Lightweight rubber band. How to weave a rubber band bracelet in different ways: we make a very beautiful and original decoration. Step-by-step instructions and patterns for weaving a bracelet "Lazy" without a loom

A fascinating and useful activity is weaving from rubber bands. For many it has become a hobby. You can weave a lot of beautiful and useful things from multi-colored rubber bands: bracelets, phone cases, funny animals, wallets, key rings and even clothing items. Weaving lovers exchange patterns, create magnificent collections of crafts. Rubber band weaving is such an exciting activity that some even call it a craze.

weaving craft

Weaving from rubber bands has become so widespread because to start classes it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, attend circles in order to master the basics of the craft. Knowledge is available for beginners of any level, be it a child or an adult. It is enough just to purchase a set of colored rubber bands, and there are many ways to weave. You can simply weave on your fingers, a slingshot, an ordinary fork, pencils, a hook or a weaving machine.

Rubber bands are sold in different sets.: a large assorted set that mixes all the colors of the rainbow, solid and striped sets, sets of rubber bands of different thicknesses and densities, twisted figure eight and embossed, and even glow in the dark.

Both children and adults are fond of weaving, the activity has become international. Weaving from rubber bands in all countries, this contributes to the emergence of new schemes, instructions and technologies. But the scope for imagination in weaving rubber bands is limitless.

Easy crafts for beginners

For those who are just getting acquainted with weaving from elastic bands, the simplest schemes and instructions have been invented. It is recommended to start learning with weaving bracelets. When creating the first masterpieces, you can do without a special machine. It will come in handy later for more complex weaving patterns. The simplest and at the same time the most diverse in style and colors crafts can be called a bracelet made of rubber bands. It has become somewhat of a cult item. Baubles are given to friends and loved ones, they are exchanged and worn as original jewelry.

The simplest bracelet is the Fishtail. It is better to weave it in multi-colored, it will turn out bright and unique.

Weaving on the fingers

The bauble is woven very easily and quickly, even for beginners everything will work out the first time. For such a bracelet, you will need about 50 rubber bands and one lock..

  • The first ring is put on the index and middle fingers, twisting the eight. The next two do not twist.

  • Having removed the lower left and then the right loop, they are placed between the fingers, as in the figure.

  • The next ring is put on. You need to throw loops of elastic on it, which is now the last in the row.

  • During the entire process of weaving from elastic bands, three rings must be kept in sight. The lower loops are thrown over the upper one, a new ring is put on and so on until the desired size of the bracelet.

  • The last two loops are thrown over a special lock.

On a weaving hook

You can quickly create a handmade bauble by knowing how to crochet a bracelet. This technology of weaving elastic bands is absolutely accessible for beginners. If there is no special hook, then you can use a regular hook number 3 for knitting.

  • Twist the first elastic band with a figure eight, pinch its twisted part between your fingers so that the free loops look up.
  • Insert the hook into the loops, stretch them a new ring, placing it in the middle of the double ring from the first elastic band.
  • Squeeze the second ring with your fingers so that it folds in half, forming a vicious circle. You need to stretch the third ring of rubber band into it, acting in the same way as pulling the second one.

Repeat the manipulations until the chain is the desired size. The last ring is fixed with a plastic lock. If you use rubber bands in two contrasting colors, the rubber bracelet will turn out to be colorful and original.

The technology is very similar to weaving on fingers, only instead of fingers we use a special slingshot. The slingshot is a kind of classic in the technology of weaving rubber bands.

  • Put the first wheel on the slingshot, twisting it with a figure eight. Put on the next two without twisting.
  • The loops of the very first, twisted ring, with the help of a hook, are thrown to the center of the column. To do this, they need to be removed from the slingshot, passing through two rings.

  • Put on the fourth ring. With the lower elastic band, do the same as with the first one, remove it from the slingshot, stretching it through the third and fourth rings.
  • Weave until you get a chain of the desired length. The last ring is fixed with a lock.

  • The lock is inserted into the center of the column, then fixes the ends of the last gum. The outermost ring must be cut off.

The fork can also act as a machine. Although weaving from rubber bands on forks is a little more complicated than the two previous methods, anyone can also master it.

  • Start traditionally with three rings. The first ring is thrown with a figure of eight, first on the 3 left prongs of the fork, and after twisting - on the 3 right ones.
  • The second ring clings only to the two extreme teeth. The third is similar to the second.
  • The left loop of the first ring is removed from the fork, threading it between the middle rows. The right loop is removed in the same way.

  • The next ring is thrown in the same way as the second and third, that is, only on the two extreme teeth of the fork.
  • The last ring is removed from the fork in the same way as in the previous stage, its left and right loops are alternately threaded between the middle rows.
  • When there is no space left on the fork, you need to remove the hinged loops. To do this, you need to insert the hook into the two extreme loops and carefully remove the entire fishtail from the plug.

  • Only two extreme loops are thrown onto the fork, for which the tail was removed and weaving continues.

  • The edges of the finished fishtail bracelet are fastened with a lock.

Weaving on a loom is not as difficult as it might seem at first. If you can weave on your fingers or a slingshot almost on a whim, then weaving on a loom almost always requires a clear instruction.

  • The first elastic band is put on the left extreme and middle extreme row of the machine.
  • The second, of a different color, on the leftmost row over the one already thrown over and on the second column of the middle row.

  • Zigzag fill the entire leftmost and middle row of the machine with rings, observing the color algorithm.

  • To continue working, the machine must be positioned so that the horseshoes of the columns are located with an open part to the master.
  • The first loop of the middle row is thrown onto the second column of the left row of the machine.
  • In the same way, you need to transfer all the loops of the middle row to the left row.

  • Having finished throwing the loops, fix the extreme elastic bands at the beginning and at the end of the rows with a special s-shaped clip.

  • All elastic bands are removed from the machine with a hook. When the necessary skill appears, weaving gum bracelets will become an easy and exciting process.

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands is perhaps the most popular direction in this diverse hobby. Many models of bracelets were invented, narrow and wide, voluminous and flat, decorated with rhinestones and beads.

  • If it becomes necessary to interrupt the weaving on the fingers, then you can throw the loops on pencils or a fork.
  • Instead of a lock, you can use an elastic band, she just needs to tie the two ends of the bracelet.

Bracelet Pavement

This is a very popular bracelet model. Having learned how to weave it, you can create a unique decoration for yourself and please your beloved friends with a gift.

If there is nothing at hand, but you really want to weave a bracelet, you can use simple pencils. It will take only two pencils, fastened together with adhesive tape for convenience. An eraser can serve as a gasket between them.

  • A double crossed rubber band is thrown over the pencils. In the future, all rubber bands are used in pairs.
  • The next pair is thrown over without crossing. The two lower rubber bands are thrown off in the middle of the future chain.
  • The next pair of rings is thrown on, and the two lower elastic bands are again moved to the center of the chain. This is repeated until the desired length of the craft is reached.

  • At the end of the work, all the lower loops, except for the last rubber band, are dropped from the pencils. The bracelet is fastened by the loops of the last ring connected to each other.

On a special slingshot

Weaving using the technique Pavement on a slingshot is more convenient than on pencils. But the general technology of throwing remains practically unchanged.

  • You will also have to work with pairs of rubber bands. The first pair is thrown onto the slingshot with a figure eight.
  • The next pair is put on evenly, without kinks.
  • The loop is removed from any edge of the slingshot and placed in the center of the column. There are two loops at one end of the slingshot, and one at the other.

  • A pair of a different color is put on. Through it, a couple of loops are thrown into the center of the braid from that edge of the slingshot, on which there were 3 of them.
  • Continue to weave according to the scheme until you get the crafts of the required size.

  • To close the loops, all rows, except for the last gum, are removed. The latter is thrown to one end of the slingshot and fixed with a lock, the second part of which closes the bracelet in a circle.

You can even weave on your fingers

Finger weaving technique is perfect for this simple instruction. The thumb and index or middle fingers are usually used as columns..

  • The first row is a pair of eight-shaped elastic bands. The second row is a pair of ordinary ones.
  • The lower loop is removed from one finger and placed on the center of the column.
  • A third pair is put on, after which a loop is thrown off the center from the finger on which there are 3 of them.
  • The scheme is applied until a bracelet of the desired length is obtained.
  • The accessory is fixed according to the standard system. The clasp is attached to two loops obtained from the last rubber band.

Needlework on forks

The volume of the bracelet can be emphasized by the colors of the rings. Looks great, for example, a white and blue accessory.

  • A double eight-shaped elastic band is put on the middle teeth of the fork.
  • The next two pairs of twisted rings are put on 1-2 and 3-4 pegs of the fork.
  • The two lower loops, located on the middle teeth, are thrown up to the teeth of the same row.

  • The rubber bands are put on the middle pegs in pairs, but without twisting.
  • The lower loops are thrown off from the central cloves.

  • Similarly, rubber bands are thrown over 1-2 and 3-4 teeth of the fork.
  • According to this instruction, continue to throw on and remove the loops from the fork.
  • To close the loops, we throw them from the side to the central teeth.
  • The last ring is placed on top and all the lower layers are removed through it.
  • A hook is threaded into the remaining loop for fastening.

On a big machine

The bracelet is woven on two rows of the loom: middle and outer. A bracelet woven from elastic bands of two contrasting colors looks harmoniously..

  • The screwed double elastic is thrown over the first two columns of the extreme and middle rows.
  • The second double elastic band is thrown in the same place, but without twisting.
  • Crochet the bottom pair and throw it on the central part of the top pair.
  • The third pair of the same color as the first is pulled over the posts.
  • Weaving continues, periodically removing loops to the center from the column on which there are more of them.
  • The steps are systematically repeated until the desired length of the decoration is reached.
  • The last elastic band is folded into a loop and secured with a lock.

There are a huge number of schemes and instructions on how to weave bracelets from rubber bands. Using the example of weaving the Pavement bracelet, you can see that when weaving on the fingers and on the loom, exactly the same jewelry is obtained. You can weave rubber bands on anything: on fingers, a fork, pencils. Although, of course, the presence of a slingshot and a loom can greatly facilitate the process of weaving and expand the boundaries of fantasy.

Rubber bracelets

Today, everyone should weave a rubber band bracelet, regardless of gender and age. Children weave, because it is now fashionable and very simple, even the most restless child can handle it. Fine motor skills develop, simple needlework is equally suitable for both boys and girls. The resulting crafts can be given to each other. Moms are happy to weave rubber bands and come up with new interesting patterns. They like to do things that delight children.

  • Sets of elastic bands for weaving at the rate of at least 50 pieces for each bracelet. It is convenient to store rubber bands on coils or on cut-off necks of plastic bottles - so they do not crumble.
  • Crochet hook. A thin hook "2" or "3" will do. You can do without a hook, but it's inconvenient.
  • Knitting pegs or your own fingers. Some knit on a special slingshot for weaving.
  • Clasps. Sold with a set of rubber bands for weaving. If you run out, you can bend it from wire on 2 nails driven into a piece of wood. You will need pliers and wire cutters. Wire hooks are stronger than plastic hooks and can be bent more bizarrely.

How to weave the easiest bracelet

The simplest rubber band bracelet is woven in a double ring.

Put the first ring on your finger, twist it and put it on again. The first double ring appeared on the finger.

Take the next elastic band, folded in half with a double ring, pry it under the first one. Pass the remaining part into the resulting loop and tighten slightly. On the resulting loop, hook the next double ring. Repeat until the length is sufficient for you.

It turns out a fairly strong elastic rope, suitable for carrying keys, a telephone, a fountain pen. If you do not fold the elastic bands in half, the bracelet will turn out much faster, but it will look simpler. Might be a good option for kids.

Weaving on the fingers

On your fingers, you can weave a simple fishtail braid.

The technique is very simple. The first loop is twisted, nothing else needs to be twisted. The pigtail will grow by itself, as we weave.

Twist the first ring with a figure eight and put it on 2 rollers. One finger in each loop. Throw 2 more new rings on top without twisting. Pull out the first ring from below, pulling it up from your fingers. It will hang like a castle on the 2 remaining rings. Put the next ring on your fingers and tighten the bottom one again. Continue in the same spirit. Magic? No. The pigtail weaves itself.

What is a rubber band weaving machine

Sounds loud - loom for weaving. Sold in the departments of needlework at very childish prices. Indeed, the machine allows you to weave a bracelet out of rubber bands quite quickly.

Actually, it's not really a machine. There is no real automation of labor and moving parts. Just 3 rows of hollow posts with a wide slot on the side to make it easier to crochet elastic bands. The distance between the columns is approximately equal to a slightly stretched elastic band. The columns must be staggered.

The simplest patterns are woven on 2 rows, 3 rows are required for more complex patterns. You can build such a machine from a wooden stand and plastic dowels in half an hour. Of these, 15 minutes will be spent on marking, 5 - on drilling holes and another 5 - on fastening the posts from the dowels into the holes. Dowels as columns are more convenient, say, caps from felt-tip pens, in that they are immediately securely fastened thanks to special protrusions, and have 2 wide slots on the sides.

The hole needs to be drilled a little wider so as not to compress the dowel too tightly. This is not to say that this is a design for centuries, but it will last for some time.

Weave a star bracelet

Weaving a complex bracelet from elastic bands will only work on the “machine”. The Asterisk pattern requires a lot of patience and good skills. First, turn the machine with the slots in the pegs away from you and create the outline of the pattern. Tie the pegs in pairs, first on the left and then on the right side, to make a rectangle.

We create rays. The center of the stars becomes the middle pegs 2, 4.6 and so on in an even row. We throw loops in a circle, clockwise, starting at 2 o'clock (upper right peg). After the formation of all the stars, we fix the middle.

To fix the centers, we throw a double-twisted elastic band on each column of the center of the stars. Similarly, we fix the first and last column in the center.

The preparatory work has been completed. Now the hardest part. Crocheting and dropping loops.
Turn the machine over with the slot towards you - it will be more convenient to hook the elastic bands from the hollow center of the pegs. You need to remove and fasten the gum from the asterisks counterclockwise. Hook the elastic bands from below and string back onto the peg, forming a double loop. Do the same for the perimeter. How this is done exactly - it is better to look at the video.

Do not forget to fasten the first loop so that the finished product does not crumble. Remove the bracelet from the pegs. It turns out quite a spectacular decoration of rubber bands.

From rubber bands, you can quickly weave a comfortable elastic rope for attaching various things. It is convenient to hang a fountain pen or even a mobile phone on a tourniquet of rubber bands. It is safer than a non-elastic cord, and it is not easy to break a rope made of rubber bands.

Weaving a Spikelet bracelet is a good way to spend time usefully.

A bracelet made of colored rubber bands, made in the style of "Spikelet" is a bright, original accessory, the creation of which can be an interesting activity for any creative person. Made in colorful, summer colors, it will perfectly emphasize individuality, regardless of the chosen style of clothing. And so, in order to weave the Spikelet with your own hands, you will need:

a simple weaving machine - "Slingshot";
silicone rubber bands in 2 matching colors (the number will depend on the length of the bracelet);
S-clip for fastening.

Following the step-by-step instructions, you can learn how to create original jewelry yourself.

Step 1. It is necessary to turn the used machine towards you with the open side (in this case, it will be convenient to grab the rubber bands).

In this master class, small elastic bands of two colors are used: the sides of the bracelet will be orange, and the middle in the form of a spikelet will be light green. First you need to put on the first rubber band (orange), twisting it in the form of a figure eight.

From above, you need to throw another orange rubber band on both columns (you do not need to twist it).

Step 3. Pulling the green elastic band with the back of the hook, the lowest one (orange) is pulled out and thrown off to the center of the Slingshot.

A green rubber band is wound in two turns on the left column (over the rest of the rubber bands). A single orange is thrown on top.

Step 4. Pulling the green rubber band from the left column, the lower orange one is pulled out and removed to the center.

Starting from the next step, the technology of weaving the Spikelet bracelet changes slightly.

Step 5. Now, through the green rubber band folded in half, all the rubber bands located below are pulled out. They are still thrown to the center. It’s worth starting from the right column (it was on it that the green elastic band was put on before).

Step 6. Already from the left column, through the green elastic band, all the elastic bands are pulled out again and thrown off to the center.

Step 7. Without violating the sequence of alternating rubber bands, the bracelet is woven to the length of interest (depending on the girth of the wrist).

The longer the product becomes, the stronger its pattern will be drawn.

Step 7. When the desired length is reached, you can proceed to the final stage - close the bracelet.

At the end, green rubber bands are removed from both columns to the center.

From the left column, the two remaining orange elastic bands change into the right column. A fastener in the form of the English letter S is threaded through them.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

After you have already woven this beautiful bracelet, try to make another pattern, namely the Friendship bracelet. Link .

Bright Rainbow Loom rubber bands have won the hearts of people of all ages around the world. The wrists of many fashionistas are decorated with multi-colored bracelets, various kinds of clips, handbags and even clothing items are made with the help of rubber bands. The fashion for such products has also affected the younger generation, and the creation process has become a favorite pastime. It is sometimes difficult for beginners or young creative individuals to understand complex patterns and weaving techniques, so the ideal option would be to create the original Lazybones bracelet.

Step-by-step instructions and patterns for weaving a bracelet "Lazy" without a loom

To create a product "Lazy" you do not need special skills or abilities. Mastering the technique and making your own original decoration in this style is within the power of both beginner adults and the younger generation of needlewomen or creators who are just learning the basics of creativity with Rainbow Loom. It is possible to weave such a product without a machine, using improvised means, and also to use the remnants of elastic bands that are unsuitable for creating a more complex masterpiece.

To make this bracelet, you will need:

  • Rainbow Loom in different colors, the choice of which depends on personal preferences or what is left of previous works.
  • Tools - hook, pencils, slingshot.
  • S-shaped clasp.
  • If desired, additional decorative elements can be used - beads, pendants, jewelry.

Weaving without a machine on a slingshot

To make a simple bracelet, it is not necessary to use a special machine (novice needlewomen may not have it). A classic slingshot is useful for work, which is often sold in a set with rubber bands. This method is very simple, understandable, affordable, and even young children can handle it. This hobby develops the child's perseverance, and the fine motor skills of the hands involved in weaving contribute to the development of speech abilities and activate creative thinking and imagination.

For work you will need:

  • Rainbow silicone bands. Solid colors - for the base of the bracelet and bright colors - to create the main pattern.
  • Slingshot.
  • A hook to help make the job easier.
  • S-shaped clasp for accessory.

Instructions for the step-by-step creation of the Lazybones accessory using a slingshot:

  1. Having prepared all the necessary tools and materials, you should take plain Rainbow Loom, with which work begins. Rotate the slingshot so that the notches are in front - this will facilitate the process of creating the product.
  2. Put a rubber band on the slingshot, after twisting it with a figure eight. Place another element on top, but this and all subsequent ones do not need to be twisted.
  3. Remove the lower loops alternately from the right, and then the left columns. Attach fasteners to the formed link of the chain.
  4. Continue to work according to the scheme: put on one rubber band, remove the loops of the bottom and transfer to the center. You should get a simple straight chain.
  5. Weave until the required size of the bracelet is obtained, after which the remaining loop from the right column is transferred to the left one, left in this position.
  6. The second stage is the creation of an outer layer of decoration from bright multi-colored rubber bands. To do this, you just need to put them on the base-chain, like beads on a thread, alternating colors. To create an original decoration, an alternation of elements in shades of the rainbow or a gradient can be used - from a darker color to a lighter one. Even just alternating the colors of the Rainbow Loom will help you create a piece that will look stylish.
  7. After reaching the required density of the elastic bands, you should connect the ends of the decoration by throwing the clasp over the two loops that remained on the slingshot.
  8. A simple but very beautiful accessory is ready. See a photo with an example of a woven bracelet:

To get acquainted with the details of making an accessory using a slingshot, study this video from YouTube:

How to crochet a rubber band bracelet

It is possible to create a Lazybones bracelet from Rainbow Loom rainbow rubber bands, using only a hook, which is a must-have in every bag. For the creative process, you will need an S-shaped clasp to connect the ends of the jewelry. Here is a step-by-step instruction for weaving such a product with a hook:

  1. To create a chain, you need to put an elastic band twisted with a figure eight on the hook (all subsequent elements do not need to be twisted). Put the next elastic band on the hook and stretch through the existing loops, you will get a new base chain link.
  2. Next, to create a chain, you need to thread one link into another, continuing to weave until the required length of the product is obtained. Be sure to put on the clasp on the first link, and remove the last link and tighten the loop to fix the previous elastic bands. So that the beginning of the product is not lost during the set-up of the second layer, leave a tightened loop on the hook.
  3. To create a spectacular accessory, it is necessary to string rubber bands of different colors on the resulting base, alternating their shades and creating a unique pattern. To make an interesting version of the decoration, special decorative elements can be used - pendants, beads, and other items.
  4. Having put on a sufficient amount of Rainbow Loom, it is necessary to close the product by attaching the fastener to the last loop. Bright decoration is ready!

How to weave a bum bracelet with a crochet hook, look at the video:

How to make a bracelet "Lazy" on the fingers

It is possible to make a unique accessory with your own hands without using additional tools. For work, instead of specialized attributes, fingers can be used. It is very convenient: there is no need to buy additional tools; you can be creative anywhere, having a few minutes of free time; when weaving jewelry, it is possible to adjust the stretching of the loops of the chain.

For work you will need:

  • Neutral color rubber bands - white, black or transparent.
  • Rainbow loom bright colors. The more shades are used in the work, the brighter, more beautiful and more unusual the finished product looks. The advantage of this decoration is that rubber bands left over from different sets used in other masterpieces can be used for work.
  • S-shaped fastener for fixing the ends of the product.
  • The fingers of the left hand (for right-handers), for convenience, index and middle fingers can be used.

Step by step production:

  1. Put on an elastic band on the index and ring fingers, then twisting it into a figure eight.
  2. String the second element on your fingers without twisting the second and all subsequent elastic bands.
  3. To create a chain, the lower loops must be removed and thrown up. In a similar pattern, you should weave a chain of the desired length so that the bracelet does not pinch your wrist. Then put on the clasp on the first twisted elastic band, and transfer the last loops to one finger so that the chain does not unravel during work, and you do not have to start the process all over again.
  4. String multi-colored Rainbow Loom on the chain. To get a pattern, alternate the shades of the elements in a certain pattern (for example, to create a rainbow effect or gradient) or improvise using rubber bands in no particular sequence and without observing any order.
  5. When all the elastic bands are put on or the desired density of the elements is reached, close the bracelet by connecting both ends of the little thing in a circle.
  6. An interesting, unusual accessory is ready and can become a worthy decoration on the hand of a fashionista.

To learn more about the step-by-step execution of the product on the fingers, watch the video:

Easy way to weave on pencils

It is not always at hand that you have the necessary tools for weaving bracelets, for example, a loom, a hook or a slingshot. The beauty of such creativity is that almost any improvised things can be used for it. A pair of pencils or classic ballpoint pens is ideal for creating the Lazy Man. For the creative process you will need:

  • Two pencils connected to each other.
  • Solid rainbow elastic bands in soft shades.
  • Beautiful Rainbow Loom in bright (sometimes contrasting) colors. The more shades used in the work, the more interesting the product looks.
  • Clasp for connecting the finished accessory.
  • Hook for convenience.

Master class of weaving products on pencils:

  • Put the elastic band twisted into a figure eight on pencils.
  • Throw another element on top, but so that all the other rubber bands do not cross.
  • Remove the lower element and throw it over another elastic band. Repeat this pattern of weaving the chain until a product of the required size is obtained.
  • Put on a fastener on the first loop, and transfer the last loops to one pencil, but do not remove.
  • When the chain is ready, you can start decorating the product. Put multi-colored rubber bands on the base, alternating elements, adhering to a certain order or improvising.
  • Having reached the required density of the Rainbow Loom on the basis, connect both edges of the bracelet, securing them with clasps.
  • The original "lazy" accessory is ready.

You can get acquainted with the detailed step-by-step creation of jewelry by watching the video:

Video tutorials for beginners on weaving a bracelet "Lazy" on the machine

It is possible to weave a beautiful decoration with the help of a loom. The principle and procedure for weaving an accessory is the same as using other tools. First of all, a simple chain is created, which will form the basis of the decoration, then bright rainbow rainbow looms are strung on it until the required density or desired pattern is obtained. Skillfully maneuvering the combination of colors, you can get a unique accessory. Watch the video tutorial below with a step-by-step description of how to make a Lazybones bracelet on a machine.

Weaving lesson on a mini loom

Bracelet "Lazy" from small rubber bands on two columns of the machine

Making a wonderful and stylish accessory such as a rubber band bracelet is very simple! Material for weaving can be purchased at any stationery store, its cost is quite low. Most often, there are whole sets on sale that contain the main material for weaving, that is, the elastic bands themselves and special tools. To create such relevant and fashionable bracelets, there are many schemes and methods. Several of them are described in detail and step by step in this master class! As you probably guessed, today we will tell you how to weave rubber bracelets.

It will take only a few materials and tools, such as:

- small elastic bands for weaving;
- a small plastic hook;
- ordinary forks;
- special plastic fasteners for fixing the bracelet.

The first version of weaving is called "Fishtail".

You can complete the entire weaving process with both your fingers and a fork. In this case, the creation of the bracelet will be done with a fork! The shades of the rubber bands used can be chosen to your taste, since the color range of this material is very wide. The first gum should be twisted once and fixed on the extreme cloves of the fork.

Then, you need to add two more elastic bands to it, fixing them in the same way, on the first and last clove, but you don’t need to twist them!

Then, using a special crochet hook, remove the bottom elastic band. It is better if the tool is small in size, it will be very convenient for them to work!

The latter is also removed, then a new one is added, and so on.

Soon the length of the product will increase, so it must be periodically pulled back so that it does not interfere with the process.

Thanks to this nuance, the rubber bands in the product will take the necessary shape!

After this bracelet has acquired the required length, it must be secured with special, tiny clasps. To do this, you need to remove the bottom element.

And in the ears remaining on the fork, thread the hook.

Then, gently pull the elastic bands and fix a small fastener on them.

On the other hand, a practically finished product, you need to repeat the previous step!

The bracelet, thanks to such a device, will not unravel and will retain its appearance for a long time. As a result, after some time, we got a stylish, bright and wonderful bracelet! Because of this weaving method, it has a special density and strength!

The second weaving option is more original, but also quite simple! To create it, you will need to use two forks!

You need to put them together, that's how you can start weaving.

First, you need to fix the first elastic band by twisting it, only once.

After that, an elastic band is added to the two extreme cloves of each fork, but of a different shade.

On the other hand, it is necessary to fix the rubber band in a similar way.

After, gently hooking the last elastic band, white, with a hook, you just need to remove it from the forks. As a result, it will have to be in the center, between the forks.

After that, one more detail must be added to the product.

It must be lowered as low as possible so that in the future it does not interfere with the weaving process, since it will no longer participate in it!

And after, completely remove the previous ones (pink).

Between each shade, you need to add one white elastic band, which does not need to be braided, but simply lowered down so that it does not interfere.

Gradually, the length of the bracelet will increase significantly, and more and more white rubber bands will appear.

After the product is the length you need, you need to complete it by adding a tiny, plastic clasp to the end of the craft. To do this, the last gum must be transferred to one of the sides of the fork.

Do the same action on the other side.

Then, transfer the loops to the fork where the entire bracelet is assembled.

Thread a white elastic band through them, and then fix the hook in it.

Then, you need to very carefully remove the entire product from the fork, while not pulling out the tool from the final gum.

Thus, a very original and stylish bracelet turned out! On the handle, it looks quite unusual and elegant!

And the last, third version of weaving a bracelet made of rubber bands is called "Circle". To create it, just like in the first weaving method, you only need one fork.

The first gum must be twisted once to make a figure eight and fixed on the cloves of the fork used.

Then, add another detail, but no need to twist it!

The lowest gum must be removed so that it is in the center of the previous one, in the form of a “double” circle.

After, on the two right, extreme cloves, you need to add a folded gum into two.

Then, another one.

But then, using the tool, remove the previous (pink) gum.

After that, the lower, transparent elastic band should also be removed from the fork and fixed between its cloves.

In such a simple way, continue creating the product and further. Gradually, with an increase in the length of the product, it must be brought to the back of the fork. So, it will not interfere and distract from the process!

The last (yellow) gum must be removed from the fork using a small, plastic hook.

Then, thread one of the loops through the other.

Later, a small clasp will need to be attached to this loop.

The same elastic band must be found at the other end of the accessory and do the same!

Stylish bracelet is ready!

Such an original bracelet will look great on your hand! He's quite unique and cute!

As you understand, weaving such bracelets will be very easy. Even a child can master some weaving patterns! As a result, the most diverse, stylish and bright bracelets are obtained! Also, you can experiment and come up with something “your own”, or try your hand at creating a rainbow bracelet, which is in no way inferior in beauty to those presented above.