Kanzashi technique: we create jewelry from satin ribbons with our own hands. How to make kanzashi hair clips: a master class for beginners Kanzashi satin flowers in hair

Fashion for original jewelry and accessories will always exist. The modern trend is hand-made style. Things made into hairpins, headbands, brooches look very impressive and fabulously beautiful. It is not difficult to make such an ornament. In addition, it does not require expensive materials. Simple tips will help you create an original hair ornament that is right for you.


To make kanzashi hairpins, you will need the following:

  • Frame (base), which you buy on purpose or take from unnecessary decoration.
  • (color and width - at your discretion). You can also use the right fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler (more convenient to measure blanks).
  • Lighter, candle for processing edges and joining layers of the workpiece.
  • Tweezers, clamp, tongs.
  • Threads with a needle.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Decor (beads, beads).

So, nothing special is used. Tapes are available and inexpensive. If there is no thermal gun, you can do without it.

How to add simple elements?

To make beautiful kanzashi hairpins, it is enough to master just one simple way to make parts.

Blanks can be made single-layer, two- and three-layer. These balls are best combined from ribbons of different colors, and if there is a suitable fabric, then with squares from it. Choose the size of your choice.

To make single petals, work like this:

  1. Cut the ribbon into squares.
  2. Process the cuts over the flame (melt the edges).
  3. Fold the square in half.
  4. Fold the resulting triangle in half twice.
  5. Melt the bottom edge in a flame and firmly connect with a clamp or tweezers so that the layers of the petal are completely fused along the bottom border.

How to make a petal from several squares?

To make a double or triple petal, proceed as follows:

  1. Cut out the required number of squares. For one petal - 2 or 3, respectively. You can use tapes of the same width, then you will have to cut the lower border of the workpiece in the future. If you immediately take squares of different sizes, this is not necessary.
  2. Fold each square in half individually. And once again in this way - all the resulting triangles.
  3. Lay the prepared parts one on top of the other in accordance with the size (larger - smaller).
  4. Fold the prepared multilayer structure in half.
  5. Melt the bottom edge of the part by treating the flame of a candle or lighter and pressing it with tweezers. If your bottom border is uneven (the tapes were the same size), trim it first with scissors.

make it easy!

The simplest decorations are easy to make on the basis of invisibility in the form of a flower.

The execution sequence is as follows:

  1. Prepare the required number of single, double or triple petals made using the technology described above.
  2. If you prefer petals that resemble the shape of a ringlet, cut off the bottom corners of the blanks.
  3. Connect successively all the petals in a circle, using threads (fishing line) with a needle, a heat gun or fusing blanks by heat treatment.
  4. Cut a circle out of cardboard that is the same size or slightly smaller than the base (back side) of the flower.
  5. Cut out a circle with a larger diameter than the cardboard part from the fabric or tape.
  6. Put the cardboard blank on the wrong side of the fabric and pull off the edges of the circle along the contour with a needle and thread.
  7. Glue the prepared part with cardboard to the flower. The reverse side of the flower turned out to be neat and dense. No gluing between the petals is visible.
  8. Apply glue to the hairpin and press the completed flower to it.
  9. After drying, decorate the front side: glue a bead in the center, you can glue a drop-shaped pearl in the middle of each petal. Apply glitter gel or nail polish to the tips of the petals.
  10. Make the second such hairpin (usually they are made in pairs) in the same way.

Kanzashi hairpins: master class

A more complex, even asymmetric design can be made on the basis of an automatic hairpin, metal or with a rubberized insert.

Work like this:

  1. Take the same flower as the main element, as for small hairpins. Make all the petals and combine them into a flower using the technology described above. In different hairpins, you can change the number, size of the petals, combinations of single and multilayer parts.
  2. In this case, the bases in the form of a circle for a flower can be omitted, but it will be necessary to make a strip substrate made according to the size of the hairpin. This frame element will be made in the same way as a circle. However, you should not take too thick cardboard if you need to glue the decor on an arcuate surface.
  3. To create a beautiful hairpin from ribbons (“kanzashi”), in addition to the central flower, make a few more smaller ones, but according to the same principle.
  4. Place smaller flowers symmetrically or asymmetrically with respect to the central one.
  5. Perform elements in the form of leaves and twigs. Place them on the base to the right and left of the central part.
  6. Use additional decor from beads, feathers and other suitable elements.

As you have seen, it is not difficult to make beautiful kanzashi hair clips. The main thing is to master one of the basic ways of adding blanks, and you can combine them into a finished decoration according to the model from a photograph or, with a little imagination, in accordance with your individual author's idea.

Frequent and very popular jewelry among modern fashionistas are handmade jewelry. After all, these jewelry are unique, exclusive and very beautiful. They are always performed on individual orders and 100% repetition is simply impossible, since the work is very delicate and sensitive, and besides, it is calculated precisely on the fact that the work will be done very finely to the smallest detail. It is among hair ornaments that a technique in modern needlework called is very common. This is a technique that came to us from oriental beauties, who can very subtly combine and create flower arrangements in different colors and ratios. So oriental beauties learned to decorate combs, hairpins, bandages, elastic bands with beautiful flowers, which gave their hair a special beauty and sophistication. This technique has passed to us and is very popular today. Therefore, in order not to look for a master in creating jewelry, you can familiarize yourself with this master class and make beautiful hairpins with your own hands.

For the master class you need to take:
Ribbon of salad-colored brocade 4 cm wide;
Beige satin ribbon with polka dots 35 mm wide;
Metal hairpin machine;
Two metal hair clips;
Brilliant cabochons for green centers;
Glue gun;
Scissors, ruler, lighter, tweezers and pencil.

In this master class, we will consider the creation of different hairpins, the flowers on which will be made in two colors and the petals will be made in two types.

We cut squares from a brocade ribbon 4 * 4 cm and from a satin ribbon 35 * 35 mm. We cut a lot of squares from both ribbons and burn them all around the edges with a lighter.

So let's take one square. We fold the satin square diagonally.

Then fold it up again.

We clamp it in the clamp and set it aside for now. Now we also add the brocade square.

The first time they folded and the second. Now we put the salad blank on the beige one, with a shift of about 2 mm down. We press together.

Fold in half again and make cuts on the sides and bottom. They need to be burned with a lighter.

The first kind of petal is ready. Now we will make petals of a different kind. We also take a square.

Fold in half diagonally once, then inward the right side of the petal.

Then the left side of the petal. Now we turn the petal back and cut off from the bottom and side.

We also burn all the cuts and level the petal.

We do the same with a brocade square.

We get the same petal with a partition.

The kanzashi technique is a unique way to create unique hair ornaments, flowers and spikelets to decorate brooches, belts, festive dresses and accessories.

It is generally accepted that the technique is based on an unusual pointed petal made of satin ribbons. But kanzashi jewelry options can be different and complex. In this master class, you will learn the secrets of making a kanzashi hairpin, which is based on an original pink flower, consisting of two layers. You can learn other techniques from our other step-by-step instructions.

Preparation for the master class

To create one kanzashi hairpin, the following materials were used:

  • squares of white (16 pcs) and pink (8 pcs) satin ribbon with a side of 5 cm;
  • glue gun;
  • lighter;
  • scissors;
  • golden bead hugger and mother-of-pearl pink half-bead;
  • thread and needle;
  • felt circle with a diameter of 2 cm;
  • a click-clack hairpin or an elastic band.

If this is your first time making jewelry from ribbons, read our article on. All master classes in manufacturing.

Stages of making hairpins with kanzashi flowers

Use half of the white and all pink satin squares to create the lower tier of the flower. The remaining half of the white blanks will go to a plain top layer.

First, make double pointed petals. Pre-walk the flame of the lighter along the edges of the cut pieces of tape. Take the prepared square.

Bend it in half twice, forming a triangle, the size of which is a quarter of the previous part.

Glue the ends in the resulting blank to get an oblong kanzashi petal. Trim the lower part evenly by 0.5 cm.

The white petal for the upper tier is ready, there should be 8 pieces of such blanks for kanzashi ribbon clips.

To create the bottom layer of two-color petals, prepare the rest of the details. Bend the white and pink squares twice separately.

Place the pink blank on the white one, slightly shifting the upper part relative to the lower one (by 1 mm).

In the resulting isosceles triangle, glue two opposite corners.

Trim the bottom of the petal as well.

Two-color and one-color flowers from prepared parts can be created using a strong thread and a needle. String each petal on a thread, tighten the knot and distribute the parts around the circumference.

Collect a beautiful flower for a kanzashi hairpin.

Do the same with eight white petals.

Prepare a suitable hairpin and felt circle.

Cut a strip in the circle, slightly shifting it from the center. This method will allow you to fasten the click-clack hairpin.

Unfasten the hairpin and thread the tongue through the slit.

When both flowers and the blank for attaching the clip are ready, take the hugger and half bead.

Glue a golden-pink composition on the top white flower.

Glue the top tier onto the bottom flower.

Glue a felt circle with a hairpin on the back of the flower to turn the product into a hair ornament.

This use of a delicate flower is not the only one. If you attach a pin on the back, you get a wonderful brooch. Also, the flower can be glued to the headband or hair band.

Hairpins are still in fashion today, so make some accessories using ribbons of different colors.

Creating festive hairstyles is an art, and often going to a hairdresser turns into a big expense. However, it is not at all necessary to go broke every time you want to become the queen of a party, since it is enough to decorate well-groomed curls with an unusual hairpin and you can safely go to conquer men's hearts. Headbands, hairpins and kanzashi from which you can make yourself look especially beautiful. Depending on the size, they are ideal for decorating girls' hairstyles of different ages, including everyday ones.

Simple option: what you need

If you want to learn how to make kanzashi-style hair ties yourself, then you should not immediately start creating compositions with a lot of details, hoping to become the author of a masterpiece. Try to get a product decorated with one small flower first.

For this you will need:

  • satin ribbon of red, white and green colors 4 cm wide;
  • soft hair band with thread braiding;
  • scissors;
  • rhinestones to decorate the middle;
  • candle (lighter);
  • satin ribbon 10 or 5 mm wide green;
  • glue gun.


To make a flower of 5 petals, you need to cut 3 squares from a red satin ribbon 4 cm wide and 2 from white.

  • fold in half diagonally;
  • turn fold up;
  • create 3 folds in the lower part so that a petal is obtained;
  • cut from the inside;
  • melt the cut on the flame of a candle and pinch it with your fingers to grab it.

As for the manufacture of the leaf, then, again, first a square is cut out of a green satin ribbon. Then:

  • cut it along the diagonal;
  • put the halves on top of each other;
  • melt the long side and squeeze with your fingers so that the halves stick together;
  • again cut diagonally perpendicular to the seam to make two blanks;
  • take one half and fold the sharp ends to the wrong side;
  • “Glue” the sheet in the lower part on the flame of a candle;
  • do the same with the second piece.

When all the petals and 2 leaves are ready, proceed to the design of the flower and gum.

flower assembly

At the final stage of creating hair ties (kanzashi) use

Assembly is done like this:

  • glue all the petals so that a flower is obtained;
  • decorate the middle with a rhinestone;
  • from the wrong side, two leaves are glued to the flower;
  • press with fingers so that all parts are connected more tightly;
  • cut a thin strip 5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide from a green ribbon;
  • fold in half;
  • put a drop of glue on the fold;
  • put the tape on the metal clip of the gum;
  • glued so that the junction is right next to the elastic;
  • straighten the ends of the strip;
  • glued from the wrong side to the elastic;
  • cut off the ends of the strip and grease with glue;
  • lay a flower and press it with your fingers.

What will it take to make a multi-layered flower for decorating an elastic band?

Having mastered the technique of round petals, you can move on to creating more complex products. As in the previous master class, the basis of the product will be squares cut from satin ribbons of two different colors 3, 4 and 7 cm wide. As for tools, you will need a glue gun , ballpoint pen, sharp scissors, candle, lighter, tweezers and ruler. You will also need a rhinestone or bead to decorate the middle of the flower and an elastic band with a textile braid, cotton threads to match the ribbons, thick cardboard and a needle.

Making a two-layer kanzashi hair band: a master class

First of all, you should learn how to glue a sharp petal. For this:

  • a square cut from a satin ribbon 7 cm wide is folded in half diagonally;
  • repeat this action so that the new fold goes from the top of the right angle to the center of the hypotenuse;
  • fold the workpiece for the last time;
  • cut as shown in the figure below;
  • clamp the petal with tweezers;
  • “solder” sections over the flame of a candle;
  • do the same with 13 more squares from a ribbon of the same color 7 cm wide.

According to the same scheme, petals are made for the second and third levels of the flower for hair ties (kanzashi). They can be from a ribbon of the same or different colors, 3 and 4 cm wide. At the same time, 5 of them should be smaller in size, and 9 should be larger.


Making an intricate DIY kanzashi scrunchie flower will require patience, especially in the last step. Assembly is carried out in the following order:

  • sew the tips of large petals so that a flower is obtained;
  • cut a circle with a diameter of 3 cm from a small piece of thick cardboard to match the flower;
  • sew together medium-sized petals;
  • first stick the first flower on the cardboard;
  • fixed on top with a second gun;
  • glue together the smallest petals;
  • from the tape that was used to make the first flower, cut a strip 1 cm wide;
  • stick the third flower on the other two and decorate in the center with a rhinestone or bead;
  • the prepared strip is placed under the elastic so that the metal clip is in its center;
  • put a drop of glue on it;
  • fold the strip;
  • straighten and cut the ends, leaving a cut 1.5 cm long on each side;
  • glued to a cardboard mug;
  • squeeze firmly.

and weaving: what you need

In addition to the kanzashi hair band, you can make other hair decorations using this technique. For example, a great idea is to make with original weaving.

For this you will need:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • tweezers;
  • lighter;
  • file;
  • glue (for example, "Moment-gel");
  • pencil;
  • satin ribbon 400 mm long and 50 mm wide;
  • plastic headband 1-1.5 cm wide;
  • thread and needle;
  • two satin ribbons of different colors, about 150 cm long and 6 mm wide;
  • beads, beads, buttons or other decorations for the middle of the flower.

Headband braiding

Before you make such a hair ornament, you need to burn the edges of thin satin ribbons. Then:

  • a drop of glue is dripped on their inside out;
  • connected in a loop;
  • pull the dark green ribbon (N1) through the loop at the end of the light green (N2);
  • throw the end of N2 through the index finger on the left hand;
  • stretch it into the loop of the first tape;
  • continue weaving until you get a pigtail equal to the length of the rim.
  • tape ends are not cut;
  • remove the glossy layer from the surface of the rim with a file so that the pigtail sticks easier;
  • apply glue;
  • put on a pigtail;
  • press down;
  • cut the edges of the tapes;
  • burn;
  • glue the pigtails inside.

The decoration for the headband is created in the same way as for the kanzashi hair clips and elastic bands.

It can be in the form of a single flower or a bouquet with or without leaves. In this case, both round and sharp petals, including double ones, can be used.

Another option for braiding the rim is also possible. This will require two very long thin satin ribbons of contrasting colors 2 and 1 cm wide. The first ribbon is tightly wrapped around the rim along the entire length and the ends are fixed with glue. Beads with a diameter of about 8 mm are put on the second. Wrap the rim around it so that all the beads are on the outside. Fix the ends of the tape with glue. Decorate the product with a flower glued together as already described.

Now you know how kanzashi hair ties are made using the kanzashi technique (a step-by-step process for creating such jewelry is presented above). As you can see, everything is quite simple, and anyone who is patient can create a chic hair accessory.

Kanzashi - national Japanese jewelry for women's hairstyles. Previously, they were worn with kimonos. Japanese women have always been famous for their grace and restraint, but they devoted a lot of time to their hairstyles. The hairpin (kanzashi) has become a traditional hair ornament.

What is kanzashi

This type of jewelry became popular in Japan in the 1700s when Chinese fashion made its way to the island. The most expensive hairpins of that time were made from the bones of a crane, and were intended exclusively for the nobility.

They are hairpins and combs with a variety of decorations.

How to wear kanzashi hairpins in Japan

Modern kanzashi are very diverse. Hairpins are made of various materials: wood, silver, gold, plastic. Jewelry are precious and semi-precious stones, corals, artificial imitations of expensive materials. In Japan, there is still a clear gradation in wearing this type of jewelry. It implies the age and social status of the woman.

In European countries, there are no restrictions, and girls wear beautiful and bright hairpins without hesitation.

In modern Japan, kanzashi is chosen not only based on the above criteria, but also by seasons and months.

How to make kanzashi yourself

By the way, it is very easy to make kanzashi hairpins with your own hands, even if you have never done this before, or even hear such a name for the first time.

Basically, homemade kanzashi are made from satin ribbons. Therefore, now we will consider several options for how to make hair clips. Kanzashi translates as "hairpin", respectively, this will be the basis. And with the help of small pieces of fabric or ribbons, flower petals are folded, subsequently connected with tweezers and glue.

Here is such an interesting decorative art. If you do not have satin ribbons, use any other fabric that is available. There are many interesting and affordable kanzashi workshops for beginners and for crafters who want to improve their level.

List of materials needed to make kanzashi

Below is the easiest way to make kanzashi hairpins with your own hands. The master class is designed for beginners.

So, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • ribbons (5 and 4 centimeters wide) of the colors you like;
  • a ruler, a simple pencil, chalk or a bar of soap to make the necessary marks;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • ordinary tweezers or tweezers;
  • lighter;
  • glue;
  • the basis;
  • auxiliary jewelry (beads, beads, sequins).

Algorithm for creating colors for kanzashi

When everything is prepared, you can start creating.

Another way to make flowers from ribbons

Now we present you a more complex technique for making a floral ornament on hairpins. And in this case, the petals will be flat and wide.

Prepare strips of satin ribbons 2 centimeters wide and 9 centimeters long. You will need 14 pieces. Take at least two colors. Scorch the edges of the ribbons so that the threads do not spread further.

You will also need a needle and thread. Now start making petals. To do this, bend one strip in half and diagonally, then in half again. Using a thread and a needle, sew the base in such a way that a recess is obtained in the middle. Make six more of the same petals, stitching them together to make a flower. It's okay if the leaves are not firmly fixed. Everything will be fixed later.

In exactly the same way, make a second flower from the remaining stripes of a different color. Glue the two resulting decorations together, and do not forget to make the middle using a bead. Wrap the hairpin with ribbon and glue the flower to the base.

Here's how easy and quick you can make your own hair clips. Kanzashi are very delicate and beautiful. In Japan, such decorations are selected, depending on the season. Although we do not have such measures, nevertheless, there is an unspoken rule when bright and colorful colors are preferred in the warm season, and dark shades prevail in cold times.

What you need to make a rose from ribbons with your own hands

Of course, no floral ensemble is complete without exquisite red roses. Rose is the queen of the flower world. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of the fair sex prefer jewelry in the form of this flower, this includes hairpins. Kanzashi hairpins decorated with roses look elegant and spectacular.

So, you will need:

  • barrette;
  • tape 2.5 centimeters wide;
  • glue gun;
  • lighter;
  • tweezers;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors.

How to make a rose

Here's how you can make your own ribbon hairpins. Kanzashi are not just beautiful decorations, but also a great way to develop your creative skills.

Kanzashi hairpins and more

In addition to flowers, you can also make figures of insects and animals, various representatives of flora and fauna. Kanzashi hairpins look great in combination with artificial berries, for example, mountain ash.

Having learned how to make such beauty, you can decorate not only your hair, but also make bouquets that you can take to a celebration or decorate your home table with them. You can make paintings, brooches, bracelets and other decorations.

Needless to say, kanzashi hair clips make the perfect gift for any occasion.

Experiment, try to master new types of decorations, complicating and improving your level. Then you will be able to create not just kanzashi ribbon hairpins, but real works of art that will attract the attention of everyone around.