A conspiracy so that the husband loves his wife very much. A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife. A conspiracy so that the husband loves to obey and respect his wife. Conspiracy for two wax candles

There is a conspiracy of obedience that helps women a lot. The wife reads such a conspiracy against her husband, so that he listens to his wife, follows her advice. Men are subjected to a lot of stress in their robes and in life. They often make impulsive, rash decisions. They are gambling. For family life some of these manifestations are dangerous, wasteful. And the husband dismisses his wife, does not want to listen to advice. In this case, a conspiracy will help. Your man is now always attentive to your words, does what you advise him, does not argue. This can help a woman to establish peace in the family, and children will receive a good example of mutual understanding.

Why do we need a conspiracy to obedience

You should not use it just like that, just for entertainment or to manipulate men. For a husband to always obey his wife, magic is not needed, only mutual understanding, good relations and love are needed. Yes, and the wife should not be a hysterical, narrow-minded woman. Then each of her advice will be taken as it should be, discussed. If you see that the husband is in difficult situation, but sees no way out, then help him.

Sometimes it is very necessary to obey a wife, there is nothing shameful in this. For example:

  • the family is in a difficult situation, and the husband is too proud to ask for help;
  • a man makes many wrong decisions, succumbs to other people's influence;
  • the husband's parents influence him, they slander his wife.

All these are unpleasant situations when you have to go to extreme measures. A conspiracy will help in this case. He will not harm her husband, and the children will thank you later that they saved the family.

In these cases, you just need to take full responsibility for yourself, help your husband. In the life of every family, unforeseen difficulties and troubles happen, but there is no need to panic. One head is good, but two are very good.

Family magic on guard of your happiness

Family magic is a special section of magic that helps those who decide to start a family. She protects the wife, husband and children from all adversity. Women who know the rules for handling the rituals of family magic are always happy. they know how to get their husband on their side, to negotiate with the mother-in-law. The house is in order, cleanliness and tranquility. It is in such a house that I want to come more often.

Simple conspiracies so that the husband does not argue, but obeys

They are all simple. Any woman can handle this ritual. The main thing is to believe. That everything will work out, and the husband will obey. Otherwise, nothing will work. You do not need to pay money and go to the sorcerers, it is in your power to independently make such a conspiracy strong and effective.

Sweet Pie Conspiracy

So that the husband only listens to you, and does not listen to the advice of others, you need to make a conspiracy for a sweet pie. Bake it yourself with your man's favorite filling. As soon as you take it out of the oven, still hot, say:

“Pie-pie, help us in the family to gain consent. Make sure that we both taste you and live happily ever after. So that my husband listens to me, loves, honors and respects me. So that my word would be law for him. Let peace and harmony settle in our family. Amen!"

Let your husband eat as much as he wants. A sweet pie will bring quick peace to the family, because now the husband is attentive to any of your words, he will not go against your will.

Conspiracies for baking have been used since ancient times.

Conspiracy for water

Water is spoken, with which a drink will then be prepared. Tea or coffee, compote. On the water you need to say 12 times on Friday evening:

“The bottom stone is silent, does not say anything.
He is subjugated to my will,
From now on, he will live in captivity.
So my husband would submit to me, a slave,
It did not break out from under my will.
I am his food, I am his water.
May my will be in everything forever.
And who will interrupt my conspiracy.
To that thorns in the eyelashes,
The pip will go on the tongue.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

The drink is prepared on Saturday morning. The husband needs to drink three cups of this water. Then after 3-4 days you will see if your husband cannot say “no” to you. Always agrees, protects you and your opinion. A very useful and simple ritual, but it must be completed completely.

Subdue the will of the husband

With this conspiracy, the husband will obey you. It is useful when he himself loses the ability to think sensibly. as a result of alcoholism. drug addiction, addiction. Here you need to act seriously and obey the will - The best way. Works flawlessly.

To make it work, Done on Wednesday in the photo of her husband. Her husband should be alone, without glasses.

Say three times:

The moon conspired, the star conspired,
The sun has spoken.
Everyone will talk to each other
And all my words will be confirmed
Fulfilled and fixed.
All my decrees
Be for (name) orders.
Obedient child, I am obedient to the Gods,
Be obedient to me my slave (Name).
In the name of Mars, in the name of my Will! Let it be so!

In this rite, do not forget to leave the gifts in the cemetery

Wrap this photo in three handkerchiefs, tie with black thread. It must be placed under the mattress of your bed so that it lies for three nights. After that, take the photo to the cemetery, put it on the grave with the same name as your spouse. Leave without looking back.

Submission Conspiracy

In order for the husband to wash meekly, to obey his wife in everything, you need to say to the moon every Thursday:

“Be my words strong, deeds - modeling.
The horse is subdued with a collar,
Doesn't kick, doesn't bite, doesn't run,
The reins guide him
Where to go instruct.
So am I, God's servant (name),
I throw my collar on that
Who is dear to my heart.
From now on, be my will in everything,
Your share is in my royal power.
Endure with a collar, reconcile,
Like a serf, submit to the master's will.
For all days, for all ages,
For all God's times.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Say and go to sleep. In the morning, there will be no trace of his reproaches and disagreement. You yourself will be surprised how quickly and effectively simple village conspiracies work. Our grandmothers not only made their husbands obedient like that, but also tied them to themselves. Be sure to repeat every week, otherwise the effect will disappear. So many years live in harmony and peace.

Bind to your word

It is made on three black threads. Threads should be lubricated with your menstrual blood on the third day of menstruation. Tie the still wet threads into three knots and each time say:

"My thread, do not break,
And you, servant of God (name), submit to me.
My copper lips
My teeth are a way.
What can I say, everything will be so.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

This thread must be sewn to the husband in the collar of a dark shirt, then he will be attached to your words, he will obey. A very useful and powerful ritual, because it contains your blood. It is the strongest biological material.

This method requires regular forging

Conspiracy on the husband's dirty things

The conspiracy is done on dirty things. So that the husband does not suspect anything, collect his underpants, spouts, and T-shirt in a separate bag. All that is close to the body. Above things say:

“I wash off your dirt, I command you.
I am in front of you, you are behind me.
And who will speak against me,
Besides, your legs won't walk.
My word is strong, my work is sculpted.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Wash them and dry them. Let your husband put on one thing at a time so that he has charmed clothes all the time. Repeat every week.

Family magic does not harm, but helps

If you are ashamed to use such a conspiracy, you are afraid to harm your husband, then discard all prejudices. A conspiracy that brings obedience cannot harm anyone. The husband will not know about it, will not feel any compulsion. You may need special help and support to take matters into your own hands. The conspiracy gives it. Your words take on big weight in family.

It is desirable that the spouse does not know anything about the conspiracy, otherwise he may blame his wife for everything. The main thing is that it should be used for its intended purpose, only at the most serious moments when a sober head and a different look at problems are needed. If the wife wants to manipulate a man, turn him against friends, relatives and colleagues, then Conduct will severely punish her, maybe even take her spouse from the family.

Conspiracies of family magic are designed to protect peace in any way. Children, parents, the family will be grateful to you, because it is you who are the keeper of the hearth.

Every married woman, regardless of the number of years she has been married, asks herself the question: “How can I make my husband want and love only me?”. Naturally, the efforts of both are necessary to create a family and to preserve it.

This forms the basis to some extent. The above question is mainly interested in two categories of wives.

  • The first is women in whose families there are already difficulties in relationships between partners.
  • The second category is ladies (mostly young, who have recently tied the knot) who want not to make typical family mistakes and maintain a warm relationship with their husband.

If there were more wives belonging to the conditional second category, then in our country there would not be such deplorable statistics with divorces.

How to make your husband love and want to return home

Initially, you need to decide how to make your husband love to return home. Any man wants to come home from work in a warm cozy house where you can relax, unwind, do what you love and have a happy wife nearby. Every woman, regardless of whether she works or is only engaged in household chores, must create a paradise for her loved one.

Who would be pleased to return after hard work to a house where there is always no cleaning and no comfort? No matter how tired you are, you need to find the strength and time in yourself to maintain home cleanliness - this does not mean that all you need to do all day long is to clean and wash, you need to clean the entire room once a week, and then just keep it clean .

Naturally, if the house is clean and comfortable - this is not enough, you need to make sure that you love only your wife and want to return to the hearth. There is no man in the world who does not love delicious food. Get up in the morning before your husband, cook his favorite breakfast, sit with him at the table and wish him a light, pleasant day.

Your husband will definitely appreciate if you put him a lunch for work (and even if his favorite dessert is there). And in the evening - a family dinner, in which the spouse will listen with pleasure to all the painful problems of her husband and give practical advice.

To whom are wives most often jealous? Yes, to a beautiful, stylish, well-groomed girl. And what prevents the wife herself from looking just as luxurious? The phrase sounds stupid: “How can I make my husband love and respect only me?” from a woman who walks at home with her husband in a dressing gown, and on her head there are curlers. After all, the solution to the problem is already on the face - to remove all this and put yourself in order. A woman is obliged to look so that her husband desires her every day. Hair, makeup, manicure and beautiful clothes- the main attributes for a wise wife.

Well, the house is clean and tidy, a delicious dinner is prepared, the wife is beautiful ... But something still doesn’t stick ... A woman should have a twinkle in her eyes, she should be happy. Therefore, you also need to pay attention to yourself - do what you love, whether it's reading books, knitting, roller skating or ordinary gatherings with friends. The main thing is to enjoy it.

Meeting, falling in love and marrying a beloved man is not always enough to fully gain and enjoy female happiness. It also happens that behind everyday problems and worries family relationships often become routine and men get tired of them first of all and, as a result, cool off towards their wives.

If the husband stopped loving, to care as before, to admire, to listen and idolize as before, to wish as before. If there are problems in your personal life, then you can read not complicated conspiracies to return love. At first it is extremely difficult to believe in it, well, how can it work? She whispered something “under her breath”, and the husband, as before, begins to pay attention again, care, compliment, wish you at night and not only as once. And sometimes it seems just a coincidence, maybe the husband was guilty and so he is trying to somehow justify himself in your eyes, in general, all sorts of thoughts come into your head. Be that as it may, but the magic of love works quite successfully today, as well as a thousand years ago.

Spells to make a husband love his wife

These conspiracies have an impact on the energy field of your loved one and help to direct him in the right direction, turn the husband towards his wife and turn him away from his rivals. It is worth using them only when all your attempts to improve relations with your husband are in vain and do not give a result. That is, if and only if you do something, but it doesn’t work out, but if you just sit and do nothing, abandon yourself as a woman, don’t devote time to your husband, don’t take care of him, then magic won’t help here .

Magic helps when there is a way, that is, you want to get something and do something for it. Otherwise, it will turn out like in a joke about a Jew who wants to get rich, where God answers pleas to help him: “Well, let him at least buy a lottery ticket or something.”

And remember what to do if the husband fell out of love, the heart will tell, and magic will help.

Spell to be happy together

If the relationship still cracked, but you still want to share happiness, this conspiracy will help restore the former passion and trepidation in the relationship.

Before going to bed, a glass of water with a nearby burning candle on the growing moon is read three times:

“The moon is growing and increasing, the heart of the servant of God (name) is filled with love for the servant of God (name).

As every heart wants to be loved, so let my husband be filled with desire for me.

Just as trees and flowers on earth cannot live in the sky without the sun, so my husband (name) cannot live on earth or under the sky without me.

Just as all living things are drawn to water, and cannot live without water, so let my husband (name) be drawn to me, and does not want to live without me.

The words of the servant of God (her name) will be filled with faith, the heart of the servant of God (the name of the husband) will be filled with tenderness and trembling for the lawful wife.

No one will interrupt my word, no one will break our love.

As said, so be it. Amen".

Use the same candle, visually mark it so that it lasts for seven nights, not necessarily in equal parts, and lightly wash your face, chest and shoulders with a glass of water, drain the rest under a tree or flower, you can in a pot, and go to sleep .

Conspiracy for love and harmony in the family

Everyone knows that there is no harmony in the family, there is no family itself, it is only a matter of time. If you find it hard to find mutual language with your husband, often quarrel, and misunderstanding reigns in the house, then the conspiracy described below will help.

But first, remember, a man is attracted by lipstick, and a husband is kept at home by flour. Men, like children, rejoice at delicious food, especially if it was prepared especially for them. The best way dinner on Friday is suitable, not only because it is a day of love, but also at this time many people are in a good mood, because things are done for today, work week behind, and ahead of two days off.

Men do not stop comparing even after the wedding, and this conspiracy will help set the husband in the right mood. The fact that the wife tried, cooked, even if he does not show it, all the same, even if not immediately, but he will appreciate it and understand how lucky he was, and how successfully he married.

This conspiracy is read if the husband began to listen to friends and mother-in-law more often, and began to look to the side at the suggestion of the same friends. Here are the words of the conspiracy:

“The charmed pie will help us.

Happiness and consent to find

As my dear (name) tastes a piece of this pie, so (name) no longer knows happiness without me.

From now on, my husband (name) respects me as a servant of God (name), as before, listens to my word, loves, but never stops loving me.

From now on, let peace and harmony settle in our house, the husband (name) will never be separated from the wife (name).

I speak words, I sentence our family to a happy life.

Whoever interrupts my word will never find peace.

You need to read while cooking the pie three times, you must cook it yourself. The conspiracy is universal, that is, you can cook, for example, for pizza and pies. The main thing is to make it with love and to make it tasty, so that the dear one likes it, so you need to try.


Remember, a happy husband will never leave home. And a smart wife will barely feel that her husband has cooled off a little and began to look to the side, immediately reads the plot, if the problems in the family have not yet “dragged into a knot of misunderstanding”, they can be easily solved with the help of magic, talents are not needed for this only your sincere desire. Why wait for your husband to start packing? Then only stupid wives grab their heads, you are not like that.

Every woman dreams of complete understanding in the family. But it often happens that after many years of living together, a woman realizes that her husband's feelings are cooling down and relationships are becoming routine. Therefore, the desire of many women to resort to magical means and return the former love of their husband is quite natural.

Magic influences

But don't be in a hurry, because strong conspiracy on the love of a husband affects the energy field of a loved one and can lead to unpredictable results. You need to try to surround your spouse with tenderness and attention and try to let him know how much he is dear to you. In most cases, if a woman reconsiders her behavior and attitude towards her husband, sincere tender feelings can be restored very quickly.

But if, despite the efforts made, the husband’s love cannot be awakened, then you can use the conspiracy so that the husband loves his wife. Before any such magical rite, one should visit the temple several times, pray for family well-being and light candles to the saints.

To the growing moon

One of the most effective is the rite, which involves reading a special conspiracy during the growing moon.

His words are:

“Just as all living people look in the mirror, I want you to look at me, my husband (name of spouse)! Just as soap is washed off quickly and without traces, I want you to quickly inflame my husband (name of spouse) with love for me. My shirt is light now, so I wish that your feelings, my husband (name of spouse) for me, become light.

The rite involves carrying out actions in the following sequence:
  • You need to take an unwashed shirt of a light-colored husband;
  • Set fire to her collar;
  • Read the plot;
  • The shirt should be extinguished as soon as the collar burns out;
  • Hide the shirt, but do not throw it away.

For cold love

When there is a feeling that the husband’s love has cooled down, you can awaken it with another conspiracy. Magic words must be pronounced on the first Thursday of any month over any food or drink, which subsequently will need to be served to the husband on the table.

The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“In a dark, dark forest thicket, in a black-black chamber, a large lime table-throne is installed. There is a bough in that table, which dries out, dries out, but at the same time it is tightly and tightly adjacent to the table-throne. I wish that you are my only and beloved husband (husband's name) so dry for me to your wife (proper name) and tightly, forever and forever adjoin my body. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

A conspiracy to love a husband should be used only if you are sure that your own feelings have not cooled down. Otherwise, it is better to try to talk frankly with your spouse and either start building a joint relationship again, or let go of each other. After all living together without mutual love can soon turn into hell.

Almost every family quite often faces a situation where the stubbornness and intractability of one of the spouses breaks the idyll. And this is not surprising, because ideal people can not be. Especially when it comes to sympathy and love. But what if your partner's habits interfere with unity, and his preferences go against yours? In such situations, love magic helps. And today's article will useful topics women who wish to improve family relations and achieve unity, using conspiracies to subdue their beloved. In it, we will describe several magical tricks that will help to make sure that the husband always listens to his wife, loves and wants.

If living together is overshadowed by the inability to give in to each other, and family happiness seems so far away due to constant showdowns, perform a special ceremony for unity. After reading during it a conspiracy to the humility and love of your husband, your family will begin to prosper.

One of the most popular magical love rituals is considered a conspiracy to consent. Ladies use it when they notice that their spouse has stopped listening to them. And if with similar situation you also had to face, perform the following rite. In parallel, this rite can help turn the darling away from the advice of friends.

Bake a pie (or your husband's other favorite treat). During the cooking process, before placing the product in the oven, read the prayer three times:

“How sweet this pie is, so let our family life be sweet. Let us live happily as soon as we taste a piece of this pie. So that my husband always listens to me, loves and respects me. To sleep with me with a desire to lie down, and my word will be law for him. From now on, peace, love and harmony will settle in our house. Amen".

After waiting for the cake to bake, invite him to taste his husband. And eat a bite yourself. As a rule, this conspiracy is valid for six to seven months. It will be possible to repeat the ceremony only after six months. Such conspiracies are quite strong, so their frequent use is not recommended.

Ritual for establishing an intimate life

It happens that after several years of joint married life the wife begins to be disturbed by the diminished sexual desire of the husband. This conspiracy will help in such situations. After reading a special magical text, you will again return the desire of your spouse.

To make your husband long for you again, prepare romantic dinner. For this event, purchase your favorite wine. Filling the glass with a drink, speak it. To do this, say the following words:

“I read a secret conspiracy to drink intoxicating. To listen, love, only want me one servant of God (husband's name). To go to bed, thinking of me, blazing with young passion. As this wine is poured over the body, so let its desire awaken. Amen".

After the lover drinks a glass, the conspiracy will take effect. If the result does not greatly satisfy you, try repeating the ceremony after a while. However, remember that the higher the degree of intoxicating drink, the lower the effect of magic will be.

Rite of obedience to the spouse

If your loved one has ceased to show respect and patience, began to argue and often argue, pay attention to this conspiracy. It is used when a partner specifically does not want to listen to you and shows his temper in everything. This spell helps to return the humility of the spouse, and harmony in the family.

To perform the rite of obedience to your husband, you will need:

  • one candle bought in the church;
  • matches.

Late at night, before you go to bed, light a candle. Say the magic words to her flame three times in a row:

“As the sun conspires with the moon, as water penetrates the earth, so I speak to my husband, the servant of God (his name). As people obediently serve the Lord God, so let my husband be submissive to me. So that he (name) listens to his wife unquestioningly, he only fulfills my will. Amen".

After the spoken words, continue to look at the flame, but in silence. If you want your husband not to act as he wants, but to listen to you, let the candle burn out. After that, the cinder should be hidden in the most secluded place in the house. The conspiracy should take effect within the first weeks.

You will be able to verify the effectiveness of magic yourself. In a month, the husband will show himself from the best side, relations in the family will improve.

Rite for the return of the family idyll

This conspiracy is also intended to return the idyll to the family, and humility to the husband. In order for the spouse to love his wife, always listen and passionately want, it is necessary to read the magic words before washing.

Taking the beloved's dirty clothes, say the words over it:

“As I wash off your dirt, so I will command you. I will stand in front of you, and you behind me. If someone says a bad word in my direction, you will no longer go to that. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading the prayer, take on the laundry. It is advisable to wash the dirty things of the spouse with my own hands. Thus, you will increase the effectiveness of the spell, extend its duration.