How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. Methods for determining the real mink. Basic rules for buying a high quality fur product

And it costs a lot of money, so the purchase must be treated with special care. After all, a thing will last more than a dozen years, and it is very disappointing when a fake is purchased for a high cost. To avoid this, let's figure out how to choose natural fur.

Where to buy a mink coat?

Perhaps the main question. It is better to purchase the product in specialized stores. There you will receive a warranty card, care instructions and a certificate of quality.

If the purchase is made via the Internet, the situation is much more complicated, because the fur coat cannot be touched, examined and, most importantly, tried on. It remains to rely on the integrity of the selected seller.

Where is the least likely to buy a fake?

Of course, even in the store you can buy low-quality goods, but still less likely than on the market counter. A mink coat is worth buying:

  1. In large chain stores. The seller will value his reputation, so he will not allow the sale of fakes.
  2. Factory stores. The manufacturer will not neglect the trust of customers, moreover, the products will have reasonable prices.
  3. Outside the country. Fur products purchased in Europe, China and Latin America are famous for their high quality.

The seller will provide a guarantee and So, we have decided on the place of purchase. Let's start discussing the main question: how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

The first sign of a fake

Low cost. Quality fur will not be cheap. An exception may be low-paid manual labor, but this is unlikely. But for poor quality and tailoring, the product can be discounted. Therefore, if you do not want to freeze in severe frosts and shed tears, watching how the fur coat goes apart at the seams, you will have to pay a considerable amount to buy a quality product. And yet, how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

Mink will shimmer and shine. If there is no this effect, and the villi still stick together, it means that the production technologies were not followed. We understand how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake, but first we will consider possible defects:

  • If the fur coat is unevenly colored, has scuffs and burnt spots, this indicates that it was made from old, unusable material.
  • The presence of red spots that cannot be got rid of (they are present on fur coats due to the content of minks in iron cages).
  • Irregular hairs. The picture looks like a sloppy haircut.
  • If the fur resembles parchment to the touch, it means that the fur is dry and will soon crack and spread.

If at least one of these defects is found, do not buy the product. Before proceeding to the question of how to distinguish a real mink coat from a fake, let's talk about ways to check the quality of fur.

How to do it and is it worth it?

Of course, yes, even if you did not find visible defects, this does not mean that they are absent. Unscrupulous manufacturers by any means hide defects by coloring faded spots, coating the hairs with a special varnish to add shine and gloss.

So, to the tips:

  • Raise the hairs with your hand against their growth. The villi should return to their original position without creases and depressions. And on the palms there will be no hairs and fluff.
  • Move the fur. A quality product has a light core. A dark base means that the fur has been dyed or the skins have been stored incorrectly.
  • No seams should be visible. You can determine the quality of the seams that must be made with strong threads in the area of ​​​​the shoulder line and the collar area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product by pulling the joints to the sides.
  • Pierce with a needle from the inside of the product, and pull the hole, if it does not increase, the fur is of high quality.
  • The undercoat should be soft to the touch, not spiky and thick.
  • Go over the fur with a damp piece of cloth. The remaining traces of paint indicate that the product is of poor quality.
  • An uneven pile indicates that the fur has been sheared.
  • Smell the fur coat, there should be no smell of an animal and chemical impurities, an unobtrusive scent of a cleaning composition is acceptable.

To begin with, we note that mink coats are sewn from pieces no more than fifteen centimeters in length. They will be light. The fur is silky and soft and will not shimmer blue in the sun. So, we will figure out how to distinguish a natural mink coat from a fake.

Often the seller gives out a rabbit or groundhog for a natural mink. An unprepared buyer will not discern the differences, because the pile has similar characteristics, soft and fluffy. And at the same time, mink fur is thicker, while rabbit fur is sparse, has almost no down, if squeezed between fingers, it becomes intangible.

Difference Between Mink and Marmot

How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? Products have a similar appearance, but to the touch a different texture. The groundhog has hairs of various lengths, this is easily visible when stroking the fur against the growth of wool. The pile of the groundhog will not return to its original position, it will be shaggy. The difference is easy to notice: the painted marmot is characterized by a blue or purple hue.

How to distinguish honorik from mink?

The first was obtained by crossing a ferret and a mink, which is larger in size than its parents, similar to a sable. The first thing that distinguishes them is the color. The honorik has a dark coat color, and the fluff is much lighter, while the mink, as we already know, has the same fur color. And do not forget about the size of the stitched pieces, in mink it is much smaller. This is if the product is not sewn from small shreds. Let's look at the photo, how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake.

You should also beware of faux fur, which looks like natural fur. And in this case, how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? Everything is very simple here, fake fur is sewn onto a fabric base. It is enough to look at the inside of the product. And how to figure out the quality of the mink lining?

It deserves no less attention when buying than the fur itself:

  1. The lining must be of high strength and quality. As a rule, natural silk is involved.
  2. It is the “second skin” of outerwear; the fur does not bulge when moving.
  3. The bottom lining is not sewn to the fur coat itself, which gives access to wrong side skins. The natural fur is white, and the yellowish tint indicates that the fur is old.
  4. The seams are smooth and high quality, well processed and durable.
  5. And the edge is finished in the form of a cord.

So, we found out what you should focus on when buying a mink coat, and now we will take a closer look at tips so as not to buy a fake.

Summing up

How to distinguish a fake from the original mink coat:

  1. The first thing to start with is to feel the product. Remember that the fur should be dry and uniform, pleasant and soft to the touch, you will no longer want to let go of it.
  2. Pull on the hair. They must sit tight.
  3. Mink fur always shines, if not dyed, white villi come across.
  4. The guard hairs should be even and equal in length.
  5. The mink has an undercoat.
  6. High-quality fur does not make any sounds when moving.
  7. Pay attention to tailoring. The fur coat must be sewn with line seams, which are checked from the back of the product. Check for any traces of glue.
  8. Mezdra should be thin and elastic.
  9. A product made of natural mink is light, but not quite.
  10. The bottom lining is never sewn to the fur coat.

And also see the marking, which indicates the full information about the manufacturer and the rules of operation. So, we figured out how to distinguish a fake mink coat. These simple guidelines will help you choose a quality product.

Mink coats are the most popular in Russia. This fur is distinguished by its special beauty, wearability, good thermal characteristics. But the price for such a fur coat may not always be affordable for women. Most save up for it for several years and buy it to wear more than one season. But several especially cunning fur coat sellers learned to make fakes very similar to mink.

It becomes very disappointing when a dream fur coat is purchased, which, it turns out, is not made from mink at all, but, for example, from a marmot or a ferret. How can you easily and quickly distinguish a high quality product from a fake product and buy the fur coat that can last for many years?

If you decide to buy a natural fur coat, then you should go shopping to a store that has been able to establish itself well in the market and is able to provide the buyer with guarantees and certification of its products. No need to chase the economy and look for cheap options in the market rows. In these places, fakes are most common., and it will be very difficult to make a return in this case.

Worth a closer look how to distinguish a natural mink coat.

  1. Mink fur is much denser. It is worth running your hand along the pile against its height, it should quickly return to its original position. With its increased elasticity and rigidity, the fur will not prick much.
  2. Beautiful undercoat, awn equal in length. If you start to mask a fake, then in most cases you have to cut the guard hair so that their length is at the same level. It is in this case that the fur will strongly prick the skin.
  3. When pinching, no hairs should remain on the surface of the hand.
  4. Mink skin has a characteristic sheen. On an unpainted pile, in some cases, single white hairs can be seen.
  5. It is worth holding a white napkin over the fur. It should not leave traces of paint.
  6. The overall height of the pile on the entire product should be approximately the same. On finished product bald spots, any bald patches, tubercles should not be visible either.
  7. Good sellers of quality fur do not hem an additional lining, making it possible to inspect the quality of the fur. It should have a light or creamy shade, and also be elastic.
  8. During shaking, the fur coat should not rattle.
  9. It is worth checking the presence of a seal from the manufacturers on each skin. It is this seal that will confirm that this is a mink.
  10. All seams should be carefully examined. They must be thin, even, and also rolling. In some cases, the manufacturer sews the skin between fragments of such a skin. The fewer such areas, the higher the cost of the product itself. If you notice glue, then it is best in this case to simply refuse to purchase such a fur coat. The technology in which the skin is glued, and not stitched together, will not allow things to last a long time.

Features of the country of origin

Mink fur coats, depending on the country of manufacture, can vary significantly in both appearance and price. The most expensive can be called the Canadian and Scandinavian mink. They are distinguished by a very strong fluff, as well as a thick pile. According to their characteristics, the Ukrainian mink is slightly inferior to them. Its underfur is considered not so thick, and the awn is longer. Greek fur coats are more popular. There is also an opinion that in Greece the cost of a fur coat is much less. Some go on special trips for fur products.

But on the territory of any country you can find manufacturers of both a high level of production and not quite high quality. Good and real fur product definitely won't be too cheap. That is why you should not risk making expensive purchases in the recreation area.

Fur coats from Russian and Chinese manufacturers are much cheaper. Now some Chinese manufacturers have also learned how to create fur products from high-quality fur. But there are a lot of fakes among such fur coats. It is for this reason that it will be very disappointing to buy a Chinese fur coat at the price of a Canadian or Greek one.

Signs of difference between Chinese and European fur coats

When choosing, always pay attention to:

  1. ost. Pronounced and very high. From the outside, it looks prickly. Lies well on the pillow. In some cases, the spine does not differ in its height. In this case, the skin can be passed off as Scandinavian.
  2. Shine. Chinese skins do not have a smooth sheen, they can shine, but only in some areas they can be easily recognized by their special glassy sheen. If we compare the Chinese and Scandinavian fur coats, then even a non-professional can notice the difference. Scandinavian furs differ from the rest in a special diamond shine, which seems to shimmer under the rays of the sun.
  3. Undercoat. It depends directly on the length of the awn itself, as well as the long black down, which is passed off as a black mink. But in a natural black mink, the mezra is light in color, and only after dyeing can it acquire a dark or gray color.

Knowing these indicators, you can easily understand where the animal was raised. The place where the fur coat was made will be determined by the features and quality of the seams. In most cases, Italian and Greek fur coats are sewn using the skins of a Finnish, as well as a Scandinavian manufacturer. The Russian mink may differ from the Chinese in its thick and long pile. In the Scandinavian mink, it is thick, but very short.

In some cases, the Chinese use Greek furs for tailoring. In this case, the quality will also be determined by the technology of applying the seam.

How to distinguish a mink from a fake

The first sign to pay special attention to, is the weight of the coat. A fur coat made from mink fur will be much lighter than from the fur of any other animal. In most cases, under an expensive skin, mink manufacturers skillfully disguise a marmot, beaver, ferret, and also a rabbit.

  1. Rabbit. It has a very soft pile and a non-uniform sheen, while the mink skin shines quite evenly. Rabbits have different hair colors. The undercoat leaves hair in the hand during plucking.
  2. Marmot. It is quite often used in the manufacture of fake fur coats. Their main difference lies in the fact that the marmot has spiky fur, the hairs on it are completely different lengths. The pile of a marmot is also considered elastic, but it does not have special plasticity; during stroking, it can become very shaggy.
  3. Beaver. The fur of both beaver and marmot can be easily confused with each other in terms of hardness. Beaver skins are larger in size than minks. The mezdra of a beaver is two times thicker than that of a mink.
  4. Ferret. The ferret, in comparison with the mink, has a higher awn, and the underfur is of a rare type. It has a peculiar coloration: the underfur is light, and the awn is dark at the ends. In the area of ​​the sides, light areas can be easily seen, and on the back, a dark-colored awn completely covers the underfur. In addition, ferret skins are valued slightly less than mink. They are considered less durable, but very warm. Products in dissolution are not sewn from the skin of a ferret, since the seam will stand out strongly through the fur due to the rare fluff. It is for this reason that the models from his fur mostly have a straight cut.
  5. Honoric. This animal is obtained by crossing a ferret and a mink. It will be very difficult to distinguish such fur from a real mink. It will be given out by black color, uneven sheen and thick brown undercoat.

If you go to the store to buy a fur coat, then there is no need to rush into the choice. To purchase the right model, you may have to visit more than one trusted store and try on several options. Don't be afraid to be demanding in their questions and doubts to the consultant. It is imperative to pay attention to every little detail. It is vigilance that will positively affect a worthy purchase, which you definitely will not regret.


This video will help you learn how to distinguish a natural high-quality mink coat from cheap fakes.

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Sellers of fur products are ready to go to any tricks to sell goods, including low-quality ones. They offer all sorts of discounts, gifts, free dry cleaning. But do not succumb to these tricks, otherwise after the purchase you can be very disappointed.

It has already been verified that a high-quality mink coat with proper care can serve the owner for ten seasons. This pleases, because a product made from such fur is not cheap. It is better to buy a fur coat in specialized salons, then the probability of buying a low-quality item is significantly reduced.

Rules for choosing a fur coat

In order for a fur thing to look like new for several seasons, it is necessary to follow several rules when buying.

1. Fur should be shiny and thick. To determine this, you just need to carefully feel the product: the fur should be dense, and the skin should be thick.

2. The next step in checking the quality of a mink coat should be its inspection in the light. good fur while it will overflow and flow. It is immediately necessary to smell the product, the fur coat should not have extraneous odors, give off mustiness.

3. Mink should not shed! This is easy to check: you just need to run your wet hand over the fur coat, the hairs should not remain in the palm of your hand.

4. The fur should not break, even if it is folded in half, the undercoat will necessarily be thick in a quality product.

5. The product should not crunch when it is crushed in the hands. If, nevertheless, this happens, you can safely refuse to buy, because the flesh of such a thing is too dry, and this will lead to rapid wear in the first season.

6. An honest manufacturer never sews a lining on a mink coat. This makes it possible to evaluate the inside of the product. If there are uneven seams, pieces of fur are tightly stretched, there are tears, the thing will not last long. And don't waste money on it.

7. Fur coats made of undyed fur are considered the highest quality and most expensive. This is very easy to determine, just blow on the fur and look at the mezra. If it is light, the fur is a natural color.

8. Some unscrupulous manufacturers simply alter old products, passing them off as trendy items. But even this is easy to determine: in this case, the mink pieces will be of different sizes, non-uniform in color, and the fur may fall out in shreds.

Knowing these details, you can easily distinguish a low-quality product from a good mink coat on your own. When buying, you should not be guided only by the recommendations of the seller, because his main goal is to sell his goods.

On the eve of the upcoming winter season, let's talk about how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. Fur is an expensive pleasure, and giving a lot of money for a fake or illiquid is doubly insulting. But don't worry! The experts of the Furs of Russia portal will guide you along the most winding path to a meeting with your favorite and desired mink coat.

How to identify mink fur

Mink belongs to the highest category of valuable furs along with sable, lynx, chinchilla and is distinguished by increased wear resistance. A mink coat is worn for at least 6-8 winters, and can last 10-14 seasons.

It was for the beauty and durability that the mink was so fond of. But the quality varies, as does the price. The quality is mainly affected by the age of the fur, part of the skin and the type of mink: European, Scandinavian, American, etc. Fur coats are sewn from different parts. From the back they are more expensive, from foreheads and tums - cheaper.

Self-assessment of fur quality

Let's try to determine the quality ourselves. The method is suitable for individual skins, and for the product as a whole.

1. We evaluate by touch.

Good quality fur feels smooth and soft to the touch. Moderately pliable, the villi should return to their original position when you run your hand over it. Should prick a little. Less wear-resistant fur, the same rabbit, softer and not prickly. Look also at the undercoat, whether it is thick enough.

Important: Good fur does not need to be dyed. Cut and color to mask imperfections.

2. Look at the undercoat.

Mink is winter and summer. They differ in pile and undercoat. Winter has a thicker undercoat, it is warmer in it, and it costs less. The summer mink has a smoother, even and shiny appearance, the undercoat is smaller, and it costs more.

3. We check the core.

Mezdra - the lower part of the skin. She talks about age. Choose only products and skins with a light elastic core. Dark, brown - indicates the old age of the fur.

4. Evaluate visually.

Look at the coat or skin in general. Fur should be uniform, even. The fur from the back is denser and smoother. Foreheads, tummies and other parts are less durable and beautiful. But they are significantly cheaper.

Important: In the product from the backs, the joints and undercoat are absolutely not visible. It gives the impression of a cast skin. A fur coat from parts looks like it is sewn from small semicircles, it looks like it is wavy.

How not to buy a rabbit instead of a mink?

The rabbit is more suitable as a cheap analogue of the chinchilla, especially the Rex breed. But he is also given out for a mink, usually for a sheared one. The rabbit is a good animal. It grows fast and is soft to the touch. Its price is one of the lowest in the fur market. It is not at all shameful for a young girl to have a vest or a purse made of rabbit. It is worse if, under the guise of an expensive and high-quality mink, they offer a rabbit fur coat. Lack of experience leads to the purchase of such "mink coats". But this can be avoided. You must call on the help of vigilant eyes and a skeptical attitude.

You can tell a rabbit from a mink by eye. Rabbit fur is soft and fluffy. Looks like cotton balls. Virtually no undercoat. To bring the rabbit closer to the shorter pile of the mink, it is plucked. Move the pile apart, look at it inside, if there is an undercoat.

Look at the color. The rabbit is solid, while the mink has fine white hairs. The fur coat itself does not "play" in the sun and it does not have shine.

Next test - to the touch. Rabbit is much softer than mink. Feel more fur coats, after 10 you will understand where the fur is soft and where it is harder.

Important: Sheared mink is prickly to the touch with trimmed guard hairs, and the rabbit still remains soft.

The difference between a good mink coat

A good mink coat looks expensive and rich. Quality can be seen in everything: cut, tailoring, details and the level of the fur itself. The fur coat should be sewn from solid plates, from the backs. This is the most durable and beautiful option.

Sometimes a fur coat is sewn in dissolution. For this technology, the skins are cut in a herringbone pattern and sewn back together. On the one hand, the fur coat has a sort of flying silhouette, but, on the other hand, the product itself is less durable. With poor-quality tailoring, furrows may appear after the first season. When choosing such a model, pay special attention to the quality of the seams.

Nice coat, well made. No loose threads, semi loose seams. The seams should not be visible at all. Dear lining. After all, a fur coat is bought for many years, and the lining should also not wear out ahead of time.

Pay attention to the style. Super trendy tailoring may look outdated in 1-2 seasons. If you do not plan to change your fur coat often, give preference to the classics.

Important: According to statistics, the most popular fur coat model is knee-length and with a hood. It is warm and no need to buy a hat.

A good fur coat is unlikely to be sewn in handicraft production. The master must understand furs, be able to select skins by color and quality for one product, know all the subtleties of technology. Knowledge and skills are acquired over the years and no one will exchange them for sewing low-grade products. Large salons work directly with well-known factories, offering customers the best models.

Before buying, do not be too lazy to check the mink coat

So we come to an exciting moment: we like the fur coat, the price is right, it remains only to go through our checklist.

1. Shake your coat rattles or not, or squeeze the edge, listen to the rustle. The sounds will tell you if the fur was overdried or the dressing technology was not followed.

2. Blow on the pile and touch the entire surface with your hands. You should not find creases by touch, you need a soft fur coat.

Important: Creases on the core lead to holes and rapid wear.

3. Run your palm over the fur or gently tug at the hairs. Nothing should remain in the hands, and the fur should quickly return to its previous position.

Important: Do not believe the assurances that the fur is shedding because the fur coat has been folded for a long time or has not been worn. Fur climbs due to violations of production technology or the mink was obtained during molting.

4. Look at the look, how the same color throughout the product, smooth color transitions.

5. Run a white napkin over the fur coat or a handkerchief. They must remain clean. So you can check if the fur is dyed or not.

6. Look at the core, lifting the hem at the lining, if it is not sewn, or parting the fur with outside. Take a fur coat only with a light skin, which indicates the absence of paint and young fur.

Important: there is an opinion among buyers that the lining of a fur coat should not be sewn on, otherwise it is a fake. Let's dispel this myth. The manufacturer decides whether or not to sew on the lining, and many eminent designers and factories sew it on, which does not detract from the merits of designer products.

7. Smell. There should be no chemical odors. Another "bell" of dyed fur. Also, you should not feel the stale animal fat, this is an indicator of a violation of the technological process.

Important: sometimes the mezra remains light even when painted. This happens when applying the technology of dyeing with bleaching or when lightening. Then trust your sense of smell.

8. Look under your armpits. They will give out a seller who is trying to sell a used fur coat.

Important: Wrinkled armpits indicate a worn product.

9. Look at the seams, they must be strong and durable; also the quality of the lining fabric, and how it is sewn.

Important: the perfect lining is sewn on manually through the bias tape.

10. Read the label. It must contain the serial number and country of origin of the fur, the address of the manufacturer and other contacts.

Important: There will still be a separate label for the auction fur.

And finally, no matter how trite it may sound, buy fur coats in trusted places. Well-known trading houses and brands do not sacrifice their reputation for the dubious profits from the trade in low-quality fur, in long term it will cost more.

Scandinavian mink is the most famous and popular fur for the production of fur coats around the world. Products made from this material are of good quality and look very elegant, expensive and presentable. Therefore, millions of women prefer to purchase a chic fur coat for themselves from this fur.

Scandinavian mink coats: advantages

Why are there so many fans of Scandinavian mink fur? There are many reasons for this:

  1. He is very warm. After all, its outer villi are long throughout the skin. This protects even from severe frosts.
  2. Fur of the Scandinavian mink before sale passes careful control. Accordingly, all products sewn from it are of high quality.
  3. The most popular fur coats are from Scandinavian black mink. Shiny, smooth, stylish, they look incredibly luxurious. No wonder such products are called "black diamond".
  4. The underfur of such fur is dense and beautiful.
  5. The Scandinavian mink is wear-resistant.
  6. This fur is waterproof, which is important for the domestic climate.


There are several varieties of Scandinavian mink:

  1. Danish selection, or Kopenhagen Furs. Such fur has a smooth, very delicate and rather low awn.
  2. The Finnish selection, or Saga Furs, has a rough awn and a fairly high pile height.
  3. "Mixed" Scandinavian mink. For example, a popular option is "Danish corduroy". Outwardly, this species is similar to the fur of North American breeding.

High-quality Scandinavian mink is most often sold in Copenhagen, at the Kopenhagen Furs auction. The best options:

  • SAGA Royal Mink - is considered an exclusive fur.
  • SAGA Mink is first class fur.

Livestock breeders who breed the Scandinavian mink have bred a huge number of the most diverse natural colors of the fur of this animal. The most famous and sought after on the market today are brown with a black sheen and dark brown. Scanblack enjoys special attention - just a gorgeous mink coat is obtained from such skins! The Scandinavian mink of this color has a pure black tone. Let's just allow a slight coffee tide.

How to choose?

If you have to buy a Scandinavian mink coat, then it is worth remembering that although the Finnish selection has higher fur, it has a rare underfur. Therefore, such a fur coat will go for a mild climate and snowless winter. Do you want to buy a warm product that will save you from frost? Then you should look at the Danish selection.

All Scandinavian mink coats are of high quality. But you need to buy them in trusted salons and official stores. This will guarantee the absence of fakes.

Fashionable coats

Today, at the peak of popularity, models of Scandinavian mink fur coats in pastel shades. In addition, contrasting options are in trend, which are complemented by elegant black lines.

"Stardust" - too fashion models. Dark mink fur is decorated with light villi. The effect is amazing. And these coats look expensive and elegant.

If the choice fell on dark shades, then you should pay attention to the following colors:

  • Luxurious black.
  • Soft chocolate.
  • Pleasant grey.
  • Glamorous graphite.

A wide variety of fur coats are sewn from the Scandinavian mink:

  • Manto.
  • Butterfly coats.
  • classic models.
  • Chanel style.

Both long and short models are in trend. Sleeves can also be of different lengths. Therefore, each representative of the fair sex today will be able to choose a beautiful mink coat for herself. The main thing is that she emphasizes all the advantages of the figure, hides the flaws and fits perfectly into the overall style of clothing.

How to wear?

Fur coats that are sewn from Scandinavian mink are rightfully considered a real luxury. Therefore, it is worth wearing them with the right accessories.

  1. Knitted scarves are banned.
  2. We'll have to give up colored stoles.
  3. A scarf made of thin wool is suitable.
  4. Light scarves made of natural fabric are best suited to such a mink coat.
  5. A neat and elegant hat is the best headdress for a fur coat.
  6. You can pick up a small hat, which will be devoid of additional decorations.
  7. If the fur coat short sleeves, it needs to be supplemented long gloves. Better if they are leather.
  8. Shoes for a mink coat from Scandinavian mink should be selected high-quality, expensive and elegant. Half boots, boots, boots - it is important that they are on a platform or a thin heel.

Scandinavian mink: how to distinguish a fake?

Coming to the store for a fur coat, you should not immediately buy it. You need to carefully check the product. After all, deceptions do happen. How to understand that in front of you is a real Scandinavian mink? How to distinguish a fake?

First, you should look at the weight of the product. From a mink, a fur coat is much lighter than from any other fur. Most often, craftsmen skillfully disguise a ferret, rabbit, beaver or marmot under an expensive product. That is why it is important not to make a mistake in your choice, so as not to acquire a fake. What criteria to pay attention to?

  • The groundhog has spiky fur, and the coat comes in different lengths. When stroking, such a pile will be shaggy. Because it's not plastic. In the sun, the groundhog's fur casts blue.
  • The rabbit has a soft pile. At the same time, the shade over the entire surface of the skin is non-uniform. If you pinch the undercoat, then some of the hairs will remain in your hands.
  • The beaver's fur is much tougher than that of the mink. And the skin of this animal is larger. Therefore, it is important to look under the lining before buying a product.
  • Honorik is also often given out for a mink. After all, this animal is obtained by crossing a ferret and the mink itself. Distinguishing a fake can be incredibly difficult. A completely black color and a rather thick undercoat of a brown tint will help to betray the deception.
  • Ferret fur is characterized by high awn and sparse underfur. The animal has a rather unusual color. It can be easily identified as a fake. The underfur of such fur is light, and the awn at the ends has a dark shade. From the ferret, models are sewn exclusively with a straight cut. Otherwise, the seams will show through.

Do not rush to choose and buy a Scandinavian mink coat. It is better to visit several stores, ask consultants about all the nuances, and dispel doubts. It is important to be very attentive to every little thing. Then the purchase will be really profitable. And a real fur coat made of Scandinavian mink will last for decades.