How to wash sneakers in a washing machine. Is it possible to wash sneakers in a washing machine and how to do it right? Preparing shoes for washing

Every person leading healthy lifestyle life, there are always sneakers in the dressing room. After all, they are very convenient for walking with friends, playing sports, and even go to college. Being an active person, sneakers get dirty very quickly and need not just a simple wash with a cloth, but a real wash. Therefore, in today's article we will talk about how to properly wash sneakers on your own in washing machine and is it even possible to do it?

Can sneakers be machine washed?

Of course, when washing or for fitness, there is some risk, namely, sneakers can lose their shape and, roughly speaking, come unstuck. Not unimportant is the quality of these shoes. If you yourself understand that the shoes look flimsy and you bought them for a small price, then these sneakers are unlikely to withstand washing.

Some manufacturers do not give their consent to the consumer washing sneakers. This should be indicated on the tags. But still, we are not to be scared, and practice shows that, adhering to certain rules, this type sports shoes very well tolerates washing, as a result of which they become as good as new.

Do not wash:

  • sports shoes made from real leather or suede, which can deteriorate greatly under the influence of water and washing powder.
  • market sneakers (from an unknown manufacturer), which, from the slightest rain, can shed or even fall apart, as well as fabric ones.
  • It is not recommended to wash sneakers with reflectors, as they can peel off.

What mode

Modern cars began to be produced with new program such as "washing shoes". If your washing machine is not one of these, then it is best to set the Delicate mode.

The “Spin” and “Drying” modes should be abandoned, because, firstly, you risk harming your equipment due to increased vibration, and secondly, drying at high temperatures can deform shoes.

At what temperature

It is very important at what degree you wash your shoes. Indeed, at high temperatures, shoes can be deformed. Therefore, the water temperature should be barely warm or not higher than 30-40 degrees.

How to prepare for the procedure

The first thing to do is to clean the shoes of dirt, leaves, chewing gum and other contaminants. They can be safely wiped with a damp cloth, or put under running water. Be sure to follow this recommendation, otherwise debris entering the machine may clog it.

If during the hand wash you notice any changes on your shoes, then it is better to give up this idea. After you have washed your shoes, remove the insoles and laces from the shoes. If the insoles are glued, then in no case tear them off. Now let's get down to the process!

How to

  1. For washing, we need a special bag in which we put the sneakers. If you do not have it, then this is not a problem, as it is sold in the nearest supermarket. Also, instead of a bag, you can put a couple of old towels, bath mats, or unnecessary rags into the machine along with your shoes. This is necessary in order to reduce the beating of hard shoes on the drum.
  2. Then throw in the insoles and shoelaces into the technique. Of course, if you wish, you can wash them yourself. You just need to wet the insoles, sprinkle with powder on top and rub with a shoe brush. Just ten minutes of this cleaning will make your insoles snow-white.
  3. Put no more than two pairs of shoes in the machine, as there have been cases when the glass in the door was broken when the machine was heavily loaded with shoes.
  4. As mentioned above, we set the temperature no more than 30-40 degrees Celsius. We select the “Delicate” mode if your miracle technique does not have the “Shoe Wash” program.
  5. The amount of powder should be the same as for a normal wash. If your shoes are white, you can add some Vanish to whiten them.
  6. We do not set the “Spin” and “Dry” modes to protect shoes from damage.
  7. We press "Start" and leave our sneakers to get a beautiful look. At the end of the process, we take out the shoes and dry them. In the summer, they can be put on the balcony, closer to the sun. In winter - you can dry it on a radiator, just lay rags on it. The shoes themselves need to be stuffed with white paper, but in no case with newspaper, as it can leave marks.

Congratulations, your sneakers are now like new! We hope that you are satisfied with the result and are busy thinking about where to wear clean sneakers. How often you wash your sneakers is up to you, as it all depends on the frequency of use of these shoes. If you lead an active lifestyle, then this procedure can be done every 2-3 months. And if your shoes have retained their original appearance after the first wash, then after the second it is unlikely to lose it. The main thing is to follow the rules!

Do you want to clean your favorite sneakers yourself, but don't know how to do it right with a washing machine? No problem! So that you can easily and quickly cope with such a task, let's figure out how to wash sneakers in a washing machine.

First you need to find out if the type of sneakers that you usually wear can be washed in the machine. It must be remembered that not all models of such shoes are subject to such washing. It is contraindicated for products on which:

  • There are metal parts. Such elements may rust after washing, and you will have to replace them.
  • There are reflectors. As a rule, such parts simply come off during washing.
  • The sole is not fixed with seams, but with glue. Such sneakers after washing are often unstuck. It is almost impossible to restore them in the future.
  • There are significant damages: partially torn off parts, protruding threads, knocked out foam rubber. Shoes with such flaws can also suffer greatly during washing.


be especially careful with hard-soled sneakers, because during washing they can knock out the hatch or damage other parts of the machine. They are best cleaned by hand.

Rag sneakers without decorative elements with a rather soft sole can still be washed in the washing machine. Let's look at how to do this in more detail.

How to prepare sneakers for washing

Unlike other things for which the washing machine is most often used, sports shoes cannot simply be thrown into the machine and run one or another program for them. These items require special preparation. How best to spend it? You can do this in the following way:

  1. First, you need to make sure that your sneakers are not damaged in any way. Particular attention in this matter should be given to the seams and soles.
  2. After that, it is recommended to clean the sole of the shoe with an old toothbrush. It is very important to remove all dirt and small stones from the protectors. If they get into your washing machine, they can cause irreparable damage to it.
  3. Next, you need to get the laces and insoles. These items must be washed separately. An exception can be made only if the insoles are sewn or glued into the shoes. In this case, you do not need to try to get them.

Separately, it is worth talking about trendy sneakers Adidas or Nike, which have a special water-repellent impregnation. It should be noted that when machine washable such an impregnation look. If you want to keep it, ditch the machine wash in favor of hand cleaning. Otherwise, you will have to restore the water-repellent layer yourself, for which you will need to buy a special spray in shoe stores and apply it to your pair of sneakers.

Having figured out how to properly prepare your shoes for washing in a typewriter, you can proceed directly to this task. Here, too, you will need to follow some rules so as not to spoil the products and not damage the washing machine itself.

What detergents can be used for shoes

Sneakers Nike, Adidas, Puma, and any others can only be washed with liquid detergents, for example, special gels. If you want to wash white athletic shoes, you can use various means with whitening effect. If you don’t have these on hand, you can make crumbs from ordinary laundry soap and add it to the powder compartment.

Why can't you use an ordinary powder that you usually use for clothes? This tool very often leaves ugly white stains on shoes, which will then be very difficult to remove (after all, spinning and long rinsing with this type of washing is not recommended). For the same reason, you can not use various conditioners for shoes.

How to wash ordinary rag models in a typewriter

Rag models with a soft sole or a medium hard sole belong to those few types of sports shoes that can be put in an automatic machine. What is the best way to wash these sneakers in the machine? It is recommended to do this in the following way:

  • To begin with, it is best to put your sneakers in a special laundry bag. If you don’t have one, you can put old towels or sheets in the drum (just choose things for washing that do not shed, otherwise they will ruin your shoes).
  • Next, you will need to select a program. On what mode to wash such products? It is recommended to choose a delicate program with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Drying options, as well as spinning, are best not to use during such a wash. They ruin almost all types of shoes.
  • Now you just have to wait for the wash to finish. After that, you will need to immediately remove the sneakers from the machine and dry them properly.


remember that when washing such products, the machine, as a rule, makes a lot more noise than when washing ordinary clothes or underwear. There is no need to be afraid of this and stop the machine before the end of the program cycle. Let your athletic shoes dry and then just check the condition of the drum to make sure everything is fine.

How to wash suede models

Suede sneakers cannot be machine washed. Moreover, they are generally not recommended to soak. These items are dry-cleaned only. Ideally, you should take them to a dry cleaner who can clean them up fairly quickly.

If you don’t have the opportunity to clean your favorite pair from Nike or any other manufacturer, you can try to clean it yourself. You can do it like this:

  • First you need to wait until the wet mud on the sneakers dries (this is necessary if you recently returned to them from the street). After that, you will need to take a hard brush for cleaning shoes and remove all large dirt from your pair.
  • Next, you will need to prepare a soap solution specifically for such sneakers. To do this, you will need to take two liters of water, add two tablespoons of grated laundry soap and a few drops of ammonia to it. This mixture is suitable for products of any company, including Nike and New Balance. You will need to draw such a solution on a sponge and carefully walk with this sponge over all the dirt.
  • You will need to remove the remnants of such a solution with cotton rags. After that, you will need to leave sports shoes to dry overnight.

Have you read all the cleaning methods? suede shoes? Read.

Video: how to clean suede?


remember that low-quality suede can shed from such processing. To avoid this, before cleaning, be sure to apply a small amount of soapy water to an inconspicuous area of ​​such products and wait a while. If you notice that under the influence of soap the suede does not change its color, you can safely use such a tool.

How to clean white models

To wash white sneakers, you can use various bleaching agents. They are recommended to be added directly to the powder during machine washing. This method is best used if your shoes do not have old stains.

If your running shoes are very dirty, you will have to clean them manually. The easiest way to do this is with regular toothpaste. You will need to take an old brush, put a small amount of toothpaste on it and give your sneakers a good brush. As a rule, after such exposure, any dirt from the surface quickly leaves.

If this method does not help, you can use hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you will need to take shoes, pour a small amount of peroxide directly on the stain, leave it to sour for a while, and then take cotton pad, pour a little more peroxide on it and wipe the speck with it. In this way, you can get rid of any contamination, including stains from paint and even engine oil.

What to do with leather sneakers

Leather sneakers are not machine washable. The fact is that such shoes deteriorate greatly under the influence of moisture and after such cleaning they can no longer be restored. It is necessary to clean such products manually, it is better to do it like this:

  1. Initially, you need to remove the dirt from the sole with a brush.
  2. After that, the skin should be gently wiped with a damp sponge. You can also use special cleaning products for this purpose. leather shoes.
  3. After that, you should rub the sneakers with a cream with a water-repellent effect.

If necessary, you will need to wash the insoles and laces of your leather model separately. It's better to do it manually.

How to wash sneakers by hand

How to wash your sports shoes without a washing machine? It is also quite easy to do this. To do this, do the following:

  1. The first step is to prepare your shoes for washing. To do this, remove all hard dirt from the sole, as well as remove the top layer of dust with a stiff brush. After that, rag sneakers are also recommended to be soaked for at least half an hour in clean, cool water with a small amount of powder.
  2. After that, you need to prepare water for washing by diluting the powder in it or grated laundry soap. Water for such a solution is also better to take cool.
  3. Soap solution you will need to type on a brush or sponge, and then carefully treat the dirtiest places with this sponge.
  4. In the event that yellowness appears on your shoes, you just need to smear these places with lemon juice. It will allow you to quickly get rid of this trouble.

Video: how to wash by hand?

After that, you will have to dry your favorite leather or cloth sneakers. And the very next day you can go anywhere in it.

How to remove an unpleasant smell

We figured out what to do with pollution, but did not talk about how to get rid of the smell of sweat, which often remains on sneakers. In most cases, the most ordinary wash helps to cope with it. But if you did it not so long ago, and the shoes already need to be refreshed, we recommend using one of the folk methods:

  • Peroxide. The option is suitable only for light-colored shoes, as it can leave whitish spots on colored models. To use this tool to get rid of the smell of sweat, you just need to collect a small amount of it on a cotton pad and wipe the entire inner surface well with it.
  • Vinegar. This option is quite suitable for colored shoes. You need to use it in the same way as peroxide, only immediately after such cleaning it is recommended to leave your sneakers for some time to be ventilated. You can also use this method after processing the shoes in the washer.
  • Salt. This product is a good absorbent. You can put it in your shoes and leave it overnight to absorb all the smell. In the morning, it will be very important for you to shake out all the particles of salt from your sneaker, otherwise they will rub on you while walking. Similarly, you can use soda or crushed white activated carbon.
  • Freezing. This method allows you to destroy the bacteria that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Using it is extremely simple: you just need to put a pair of shoes in the freezer for several hours. During this time, all microorganisms in it will die, and there will be no more unpleasant odor.

What to do so that sneakers do not stink in the future? For this purpose, it is recommended to use a special spray, which will need to process the entire inner surface of the shoe. It can only be used after a full wash or dry cleaning.

How to dry your shoes properly

So, you figured out how to quickly wash sneakers in the washing machine or by hand. Now you need to figure out how to dry them properly so as not to spoil them. To do this, you need to take as many newspapers or unnecessary clean rags as possible (take only those that will not shed), stuff them with sneakers, and then leave them to dry for several hours. This option is suitable for both rag models of shoes and leather ones.

In no case should you dry your shoes near any heating devices. It is also not recommended to use a hair dryer for this purpose. When exposed to warm air, your sneakers can warp or become sticky, especially if they are made from low-quality rubber, leather, or suede.

Video: how to wash sneakers?

Good weather finally allows you to wear sneakers. How to properly clean summer shoes? Can it be washed? And how to protect sneakers from dirt? Now let's figure it out.

Which sneakers can be washed?

automatic or handwash using conventional clothing products is only permissible for fabric or synthetic sneakers. Automatic washing is not allowed for shoes decorated with rhinestones, studs or appliqués.

Leather sneakers should be cleaned in the same way as other leather shoes: wipe with a damp cloth, clean with cream of the appropriate color. Can be washed in cold running water.

How to prepare sneakers for washing?

Everything that can be removed must be removed in advance: laces, insoles, inlays, linings. In the washing machine, the laces run the risk of disappearing or clogging into the holes of the drum, and the insoles can become deformed. And stretch by itself much better.

Insoles, especially orthopedic ones, should be washed separately - by hand. Even better, if you perform this procedure under running water with a brush, after soaking the insoles in cold water for 10-15 minutes.

The laces are machine washable, but only in a tightly tied bag.

How to wash sneakers?

Sneakers are made with a lot of synthetic materials various properties. Many of them cannot bear high temperatures- shoes may shed or deform.

However, textile sneakers tolerate both hand and machine washing. In almost all modern washing machines there is a mode for washing shoes. In its absence, the mode for washing sportswear or delicate synthetics is suitable.

Just throwing sneakers into the drum is not recommended - this has a bad effect on the mechanics of the washing machine. It is best to use special bags for washing shoes.

If this is not at hand, use an old pillowcase or any other piece of fabric, tying it so that the sneakers do not fly out.

For 1 wash it is recommended to wash 2 pairs of shoes. If there is only one couple, a counterweight is needed - any things that do not dye: old towels, a tracksuit and the like.

If manual program input is available, the parameters should be:

  • temperature- 30-40 degrees,
  • spin- off or at minimum speed (for fabric shoes),
  • duration- 20-30 minutes,
  • apply extra rinse.

Suitable for washing normal washing powder or gel without bleaching additives. For white shoes, you can use a chlorine-free stain remover, after applying it to the places of contamination.

Any aggressive stain removers, powders and additives are strictly prohibited. Their results are unpredictable.

Hand wash is performed in the same way - in cold water, but with pre-soaking for 20 minutes and active rinsing.

How to dry and process sneakers after washing?

If done correctly, the shoes will be very wet. Excess water is carefully removed with unnecessary rags or napkins, and set to dry in a cool, ventilated place without direct sunlight.

If the base of the sneakers is stretchy fabric, be sure to stuff the inside with ping-pong balls or clean paper.

Remember that sneakers need to be washed or cleaned every time it is required. You can’t tighten it - too much pollution will lead to the need for a long wash, which will ruin the sneakers.

After the sneakers have dried, be sure to treat them with a universal water-repellent spray. This will protect your feet from excess moisture, and sneakers from dirt.

How to clean sneakers without washing?

Not all sneakers are washable. There is not always time to dry them. The following options will help you quickly clean up serious pollution:

  • White toothpaste - use an old toothbrush to clean the place of contamination leather shoes with little use of water;
  • Hair conditioner - rub into pollution on fabric and nubuck dry with a sponge, then wipe with a clean cloth;
  • Lemon juice and baking soda - first dip in lemon juice, then in baking soda and clean the dirt with it;
  • Eraser - just erase the dirt off leather and leather shoes clean;
  • Vinegar is a great substitute for suede, apply with a brush in one direction;
  • Isopropyl alcohol - cleans the sole well.

Odors are well removed by simply washing the insoles. It is even better to fill your sneakers from the inside at night baking soda- all extraneous odors will disappear by morning.

Correct regular care not only makes sneakers look decent, but also prolongs their life. Even rubber with regular cleaning lasts an extra season on average, not to mention fabric or leather.

Sneakers are the shoes of people who lead an active lifestyle, are constantly on the move and strive to reach new heights, whether it be sports or any other area of ​​life. As a result of this active life sneakers are more likely to get dirty and require cleaning. Apart from daily care for sneakers (cleaning, rubbing, flavoring), it also requires, so to speak, general cleaning, which is washing sneakers. We talked about before. But it is possible or not to wash sneakers, which is better - we will talk further in this interesting article.

So can you wash sneakers or not?

Let's figure out what sneakers are today and what risks arise when washing them. So, sneakers today consist of a mixture of foam or rubber soles, leather or leatherette, a fabric component (outside, inside) and glue. There are two main risks when washing sneakers - this is the loss of its shape and sticking parts of the sneakers. What to do to prevent this from happening, read on.

Is it possible or not? You can wash sneakers if you follow some washing rules. In addition, we will go further and answer the question: "Is it possible to wash sneakers in a washing machine." Yes, you can wash sneakers not only by hand, but also in an automatic washing machine. To do this, follow the recommendations below.

The vast majority of sneaker and washing machine manufacturers unanimously say no, you can’t. This is indicated by the tags on the shoes, and the rules for operating washing machines. But you can’t scare our brother so easily, and through trial and error, some knowledge on washing sneakers has accumulated.

How to wash sneakers in a washing machine?

You can also wash your sneakers by hand, but trust me, they wash MUCH better in the washing machine and will smell like brand new just from the store.

Rules, restrictions and algorithm for washing sneakers in a washing machine:

  1. Check your sneakers before washing. If they have glued reflectors, or the foam rubber sticks out strongly, then it is better not to throw such sneakers into the washing machine. The reflectors will most likely peel off, and the foam rubber will come out and get stuck somewhere in the filter or pump.
  2. Take out the laces(so they will wash better) and put them separately to wash along with the sneakers. Also, you need to remove the insoles. They can be put in the same way together with sneakers to wash, or you can clean them separately in the bathroom. To do this, they should be wetted, pour a little powder on top and rub with a shoe brush. Dirt right before your eyes will be removed from the insoles. 10 minutes of such cleaning is enough to make the insoles almost perfectly clean. It remains to rinse them well and hang them to dry.
  3. From the soles of sneakers, you must carefully remove dirt, sand and stuck small stones. An unnecessary knitting needle or any other thin stick is suitable for this. After such cleaning, before washing the sneakers, rinse them in the bathroom under a good stream of water to wash off the remaining sand and wash them. If it gets inside there too, then it's okay, because they will still get wet during washing.
  4. If there bag for washing sneakers, we use it to wash it, putting our sneakers in it. If there is no such bag, it does not matter. Either buy it at any nearby supermarket, or put a couple of old towels, soft rugs (for example, with a bath) or some other rags along with sneakers. This will improve the quality of washing sneakers in the washing machine and reduce their beating on the drum and in general. Also, in integrity and safety there will be activators (ribs, blades, strikers) in the drum of the washing machine, which can fly off if you put sneakers without rags or not in a bag.
  5. Put in the washing machine one or two pairs of running shoes, since there are cases when a lot of pairs broke the glass in the door of the washing machine and then the malfunction will certainly never occur 🙂
  6. washing temperature we choose sneakers in the washing machine within 30-40 degrees Celsius. This will keep the shoes from falling apart. select for delicate washing or a special program for washing shoes, if available on the control panel.
  7. falling asleep regular dose of powder. Yours? You have to contact . If the sneakers are white, then you can add a little Vanish or something similar. So the sneakers are better washed and bleached at the same time.
  8. We do not set the spin. No, you can, of course, put it on, but personally the author of this article and experienced washing machine repairmen do not recommend doing this. Why? Spinning sneakers in a washing machine has a detrimental effect on the nodes of the machine, namely on the bearings, disabling them, and then they become a source of unpleasantness.
  9. If the washing machine has drying function, then in no case do we use it and turn it off. This will lead to damage to the sneakers after washing and to their deformation (loss of their original shape).
  10. Press "Start" and wait for the beeps to notify us that the washing of our sneakers in the washing machine was successful. It remains now to get them and dry. In the summer - you can on the balcony under the direct rays of the sun. In winter, you can under the battery or on the battery, after putting some rags on the battery, and already sneakers on them so that they do not deteriorate. We stuff the sneakers with white paper so that they take on their original shape and set them to dry in this position. It is better not to use newspaper, as the paint from the newspaper can be transferred to the inside of the sneakers.

Congratulations! We hope that the task of washing sneakers in the washing machine is now solved and you are already thinking when and where to put on fresh sneakers for a walk. By the way, the frequency of washing sneakers depends on how often you wear them and how dirty they are. For example, I wash my sneakers every 2-3 months and they have been in perfect order for more than a year. Good luck with washing your sneakers and more, see you soon, friends! 🙂

Sneakers are the most comfortable and practical shoes. Wherever they are not dressed and what they are not doing. Therefore, such shoes sometimes need not only wiping, they need to arrange a general cleaning, but a washing machine will help with this. Many manufacturers do not recommend using this method, but if you know and follow some rules when machine washing, then your shoes will remain safe and sound.

Preparing shoes for washing

To begin with, you should check your shoes for the presence of glued elements and reflectors, if any, then it is better to wash them by hand. Also, do not take risks with sneakers made of artificial, and even more so from genuine leather and suede. But the most common synthetic shoes can endure several of these experiments. In addition, only cloth sneakers should be put in the washing machine, because heavy shoes can easily damage the drum of the machine. So, what should be done before washing itself:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the soles of your sneakers to remove small stones, chewing gum, and a layer of dirt, so your washing machine will not receive fatal damage. If you soak the shoes in warm water, it will be very easy to clean the sole;
  2. Pull out the laces, removable insoles - they will have to be washed by hand with warm water and soap;
  3. Put in a special bag for washing sports shoes or in an unnecessary pillowcase. There is another simple way - this is to put sneakers in each leg of jeans and send them to wash, but at the same time the trousers should not shed.
  1. Sports shoes must be intact, without cracks and protruding foam rubber;
  2. The washing process in the automatic machine will withstand only a high-quality and reliable brand. A cheap model of dubious production will quickly become unusable and lose its original appearance;
  3. It is better to wash with a liquid gel for delicate washing, so there will be no streaks on the sneakers, and abrasive substances in a dry powder can damage the mesh fabric. Do not use rinse aid or conditioner;
  4. The water temperature should not exceed 30-40°C. Use whenever possible delicate wash, no spinning and automatic drying, otherwise it may lead to deformation of the sneakers;
  5. It is recommended to dry shoes with paper napkins. They should get wet sneakers, thus removing excess moisture;
  6. Push a dry rag inside sports shoes to give them their original shape, the fabric should be changed periodically;
  7. Drying should take place in natural conditions, do not place near heating devices. Good for drying Fresh air and the sun.

To keep your favorite sneakers beautiful and new for a long time, take care of them regularly, while observing simple rules both hand and machine wash. Clean shoes are a huge indicator of your personality.

Video: how to wash sneakers in a washing machine