Conspiracy to raise wages. Rites for salary increase Prayer for salary increase and success

Miraculous words: a prayer for a salary increase in full description from all the sources we found.

You can be attributed to the majority of office workers if you find it difficult to answer when was the last time you received an increase in salary. But do not be sad, the situation can be corrected using magic, or rather, special conspiracies to increase wages at work. We will tell about them today.

If, despite your efforts, experience and one hundred percent dedication to the cause, management is in no hurry to encourage you by raising your salary, simple rituals will help. Rituals that promote promotion, attract money and return the favor of the authorities can be carried out independently, having previously studied all the features.

The nuances of magical rituals

As a rule, rituals to increase monthly wages should be carried out with the growing moon. During this period, energy flows best contribute to the fulfillment of the plan. You can also read a conspiracy to raise wages, and during the new moon.

In addition, there are other requirements for performing magical rituals that cause an increase in wages. These include:

  • the implementation of magical actions in solitude;
  • confidentiality, both before the ceremony and after it.

Having familiarized yourself with the nuances that help to perform the ceremony correctly and read the conspiracy for an increase at the most appropriate time, you can begin to realize what you want. Below we offer several popular conspiracies, with the help of which, within a short period of time, you have increased the amount of the accrued amount.

Rite with the cleansing of the workplace

This plot is read three times for two days in a row. The magic words of this conspiracy will help cleanse workplace and attract money. It is necessary to read them in the first days of the full moon.

Before you begin to perform the ceremony and attract a salary increase, prepare a bag of herbal tea. Put in the bag:

Be one of the first to work on your first day. Hide the bag in the workplace so that no one can see it. Work it out as expected, and in the evening, returning home, say the words of the conspiracy. In this case, it is desirable to open the window and look at the full circle of the moon. The text of the plot should sound like this:

“All living things obey the full moon: earth, flowers and animals. So I, the servant of God (proper name), ask for light, consent and material prosperity on the full moon. May my salary be as round as the heavenly body. As the moon grows, so it will increase, and as the moon begins to decrease, so it stabilizes. Shining lunar clear, the month is round, and my purse is full and golden.

Say the plot three times in a row, and then go to bed. Go to work early in the morning. Arriving first, open the window and, while none of the employees are present, say these words:

“I release shortages and failures, but I let in the light.”

Now you can start your immediate duties at the workplace. The conspiracy will begin immediately. The effect of the influence of magic words can be noticed already in the first two weeks.

Ritual with a coin

Magic will come to the rescue even when the boss deliberately does not increase the salary of a diligent and responsible employee. To change the attitude of the leadership and get a long-awaited promotion, you can use a charmed coin.

For the ritual, you need a penny of any denomination, but always yellow. During the period of the growing moon over the coin, you should say:

“Just as the fish in the sea-ocean cannot be counted, how the stars cannot be counted in the night sky, as the grasses cannot be counted in the fields and meadows, so let me, the servant of God (proper name), always have money: in the wallet and in the house. Let the boss see my work and increase my salary, add a lot of money to me. My words are strong and strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr. I will seal my words in the earth, so that from now on and forever it will be so. Amen".

After reading the words of the conspiracy three times, remove the coin to the desktop. It must be in the right hand. For three days, the penny should be in a secret place. After this period, the coin must be removed and taken to the store with it. There, get any sweetness by paying with a coin that was spoken for an increase in wages. Present this sweet to a child or treat a friend. After that, the conspiracy will take effect. The effect can be seen only after 1-1.5 months.

Rite in the workplace

Arriving at work, before starting to perform your own duties, clasp the index fingers of both hands imperceptibly for the rest. Whisper the magic words at the same time:

“Jesus Christ and the Apostle Andrew were fishing in the Sea of ​​Galilee. He spoke with the Lord, asked for help: “Send a catch to me, a servant of God (your name), so that I am rich, rowing money with a shovel. Let my boss not deprive me, do not offend me, do not bypass me, appreciate my work and, in conscience, pay my salary. Amen".

After that, you can begin to perform your immediate duties. This plot should start working within a month. Be patient and expect an increase.


Prayer to the Angel, which helps to change fate. Prayer is very reliable and powerful. You can use this prayer when you decide to completely change your destiny. This prayer is suitable regardless of your religion. You can pray at any phase of the moon

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A very simple and at the same time really strong prayer that allows you to attract money. The conversation is not about very big money, most often it is a salary increase or a sudden bonus

Vanga, no doubt, was a real clairvoyant with very powerful energy. Many of Vanga's prayers and conspiracies still help people find happiness (both moral and material) in life. In this article, I will talk about powerful prayer, thanks to which

This prayer helps the fulfillment of desire in the very near future. Usually, the desire is fulfilled within a few weeks, after you start praying. If within three months your desire has not come true, then it is useless to ask further, you will not get what you so much desired

A powerful, energetically charged prayer that will help you in your work. This prayer ensures constant career growth. The only condition - if you started reading this prayer - then you need to read it every day. And throughout the time you work

This is a powerful Orthodox prayer, thanks to which you can improve your situation at work or, if you have such a desire, find a better job. The prayer is Orthodox, so only baptized people can use it

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Conspiracy to raise wages

It is difficult to deny yourself the desire to increase wages, this wonderful event happens, not so often, it happens that we have been waiting for it for years, although we work with dignity, and the company is afloat. Or another Option: they see a colleague and praise only one with all the ensuing consequences: then we advise you to read a conspiracy to increase salaries.

Raising salaries with the help of conspiracies: we read on our own at home

Features of the ritual

Follow it in strict sequence and be sure that only reading it to you was not enough for your plan. It does not matter how old you are and how long you have been working.

  • do not anger God by holding a ritual on holy days for Christians;
  • if you ask for a supplement, then do it on the night of the growing moon;
  • the best days are Sunday and Thursday;

You will feel the first noticeable results after a month and a half. Just believe in the conspiracy and it will respond to your requests in the coming months. It will come from where you did not expect!

Ritual in three steps

How can you increase your salary with the help of rituals and conspiracies

  1. Get three absolutely round things on your desktop or place, or simply put three round glass, plastic balls, shades of red in a work box, booth.
  2. At home, read the words written on paper on the full moon of the conspiracy:

“I don’t languish with work, I don’t shy away. I shake my hands and head. I'm waiting for a full-fledged, round award, let it grow like the moon in the sky, the mother's womb. He planted good grain, let the increase be not lapel.

  1. Burn the leaf, and collect the ashes and bring them to work. Blow it onto the red balls and remove them from your eyes.

Say the words to yourself:

“The sun gave way to the moon, the path opened the path. My money - here I am!

Very soon you will feel real results and you will be grateful to the magical conspiracy.

A conspiracy to pay a coin. Stock up on a yellow new coin. Carry it for three days in your wallet, where it will be with other money. Don't leave her "bored" alone. After a while, take it out, put it in a glass of warm sweet water (preferably honey) and say the words:

“Honey is strong, sweet. It will teach, stick, poverty will instantly dispel.

Take away the coin and bury it from your eyes to the workplace, and repeat the words in the morning until the money is asked for in your wallet.

To get paid on time

You can also ask for salary on time. Draw a banknote or coin on paper. Try to portray yourself smiling. May you not be a great artist! In this case, add a detail in the picture that will distinguish you: exactly your tie, or a scarf, or a wallet of your color. Write the words:

“From the servant of God (name) to take away to me the servant of God (name) to give”

Fix this picture on the window so that the image looks into the room. The expectation will come true very soon, and wages will knock on your door and window.


If you have any questions or need help with a life situation you can consult with our experts.

I work as a turner in a factory. It feels like they remembered the time of the 90s, when we waited months for salaries without exaggeration. The son told about your forum, he himself used a love spell .. I conjured here there are several options. Three steps is interesting. Well, we are simple people from the village. The salary is given on the 20th, I have already received it for September. Let's see what happens tomorrow

A cool spell, the salary increased not immediately after the event, but after a couple of months. But it has risen! To be honest, I believed weakly, maybe that's why it didn't work right away. I think who knows how to believe in his dream, everything will turn out much faster. Yes, and the rituals are simple, nothing so supernatural is required, everything is simple, every home has it. I hope everything works out for you

I work for myself and that guy, I really plow and I don’t work. But the employer does not seem to see this. Only new tasks hangs and hangs on me. I decided to talk about raising my salary, and immediately began to sing about the crisis. Well, that's when I decided to use a conspiracy. To be honest, it did not work immediately, but only after two months. BUT the result is already important here, and it just appeared.

I did a conspiracy, and moreover, not once, but twice :) The first time it helped right away, the salary was quickly raised. I decided to try my luck again and make a conspiracy a second time. And this time it helped. Honestly, I myself did not expect such a result, and even twice so lucky. I am sure that this conspiracy helped, I don’t believe in such a coincidence that they raised me twice just after the conspiracy.

And they also raised my salary after I made a conspiracy. So do not believe then in such spells. Although I didn’t really believe before, and I also fuka when they told me. Now I have changed my mind, and I advise you not to fuck anyone, everything works, there is nothing bad from it, on the contrary, they increased the salary, and even more than desired.

I came to the conclusion that the conspiracy stimulates our subconscious. I have been working in the company for 2 years and still no increase or increase in salary. Made a spell and waited. But then he could not stand it and went to the authorities to ask for a raise. And it turns out they didn't know I wanted the job! So he would have sat still if he had not waited for the results of the conspiracy!

Of course, in our country, salaries are willing to leave the best ... Not always enough even for the most important needs. I work in a computer service and things are not always going well, the boss still does not want to raise my salary, although I try my best. I tried this conspiracy and also this one, and things went uphill, I started to receive bonuses, more customers)) Thank you!

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Strong prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in work

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Russia. He is asked for help and intercession by people who find themselves in various difficult situations. Including those who are looking for, but can not find a job.

How to ask the Saint for help in work?

Nicholas the Wonderworker was known for his ease of handling. By his deeds during earthly life and miracles after death, he proved that he was ready to help anyone who asks for help sincerely and from the bottom of his heart.

And it is not so important where the prayer for work addressed to this saint will sound. However, it will be easier for the one who asks himself to turn to him with a prayer, having previously honored his memory and tuned in to the petition. The best way to do this is to get out to the temple and put a candle in front of the icon of the saint. Women should do this on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

However, if you can’t come to the temple, it’s okay. It does not matter where, when and how the words of the prayer for work will sound. The main thing is that they come from pure heart, thoughts were pure, and the soul was open to miraculous help.

Standing in front of lit candles, in front of an icon, or just at home in silence, alone with yourself, you first need to tune in to turning to the saint. To do this, free your head from all the vain. Mentally ask for forgiveness for all your sins and repent. Only then focus on your conversion.

First of all, you need to be as clear and precise as possible about what you are asking for. That is the perfect place to work. The more details, the better. Think about where the office can be located, what colleagues, boss, relationships in the team will be like. Determine the range of duties that you want to perform, the salary that you consider worthy.

Then imagine that you personally turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker and read a prayer. Try to put all your aspirations and feelings into it.

The wage increase conspiracy is perfect option for those people who think they deserve more in this life. In particular, there are often situations when a person works very hard, but he is not paid extra for it. Agree that in modern world It is very difficult to live on the minimum wage. Therefore, people very often resort to the help of magic in order to at least slightly improve their financial situation. Especially if a person has children who need to be raised to their feet. It is best to perform a magical ritual on the growing moon.

How to positively influence your boss

Quite often there are situations when the boss has a very negative attitude towards his employee. And it is very strange that he does not even hide his negative attitude. At such moments, you can immediately forget about getting a small increase or bonus for a job well done. That's just in magic, a method is provided that allows you to very beneficially influence the boss and establish relations with him. It is easy to do on your own at home. In order to carry out this simple ceremony, it is necessary to prepare several very important attributes.

  1. Dark honey. You won't need a lot of it. Just 1 tablespoon.
  2. A small amount of basil leaves, which must first be crushed.
  3. If you do not have the opportunity to use the leaves, then you can take basil essential oil. A few drops are enough.

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and put on fire. Some experts are sure that even a microwave oven will do. When you take a bath, the mixture should be added to the water.

“Some holy man loves the Most Holy Theotokos for a very long time. He is constantly next to her and cannot take his eyes off this Holy woman. So let my boss, the servant of God (name), burn for me with the purest and most sincere feelings. I want to make him respect me. And I am ready to do everything for this, because it is very important that there are excellent relations in the team. I really want the boss to see in me a good specialist and at least a little, but raised the first salary. I really want to come home and make my wife proud of me. I am a man and have a family to support. That's just due to the fact that my boss and I do not have a very pleasant relationship, the money does not stay in my wallet for very long. I ask you to make sure that I raise the payment and increase it. My wife no longer treats me like a husband. Let the higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help me get a pay raise in the office. And not to stop her. Amen".

How to get promoted with magic

There are situations when one very good position is vacated. And now a few people are starting to apply for it. In order for this place to get one hundred percent for you, you should conduct a simple, but very effective ritual. Write on a piece of paper the name of the person who is your strongest competitor. Remember that the name must be written exactly 9 times. After that, each name must be crossed out three times. Place the paper with the dishes and pour in the vinegar. Now you need to go outside and choose a place where people walk the least.

After that, turn your back to the place of sunrise and read the following words:

“May the servant of God (name) not be able to get the job that I have dreamed of for so long. May his thoughts and actions not be so beautiful. The boss will see that this person is not suitable for this job and will give the place to me. For a long time I wanted to get a promotion at work and, accordingly, an increase in wages. I am reading this conspiracy to increase wages and I want to achieve my goal. I hope that the words of this prayer will help me greatly. I want a normal first salary. Anyone who wants to take my place will not succeed anyway. I want them to give me money and pay back the debt. I don't want to be in debt. Returns are very important to me. Amen".

You need to throw the dishes over your shoulder and, without turning around, go home. Remember that it is forbidden to talk to anyone.

How to get a high paying job

Sometimes there are situations when a person cannot find a job for a long time, because he wants the salary to be such that he can help his family. Employers do not always agree to take a new person to the team and immediately pay him a high rate. At such moments, a person can easily use magic and achieve his desire.

To conduct the ceremony, you should take a handkerchief and read on it a conspiracy to find a job and a conspiracy for a salary:

“As soon as I, the servant of God (name), go in search of a well-paid job, I will immediately be offered many options. I am a person who loves his work very much and will always do it efficiently and on time. I will complete the first task without any problems. As soon as I am given a task, I will immediately complete it. I want to be respected in the workplace and always give me quality cases. I am an expert in my field and I studied very well. I really want to get a high salary so that I never have to need anything again. My wife strongly wants me to bring a normal amount of money. Moreover, we have a child who needs a lot of things. May the Lord hear my words of prayer and help me get what I want. I want my employer to raise me and pay all the money. I am ready to do a lot for this. I am ready for anything, just to pay the money and give me my payment. For a good pay and make an amazing return. Amen".

As soon as you need to go to an interview, you need to take a handkerchief with you and open the door for them. Remember that the charmed item is intended only for these purposes. Never use it in ordinary life. He is able to help you only in the work area.

To be constantly lucky at work

If you want to quickly and efficiently do all things, then you need to attract good luck. Specialists in the field of magic are convinced that only luck can help get an increase in salary.

Every day, before you go to work, you should read the following plot:

“May the Lord protect me today and drive me away from the enemy. As soon as an enemy or an ill-wisher decides to ruin my boards, the higher powers will immediately put him in his place. I want them to give out the entire payment and pay the money. I expect that today I will participate in receiving banknotes. Adding money won't hurt me, but former boss gone. Now I will receive a normal amount of money. Help left a residue on my soul. Man is always looking for good news. I ask you good luck today, so that the boss raises me and pays the advance. Amen".

Religious Reading: Prayer for pay at work to help our readers.

What to do if, despite all your efforts, the authorities do not want to appreciate your work and raise your salary? Maybe the point is not that you are not noticed, but in an insufficiently favorable environment of the workplace and the surrounding space. In this case, a salary conspiracy will certainly help you. The above rituals will also help those who wish to improve the financial situation not only in the workplace, but also in their own family.
  • Rite to increase salaries;
  • Conspiracy when the salary was not paid;
  • Ritual for the wife from the stinginess of her husband.

Ritual for salary increase

It is better to use this ritual immediately after getting a new job, before the first salary. But even with a long experience, it will also work. This strong conspiracy will help in two cases:

  • if you want your boss to raise your salary personally,
  • in a situation where financial problems have affected your entire enterprise.

A conspiracy will not help someone who does not believe in its effectiveness and decided to try it "just in case."

The ritual can be repeated several times. For greater efficiency, it is based on two important steps.

1. Workplace ritual

The first thing to consider is that your place of work should be energetically clean. The old, musty energy (especially when you came to the workplace that someone else occupied before you) does not contribute to increasing income.

For cleaning, you need to rid the place of everything that is not related to the labor process and free, for example, your office desk from all foreign objects. Next, you should purchase a church candle and light it every day at work for 7 days. It will bring a new, fresh flow of energy that will create a favorable atmosphere for further action.

After cleaning the room, every day when you come to work, you need to read the following conspiracy 3 times:

This must be done within a week. In order for the salary to be raised faster, the words should be repeated not three, but seven times.

2. Things to do at home

To work and get a good salary, you need to have a good rest at home (not only with your body, but also with your soul). To do this, you need to establish a free flow of monetary energy in your own home. This should be done after cleaning the workplace (see the first stage).

To carry out the conspiracy, it is necessary to collect a small handful of coins at home (3-5 pieces) and at exactly midnight of the new moon or with the growing moon, say the following words:

Coins should be transferred from hand to hand. After pronouncing the plot (three times), all the coins must be buried in the ground of a home pot with a flower. Ideally, if it is a money tree. Bury from the edge, trying not to go too deep into the ground so that the plant does not get sick.

After carrying out such a ritual, on the day of the salary, it is necessary to put a small amount of other coins on the desktop for exactly three days. After this period, buy sweets with this money and distribute them to children on the street. This will be considered gratitude for the help of higher powers that helped you get a higher income.

The same conspiracy should be carried out on the day of the first day of payment of salaries after employment.

The "working" and "home" stages may coincide in time, the main thing is that both of them are carried out after cleaning the workplace.

Conspiracy to give back the delayed payment

This magical effect is based on calling a person, whether it is a familiar debtor or your boss, a sense of responsibility, anxiety and fear. Such an emotional background should make him pay wages to subordinates.

To carry out the ritual, you need to take an old, wooden stool, cut a few chips from its legs, and put the chair itself outside the threshold of the office. This should be done after sunset. Cut out chips must be spoken as follows.

Wood chips must be tightly tied with nylon thread and hidden in the working room. The stool can be taken away, it is no longer needed. After such a ceremony, you should not have problems with salary delays. If he did not help, use a stronger conspiracy to repay the debt.

For the husband to bring home the salary

Many women face the problem when a husband does not want to bring money to the family. If requests and persuasion do not work on him in any way, a ritual will come to the rescue.

In order for the husband to pay his salary, you need to wait for the waning moon before the day off, preferably on Saturday. In the water from which the hostess will prepare food for her miserly husband, three teaspoons of salt are slowly added and slowly stirring, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

The amount of water doesn't matter. It is desirable that only the husband eat a dish prepared from charmed water. Although improvements in the husband's behavior may be noticeable immediately, the ritual must be repeated from time to time so that he does not lose his strength.

And remember, your inner mood and emotional background are very important to attract money. It is advisable not to complain to anyone about the lack of money and not to envy anyone. Money does not like bad energy, while they go in a generous stream to positive and creative energy.

Salary increase by conspiracy

When was the last time you received a pay raise? Difficult to answer? Well, you are from the majority ... After all, often, despite your diligence and diligence, skill and experience, the authorities are in no hurry to raise your salary. And if even your direct request did not bring the desired result, you can do a magical rite.

Features of the ritual

The ceremony, after which your salary will be increased, has its own rules. And if you follow them clearly, then soon you will definitely get the desired results:

  • Any person can make a conspiracy, regardless of gender, position and salary;
  • You should not perform the ritual if you are sick, on Sunday, or on church holidays;
  • The most effective is a conspiracy that is carried out on the full moon, or in the phase of the growing moon. The rite performed in the phase of the waning moon can have the opposite effect, so on such days it is better to refuse it;
  • The best days for conspiracy for money are Thursday and Saturday.

Guided by these simple rules, you can make a really effective conspiracy. Its action begins literally immediately, and you will feel the first noticeable results after a month and a half.

Ritual 3-stage

In order to increase your salary, you can apply this rite. It is done in stages:
  1. You need to clean up your workspace. If it is possible, then it would be nice fumigate your workspace with a mixture of marigold and mint herbs. If this cannot be done, then in some place inaccessible to others, you need to hide a bag with these herbs for a week.
  2. CONSPIRACY. It must be read 3 times at home on a full moon:

“Flowers all bloom on the full moon, they obey the round moon, And I, the servant of God (name), ask the moon for clear light, complete consent. So that my salary is round, as you are now, And with your growth it increases, And as you decrease, so it will stabilize. The light is long, the month is full, my purse is golden"

  1. Carrying out the morning ritual already at the workplace. You need to come to work before everyone else and, having opened the window, repeat the following words 3 times:

"I let in the light, I let out failures!"

After that, you can begin to perform your duties. The action of the ceremony can be felt literally immediately, and you will see real results in a couple of weeks.

If the work of a talented and diligent employee is not noticed and not encouraged, then magic can come to the rescue. In order to raise wages, there is a special conspiracy. To make it, you need any yellow coin. On it you need to read the following magical text:

“As in the blue sea, the mighty ocean, fish are found and not translated, As in the blue sky, the sky is huge, the stars shine, do not count them, As in a spacious field, a wide field of grass, do not interrupt everything, So it is with me, a servant of God ( name) there was always money. My words are strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr, I seal them with an iron sword in mother earth. Let my boss increase my salary, add money, see my talents. To always be like this. Amen!"

This plot must be read three times. After that, you need to put a coin with right side at your workplace. She must remain there for 3 days. After this period, it must be spent on the purchase of some thing that can be presented to someone. For example, it can be a chocolate bar that you treat your child to. You can feel the result of this ritual in a month.

How to draw a pay rise

In order to carry out this ritual for a salary increase, you need a sheet of paper and a new pencil. Before proceeding with the ritual, it is recommended to read a prayer to Spyridon Trimifuntsky. You need to draw your boss. Don't be embarrassed if you don't have a talent for drawing.

Try to make the drawing look good, and your leader on it should be smiling. The most important thing is that when drawing, you imagine exactly your boss. Then you need to draw that he is holding out money to you, and be sure to write the desired amount on the "money". Above this figure, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“Lord, as you turn your eyes on me, the servant of God (your name), so let my boss, the servant of God (name of the boss), turn his eyes on me and appreciate my merits. How are you. The King of Heaven is generous, so let the servant of God (the name of the boss) be generous. Amen"

Then the leaf with the pattern needs to be folded and carried with you to work. When you meet with your boss, you need to quietly touch this sheet with your hand and think about the amount of the desired salary. Soon your wish will come true.

To get paid on time

Nowadays, it often happens that for one reason or another, wages are delayed. In order to pay the salary on time, there is such a conspiracy:

“I ask Jesus Christ and the grieving Mother of God

Take my servant (name) from me and give it to my hands.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

It is pronounced standing opposite the place of your work, while you need to clasp the little fingers of your hands. Do not hesitate, very soon you will receive your earned money.

  • List item
December 17, 2017 30 lunar day - New Moon. Time to bring good things to life.

A conspiracy to pay a salary is valid in any situation!

In order to make a conspiracy to return wages, you need to buy one thin wax candle. You do not need to take change when you buy it. By the way, it is recommended to purchase it in the church: it will be more effective. When the sun begins to set, the candle must be lit, while holding it in the left hand. After the candle has lit, it is necessary to whisper a conspiracy to the flame (thirteen or twenty-six times). The spell should be like this: “You (say the name of the debtor) are melting, because you don’t return debts, if you don’t return, you will melt forever. You (name) return the debt as soon as possible, and do not hide anymore! May this be my tried word! He sealed everything (a) with fire, not during the day, but in the evening (give your full name).

The next day, after lunch, you need to go to church and put a charmed cinder for the health of the one who must pay the salary, while reading these words: “You are forgiven by me for today, tomorrow and forever. God is my witness. And now and from now on, God is your (name of the debtor) judge. I myself (a) do not judge, I only ask for help, baptized (th), prayer (th), God (th). Amen".

There is also a rite with a conspiracy so that a person himself wants to repay the debt, because it often happens that it is impossible to knock out your own salary from the boss. There are different conspiracies for salaries, but one of the best rituals is during the period when the moon is growing. After sunset, you need to take a green wax candle, grease it with a thin layer of honey, light it and put it in the center of the table. Then warm your palms over her flame, while repeating the following words seven times: “How sweet sugar is, how sticky honey is, that my money stuck to my hands and did not come off.”

After the spell is read, you need to write on a white blank sheet of paper the amount that the boss owes, and write the text below: “Mine - come back to me, do not hide and do not linger anywhere.” Then, from the flame of a candle, you should set fire to this sheet with a note and put it on a small saucer. While it burns, it is necessary to repeat aloud a strong spell for the money to return: “Let mine return by right, by honor and conscience. The hand that gives will be blessed, but it will not become scarce! May it be as I say! “. After the ceremony is completed, the ashes should be scattered in the wind, and the candle should be extinguished and removed until the right moment.

If the ceremony for the return of salaries is carried out without any errors, then it is possible to achieve not only that the salary will be paid, but also the debt on it (if any). Incidentally, the consequences good result there may also be a profit that will be equal to the amount that the boss did not give. But the main thing is to do everything in stages and correctly, adhering to the accuracy of the ritual and conspiracy. Words must be read without changing. In order not to forget them, you can write them on a separate sheet and store them in a place that is impossible to forget about, so as not to lose the spell.

Another nuance is that you need to call in spells not just your full name, but the one under which the person was baptized in the church. Sometimes the names don't match. For example - Maryana: the girl is christened with the name Mariamne. Therefore, it is recommended to find out the Christian name of the debtor before conspiracy.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the rites described above can be used not only for conspiracies to return salaries, but also simply if a person has taken a certain amount of money and does not return it.

prayer for salary

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Desire for money to pay off a debt

If you have debts, then your desire is financial freedom, not "getting rid of debt".

Regarding large debts: they need to be turned into long-term loans. Break down the debt into as small amounts as possible, imagine the most realistic time frame in which you can receive these amounts, and set aside these amounts every day or week or month.

Conspiracy to repay a debt

If a certain person has borrowed a large amount of money from you, but is not going to repay the debt, then you can try to return your funds with the help of magic and a conspiracy to repay the debt.

On paper, write the name of the debtor and the amount that he is obliged to return. A green candle lubricated with aromatic oils is lit and placed near the paper.

the ritual to return the debt is more cruel, but effective.

Conspiracy to pay wages.

Recently, many people began to complain that they began to delay the payment of salaries. Cunning bosses do not react to anything. I advise you to resort to the help of conspiracies.

“As the glory of the saints is strong and eternal, so is my word strong. Lord, help me to return my goodness, help me to get what I have earned by honest work. Let false and dishonest people give me my good. It's not for them to spend what I've earned.

A conspiracy to pay a salary is valid in any situation!

If, after numerous requests and appeals to the boss who does not pay the salary, the understanding comes that he is not going to do this, then you need to make a conspiracy (so that the salary is given).

In order to make a conspiracy to return wages, you need to buy one thin wax candle. You do not need to take change when you buy it. By the way, it is recommended to purchase it in the church: it will be more effective.

Conspiracies to repay a debt

Why does a person of average income, who was asked to borrow money, feel the desire to definitely refuse? The reason is quite understandable - the fear that the debtor will delay the return or, in general, "forget" the fact of the loan. The old folk saying: “You give with your hands, and you take it with your feet”, alas, is relevant at all times. In addition to the unpleasant procedure for withdrawing a debt, the owner of the money often faces the hostility of the debtor.

Salary delayed by the employer

The legislation does not define the mandatory location of an employee during the suspension of work due to non-payment of wages for more than 15 days. In this case, the employee independently has the right to decide whether to be at the workplace or not (part three of article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Yes, it should. The employer is liable for the delay in wages.

Prayer to attract money

When a person has big financial problems and nothing helps, then you can try to use prayer to make money. There are many various options, which help not only to increase their income or receive a delayed salary, but also force a person to repay the debt.

“To the angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and my body, forgive me all, the fir-tree I have sinned this day: and deliver me from all the wickedness of my enemy, but in no sin will I anger my God: but pray for me, sinful and unworthy servant, as if worthy of me, show the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and all the saints, Amen ”

If, after a long wait, the debtor has not returned the money, then use prayer.

Prayer to get paid

Our great-grandmothers also said that if you don’t want to lose a friend, it’s best not to lend him money. It's hard to argue with that. Especially if this has already happened, and the debtor is in no hurry to return your hard-earned money.

In such a situation and best friend can become an enemy. But the problem can be solved with the help of magic. A debt repayment conspiracy will help you get your money back as soon as possible.

Folk spiritual healer VICTORIA.

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As you know, very often the people you trusted deceive you, violating the concluded agreement, either consciously or unconsciously.

They don't get paid, what should I do?

Please advise me how to be, I am not paid a salary. I worked in one company, but I had to quit because the employer was constantly delaying my salary. I was calculated, the work book was given away, but the salary that was delayed, compensation for the vacation that I was not on, was never paid. Please write a conspiracy so that the employer pays me money and pays me off in full.

It is very disappointing when a boss does not value the experience and qualifications of an employee and pays an unfair salary.

In order to finally achieve a salary increase, payment of bonuses and other bonuses, each time, before starting work, interlock the index fingers of both hands and repeat the plot three times, closing your eyes:

“The Apostle Andrew fished in the Sea of ​​Galilee, he spoke with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, row money with a shovel. Let the servant (s) of God (s) (your name) be not forgotten by the boss, not bypassed, endowed with good, fed, watered. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Open your eyes, unhook your fingers and get to work.

Rite with the cleansing of the workplace

This plot is read three times for two days in a row. The magic words of this conspiracy will help to clear the workplace and attract money. It is necessary to read them in the first days of the full moon. Before you begin to perform the ceremony and attract a salary increase, prepare a bag of herbal tea. It is worth putting in a bag: a handful of dried calendula; a handful of mint.

Be one of the first to work on your first day. Hide the bag in the workplace so that no one can see it. Work it out as expected, and in the evening, returning home, say the words of the conspiracy. In this case, it is desirable to open the window and look at the full circle of the moon.

Conspiracy text
“All living things obey the full moon: earth, flowers and animals. So I, the servant of God (proper name), ask for light, consent and material prosperity on the full moon. May my salary be as round as the heavenly body. As the moon grows, so it will increase, and as the moon begins to decrease, so it stabilizes. Shining lunar clear, the month is round, and my purse is full and golden.

Say the plot three times in a row, and then go to bed. Go to work early in the morning. Arriving first, open the window and, while none of the employees are present, say these words: “I release shortages and failures, but I let in the light.”

Now you can start your immediate duties at the workplace. The conspiracy will begin immediately. The effect of the influence of magic words can be noticed already in the first two weeks.

Ritual with a coin

Magic will come to the rescue even when the boss deliberately does not increase the salary of a diligent and responsible employee. To change the attitude of the leadership and get a long-awaited promotion, you can use a charmed coin. For the ritual, you need a penny of any denomination, but always yellow. During the period of the growing moon over the coin, you should say:

“Just as the fish in the sea-ocean cannot be counted, how the stars cannot be counted in the night sky, as the grasses cannot be counted in the fields and meadows, so let me, the servant of God (proper name), always have money: in the wallet and in the house.

Let the boss see my work and increase my salary, add a lot of money to me. My words are strong and strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr. I will seal my words in the earth, so that from now on and forever it will be so. Amen".

After reading the words of the conspiracy three times, remove the coin to the desktop. It must be in the right hand. For three days, the penny should be in a secret place. After this period, the coin must be removed and taken to the store with it. There, get any sweetness by paying with a coin that was spoken for an increase in wages. Present this sweet to a child or treat a friend. After that, the conspiracy will take effect. The effect can be seen only after 1-1.5 months.

Money conspiracy from poverty

If money is constantly not enough, you need to get a cow horn, a hoof or a bone from a leg.

A beef leg bought in a store will do, only the bone needs to be well cleaned of meat. Put the bone in cold water and leave for a day. Then drain the water and put the bone in the sun.

When the bone is dry, say a plot from poverty:
I will go out, blessed, go, crossing myself, seven angels, seven archangels, seven saints, seven of my patrons meet me. “Angels, archangels, patron saints, where have you been, what have you seen?” - “We were on the holy mountains, we saw a white ox, that white ox ran through the mountains, carried misfortune-poverty across the sea.

I ran across the sea, there is a white stone alatyr. He threw the ox that misfortune-poverty on the alatyr-stone, began to butt its horns, trample it with its feet. He scored, trampled, and threw it to the bottom of the sea, to the yellow sands, where the wind does not blow, the sun does not warm, it does not rain. Lie down, trouble-poverty, do not get up either yesterday or tomorrow, but on this day I closed you with a key (a), and drowned the key in the well (a). My word is strong, like God's truth. Amen.

After reading the plot, you need to wrap the bone in a white scarf and hide it at the threshold. In the near future, the lack of money will stop bothering you.

All about religion and faith - "a prayer for the boss to raise his salary" with detailed description and photographs.

A pay rise conspiracy is ideal for those people who believe they deserve more in this life. In particular, there are often situations when a person works very hard, but he is not paid extra for it. Agree that in the modern world it is very difficult to live on the minimum wage. Therefore, people very often resort to the help of magic in order to at least slightly improve their financial situation. Especially if a person has children who need to be raised to their feet. It is best to perform a magical ritual on the growing moon.

Strong conspiracies to increase wages

How to positively influence your boss

Quite often there are situations when the boss has a very negative attitude towards his employee. And it is very strange that he does not even hide his negative attitude. At such moments, you can immediately forget about getting a small increase or bonus for a job well done. That's just in magic, a method is provided that allows you to very beneficially influence the boss and establish relations with him. It is easy to do on your own at home. In order to carry out this simple ceremony, it is necessary to prepare several very important attributes.

  1. Dark honey. You won't need a lot of it. Just 1 tablespoon.
  2. A small amount of basil leaves, which must first be crushed.
  3. If you do not have the opportunity to use the leaves, then you can take basil essential oil. A few drops are enough.

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and put on fire. Some experts are sure that even a microwave oven will do. When you take a bath, the mixture should be added to the water.

“Some holy man loves the Most Holy Theotokos for a very long time. He is constantly next to her and cannot take his eyes off this Holy woman. So let my boss, the servant of God (name), burn for me with the purest and most sincere feelings. I want to make him respect me. And I am ready to do everything for this, because it is very important that there are excellent relations in the team. I really want the boss to see me as a good specialist and, at least a little, but raise the first salary. I really want to come home and make my wife proud of me. I am a man and have a family to support. That's just due to the fact that my boss and I do not have a very pleasant relationship, the money does not stay in my wallet for very long. I ask you to make sure that I raise the payment and increase it. My wife no longer treats me like a husband. Let the higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help me get a pay raise in the office. And not to stop her. Amen".

How to get promoted with magic

You can get a good job

There are situations when one very good position is vacated. And now a few people are starting to apply for it. In order for this place to get one hundred percent for you, you should conduct a simple, but very effective ritual. Write on a piece of paper the name of the person who is your strongest competitor. Remember that the name must be written exactly 9 times. After that, each name must be crossed out three times. Place the paper with the dishes and pour in the vinegar. Now you need to go outside and choose a place where people walk the least.

After that, turn your back to the place of sunrise and read the following words:

“May the servant of God (name) not be able to get the job that I have dreamed of for so long. May his thoughts and actions not be so beautiful. The boss will see that this person is not suitable for this job and will give the place to me. For a long time I wanted to get a promotion at work and, accordingly, an increase in wages. I am reading this conspiracy to increase wages and I want to achieve my goal. I hope that the words of this prayer will help me greatly. I want a normal first salary. Anyone who wants to take my place will not succeed anyway. I want them to give me money and pay back the debt. I don't want to be in debt. Returns are very important to me. Amen".

You need to throw the dishes over your shoulder and, without turning around, go home. Remember that it is forbidden to talk to anyone.

How to get a high paying job

Sometimes there are situations when a person cannot find a job for a long time, because he wants the salary to be such that he can help his family. Employers do not always agree to take a new person to the team and immediately pay him a high rate. At such moments, a person can easily use magic and achieve his desire.

To conduct the ceremony, you should take a handkerchief and read on it a conspiracy to find a job and a conspiracy for a salary:

“As soon as I, the servant of God (name), go in search of a well-paid job, I will immediately be offered many options. I am a person who loves his work very much and will always do it efficiently and on time. I will complete the first task without any problems. As soon as I am given a task, I will immediately complete it. I want to be respected in the workplace and always give me quality cases. I am an expert in my field and I studied very well. I really want to get a high salary so that I never have to need anything again. My wife strongly wants me to bring a normal amount of money. Moreover, we have a child who needs a lot of things. May the Lord hear my words of prayer and help me get what I want. I want my employer to raise me and pay all the money. I am ready to do a lot for this. I am ready for anything, just to pay the money and give me my payment. For a good pay and make an amazing return. Amen".

As soon as you need to go to an interview, you need to take a handkerchief with you and open the door for them. Remember that the charmed item is intended only for these purposes. Never use it in everyday life. He is able to help you only in the work area.

To be constantly lucky at work

If you want to quickly and efficiently do all things, then you need to attract good luck. Specialists in the field of magic are convinced that only luck can help get an increase in salary.

Every day, before you go to work, you should read the following plot:

“May the Lord protect me today and drive me away from the enemy. As soon as an enemy or an ill-wisher decides to ruin my boards, the higher powers will immediately put him in his place. I want them to give out the entire payment and pay the money. I expect that today I will participate in receiving banknotes. The addition of money will not hurt me, and the former boss is gone. Now I will receive a normal amount of money. Help left a residue on my soul. Man is always looking for good news. I ask you good luck today, so that the boss raises me and pays the advance. Amen".

Strong conspiracies for work and career

To get a vacant position or a promotion, sometimes only luck is not enough. And sometimes, envious colleagues to their emotional mood make you almost invisible to your superiors. Magic rituals will help to attract good luck and turn the situation in your favor, to protect yourself from the envy of your colleagues.

In addition to conspiracies, magicians recommend always carrying a black tourmaline stone with you at work. It acts like an amulet and protects its owner from the negative aura of envious people. It is not difficult to activate the protective properties of the mineral. To do this, every morning a drop of bergamot essential oil is applied to it.

Impact on superiors with the help of a conspiracy

In some cases, the head of the enterprise does not hide negative emotions towards the employee. In such a situation, it is not necessary to count on a highly paid position and bonuses. But, in order to win over the boss and remove the negative, it is possible by conducting a magical conspiracy. For this you will need:

  • 1 tbsp dark honey;
  • a small pinch of crushed basil leaves;
  • they can be replaced essential oil from basil (3 drops).

All components are thoroughly mixed, slightly heated. During the bath, the mixture is added to the water. Lying in the water, read the plot:

“As Joseph sees with his eyes the lady of the Most Holy Theotokos, admires her, does not stop admiring, looks at her, does not look enough, praises her, does not praise, so it would be on me, the servant of God / servant of God (your name), the whole human race: and old, and young, and masters, and servants, and the weak, and the strong, and the rich, and the poor - everyone loved me, honored me, everyone praised me, admired me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy to help win over competitors

Several people can apply for a promising, vacant position. In order to defeat them, you can perform a magical ritual.

For its implementation it is necessary:

  • On a piece of paper write the name of a competitor, in the amount of 9 times.
  • Cross out each word three times.
  • While whispering the words:

“With a triple sign, a triple law, I hold back and imprison you in the fetters of deeds and thoughts. Let it be so".

  • Next, the sheet is folded into a tube, placed in glass container(bottle).
  • Vinegar is poured into it and tightly closed.
  • They go to a deserted place.
  • Stand facing west.
  • Holding the bottle with the right hand, read the following words:

“Be you always behind me, in any business, in any process. I have all the awards and honors, and you - gnawed bones. Fulfilled."

  • A glass bottle is thrown behind the back, only over the left shoulder.
  • They go home. You can't look back or talk to anyone.

A ritual to help you find a good job

If you are looking for a job, and interviews for an attractive position do not work, the following ritual will help.

  • Before the full moon, they buy a new handkerchief.
  • The following words are recited on it 7 times in a row:

“It will be for me, the servant of God (name), prosperity on the road-road. Wherever I go, I find a job, I won’t get a refusal.”

  • They take a charmed handkerchief with them when they go to a conversation with a potential employer.
  • A handkerchief is applied to the palm and open the door.
  • Under no circumstances should the handkerchief be used for other purposes.

Attract good luck at work

There is a strong enough conspiracy to raise wages. It is read three times in a row before leaving home for work.

“Lord Father and Mother Church! Save and save me, a servant of God (your full name), from evil barbarians, from adversaries, from fire, from water, from judgment, from trouble. Accept my repentance. Soften my heart, deliver me from black anger, from evil thoughts. Give me happiness, health and long life. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Ritual for good work

A strong conspiracy will help open the doors to prospects, settle relations with the manager in order to increase salaries and protect colleagues from envy. It is carried out using candles of four colors. The following components are required:

  • one wax candle white;
  • one black wax candle;
  • one green wax candle;
  • one brown wax candle;
  • candlesticks;
  • one dry leaf of patchouli (or brown essential oil);
  • some cinnamon:
  • a container with water, a towel (for washing hands).

During a conspiracy for a career, it is advisable to be completely alone. No one should interfere with the process.

  1. They sit down at the table, light a black candle.
  2. Looking at the flame, think about all the problems.
  3. Imagine that they all burn in the flame of a wax candle.
  4. First, they hold it in their hands, then put it in a candlestick.
  5. In it, it should burn out completely.
  6. Sprinkle a black candle with finely chopped patchouli leaf.
  7. If oil is used, they lubricate the candle from the bottom up.
  8. A black candle is placed in the center of the table.

After handling the black candle, wash your hands thoroughly. Not a speck of patchouli or a drop of oil should fall on other candles. The remaining copies are sprinkled with cinnamon.

The white candle is identified with you. Holding it in your hands, you need to think about the feelings associated with getting a new, good job. Next, the candle is placed in a candlestick, next to the black one. But so that the white is higher than the black candle.

The green candle symbolizes prosperity. Showering her with cinnamon, they only think about it. The candle is placed on your right side.

The brown candle is identified directly with the work itself. When pouring cinnamon on it, you need to be as clear as possible about the expected work. A brown copy is placed on the left side.

Lighting a candle, whisper the following words:

on white - “What I ask is mine by right”; on black - “Sadness will burn, the enemy is defeated”; on brown - “I will find a job for me by right”; on green - “Luck will come! Let it be so!".

The candles must burn to the ground. You can’t tell anyone about the ritual performed so that the result is effective.


The first step on the path to successful career growth is a highly paid position. Job responsibilities are an important aspect of any person's life. To help find a job to your liking, which will bring joy, conspiracies for work and career will help. They will protect you from ill-wishers and help smooth out tense relationships with the leader.

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Conspiracy to raise wages.

Take a coin of any denomination and speak to it in a whisper or out loud, you can read from a book.

Thank you, Lord, I fish, and You send me a catch. So let my catch grow, flourish with wealth, grief so as not to know, not to count money. The Lord will not forget me, for the glory of the Lord good will come to me. Amen, amen, amen.

The coin must be placed at your workplace, but in such a way that it does not catch the eye of anyone, and that no one can pick it up and shift it.

Conspiracy to raise wages

It is difficult to deny yourself the desire to increase wages, this wonderful event happens, not so often, it happens that we have been waiting for it for years, although we work with dignity, and the company is afloat. Or another Option: they see a colleague and praise only one with all the ensuing consequences: then we advise you to read a conspiracy to increase salaries.

Raising salaries with the help of conspiracies: we read on our own at home

Features of the ritual

Follow it in strict sequence and be sure that only reading it to you was not enough for your plan. It does not matter how old you are and how long you have been working.

  • do not anger God by holding a ritual on holy days for Christians;
  • if you ask for a supplement, then do it on the night of the growing moon;
  • the best days are Sunday and Thursday;

You will feel the first noticeable results after a month and a half. Just believe in the conspiracy and it will respond to your requests in the coming months. It will come from where you did not expect!

Ritual in three steps

How can you increase your salary with the help of rituals and conspiracies

  1. Get three absolutely round things on your desktop or place, or simply put three round glass, plastic balls, shades of red in a work box, booth.
  2. At home, read the words written on paper on the full moon of the conspiracy:

“I don’t languish with work, I don’t shy away. I shake my hands and head. I'm waiting for a full-fledged, round award, let it grow like the moon in the sky, the mother's womb. He planted good grain, let the increase be not lapel.

  1. Burn the leaf, and collect the ashes and bring them to work. Blow it onto the red balls and remove them from your eyes.

Say the words to yourself:

“The sun gave way to the moon, the path opened the path. My money - here I am!

Very soon you will feel real results and will be grateful to the magical conspiracy.

A conspiracy to pay a coin. Stock up on a yellow new coin. Carry it for three days in your wallet, where it will be with other money. Don't leave her "bored" alone. After a while, take it out, put it in a glass of warm sweet water (preferably honey) and say the words:

“Honey is strong, sweet. It will teach, stick, poverty will instantly dispel.

Take away the coin and bury it from your eyes to the workplace, and repeat the words in the morning until the money is asked for in your wallet.

To get paid on time

You can also ask for salary on time. Draw a banknote or coin on paper. Try to portray yourself smiling. May you not be a great artist! In this case, add a detail in the picture that will distinguish you: exactly your tie, or a scarf, or a wallet of your color. Write the words:

“From the servant of God (name) to take away to me the servant of God (name) to give”

Fix this picture on the window so that the image looks into the room. The expectation will come true very soon, and wages will knock on your door and window.


If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.