The baby sweats while suckling. When should I be worried about excessive sweating of the head in the baby? Baby sweats while breastfeeding

When a baby appears in the family, it always brings great joy. But along with it come the first worries and concerns about his well-being. The first thing a vigilant mother pays attention to is that the baby sweats during feeding. Why can a baby sweat when suckling and is there any reason for concern? Let's start with the first question.

Inexperienced mothers should know that the baby has undeveloped sweat glands, so it can sweat not only during feeding, but also in sleep, during the game and regardless of the time of day. Only by the age of 6, this part of the excretory system of the body is fully formed in a child.

Reasons why you sweat infant, are divided into two categories - normal and those that should be the reason for a visit to the pediatrician.

The first category of reasons


Usually in a family where at least one of the parents had such a childhood problem, the baby inherits it.

In this case, you should not worry - the culprit of the situation is undeveloped sweat glands, because of which the child's head sweats during feeding. This is a problem that he will almost certainly outgrow.

After a cold

There is no need to worry if the baby sweats after having a cold. Most likely, hyperhidrosis of the head while eating is a consequence of a past respiratory disease. If you show enough patience, soon the problem will cease to bother.


It is one of the most common reasons. Yes, suckling is hard work for a baby, whether he is drinking breast milk or bottled formula. A wet head saves him from overheating of the whole body, so you should not be surprised or horrified by this phenomenon.

However, it is worth paying attention to how well the milk flows from the bottle (with artificial feeding) and to facilitate access to breast milk when breastfeeding. If milk or formula comes with sufficient ease, then the baby does not put much effort into obtaining them, which means that he does not need to sweat.

Too warm clothes

A child can also sweat when he is warmly dressed - many mothers believe that this is very good for his health. And they are wrong: the combination of too much wrapping and physical effort during feeding makes his body take care of thermoregulation.

The same thing happens at elevated ambient temperatures - in summer, when the room is too hot for natural causes, or in winter in case of excessive heating of the room (which is also most often the result of excessive parental care).

It is worth paying attention: mother's hands are also a source of heat, and at high temperature environment they are also hotter than necessary.

To avoid excessive sweating for the latter reasons, you just need to give up the habit of overwrapping the child and start regularly airing his room.

Thus, we can sum up: if the baby’s head sweats during breastfeeding, it is a natural result of the efforts made, too hot clothes or high temperature in the room. But there are also causes of sweating that can serve as signs of serious illness. Let's consider them separately.

Sweating as a symptom

Let us consider in more detail the causes of the second category, when sweating is one of the signs of the disease.


Such a suspicion arises in every mother who notices excessive sweating of her child. It is worth noting that sweat is considered one of the most minor symptoms of the disease. Hyperhidrosis occurs due to a lack of vitamin D - for this reason, the child sweats heavily not only when feeding, but also during games and even sleep.

If during the meal not only the head gets wet, but also the feet, palms, you should be wary. The main symptoms in this case will be bald patches on the head, a sour smell of the skin and a pungent, unpleasant urine. The fontanel with rickets overgrows poorly, the teeth are cut with a long delay. The baby becomes restless, and his frontal and parietal lobes noticeably increase in size.

Violations of the functioning of the nervous system

Another nuisance, a symptom of which is sweating of the head during breastfeeding. Even in an adult, excitement causes certain reactions, to say nothing of a child. Usually, in a worried baby, it is not the palms that sweat, as in an adult, but the head and neck. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the capriciousness and fatigue of the child. If you adjust the daily routine and avoid stress, then nervous strain, and with it sweating, will pass on their own.

Symptoms of nervous strain are the density, stickiness of perspiration, which covers the skin of the baby during feeding, and its unpleasant odor.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Also is dangerous cause sweating. In case of disruption of the work of nerve fibers and cells, the activity of blood vessels decreases. Providing timely assistance will resolve the problem, but if this is not done, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

So the main task of parents in this case is precisely the definition of a disease that is characterized by a certain set of deviations from the norm. This set includes not only hyperhidrosis of the head, but also pallor of the skin, a pronounced decrease in appetite, uneven breathing and weight loss.

Violations of hygiene requirements

Also one of the reasons for the sweating of the head of newborns, for example, to the material from which the baby's clothes are sewn. This can be affected by the temperature of the food (in the case of artificial feeding) and violation of other rules. If you bring them to certain indicators, you can say goodbye to sweating.

What to do if feeding causes hyperhidrosis of the head

Optionally, if the child sweats, the causes are caused by a serious illness. But this fact does not mean that you just need to calm down. However, certain actions must be taken.

So, first of all, you should pay attention to the temperature in the room: it is best if it is constantly at the level of 18 ° C, while the humidity should be 70%. A prerequisite for creating a comfortable environment is also the ventilation of the baby's room.

It is not necessary to wrap a child not only at home, but also during walks. Clothing should be appropriate for the season, and not overly warm. It is worth completely abandoning synthetics - they are not suitable for children, so clothes and bedding should be sewn from natural materials High Quality. Then hyperhidrosis of the head during feeding can not be afraid.

Be sure to give your child vitamin D to prevent such an unpleasant disease as rickets. However, at the same time, you must adhere to the dosage indicated by the pediatrician - too much dose will harm the child's body.
Here are the daily walks fresh air will only be useful and help you soon forget about hyperhidrosis.

Breastfeeding is an important guarantee of a baby's health. It needs to be kept as long as possible, since it affects all processes in the body, including the formation of sweat glands. However, nursing mothers should pay special attention to their own diet so that milk is as useful as possible.

Spicy foods, coffee, chocolate and tea cause excessive sweating. If you abandon them for the period of lactation, when the child is breastfeeding for the sake of his health, you can avoid not only hyperhidrosis, but also a number of other problems.

Of course, the diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of one symptom - even the most qualified specialist will not do this. But sometimes even such a “little thing” as a sweaty neck during feeding, noticed and voiced in time, can prevent a big disaster. Any disease is easiest to treat in the early stages - and childhood diseases are no exception. Parents need to be vigilant.

In the meantime, do not worry too much if the baby sweats while breastfeeding - good appetite and healthy sleep say that no illness threatens the baby, you just need to analyze and correct external factors, then the baby will stop sweating when eating, when feeding naturally.

Most parents are faced with the fact that the child sweats during feeding. In most cases, this is not a problem, since the sweat glands are formed and begin to function normally only when they reach school age. An important factor is also the fact that the baby's body temperature is poorly regulated, and the body is prone to rapid overheating.

What causes baby to sweat while breastfeeding?

  • Heredity. If at least one of the parents has a tendency to hyperhidrosis, then it is likely that this problem can be transmitted to the child.
  • Fatigue. When a baby eats by sucking on the mother's breast or bottle formula, he is working. Because of this, his body temperature may rise. A wet head just helps to escape from overheating.
  • Overwrapping babies. This is another reason why babies sweat when they eat.
  • External influence of hot air. It is the basis of heavy sweating in a child when he suckles at the breast. From this, the baby can not only sweat, his body temperature can also rise.

Sweat in a newborn during breastfeeding can be triggered by completely natural factors that are not harmful. That is why parents need to first check whether their child is overheating. However, despite this, there are many diseases and pathological conditions that can cause the baby to sweat.

Why does rickets provoke hyperhidrosis?

Increased sweating can be triggered by rickets.

Sweating at breastfeeding may be caused by rickets. With this ailment, the head and forehead sweat in the baby, which is associated with a lack of vitamin D in the body. In addition, there are such symptoms: a bald patch on the back of the head, poor overgrowth of the fontanel, an unpleasant smell of skin and feces. The baby is restless, does not grow well, the teeth may not erupt for a long time. All this should alert caring parents who are urgently advised to consult a doctor.

Increased sweating after illness

This process is often associated with the activation nervous system infant, namely its sympathetic department. This is attributed to the imperfection of the protective system of a growing organism in the fight against infection. Most often, the baby's forehead sweats after eating. Over time, hyperhidrosis disappears, so parents should not worry and, moreover, use folk and drug methods to treat this condition.

Before a woman who has become a mother, especially at the birth of her first child, there are many questions about the health of the baby, one of which is why the head of the baby is sweating. Sweating of the head can be observed during sleep or feeding, and the mother is obliged to constantly monitor the health of the baby so as not to miss signs of a possible disease.

Sweating in the body of a child who has just been born is different from the process of heat transfer in an adult. Normal in infants begins at the age of 3 weeks, and until then the baby's body is equally bad and retains and releases heat. First of all, the eccrine glands are included in the work, a significant accumulation of which is located on the face, feet, palms, which explains the increased sweating of these particular parts of the body.

Noticing that the baby's head sweats during sleep, feeding, or just being in the crib, mothers begin to sound the alarm and suspect all kinds of diseases that threaten their beloved child. Experts say that there can be several reasons for heavy sweating in a baby.

In many cases, the child is not dangerous and refers to the normal physiological effects.

One of the most common baby during sleep is heat air in the child's bedroom. The baby is hot, uncomfortable and sweats a lot.

In addition, non-compliance with elementary rules hygiene, too soft mattress and warm blanket. If you eliminate all these problems, often ventilate the room and maintain a comfortable temperature, bathe the child at the right time, all processes will normalize and profuse sweating will stop.

You should not wrap a small child in too warm clothes, especially if they are made of synthetic materials. A cool nose and warm hands indicate that the child is comfortable in the conditions created.

Baby sweating while feeding

Often, mothers notice that during feeding, the baby's face and head are covered with droplets of sweat. This phenomenon is quite understandable. To suck out milk, you need to make some physical effort, therefore. An insufficient amount of milk in the nurse's breast or a recent illness that has weakened the baby's body forces the sweat glands to work in an enhanced mode.

Before feeding, demanding his portion of milk, the baby screams, groans, cries and expresses a storm of emotions when he sees his nurse. It also causes perspiration on the baby's head. As soon as the activity of the nervous system stabilizes, sweating will also stop.

What to do if baby sweats while feeding

In the room where the little person is, whether he sweats or not, certain conditions should be maintained. So, the air temperature should be in the range from +18 C to +22 C. In addition, it is necessary to control the humidity of the air. The acceptable range is from 50 to 70%.

The room should be ventilated several times a day, the floors should be washed regularly and air humidifiers should be used. You should not wrap a child in a hundred clothes at home and you must definitely walk in any weather.

A breastfeeding mother should take care of the preservation of breast milk, for which special attention should be paid to her own diet.

Is head sweating in a child a sign of rickets?

There is an opinion that if, then this certainly indicates the development of rickets. I must say that in itself this disease is extremely rare today. If the mother is breastfeeding the baby breast milk, then rickets practically cannot develop. After all, breast milk contains the entire set of substances necessary for the growth of the baby, including vitamin D.

The composition of milk mixtures that replace breast milk also includes a daily supply of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. And in order for rickets to develop due to a lack of sunlight, one must not go out for weeks, which a loving mother is unlikely to do.

It is one of the many signs of rickets. To diagnose this serious illness, the doctor should note the following symptoms:

  • softening of the cranial bones;
  • convex frontal and parietal tubercles;
  • slow growth;
  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • delayed appearance of teeth.

Only all these symptoms in the complex cause fear of the development of rickets. And even if the above signs are found, it is necessary to do a blood test and an x-ray of the knee joints in order to make a final diagnosis.

Dr. Komarovsky - opinion on head sweating baby

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky, answering the questions of worried parents, explains that most often the child's sweating is his individual feature. Problems with the nervous system or rickets are not manifested by sweating at all, but by other signs.

Don't worry ahead of time. The wisest thing to do in this situation is not to look for symptoms. serious illnesses calm down and be patient. The problem will resolve itself, because no medical manual describes methods for treating excessive sweating in a newborn.

There are a lot of horror stories for moms. Every action or inaction of the baby is perceived by especially impressionable women with horror. One of the most common fears is the threat of rickets if the baby's head sweats during feeding.

As soon as the mother notices this at least once, she is seized by anxiety and a desire to immediately cure the child of this scourge. But if rickets is not planned, excess vitamin D can harm him more than its deficiency. Do not panic, you need to carefully study the problem and find the right solution.

Why does baby sweat when suckling

Sweating is a natural occurrence for any person, even if he is only a few weeks old. The process of feeding a child is quite a serious work that requires a lot of effort. Therefore, it is not strange that he sweats, especially during periods of lactation crises, when milk becomes scarce and it becomes even more difficult to obtain it.

However, there are quite a few reasons for a baby to sweat - from quite harmless to quite serious. Therefore, this sign should not be ignored. By excluding them all in turn, you can determine whether it is worth worrying and consulting a doctor, or just opening the window is enough.

congenital feature

If mom or dad is prone to excessive sweating, you should expect that the newborn will have this “ability”. In this case, you should not worry that the baby sweats during feeding - if there are no other alarming signs, this is not a symptom of the disease.

The thermoregulation system in newborn babies is not set up immediately. Sweat glands begin to work as early as 2-3 weeks, but fully “tune in” only by 5-6 years! Therefore, children are much more sensitive to the slightest and imperceptible temperature changes for adults.


As logically follows from the previous paragraph, it can become hot for a baby even when adults feel quite comfortable. In addition, with the birth of a child in the family, the desire to protect him from everything in the world often intensifies, so they dress him warmly, close all the windows and crevices so that the baby does not blow through. If the house is hot, naturally, the child sweats during feeding, and during sleep, and just like that.

The baby is already prone to sweating when he eats breast milk, as this requires a lot of effort from him. If at the same time caring parents they wrapped him up so that only his nose sticks out, and in a house of +25 - it's not surprising that the baby will sweat profusely.

You should not wrap up the child - he should have the same amount of clothes as the parents plus one layer. The cap in the room becomes superfluous already in 1.5-2 months. For a walk, you will need another layer of outerwear.

Wrong clothes

Another reason for increased sweating during feeding or during sleep is improperly selected clothes. Synthetic, breathable materials do not allow the skin to breathe and violate the thermoregulation of the baby, which is not yet working very stably.

If a child sweats, review his wardrobe and get rid of inappropriate clothes, leaving only cotton, linen and wool (if there is no allergy to it), high-quality knitwear and terrycloth made from natural materials (for towels and dressing gowns).

This also applies to mothers - at the time of feeding it is better to choose clothes made from natural materials, especially in hot weather.

The child has a cold

Do not exclude the possibility of a cold. It is accompanied by fever and often sweating. Additional symptoms will help to recognize the disease in an infant:

  • Runny nose;
  • Cough;
  • Reddened and watery eyes;
  • Hot hands and feet;
  • Chills.

Drinking plenty of water is recommended at temperatures, and it usually causes sweating. In addition, often the baby sweats from medications taken that have such by-effect. Sweating during a cold should not be considered a negative phenomenon, as it is the body's way of avoiding overheating and dumping "steam".

Give your baby more water (if he is artificial or already on solid foods) or breastfeed to avoid dehydration.

The initial stage of rickets

Of course, if the baby's head sweats when sucking the breast, this may be a sign of rickets. In this case, there are a number of other symptoms:

  • Poor sleep, startling, crying;
  • Irritability;
  • Fear of sharp sounds;
  • Unpleasant, sour-smelling urine;
  • Irritation on the skin from sweat, its sour smell. Due to itching, the baby constantly rubs his head against the pillow and bald patches appear on the back of the head;
  • Softness of the bones of the skull, which the doctor detects during examination.

It is possible to make a diagnosis for sure only after a special examination and analysis. Your doctor will usually give your child vitamin D to prevent or treat rickets.

Do not be nervous right away, you need to study the behavior of the baby, his back of the head, check if he is hot. If all external causes are excluded, you need to see a doctor. As in other cases, the treatment of rickets is much more productive in the early stages. Also, mom should know that recently rickets is quite rare. It was common when most children did not receive enough mother's milk, but today many women breastfeed for a long time, walk a lot with their children. And this is the best prevention of rickets.

neurological features

With disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, sweating and anxiety can serve as signs of a disorder. In this case, a newborn baby, as a rule, sweats on the arms and legs, forehead and front of the head. He sleeps restlessly, gets tired quickly, cannot concentrate.

If the doctor did not reveal serious disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, but diagnosed increased nervous excitability, any drug treatment may not be required. Sometimes infusions of soothing herbs and adherence to the daily routine are enough.

An infant is very sensitive to the emotional background in the family, so if the baby’s head sweats during feeding, and there are signs of nervous excitement, pay attention to the atmosphere in the family.

Endocrine disorders

Endocrine disorders can cause the development of secondary hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating. Also, as a result of impaired metabolism, the baby may appear excess weight. In this case, any activity requires a lot of effort, so he sweats.

Find the cause and then think about a cure. If the matter is overweight, you need to reconsider the diet of the baby, but if the cause is hormonal disorders, the doctor will help you choose the right drugs.

Cardiovascular disorders

Symptoms of malfunctions of cardio-vascular system quite difficult to trace in young children, especially under the age of 1 year. Be attentive to the child and track any suspicious deviations from the usual pattern.

You need to pay attention to such signs:

  • Increased sweating of the head;
  • Poor appetite, lethargy, general lethargy;
  • Blueing of the area between the nose and lips;
  • Crying in sleep, pallor, cold sweat;
  • Rapid breathing, shortness of breath;
  • Pain in the chest when pressed.

IN childhood disorders of the cardiovascular system are treated quite successfully, the main thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor.

What to do

It is necessary to exclude all causes that are not related to health. First, the temperature in the room and the baby's clothes are checked. Then heredity, stress, physical activity and excess fluid are swept aside.

If everything is in order, you need to visit a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the cause of increased sweating and eliminate the threat of rickets or other serious disorders. When visiting, it is advisable to tell the doctor about all suspicious symptoms, this will help him get a complete picture.

And although sweating during feeding scares many mothers, in this case, a thoughtful approach and a lack of panic are required. This will save you from unnecessary treatments and hassle, allowing you to maintain the health of the baby and mom's peace of mind.

In every young family with the birth of a baby, there is a lot of trouble. Many mothers, noticing that the child sweats during feeding, experience anxiety. Is it true that such features of the child's body should cause concern or is the appearance of sweat droplets a normal phenomenon?

All causes of sweating can be divided into 2 large groups. Some of them do not differ in the negative impact on the children's body, while others, on the contrary, are signs of diseases.

Features of sweating in infants

Most often, in babies, it is the head that is covered with sweat, while the whole body remains dry. In almost all cases, this is a completely normal process that does not indicate the development of pathologies in the child.

The sweat glands in newborns are active immediately after birth, despite the fact that at this time they are not yet fully formed. For this reason, the baby sweats not only in sleep, but also during meals, active pastime or rest.

The normalization of the functioning of the sweat glands occurs only at the age of 5 - 6 years, so you should not worry about the fact that the little one has a sweaty head even when he is cold.

Causes of head sweating in newborns

As mentioned earlier, in most cases, sweating is a normal physiological process that occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Overwork caused by a long period of wakefulness. In such a case, children are capricious. Due to tension and crying, their temples and the back of the head may sweat. After the baby is finally in the crib and falls asleep, the head will dry.
  • The use of things made from synthetic fabrics. It has long been known that such matter does not let air through. Experts recommend using only clothes and underwear made from natural materials, for example, linen, cotton, for babies. Many mothers are not guided by this rule, they buy attractive bright little things for their kids, which are presented in a huge assortment on the modern market. Most of them are sewn from artificial fabrics.

Natural garments, of course, lose out on appearance. Young parents often choose exactly those things that please the eye, not thinking that they are harmful. children's health. The baby's body breathes, and things that do not allow air to pass through disrupt this process, causing sweating.

  • Down bedding. All relatives try to surround the baby with only the best, including pillows and blankets. Products made from natural fluff will seem like an excellent option to many, but not everyone knows that fluff can create a greenhouse effect. This explains the fact that the awakened baby is all wet with sweat.
  • Various diseases. During the development of colds, there is a decrease in immunity, fever, weakness, and an increased level of sweating. Moreover, the greatest amount of sweat is allocated on the crown and temples. Adults know from their own experience about such features that indicate a cold.
  • Overheat. The baby needs warmth. Many mothers constantly think that the baby is freezing, because he cannot yet tell about his feelings. Parents try to wrap the baby as securely as possible in warm clothes, especially in anticipation of a walk in the fresh air. This causes most babies to suffer from prickly heat. Some parts of their body are covered with small red spots. When sweating on the head, such spots appear in the neck area.
  • Physical exercise. The body of the crumbs is subjected to such loads when it eats. The baby tries so hard while suckling the breast that he may even sweat. Often it is the head that is involved in the process of sweating in the smallest children.

The listed reasons explain why the baby's head sweats. When this happens due to natural features, there is no need to worry. It is enough to eliminate the factors that affect the baby, and the discomfort will disappear. So that the head of the crumbs does not sweat, it is worth choosing high-quality bedding and clothes made from natural materials.

When is sweating on the head really dangerous?

If a child's head sweats during feeding, this may be the first signal of the development of a disease such as rickets. This disease is very dangerous for children. As a rule, its manifestation is associated with a lack of vitamin D, which is necessary for the formation of many systems and organs in infants.

A strong or prolonged lack of this vitamin leads to irreversible consequences, up to bone deformation.

If a child sweats while eating, this does not indicate the presence of rickets. At the slightest suspicion or concern, you should consult a doctor.

Experts determine rickets by external signs:

  • cranial bones become thinner or softer;
  • parietal and frontal tubercles increase in size;
  • the growth of the child is far behind the norm;
  • so-called "rachitic beads" appear;
  • the first teeth erupt late;
  • muscle tone decreases.

All of these symptoms can cause suspicion of the development of the disease only with a complex manifestation. Diagnosis includes an additional examination:

  • x-ray of the knee joints;
  • a blood test that will show the amount of vitamin D, as well as phosphorus and calcium in the body.

It should be noted that sweating during feeding does not yet give rise to a definite diagnosis. Rickets is quite rare today, although a few decades ago it was the other way around. Often the disease arose in connection with the early weaning of babies from the breast. If the newborn is breastfed, then this disease almost never manifests itself. Together with this irreplaceable substance, he receives all the substances necessary for normal development, including vitamin D.

What to do if the baby sweats during feeding?

If your baby sweats while suckling, pay attention to the room temperature. Optimal performance should not exceed 22 degrees, humidity - at least 50%.

The dwelling should be ventilated more often, especially in summer, in winter it is recommended to use devices that humidify the air.

Do not overdress the child and put on extra clothes. Young mothers must go on breastfeeding before the due period. Sucking milk will protect the baby from the development of numerous diseases, strengthen immune system. Mothers should be careful about what they themselves eat. Nutrition should be balanced, healthy and varied. When the baby is healthy, you should definitely take daily walks in the fresh air.

If your child sweats while eating, do not panic and go to the doctor immediately, look for other reasons that contribute to sweating. Perhaps they are the ones who cause such discomfort. If this does not help, and the wet head of a daughter or son worries parents, you should contact a qualified specialist. The pediatrician will examine the baby, diagnose and explain exactly what caused the sweating.