The sweater stretched out what to do. Restoring the shape of a sweater after washing. Hand shaping

Lidia Lunkova

A shrunken sweater after washing is a fairly common problem. To prevent this from happening in the future, before throwing the laundry into the washing machine, read the label sewn on the back of the collar. The numbers and icons that are drawn on it are indicated specifically so as not to damage the fabric. Some things are not allowed to be ironed, others are washable at high temperatures, and others are dry-cleaned only. In the case of wool, namely, a sweater is most often knitted from it, long washing at high temperatures is contraindicated for it. Optimally 30 degrees. How to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing? What needs to be done first of all, what will be required to correct the situation:

take water,
heat up the iron
pour hydrogen peroxide and ammonia,
prepare your own body.

At first glance, it seems that all these “ingredients” need to be combined together, and you get a terrible cocktail, but this is not so. Each item will be used separately.

Plain water will help fix the situation

How can you stretch a wool sweater that has shrunken after washing with water?

You should act in this order:

Pour water into a basin (cold).
Grasp the shoulders of the sweater with your hands and immerse it in water until completely wet. The neck and shoulders will remain dry.
After that, to squeeze out excess liquid, wrap the sweater in a towel for 5-10 minutes. You don't need to manually unscrew it.
Now the most important thing is to stretch the sweater to the desired size. To do this, you will have to use force, but do not overdo it so that the threads do not burst in the end.
When the procedure is completed, hang the jacket to dry on a hanger.

It is more convenient to stretch a sweater on a wide horizontal surface., for example, a table.

It is more convenient to stretch a sweater on a wide horizontal surface.

Iron comes to the rescue

A regular iron with a steam function will help stretch a shrunken wool jacket. The appliance that once stood in your grandmother's closet will not work, because you do not have to iron clothes.

Proceed in this order:

Fill the water compartment in the iron with water.
Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water in advance and pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
Spray a sweater out of it.
Start steaming. It will be more convenient if you hang the jacket on a coat hanger.
Gradually stretch it to the desired size, alternating with steam treatment.

In no case do not touch the surface of the iron to the clothes, otherwise it will decrease even more, then it will no longer be restored

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will come to the rescue

2 liquids will help to return the previous size of a wool sweater after washing: ammonia, which is usually brought to the senses of a fainted person, and hydrogen peroxide - it stops the blood with minor cuts.

Add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to a standard bucket of water. This is a solution for rinsing a sweater. Chat a sweater in it well and pull it out, set it aside for an hour and a half, periodically stretching it. But do not be too zealous so as not to overdo it. Lay the sweater out on a towel to dry completely.

How to repair a shrunken cashmere sweater? Yes, very easy! 3 liquids will help to make the fabric softer and more elastic: vodka, ammonia, turpentine. They should be taken in the following proportions:

vodka - 1 tablespoon,
ammonia - 3 tbsp. spoons,
turpentine - 1 tbsp. spoon,
water - 5 liters.

Rinse the sweater thoroughly in the resulting solution. Use slightly warm water. After such a wash, the sweater can be easily stretched.

Vodka, ammonia and turpentine will help stretch a wool sweater

How to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing? Put on yourself

There is another method that will help stretch a shrunken sweater. However, it will only work in case of slight deformation. For this soak it in water and put it on. Not very heavy weights can be tied to the bottom and sleeves so that the fabric “creeps” in the right directions. If the sweater has sat down very much, then you are unlikely to be able to pull it on yourself, and if you do, then most likely the fabric will crack from excessive stress. Such a thing can be safely thrown away.

What to do if the sweater is stretched

There are also situations when clothes do not shrink after washing, but rather stretch from constant wear or improper care. This may be due to the wrong washing regimen, the chosen product, improper drying, the use of an iron when it is contraindicated for the fabric, etc. Do not rush to get rid of your favorite thing after it is deformed, it can still be corrected even in advanced cases. The main thing is to correctly approach this issue.

Wool tends to stretch and shrink easily. When we are nervous, we can involuntarily, without even noticing it, pull back on the hem or sleeves, which ultimately leads to deformation of the fibers. The sweater takes on an uneven shape, looks untidy. What to do if the sleeves on the sweater are stretched?

With a poncho type sweater, you don't have to worry about the sweater stretching.

Use hand wash

Wash the sweater in cold water, lay it out to dry on a large thick towel. Give the sweater the desired shape, move the fibers on the sleeves as close to each other as possible (if they are stretched). When the thing dries, it will remain in the form that you gave it. The sweater is frozen. This method is suitable for slight stretching of the fabric.
In this case, it is quite possible to limit ourselves to wetting only the stretched area, for example, using a spray gun
And how to wash a sweater to stretch the sleeves? We do everything as described above, only weights can be attached to the sleeves during drying so that they stretch to the desired length. Or spread the sweater on a towel, pull the sleeves to the desired size and press down the ends with something heavy. When the sweater dries, its shape will be preserved.

What to do if the turtleneck is stretched?

It happens that even expensive things lose their original appearance. This is not always the wrong care or careless wear, sometimes these are poor-quality materials. Such a thing can hardly be saved, but if you fell in love with it with all your heart and do not want to part, then it's worth the risk. There's nothing left to lose anyway.

How to repair a stretched turtleneck? Usually such things are made of synthetic fabrics, but not all synthetics are subject to shrinkage. If you still decide to take a chance, then there are 2 ways: manual and machine. But both of them involve washing at a high temperature.

To restore a stretched turtleneck, you need to wash it for a short time (30 minutes) at a high temperature.

Wash the item in the machine at the highest temperature, but choose a short mode, no more than half an hour. Also do not forget about spinning, it should be at the highest speed. This method can help, but it is easy to overdo it with sitting down, and the jacket will sit down so much that it will no longer be possible to put it on.

Hand wash involves dipping in hot water for 5-15 minutes, depending on how many sizes you need to reduce the item. For 5 minutes of being in almost boiling water, the turtleneck will sit on the size, with 15 minutes - on 1.5-2 sizes.
These methods have one single, but important disadvantage: clothes can easily shed. Therefore, these methods are still suitable for light, dim things.

Rules for washing woolen clothes

Remember those times when all things were washed exclusively by hand? Once upon a time, women went to the river and beat clothes and bed linen against stones to knock out all the dirt. Thank God, technology is ahead of us, and now all these heavy physical tricks are long in the past. In our century, automatic washing machines have come that do everything for us: wash, wring, and some even iron. For woolen items, there are several rules to prevent stretching or shrinking of the fabric:

Select only woolen things, you should not mix them with other fabrics. Usually automatic machines have a special mode for washing woolen things. If this is not the case, look for a delicate one, it does not provide for spinning.
The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
It is better to wash wool sweaters by hand. First, make a soap solution by diluting the powder or special. agent, after which the jacket must be rinsed.

It is important to make the temperature of the water, that when washing, that when rinsing, at the same temperature. Changes will immediately negatively affect appearance things.

Instead of powder, it is advisable to use special liquid detergents designed for washing woolen items.
In no case should you wring out such things as ordinary underwear, twisting it into a tight tourniquet.
Drying woolen sweaters occurs in two ways: either lying on a towel, or on a hanger or clothespins on a rope. If you throw a sweater over a rope, a transverse mark will remain on it, and as you know, wool is not ironed.


If you want things to last longer in your wardrobe and not change shape, do not fade, then be sure to look at the label before taking care of your clothes. It contains the necessary data: the permitted washing temperature, the possibility of ironing, the type and type of fabric, the washing mode, etc.

January 30, 2014, 17:03

Prolonged wear, improper washing and improper drying are the main reasons why your favorite sweater can lose its shape and turn into a shapeless something that can no longer be worn out. Fortunately, even if the sweater has stretched after washing, it can be returned. previous view, and even in advanced cases. Do not rush to throw away your expensive clothes if they are deformed after contact with the washing machine - the correct approach to returning the sweater to its shape will help protect yourself from the bitterness of loss and money costs. What to do if the thing is stretched after washing, and how to prevent it?

Why does a sweater stretch?

It is far from always the case that a thing is stretched after washing in washing machine- the sweater, due to its rather high elasticity, can increase in size and succumb to deformation during wear. Quite often, people on their nerves or out of habit touch the hem or sleeves of their clothes, pulling them in different directions, which leads to a disproportionate increase in the length of individual parts of the sweater. Outside, it looks very ugly, so the sweater must be “pulled” back, especially if the sweater has stretched after washing - what to do in this case?

Wedge method - use a washing machine

What to do if the sweater is stretched after washing, while the product is clearly machine-knitted? You can use the same washing machine that caused the stretch, but use it wisely this time. You need to follow the instructions to return things to their previous form:

  1. Place the stretched sweater in a laundry bag.
  2. Send the bag to the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Add wool detergent.
  4. Select a quick wash and start the cycle.
  5. At the end of the wash, remove the bag and wring out the sweater.
  6. Lay the sweater out on a towel and dry.

Still, your jacket has stretched after washing - what to do in this case? Attach clothes correct form before leaving it to dry. The item will literally harden in whatever shape you give it, so it's important to watch how your sweater dries.

Hand shaping

Not all housewives know what to do if a hand-made sweater stretches out after washing. In this case, you will have to use a more delicate approach based on this approach:

  1. Fill the tub with some warm water.
  2. Lay the stretched product on the surface of the water and let it soak completely.
  3. After a few minutes of soaking, drain the water and wring out the sweater.
  4. Place the sweater in a terry towel and gently wring out again.
  5. After the last spin, place the item on a towel and let it dry completely.

As in the previous case, do not forget to give the product the correct shape before drying.

Partial restoration of things

How to restore a stretched sweater after washing if only the cuffs and sleeves are deformed? You can get by with a simple procedure, which involves wetting the stretched areas of clothing with a spray gun and then laying it out on a terry towel with giving the necessary shape. Just a couple of hours, and the thing will take its original form.

To speed up the drying process of the sweater after wet processing, you can use a hair dryer. It is important to turn it on to the supply of cold air, since exposure to high temperatures can lead to even greater deformation of clothing, which will be problematic to eliminate.

You already perfectly understand how to restore a sweater after washing - whether it has stretched a lot or not, you will definitely cope with the task. But it would not be superfluous to find out a few recommendations, following which will help get rid of such a problem as the deformation of woolen things:

  • Try to wash all knitwear only by hand, only in warm water. The powder should be added in very small quantities, and if possible, only special compositions intended for washing woolen items should be used.
  • Never dry washed woolen clothes in a suspended state - this way the clothes under their own weight will stretch even more, which will not be able to fight.
  • Do not dry clothes after washing in the open sun or near radiators - this will make the wool coarser and tougher, and therefore the comfort of wearing things will disappear.

Now you will not panic if your sweater has stretched out after washing - you already know what to do and how to dry clothes properly. Put the tips into practice and share them with your friends so that they can also take care of woolen things.

Prolonged wear, improper washing and improper drying are the main reasons why your favorite sweater can lose its shape and turn into a shapeless something that can no longer be worn out. Fortunately, even if the sweater has stretched after washing, it can be restored to its previous appearance, and even in advanced cases. Do not rush to throw away your expensive clothes if they are deformed after contact with the washing machine - the correct approach to returning the sweater to its shape will help protect yourself from the bitterness of loss and money costs. What to do if the thing is stretched after washing, and how to prevent it?

Why does a sweater stretch?

It is far from always the case that a thing has stretched after washing in a washing machine - a sweater, due to its rather high elasticity, can increase in size and succumb to deformation during wear. Quite often, people on their nerves or out of habit touch the hem or sleeves of their clothes, pulling them in different directions, which leads to a disproportionate increase in the length of individual parts of the sweater. Outside, it looks very ugly, so the sweater must be “pulled” back, especially if the sweater has stretched after washing - what to do in this case?

Wedge method - use a washing machine

What to do if the sweater is stretched after washing, while the product is clearly machine-knitted? You can use the same washing machine that caused the stretch, but use it wisely this time. You need to follow the instructions to return things to their previous form:

  1. Place the stretched sweater in a laundry bag.
  2. Send the bag to the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Add wool detergent.
  4. Select a quick wash and start the cycle.
  5. At the end of the wash, remove the bag and wring out the sweater.
  6. Lay the sweater out on a towel and dry.

Still, your jacket has stretched after washing - what to do in this case? Shape your clothes properly before leaving them to dry. The item will literally harden in whatever shape you give it, so it's important to watch how your sweater dries.

Hand shaping

Not all housewives know what to do if a hand-made sweater stretches out after washing. In this case, you will have to use a more delicate approach based on this approach:

  1. Fill the tub with some warm water.
  2. Lay the stretched product on the surface of the water and let it soak completely.
  3. After a few minutes of soaking, drain the water and wring out the sweater.
  4. Place the sweater in a terry towel and gently wring out again.
  5. After the last spin, place the item on a towel and let it dry completely.

As in the previous case, do not forget to give the product the correct shape before drying.

Partial restoration of things

How to restore a stretched sweater after washing if only the cuffs and sleeves are deformed? You can get by with a simple procedure, which involves wetting the stretched areas of clothing with a spray gun and then laying it out on a terry towel with giving the necessary shape. Just a couple of hours, and the thing will take its original form.

To speed up the drying process of the sweater after wet processing, you can use a hair dryer. It is important to turn it on to the supply of cold air, since exposure to high temperatures can lead to even greater deformation of clothing, which will be problematic to eliminate.

You already perfectly understand how to restore a sweater after washing - whether it has stretched a lot or not, you will definitely cope with the task. But it would not be superfluous to find out a few recommendations, following which will help get rid of such a problem as the deformation of woolen things:

  • Try to wash all knitwear only by hand, only in warm water. The powder should be added in very small quantities, and if possible, only special compositions intended for washing woolen items should be used.
  • Never dry washed woolen clothes in a suspended state - this way the clothes under their own weight will stretch even more, which will not be able to fight.
  • Do not dry clothes after washing in the open sun or near radiators - this will make the wool coarser and tougher, and therefore the comfort of wearing things will disappear.

Now you will not panic if your sweater has stretched out after washing - you already know what to do and how to dry clothes properly. Put the tips into practice and share them with your friends so that they can also take care of woolen things.

How to return the shape of a stretched thing? How often, after prolonged wear, we notice that our clothes have stretched out several sizes and are now hanging on the figure, as if on a hanger. If the clothes have already become obsolete, then you just need to forget and throw them in the trash, and in return get some new thing. But if this is a favorite thing and, even despite the period of its use, you flatly refuse to say goodbye to it, then it is possible and worth fighting for such a thing. Clothes are pulled out not only from a long service life, this situation can also happen with a recently purchased new thing. careful storage and the washing methods indicated on the label are not observed, the thing can become unusable very quickly and cease to please us.

Ways of material shrinkage In such a situation, joy is replaced by a panic mood, and a quite reasonable question arises: how to return the shape of a stretched thing. The result of giving a thing its original appearance largely depends on the material of the product. Woolen things are the easiest to deform. Usually such clothes are afraid machine wash and with intensive spinning it takes on a completely irregular shape - it stretches out in some places. To allow the wool to shrink, wash the sweater in hot water. At temperatures over 40 degrees, the material shrinks and takes on its former size. However, you can’t overdo it in this procedure, because the fabric can sit down even more than usual, and then you will have to deal with the small size of the product. To prevent negative consequences a number of measures need to be taken:

It will be much more effective to wash a stretched sweater by hand in hot water. Thus, you can control the process of its shrinkage and prevent it from sagging in hot water. In order to properly wring out the sweater, do not twist it. All you need to do is just squeeze it lightly in your fist and roll it up in a towel. The towel will take on most of the moisture, after which it will be possible to proceed directly to the drying of the product.

You should also dry your sweater properly. In no case do not hang the wool product directly on the ropes. First, lay a towel on the table, and carefully lay out the washed item on it. Try to give it the right shape right away so that later the sweater sits perfectly on the figure. To speed up the drying process, you can also place another towel on top of the sweater and allow the water to soak in well. Surely you will need to change a few towels, but in the end, the product will be dried correctly, and its original size will return.

Compliance with the rules for the operation of clothing With proper use of clothing, the question of how to return the shape of a thing will not stand. In no case should you store knitted or woolen items in a closet on hangers. It is better to carefully arrange the clothes in piles on the shelves in the closet. Wash woolen clothing by hand if possible, or at least not tumble dry. Dry products should also be unfolded and away from hot batteries. Hot air can make the coat rough and unpleasant to the touch. Treat your favorite things with care, only then they will last a long time and sit perfectly on you.

Reading time: 1 minute

You recently bought a new sweater or decided to wash your purchase after the store, when suddenly ... From the basin, the washing machine, you take out a significantly larger item. As a result, after washing the sweater stretched. What to do? Don't worry, the problem is fixable! We will be happy to advise you on how to return the sweater to its former volumes.

The main causes of deformation of our sweaters are improper washing and improper drying. But these are far from the only "culprits" of the problem. Some things stretch from prolonged wear, some due to the bad habits of their owner. Someone likes to stretch the bottom, the neck of the sweater, pull out the sleeves to plunge into them to the fingertips. All these manipulations lead to stretching of certain parts of the product.

The quick deformation of the sweater also depends on the density of the loops. So, if the product is machine knitted, then it is denser, and therefore less prone to stretching. But cozy hand-knitted sweaters, on the contrary, have a weaker density of loops, no matter how hard the needlewoman tries. Because " handmade»-products are stretched under the influence of various circumstances more often.

Advice! Before washing, drying and even wearing a sweater, always read the information provided by the manufacturer about this product - on the label, packaging, official website.

For all these cases, we have found universal ways to eliminate the consequences.

Is it possible to restore?

Unfortunately, not all deformed clothes will be able to return to their former shape.

We will try to correct the situation if the sweater is stretched after washing.

Cotton stretched sweater is not recoverable
A synthetic product will not return to its previous shape, but wool is easy to restore!
Cashmere is more difficult, but possibly Wool blend is also recoverable

Returning the product to its shape

There are several ways to return things to their former sizes and volumes. You can choose the one that seems more suitable for your case.

"Wedge wedge"

So, you washed a thing in a washing machine, after which you observe this opus. If the sweater is a knitting machine, then you need to do a seemingly insane manipulation - wash it again in " washer"! But this time according to the rules:

    1. Place the item in the laundry bag ( you will see this device in the photo), load it into the drum of the washing machine.
    2. Add a detergent specifically for washing wool into the compartment.
    3. Set the fast wash mode.
    4. Set the temperature to the minimum - 30 degrees will be enough.
    5. Be sure to turn off the spin! Replace with a simple drain of water from the drum.
    6. Automatic drying must also be deactivated.
    7. When finished, take the item out of the bag, gently wring out the sweater by hand.

  1. And now we'll take care of it" reconstruction» - lay the product on a towel, cloth.
  2. Give the sweater the look that suits you - pull up the fabric on the sleeves, pull at the waist, adjust the neckline, etc. This is done as follows: spread your palms on the product and smoothly, grabbing the material, gently move them towards each other, while avoiding wrinkles. You need to start this work from the seams of the product, then go to the neck and sleeves, then tighten the rest.
  3. When the thing is completely dry, it will literally freeze in the form that you have outlined, so try not to miss anything when recreating the volume of the product again.

And now a little secret for those who want to reduce the machine knitted thing by several sizes: the sweater must be washed at high temperature - this is the only change in the above algorithm.

Advice! During drying, be sure to monitor the condition of the bedding-towel. As soon as it becomes completely wet, it is necessary to replace it with a dry one. When transferring things, do not forget to give a commodity form again. If you do not change the towels, then the sweater will be saturated with an unpleasant moldy smell from dampness.


But what if the sweater turned out to be hand-knitted? And there is a solution to this problem - we will act manually. The instruction is as follows:

  1. Pour some water into the bathroom - warm, but not hot.
  2. Lay the stretched sweater on the surface of the water, give it time to soak through with moisture.
  3. Once it is completely wet, drain the water.
  4. Press the item.
  5. Wrap the product in a large terry towel and wring out again. Be careful not to twist.
  6. Lay out the thing on the towel in the same way as in the previous paragraph: giving the desired shape instead of the stretched one.
  7. After complete drying, the product should return to its previous volumes and dimensions.

Some argue that a stretched sweater will return to its previous size, if after such a wash you dry it on yourself - it will sit like a glove! We believe that wearing a wet thing for a long time is an extremely doubtful pleasure, but if you have a mannequin of your parameters at hand, you can put a sweater on it, turn the figure over to a horizontal position and leave it to dry also on a towel.

Advice! Please note that in this way the sweater can dry for a day, or even more - depending on the density of the material. Speeding up this process by moving things to a battery, heated towel rail or heater is the right way ruin the sweater. The price of such "acceleration" is too great.

Partial recovery

Such a case is also not uncommon: after unsuccessful washing / drying / socks, only a specific part of the sweater has lost its shape. How to be here? Recovery is similar to the previous ones:

  1. Wet the deformed area with a spray bottle of water.
  2. Lay out the thing also on a towel, terry cloth.
  3. Give the part the shape it has lost.
  4. After a couple of hours, the sweater will be uniform and the right size.

Advice! Drying of the product can be accelerated using a hair dryer. But be careful: turn on only cold air! Hot air jets will further aggravate the situation.

More ways

When the previous methods have not worked, you can try the following:

  • If the product just stretched a little when worn, then it will easily return to its previous shape if you wash it in cold water and dry it flat.

  • Soak in hot water for 10-15 minutes. You can add a liquid detergent for woolen things there. Wash by hand after soaking. Then dip in cold water for 20 minutes, after squeezing, but not twisting. Lay a sweater on a horizontal grate above the bathtub, let the water drain. Then lay out, giving the correct shape, on a towel, sheet or a large piece of cloth until completely dry.

  • You can also try this method: place the product in a very hot ( almost boiling water) water for 5 minutes. Then quickly transfer to cold - you can even throw ice cubes into it and add vinegar to such an extent that the water is acidified. 10 minutes he must lie down there. Place on a horizontal grate above the tub; when the water drains, dry the product on a towel in a horizontal position, remembering to give it the correct shape.

  • If the sweater is 100% virgin wool, it can be dry-cleaned. It uses heat treatment or washing at high temperatures. The disadvantage of this method is that the wool will be matted, poor-quality coloring may suffer.
  • Quite an extreme way: dry on something hot. Maybe the product will sit down, but other problems may appear.

Advice! Do not use the dryer in the washing machine! She can only spoil the woolen thing.

To not happen again

Naturally, it is best and easiest if you no longer have to deal with this problem. To do this, follow a few simple guidelines:

  • Knitwear is washed only by hand and only in warm water.
  • Washing in hot water leads not only to deformation of the wool fibers, but also to their fading - high temperatures contribute to the rapid washing out of the dye.
  • Do not add too much detergent.
  • Try to use liquid products, not powders. The latter are more difficult to wash out of wool fibers.
  • Do not twist the product when spinning! This will further lengthen, deform the fibers.
  • Try to use only the detergent that is designed for the material from which the sweater is knitted.
  • Do not dry knitted product on the dryer, on a coat hanger or otherwise suspended! It is because of this that it stretches under the weight of its own weight.

  • The only optimal drying option is in a horizontal position, on a towel or other material.
  • Do not dry wool on a radiator, in the sun or near other heat sources. From this, the fibers coarsen, become stiff, which makes it uncomfortable to wear such a sweater.
  • It is possible to iron a woolen product only at the lowest temperature and only from the wrong side.
  • Store the product rolled up in a closet. If it hangs on the shoulders, this can also cause stretching.

What to do if the sweater stretched after washing, you now know. Try, however, to prevent this - use our care tips.