How to do a pedicure at home for people. How to do a pedicure at home step by step. How to do a pedicure at home. Tools needed for a pedicure at home. Remove rough skin

Not only a manicure should be beautiful, but also a pedicure. It gives confidence to the owner. For various reasons, not every woman can afford to visit the salon, and you need to devote time to the leg as well as to the pens. However, following a few simple tips, you can easily do a pedicure at home, step by step performing the leg sequence, the result will turn out to be no worse than a salon one.

Tools for home pedicure

Pedicure tools are divided into two types. The former are needed directly for working with nails and toes, and the latter for treating the skin on the feet. So, for a home pedicure you need:

  • Scissors;
  • Bilateral spatula;
  • Manicure tweezers;
  • nail file;
  • Pumice;
  • Foot bath.

Preparing everything in advance necessary tools you can proceed to the procedure.

Manicure at home is not difficult, it includes several main steps:

  1. Stage of preparation;
  2. Foot baths;
  3. Cleansing and treatment of feet;
  4. Nail treatment;
  5. Varnish coating.

Let's take a closer look at each of these procedures.

Preparation stage

First you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials, remove the varnish on the nails, decorate the nails.

To achieve a beautiful manicure, you should take care of good tools in advance. You should not choose a pedicure file that is too rough; this can worsen the condition of the nail, it begins to exfoliate and eventually the pedicure becomes untidy and takes on an unattractive look. A glass nail file is considered optimal for a pedicure, it files perfectly, eliminates the delamination of the nail and, moreover, has a long service life.

It is necessary to carry out filing carefully, in one direction. It is not worth changing the shape of the toenail, it is better to try to leave it as close to natural as possible. Otherwise, it will lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, ingrown nails.

Nail polishing

The second stage of the manicure, the masters polish the nails. To do this procedure in the kit, you must have a polishing nail file, preferably double-sided. First of all, with one, rougher side, you need to walk over the surface of all nails to remove roughness and bumps. After that, the other, not too hard side of the nail file to make them shiny and smoother.

foot bath

To use the bath, you need to take a container of water, add sea salt, a little soda, and two drops of iodine and lemon juice. Such a bath helps to exfoliate, soften and nourish the skin of the legs, in addition, adding sea salt to the foot baths perfectly disinfects. The allotted time for the bath should be at least 15 minutes, and yet, it is necessary to control the temperature of the water and add hot water as it cools. At the end of the bath, you should dry your nails well and continue the pedicure.

Peeling for feet

To carry out the stage of cleansing the feet, you need to take a pumice stone with a fine-grained coating. During work, more attention should be paid to strong corns and coarsened areas of the skin of the feet. However, the use of pumice stone does not always allow you to clean hard-to-reach places, in this case it is better to have an exfoliating foot scrub in your arsenal with which to treat these areas. The procedure for peeling and scrubbing the feet is the most time-consuming and requires no small effort. Carefully processed legs are able to keep the pedicure for a long time.

Cuticle removal

To work with the cuticle in the area of ​​​​the nail plate, it is better to take a wooden stick. Masters do not advise to do a trimmed pedicure, it is better to constantly move the cuticle back. After working with the cuticle using also a wooden stick, you need to check and clean the nails of the remaining dirt.

The nails are decorated and ready for the painting procedure. But if time permits, a massage procedure can become pleasant for the feet. To do this, an abundant amount of nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the feet, and rubbed into the skin with soft massage movements. Such a small massage will help relieve fatigue, moisturize and provide a deodorizing effect.

We apply varnish

For a more convenient coating of toenails with varnish, it is better to use special separators. With their help, the process will become much more convenient. It is better to cover the nails in two layers, but be sure to degrease the nail plate before that.

If you don't have time to go to salons, don't despair. You can make the perfect pedicure yourself at home, and it will take you very little time.

Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: wash, exfoliate and soften - 10 minutes

First of all, prepare a towel and a bowl of warm water. Then carefully wipe off the old varnish from the nails. Take just a little of the foot scrub and start rubbing it into the skin of your feet. Remember that the scrub should be evenly distributed over the entire surface, and not go in cycles in one area, rubbing it furiously there.

Exfoliate both the bottom and upper part feet.

Then add a softening ingredient to the water. You can buy a special emollient, but it's very easy to make at home. To do this, you just need to rummage in the buffet. Milk powder, almond oil, and even plain table salt will help. A few drops of relaxing natural oil will also do the trick. Just choose your favorite. Soak your feet in water and rinse off the scrub with your hands. Sit like this for about five minutes, and then dry your feet thoroughly, not forgetting the area between your toes.

Doing a pedicure at home: rub, revitalize and restore - 10 minutes

After wiping your feet dry, take a pumice stone or a special brush and rub it properly on the heels, pads and sides of the feet. Now take a very oily moisturizer and rub it carefully into these same areas. Keep rubbing until the cream is completely absorbed.

Now for a foot massage.

Pull your foot towards you and put some massage oil on it. Then, with your thumbs, begin to massage the sole, paying special attention to the instep. Massage each finger individually. Rub it and press it lightly.

If you like this procedure, you can continue to the calf area.

When the skin of the legs has become soft, it's time to remove the cuticles. If you are confident in your decision, you can buy special creams based on AHA, which contribute to the separation of the cuticles.

If you do not dare to take such a step, then just drop a little oil on each cuticle and move it with a special stick. During this process, pay attention to your toenails. If lotion or oil gets under them, clean them out.

Doing a pedicure at home: shape, color and shine - 10 minutes

To shape the nails, take special tweezers and cut off the tops of all nails. The main thing in this part of the pedicure is to give the nails one length and leave them room for further growth.

Then take a nail file and file off the sharp ends on your thumbs. The round shape of the nails prevents infection. If the shape of your nails is rectangular, then they can grow into the skin, which is very painful. As for the nails on the remaining fingers, just file them in one direction. And do not forget to remove debris from them, otherwise the varnish will not fit well.

Professional pedicurists often polish their nails before polishing them. This gives a natural shine to the nails, and the varnish will go on easily and evenly. For these purposes, buy a nail file with a polishing surface. Then apply a transparent base on your nails. This is especially important if you are going to cover your nails with dark polish, as it can leave marks on your nails. Let it dry before applying the base color. Shake the bottle well before applying and rub it between your palms to warm it up. Remove excess varnish from the brush and apply it to the middle of the nail, 2 mm from the cuticle. If you immediately apply the brush to the bottom of the nail, then the varnish will also stain the cuticle. Now paint over the nail on the sides, focusing on the first line. Apply two coats of varnish, and then apply a coat of clear fixative. There is a slight difference between the base and the fixer. The base is thicker, and the fixer, on the contrary, is lighter, since it must dry quickly. But they are completely interchangeable. There is nothing wrong with using a base instead of a fixative and vice versa.

List of things needed for a pedicure at home

In order to do a salon pedicure at home, you will need:
Wash, exfoliate and soften. Needed: towel, basin of warm water, nail polish remover and cotton wool, exfoliating scrub, emollient.
Rub, revitalize and restore. Needed: foot brush, moisturizer, Massage Oil, cuticle stick, cuticle oil.
Give shape, shine and color. Needed: nail clippers, nail file, transparent base, nail polish, colorless fixer.

How often to do a pedicure?

Experts advise doing a pedicure once every 8-10 days. With regular foot care, the skin on the feet will become like that of a baby, and the nails will look neat.

Before a pedicure, you need to wash your feet well and remove old varnish. Take a pedicure kit and sanitize all the tools.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the procedure.

Steaming the legs

To begin with, the skin of the legs must be softened. Prepare a bath for a pedicure with warm water, add soap suds to it (this can be a shower gel or shampoo). To enhance the effect, it is also useful to add a little sea salt to the bath. Soak your feet in water for 15 minutes to loosen dead, dry skin cells. Now dry your feet with a towel and move on to the next step.

We process nails and cuticles

To do a proper pedicure, take nail scissors or nail clippers and cut off the protruding part of the nail in a straight line. The shape of the toenails should be square to prevent the nail from growing into the skin. Using a nail file, trim the cut and rough tips of the nail in the direction from the edges to the center.

Using a nail spatula or orange stick, gently push back the cuticles.

To facilitate the implementation of a pedicure, you can apply a special preparation to the cuticle, which softens and removes excess skin and then remove the residue after 5 minutes. Using a spatula, try to clean the nail plate from adhering cuticle particles. Run the stick under the nail to clean away dirt and dry skin cells that have accumulated there.

Now with a nail file you can clean your fingertips from rough dry skin, as well as remove cracked skin on calluses.

To make the nail plate look smooth and shiny, it must be polished with a double-sided pedicure file. With the dark blue side of the nail file, gently run over the nails from all sides, especially in the cuticle area. On perfectly smooth nails, the varnish will last much longer.

Foot care

For your home pedicure to be perfect, you need to pay due attention to the soles of your feet. Our goal is to remove excess rough skin. Your first assistant in this matter is a pumice stone. If the skin is not softened enough, keep your feet in a warm bath for another 10 minutes, then treat your feet and heels with a pumice stone. Peels and foot scrubs also help to get rid of coarse skin particles.

After such a procedure, cleansed skin needs to be moisturized and nourished, so lubricate the heels with a nourishing cream and do a light massage.

Little advice: if you are suffering from excessive sweating legs, lubricate the feet with a special deodorant cream.

Cracked heels and corns

If the skin on the heels is too neglected, you have dense corns or cracks on the heels, the situation cannot be corrected using the usual pedicure procedure. There are proven folk methods that will help make the skin on the heels soft and silky in a couple of weeks.

To remove hardening and cracks, apply nourishing mask on the heels, wrap them in cellophane and put on socks. It is recommended to keep the treatment mask all night, and in the morning wash off and lubricate the feet with a moisturizer. After a few procedures, the result will surprise you.

SPA pedicure at home

If you have enough time, you can pamper your feet with a spa pedicure at home. The treatment includes a pleasant relaxing foot bath with essential oils and a moisturizing nourishing mask.

Prepare a bowl of warm water, add your favorite aromatic oil, dip your feet in the water and enjoy for 10-30 minutes. When the skin on the legs softens, massage the feet with a scrub. Thus, you will cleanse the feet of rough skin, they will become soft and smooth.

The next stage of the home spa pedicure is a moisturizing nourishing foot mask. To do this, you can take your favorite nourishing cream and apply a thick layer on your feet. Then wrap your feet in cellophane and put on your socks. This mask should be kept for at least 2 hours, and preferably all night. After a few procedures, your heels will become tender, like a baby's.

As a mask, you can use special SPA-sets for pedicure, which include various caring preparations.

Excellent caring effect natural masks for legs, which can be prepared at home. With regular use, they will give your legs a perfect look.

The final stage of the pedicure - apply varnish

The last stage of a pedicure at home is the application of varnish. It all depends on your taste. You can simply apply a colorless polish to shine and strengthen nails.

But in any case, first of all, you need to degrease the nail plate from the remnants of the cream and cosmetics. If this is not done, the varnish will not lay down well and will not hold.

Now let's get ready for applying the varnish - put cotton swabs or special spacers between your fingers so that the varnish is applied neatly and does not smear.

The first layer is recommended to apply a colorless base. Thanks to this, the nail will be protected from the toxins contained in the colored varnish, in addition, the surface of the nail will become smooth and the varnish will be fixed much stronger. Your beautiful pedicure will keep a fresh look for a long time.

Wait for the colorless base to dry completely, then you can start applying a colored layer of varnish. It is advisable to apply colored varnish at least two layers to get a rich and stable color.

At the end of a professional pedicure, it is desirable to apply a layer of fixative varnish. It will help keep the polish on your nails for a long time. Be beautiful and boldly put on bright sandals!

You can put your legs in order on your own, without asking for help from the masters. A home pedicure will not take much effort and time if you follow the sequence and important recommendations. The technique includes several stages, you should not neglect them in order to achieve the desired result.

Required tools:

  • towel;
  • foot cream;
  • medical varnish;
  • colorless finish varnish;
  • colored varnish;
  • manicure set;
  • cuticle softener;
  • nail polish remover without acetone;
  • separation pads for pedicure;
  • components for the preparation of the bath;
  • peeling ingredients.

Preparing for a pedicure

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities that work in the complex.

Stage number 1. Foot baths
Below are the bath recipes. Choose the option that suits you and start cooking. The baths will soften the skin, relieve the legs of an unpleasant odor, heal cracks, steam out calluses and corns. Hot water is not able to fully steam the skin so that dead skin particles are removed without difficulty. The components that make up home remedies are designed for 5 liters of warm water. Choose a comfortable temperature for yourself so as not to get burned. The duration of the procedure varies from 25 to 40 minutes.

  1. Mix 80 gr. crushed sea salt with 60 ml. ammonia. Wait for the dissolution and lower the legs into the composition. You can also use only sea salt, while its amount per 5 liters of water should be doubled.
  2. Brew 150 gr. strings, 100 gr. plantain, 60 gr. parsley and 40 gr. mint leaves. Insist half an hour.
  3. Cut 2 lemons into thin slices, brew it in 5 liters of boiling water. To this add 100 ml. corn oil, 50 gr. ground cinnamon. Cool the mixture to a comfortable temperature, pour in 150 ml. warm full fat milk.
  4. Pour boiling water over 120 gr. oregano, 50 gr. burdock, 40 gr. plantain and 80 gr. horsetail. Wait 1 hour, heat the mixture, drip sandalwood essential oil, lavender essential oil and geranium essential oil.
  5. Take 60 gr. yarrow, 50 gr. Melissa, 50 gr. calendula. Brew the plants, leave for 50 minutes, then heat the mixture, add 30 ml. chamomile infusion, 10 ml. rosemary ether and 15 ml. lavender ether. Insist for another 20 minutes, after which the bath can be used.
  6. In hot water, steam 100 gr. sage, 100 gr. oak bark, 40 ml. birch sap and 10 gr. baking soda. Cool to an acceptable temperature, then add 50 ml. vegetable oil.
  7. Dilute 200 ml. boric acid in 4 liters of water. In another container, brew 100 gr. chamomile in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Mix both compositions, keep the legs in the bath for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Brew 50 gr. bedstraw grass, 60 gr. parsley seeds, 60 gr. flax seeds and 100 gr. basilica. Infuse for 20 minutes, then add 50 ml. lemon juice and dip the legs in a bowl.
  9. Pour hot water 100 gr. St. John's wort, 50 gr. nettle, 50 ml. aloe vera juice and pour 100 gr. sea ​​or edible salt. Steam the skin for no longer than 25 minutes.
  10. Drop 30 ml into warm water. potassium permanganate, the solution should turn out to be pale pink. Do the procedure for no longer than 20 minutes to avoid burns.

Stage number 2. Treatment of rough skin
Use a pumice stone or pedicure grater to remove dead skin in circular motions. Always start with your heels, treat a small area at a time, then lower your feet back into the bath. Repeat the steps until the result suits you.

Do not use pedicure blades to remove dead skin particles. This method does not find approval among the masters, since it removes not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also living areas of the skin. If you do the treatment incorrectly, you risk treating the foot until it bleeds, after which it will be painful to step on it.

Stage number 3. Foot peeling
After you have treated the feet with a hard pumice stone, it remains to remove minor particles to smooth and soften the skin. The peeling procedure does not have a specific duration, look at the condition of the skin. Intermediate excess can be removed with warm water or a dry cloth. It is allowed to combine several formulations in one application.

  1. Mix 100 gr. sea ​​salt, 50 gr. oat bran and 120 gr. coffee grounds. Pour in 70 ml. vegetable or corn oil, and then proceed to the treatment of the feet.
  2. Grind in a combine or meat grinder 1 lemon, 100 gr. apricot pits and 1 tomato with peel. Add 130 gr. food or sea salt and 10 gr. soda.
  3. To prepare this peeling you will need 70 gr. coarse oat bran, 1 radish, 50 gr. fat foot cream (suitable for children) and 50 gr. salt. Peel the radish, grate it on a coarse grater and squeeze out the liquid with gauze. Connect the gruel with the rest of the components, proceed to the procedure.
  4. Mix in a homogeneous composition 150 gr. cane sugar, 50 gr. cocoa powder, 100 gr. chopped dried orange zest and 70 ml. olive oil.
  5. Grind 100 gr. walnut in a convenient way together with the shell. Add 80 gr. fat sour cream and 100 gr. thick honey. Mix thoroughly and treat the feet.
  6. Dry in the oven 70 gr. orange or tangerine zest, 100 gr. lemon zest. Cut 1 banana into thin slices and also send to dry. Grind all the ingredients and add 70 ml of milk.

Pedicure technology at home

After you have gone through everything preparatory stages, softened the skin and removed dead particles, you can proceed to the direct processing of the fingers.

  1. Squeeze a little cuticle product onto a cotton swab, and gently work the skin along the nail. Do not touch too large a surface, you only need to soften the cuticle. Wait a quarter of an hour, then with a dry cotton swab, begin to remove the softened areas, pressing a little. After you have treated all 10 fingers, wipe them with a dry cloth.
  2. With a nail spatula, carefully push back the cuticles that could not be softened with the product. Move from the edge of the nail, moving inward and upward. Now you need to carefully cut it off with nail clippers, start from the sides, moving towards the middle. For girls whose cuticle is barely visible, it is better not to touch it. A pedicure will not look worse from this.
  3. Move on to your nails. With a glass nail file, carefully file off the glossy layer and possible irregularities. Do not get carried away, otherwise the nails will exfoliate as they grow back. Trim the free edge with nail scissors, stick to the optimal length of 1.5-2 mm. Otherwise, the edges will grow into the skin, which will lead to pain. If your nails are extremely hard, soak them in hot water for 5 minutes, then dry well. Now take your usual hard nail file and file the edges, moving from the center to the edges. Give the thumb a straight shape, the rest - rounded.
  4. Apply the cream on the feet and massage. Knead your toes, heels and flexion area well. Remove excess with a tissue, wipe nails with acetone-free nail polish remover or use a disinfectant. It is necessary to degrease the surface before applying the varnish.
  5. Cover the plate with medical varnish in 2 layers. The restorer of the Smart Enamel series, which is sold in every pharmacy (the price is about 140 rubles), has proven itself well. The tool will not allow the color coating to be absorbed into the nail, thereby eliminating brittleness and delamination. Also, Smart Enamel contains calcium and iodine, which strengthen nails.
  6. Place spacer pads between your fingers. If you have the talent of an artist, make an interesting design. Otherwise, cover your nails with a solid color varnish in 2 layers. Let dry and apply another coat of clear coat to set the result. Wait for it to dry and voila, you are the happy owner of well-groomed fingers!

How to do a spa pedicure

The technique is widely used in Thailand, but no one forbids adopting the technique for carrying out the procedure at home. The technique is similar to a regular pedicure. Start by pampering your feet with a foot soak free of harsh ingredients like lemon juice and boric acid. Then exfoliate your feet to rid the skin of rough particles.

Apply fat cream and massage for 20 minutes. After that, remove the product with a dry cloth and make another layer, but already much thicker. Put on your feet plastic bags or special molds for pedicure. From above, wrap them with woolen socks and lie down to rest for 3 hours. You can easily do housework, after removing the "outfit" the feet will be soft, like a baby's.

Now you know how a pedicure is done at home. Prepare the necessary ingredients for baths and peels in advance, make sure you have the right tools in your manicure set. Do not neglect the stages of preparation, pedicure is not only beautiful nails, but also delicate and well-groomed skin of the feet. Perform simple actions every 10 days so that the legs delight you around the clock. Look after yourself and be irresistible!

Video: classic pedicure

To make a woman look attractive, it is not enough to make beautiful hairstyle, have Nice dress and jewelry, and to have well-groomed hands. Nothing ruins her image like her feet with dirty nails and cracked heels. But beautiful and well-groomed legs give the hostess the most positive emotions and a sense of confidence. And although it is already autumn and we all changed into boots, every woman should be able to know and do a pedicure correctly. And for men, this knowledge will also not be superfluous.

Of course, you can get a professional pedicure in the salon, but many women prefer to do a pedicure themselves and believe that it will cost them much less and can be done at any time convenient for them. But many women do not know how to do a pedicure at home, since this manipulation requires certain knowledge and skills. And today we will talk about how to properly carry out a pedicure at home.

The word "pedicure" comes from the Greek words πόδι - foot and Greek. κουρά - scissors / cut. A pedicure is an analogue only for the legs. Until the 19th century, this procedure was carried out by barbers who combined this procedure with hair cutting, dental treatment and body care. Only later these services were divided and carried out by different specialists.

Tools needed for a pedicure at home

  • A basin of hot water or a small tub
  • Skin softeners, liquid soap
  • Pumice stone, tongs, pedicure set
  • Towel
  • Cream - peeling, nourishing and moisturizing foot cream
  • Cotton socks

Preparing for a pedicure at home

It should be noted right away that your legs always look healthy and attractive, the pedicure procedure must be carried out at least 1 time in 2 weeks.

In order not to be distracted, you must immediately prepare everything that is necessary for a pedicure. Ask your loved ones not to distract you from the procedure for at least an hour in order to calmly carry out all the manipulations.

Foot baths

To start a pedicure at home, first of all, you need to make baths to soften the skin. This is necessary so that the rough and dry skin of the heels and feet softens and then it was easier to remove it.

For baths, it is necessary to use not very hot water (so as not to burn the skin of the legs), as it cools, it is necessary to add hot water to the basin of water. The duration of such baths is from 20 to 30 minutes.

Baths may vary. If there are fungal infections of the nails or skin of the feet, it is recommended to make a bath with soda. It is enough to add 4-5 tablespoons of ordinary drinking soda. In addition, such a bath will help get rid of sweaty feet.

A relaxing bath can be prepared with the addition of chamomile or calendula tincture. It is especially suitable for those who have dry skin and who walk for a long time in tight shoes or high heels. Tincture of chamomile or calendula will help, in addition to moisturizing, promote the healing of small cracks on the heels.

But the best way to disinfect and soften the rough skin of the feet is a bath with sea salt. It is easy to prepare, it is enough to add 1-2 handfuls of sea salt to a basin of hot water. You can add a cap of liquid soap, shower gel or aromatic oils to this bath.

Pedicure at home - remove rough skin from the heels

To remove rough skin, you will need a pumice stone, or a special diamond-coated grater, or a special pedicure razor (it may be included in the pedicure kit). If you decide to use a razor for a pedicure, then be extremely careful. Why?

  • The razor should only be individual (it is advisable to change the blades every time), since through such devices, with skin cuts, you can become infected with blood-borne infections (). This can happen if someone else uses a similar razor, about whose health you do not know anything.
  • Such razors should be used very carefully, as you can remove a large layer of skin, which will cause further pain when walking and the appearance of cracks on the heels.

After the skin of the feet has softened, take one foot out of the water, dry it with a towel, and start in a circular motion use a pumice stone to remove rough skin. If there are corns, then it is better to remove them with tweezers.

Repeat the same procedure with the other leg. After that, treat the skin of the feet with a scrub or peeling, and apply a nourishing or moisturizing foot cream with massaging movements. Such a cream will not only nourish the skin of the feet, but will also promote the healing of cracks and wounds, if any. Many foot care creams contain anti-inflammatory and wound healing agents.

Pedicure at home - taking care of toenails

Half an hour later, after the nail plates have dried, we proceed directly to the processing of the nails. They also require close attention. If you do not allow the nail plates to dry, they will simply begin to exfoliate.

With the help of spikes and files we shape the nail plate. Do not cut the edge of the nail too short, otherwise it will grow into the skin or paronychia (purulent inflammation of the periungual skin) may develop. The edge of the thumbnail should cover the thumb itself a little, and the rest of the nails can be cut shorter.

Do not forget to use a special file to remove dirt from under the nails. A mourning tape along the edge of the nail is a sign of uncleanliness.

Pedicure at home - how to apply varnish correctly

First you need to move the cuticle, this can be done with a special stick or spatula. Trimming the cuticle is not recommended, because without certain skills you can get hurt. And infection can get through the wound in the future.

Before coating the nail with varnish, the nail is treated for degreasing with nail polish remover. This must be done regardless of whether the cream was used or not.

Then apply a base with a caring and leveling effect on the nails, it will not allow the varnish to have a harmful effect on the nail platinum. After the base is dry, apply varnish. In order to carefully apply the varnish on the nails, use a special expander for the toes or you can use self-made rollers rolled up from pieces of bandage and laid between the toes.

After the varnish has dried, apply a second coat of varnish. After the second layer of varnish has dried, apply a special composition - a fixative, then the varnish on the nails will last much longer.

It should be noted that applying varnish is not at all a mandatory procedure, it all depends on your mood and desire. Properly processed and trimmed toenails and without varnish can look beautiful.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following. After applying the cream on the skin of the legs, it is recommended to wear cotton socks. After all, you are not in the salon, and at home you can be asked at any time to get up and help do something. And so that the cream applied to the legs does not remain on the floor or carpet, it is better to wear socks.

The beauty of your body must be constantly monitored, including our legs. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in home pedicure. And you will be right if you think that the best pedicure is the one that you did yourself. And you can do it yourself at home.

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With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

"Pedicure" and "manicure" are similar services, the only difference between them is that a manicure is a process of caring for the hands, while a pedicure is for the feet. Pedicure helps protect toenails from fungal diseases and makes them beautiful and attractive. It also promotes the removal of dead cells from the skin with the help of pumice (in translation - a rough stone), which is rubbed on the feet. A pedicure also includes visits to establishments that provide these services.

A pedicure includes additional services such as epilation, either waxing or shaving the legs, which may also include exfoliation, foot massage and moisturizing. Any person suffering from blood clots on the legs, apart from a pedicure, for the beauty of the legs, can also receive their massage.

Just as you take care of your hands and fingernails, so you should take care of your feet and toenails.

Pedicure at home

You can do your own pedicure at home. Follow these steps to get a pedicure at home.

What you need for a pedicure at home

  • Pumice
  • Nail file
  • Manicure nippers
  • Moisturizing cream
  • Base varnish
  • Cuticle pusher (special small tool)
  • Container, basin or bucket large enough for a pedicure

What do we have to do?

Remove old nail polish completely. Using cotton swabs, make spaces between your toes by inserting these swabs.

Remove old nail polish to make room for new. If the nail polish doesn't come off, apply nail polish remover pads and let it sit for a while so that the nail polish layer comes off.

How to cut nails for a pedicure?

First of all, you need to use scissors High Quality to cut your toenails well. You need to cut your nails straight across, leaving a margin of about 1/8 of their length. Don't let the tips of your toenails go past the ends of your toes. For soft nail saw them at the corners in the same direction.

Use a glass nail file, not a metal nail file, as a metal nail file will damage your nails. The smoother the surface for smoothing the edges of the nails, the better, the rough surface of the nail is much more difficult to handle.

Take a water tank with a large, comfortable flat bottom. Add bath salts, aromatherapy oils, or Epsom salts in there and let your feet soak in there for a few minutes. The more calluses on the feet, the longer they should soak in the water. Add about a quarter cup of milk with warm water to warm water.

The lactic acid in milk will make it possible for dead skin to come off your feet.

Move the cuticle at the base of each toenail. Wait a minute, and then use a special pusher to push back the remaining cuticle.

Use nail scissors to trim loose cuticle skin. Do not cut it - this will slow down the growth of the nail.

Use a foot peel or scrub, then use a pumice stone to remove dead cells. The idea is to make your heels smooth, not bleed. If the heel turns bright red, stop. This means that you are working with a too hard pumice stone.

Dry your feet thoroughly, including between the toes, and apply a nourishing foot cream.

Moisturize cuticles with special cuticle oil.

Use a special tool to get rid of excess oil on the nails.

Apply a thin layer of varnish using three strokes, one in the middle and one on each side. Don't paint your cuticles. In a proper pedicure, apply three coats of it and then apply a thin base coat. Use safe remedy nail polish remover to remove excess nail polish.

Let your nails dry completely before putting on your shoes.

  1. If you want to let the polish dry completely, leave your shoes off for at least two and a half hours.
  2. Never cut off dead skin cells from your fingers using tweezers or scissors, as this can injure the delicate skin of your feet. Instead, use a pumice stone or a hard washcloth.
  3. Keeping your feet clean at all times will help prevent fungal infections.
  4. Always try to keep your feet dry, even in the spaces between your toes.
  5. Remove cuticles regularly. On average twice a week.

Safe pedicure at the spa

You've been on your feet all day and you start dreaming about a good pedicure. How wonderful it would be to take your mind off the hustle and bustle and pamper your feet. But it can cost you unpleasant health consequences. Do you know what you might get along with a pedicure? fungal infection! An open wound can be invaded by an infection that lives in public locker rooms, saunas, or hot tubs.

Before choosing nice salon for a pedicure, think again. You run the risk of getting a foot infection in almost any salon. Here are some helpful tips to keep your nails healthy.

Ask the pedicure master your questions. Have you ever asked pedicurists how they disinfect their tools?

Look at spa tools. Are they made of stainless steel? Are they disinfected at intervals when clients change? Never hesitate to ask these questions. In some salons, you may not like the answers to them at all.

Disinfection of instruments in the spa is the most important point of a pedicure.

The only way to be sure that bacteria or fungus no longer exists on the instruments is to use them for disinfection in an autoclave. In an autoclave, instruments are properly disinfected with sufficient high temperature and given enough time.

An easy way to avoid infection at the spa is to use your own set of tools. This ensures that your toenails don't pick up your neighbor's fungus from public pedicure tools.

Many spa tools are made of fiberglass, which is very difficult to clean properly without damaging it. This leads to permanent pollution.

Before you sit in your chair, you should make sure that the instruments look perfect and that they have been disinfected. For the perfect pedicure, the tools should be stainless steel, which is much easier to clean than fiberglass.

Avoid false nails, which are a haven for bacteria and fungi.

The fact that the skin under the nails turns green and yellow may be the tricks of bacteria leading to infection.

Your cuticles must be guaranteed for the natural defense system against infections. Make sure that the master does not cut your cuticles too much, so that bacteria do not enter the open wounds.

Nail polish can be a trap for bacteria, but more importantly, you fail to notice changes under your nails due to poor quality polish.

Changes in the natural color of the nail or nail bed are signs of infection and should be treated immediately. If you can't resist fungus, try antibacterial nail polish. Many salon specialists offer such a coating for toenails.

Padologists (nail health specialists) can advise you on proper pedicure. They are very knowledgeable about the risks associated with a pedicure and can recommend spas and methods that will keep you safe.

How not to get a fungus during a pedicure

If you get regular pedicures, bring your own tools or go to a spa that autoclaves your tools.

Clean your nails with alcohol scissors before using them if you cut your nails, and make sure the tools are disinfected regularly.

Keep your feet dry and clean. Change your socks regularly (even several times a day if your feet often sweat).

Sports shoes should be dry, change them regularly. If you exercise regularly, buy sports shoes one and a half sizes larger than your casual shoes.

Useful facts from the history of pedicure

People have been trusting their nails with pedicures for over 4,000 years. In Southern Babylonia, the nobles used solid gold tools to secure their manicures and pedicures. The history of nail polish use can be traced even further back in time. In China in 3000 B.C. the color of the nails indicated social status, according to Ming Dynasty manuscripts. The Egyptians' nails were painted black and red. The ancient Egyptians used manicures and pedicures as far back as 2300 BC.

Images of manicures and pedicures have been found on the carvings of the pharaoh's tomb, and scholars have long known that the Egyptians paid special attention to their hands and feet. The Egyptians also colored their nails, using red to show high social status. The manuscript says that Cleopatra's nails were painted dark red, while the nails of Queen Nefertiti were painted a bright ruby ​​hue. In ancient Egypt and Rome, military commanders also painted their nails red to match the color of their lips before they went into battle.

Although modern toenail design did not appear until the late 19th century, the nail file as a nail care tool appeared in history much earlier. Marie Antoinette was known for her obsession with getting a nail file made from pumice stone. Her perfectly shaped nails made her the most fashionable and beautiful woman in French Versailles. Her pumice stone has been carved into a shape that is used to trim and shape the edge of the nail. This tool was not destroyed after use, it was washed and disinfected by the maids, placed in the bathroom. So that the saw blade can be used again.

Pedicure in winter

Even if your feet are not visible to others in winter, you should continue to get pedicures on a regular basis. Pedicures don't just help you show off beautiful toes, they can also help keep your skin and joints healthy. If you love getting regular pedicures during the summer months, then you probably already know the benefits.

Every pedicure begins with spa treatments that are designed to soften the skin and make it easier to handle. A foot spa bath stimulates blood circulation through the shins and ankles and can reduce any pain and swelling you may get from standing or sitting during the day. Softening the skin of the feet can also reduce the formation of calluses and corns, which can be very painful, especially when wearing heavy winter boots.

Your nails should receive regular attention during the winter months. You may not realize it, but cold weather can act as a drying agent for skin and nails. Dry, brittle nails are prone to splitting and breakage, which can be painful but can also cause infection. Regular pedicures from the best nail salons can ensure your nails are healthy and reduce the chances of ingrown toenails or painful splitting.

And finally nail salon offers a massage with each pedicure, which can further improve blood circulation in the legs and feet. It can loosen tight muscles and strengthen them, which works especially well in cold weather to eliminate joint and muscle pain.

Keeping your feet in perfect condition isn't just for summer. At other times of the year, they are always hidden under linen and shoes, and therefore are more vulnerable to dryness, peeling, and irritation on the skin. Are you familiar with these feelings? Then you need to learn how to proper care. Our article will help you with this, which will tell you everything about pedicure at home for beginners.

Set of pedicure accessories

Previously, women had to use improvised tools to get a pedicure at home. Now in stores you can buy all the tools for both professionals and beginners. To ensure yourself the opportunity not to visit the beauty salon once again, buy everything you need for a pedicure. You will definitely need the following:

  • Basin or foot bath.
  • Polypropylene file.
  • Towel.
  • Orange sticks.
  • Emollient oil and cream.
  • Sea salt.
  • Scraper for a pedicure.
  • Scissors or nippers.
  • Nail coverings.

The composition of the pedicure set is different for everyone. Someone prefers to use special devices, auxiliary substances and tools. Others are limited to a minimum of funds, while managing to look perfect. To increase the level of comfort in the process of conducting a pedicure at home, beginners can additionally purchase a few more devices:

  • Hot tub.
  • Massage Mat.
  • Socks for self-massage.
  • Scrub.
  • Peeling.
  • Polyethylene socks for the mask.

The stores sell ready-made pedicure kits. However, many girls prefer to collect them from individual elements.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a classic pedicure

This section tells you how to do a pedicure at home correctly. The classic procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Warm up the water and pour it into the tub. Add fragrant oils, foaming products and, of course, sea salt. To relieve fatigue and tension, you can enrich the water with lemon juice. Soak your feet in the bath for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin of the feet will steam out and soften.
  2. Dry your feet with a towel. Give the required length to the nails, file them. Try to keep the free edges of the plates in the shape of a square - this will protect them from growing into the skin.
  3. Apply cuticle oil to cuticles and push them back with an orange stick. Some masters recommend cutting it, but this requires skill. It is believed that after removal, the skin grows even faster. Therefore, to remove the cuticle, it is better to use special tools. They are applied to the treated area and left for 5-6 minutes, after which the remnants of the skin are removed with a swab or file.
  4. Then proceed to the processing of the skin of the fingers. Clean all irregularities and roughness with a file, and then apply a softening cream to the epidermis.
  5. The skin of the feet is treated with a professional scraper. It is suitable for removing calluses and corns. After removing traces of peeling, apply cream to the feet. After the procedure, the skin will become perfect, like a baby's.
  6. Buff the surface of the nail and apply a nail polish. Currently, many ideas have been developed for the design of the nail plates on the legs. Choose it according to the style of manicure design.

With such a simple instruction, it will be easy for beginners to learn how to do a pedicure at home. Having mastered the technology, you can begin to explore other types of care for the feet and toenails.

SPA care at home

Doing a spa pedicure on your own is not at all difficult. Although the procedure is lengthy, it will not take your time. its main part consists of mask night care. Pedicure is performed in the evening and consists of the following steps:

  1. Take a bath with essential oils.
  2. When the skin softens, dry your feet and scrub them.
  3. Remove the remaining scrub and apply a nourishing mask. Wrap your legs in plastic, put on your socks and go to bed.
  4. In the morning, take off your socks, remove the plastic and wash your feet in warm water.

Spa pedicure at home is ideal for beginners. For those who do not want to use improvised means for such a responsible procedure, you can purchase special preparations for professional spa care.

Of course, it is right that you decide to do a pedicure at home, but be prepared to face difficulties. It is possible to protect yourself as much as possible from unpleasant moments during the procedure only if the following recommendations are observed:

  • Do not use excessively hot water for steaming. Its temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.
  • To remove corns and corns, use only a professional scraper, nail files and natural pumice. You can additionally treat dry skin with a scrub or peeling, but in no case cut it off with a razor and scissors.
  • Do not cut the corners of the nails and do not cut them at the root. So it will be easier to decorate them, and square shape it is also safe for the health of the fingers, as we already mentioned in the previous section.
  • Do a pedicure 2-4 times a month. It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure too often, and if you neglect it, then your legs will never become perfect.

With experience, you will have your own tricks to keep your feet in perfect condition. While you are a beginner, use other people's advice, do a pedicure at home correctly, and you will be guaranteed beauty and well-groomed appearance legs.

Modern girls are used to taking care of their legs, especially their feet, not only during the summer holidays, but throughout the year. Well-groomed nails and smooth skin give ladies self-confidence, and a beautiful pedicure is an impressive detail of the image. In beauty salons, pedicure treatments are in high demand, but they can be expensive. But nothing prevents the beauties from learning how to perform a pedicure at home.

How to do it right at home?

Doing a pedicure yourself is not so difficult if you follow step by step instructions and take into account the characteristics of your skin and nails. For beginners, it is useful to practice at least once a week. Gradually, you will learn to take into account all the nuances on your own and gradually give your feet well-groomed appearance. Regular pedicure will give you the opportunity not only to restore and protect the skin from damage, but also to create a fancy design on your nails with your own hands.

To do a pedicure correctly, you need to remember what it is step by step process, requiring the preparation of the feet and a certain amount of time. There is no need to rush into the processing of legs, especially for beginners. At home, take care in advance of the cleanliness of the room and good lighting where you will carry out the procedure.

What do you need?

In order for the pedicure procedure to be successful, you need to take care of the equipment and accessories for it in advance. Every girl should have a pedicure set. Among the components of the set, the following mandatory elements are distinguished:

  • tweezers;
  • nailfile;
  • pedicure scissors;
  • orange stick;
  • cuticle tweezers.

Sometimes the list includes more fixtures - different kinds scissors and cuticle tools. Some kits contain skin care products - creams, scrubs, balms (and even special foot masks). Such kits are quite expensive, so every girl can make an alternative to purchased products with her own hands - with the help of products that are used in everyday life every day.

There are two products that will transform your feet - hydrogen peroxide and ordinary baking soda. They are used for baths.

if you have serious problems with corns and corns, then do not neglect the use of keratolytics - products based on salicylic acid, an alcohol solution and other substances that help remove keratinized skin. Some remedies help get rid of the fungus.

Rules and stages

It is very important to follow a certain sequence of actions in creating a pedicure. Before starting the procedure, remove the old varnish from the nails using a nail polish remover.

The first step is to take care of the shape of the nails. This should be done with the help of pedicure scissors and a special file. Nails should be cut only in a straight line, without rounding the ends. Otherwise, an ingrowth of the nail plate will occur.

It is most useful to use a glass file, because it has a soft texture, gently corrects the shape of the nail and is durable.

To make the entire surface of the nail even, use a polishing file. Start on the rougher side and sand the surface with the soft side of the file.

An important step is the foot bath. It can be done both before and after adjusting the shape of the nails. If you start a pedicure with this procedure, then remember that you can use the nail file only after the nail plate has completely dried.

There are different types of baths:

  • Refreshing and toning- with addition essential oil peppermint and sea salt.
  • disinfectant- With baking soda. It is suitable for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases.
  • Relaxing- with chamomile. Suitable for ladies whose legs are subjected to heavy loads throughout the day - especially for lovers of high heels.
  • Healing- with sea salt. It helps to disinfect the skin of the feet.

Some ladies make a foot bath using spa technology right at home. Such a pedicure will take a little longer, but the effect will be unforgettable. Features of the spa bath is that it includes aromatic oil. Then a foot massage is done using a scrub. Thanks to the combination of these procedures, girls receive effective exfoliation of coarse skin cells on their feet.

To soften the skin of the feet correctly and safely, certain recommendations should be considered:

  • The bath should not be very hot, make sure that it does not burn the skin.
  • If the skin has wounds and damage, wait a while using salt.
  • Use a waffle towel after the bath. It perfectly absorbs moisture and helps dry your feet.
  • Use foot baths with caution if you have circulation problems.

Remove rough skin

When the feet are steamed and soft, it's time to remove the rough skin.

The area where the skin becomes rough the fastest is the heels. To get rid of dead cells, a pumice stone is most often used. Pumice stone with sufficiently large grains is suitable for the most compacted and dry places on the feet. Most often, these are the edges of the heels, where corns appear. For other areas and for grinding, fine-grained pumice is suitable.

One way to soften the skin of the feet is foot masks. The most affordable option is to apply a moisturizing and softening cream on steamed feet before going to bed. After that, you need to wear warm socks for the whole night. As an alternative, you can use ready-made masks, they are sold together with special plastic bags in which you need to keep your feet to achieve the effect.

To carefully take care of all areas of the feet, use a special foot scrub. It will help to finally get rid of rough skin, even in hard-to-reach places.

If your feet are prone to sweating, use a special deodorant for the feet, after ridding the skin of excess moisture.

Cuticle treatment

Once your foot care routine is complete, it's time to take care of your cuticles. As in manicure, in pedicure there are two options for processing nails - edged and unedged. But cosmetologists do not recommend removing the steamed cuticle on the legs with tweezers, arguing that it is much easier to push it back with an orange stick. Particularly scrupulous young ladies can use a special softening cream for the cuticle - and then remove it with a napkin. The likelihood of injury to the cuticle during a pedicure is very small, since after water procedures it is very soft and elastic.

Nail care

Immediately before applying varnish, it is important to carry out a special nail care procedure - degreasing them. In the previous stages of the pedicure, the nails were subjected to repeated contact with creams, so the varnish may not lie well. To get rid of this problem, thoroughly treat your nails with nail polish remover. It is very important that it be without acetone. After that, wait 10 minutes, wipe your nails with a dry cloth - and you can proceed to the next step of the pedicure.


An important point transforming the feet is the choice of nail cover. In terms of the variety of coating options for pedicure, they are practically not inferior to options for manicure. Finger separators provide ease of application. They help to avoid smearing of the varnish due to the touch of the nails against each other.

If the durability factor is not very important to you or you are just starting to practice pedicure, choose regular varnish for nails. First, apply a base clear coat, and then as many coats of color as you see fit. The choice of color depends on the season and on your preference. Lacquer should be applied in the direction from the root of the nail to its tip, so that the entire width of the nail plate is painted over.

For the full effect and durability of the varnish, paint your nails with a fixative that will help the pedicure last longer.

The Shellac coating did not bypass the pedicure procedure. Its main difference from ordinary varnish is the need for a preliminary application of a primer. Such a coating can last 5 times longer than regular varnish. It is perfect for holidays and offers a huge variety of design options. The disadvantage of shellac is the drying of the nail plate, but its degree is not critical.

Like in manicure, in pedicure, the technique of applying gel polish is common. This coating can last up to 6 weeks! Remember that the gel-based coating procedure is only possible with a UV lamp. The duration of the procedure will depend on the power of the lamp. Be sure to apply a base coat of varnish. The main varnish of your chosen color is applied in two layers, then a top coat is applied. The disadvantages of this procedure are its duration and the cost of materials, but they are offset by the ability to create nails with an exclusive design for a long time.

For fashionistas, a huge number of nail design options are offered, among which each girl will be able to choose a design that suits her.

Fashion trends and design ideas

To make your nails look well-groomed, it is not at all necessary to load them with a huge amount of sparkles and sequins. Sometimes it is enough to carry out just basic pedicure procedures and cover the nail plate with transparent varnish. To turn your nails into a beautiful detail of the image, you should take care of such pedicure nuances as the color of the varnish and the pattern.

Color solutions

When choosing a shade of nail polish for a pedicure, you should be guided by the following factors:

  • skin tone;
  • season;
  • compatibility with manicure;
  • fashion trends;
  • specific image;
  • shape of the nail plate.

Skin tone plays an important role when choosing a shade of varnish. It is very important that it moderately contrasts and does not create the effect of unnaturalness. Women with warm skin tones should choose different shades of orange and red. For ladies with a cold skin tone, the colors of the blue palette are suitable.

The types of pedicure for the winter and summer seasons differ significantly. During the holidays, beauties choose bright and juicy shades. Nails of yellow, pink and mint colors have been favorites of the summer season for more than one year. In winter, rich red, dark and metallic shades are more often preferred.

Nail designs never go out of style. Popular thematic images for special occasions. Sometimes girls decorate their toenails and hands in the same style. Drawing is carried out using the same devices as in manicure - dots, toothpicks, hairpins, cotton swab and other handy materials.

Types and technique

As in manicure, a variety of nail design options are popular in pedicure:

  • Spot pedicure is done by dots. Trend patterns are ladybug, watermelon and flowers.
  • Lace pedicure done using lace appliqués or needles.
  • french pedicure presents a variety of color options. The classic style involves imitation of the regrown part of the nail with the help of white. You can combine color shades in such a manicure or combine it with other techniques - for example, with a dot.
  • Pedicure with rhinestones- Ideal for a special occasion or party. Rhinestones can be arranged in the form of lines or patterns, alternate in color and form fancy compositions.
  • Striped pedicure implies many variations, from an ensemble of two shades to an alternation of all the colors of the rainbow. marine pedicure, fashion trend summer, necessarily includes this technique.


  • Lunar pedicure involves painting the nail hole in one color, and the rest of the nail in another. It's great in combination with technology. french manicure when the nail hole is combined in shade with the regrown part.
  • Matte pedicure- trendy trend. This option looks restrained and quite simple, but at the same time - original and expressive.
  • Multicolored pedicure provide a positive mood. Each nail is designed in an individual color. As a rule, there is a contrast between all colors. This pedicure is perfect for a beach party.
  • Leopard print never goes out of fashion. It is created using the dot manicure technique. Colors may vary according to your wishes. You can arrange the spots randomly, or you can observe strict symmetry.
  • Water pedicure- one of the easiest options. It is created by applying a pattern to the water surface with varnish and then transferring the resulting film to the nail. The result is necessarily fixed with a transparent varnish.
  • Ombre effect pedicure can be done using the technique of creating a gradient. Choose two varnishes that contrast in color or saturation. Decide on the direction of the gradient and make a smooth transition. Remember that ombre does not imply a too thick transition line and dominance. light shade over the dark.


Using all these techniques, you can create a huge number of drawings. It is even possible to combine some techniques. You can choose from a variety of colors.

Special attention should be paid to alkaline pedicure. It has gained great popularity in beauty salons and is performed only by specially trained professionals. Such a pedicure is fundamentally different from the classic procedure with steaming and multi-stage processing. The skin of the legs remains dry, but is heated in a towel, and then peeling procedures are carried out with it (using an alkali solution). The procedure ends with a massage that helps to remove all rough skin particles from the legs.

Useful secrets

How to quickly do a pedicure?

It happens that you have to create a pedicure in an accelerated mode. But real masters can make a high-quality professional pedicure even in a limited time. When every minute is precious, ladies should remember a number of tips that help not only not to spoil the image, but also save time:

  • Even after taking a shower or bath, the skin of the feet is noticeably steamed. Getting a pedicure right after your shower can save you time in the bath.
  • Do not blow dry your nails. It's not the easiest and safe way. It is easier to hold your nails under a stream of cool water. This will significantly speed up the drying process of the varnish.
  • A quick treatment of nails with Sellac or gel polish is only possible if you have a powerful UV lamp. If this is not available, give preference to ordinary varnish.
  • Perfect option for a quick manicure - cover using a simple design. If you apply the drawing in a hurry, the result may not be very accurate. Therefore, it is better to choose a plain or transparent varnish. If you still cannot do without an ornament, get a varnish with a cracking effect. It is quite simple to apply - and at the same time very original.

How to prepare a place?

In order for the pedicure procedure to be effective, it is worth taking care of such a component as the venue.

The place should be well lit so that you can see all the details. It can be both daylight and artificial lighting. Do not neglect the use of glasses if you have poor eyesight. Otherwise, you may even get injured.

Your feet should be level with your body if you are doing your own pedicure. For a more comfortable foot position, purchase a pedicure stand.

All instruments should be disinfected in advance to prevent infection. Take care of the cleanliness of the room.

Arrange all the devices so that they are at hand in a sequence convenient for you.

Lesson number 4: How to give clients a pedicure with graters

Recently, most masters have adopted the trend of hardware pedicure, what is the reason for this? — hardware pedicure saves time. At the start, you must learn the classical pedicure technique using graters, time is a relative concept, the classical technique is in no way inferior to the hardware one, including in time. In this lesson, learn how to quickly do a classic hygienic pedicure.

Your professional tasks as a pedicure master:

  • remove outdated rough skin in the aisles of the norm.
  • work with problem areas (corns and cracks), not only remove them, but also carry out manipulations so that they do not appear again.
  • carry out hygiene of the skin on the fingers, remove the cuticle and shape the free edge. special work with corners.
  • remove the residue after polishing the feet and moisturize the skin. It is very important to prevent dry feet after cleaning.

We will get acquainted with all the smallest details and rules, and most importantly, we will learn 4 home online lessons in the material

Foot skin types and their features - you must determine them:

There is no need to be afraid of working with the feet, it is absolutely not scary and not long if you go the way that suits the skin of your client or client. You will not have problems if, at the first glance at the legs of a client, you have a model of work in your head. The key to the result is to correctly determine the scale of the work, that is, to understand how rough and trampled the skin is. You must do this to choose the right grater, if the grater is chosen correctly, you will cope with rough skin without problems.

normal foot skin type- the skin is usually light, it can tread a little on problem areas (on the pad below the fingers on the side and on the heels), usually such skin is not prone to dryness, but in summer period When dust gets into open shoes, the heels can become a bit dry. Working with this type of skin is easy, since the degree of roughness is minimal, if the care is correct and regular, there may not be any roughness at all and it will be enough for you to simply polish the skin. The period between pedicures is 3 weeks.

Medium foot skin type- in this case, the skin is also not particularly problematic, but it has its own nuances in hygiene, you, as a master, must be prepared and remember the average type is prone to dryness, which means that improper care can lead to drying out and cracks. Usually this type is more common in work. The skin of the feet of medium roughness has a slightly yellowish color, since the percentage of skin that needs to be removed is greater than that of the first type. The most problematic part is the heels. The period between pedicures is 2-2.5 weeks.

Problem skin type of feet prone to damage- this is very dry skin, which is why it is often damaged. You must not only clean the skin, but also MANDATORY give the client recommendations for home care, if you follow all the rules of care, this skin can be restored. You need to carefully carry out hygiene procedures, you need a golden mean when removing, you can’t remove more skin than you need, but you shouldn’t leave a little more either. In both cases, the problem can only be exacerbated. If you grind off more skin than necessary, the cracks will spread deeper, if you do not remove it, the skin will become dry. The period between pedicures is 1.5-2 weeks.

How can a novice pedicure master learn how to do a classic pedicure according to each skin type correctly

To do a pedicure, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Grater for heels;
  • Grater for fingers;
  • Scissors and 2 types of nippers (nail and skin);
  • orange stick;
  • Nail file for natural nails, buff;
  • Gloves and mask for you;
  • Disposable bag, slippers and towel for the client;
  • Foot remover, scrub, cream and cuticle oil;
  • Bath salt.

Learning to do pedicure with graters (without apparatus and blades):

  1. Sit the client comfortably, treat the feet with disinfectant, then treat your hands with disinfectant, wait until it dries and put on disposable gloves. Carefully inspect the client's feet, determine the type of skin according to the signs indicated above.
  2. Place the client's foot on the stand and push back the cuticles with an orange stick.
  3. Take the remover and apply to the client's feet, more generously on the heels and below the toes, less on the toes and midfoot. Let the liquid sit for 2-4 minutes before steaming in the water. Put on your mask and prepare your bath. Put a disposable bag on the bath, add salt and draw warm water.
  4. Ask the client to put their feet in the tub. While the legs are steaming, prepare the tools and take the right grater. Disinfect each instrument separately. Remember - graters with a hardness of 80/120 grit - for medium hard heels, 100/120 grit - for soft heels. Graters with a laser section are universal, suitable for any type of skin.
  5. Let's start cleaning the heels. Ask the client to take the leg out of the water and place it on the stand with the foot facing you. Lightly dab the water off your foot, but it should remain damp. Take a grater and dip it in water. Important!- graters should always be wet, a dry grater irritates the skin and it becomes rough. Take the grater in a hand that is comfortable for you, with the hard side and moving back and forth, “erase” the rough skin from the feet. You will see cream gruel and shavings, this is normal, then you are doing the right thing. Start immediately from the heel - this is the most problematic area. After you remove dry skin, polish the foot with a very soft grater. Process your fingers in the most last moment. Don't forget to wet the grater. Each type requires a certain amount of time, for example, it will take you about 10 minutes to clean the feet of a normal type (calculation of time for both feet), for slightly dry feet about 20 minutes, for problematic skin from 25 minutes, it all depends on the degree of dryness.
  6. After you finish working with the feet, ask the client to rinse the leg and place the foot on the stand. Trim the cuticles and corners of the nails if they are of concern to the client. Do the same with the foot of the second leg.
  7. After processing the feet with a grater, another stage of cleansing follows - peeling off the remnants of the skin from the graters. Apply the scrub to a wet foot and rub with massage movements.
  8. Rinse off the scrub and pat your feet dry. Give the nails a shape and treat with a buff.
  9. Apply cuticle oil and rub it in, apply cream on the feet and distribute it with massage movements.
  10. If the client wants coverage, prepare the nails.

If the client has cracks, what to do:

After you remove the outdated skin, the client is obliged to take care of the heels at home, otherwise you won’t get rid of the cracks. Your professional hand + care at home will get rid of cracks. In order for the cracks to heal, you need to remove the dry skin from which they formed, you have already done this. home care what the client should do is to apply an antibiotic ointment on clean legs at night, which promotes healing, this is a common ointment for wounds. The ointment must be applied with a compress, under cotton pad putting on a sock on top. In the morning you need to remove the socks, wash off the remnants of the ointment and let the legs dry for 15 minutes. Such procedures will help cure problem skin, but the client must regularly attend hygiene procedures and do homework.

The result that you will get after all the steps:

Be confident in your abilities, the main thing is to keep the right proportions and choose the right tools. This procedure requires your attention, it all depends on how much you visually evaluate the amount of work. You will succeed!

If you have any questions or need to clarify something about the lesson, contact a specialist online for help, through a comment.