Summary of the lesson “Familiarization of children of senior preschool age with the properties of glass. A project to familiarize preschool children with the work of adults. Professions

Abstract directly educational activities
for older children preschool age
"Introducing children to the properties of glass and plastic."

educator MADOU
"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 17
Alekseevka, Belgorod Region"

Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of glass and plastic.
Glass is smooth, hard, waterproof, brittle, transparent, heavy, cold.
Plastic - smooth, soft, resilient, waterproof, durable, opaque, light, warm.
Exercise children in the ability to examine objects, highlight their qualities and properties, guided by the instructions of the teacher. To consolidate the ability of children to group objects according to common characteristics. Continue to acquaint children with how people use the properties and qualities of materials in the manufacture various items.

Visual material: glass and plastic objects at the teacher, one glass and plastic object for each child on the table.

Course progress.

The teacher lays out glass and plastic objects on a separate table into two groups: on the one hand, glass objects, on the other - plastic objects. Children stand around the table so that everyone can see clearly.
- Guys, look carefully at the items on my table, what do you see? (Children list - cups, bubbles, toys .... etc.)
- Items with different purposes. How else do they differ from each other? (With the help of leading questions, the teacher leads the children to the conclusion that the objects are different in color, shape, size.)
- But you see that I divided all the objects into two groups, try to guess on what basis I divided them. Take a close look at these items. (Points to objects made of glass) How are all these objects similar, what is their common feature? (If the children do not guess, you can ask what material the objects are made of)
-Yes, all these items are made of the same material - glass. Glass was invented 5000 years ago. years ago, they made it like this: they poured sand, ash into a clay pot, added paints and soda and boiled for a long time on fire until a soft, shiny dough was obtained. Then the master glazier took in his hands a clay stick, empty inside, on one end he picked up a little melted glass, and on the other end he took it into his mouth and blew a glass bubble in the same way as children blow soap bubbles. By blowing the glass, the master gave his products nice shape, and elegant, beautiful vases, multi-colored beads and other products were obtained. A craftsman who blows glass is called a glassblower. One day, an old master glass blower had an idea: to blow a large glass bubble and cut off the ends from both sides. It turned out to be a straight tube. He cut the soft and still warm glass tube lengthwise and unfolded it on the table. He made a sheet of glass. The first glass was cloudy, uneven: one edge thicker, the other thinner. And then they invented a machine that draws a liquid glass mass from a melting furnace in the form of a wide long ribbon. When the glass strip has cooled, it is cut into pieces, and now the window glass, glass for cabinets is ready. Glass blowing is a difficult profession, for men, and not every man can master it.
What do these items have in common? (Pointing to plastic items.) They are also made from the same material. Who knows what it's called? (children's answers)
-Some of you correctly named the material - it's plastic. Repeat this new word. Listen, what an interesting word - "plastic". It consists of two words - plastic mass (plastic means soft). If glass is made from natural material- from sand, then plastic was invented by chemists, this is an artificial material.
Today we will talk with you about the properties of glass and plastic. This is a ruler made of plastic, it can be bent a little (bends). Look, I release it, and it returns to its original form. What property of plastic can we talk about? (Children find it difficult, the teacher calls the property - elastic) Plastic is a soft and elastic material. (Children in chorus and individually repeat the new word "elastic")
- You have glass vials on the table, take them in your hands, try to bend them. (Children follow the instructions) Did it work? (No). So plastic is a soft material. And glass, what material? (solid)
- Glass and plastic have different properties, but they also have the same properties. Look, I will pour water into a glass cup and into a plastic one. Are glasses leaking? (No) So what is their common property? (Children try to find the right word). Glass and plastic are waterproof, i.e. water does not penetrate through them. Let's repeat this difficult word. (Children repeat in chorus and individually)
Do glass and plastic still have the same properties? You have not only glass objects on your table, but also plastic ones, run your hand first over the glass object, and then over the plastic one. (Children follow the instructions). What other similar property can you distinguish between glass and plastic if you run your hand over them? (They are smooth)
- Put a glass object on one hand and a plastic object on the other, weigh them. What properties can we talk about? Which item is heavier? (Glass is heavier than plastic)
The teacher achieves complete answers from the children: glass is heavier than plastic, and plastic is lighter than glass.
- Now hold a glass object in one hand and a plastic one in the other. What object cools the hand? (Glass). So, what other properties of glass and plastic can we talk about? What glass? (Cold). And plastic, what material? (Warm). Glass is colder than plastic and plastic is warmer than glass.
-Do you think that if a glass object falls on the floor, it might break? Remember when last year we dropped glass ball hell, what happened to him? (It broke) We can say that glass breaks, so what kind of material is it? (Children choose the right word) Yes, this material is fragile, fragile, fragile. And if I drop a plastic object (drops), does it break? How can you say about plastic, what kind of material is it? (Unbreakable, durable). Plastic is stronger than glass. Repeat and remember.
- Yes, guys, plastic is stronger than glass, it does not break, so many different items are made of plastic - toys, rulers, various cups and plates that are convenient to take on the road, into the forest, as well as cans, basins for washing, etc. . (The teacher shows all the items to the children).
- Plastic and glass have different properties. Look through the glass objects, do you see anything? (Yes) Can you see anything through plastic objects? (No) If you can see through objects, then what is it like? (Children remember the word "transparent." If the children do not know this word, the teacher says it, and the children repeat). So, glass is a transparent material, and plastic is opaque. Where is this property of glass used? What transparent objects does a person make from glass? Look around and call me. (Children find glass objects in the group - window glass, an aquarium, light bulbs)
That's how many different qualities glass and plastic have. Why does a person need to know the properties of materials? (To know what items can be made from these materials). Let's remember together what properties of glass and plastic we learned. First, let's recall the same properties.
-Glass and plastic - waterproof, smooth.
-Now I will start, and you continue:
glass is hard, and plastic ... .. (soft, elastic);
glass is transparent, and plastic .... (opaque);
glass is cold, and plastic .... (warm);
glass is fragile, and plastic ...... (durable);
glass is heavy, and plastic ... (light).
And now we will play with you and fix the properties of plastic. We will be passing on a plastic toy and naming the properties of the plastic. The teacher starts and passes the toy to the child:
plastic is soft, elastic, and glass ...... (hard);
plastic is opaque, and glass ... .. (transparent);
plastic is warm, and glass ... (cold);
plastic is strong, and glass .... (brittle, breaking);
plastic is light, and glass .... (heavy).
Outcome. So, guys, today we got acquainted with the properties of glass and plastic. These materials have properties that people need to make various items. Glass is not only dishes, mirrors, it is also the lenses of cameras, movie cameras. We said that glass is a very fragile material, but now scientists have managed to create a very strong glass. It can be used to make windows for cars and airplanes. If you throw a heavy steel ball on such glass, it will not break, and if it does break, then there will be no sharp-edged fragments from it and people will not be injured by the fragments.
And some plastics also have extraordinary properties. There are plastics that are stronger than steel, and there are also plastics that are very hot and make nylon out of them. (Show kapron tape). All plastics are not afraid of moisture, do not rust, do not rot, so often plastic replaces wood, metal, glass. And a person learned all these properties by studying them, there is such a science - chemistry, which studies the properties of various materials.

Alyokhina Tatyana Viktorovna, teacher of the kindergarten "Solnyshko", Kotovsk, Tambov region.

Scenario of organizing and conducting GCD in a group of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all children 4-5 years old

GCD theme: In the glass country

Time spending: 9. 00

Duration: 20 minutes.

Location: group room

Program tasks:

To form and systematize children's ideas about glass production

Expand knowledge about a variety of products from it

Activate children's vocabulary (glass factory, glass blower, glassware artist, glassware, thin, transparent, colored, fragile)

Develop cognitive interest through research activities.

To form in children a value attitude towards knowledge, how to necessary condition doing any business.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of the profession "Glazier"

Integration of educational areas

Priority area- "Informative - speech development» (Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening horizons)

According to the tasks and content of psychological and pedagogical work:"Communicative - personal development»

By means of organizing and optimizing the educational process:"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Activities: motor, game, communicative, presentation perception (images of the man-made world), productive

Material: chest, glassware, glass doll, containers with liquid soap solution, cocktail tubes, laptop, presentation "Where glass comes from" (1 slide - glass factory, 2 slide sand, 3 slide oven and glassblower, 4, 5, 6 slides - glass products)

Preparation for the event: ventilation of the group room, wet cleaning, placement of equipment and materials in a place convenient for solving educational and educational problems.

(Children play on their own, the teacher draws attention to the appearance of a glass doll, then speaks for her).


Educator: Oh, children, who planted this beautiful creature here, whose doll? (makes an inviting gesture to the children)

Children: We do not know.

(At this time, the doll comes to life and starts talking.)

Educator and children: We are children from kindergarten, we play here. How you got here, we don't know.

Queen: Again, I messed up everything, but I need to go to the glass country.

Educator: Oh, how interesting, but what such exists?

Queen: Certainly.

Educator: Guys, I've never been there, have you? Let's ask our guest to show us her?

(The teacher and children discuss the situation that has arisen)

Queen: I agree to tell you about my country, but first guess my riddles, and all the riddles are in the chest (draws the children's attention to the chest)

I silently look at everyone, and everyone looks at me.

Merry see laughter, sad I cry.

Deep as a river, I'm at home on your wall.

The old man will see the old man, the child will see the child in me . (mirror)

If the children find it difficult to answer, then the teacher asks leading questions: What does everyone look like every day? Where can you see yourself? Similarly, work is carried out with other riddles.

The house is a glass bubble, and the light lives in it.

During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. (bulb)

Two friends look in two circles (glasses)

What kind of glass brothers

For tea, juice, milk? (glass, glass)

To have dinner with everyone together, what do you need to put on the table?

Deep or shallow, for eating... (plate)

(during answers, get objects)

Queen: Guys, what are all these things made of?

Children: From glass

Queen: Yes. This is my favorite material. My country is famous for the fact that everything in it is made of glass. What glass items do you know? Where can they be seen?

(Children answer)

Queen: I see glass objects you are familiar with. What happens if you hit the glass?

Children: will split

Queen: Of course, if you hit hard, and if you carefully, the glass will make a melodic sound. And let's play! I will hit glass objects with a stick, and you have to remember which object has which sound, then you turn away, I hit one of the objects again, and you have to guess which object I hit.

(the game "Define by sound" is being held)

Queen: Do you know what glass is made of? I can show you, but the computer will help me with this.

presentation of the presentation "Where does the glass come from":

1 slide: Glass is made in a special glass factory. In ancient times, glass was brewed in small furnaces, years passed, a large factory was built, where glass craftsmen began to make a variety of dishes, figurines, etc.

2 slide: In order to make glass, the master mixes white sand and soda in a pot, and then in a special oven at very high temperature heats them up. The powder turns into a viscous viscous mass. That's why they say: "glass is boiled." However, molten glass is still only a material.

3 slide: A master glassblower collects a ball of molten glass on the tip of a long iron tube and blows a bubble out of it, and then gives it desired shape. Hard work glassblower! The oven burns the face of the master with its heat, it is difficult to blow the product out of the glass drop

4, 5, 6 slides: Masters - glassblowers to this day blow out of glass bubbles amazing in beauty, variety of shapes and colors works of art. Check out amazing products (figurines, vases, dishes, etc.) made in a glass factory. They are varied in shape, color, decoration. Can't take your eyes off this beauty!

Queen: Do you want to feel like a "Glassblower", try to blow a balloon?

Children: Yes

Queen: Then I invite you to a mini laboratory.

(Children blow soap bubbles, play with them)

Educator: Guys, how do soap bubbles look like glass balls? And how are they different?

(The queen listens to the answers of the children, clarifies and summarizes them)

Queen: Dear friends, I really liked you, so I want to have a memory of you. Please draw me glass objects that you like as a keepsake.

(children draw and give to the queen, she thanks, says goodbye to them and leaves)

Summary of the lesson on the topic:

"Introduction to Glass". (middle group.)

Target: Clarify and expand children's ideas about glass.

Tasks: 1. Introduce the history of the appearance of glass, empirically determine
glass qualities: transparent, hard, ringing, brittle.

2. Promote the development of cognitive processes, develop speech
children to improve their vocabulary.

3. Formulate the rules for handling glass objects on
the basis of the received representations.

Lesson progress:the children in the group are informed that Dunno called the kindergarten and asked for help, but the connection was interrupted, and the teacher did not understand what exactly Dunno wanted. Children are invited to help Dunno, go to visit him in flower city. The teacher with the children enter the music room.

caregiver: A magic wand will help us get to the magical city. We pronounce
desire, close our eyes and count to three: “We want to get into
flower city.

At this time, Dunno appears, sits down at the table and sorts through the objects on the table with a preoccupied look. Children open their eyes.

Educator: Children, look, we are with you in a clearing in the Flower City, and here is Dunno's house. And here Dunno sits sad and preoccupied. Let's come closer, say hello and find out what happened to him.

Educator: Hello Dunno! What happened, can we help?

Dunno: Hello children. Hello Lyudmila Anatolyevna. I don't know if you can help me. I was going to visit the Sunny City, I bought gifts for my friends, put everything in a basket, I was already going to go. And then Znayka came, looked and said that I have half of the gifts made of glass and you can’t just put them together like that, you need to pack them carefully! And I look and don’t understand anything: what kind of glass are they and why can’t they just be put in a basket?

Educator: Znayka is right, you have a lot of glass objects here. Children, tell me what kind of objects are “glass” and why can’t they be put in a basket so easily? (they are made of glass) Why can't they just be carried in a basket? (they can break) That's right, they are fragile and can break. Do you know what glass is made of and how it first appeared? Do you want to know? To do this, we need to go to the distant past. Dunno, are you with us? Let's sit in the clearing, make a wish, close our eyes and count to three.

At this time, the teacher puts in the clearing "a fire - sand, in the middle of a spirit lamp, around soda and chalk."Educator: Once upon a time, sailors moored on an unfamiliar sandy shore. They lit a fire (lights a spirit lamp). There were no stones nearby, and so that the fire would not go out, they surrounded it with stones of soda and chalk, which they transported on their ships. Fatigue and night took their toll and the sailors fell asleep. And when they woke up in the morning, they saw shiny pebbles - droplets in the sand between the stones of soda and chalk. So for the first time people got glass. Pick up the soda stones and see what's there? (Children find shiny beads and examine them).

Educator: Did they do it together on fire? (sand, soda and chalk). And until now, people take these three parts: sand, soda, chalk, heat it up and get glass. At first, glass was used only for windows and it was multi-colored. A mosaic pattern was made from colored glass pieces and inserted into frames. It turned out beautiful windows - stained-glass windows. Gradually, more and more objects began to be made from glass. Do you know glass objects? (children's answers) And in order to find out what other glass products are, we need to return to the Flower City. But first, I want to ask Dunno: “Do you remember what glass was made of?” (no) Do you children know? (children's answers) Well done, right! And so we go to the Flower City. Make a wish, close your eyes and count to three.

(The teacher puts out the fire

Educator: Here we are back in the Flower City. Dunno, we need to carefully study and examine the glass, where can this be done? Dunno: In the laboratory at Znayka, he has a lot of different items there. Educator: Very well, then see us off! Children sit at the tables, Dunno with them. On the tables each child has a transparent glass plate, an opaque plastic plate. A glass glass transparent, and plastic, a glass stick, a wooden bar.

Educator: Let's take a glass plate in our hands, look through it, is everything visible? And through plastic? What is the glass plate? (Transparent. Choral and individual answers of children.) The glass is transparent.

Take a plastic cup, squeeze it? Wrinkles? So what is he? (soft). Try squeezing a glass cup. Happened? Why? (It's hard.) Glass is hard. Take a stick, tap on the cube. Ringing? Now tap on the glass. What kind of glass, how does it ring? (voiced) The glass is sonorous. Why did Znayka say that glass should be handled carefully? (it may break) Glass is fragile. Well Dunno, do you understand what kind of glass? Stranger: No, I'm confused. Educator: But the children remembered. Tell Dunno again what kind of glass? (transparent, hard, sonorous, fragile) Educator: Well done! See what items can be made from glass? (On the table: flasks, test tubes, a bottle, a jar, a plate, a light bulb, Christmas tree decoration, glass vase, beads.) Do you want to know how glass objects are made? The teacher's story about the sequence of making glass objects, using drawings - diagrams.

Educator: And now you and I will also be glassblowers. Inflate the glass drop to the right sizes and make it what we want (ask the children what they will blow). Educator: Here we examined the glass, what it is and we can easily find glass objects at the Dunno on the table. And so that they do not break, they must be carefully packed each separately in something soft. What, for example? (children's answers) I have soft napkins. Choose a glass object, take a napkin and carefully wrap it. Don't know where to put them? Children wrap glass toys and carefully put Dunno in a box. Dunno thanks the children and says goodbye.

Educator: It's time for us to go to kindergarten. We have other things to do. We make a wish: “We want to go to kindergarten”, close our eyes, count to three. We open our eyes. Here we are in kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to our guests and go to the group.

Lesson with elements of TRIZ technology to get acquainted with the outside world
"Introduction to the properties of glass"

Senior group

Program tasks:

To introduce children to the materials from which various things are made; help reveal glass properties (transparency, water permeability, smoothness, thickness, temperature, brittleness, etc.); develop memory, imagination, thinking, speech.

Material: glass items, bedspread, tokens, task scheme.

Quest progress:

Educator. Guys, do you like to play? Let's play with you. Want to? Stand in a semicircle.

Hello sky (hands up)

Hello Earth (squat)

Hello my friends (hands forward)

One, two, three, four, five / fingers crossed

Together we are in a circle again (Join hands)

We will play together

We want to travel again (they walk in a circle).

Educator. I have a surprise for you, we were invited to the glass country and sent a letter. This letter is unusual, it was sent by the Queen of the Glass Country herself, but in order to get to the glass country, you must first complete tasks that will help us to visit there.

Hello dear guys!

The Queen of the Glass Country is writing to you.

The inhabitants of my country are all made of glass. And I want to introduce you to them. If you are attentive and active, you will learn a lot of interesting and new things. And for this, to start our acquaintance, you must complete one task:

Say polite words.

caregiver . Do you want to meet the inhabitants of the glass country?

Well then, let's do the Queen's task.

Children call polite words, for each word they receive a chip.

caregiver . You have said so many polite words that the Queen will surely allow us to enter her country. (The teacher approaches the table on which glass objects are covered with a napkin.) Let's say “One, two, three!”, And open the napkin (the children speak with the teacher).

The teacher removes the napkin and the children see various glass objects: thin and faceted glasses, vases, bottles of salad bowls, various bottles, etc. The teacher offers to consider all these things, asks to name them. Draws attention to the fact that things are similar to each other, since they are all relatives.

caregiver . A lot of products are made from glass. I wonder why? Let's find out the properties of glass. (Dips a colored chip into the glass.) Children, what's in the glass? How did you know that there is a colored chip in the glass? Yes, the glass is transparent. Remember this word. Now go to the table and check the transparency of the glass (children put colored chips into the glass, look at each other through the glass).

Why do we see what is in the glass? (Because glass is transparent.)

caregiver . Guys, what are they made of glass, where else is this property used? (Glasses in cars, aquariums, etc. Children get chips for correct answers.)

caregiver . And what else is glass in color? Name the colored glass items that are on the table and determine the color (green glass, blue decanter, etc.).


Reflection in glass

Be a mirror image

Repeat my movements -

One two Three-

And repeat again!

caregiver . Guys, let's determine what kind of glass to the touch, what do you feel? (Children's answers: smooth, cold, slippery, etc.)

The teacher helps to identify one more property: look at the glass and now at the decanter, how do they differ? What are they in thickness? (There are products made of thin glass, and some are made of very thick glass.)

caregiver . What happens if I drop a glass product?

Children . It will break. So glass is fragile.

caregiver . Shall we experiment?

Children. No.

caregiver . Of course not, it will be very disappointing and pitiful if beautiful glass products break. Did you guys break any glass at your house?

Children . Answers.

caregiver . How should glassware be handled?

Children . Glass products must not be thrown, stones or balls must not be thrown into a glass window.

caregiver . How to collect broken glass?

Children . Sweep with a broom on a scoop, collect with gloves.

caregiver . That's right, guys with glass products must be handled very carefully.

Educator. Name the glassware into which we can pour water. (The teacher offers to pour water into a glass.) Does the glass let water through? This means that glass is waterproof, that is, we can pour water into any glassware.

Educator. And if you hit with a pencil glassware what will you hear? Correct melodic sound. You can also touch one glass to another (children repeat the experience).

Educator. And if you touch the glass, what will you feel? What glass to the touch?

Children . It is cold and smooth.

caregiver . Yes, guys, now the glass is cold, but if we pour hot tea, the glass glass will also become hot, which means that the glass passes heat well.

caregiver . Let's name all the properties of glass:

Glass transparent;

Glass is painted (colored);

Glass is fragile;

Glass does not let water through, waterproof;

Melodious glass;

Glass is cold but lets heat through;

The glass is smooth.

Educator. That's right, guys, you are great and remember the properties of glass well. Knowing the properties of glass, you can guess a riddle.

Sounding, transparent,

I'm not afraid of water

And hit - I'll break.

Children . Glass.

  1. Glass house on the window.

With clear water

With sand and pebbles at the bottom

And with a goldfish. (Aquarium.)

2 . Here is a glass bottle

And the light lives in it

He sleeps during the day and wakes up in the evening

It will ignite with a bright flame. (Bulb.)

3 . Grandma Barbara

Looked for them everywhere

Didn't get in the pipe

And they were found on the forehead. (Glasses.)

4 . Here is a glass pencil

He is our helper in need.

Will determine without doctors

Who is sick and who is healthy. (Thermometer.)

5. Cinderella with legs

Fell off by accident

She was not easy

And crystal. (Shoe.)

6. Ears hurt

Leaky nose

Sore eyes

We drip from it without fear. (Pipette.)

7. look at me

At least all day

Kohl on yourself

Look not too lazy. (Mirror.)


And now let's play the game "What I saw and what I remembered."

The teacher invites the children to carefully look at the objects, counts to three and covers everything with a veil. Children take turns to name the glass objects that they remember. Chips are awarded for a correct answer.

Educator. Children look what's in this glass jar?

Children . Sand.

caregiver . Why do we need sand?

Children . Children's answers.

Educator. I want to tell you the history of glass and you will find out why sand is needed. (Soda is added to make glass.)

caregiver . Children, tell me, what new have you learned about the inhabitants of the Glass Country?

caregiver . Now let's count who has how many chips? (Winners receive medals.)

Ekaterina Efremova
Summary of the lesson "Introduction of children of senior preschool age to the properties of glass"

« Familiarization of older preschool children with the properties of glass»


Introduce children with a history of origin glass. Introduce children to the properties of glass(light, color, waterproof, smooth, non-smooth, thick, thin, cold).

Get to know the professions(glass blower, glassmaker, glazier, cutter).

Develop memory, oral speech, imagination, thinking, enrich vocabulary. Introduce children with stained-glass window manufacturing technology. Cultivate a love of art, a love of beauty.

Planned results: Can keep up a conversation, accompanying emotional speech, reasoning, expressing his point of view, interested in children's visual activities


items from glass, bedspread, chips. Cards with diagrams, stained glass paints, glass.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Hello guys! Let's play with you. Want to? Please become a semicircle.

A game "What does it look like". The teacher shows cards with diagrams depicted on them, the children express their options.

IN: - Well done, children, we saw so many interesting things. And I have a surprise for you. Look, this letter was sent by the Queen glass country. Let's honor!

Text of the letter:

“Hello, dear guys!

The Queen is writing to you glass country. The inhabitants of my country are all made of glass. I want too introduce you to them. If you you will attentive and active, you will learn a lot of interesting and new things. And in order to start our acquaintance, you must complete one exercise: to call polite words.

IN: Children, do you want meet the inhabitants of the glass country? Well then, let's do the Queen's task.

Children call polite words, for each word they receive a chip.

IN: You have said so many polite words that the Queen will surely allow us to enter her country. (The teacher approaches the table on which the objects from glass covered with a napkin). Let's say "One two Three!" and open the napkin (children talk with the teacher). The teacher removes the napkin, and the children see various objects from glass.

IN: A lot of products are made from glass. I wonder why? Let's find out glass properties(Dips a colored chip into the glass). Children, what's in the glass? How did you know that there was a colored chip in the glass? Yes, transparent glass. Remember this word.

IN: First glass property - transparency. Glass transparent. Tell me where is it used glass property?

Children: For making dishes, windows, lenses for glasses, etc.. d.

caregiver: Why do you think transparent dishes are needed? (answers children) Let's repeat the first glass property.

Children: Glass transparent.

IN: But I have plates on the table. How are you

what do you think they are made of? (There are partially stained and heavily stained plates on the table.)

Children: (answers children)

IN A: Let's check it out.

(Educator with children, using familiar glass properties examine the cups and prove that they are glass.)

Second glass property- the ability to be colored.

IN: Guys, what do they make from colored glass?

Children: (answers children)

IN: Let's repeat the second glass property.

Children: Second glass property- the ability to be colored.

IN: I have two glasses. What is it? (shows glass cup)

Children: glass cup.

IN: I pour water into it. What glass is this (shows a paper cup).

Children: Paper cup.

IN: I pour water into it. Oh what's going on?

Children: Water from a paper cup starts to flow.

IN: Why does water flow from a paper cup?

Children: Because the paper cup is permeable to water.

IN: Why out glass glass does not flow water?

Children: Because glass the glass does not let water through.

IN: That's right, so what conclusion can we draw?

Children: Glass does not let water through.

IN: Well, of course, this is the third glass property- waterproof or in other words glass does not let water through.

IN: Now I, with this wand, lightly hit on glass products(the teacher hits glass products that are on the table). Guys what do you hear?

Children: Melodious sound, sound like music.

IN: And if you run a wet finger along the edge of the wine glass (the teacher runs a finger along the edge of the glass, the glass makes a sound) you can hear a different melody - the glass will sing. Fourth glass property - melody.

IN: What happens if I miss glass product?

Children: Will break.

IN: Correctly, it will break, so you can say

What glass is fragile.

Fifth property of glass - glass is brittle.

IN: Well done guys, you remember well glass properties. Glass very widely used in human life.

And now I will make riddles, and you you will guess.

1. Glass house on the window,

With clear water.

With sand and pebbles at the bottom

And with a goldfish. (Aquarium)

2. Here glass vial,

And lives in it - a light

He sleeps during the day and wakes up in the evening

It will ignite with a bright flame. (Bulb)

3. Grandmother Varvara

Looked for them everywhere

Did not climb a little into the pipe,

And they were found on the forehead. (Glasses)

4. Here glass pencil -

He is our helper in need.

Will determine without doctors

Who is sick and who is healthy. (Thermometer)

5. Cinderella has a leg

Fell by accident

She was not simple

And crystal. (Shoe)

6. Ears hurt,

Lost nose.

Sore eyes

We drip medicine from it without fear. (Pipette)

IN: Today I want to tell you the story of how glass.

"Everything about glass» - presentation

IN: Guys, let's play with you. Physical education minute "Carousel"

IN: Let's give glass queen for an interesting journey of painting on glass, painting with stained glass paints.

IN: Children, tell me what you learned new about the inhabitants glass country? What do they have properties? Which glass did you like it better and why?

So our exciting journey ended, did you like it?

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