Just before each new waste, you need to clearly imagine why this or that thing is needed. It is also worth looking for the most rational option for acquiring the right thing.

It is rare that even the most affluent families go through life without experiencing financial difficulties. Don't just make tragedy out of them. The main thing, perhaps, is to learn how to control your own earned money. If happiness is not completely dependent on wealth If you see the main value of the family in a warm, cordial, loving relationship, then they will be much more important than any acquisitions.

4. Write down the types of family income

The main legal types of family income are as follows:
1. Income from labor activity (wage).
2. Income from entrepreneurial activity (profit).
3. Income from property (for example, income from renting out an apartment).
4. Income from savings (interest on bank deposits).
5. Transfer income (pensions, scholarships, allowances).
6. Income from securities (dividend on shares).
7. Non-monetary income (potatoes grown in one's own garden plot, travel card issued by the employer)

Determine the type of family income in each situation below.

5. A thirteen-year-old teenager, secretly from his parents, in order to save money to buy a new mobile phone, got a job at the nearest supermarket. From 19.00 to 21.00, he packed the purchases of customers into packages, collected the carts left by them in the car park. The young man did a good job, customers praised him, but soon, at the insistence of the store's lawyer, the employment contract with the teenager was terminated.

Was the lawyer right? Give some reasons to support your position.

From a legal point of view, yes, you are right. The teenager has not reached the age of 14, he does not have a passport, therefore, the employer does not have the right to conclude any contract with him WITHOUT the consent of his parents.

6. People make purchases of expensive things in different ways, for example, a car, furniture, household appliances. Scientists have been interviewing visitors to a large shopping center for several days.

Analyze the survey data and complete the tasks.

1) Which answer is the most popular? Guess why.

The most popular answer is the answer "We save money, we save the necessary amount." Most likely this is due to the fact that people do not want to take goods on credit or borrow from relatives and friends, because then they will have to return the amount with interest, i.e. overpay.

2) What answer options are the least common? Guess why.

The least popular answer is "We get a loan from the bank", because a certain percentage of the population cannot afford to buy expensive things right away.

3) What answer would you and your family members give if you took part in this survey? Explain your answer.

My family members would answer: "We are saving money, we are saving the necessary amount," because this is the most profitable option. You take what you need, and there is time to think about whether you really need this product. During the accumulation period, cheaper analogues of this product may appear or the product itself will become cheaper.

This term is studied by a variety of sciences, and each gives its own interpretation.

In sociology, the concept refers to several people who are united by blood relationship or marriage.

In a legal sense, these are people who live together and are connected with each other by legal relations that have appeared after the official registration of marriage.

The law of the Russian Federation interprets the surname as organized group people connected by a common life and moral responsibility.

Psychologists base the concept on personal relationships, noting the important role of education, the continuity of traditions from older to younger.

The term "family" has many definitions and concepts, but in general it is a cell of society that connects two people with a common life and relationships formalized by law.

How the family arose: a digression into history

At the dawn of evolution, people lived in communities or loners. According to scientists, the first unions began to emerge when ancient women stopped choosing alpha males and switched their attention to male earners who were more faithful.

The change of priorities occurred for practical reasons - a reliable man could provide food for a woman and children throughout her life. It was calmer with him.

While the alpha males fought for women, the miners brought meat and skins to their chosen ones and arranged a home. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex quickly figured out with whom it is more profitable to live.

Historians interpret meaning a little differently than lawyers or sociologists. According to the opinion, a group of people who have a common ancestor can be safely called a cell of society.

Each cell has several components.

  • The basis. This role is played by marriage. The conclusion of a formal union provides both parties with the establishment of marital rights and obligations.
  • relationship system. This includes not only relations between spouses, but also family ties - children, brothers, mothers-in-law, and so on. There are about 70% of them in Russia.
  • Compound. Legislative legal acts list in detail the circle of persons forming one clan. IN different types codes - labor, civil or any other, the composition of this cell is different.

Features and functions

We were able to define the concept of a modern family, now let's talk about its features and functions:

Any unit of society is determined by the presence of the following features:

  • officially registered marriage;
  • housekeeping, cohabitation;
  • acquisition of material assets;
  • the presence of close, intimate relationships;
  • having one or more children.


  • Procreation. The reproductive function is the most important, it is inherent in us by nature. And thanks to the traditions that have developed in society, the purpose of marriage is the birth and upbringing of children.
  • Creation and accumulation of common material values, conducting a joint economy.
  • Upbringing. The goal is to educate and educate your children, instill in them moral values, norms of behavior in society, as well as adapt them to normal life in it.
  • Preservation of traditions and values. They contribute to the strengthening and preservation of ties, ensure the continuity of generations and form the history of the family. Unions that have their own tribal traditions are more tightly connected, because different generations of people interact more with each other.

Family structure

As a result of the development of society, scientists have identified several types of unions.

  • By the number of partners - monogamous and polygamous. The former represent the union of one woman and one man, the latter allow living with several partners at the same time. Most families are monogamous. Religion often contributes to this. In the Orthodox tradition, the love of one man and one woman is sealed by marriage.
  • According to the structure of family ties - simple and nuclear. In simple ones, parents and their children live together, and in nuclear ones, several generations lead a common household.
  • By the number of children - childless, small children and large families.
  • By type of residence. If the newlyweds live with the wife's parents, it is matrilocal, if with the husband's parents, it is patrilocal. Spouses living separately belong to the neolocal type.
  • According to the form of government - matriarchy, patriarchy, democracy. The matriarchal is dominated by a woman. She takes a lot of responsibility and makes most of the decisions. In the patriarchal, all power is concentrated in the hands of a man. In a democratic marriage, both spouses have equal responsibility and make decisions jointly.
  • By social status - young, adopted, established.
  • According to the moral and psychological state - prosperous, dysfunctional.
  • According to the material condition - wealthy or poor.

Family resources and their types

This term refers to all property, material values, sources of income of the husband and wife.

Resources can be divided into several categories.

  • Material. These include real estate, cars, household appliances, valuables, jewelry. Each clan seeks to acquire certain resources, as they provide a comfortable stay for its members.
  • Labor. All relatives do some housework: cooking, cleaning, repairing, etc. All this put together is called labor resources.
  • Financial - cash, bank accounts, securities, stocks, deposits. Financial resources provide an opportunity to acquire material.
  • Informational. They are also called technological, as they represent a technology for performing some kind of household chore. For example, a mother cooks food and teaches her daughter or son to cook in the same way. In different cells of society, technological processes take place in different ways, and therefore the resources are different. A feature of these processes is that they often develop into traditions.

Resources are an important component that allows you to solve various everyday problems, achieve the desired goals and satisfy the needs of people.

What is a family for?

The psychology of a person is such that he cannot be alone, he definitely needs close people who love him and whom he loves.

The family, as already mentioned above, is the cell of society, its structural unit. Its role is to satisfy human needs, not only in the material and physical planes, but also in the spiritual.

When a new couple is formed, the spiritual component is in the first place, since two people are in love, they like to spend time with each other, share their thoughts and experiences. In such a union, a person receives love, understanding, support, without which it is difficult to live in society.

The emotional component of the cell of society consists of feelings. For some, love and mutual understanding prevail, for others, negative emotions predominate - reproaches, resentment, anger, and so on.

It is believed that all unions go through different stages of their existence - falling in love, grinding, the stage of tolerance. Mature couples who have lived together for many years and have gone through all the stages come to true love. Many fall apart during the grinding stages, when there is a lot of conflict.

What is the modern family and what is its significance

Unlike the times of the USSR, modern unions are autonomous and closed to society. Interference in their affairs occurs only in extreme cases, when this cell becomes destructive. IN Soviet times she was more open to the state. Supervisory authorities monitored the development of each formalized relationship between citizens. When conflicts and divorces arose, they intervened and tried to influence, took possible steps to resolve quarrels and save the marriage.

Distinctive features: the uniqueness of the unions of the new time

Today, the family cannot be unambiguously defined due to various types– Swedish, receptionist, open and so on. The essence of the relationship between the sexes has long gone beyond the classical formula: one woman, one man and children. IN Russian Federation same-sex and Swedish marriages are prohibited, but in some foreign countries they are recognized by law, and this phenomenon is considered the norm.

Let us note some features that characterize the unions of our country over the past 25 years:

  • An increase in the number of legal marriages. Young couples increasingly prefer to formalize their relationship at the registry office, although the institute civil marriage is still preserved.
  • Increasing the age of marriage. The average age of the newlyweds is 22 years, while 30-40 years ago the newlyweds barely passed the age of majority, and 50 years ago our grandparents got married even earlier: at 15-16 years old. The maturation of the newlyweds is associated with the need to receive a higher education and the need to arrange everyday life. Modern youth in most cases thinks about a career and preparing the ground for marriage.
  • Later birth of children after the formalization of the relationship. According to statistics, the appearance of the first child falls on 3-5 years of marriage.
  • Desire to live separately from parents. From tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, several generations lived in the same house. After the wedding, the newlyweds did not seek to separate and lived with the parents of the wife or husband, led a common life and even a budget. Modern couples tend to start living separately as soon as possible.
  • Showing interest in tradition. Modern youth is increasingly thinking about their roots, origins and ancestors. Compilation of their family tree, pedigree has become popular. This surge of interest is normal. At a certain period in the life of the country, it was not customary to talk about origin, especially for those whose ancestors were not peasants, but princes, landowners and merchants. You can save your traditions and strengthen family ties by creating a family tree. The "House of Genealogy" will help with this. The company's specialists will find information about ancestors and relatives in the archives, draw up a genealogical book, which can become not only a good gift but also a real relic.

The state in the 21st century pays more attention to the development of the institution of the family, improving its quality, and developing spiritual values. Today, marriage is a sign of a person's well-being, his support and support. Times change, but the basic principles of building relationships between a man and a woman remain unchanged: love, mutual respect, trust and care.

The role of the family in human life

It has a huge impact on the children who live in it. It helps to determine their moral guidelines. Despite the fact that in kindergartens, schools, sections and circles, teachers strive to convey to the little man basic knowledge, skills, moral truths, the experience of mom and dad, their attitude towards each other plays a major role in shaping the personality of the baby.

Parents, grandparents lay:

  • the ability to love;
  • understanding of their traditions;
  • attitude towards people, including the opposite sex;
  • the ability to appreciate help and provide it yourself;
  • line of conduct in society and the ability to live harmoniously in it.

Only among relatives and friends does a person feel protected. He feels needed and this gives a person self-confidence. Helps him to overcome difficulties, cope with failures.

The family is the beginning of all beginnings, it is the connection between past generations and current ones. Each cell of society has characteristic features: the presence of marriage, children, the conduct of a common household. It forms a person, his views, skills, spiritual values. And our task is to do everything to preserve it.