Children's crafts from natural materials. Crafts from natural material Crafts for the home. New Year's toys from natural materials

Autumn! Gold autumn! How many colors and warmth are in it, which are about to be replaced by cold weather. Don't waste your time, it's time to get some inspiration for new beauty ideas. Create, create interesting gizmos from materials that nature has given. Let autumn become a muse for inspiration, go for it!

The main thing in the article

Autumn crafts are a great idea for leisure

With the onset of autumn, it is simply impossible to indifferently stroll through parks and squares. Colorful landscapes enchant the eye with their bright notes. At this time, nature gives us juicy fruits, as well as a variety of color palettes.

These autumn gifts can be immortalized in time by decorating your home with a variety of crafts and hand maids. Such decorations will not only transform the interior, but also usefully allow you to pass the cold autumn evenings. This activity will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. So brew your favorite warming drink and grab a warm blanket.

So, autumn has come, it's time to stock up on all sorts of natural materials for creativity.

Crafts from natural materials for home and interior: paintings and panels

In order to decorate the walls in the interior, panels are widely used. Such paintings will look original if they are made of natural materials.

At all wonderful option will attract children to perform self made of this kind. This will give children the opportunity to show their Creative skills and imagination, will also favorably affect the development fine motor skills which is important for the normal development of the child.

Panel of coffee beans

This wall image is best suited for the kitchen. Often this place is associated with comfort and home warmth. It has been scientifically proven that the smell of coffee has a property that resists stress. So such a panel will not only decorate the house, but also benefit the body.

For this type of work you will need:

  • Coffee beans that have different properties, ranging from smell and color to size.
  • The material that will serve as the frame (basis) of the panel. Usually any durable fabric, wood, paper, etc. is used for this.
  • Glue, the most common PVA, is also suitable, but it is better to consult a needlework store.
  • The drawing that will be drawn using the grains.
  • Carbon paper.
  • Simple pencil.
  • A frame in which the finished product will be attached.

This list necessary materials is the most basic. Various cereals and legumes can be added to coffee beans, thus a whole picture will emerge, filled with various shades.

How to get the job done:

  • Transfer the desired design to the base using a pencil and carbon paper.
  • Then apply glue to small areas and immediately glue coffee beans on them, alternating beans different colors, depending on the idea. interesting idea will make applications from grains, gluing fringe, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.
  • Frame the end result.
  • The product can be decorated with multi-colored aromatic spices or dryers.
  • To attach cereals, such as buckwheat or semolina, apply glue liberally on the desired surface, cover it tightly with cereals and wait for it to dry, just shake off excess residue.

Panel of leaves

There are a lot of design options for such needlework, you just have to take a walk along the autumn alley and stock up on the necessary materials.

With special predilection, children take up the execution of such paintings.

You can decorate the room not only with paintings, but also with works in the form of bouquets of leaves.

Below are panel ideas from natural materials to inspire you to be creative.

Panel of shells

Leather panel

Crafts for school and kindergarten

In almost all schools and preschool institutions competitions are held on the autumn theme. It is at this time of the year that you can stock up on natural materials in order to be able to use them throughout the year.

Sometimes children do crafts so passionately at labor lessons, and even at home, that whole works of art are created.

The kits for creativity that can be purchased in stores cannot be compared with the variety of generous gifts of autumn. The completed craft will be saturated not only with children's love, but also with the magical aromas of the forest.

So what can be useful for creation?

  • Fallen leaves. The abundance of dry foliage is rich in the most bright colors colors. There is room for fantasy.
  • Cones. If there is a park, a forest plantation or even a forest near the house, you can also stock up on these fruits of coniferous plants.
  • Shells, stones and sand. These materials, of course, can be found not only in the fall, but you can diversify the list of necessary materials with them.
  • Acorns and chestnuts. It is with these finds that a lot of ideas for do-it-yourself work are associated.
  • Coniferous and fir branches, this is a real find for connoisseurs of nature.
  • "Perky helicopters" - this is what maple seeds are sometimes called, and are used in their work.
  • Walnut shells, pumpkin and melon seeds, bunches of mountain ash - not the whole arsenal of stocks.
  • Tree bark, reeds, dried flower plants are also needed.
  • It happens that after visiting exhibitions and zoos with birds, you can get rich for a whole collection of feathers.

If possible, try every walk to pay attention to the surrounding delights of nature and pick up all of the above abundance. Be careful, because in the most simple and ordinary, a whole treasure is often hidden.

In addition to walking on fresh air, your child will have the opportunity to develop their own creative thinking and show logic.

Children's DIY crafts: funny applications

So, you have stocked up with the necessary natural gizmos, so you should put them into practice. One of the many varieties of crafts is the application. Call the kids, and sit down to create. Here are some creative ideas.

Autumn leaf crafts: ideas for creativity

Interesting leaf applications

Autumn collages

Leaf print paintings

Leaf candlesticks

Vase of leaves

Autumn paper crafts

Crafts from cones with their own hands

Photo exhibition of autumn crafts

Crafts on an autumn theme: original ideas

Unusual wreath

creative wall framing

Crafts from vegetables and fruits

Video tutorials for making autumn crafts

Nature has endowed us with an incredible abundance of bright and colorful natural materials. Do not miss the opportunity to use these gifts, create comfort by decorating your home with handmade crafts!

Summer and autumn are the best times of the year when you can show your creativity. After all, in summer and autumn there is a lot of natural material from which you can make a lot of all sorts of things. interesting crafts with your own hands.

To keep yourself and your children entertained, you can make original and beautiful crafts from natural materials. For this, fruits, vegetables, cones, pebbles, leaves, acorns and shells and much more that nature itself gives us are suitable.

Connect your imagination, stock up on additional tools and boldly create! Below are 12 wonderful crafts made from natural materials with your own hands.

1. Crafts from cones with your own hands. Basket

1. For a basket of cones, you need to prepare the cones and fasten them together with a hard wire.

2. Connect the cones and tie them into a circle. IN this example 2 laps were made to make the basket deeper.

3. If you made 2 or more circles, then fasten them together, this can be done with the same wire.

4. If you want to make a handle for a basket, then you can try to make a semicircle out of cones, connecting them with wire or using liquid nails for this.

5. To make the bottom of the basket, you can use thick cardboard or plywood.

2. DIY crafts. autumn candles

Required material:

  • leaves (real or artificial)
  • PVA glue (decoupage glue)
  • brush or sponge
  • jar
  • alcohol

1. To get rid of fat, you need to wipe the jar with alcohol.

2. Then apply glue to the jar.

3. Use straight leaves to decorate the jar.

4. Stick for decoupage, you can grease the glued leaves.

5. Add a thread and a candle for beauty.

3. Crafts for the home. New Year's toys from natural materials

4. Children's crafts made from natural materials. Seahorse from branches

Everything is pretty simple here.

Prepare cardboard and draw a seahorse (or other animal or object) on it.

Saw off or carefully break the branches and use PVA glue or superglue to attach them to the cardboard.

5. Crafts from vegetables and fruits. apple swan

From an ordinary apple you can make very beautiful decoration for the table, and it's not difficult at all. Children will especially like such a surprise.

You will need:

  • apple (preferably large and of the same color - for example, red - so that the contrast is better seen)
  • small, very sharp knife

6. Cup of coffee beans on burlap

This DIY coffee craft will make your kitchen beautiful. And to create such a mini-masterpiece, you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of cardboard (size 33 cm by 24 cm);
  • a piece of burlap;
  • glue;
  • star anise and coffee beans.

1. First, it is worth cutting a rectangle out of burlap, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than a cardboard sheet. The burlap is folded over and glued to the back of the cardboard. To make the craft look neat, iron the burlap before work.

2. When you have glued the base for the burlap, you should wait for it to dry.

3. Now it’s worth drawing a picture frame from coffee. In order to get a frame, you need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the picture from all sides. First, we use a simple pencil and draw lines with it.

4. If you have drawn lines, then draw a cup with a saucer in the center of the burlap. At what the size of the cup can be at your discretion.

5. If the sketch is ready, now we gradually paste over the picture with coffee beans. First you need to glue the cup and saucer.

6. When the cup is pasted over, then proceed to pasting the frame.

7. If the craft is ready, then decorate it with star anise. Attach it to the corner of your craft.

7. DIY fruit crafts. hedgehogs


  • pear
  • grape
  • (black and green)
  • strawberries (optional)
  • raisins (for eyes)
  • toothpicks

1. Make an incision starting from the middle of the pear (see picture).

2. Peel off the skin.

3. Prepare toothpicks and put one green grape on each, which should be closer to one edge of the toothpick.

4. Insert each grape toothpick into the pear, on the unpeeled spot.

5. To make a nose, put a black grape on a pear pod.

6. To insert the raisins (which act as eyes), you must first make small indentations with a knife.

7. If you wish, you can add a load to the hedgehog that he is carrying, for this you can use a couple of strawberries.

8. Crafts from natural material. Photo frame of shells

You will need:

  • simple wooden photo frame
  • white acrylic paint
  • tassel
  • glue "Moment" (superglue or glue gun)
  • shells

1. Paint the photo frame in any color (if necessary) and leave to dry, then apply another coat of paint.

2. Before you start gluing the shells, lay them out in a frame to get an idea of ​​what looks best and where.

3. Start gluing the shells to the frame. When finished gluing, leave to dry.

4. Add your favorite photo.

9. Crafts from natural material in the fall: monsters from cones (photo instruction)

10. Crafts for kindergarten. Insects from natural materials

11. Crafts from stones. Strawberry

12. Easy leaf crafts

Required material:

  • leaves (flowers and/or other natural materials)
  • paper or canvas
  • paints (acrylic or spray)

This topic is relevant

Both for adults and children.

Plunging into the world of nature

Comes a lot different ideas. /Sidorova N.I./


Working with natural materials is exciting and educational.

The compositions are bright, colorful, durable and can decorate the interior of any apartment.

Creativity, imagination develops, love for the beautiful is instilled.


Captivate children and adults with this kind of creativity;

To acquaint with the methods of making flowers from watermelon and melon seeds, apricot pits.


The use of natural materials to create beauty around you;

The ability to convey the beauty of nature through the creation of wall panels;

Give people joy and good mood.

Nature is a wonderful workshop. In the hands of a craftsman, everything turns into unusual crafts that reveal its eternal beauty. Any work with natural material: compositions of watermelon, melon seeds and apricot pits is not only fascinating, but also informative. Nature gives the child the opportunity to develop his own creative abilities, he joins the aesthetic perception.

Fascinated by this view

Creativity you develop.

And when you become skillful,

You learn a lot of new things.

Making a funny pattern

You expand your horizons.

You do your work carefully

For everyone to enjoy watching.

There is something new in this work.

Thinking is formed.

You must always be careful

To enjoy it.

How much joy, delight

Brings me this job.

So that work always goes well

You have to be persistent then.

There are many materials in nature

But I'm only interested in one.

Watermelon and melon seeds,

Apricot pits in addition to them.

Type of activity is interesting

And it's pretty simple.

Paintings are obtained

Like a garden that comes alive in spring. /Sidorova N.I./

Watermelon, melon seeds and apricot kernels are available and cheap material for work. But working with these natural materials is very interesting and exciting. There is no limit to imagination and creativity. Every time I want to come up with something new, interesting and unusual. The compositions of them are very bright, beautiful and durable. They can decorate the interior of any apartment. I've been into this art for several years now. I work as a teacher primary school and at the lessons of technology, circle work, we make a variety of compositions, starting with a flat application, easy to manufacture and ending with voluminous applications. Children love this art form.

Work on creating compositions from natural materials expands children's ideas about the world around them, contributes to the memorization of colors, shapes and properties of this material. They teach accuracy and care in the process of work.

The fascinating, creative nature of this type of activity contributes to the mental development of the child, affects the formation of his thinking and attention. In this work there is always novelty, search, the opportunity to achieve more perfect results.

Flowers bring a lot of joy to people. They give a good mood, awaken imagination, enliven and decorate our home.

Preparing watermelon, melon seeds and apricot pits for work

Rinse the seeds, seeds well several times in water, spread them out on a sheet of paper, let them dry well, while stirring them. After they dry well, pour them into jars. They can be stored for a long time.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

1. Wash your hands before starting work.

2. The light source should be on the left.

3. Every 1 - 1.5 hours the eyes need a 30 minute rest. Break and relaxation are necessary to restore eye function.

4. To maintain health during work, it is useful to do a warm-up for the arms, eyes and back.

Tools and materials

Very few tools

Required for crafting.

Brushes, scissors and glue

And more skills.

1. Scissors.

2. Brushes No. 1, No. 2

4. Green corrugated paper.

5. Copper wire No. 1.

6. Sheets of paper in a cage.

7. PVA glue.

8. Varnish PF - 283.

9. Green cardboard.

10. Watermelon, melon seeds, peas and apricot pits.

11. Painted semolina in green.

Occupational Safety and Health

Hazards at work:

Hand injury with scissors;

Coating the product with varnish

What to do before starting work:

Put tools and materials in the place provided for them

Things to do while working:

Be attentive to work;

Put scissors on the right with closed blades and rings forward

You can work with scissors

But just be very careful.

If someone asks, do not yawn.

Give the rings forward.

Safety rules during work

1. During operation, the scissors should lie on the right side of the table with closed blades, rings towards the worker.

2. You need to take and pass the scissors with closed blades towards you, rings forward.

3. Scissors are stored in a special case.

Preparing the base for the painting

1. Glue burlap on cardboard or plain fabric, pulling it so that there are no creases, and allow the glue to dry. It can also be covered with self-adhesive wallpaper.

2. On the wrong side, paste a piece of wallpaper cut along the contour of the cardboard.

3. Glue a loop on the back of the picture.

Manufacturing technology

Eating melon and watermelon

Even a small toddler

Can you collect seeds?

And create a picture of them.

The manufacturing steps are very simple.

And everyone understands them.

By doing them, you will be convinced.

That they are all busy. /Sidorova N.I./

Flower technology

1. Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, pencil, watermelon seeds and peas.

Brushes, gouache

2. Sequence of execution

1. Preparation of flowers and butterflies for ornament

flat flowers

1) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and glue peas in the middle, and 7 watermelon seeds around it.

2) After coloring the flower with gouache 2 times and draw patterns of the desired color.


1.Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, pencil, melon seeds and peas. Brushes, gouache

1) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and glue peas in the middle, and 10 melon seeds around it.

2) After coloring the flower with gouache 2 times.


1. Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, simple pencil, leather (black cardboard), watermelon, melon seeds and peas. Brushes, gouache.

1) Make a body from 2 melon seeds and glue to the base;

cut out antennae from leather (black cardboard) and glue to a pea (head);

make wings from watermelon seeds and glue to the body.

2) After painting it with gouache of the desired color 2 times; draw eyes, and patterns on the wings.

Preparation of flowers for the panel.

Bulk flowers.

1) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm 2 mm and stick 7 watermelon seeds evenly on it.

2) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and stick on it, a little smaller, 7 watermelon seeds. After gluing the seeds, cut the paper with scissors along one extreme seed and immediately, without letting the glue dry, glue it from the wrong side.

3) Connect the two parts so that the petals of the upper circle are between the petals of the lower one and glue a pea in the middle.

4) Color the finished flowers with gouache 2 times.


1. Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, simple pencil, melon seeds, apricot pits. Brushes, gouache

1) Making a whisk

Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and stick 10 melon seeds on it.

After gluing the seeds, cut the paper with scissors along one extreme seed and immediately, without letting the glue dry, glue it from the wrong side.

2) Making petals

Cut a circle with a diameter of 3 cm and stick 6 melon seeds along the edge of the circle, and then 6 apricot seeds in a circle.

3) After painting the petals with yellow (white) gouache, and the corolla with red (yellow) gouache.

4) Glue a whisk to the petal circle with glue.

5) Making a pestle

Wrap a wire 3 cm long with green corrugated paper, bend it in half, spread it with glue and dip it in colored semolina, glue it to the middle of the corolla.

I'll take the seeds

Watermelon and melon.

Get pictures

Quite amazing too.

I glue the seeds

And I will stick to the circle.

After I paint

And I'll attach it to the background.

It turned out a wonderful bouquet

Both beautiful and simple.

It's very interesting

This kind of work.

Stages of composition

1. Analyze the stages of composition.

2. Prepare the base.

3. Make the required number of flowers.

4. Wrap copper wire green crepe paper.

5. On the basis of compose and color the ornament.

6. Compose, glue a vase to the base and paint it with gouache.

7. Looking at the samples, changing something and adding your elements based on compose the composition.

8. Glue sprigs of wire and leaves of melon seeds to the base.

9. Paint the leaves with gouache, or cut them out of green cardboard.

10. Glue the finished flowers.

11. Finished composition varnish PF - 283.

Leaves can be cut out of green cardboard, but then covered with a thin layer of varnish.

Preparing for the basics

Needed flowers.

Can compose compositions

For your soul.

Helpful Hints

A variety of natural materials including leaves, acorns, dry branches and cones can be used to make beautiful pictures and figurines.

Here are some cool fall crafts you can do with your kids:

Crafts from natural material on the theme of autumn: autumn decoration

This craft is so simple that even a child can make it, and so beautiful that it will harmoniously fit into any interior of the house, on the porch or in the country.

You will need:

Different leaves, cones and other gifts of nature



A wicker bowl or something that can hold all the decorations.

1. Lay out all the gifts of autumn on the table.

2. Cut the thin wire so that you have several segments to which you can attach fall decorations.

3. Start attaching leaves, buds, etc. to the wire by wrapping the wire around them.

4. When all the decorations have been added to the wires, attach your blanks to a wicker vase or similar object.

We make crafts on the theme "Autumn": traces of autumn leaves on paper

You will need:

Leaves of different shapes and sizes

White paper

Spray paint or fluffy brush and watercolors.

1. Gather the leaves and lay them on paper.

2. Start by spraying paint over and around the leaves, or you can splatter around the leaves with watercolors using a fluffy brush.

3. Carefully remove the leaves and leave the paint to dry.


Such pictures can be hung anywhere, thereby decorating the interior.

DIY natural crafts on the theme "Autumn": stained glass window from autumn leaves

You will need:

Small leaves of different shapes

Self-adhesive film or baking paper and glue

Colored cardboard.

1. Attach the leaves to film or paper.

2. Cut out several strips of colored cardboard and attach them to the paper so that you get a frame.

3. The resulting stained-glass windows can be glued to the window so that sunlight passes through them.

Leaf crafts for kids: maze

Such a labyrinth can be made in a forest or park.

You just need to collect the leaves and distribute them so that you get a maze from which the children will look for a way out.

Crafts on the theme of golden autumn: a tree in autumn

You will need:

Paper bag


Maple lionfish ("helicopters")

rowan berries

1. Take a simple paper bag, remove the handles of the bag and twist it so that it looks like a spiral: one end in one direction and the other in the opposite direction.

You will get a tree trunk, which should have a thickening in the lower part, where the roots are - so the tree will be more stable.

2. At the top of the twisted package, you need to make branches. Just gently tear the paper and "dissolve" the branches and twist them in a spiral.

3. Use the bag handles to wrap around the tree trunk and seal. So you make the craft stronger and more stable.

4. Prepare plasticine or glue and start attaching autumn leaves to tree branches.

* If desired, you can attach lionfish to the tree.

* If you want to "revive" a tree, then you can make eyes and a nose out of acorn caps by gluing them to the trunk. For pupils, you can use plasticine.

* You can make a mouth out of rowan berries and your tree is ready!

Crafts for an exhibition on the theme "Autumn": a tree in a jar

You will need:

Small jar with lid

Leaves (preferably artificial and small)

Super glue or hot glue

small branch


1. Take a branch and cut it so that it can fit in the jar.

2. Glue the branch to the inside of the jar lid. You can also glue a few small pebbles around the future tree.

3. Take some small artificial leaves and glue them randomly on the branches of the tree.

4. Pour glycerine and some water into a jar and stir.

5. Insert the wood lid into the jar.

* If you are afraid that a child may accidentally open the lid of the jar, you can glue this lid. But for starters, it's best to leave it unglued, in case you have to touch up the tree and / or leaves.

This piece will last for several months. Then the water will begin to change its color from contact with internal materials.

Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn": autumn garden in a frame

You will need:


Adhesive tape

1. Using a thread, connect 4 branches into a frame.

2. Use the buttons to attach a piece of self-adhesive film to the frame.

3. Attach the leaves to the film so that they stick well.

* You can tie the ribbon to the frame so you can hang it.

Paper crafts on the theme "Autumn": a card from autumn leaves

You will need:

Leaves of different colors (35 leaves in this example)

PVA glue

A4 cardboard sheet


simple pencil


Scotch tape (if needed)

A4 sheet of paper

Thick book.

1. Cut off the petiole from each leaf. Fold all the leaves in half along the midrib so that the wrong side of each leaf is inside.

2. Place the leaves between the pages of a thick book. Leave overnight for straight leaves.

3. Take a sheet of paper and draw a leaf of any shape on it. Cut out this sheet to make a stencil. In this example, an oak leaf stencil was used - its dimensions are 7.5 x 17 cm.

4. Take your leaves out of the thick book and arrange them neatly by color. In this example, all leaves have been ranked from green to red.

5. Take a piece of cardboard and put it on the table. Step back from the left edge by 1 cm, attach your stencil and circle it. Cut out the shape on the cardboard. After the cut out figure, back off again 1 cm and cut off. You will get a rectangle with a sheet cut out in the center.