Romantic dinner at home. How to have a romantic dinner at home. At the forefront - mutual joy

So, you want to do something special for your significant other, but you don't have a single idea in your head? Whether you want your courtesy to be creative, budget-friendly, fast-paced or classic, we've got the answer.

creative romantic ideas

Are you looking for some fun new ways to bring romance to your relationship? Check out these creative romantic tips:

1. Give your sweetheart a dozen roses, but with an unusual twist. Let it be a bouquet of red roses, and among them - one white. And put a note in it with the following text: "There is a special flower in every bouquet, and you are one of them."

2. Give your soulmate wrist watch engraved "You are more valuable to me than time."

3. Identify the very key case that connected you. Celebrate this event every year.

4. Practice odd and even days of romance: on even days it's you, on odd days it's your lover's turn.

5. After the bubble bath you have prepared for your sweetheart, gently wrap her in a towel after preheating it in the dryer.

6. Write a love letter or poem to your significant other on a piece of paper. Stick it on thin cardboard and cut it into pieces in the form of puzzles, and then mail them all to her / him. Or send a puzzle a day.

7. Does your girlfriend/wife deserve the "Best Lover in the World" award? The souvenir shops are just a treasure trove of ideas for this occasion. Just imagine how many romantic possibilities lie in diplomas and badges, medals and ribbons, nameplates, certificates and posters. All of them can be inscribed with a name, engraved, inscribed or monogrammed.

Unusual Romantic Ideas

To make a big impression, consider these unusual romantic clues:

1. Go to a karaoke bar together and surprise her/him by singing "your" song.

2. Steal her! Blindfold her, drive around the city until she completely loses her bearings. And then, finally, reveal to her the final destination: her favorite cafe or, alternatively, a romantic hotel.

3. Model an unusual large-format postcard from a huge cardboard box(for example, the one in which refrigerators are packed).

4. Does your lover love M&M's? Fill a large glass jar or vase with it to the top and give it to her as a gift.

5. Do you dream of adding a little piquancy to the serving of a dish that you have prepared especially for your soulmate? Buy a small piece of dry ice. Put it in a bottle of water and place it on a tray. In this way, you will reproduce marvelous, billowing white clouds!

6. Dinner by candlelight - romantic, but ordinary. Therefore, there is another idea: arrange breakfast by candlelight.

7. Surprise your significant other with a two-week trip to Paris.

8. Every couple has "His" and "Her" paired towels, but there are other ideas as well: "His" and "Her" paired silk pajamas, motorbikes, t-shirts, small suitcases (keep them always ready packed), chairs- rocking chairs, Porsches (millionaires need love too), heart-shaped tattoos, Christmas decorations, tennis rackets, beach towels.

Budget Romance Ideas

Love overflows, but the wallet is almost empty? Try these budget friendly romantic tips:

1. Watching movies about love together is a pleasant pastime.

2. Spend together midsummer night making wishes under falling stars. Don't forget to mark the second week of August on your calendar. Every year, around August 12, the Earth passes through a meteor shower from the direction of the constellation Perseus, as a result of which, for two or three nights, one can observe an amazing spectacle of “star showers”.

3. Give your significant other a lottery ticket with a small note: "I hit the jackpot by marrying you (by marrying you)!"

4. Collect a bouquet of flowers for your sweetheart on the side of the road.

5. Write a note to your significant other, putting it on several postcards, then send her/him one at a time. This will create an anticipation of a romantic conclusion in the final card. You can hand over this last one yourself.

6. Don't go to the cinema as usual on Sunday. Call your sweetheart from work on Wednesday and formally invite her on a date.

7. Call your local radio station and order a love song dedicated to her/him for your significant other. Make sure he/she is listening to the radio at this time.

8. Make a personal letter for your beloved. You can purchase these forms at any office supply store. For example, a letter: “For the patience shown over the years of our life together"- award " best wife in the world "or the tape" For hugs and kisses beyond the dictates of duty.

Fast acting romantic ideas

If you don't have as much time for love as you would like, try these short but sweet romantic ideas:

1. Write "I love you" on the bathroom mirror with a bar of soap.

2. Put a small love note under the windshield wiper of his/her car.

3. From time to time solemnly kiss her hand. It is correct to do this by lowering your lips to her hand, and not raising her hand to your lips.

4. Let "your song" be played on the tape recorder when your significant other returns from work.

5. When you go out together, occasionally wink at your significant other from the other side of the room.

6. On your sweetheart's birthday, send a thank you card to her/his mom.

7. Unplug the TV from the socket. And on his screen, attach a note with the words: “Turn it on better than me.”

8. Toast each other every time you have a glass of wine. Make eye contact. Take turns toasting. Speak them in whispers.

9. Purchase for her the whole "family of products" with the scent of her favorite perfumes (body talcs, soaps, creams, scented candles, etc.).

10. While at work, take a moment and call your significant other for no reason other than to say, "I love you."

classic romantic ideas

Looking for a tried and true way to express your love? Take note of these classic romantic tips:

1. Scatter rose petals throughout your bedroom.

2. What could be more classic than a beautiful gold pendant with your photo inside? Or maybe your joint photo.

3. Come home every week with a little surprise gift.

4. Handwrite a classic, romantic, passionate, heartfelt letter. Most adults haven't written love letters since high school. But in vain! Have we lost our youthful idealism or just become lazy?

5. Leaving, for example, on a business trip, give your beloved a bouquet of roses; one rose for each day of your absence. Attach a note that says something like this: “These three magnificent flowers symbolize the three days that I will be away from you. They also symbolize the love, joy and laughter that we share with you."

6. Say "I love you" at least three times a day.

7. Guys, surprise her by doing some of the household chores for her. And not something easy, like bringing groceries home from the car, but something that takes time and effort. For example, cook meals for the whole weekend or clean the whole house.

8. Ladies, send him a letter sealed with a kiss. Use your reddest lipstick.

9. Hold hands.

10. Put Valentine's Day plans on your annual romantic list in advance.

Do not be afraid to show your feelings, appreciate every moment spent next to your loved ones, give them unforgettable emotions that will definitely remain in your heart forever.

If you are dating a pretty girl (no matter how long - a few years or just a week), most likely you have at least once thought of how to make an unforgettable experience for her at home. romantic dinner.

However, as they say, the devil is in the details, and it is difficult to predict which elements of the environment will please your chosen one, and what, on the contrary, will piss you off. Nevertheless, it is still possible to give some proven advice.

An invitation to the evening

Do you think it's enough to scribble a couple of lines in SMS? Wrong! In order for the dinner to be a success, you must try to create a romantic mood in the girl in advance, a sense of anticipation of the holiday. It is better to invite her personally, looking into her eyes, touching her hand. It is important not to panic, not to blush or stutter, to feel confident, so think in advance what and how you will say. Informing the place and time of the meeting, hint at a pleasant surpriseso that there is room for fantasies. A great option is to give her a real invitation on a beautiful paper card.

When asking a girl out on a date, be confident, but not cheeky.

How to create a romantic atmosphere at home

Having crossed the threshold, your beloved should not see old magazines under the sofa or feel the "wonderful" smell of yesterday's pizza. So that the girl does not want to run away as far as possible, as soon as she enters the door, the atmosphere of the holiday should reign in the house. To decorate the room and the table for a romantic dinner, you will have to make some effort.


Start your preparations by putting your house in order, because nothing is more depressing than layers of dust and crumpled things scattered in the corners. Perhaps your guest will have a desire to clean up, but this is not the mood you were counting on, right? Pay special attention to cleanliness in the bathroom, bath, bedroom. Subdued light will help hide many flaws.

Candles are perfect for creating an enchanting, mysterious atmosphere.


A bright chandelier is good for cleaning a room, but in a date setting, streams of light will be clearly superfluous. Decorate the room with candles - it's a win-win. You can place them in large candlesticks or arrange them throughout the room - such lighting will transform the space, fill it with some mystery.

How to decorate the table for a romantic dinner

What do girls love? Beautiful photos, bouquets, air balloons, garlands of hearts or fresh flowers. Decorate not only the place where the dinner will take place, but also the hallway, because your guest will see it first of all.

Sprinkle the table with rose petals, put a bouquet in a vase

On this topic

It is very important: if a girl with whom you only recently met and did not have time to get close should come to you, do not sprinkle petals on the bed, do not draw attention to her at all: this can scare her away. Just make sure everything is in order in the sleeping area.

To surely win the heart of your chosen one, get beautiful bouquet fresh flowers, which she loves, and a few freshly cut buds. It will be much more effective if the courier of the Flora Express flower delivery service brings the bouquet at the appointed time. You will give a bouquet to your beloved, and the buds will look very beautiful if you put them in a wide glass vase filled with water with floating candles.


Talking about love, confessions, watching romantic films, dancing, funny tricks will always be appropriate. First of all, consider the interests of your beloved. You should not offer a girl a massage in one of the first meetings.

During dinner, entertain the girl with interesting stories.


To create the necessary atmosphere, set up your guest for close communication, you need to conduct a little research in advance on her pages on blogs and social networks. Perhaps there she indicated her musical preferences - include a few of her favorite romantic tunes in the playlist.

How to decorate a romantic evening in nature

If you are not looking for easy ways, try to surprise a girl with a date in nature. Invite her to ride bicycles and, as if by chance, turn into a secret place where you pulled a rope with lamps between the trees, paper garlands. Get a hidden basket of provisions, lay a blanket, put it around a candle. Do not forget to bring real dishes and glasses, as well as mosquito repellent. Such an original date will certainly melt the heart of your beloved - especially if at the time of the invitation you give her flowers.

A romantic date in nature will be unforgettable

In order to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved "half", it is not at all necessary to wait for February 14 or March 8. And you shouldn’t even wait for the weekend - you can organize a pleasant evening in the middle working week, the main thing is not to oversleep for work tomorrow. "Surprise" and "mystery" - these words should become the motto of the upcoming evening. And so that this very evening does not become a bolt from the blue for your beloved, start artillery preparation in the morning. Write a note on a long strip of paper with words of love and the promise of a wonderful evening at the end of the working day, and also warn of surprises. Rip paper tape into several parts and put them in different places. One, for example, in the bathroom, the other - in the kitchen, next to the coffee maker, put the third in a cosmetic bag or in a purse. Lay out the puzzle pieces so that your girlfriend will make a message out of them during the morning gathering.

When the intrigued half leaves for work, prepare a surprise for your beloved for a romantic dinner called "Rain of Petals" To do this, buy a package of petals in a flower shop and stock up on strong threads. At home, take the usual garbage bag(preferably green or blue, so that there are no bad associations) and make several cuts 5-7 cm long on its bottom, connected by short jumpers. Tie the threads to the jumpers. Fill the bag with petals and attach it above the door, and fasten the threads to the door. The scheme of this surprise is as follows: the girl opens the door to the apartment, the door swings open, the threads are pulled, the jumpers at the bottom of the package are torn, and the petals are showered in a multi-colored rain right on the head of your astonished lady of the heart. This moment should be captured on video. And for a guaranteed result, practice in advance to be completely sure that instead of a surprise, embarrassment will not come out.

Another pleasant surprise for a romantic dinner for a loved one can be “flying flowers”. To prepare this surprise, buy balloons filled with helium and tie one flower to each balloon with a fishing line. Flowers floating in the air are unusual and unbanal.

Arrange small candles on the floor of the apartment and put a note under each one. Let the hint notes guide your sweetheart to the bathroom, where she can relax after a day of work in fragrant foam with a glass of champagne, and then to the table. By the way, the table does not have to be in the center of the living room and be an example of restaurant chic: a romantic dinner is comfort and warmth of communication, so the table can also be set in the kitchen. Dim or turn off the lights, light candles. Candles should be chosen tall and as thick as possible, so you will protect yourself from drops of melted wax. Arrange them in different places: on the floor, shelves, windowsill, just remember about safety! Cover the table with a white tablecloth, laying it so that the ends of the tablecloth hang down at the corners of the table, and put a tablecloth in a bright color (for example, red, dark green or juicy orange) on top of it. This tablecloth should be slightly smaller and should be laid with the corners offset by 45° relative to the bottom tablecloth. In the center of the table, place a wide dish filled with water, in which flower buds, petals and small candles float.

And now the actual romantic dinner for your beloved. It is advisable to set the table so that you do not have to periodically jump up and run with another dish or cutlery. After all, you are not preparing a feast, but a cozy evening together, so a salad, a main dish with a side dish and light snacks will be enough. If you intend to make it to dessert, then after dinner you can move closer to the TV and have a tea party with your favorite movie. But this is later, and now let's get down to the dishes. Since this is still a dinner, albeit a romantic one, the food should not only be light, but also satisfying. After all, the work day is over. Therefore, meat or seafood is indispensable. Pay special attention to seafood, because they contain substances that increase sexual desire. In addition to seafood, ginger and other warming spices have exciting properties. "Culinary Eden" offers you a choice of several types of dishes from which you can create a menu for your romantic dinner.

800 g boiled chicken fillet,
200 g black or red grapes
1 avocado
2 tangerines,
50 g of any nuts,
3 tbsp orange juice
1 tbsp dry red wine
3 tbsp cream,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
½ tsp salt,
lettuce leaves.

Cut the skinless chicken into pieces. Cut avocado into thin slices. Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds. Divide tangerines into slices. Combine chicken, avocado, grapes and tangerines, mix gently. Put lettuce leaves on a plate, put the resulting mixture on them and pour over the sauce. For sauce, combine mayonnaise with wine, orange juice and cream, salt to taste. Sprinkle the salad with chopped nuts.

4 small cucumbers
½ lemon
1 large red onion
50 g cashew nuts,
¼ stack. chopped cilantro,
1 tsp spicy curry,
1 tsp ground turmeric,
1 tsp honey,
½ tsp sea ​​salt,
1 tbsp olive oil.

Cut the cucumbers into thin circles, cut the onions into cubes, crush the nuts with the flat side of the knife and chop, squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

150 g couscous,
4 salmon steaks
1 young zucchini
1 carrot
1 tomato
1 lemon
2 tsp spices for fish
2 tbsp olive oil,
½ tsp ground black pepper,
½ tsp salt.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Boil the couscous according to package instructions. Zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and lemon cut into thin slices. Prepare 4 large sheets of parchment or foil. Put couscous in the center of each sheet, put 1 piece of salmon fillet on it, put pieces of vegetables and lemon on top of the fish. Sprinkle spice mixture, salt and pepper on top, drizzle olive oil and wrap the sheets in the form of packages. Put the bags on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve directly in the bags, placing them on serving plates and carefully unrolling them.

½ stack long grain brown rice
500 g peeled shrimp
¼ stack. soy sauce,
¼ stack. lemon juice
2 tbsp rice vinegar,
2 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
250 g green peas,
30 g ginger root
1 avocado
1 stack water,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add rice, cover, reduce heat to a minimum and cook for 40-45 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes without opening the lid. For the sauce, combine soy sauce, lemon juice, vinegar and sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. In a large frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, put the shrimp, thinly sliced ​​ginger and peas, salt and pepper and fry until cooked through for 3-4 minutes. Peel and cut the avocado into cubes and mix with the shrimp. Arrange the rice on plates, top with the shrimp and serve with the sauce.

2 pcs. sole fillet,
6 strips of bacon
150 g cheese
2 garlic cloves
50 g butter,
salt, pepper - to taste,
lemon juice,

Cut the thawed fillet lengthwise into three parts, salt, pepper, pour over lemon juice and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Prepare the filling: combine grated cheese, chopped garlic and herbs, mix well. After that, put a strip of bacon on each strip of fish, put the cheese mixture on it, and roll it into a tight roll. Secure with toothpicks. Place the finished rolls on a greased baking sheet. vegetable oil, put a piece of butter on each and put in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 15 minutes.

Almost no woman can resist sweets, and if they are also prepared by the hands of a loved one, then such a dessert is simply impossible to refuse!

200 g flour
150 g butter,
1 egg
2 tbsp orange juice
75 g sugar or powdered sugar
strawberries or cherries,
red jelly for decoration.
Marzipan weight:
1 stack almond,
1 stack Sahara,
¼ stack. water,
2-3 drops of almond essence (if any)
food coloring.

First, boil the marzipan mass. To do this, dip the unpeeled almonds in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then drain in a colander. When the almonds have cooled slightly, remove the skins from the nuts, this is easy to do. After that, fry the nuts in a dry frying pan for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the nuts do not burn. Grind the nuts in a blender to a puree. Pour the sugar with water and boil the syrup to such a state that an elastic ball can be rolled out of the drop. Pour the chopped almonds into the syrup and heat for another 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Add almond essence and food coloring. Sprinkle a cutting board (ideally stone) with powdered sugar, put the almond mass on it and roll it to the desired thickness. Marzipan mass dries quickly, so store it in cling film. Meanwhile, knead the dough from flour, butter and sugar, roll into a ball and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then roll it out thinly on baking paper, cut out a large heart and carefully place it on a baking sheet. Mix orange juice with 200 g of marzipan mass and 1 egg yolk. Make sides from half, spread the other half on the heart. Whisk the egg white with 75 g of powdered sugar until stiff and apply along the inside of the sides. Lay out the middle of the heart with berries and put in an oven preheated to 175 ° C for 25 minutes. Prepare jelly and cool slightly. Cool the finished heart and glaze with jelly by applying it with a brush.

175 g self-rising flour
75 g of powdered sugar,
75 g butter,
2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp hot water,
1 egg.
For glaze:
50 g butter,
100 g powdered sugar,
3 tsp cocoa powder.

Combine flour, sugar, butter in the bowl of a food processor and blend on low speed until the mixture turns into crumbs. In a small cup, mix coffee with hot water, add the egg and beat. Add to the butter crumbs in the bowl of the food processor and blend until smooth. Dust a cutting board with icing sugar, put the dough on it and roll it out to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut out cookies with a heart-shaped notch. Spread it on baking sheets and place in preheated to 180 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Bake cookies until golden brown. Remove the cookies from the pan while they are still hot and cool on a wire rack. Prepare the chocolate icing: Combine butter, icing sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl, stirring wooden spoon. Connect the cookies in pairs, gluing with icing.

Prepare your signature drink. True, you need to prepare it in advance. Name it, for example, "Wine of Love". The drink recipe is simple: in 500 ml of dry white wine, add the juice of one orange, 2-3 tbsp. honey, ½ tsp ground ginger, ¼ tsp ground nutmeg and ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon. Place in refrigerator for 2 weeks.

125 ml chocolate liqueur
90 ml of vodka,
25 g dark chocolate.

Fill 2 martini glasses with ice, pour ice into a shaker, add liqueur and vodka, and shake vigorously. Strain into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

If you are against alcohol, then try making a ginger drink: add 3 tbsp to 1.2 liters of boiling water. finely grated ginger. Stir, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a pinch of ground black pepper. Remove from heat, strain and squeeze out the pulp. Add 5 tbsp. honey, stir. Cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the drink to taste. If it gets too sour, add more honey. Pour tea into cups and garnish with mint leaves.

Love and romance to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina

First of all, you need to choose how the upcoming evening will be: traditional or unusual. Candles and chocolate-covered strawberries are great, but what's stopping you from having a themed date? For example, in the style of the 20s? Or in the spirit of your common favorite movie? Based on the theme, you can choose music, menus, entertainment, and even costumes.


There are two ways here: either discuss the date in advance, or surprise your partner. The last option, of course, is more romantic, but there is a risk that this evening your passion will plan something or simply stay at work.

So that the surprise is not spoiled, ask in advance to come to you under a plausible pretext (if you do not live together) or plan a joint meeting with friends who, of course, will not come


Subdued light and pleasant aromas are conducive to romance. and flowers are classics, but you can experiment and make an original composition out of them. Well, add garlands, lanterns and incense sticks to them. And do not forget about the main symbol of love - the heart.

Another solution for decoration is the rearrangement of furniture. Try removing the dining table and having a homemade picnic on the floor, or moving the bed to the center of the room and making it the main date spot.

And, of course, nice music. Make from your favorite songs or turn on .


When planning a romantic dinner, try to adhere to three rules:

  1. Cook tried-and-true dishes or practice making new ones ahead of time. Otherwise, you risk spoiling all the romance with tasteless food.
  2. Choose recipes that do not require much time and effort. A stormy evening awaits you ahead: demonstrating all your culinary talents and immediately collapsing into bed from fatigue is not the best option.
  3. Cook something easy. Otherwise, romance will turn into a sleepy digestion of food.

Here are a few dishes that you and your significant other will love.


For canapes:

  • 6 pieces of melon;
  • 6 balls of mini mozzarella;
  • 6 slices of prosciutto.

For sauce:

  • ⅓ tablespoon of olive oil;
  • ⅓ tablespoon chopped basil leaves
  • 1 shallot;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Thread the melon pieces, mozzarella balls, and prosciutto slices onto wooden skewers. In a blender, mix all the ingredients for the sauce, except for the pepper. Pepper the finished sauce, put the appetizers on a plate, drizzle with sauce and serve immediately.

Instead of one piece of melon, you can use two, placing them on different ends of the skewer. No melon? Cherry tomatoes are a great alternative.


  • 2 teaspoons of truffle oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • 300 g salmon fillet;
  • a little olive oil;
  • 300 g of white mushrooms;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.


Mix one teaspoon of truffle oil with salt, red and black pepper and lemon juice. Rub the fish with this mixture.

Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Put coarsely chopped mushrooms, finely chopped garlic into it, add the rest of the truffle oil and a little more olive oil, salt, pepper and place the prepared fish on top.

Bake the dish in the oven at 200°C for about 10-20 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the fillet. Serve as an independent dish or with a side dish from.


  • 1 small rabbit carcass (0.7-1 kg);
  • salt - to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 large onions;
  • ½ glass of white wine;
  • ½ cup mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme;
  • ½ cup of water;
  • ½ cup heavy cream;
  • 4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley.


Cut the rabbit carcass into portions, salt and leave to marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour.

Then heat the butter over medium heat. Fry the meat pieces until golden brown. Try not to let the pieces touch each other. If the pan is not very large, divide the meat into two parts and fry in turn.

Transfer the rabbit to a bowl and sauté the diced onion in the skillet for 3-4 minutes. Add wine and increase temperature. Then add the mustard, thyme, water and bring the sauce to a boil. Salt if necessary.

Return meat to skillet, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. If you want the meat to almost fall off the bone, increase the stewing time to an hour.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the pan and simmer the sauce over high heat until it has reduced by half. Then turn off the stove, add the cream and parsley, stir in the sauce, and return the rabbit to the pan. Serve hot with crispy bread and white.


  • ½ cup Greek yogurt;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • tiny pinch of cayenne pepper - optional


Mix all ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Stir for about 3 minutes. Yogurt should become uniform dark color and the sugar is completely dissolved. Serve with fresh berries, fruits, marshmallows and sweet biscuits.


  • 1 head of brie cheese (150-200 g);
  • ⅓-½ cup cranberry sauce
  • ¼-⅓ cup of pecans.


Make a small hole in the rind of the cheese and place the cranberry sauce on top. You can find the homemade sauce recipe below. The exact amount of sauce depends on the size of the brie. Place the cheese on a parchment-lined baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to 220 ° C.

Bake the cheese until it starts to melt and bubble. After that, take it out of the oven and decorate with chopped nuts. Serve with or without crackers or bread as a complete meal.

You can use store-bought cranberry sauce for this recipe, or you can make your own.

homemade cranberry sauce


  • 1 glass of apple juice;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • 340 g fresh cranberries;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon.


Combine the juice and sugar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the washed cranberries and cook for about 10 minutes until the berries are soft and start to burst. Remove sauce from heat, add cinnamon and set aside.

More Romantic Dinner Ideas

Cook something you tried on your first date or some other special moment. Or just order food at home: a dish from a good restaurant is unlikely to leave your soulmate indifferent.


Or taking a bath together are far from the only options for a romantic evening. Here are some more ideas:

  1. Take a walk. It seems trite, but surely you don’t often walk together under the moonlight. It's time to fix it and admire the city at night.
  2. Get a massage. Long with fragrant oils - something that the partner will definitely appreciate after a hard day's work.
  3. play. You can try out a new paired video game or come up with your own. For example, invite your partner to remember the best moments together or tell why you love each other.
  4. Do something together. Cook a cake, arrange a shadow theater or draw portraits of each other? The choice of activity depends only on your preferences and imagination.
  5. Add variety to your intimate life. Romantic evening one way or another will end in bed. Why not use this special time for something new? Choose what you want: erotic lingerie, striptease, sex toys, role-playing games, or types of proximity.

The main thing is that you both like the chosen pastime. And then the date will definitely be unforgettable.

And what romantic evenings did you arrange? Share your experience, ideas and recipes in the comments.

What could be nicer than to arrange romantic dinner for two and treat yourself and your loved one to delicious food and each other's company! It does not matter if you have been married for a long time or just started dating, such a dinner will add zest to your relationship, help you discard all everyday problems and immerse you in fairy world where everything is perfect down to the last detail.

In order for everything to go as you dream, it is worth thinking through all the details in advance: how to create appropriate atmosphere, what music to turn on, how to set the table and, of course, what to serve for dinner! Of course, it all depends on your preferences - maybe the two of you have a favorite food, "their" song and movie that will cheer you up and evoke pleasant memories. WESTWING prepared for you some tips and ideas that will give you ideas on how to turn a romantic dinner into a memorable event.

The right music can create the right mood, and you decide which one! Do you want a quiet, relaxed dinner or an evening full of passion, or maybe you want to express the accumulated in you emotions and feelings? Whatever you choose, our romantic playlist will help you with it!

Eric Clapton- Wonderful Tonight
Whitney Houston- I Will Always Love You
Yves Montand- Paris
Edith Piaf– La vie en rose
Edith Piaf- Non, je ne regrette rien
Joe Dassin- Les Champs Elysees
Elvis Presley- Love Me Tender
Lara Fabian– Je t'aime
Barbara Streisand– woman in love
Adriano Celentano– Confess
Daniel Lavoie– Ils s’aiment
Dalida & Alain Delo n - Paroles, paroles

Romantic Dinner Recipes

No dinner is complete without the main thing - without food. Any good hostess will want to show their culinary skills on such an occasion, but remember that this is not a competition of chefs, but an opportunity to be alone with your closest person. Therefore, we offer not only delicious, but also not very complicated recipes, which, however, will amaze you and your loved one! Instead of standing by the stove all day, we recommend taking time for yourself: relax, choose an outfit and jewelry, and prepare for a nice evening.

We have prepared two menus for you: with seafood and meat, as well as wine guide suitable for these types of products. And, of course, they did not ignore the ert, so that your dinner ends perfectly!

Wine guide

romantic desserts

How else to surprise your loved one and please yourself? Of course, a delicious and delicate dessert! strawberries and chocolate- the perfect combination for a romantic evening.

Imagine that you decide to spend the evening in a luxury restaurant. What will surround you? What will you see on the table? What details will attract your attention, and what will be completely superfluous? A romantic dinner is an opportunity to recreate such a restaurant at home in every detail - from room and table decorations worthy of a chef.

Romantic room decor

  • take away all unnecessary things, clearing the space as much as possible. No one should distract from the most important thing!
  • Use muffled light . In the bright light of the lamps, the home environment looks ordinary and familiar, but as soon as you turn off the main light source, install a soft background light and light candles, the room will sparkle in a new way.
  • Candles– Your indispensable assistant in creating a romantic atmosphere. You can arrange them in tall candlesticks on the table, let them float in a vase filled with water, or create arrangements with small candles by laying out a heart or the word LOVE.
  • Additional decor rooms will help transform the space. It can be a luminous or decorative garland, flower arrangements in vases or cute heart-shaped details.

Romantic table setting

  • Make a bed a snow-white tablecloth made of high-quality material - any serving will look elegant and noble on it. Under the plates it is worth laying special napkins or rugs of red or pink color.
  • For a special occasion– special dishes! Cheerful mugs with faces may be dearly loved by you, but for a romantic dinner, prepare the best service.
  • Glasses should match the drink you chose for dinner. Even for white and red wine glasses are different, let alone champagne or cocktails!
  • If If you want to have a truly gourmet dinner, then pay attention to the details: are the plates and cutlery arranged correctly, is there a special knife for fish and meat, and napkins are elegantly folded into special napkin rings.
  • One more rule serving - nothing more. You don’t need to prepare a ton of appetizers and salads, it’s better to focus on one or two dishes that will not take up much space on the table, leaving it visually free.
  • But the flowers V romantic serving there must be a place! Choose small bouquets in a low vase so that they do not interfere with your enjoyment of the company of your loved one.

We have prepared a selection for you. the most romantic moments in world cinema- and you can remember your favorite films and tune in to a romantic mood while watching the most incredible love stories. Or after a delicious dinner, watch with your loved one one of the films that has become recognized classic.


I'm flying (Scene on the bow of the Titanic)

The scene that went down in history as one of the most romantic: Rose and Jack stand together on the bow of the Titanic and kiss to the song Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On".

When Harry Met Sally

new Year party

A story about friendship, hatred and love that ended with the most beautiful declaration of love in world cinema.


Farewell Rick Blaine

One of the most touching and sad love stories. Rick Blaine, played by Humphrey Bogart, says goodbye to his beloved woman (Ingrid Bergman) with the famous phrase "We will always have Paris."


The final

An incredible love story will make every girl believe in the existence of a prince on a white horse. Richard Gere was like this throughout the film, and in the finale he even saved his princess (Julia Roberts) from the tower. Beautiful, funny and cute scene!


Scene with potter's wheel

A film about love that is stronger than death. The scene with the heroes of Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore at the potter's wheel at the very beginning of the film does not yet hint at further events, but shows a strong connection between the characters.


Kiss in the rain

This film is filled with romantic and touching moments, like the whole life of the main characters. But let's remember this famous kiss in the rain!

Must-have for the perfect romantic evening