How to make interesting toys. How to make educational toys for children with your own hands. Do-it-yourself pillow for the development of fine motor skills

Toys are something that attracts both adults and children, they are completely different and for different purposes.
DIY fabric or textile toys are some of the safest and most attractive types of toys for children. They can be played by children from early childhood, but soft toys do not lose their relevance in adult life. For example, now it has become fashionable to give and decorate home comfort with handmade interior toys. As a rule, such toys are not cheap, so many consider them a sign of luxury and prosperity.
Even the most simple toy made with high quality and with love can become very valuable and necessary in someone's family!

For example, my daughter has become a favorite owl toy Angela, which I made for her a couple of years ago, now she doesn’t part with her and takes her to sleep with her for a walk, and to the store, to the dacha (it’s good at least they bathe separately)) in general, she fell in love with her. I think most children either have a favorite toy or really want to have one.

Therefore, today I propose to make a beautiful toy for a gift, and for whom it will be up to you to decide!

Below I have collected templates with a pattern of toys, as well as a step-by-step master class on making.

How easy it is to sew a soft toy. DIY soft toys for beginners with templates

For beginner craftswomen, it will be easiest to sew from a simple pattern.

For example, take a bear template and print it on a printer by increasing it to the right sizes, but you can also redraw it on paper, to do this, increase the template you like to suitable sizes on the computer monitor, attach a white sheet of paper to the screen and carefully trace all the contours of the pattern with a pencil.

After cutting out the paper template along the contours.
Choose beautiful fabric for toys.

If this is not a complex toy, for example, like a bear in the photo, then here you will need to fold the fabric in two with the front side inward, you can fix it with pins for convenience so that it does not slip, then attach a paper template to the fabric and circle the contours of the fabric with soap or chalk.

Cut out pieces of fabric leaving allowances for seams.
We sew on a typewriter with a regular straight line, leaving a small hole in order to turn the toy on the front side later.
Notches should be made at the folds so that the fabric does not pull in these places.

All now the toy is turned inside out and stuffed with padding polyester, padding polyester or other similar fillers.
Stuffing should not be too tight, but in order to avoid empty areas, the filler must be distributed evenly.

The hole through which stuffed at the end is sewn up with a blind stitch.
Glue or embroider the eyes and mouth, nose to the toy.
We add beautiful details, for example: a bow, a flower, a scarf, buttons, or you can even sew clothes. There is a huge field for creative experiments.

Realize the idea!

A simple pattern of a cat from fabric.

Another easy-to-tailor model is a kitty.
It is sewn and cut according to the same principle as the bear, only two parts are cut out here.
This is the cat itself in two parts and the tail, also in two parts.
They are sewn separately, small holes are also left for eversion and for stuffing with filler, then the tail is sewn to the base of the cat.
You can decorate however you like.

This is the cat I got.

Gave to my sister for home comfort)

How to sew a complex toy? Do-it-yourself fabric ball, an interesting idea

I think the more difficult toy to make is the one that contains many parts and which is assembled in a certain order.
One night, an idea came to my mind, why don’t I sew a ball out of fabric, it seemed so simple in my head, but when the idea got to the point, it was difficult to understand without an example what to cut, how much to cut, and then how all this is right sew.
So I'm sharing the example that I did.

You will need two templates, a hexagon and a pentagon. We transfer them to paper, or even better to cardboard.

We need to cut out 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons from the fabric. I used the fabric in two colors, but this is not necessary, you can make it completely plain or vice versa colored, it's up to you.

As you cut the required number of polyhedra, it is better to decompose them in order to visually understand how you will sew.
This is what the ball layout looks like.

Another layout option

This version of the ball is made of felt, it is easier to sew.
I chose to sew from coarse calico and on a sewing machine, so you still need to leave allowances for seams on the fabric. And iron the seams. You don't need to do this on a felt.
All parts are simply sewn into two halves, and then these two halves are connected together. Need to connect with wrong side, and then leave a small hole not sewn up and turn it out through it.
Stuff tightly with padding polyester, and sew up the hole with a blind stitch.

Such a ball - I turned out handsome!

See also - article toys made of felt

Fabric toys step by step master classes with patterns.

I offer a few more ideas for interesting toys with step by step wizard classes.

Fabric rainbow fish

Fabric boat.

Now in stores a huge number of all kinds of children's toys for all ages and tastes. But home-made "bras" for kids do not lose their popularity among creative parents. You can make anything with your own hands - mobiles and pendants in the crib, all kinds of rattles, comforters, soft toys, books and much more.

How to make a mobile in a crib

Today they are extremely popular. This accessory not only gives a special charm to the nursery, but is also a great educational toy. The kid gets stronger physically, trying to get toys and play with them. There is also a development of visual functions, when the child follows the pendants, their movement.

Of course, it is not difficult to buy a mobile, but the prices are quite high. If the funds in the family are limited or you just want to decorate some kind of crumbs room unusual thing, then it would be a great idea to make a children's mobile yourself.

Mobile "Birds"

A beautiful entertaining little thing that will decorate the room of both a boy and a girl.

For work you will need

  • Pieces of felt of different colors (it is better to take patches as bright as possible).
  • Beads - 15 pcs.
  • Golden cord (thin) - 4 m.
  • Hoop (wood or plastic). The hoop is needed for a round base, if it was not possible to find them, then a thick wire will do.
  • Satin and lace ribbons (you can use scraps from previous needlework).
  • Colored threads (you can use floss).
  • Filler for figures (synthetic winterizer, holofiber).
  • The sun is made from fleece, but felt can also be used.
  • Glue (you can use regular super glue).

Description of work

1. First you need to make bird patterns. You can use this template for this:

You can carefully translate the patterns from the monitor screen or print the template on the printer

Advice: When making bird patterns, if the patches are small, it is better to cut out the torsos and wings (large details) first. Beaks, flowers and leaves can be made from small scraps.

You should get such blanks

2. Now you need to sew the birds. The beaks are sewn in immediately.

It is necessary to leave a small hole to fill the bird with filler

3. Each bird needs to be filled with padding polyester.

No need to stuff the toy with filler. Needed to add some volume.

4. Sew wings through the hole. Sew on bead eyes.

Wings are sewn with a neat "cross"

5.Now you can sew up the hole by immediately inserting the pendant cord (we measure about 35-40 cm). The wings should be sewn together with the same neat “cross”.

The bird is ready

You will need 6 of these birds. It's better to make them colorful.

6. Now you need to make decorations for the cords on which the birds hang. These will be clouds, leaves and flowers. Jewelry can be firmly sewn to the cords or glued with glue, gluing two pieces together.

Felt flowers and leaves can be decorated with beads and decorative buttons in the form of ladybugs

7. The sun will be in the center. In this model baby mobile it is sewn from fleece and decorated with floss embroidery (face and rays). You can get by with felt.

You also need to attach a cord to the sun to hang it from the frame.

8. Next, you need to make a hoop frame. We leave one rim from the hoop (external) and tie the prepared figures to it so that they hang at different heights. Now you need to wrap the rim with satin ribbons, crossing them in the middle of the ring.

The ends of the tape can be cut off, carefully tucked under the winding and glued

9. Around the perimeter, you can paste over the rim with lace. It remains only to hang the mobile above the crib, using a cord and a cross of ribbons in the middle of the ring.

This is what a suspended mobile looks like, we tie the sun to the cross

Mobile ready!

From felt, you can make not only birds, but also a lot of other simple funny figures. You can use the following ideas for inspiration:

White bear (you can also make a brown one using the same pattern)

The owl is one of the most fashion trends modernity

Cute kitten

And this is a scheme for creating various frames from thick, strong wire. Points - places for attaching hanging toys.

Delicate mobile for a little paper fairy

Such beauty will not go unnoticed and will cause a lot of admiration for the child and guests of the young family.

Such a mobile looks charming, at a cost it will be several times less than the purchased counterpart.

In addition, making it for the baby with their own hands, mommy will get a lot of pleasure.

Required for work

  • Frame in the form of unnecessary hoops or thick wire.
  • Thin wire for the cross.
  • Butterfly paper (it is better to use strong and beautiful scrapbooking paper).
  • Scissors or scrap-hole punch.
  • Thin line.
  • Needle with an eye that matches the thickness of the fishing line.
  • Super glue.
  • Pieces of tulle, tulle, satin ribbons to decorate the base.


1. Work begins with the frame. It can be made from an old hoop or bent a thick wire ring. The cross is made of wire of a smaller diameter.

The basis of future beauty

2. Now you need to make a lot of butterfly blanks - 110 pcs. If there is a scrap hole puncher, then the production of blanks will take very little time. Otherwise, you will have to arm yourself with scissors and cut butterflies out of paper with them.

You can use this template or draw a butterfly yourself

3. Finished butterflies need to be strung on a fishing line in 5-6 pieces.

It is convenient to use a needle for stringing on a fishing line. Butterflies can be securely fastened with a small drop of super glue.

4. Finished fishing lines need to be tied on the frame and cross. It is better to hang butterflies at different heights.
5. Now you need to decorate the frame. For this, pieces of ribbons and tulle will be used, which can be wrapped or tied in knots around the frame.

Frame decor

6. It remains to make a few tulle ribbons and hang the mobile. Ready!

Here is such a beauty

A few more ideas for modern mobiles for babies that are easy to do with your own hands:

Mobile made of felted balls. As a frame - branches

Felt flowers for baby

Beautiful sakura and paper doves

Handmade rattles for newborns

Rattles for babies can also be made independently. It's not difficult at all. Here are the most simple ideas:

A vitamin jar with a lid and peas or Revit-type vitamins. The lid must be carefully tightened, but it is better to glue it with superglue so that the contents do not spill out.

A bottle with beads and water will keep the baby busy for a long time

For a small child, it is better to find a small capacity bottle (0.25 l) so that it is not difficult for him. This toy will perfectly develop the hands of the crumbs.

Toys of a more complex design will also be within the power of even beginner needlewomen.

How to sew a rattle bracelet

For work you will need:

  • Pieces of felt or fleece fabric - 9 pcs. different color.
  • Threads in color (you can take floss).
  • Sintepon (holofiber is also suitable).
  • Velcro fastener.
  • Adhesive fabric.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Iron.
  • Pencil or chalk.
  • Cardboard or pattern paper.
  • A bell to make the rattle ring (you can use a part from old toys or a fishing bell).

Such a bright and cheerful toy will definitely please the child.


1. First you need to make patterns - a strip for a bracelet (16 cm x 2 cm), circles for the middle of a flower (5 and 3.5 cm in diameter), a detail for a petal.

Patterns for toys

2. Now you need to transfer the patterns to felt. For the bracelet, petals and circles, you need to make allowances in order to sew the blanks.

We cut out the petals according to this principle

3. From the adhesive fabric, you also need to cut out a circle of 3.5 cm and two parts for the bracelet, but without allowances.
4. Glue the felt parts with glue cloth, having previously moistened it with water.
5. We sew the petals, folding the blanks in half, turn them inside out, fill them with filler.
6. We sew the bracelet (we don’t sew one short side), turn it inside out, sew the hole with a blind stitch.
7. Sew on Velcro.
8. Next, you need to sew a small circle to the middle of the bracelet with the glue side up.
9. Now you need to sew all the petals of the flower to it.
10. We sew a large circle over the petals, making it voluminous. We leave a hole, fill it with synthetic winterizer and put a bell in the middle. Sewing up the hole.

Baby toy is ready!

How to sew a developing cube for a child


  • Square patches of fabric of various shades and patterns - 6 pcs.
  • Non-woven base for squares.
  • Filler (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer).
  • Pieces of felt, buttons, braid and other accessories for decoration.
  • Suitable threads.

Such a cube will perfectly serve for the development of motor skills, sensory and color perception of the baby.


1. Cut out 6 blanks from the fabric. The cube can be made small or large. Remember that seam allowances are required.

First 4 squares

Then two more on different sides

5. Now you need to sew the scan from the wrong side. The corner of the last edge does not need to be stitched to the end. Through this hole it will be necessary to unscrew ready product and fill the cube with filler.

6. Then carefully sew up the hole with a blind stitch.

Baby cube is ready!

Making toys for a baby with your own hands is not difficult at all, and how much joy it will bring! If there are older children in the family, then you can involve them in the manufacture of “razvitka” for the younger family member. This is a great way to have fun and have fun.

Every mother tries to ensure that her baby develops harmoniously. One of the components of this development are beautiful, useful, and most importantly high-quality toys. Alas, you have to pay a lot for quality, but even in this case, mothers are not always sure that toys are safe. How to choose toys, which manufacturers to trust? The answer is simple: the most the best manufacturers toys - mothers-needlewomen who are ready to invent and implement their ideas.

1. A rattle is a baby's first toy. This almost magical item has been known since ancient times. But if today almost all rattles are made of plastic, then our ancestors preferred more natural materials: wood, vine, leather. Why not follow their example? After all, a rattle made of environmentally friendly wicker or rattan is a great alternative to modern plastic toys. (idea)

2. If basket weaving seems too laborious to you, but the rattle is made of natural materials really needed, try crocheting juniper balls. (details)

3. Fashionable soft rattles - that's where the fantasy of a young mother can roam! Using simple patterns, you can create a whole zoo. (MK)

4. The world so huge, and everything in it has its own color, smell, sound ... Start introducing your baby to all its diversity along with a developing book, where each page is a new discovery. ()

5. Educational mats are one of the most popular toys for budding explorers. Rustling, ringing and different to the touch details will help kids develop fine motor skills and hearing, and mothers will have a little rest while their children are busy with research. (original article)

6. Toys of an unusual shape are offered by many manufacturers. But, only by making it yourself, you can be sure that the toy is really made of natural materials, and the filler will not cause allergies. (original MK)

7. A mobile on the crib, or, as this toy is also called, a carousel, will help the baby calm down before going to bed. It is not difficult to make this unit with your own hands. ()

8. Through the efforts of a needlewoman, a shoe box and empty packs of yogurts easily turn into a bright sorter. (idea)

9. Soft puzzles are the most valuable toy, because it performs two functions at once: it develops the child's thinking and can become a soft keeper of the baby's sleep. (original article)

10. Soft stretching on a crib or stroller is the first simulator, thanks to which the baby learns to grab his favorite toy. (idea taken from website)

11. Leather toys have an indisputable plus: they are easily washed from almost any dirt. And if you provide such a toy with developing elements (laces, Velcro), then you will also get an excellent developmental. ()

12. Older children (not only girls, but also boys) try to copy their parents in everything. They definitely need to “wash the dishes”, “vacuum or “cook”. And for these actions they definitely need real water, a vacuum cleaner and products. If you are not ready to wash your favorite sofa from vegetables and fruits and collect cereals throughout the house, make plastic or plaster products for your children. (MK)

13. Many pediatricians advise to develop fine motor skills of babies' hands with the help of lacing. You can make such a simple unit yourself in 10 minutes by making several holes in a round wooden stick. The most important thing is that the tree is well processed and does not leave splinters in little fingers. (idea taken from website)

14. All boys, without exception, love technical things: remote controls, switches, flashlights ... Satisfy your child's curiosity and collect all his favorite things in one educational toy. It could turn out to be a very funny thing. (original idea)

15. It happens that when leaving for a summer cottage or vacation, we forget about toys for the baby. Do not despair! If you have a sock on hand, a couple of buttons and a thread with a needle, you can easily make a cute hare for your child. ()

16. A wooden teether is one of the simplest toys that should be in any mommy's arsenal. (

Most best toys for children - made with soul and with their own hands.

For lovers of needlework, this is a wonderful opportunity to show their talents and give positive emotions to their beloved child.

Instructions for making a developmental cube.

From cotton fabric, cut 6 squares measuring 170 x 170 mm. Sew them according to scheme No. 1.

Do-it-yourself developing cube process description:

1. Cut out the squares from the fabric (if you have not already done so at the preparation stage).

2. Cut out squares from non-woven fabric with a side 1.5 cm smaller than those from fabric.

3. We put interlining on the fabric and iron it so that it sticks.

Now you need to decorate each square - make an application, embroider decorative elements, sew on buttons, beads, etc. Here, how fantasy will play out.

In my case it will look like this:

a) The first element is a spiral with moving beads. On the square, draw a spiral with a disappearing marker. We take a strong mesh fabric (tulle will not work, it is fragile), cut out a square and put it on the drawn spiral. We sew, and put beads inside.
b) The next square will be with a butterfly with rustling wings.

Fold the fabric in half and draw a butterfly. Place rustling cellophane down under the fabric and sew along the contour.

Cut out, cut 1-2 mm at the folds, make a longitudinal cut on one layer.

Now turn out.

We take a lace as antennae, fold it in half and sew it in a zigzag in the right place.

Now we sew the butterfly with the same zigzag.

We close the incision with a rep tape, bending the edges.

I don’t paint the rest of the squares in detail, since they are easy to sew.

c) Feast at the bears: sew on buttons:

d) Route: we adjust the lace in a zigzag.

For strength, a piece of felt is sewn under each button on the reverse side and the thread is tied tightly (safety first!).

e) Bunny - application made of fleecy fabric.

f) A bird with movable legs made of felt. The legs are sewn in the same way as the antennae of a butterfly

h) Moving hearts:

5. You can add ribbons of different textures to your taste (zigzag, narrow, wide, cords, as well as beads or buttons on the cords (we will sew their edges into the seams).

6. It remains to sew and fill the cube. First we sew 4 squares into one strip.

Now the rest of the edges:

7. We must fix all the seams, sew along the contour of the interlining.

8. We sew a scan to get a cube. We join two faces, and wrap the allowance of the third inward.

9. We fix the corner that we wrapped inside with a pin so as not to accidentally flash it. We sew along the gcontour of non-woven fabric.

10. When stitching the last edge, leave an open hole in the corner. It remains to turn it out, fill it with synthetic winterizer or other filler, sew up the hole with a blind seam, and you're done!!! It is better not to stuff too tight, but you can put bells inside.

Another cube for educational games:

Details are cut in the appropriate size. The tree is made of black leather and green felt. An owl made of brown felt is hidden in the trunk. A bush is made of light green leather, on it is a snail. The antennae of the snail are made with a back-needle stitch. At the bottom of the tree is attached a plastic, perforated rotating flower.

  1. To decorate the red edge, you need 4 hooks and 5 loops. Mushrooms and acorns are made in different sizes. All removable parts are hidden in a brown felt basket. A loop is sewn on each mushroom and acorn, for which they can be hung on a hook. There is a sewn acorn and a mushroom in the paws of a squirrel. The mushroom is sewn on a loop. The basket is tied with a red ribbon with white polka dots.

  2. On another red facet, a green felt frog is sewn on. Her mouth is zipped up and a long red tongue is hidden inside. The eyes are made of felt and buttons.

  3. Second face orange color decorated with a blue cloud on a white velcro. The cloud is filled with cotton. Below is a blue felt lake. Flowers are made of felt yellow, red and orange flowers. Inside each flower is filled with cotton to create volume. Sewn-on buttons-hats serve as the middle of blue color. Each flower is tied with a ribbon of a different color. A button in the shape of a duck is sewn on the lake, yellow flower in the shape of a ladybug.

  4. On the first of the two white faces - voluminous tree decorated with buttons. The snowman is made of blue felt. Its lower part is sewn on, and the top two are fastened with buttons. The broom is made of a living tree twig and threads imitating straw. The nose of the snowman is made of orange felt and sewn in such a way that it can be pulled.

  5. The second face of white color imitates the sky. A blue felt pocket is sewn on it in the form of a cloud. Ribbons are superimposed in the form of a rainbow. A lace is inserted diagonally along which the sun moves. In the upper corner, the lace is pulled through a ribbon loop, and in the lower corner, through a hole cut in the pocket. The sun is made of yellow felt and filled with cotton wool. The face is embroidered with threads. Pulling the string, the sun either appears or hides behind a cloud.

  6. After completing all sides of the cube, it must be sewn from the wrong side, leaving only one seam open.

  7. Turning the cube on the front side, you need to fill it with foam rubber. To do this, cut the squares and fold them into a cube in the appropriate size. Places that are poorly filled should be reported with cotton wool. Sew the last side of the cube on the front side.

The product is ready. The whole cube is sewn by hand, without using sewing machine. Enjoy your work, and the kid an exciting game!

Toys, the length of which can be changed with the help of fasteners.


The elements are interconnected with the help of various fasteners: buttons, magnetic buttons, carabiners, lacing and sticky (contact) tape.

The head of the dachshund is attached to the body with adhesive tape.

Body parts connected with buttons

Ludmila Morozova

Like these ones toys - fun, for which a minimum of material is required (threads, a little cotton wool for stuffing, buttons, satin ribbons, a lock, Velcro). Manufacturing toys does not require much effort and time. Knitting is the most ordinary and simple, accessible even for beginners.

Using this material, you can solve a number of educational tasks:

The study of the concept of "one", "many";

- "more less";

- development of sensory skills;

- development tactile perception (different yarn, different knitting - hook, knitting needles);

Studying various kinds clasps (lock - zipper, buttons, Velcro);

Fixing primary colors (yellow, red, blue, green).

And the pyramid, and the caterpillar, and peas, will come in handy both in organizing educational activities and for independent children's activities. Children can use it when organizing an individual game, include it in a role-playing game. game. game material meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: affordable, safe, multifunctional and so on.

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