Crafts from plastic bags. Homemade Christmas tree from garbage bags Christmas tree from bags

In the pre-New Year's fuss, sometimes it’s not up to the Christmas tree: crowds in shops and specialized Christmas markets discourage any desire to acquire a fluffy beauty. However, in order for a real Christmas tree to appear in the house, it is not necessary to buy it. From this article you will learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised materials.

We have collected for you more than 20 master classes with step by step photos instructions, so creating a holiday atmosphere in the house is not difficult, even if there is absolutely nothing left. These lessons will also be useful for mothers, because it is a pleasure to work wonders with your kids!

By the way, if you already have a real Christmas tree (artificial or natural), a DIY Christmas tree will be a great themed gift for family and friends! In general, stock up on New Year's mood and go ahead to create!

Let's start with the simplest option - a paper Christmas tree. To make it you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, toothpicks and hole punch.

#2 Christmas tree made of wrapping paper

To make such a Christmas tree, you will need: cardboard or thick paper, wrapping paper several colors, scissors, glue or double-sided tape.

#3 Origami Christmas tree

To make a Christmas tree you will need: paper, scissors and patience :)

See more paper Christmas trees:

To create you will need: felt, scissors, needle, thread, glue.

You will need: felt, buttons and beads for decoration, a needle, thread, cotton wool, scissors.

Look for more Christmas trees made of felt in the article:

#6 Christmas tree from a plastic bottle

You will need thick paper plastic bottle preferably green, scissors, tape.

#7 Christmas tree from table napkins

You will need: table napkins, a bead, sewing machine or a needle and thread.

You will need: a plastic bottle or glass, pasta, glue, paint.

Need more pasta ideas?

You will need: thick paper, cones, glue.

We have more ideas for crafts from cones:

You will need: thick paper, coarse thread, glue, beads.

#11 Wire Christmas tree

You will need: thick paper, wire.

#12 Christmas tree from dough

You will need: salty dough(cold porcelain or polymer clay), scissors. From the mass for modeling we form a cone, and then with the help of scissors we “pinch off” the paws. For greater realism, the paws can be bent up a little. Next, we send the Christmas tree to dry. After complete drying, the craft can be further decorated, for example, with paints, sparkles, beads, rhinestones, etc.

You will need: thick paper, colored paper, glue, a lot of patience.

#14 Christmas tree made from cardboard cylinders from toilet paper

You will need: toilet paper rolls, crepe paper, scissors, glue, thread.

Any bushings left? make more original New Year's crafts!

#15 Christmas tree made of threads

You will need: paper, thick threads, scissors, glue, beads.

#16 Christmas tree from an old magazine

You will need: a magazine, glue, beads or glitter to decorate.

You will need: cotton wool, a dry twig, threads, ribbons, beads and sequins for decoration.

#19 Wine cork Christmas tree

You will need: corks, glue, tape, paint.

#20 Delicious strawberry Christmas tree

You will need: thick paper, strawberries, chocolate.

#21 Wrapping paper Christmas tree

You will need: wrapping paper, glue, whatman paper, decorations.

#22 Christmas tree from balls

#23 Christmas tree from dry branches

You will need: dry branches, rope, lanterns and other decorations.

#24 Cotton pad Christmas tree

If you want to make a Christmas tree from improvised materials, then it's time to pay attention to cotton pads. You will need thick paper for the cone, cotton pads, glue and beads for decoration. By the way, you can decorate the Christmas tree with any materials to your taste: sparkles, sequins, watercolors. Or you can just leave it white. As you like or as time permits.

More more crafts on New Year from cotton pads:

#25 Ribbon Christmas tree

A cute Christmas tree can be made from ribbons. To do this, you will need a foam or foam rubber cone, ribbons and a lot of safety pins. The top of such a Christmas tree can be decorated with a golden paper bow.

We have a lot of ideas for New Year's crafts from ribbons.

#26 Christmas tree from a napkin: decorating the New Year's table

You can make a Christmas tree from canteens tissue napkins. And the Christmas tree, and the decor New Year's table. Try it and you won't be able to stop!

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Tatiana Prokopenko

New Year's holidays are rapidly approaching, and this remaining time is filled with creative bustle: manufacturing a variety of crafts, drawings for numerous competitions, exhibitions, and simply pleasant surprises, decorations.

Every year we decorate a hall, a group, a site for the holiday.

This winter season turned out to be stingy with snow, so there are not so many snowy buildings and figures on the site, and we decided to decorate veranda festive arrangement of Christmas trees.

I offer you master class on making a Christmas tree from plastic bags. Since the walls of our green verandas, then our firs will be blue or even blue.

For work we need blue or blue trash bag, white plastic bag, slats (and I have excellent plastic sticks from folders that we got on occasion from one closing company, a stapler.

We fasten the sticks together so that we get a triangle.

We cut three piece packages.

We string one strip on a stick,

fix with a stapler.

We are preparing three "skirts", alternating blue and white. We fix the top.

Now let's decorate our Christmas tree with everything we find.

It can be home-made light toys, decorations from candy wrappers, colored packages, cones, snowflakes, tinsel and everything you have.

I wish you creative success.

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DIY Christmas tree. Master class with step by step photos

Author: Koroleva Elena Yuryevna, teacher of vocational training, Nikolskaya boarding school of type VII - VIII, Kostroma region, district.
The master class is designed for school-age children, teachers and parents.

Our Christmas tree
Here it is, our Christmas tree
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights!
She seems to be the most beautiful
All greener and more lush.
A fairy tale is hidden in the green:
white swan floats,
Bunny slides on a sleigh
The squirrel gnaws nuts.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights!
We all dance for joy
On New Year's Day under it!

Purpose: The Christmas tree is an essential attribute of the celebration of the New Year and Christmas.
Goals: Making spruce for the New Year and Christmas from plastic bags.
- teach how to cut packages in long ribbon, make pom-poms;
- development creativity;
- Raising interest in making crafts with your own hands.

For work, we need the following materials and tools:

- 3-4 plastic bags of different colors;

5-6 bags of green and one white;
- Cardboard sheet 30*30;
- Cardboard;
- Threads with a needle;
- Glue moment crystal
- Pencil, ruler, compasses, scissors;


In this case, for work, I found green bags super durable. They have welded side seams. Previously, I took packing bags like "T-shirt" for work.
Cut off the handles and the bottom of the package. It turns out a pipe.

We fold almost in half (one fold does not reach the other 15-20 mm), bend a few more times, depending on the width of the package.

We cut with a fringe, the width of the stripes is 5 mm

We straighten the twisted strips, but not completely (long ones get confused, electrified and then fall under the blade of the scissors).
Straighten the fold with the index finger of the left hand.

You can use the line.

We cut off the first strip at an acute angle. Next, cut from undercut to undercut. We do it very carefully, in case of an error, it turns out not a ribbon, but rings.

We wind the ribbons on the balls.
We make blanks from cardboard double with a fold 25 and 20 mm wide

We make green pompoms: * 10 turns of green ribbon, 3 turns of white ribbon * ... 130 turns in total.
With a thread in 4 additions, we tightly tie the winding in the direction of the cardboard fold

We start the scissors blade between the layers of cardboard, cut the winding.

Fluff the pompom, smooth it a little with scissors.

For spruce with a height of 350 mm, prepare:
on cardboard 25-17 green pompoms, 3 colored;
narrow the cardboard by 2-3 mm - 13 green pompoms, 3 colored;
on cardboard 20-10 green pompoms, 2 colored;
narrow the cardboard by 2-3 mm - 9 green pompoms, 1 color;
for the crown 1 two-color pompom.

1/4 of a circle with a radius of 300 mm, glue into a cone. For reliability, you can flash or fasten with a stapler.
We start gluing with large pompoms. The first row of pompoms is 10 green.

We glue the second row - between 7 green ones, one by one 3 colored ones.
The third row of 8 green pompoms is slightly smaller.

Fourth row 5 green, 3 color.
Fifth row 6 green pom-poms from cardboard 20mm wide.

Sixth row 4 green, 2 colored.
Next, glue small pom-poms to the crown.

Glue the crown.
The Christmas tree is ready.

I wish you success in your work.

Do it original decoration on New Year's celebration almost anyone can, and the material is always at hand. We have previously published an article about an original useful craft for the home: we recommend taking a look !!!

If you want your Christmas tree to be original, then it's time to start preparing it.

To prepare a Christmas tree from garbage bags, you will need the following tools:

  • crochet hook
  • Three rolls of garbage bags in three colors. You can choose any cold tones: blue, blue, green, white, purple.
  • sharp scissors

The base for the Christmas tree is a stick, a riser, a kitchen item, such as, for example, a rolling pin. It can be stuck in a flower pot or vase. There are many options, there is room for imagination. Whoever has what, then you can use it as a basis for herringbone.
Let's start knitting and collecting Christmas trees. Need to link three round napkins different diameter. One napkin with a diameter of 30 cm, the second - 40 cm, the third 50 cm. String napkins on the base. The first napkin is the largest, then the middle and the smallest at the top, that is, the one with the smallest diameter. We decorate the Christmas tree with balls, garlands, serpentine, cotton wool, snowflakes and sweets. In the process of knitting, you can alternate the colors of the garbage bags. For example, you can make several circles of blue, then green, then white. Mono knit the entire Christmas tree in green, but only make a border (one row) in white. It will look like snow on spruce branches. step by step technology A: 1. We take one package. We turn it along the length into a pipe. 2. We cut strips 1-2 cm wide with scissors. It is desirable that all strips be the same size.

3. We unfold each strip, and we link them together. Better not to have knots. 4. We get "yarn" for knitting. For ease of further use, the yarn can be wound around a pencil so that the yarn does not get tangled. 5. We take a hook. We make 5 air loops and chain them into a circle. 6. We begin to knit in a circle. Knitting technique as in knitting napkins. You can use complex schemes, but this is not necessary. Better knit simple patterns: one air loop without a crochet. 7. We make the second row with two air loops.
8. Further in a circle with two air loops. 9. Having finished the first napkin, we proceed to the second.
10. Then we knit the third 11. When all three napkins are ready, you need to string them on the riser and get a Christmas tree. She's ready to dress up. Sizes can be made larger, you can also increase the number of napkins, from 3 to 5 and above. After the end of the New Year holidays, our napkins can be used as bath mats.
They are waterproof and do not retain moisture, because they are made of polyethylene. You can't slip on this rug. Also, the napkin can be used as a stand for a vase of flowers or a bed for a pet. It turned out to be a universal device.

The New Year is coming soon and now you have a good opportunity to make a Christmas tree with your own hands, which will be an excellent souvenir for the New Year holiday.
The tree is very easy to make. But for this you need to be able to crochet. Therefore, rather, it is a craft for girls or for mothers. We will knit not from traditional knitting threads, but from garbage bags.

For you will need such materials:
3 trash bags in different colors. It is better to take blue, green or salad and white. If there is no white, then you can buy purple.
crochet hook
After the tree is connected, we need the base of the tree, that is, a stick or whatever comes to hand. You can take some not very large kitchen item: a mashed potatoes or a rolling pin. We will put a Christmas tree on it.

Next, we take one garbage bag, twist it into a tube. We cut strips with a thickness of about 1.5 cm with scissors. The package is twisted along the length. If the strip is a little thinner - it does not matter, but it is better not to make thin ones. To not break.

Then, after cutting the strips, they straighten and bind together. It turns out "yarn".
After the yarn is ready, we begin to knit. Knitting technology is not fundamental. You can knit with patterns, or you can do simple knitting, one air loop without a crochet.

And so in a circle. The size of the circle can be arbitrary. How big do you need a tree. If it is desktop, then you can make a circle with a diameter of 50 cm. The second circle is made 20 cm larger and the third one is 20 more than the second. So, we get three circles.

They can be of different colors. According to your taste. You can alternate stripes. You can make the Christmas tree completely plain, green. Then fasten on the tree Christmas decorations, garlands, beads. You can sew or stick pieces of cotton wool to make it look like snow.

After the end of the New Year, the Christmas tree can be used as a rug, as it is made of waterproof material. You can also fantasize with him and come up with another purpose for him, for example, bedding for an animal.