Proper care of winter shoes. How to care for suede shoes in winter Tips for caring for shoes in winter

Frosts, high humidity and chemicals used to treat the streets in winter - all this is a real test for shoes. No matter how high-quality, branded your shoes are, they cannot do without proper care.

In winter, shoes come into contact with snow and slush a lot. Of course, moisture settles on the surface of the boots and they get wet. If you care appearance shoes, make sure they dry after each use. The old tried and tested method of stuffing shoes with newspapers or napkins is really very effective. In addition, special wooden blocks are now sold on which you can dry your shoes without the risk of deforming them.

An important rule: never dry your shoes on a radiator and with the help of some external heat sources. It is enough to leave the shoes at room temperature for a while.

Dealing with salt stains

White salt stains significantly spoil the appearance of shoes. They are especially visible on models with a pile coating (suede, nubuck, velor). Such shoes, after they are completely dry, must be cleaned with a special stiff brush. In order not to spoil the structure of the coating, treat the surface first in the direction of the pile, and then against it. If stains remain after this, rub them with a soft eraser.

Leather shoes are easier to clean, just wipe them several times with a soft, damp cloth. After that, you can fix the result with a cloth soaked in a weak vinegar solution.

We use cream

Leather shoes should be prepared before each use. Apply to a clean surface special cream. It is desirable that it contains wax and shoe polish. When the cream dries a little, treat the shoes with a water-repellent agent.

Special attention to suede

It should be borne in mind that protective footwear made of different materials are very different. Do not apply leather cream to suede. The pile coating is treated only with a special water and dirt-repellent spray.

Sole pads

Now available in shoe stores big choice overlays that are attached to the sole to reduce shoe slip. Such devices are useful not only because they reduce the risk of injury, but also because they serve as additional protection for the sole, protect it from chips, cracks, and unnecessary blows.

Alternate shoes

For the winter season, it is advisable to have two or three pairs of shoes. First, different shoes will suit different outfits. Secondly, one pair of shoes may simply not have time to dry in the allotted time. That is, you simply cannot proper care behind the boots.

Developing a Habit

Shoe care does not take as much time as it might seem at first glance. You need to get used to doing this regularly, and then you will soon notice that the process is brought to automaticity, and your favorite winter boots begin to look much better.

When buying beautiful shoes, many people think that they will look flawless for a long time without much effort, but external negative factors, such as exposure to technical salt, acid rain, snow and mud, do not live up to these expectations, and, like for any other thing shoes require special care.

The following tips will help you understand how to care for your leather shoes. And also to avoid premature damage to any boots or shoes, to maintain their excellent condition for many years.

Shoe care depends on the season. Let's figure out how to care for leather shoes in winter. Due to forced drying on heating radiators and saturation with water, the strength characteristics of shoes are reduced. To prevent this, you need:

  • apply cream on shoes at least twice a week;
  • buy special brushes;
  • using a worn toothbrush, you can clean inaccessible places and small wrinkles.
  • cover the upper part with a thin layer of cream, and apply a thick layer of creamy paste in the area of ​​​​heels and socks;
  • leave until completely dry;
  • clean with a brush or soft cloth or velvet.

Shoe processing process

A thin layer of coating will ensure the closure of the main pores, but some of them will remain, and the sweat emitted by a person when walking will come out, that is, water repellency will be ensured, and, accordingly, hygiene requirements will be met.

How to properly care for leather shoes? The choice of cream is important here.

Choosing a shoe polish

On organic dyes - shoe polish, consisting of paraffin, wax, ceresin, solvent and coloring matter. Funds on this basis are absorbed slowly, so their choice more suitable winter shoes. When buying, you should pay attention to the appearance, which is characterized by a glossy, smooth surface and color uniformity. There should be no cracks, but if there are, it means that it is old.

Emulsion - contains a large amount of solvent, so it is the softest. With its help, you can clean the skin with a cloth, foam rubber or a special swab, since the porous film will form better. These funds are used for warm weather and are indispensable for relief drawing. Creams on this basis are non-toxic and non-flammable, without a strong odor.

Other means for processing

  • Sprays and aerosols designed to provide water repellency.
  • Special softening impregnation for masking mechanical damage.
  • Cleansing shampoos, films and polishes.
  • Specialized deodorants.

If shoes or boots become dirty, then before direct processing it is recommended to wash off the dirt with soapy water.

Before deciding how to care for leather shoes, you must first prepare it. The care product should match the color of the shoes, if you can’t get exactly the right tone when choosing, then a colorless cream is an excellent option.

If the boots are cracked and have long lost their luster, then with the help of Vaseline they can be polished with a velvet or soft cloth. You can use a solution baby soap with ammonia or whipped milk, protein and sugar in equal proportions.

Oil stains become less noticeable if vegetable oil softener and mortar are applied. baking soda, prepared at the rate of a teaspoon in half a glass of water. Apply the prepared product until foam appears, then blot with a soft cloth.

In order for the skin to be renewed, 4 drops of milk are mixed with a small amount of turpentine. Shoes are wiped and cleaned in the usual way.

If your favorite shoes look worn, then you can rub them with orange zest, their appearance will become much more attractive.

How to properly care for leather shoes in winter? When the skin gets wet, you should not strive to put shoes on a heat source, drying should take place natural way. After this procedure, wipe with petroleum jelly and clean with a brush or cloth.

Often, when the boots were stored for a long time, and their skin became hard, putting them on, respectively, became difficult. It is recommended to rub their surface with kerosene, then polish to a shine using a cream.

If the skin is white, then you need to use a colorless cream, you can also clean with milk or soapy water. When choosing milk, you must wait until it dries completely, and then rub until it shines.

If there are water stains on light-colored shoes, it is recommended to lubricate with petroleum jelly and leave for 6 hours, then remove excess fat and rub with a creamy paste.

White shoes will retain their color for a long time if they are periodically cleaned with a mixture made from half a glass of milk and whipped chicken protein.

Castor oil, glycerin, flaxseed oil, or fish oil can be used to impart water resistance properties. The film formed from these products will not only not let water through, but will also soften the shoes. After twelve hours of impregnation, it should be cleaned with a special agent.

To wipe shoes yellow color you can use lemon juice.

If a piece of skin is bent or a scratch has formed, then with wrong side you can apply nail polish or “moment” glue, then press firmly against the base material and in a few seconds the situation will be corrected.

After purchasing boots, boots and shoes, it is recommended to lubricate them with cream before direct use and polish them to a shine, if it does not appear, then it is recommended to use lemon juice. You can solve the problem if the shoes are tight by moistening them from the inside with vinegar and walking around the house for at least three hours - it will take the size of the foot and will not cause further inconvenience.

To prevent slipping into icy conditions, the leather sole can be rubbed with sandpaper or treated with a piece of raw potato before going outside.

There is an effective recipe for waterproofing: take wax and fish oil at a ratio of 10:40, and add a few drops of turpentine. Melt the prepared ingredients in a water bath and process them.

Any footwear “dreams” about rest, and if this is possible, then it should stand for at least two days in order to dry completely and “breathe” again.

New shoes: care and storage

How to care for new leather shoes? To keep winter boots or boots, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • dry thoroughly at room temperature;
  • to save the shape, use special pads, but if they are missing, then you can use the old method - stuff dry newspapers inside the shoes;
  • store in boxes, but in no case in polyethylene.


  • put on, pulling the heel with your fingers, for this there is a special spatula;
  • take off your boots, pressing the heel with the toe of the opposite leg;
  • step on when putting on the back;
  • do not clean shoes from dirt, snow and other contaminants;
  • subject shoes to intensive drying;
  • leave for a long time in dampness, as under the influence of moisture it stretches, which leads to deformation;
  • the use of sponges with silicone, as this substance clogs the pores, and the shoes stop "breathing".
  • contact with acetone, bleach or gasoline, as they destroy collagen fibers.

Boots or shoes made from natural materials, will last a long time, and their waterproofness, softness and elasticity will be ensured if they are properly cared for. And the data useful advice will help you figure out how to care for leather shoes.

Any footwear for the winter period needs proper care, otherwise it will soon lose its appearance. Slush or frost will affect its condition. In addition, in winter, the roads are sprinkled with various salt reagents that spoil the shoes themselves. In this regard, it is required to adhere to the rules for caring for it, so that it is possible to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences.

In the process of choosing a product in the winter, it is extremely important to consider the material from which the product is made:

    Genuine Leather. It is considered the most suitable material in winter. long time retains its shape, has the necessary comfort. Skin impregnation procedures are required to be carried out at least once a month, cleaned with a cream 1-2 times a week. Dirt is removed initially with a dry brush, then a damp cloth is used. White skin cleaned with a foam rubber sponge or a soft brush, which is dipped in an unsaturated powder solution. It is forbidden to use any kind of hard solutions. Do not over-moisturize the skin.

    Patent leather. Extremely susceptible to extreme temperatures. It may crack when the temperature drops below 10 degrees or rises above 25. Such a product is not intended for everyday wear, as it will begin to fade from dampness and dirt. For care, only special formulations are used, which are made on water and give freshness, shine. Other agents destroy the delicate film. In addition, for patent leather shoes it is possible to use a swab dipped in milk.

    Suede leather. Suitable for dry frosty weather. The material is warm and soft. After purchasing a product from such a material, it must be processed. Do not wear suede shoes in the rain, as they will get wet, lose their shade and appear difficult to remove stains. Before processing, remove dust and light dirt with a brush. Then the product is treated with a suede care composition, dried and brushed again. For the freshness of the color, it is necessary to wipe the product with a napkin dipped in ammonia or milk. After drying, clean with a stiff bristle brush. Aerosol paint is suitable for everyday use.

    Nubuck. It is a fleecy leather that resembles suede. Nubuck often needs to be treated with water-repellent compounds, and dirt should be removed with special foams. Dry before the procedure, and only then begin the procedure. Of the tools, a soft brush or rag is used.

    Synthetic materials. Designed to be worn in late autumn with a lot of rain. There are materials that do not allow moisture to penetrate inside, but let it out. Choice of funds for artificial material carried out on an individual basis. The instructions indicate how to care for such a product.

With proper care, you can significantly extend the life of winter boots.

Winter footwear care products

In winter, due to a sharp drop in temperature indicators, the surface of the shoe quickly ages. On winter boots, due to the heat of the feet, the snow begins to melt, which provokes wetting of the skin. A large amount of salt, having absorbed into an unprotected surface, will destroy its structure, corrode the paint. Based on these parameters, it is recommended to follow the following care instructions:

    Cleaning. Before applying the cream or balm, the shoes are cleaned of the old cream and dirt. This will allow the newly applied composition to be well absorbed and retain its appearance.

    Surface nutrition (creams, balms). So that the product does not age for a long period and maintains a presentable appearance, you will need to take care of it, like, for example, hands. Creams and balms nourish the skin, contribute to the restoration of its structure, strength and preservation physical properties. Without food, it dries up, creases appear, which in the future will provoke breaks.

    Moisture-repellent impregnation. An important component of care will be the protection of shoes. For rough leather (velor, nubuck, suede) it is advisable to use Nano-impregnation. For smooth skin, the use of ordinary will be sufficient. The skin does not lose its ability to breathe, and rough varieties will remain clean for a longer period. Smooth types of leather are often protected with a cream, impregnation will become an auxiliary protection.

In the process of applying a conventional impregnation with fluorocarbon resins, protection will be created inside the coating. The molecules of such resins will fill the empty cavities between the molecules of the skin, as a result of which a mesh will be created from them. In addition, the moisture-repellent effect on the product is maintained by regularly refreshing it.

Remedies for salt and dirt

The quality of shoes to a certain extent affects the safety of the product in the winter, if there is no salt on the roads. It damages any surface, except for shoes made of rubber.

It is required to regularly apply moisture protection products from salt and dirt. Constant cleaning of reagents is necessary: ​​smooth skin - upon arrival home with a damp sponge, and suede, velor, nubuck - after drying with a special brush.

Impregnation is applied in small quantities constantly until leaving the apartment. Such a simple procedure will prevent the penetration of salt inside, which will significantly prolong the operation of the shoes.

Drying shoes

The optimal method of drying shoes is on a wooden block (to preserve the shape of the product) in natural conditions at room temperature. This technique assumes the presence of at least 2 pairs of shoes: one will be worn, the second will dry.

If there is a need for quick drying, it is possible to use a heated mat. Even faster dries shoes with a dryer inserted inside. This technique is somewhat worse, since the temperature indicators of the device are higher and dry leather products. This will provoke its rigidity, which will require restoration of quality with the help of balms.

If there are difficulties when choosing shoes in ordinary markets, it is possible to purchase a high-quality product on the Internet. To buy winter boots right size in an online store, you should open the site, where the consultant will select the optimal model and help you place an order.

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shoes from genuine leather occupies the top lines in the popularity rating: it is durable, distinguished by special comfort and looks dignified. For the skin, there are rules of care that help to extend its life and maintain its appearance. Prevention folk methods and professional products - we figure out how to properly care for leather shoes.

Leather shoe care consists of three main stages: cleansing, nourishing, protecting

With the right approach, leather shoes will last more than one season:

  • each time wipe the shoes with a dry cloth to remove settled dust - it may contain aggressive substances that corrode the skin;
  • use special pads for storage: if the shoes are bent, creases appear on the skin, and then cracks;
  • do not use creams and shoe polish often and in large quantities: their excess leaves greasy stains that are difficult to remove;
  • to protect the sole of winter shoes from exposure to aggressive reagents, use a special rubber sticker or regularly lubricate the sole with compounds based on animal fats;
  • it is recommended to alternate shoes, and not wear one pair for several days in a row: it should have time to dry naturally (about 12-20 hours).

Caring for new shoes

You need to take care of new leather shoes from the moment of purchase. Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, treat the surface of the product with shoe polish and polish with a soft cloth. In autumn and winter, after the cream has dried, apply a water repellent.

In production, the leather goes through all the necessary stages of processing, and additional impregnation can lead to blockage of pores. Be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations.

For new shoes, you can use a colorless cream, in the future you need to select a cream to match the skin tone

Shoe cosmetics

When buying shoes, it is better to immediately purchase special products that correspond to the type of skin - they will provide high-quality care. Exist different kinds shoe cosmetics:

  • shampoos and foams clean from dirt, stains and streaks;
  • creams and balms increase the service life and provide the skin with elasticity;
  • aerosols various shades restore and maintain the color of shoes;
  • polishes give shine and protect from dampness and moisture;
  • impregnation create a protective film, have a moisture and dirt-repellent effect, neutralize salt stains;
  • specific cosmetics helps to deal with various tasks. It includes antibacterial deodorants, softeners, anticolors (protect socks from staining) and other special products.

Creams based on organic solvents (classic shoe polish) provide intensive care, have water-repellent properties and help take care of leather shoes in winter. In summer, it is better to use emulsion creams: they create a porous film on the surface that lets moisture and sweat out.

It is more convenient to use shoe cosmetics if you have high-quality equipment at hand: brushes, polishing wipes, impregnating sponges and washcloths

The use of folk remedies

If not at hand professional tools, folk methods are useful.

Vaseline, glycerin and castor oil are used to give the skin softness and elasticity. Shoes are treated with a composition and carefully polished with a soft cloth.

People use linseed oil and animal fats (pork, goose, seal and fish oil) as waterproof impregnations. They polish the surface of the shoe and process the connecting seams. In winter, the sole of the shoe is impregnated 1-2 times a month with products based on animal fats so that it does not lose elasticity and does not crack at the folds.

At home, moisture-repellent impregnations are prepared:

  • paraffin and linseed oil 3:1 (heat over low heat);
  • 0.5 st. l. turpentine, 4 tsp linseed oil and 4 tsp. fish oil;
  • castor oil and animal fat 1:1;
  • castor oil and wax 2:1.

The listed funds are quite effective, but in modern realities it is easier to buy a water-repellent spray than to find seal oil on sale.

All care products should be applied only to clean and dry shoes.

To add shine to leather, wipe it with a lemon wedge or orange peel before buffing ( orange peels not suitable for white products). You can lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly, and then with raw egg white and polish thoroughly.

Use folk remedies for expensive leather shoes is only in an emergency. We recommend using modern means for such shoes.

How to clean leather shoes

Leather shoes need to be cared for daily, and this process begins with proper cleaning.

After each wear, clean the shoes from dust with a dry cloth. If there is wet dirt on the surface of the leather, wait until it dries and remove it with a soft brush. Wipe away any remaining dust with a dry cloth, and then go over the surface with a damp cloth. So you need to clean the skin that has been finished.

Untreated leather (see label) should be cleaned with saddle soap. Wet a cloth, rub the soap into a light lather, and work gently onto the leather. Rinse off the foam and dry the shoes.

Saddle soap can be bought in shoe stores and equestrian accessories departments.

If the shoes are heavily soiled, rinse them with cool water (never hot!). Start with the sole and heel, and then move on to the toe and heel. Avoid getting water inside the shoes. After washing, wipe the leather with a dry cloth and allow the shoes to dry completely.

Leather shoes are dried at room temperature: the insoles are removed and special pads are inserted (or stuffed with paper).

Do not dry shoes in the sun or near a heater: the leather may fade and crack

Removing stains from leather shoes

If after standard cleaning you find stains on your shoes, use the following tips:

  • oily stains are removed with potato starch, crushed chalk or soda: apply to the stain for 30 minutes and shake off the residue. If the product did not help in dry form, try diluting it with water to a thick slurry and repeat the procedure;
  • light contamination is removed with a fresh cut of onion;
  • salt stains are wiped with acetic solution (water and vinegar 1: 3) or castor oil.

Stubborn stains can be removed with aggressive products: nail polish remover, refined gasoline, oxygen bleach or hydrogen peroxide. However, there is no guarantee that you will not spoil the product: in this case, everything depends on the quality of the leather and the dye. Pre-test the effect of the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Apply product to cotton pad or a stick, and gently clean the dirt. Finally, wipe the treated areas with a clean, damp cloth and dry the shoes.

Caring for white leather shoes

Caring for white leather shoes is more difficult due to the specifics of the color: such shoes have to be cleaned much more often than brown or black ones, so the risk of damaging the material is disproportionately higher.

White leather is especially soft: choose low-abrasive sponges and velvet polishing cloths for care

To wash white leather, it is recommended to use a soft shoe foam that does not wash out the coloring pigment. Heavy soiling is cleaned with a foamy detergent. At home white shoes wash with soapy water with a few drops of ammonia.

Spots from fair skin removed with a white stationery eraser or melamine sponge.

You can take care of white leather shoes with the help of improvised means:

  • toothpaste whitens. Apply the product to a soft brush, and treat the dirt. Use only plain white paste;
  • baking soda cleans. Dilute it in water to the consistency of a thick slurry and gently clean the shoes;
  • raw egg milk mixture refreshes color and adds shine. Mix egg white with 0.5 cup of warm milk and apply on shoes. When the mixture dries, buff the leather with a soft cloth;
  • table vinegar or lemon juice eliminate stains and yellow spots. Test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin beforehand;
  • onion juice removes stains and dirt. Wipe the shoes with a fresh cut of onion, and then polish;
  • talc and turpentine paste cleans heavy dirt. Mix the ingredients until a thick slurry is obtained, apply to the stains and leave to dry. Remove the rest of the mixture with a soft cloth.

Do not use newspapers and magazines to dry shoes - printing ink can leave stains and hopelessly ruin the product

Helpful Hints:

  • clean shoes immediately after wearing;
  • for white shoes there should be a separate sponge and rag;
  • do not apply the cleaner and cream directly to the shoes, use a cloth or sponge for this purpose, otherwise stains will appear;
  • before washing, take out the laces and other removable parts: they must be washed and dried separately from the shoes.

Do not store white shoes next to pairs of a different color.

Caring for patent leather shoes

Patent leather is more delicate than ordinary smooth material and requires careful handling:

  • for patent leather care, choose special water-based products (classic shoe cream is not suitable for this purpose);
  • treat varnished products only with a soft cloth: brushes and hard sponges will damage the surface;
  • from folk remedies glycerin, castor oil and petroleum jelly are suitable for caring for varnish;
  • milk, egg white and onion juice can be used to nourish and polish patent leather;
  • clean patent leather with mild soapy water.

Before storing, pack patent leather shoes so that the shoes do not touch each other.

Clean the shoes, dry them and treat them with a softening cream: dirty and wet shoes should not be put away for storage.

Pack your leather shoes in carton boxes or special bags natural fabric. To separate the pair from each other, use a fabric spacer or wrapping paper. Do not store shoes in plastic bags and sealed packaging.

To avoid deformation and creases, use special wooden or plastic blocks for storage. Alternatively, you can stuff shoes tightly with paper.

Keep shoes away from heaters and sunlight: heating has a negative effect on the properties of the leather.

As you can see, caring for leather shoes is not so difficult. stick simple rules and your shoes will always look clean and tidy.

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She graduated from the author's physical and mathematical lyceum and art school. Received a higher economic education in the direction of "innovation management". Freelancer. Married, actively travels. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transsurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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All women love beautiful shoes, that's a fact. But if in summer we can afford to flaunt in bright shoes made of any material (up to lace) without fear of spoiling them, then in winter the situation is completely different. Severe frosts, slush, sand, snow, mud and salt are a real test for our boots and boots. Add improper care to the unfavorable factors - and be sure that your favorite boots will not last you more than one season. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you how to properly care for winter shoes.

Caring for winter shoes - according to all the rules!

shoe shine

When you are going to run on business in the morning, you suddenly find that your boots are covered with dried mud left over from yesterday's exit to the street, and you start cleaning and lubricating them convulsively. A familiar picture? Alas ... This is the main mistake in the care of shoes that most people make. Clean shoes, wash off dirt from them, lubricate with cream should be immediately upon returning from the street, and not before leaving the house. In no case should dirt be allowed to dry on shoes, and salt should not soak it through. Therefore, boots or shoes should be washed immediately. But just not hot water, because it softens the skin and glue. Dirty shoes made of smooth leather should be wiped wet first and then dry flannel fabric. Rinse heavily soiled shoes with cool water, trying to avoid getting moisture inside. Clean off dirt from suede boots with a special brush.

Drying shoes

In principle, any shoes after a “work day” need to be dried, and even more so if they get wet. To do this, it is stuffed with crumpled newsprint and left until morning. The newspaper may need to be changed several times.

Very important rule: shoes should be dried only at room temperature. In no case should you do this near batteries, stoves, stoves, as well as in direct sunlight. From this, any shoe material stiffens, the skin becomes brittle, the glue dries out.

It is better to remove the insole for drying.

Separately, I would like to talk about the now popular electric shoe dryers. They are two heating elements that are inserted inside the shoe. Radiating weak heat, the heaters dry the shoes in a relatively short time. Some models are even equipped with additional functions of ionization, aromatization and disinfection. However, despite the seeming magic of electric dryers, not a single shoe manufacturer mentions these miracle units in their operating instructions, recommending drying shoes "without the use of artificial heat sources." So the question of whether to use these devices or not will have to be decided by you.

Shoe processing with special equipment

After drying, the shoes must be carefully processed. Products from smooth skin you need to lubricate with a good shoe cream (as an option - petroleum jelly, castor or vegetable oil, glycerin). The cream is selected depending on the color of the shoe or a universal colorless one is used. It is applied in a thin layer with a special sponge, and then allowed to dry (5-30 minutes, depending on the brand of cream). After that, the shoes are glossed with a special polishing cloth or brush (preferably from natural pile).

If the cream does not have water-repellent properties, you should additionally treat the surface of the shoe with a product with this function. Note that the treatment for smooth leather will be different from the treatment for nubuck.

Care for suede, nubuck shoes

The main rule for caring for suede and nubuck is that shoes made of these materials must not be cleaned when wet, they must first be dried. If there are dry dirt on the suede, they are wiped with a special porous brush with a sponge. It refreshes suede well and restores the pile. If it was not possible to completely get rid of the problem stain or scuff, rub the surface with an ordinary school eraser. Grease spots can be removed with gasoline or sprinkled with talc, which after a few hours brush off.

Heavily soiled suede shoes are treated with a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia (1: 5). After wetting a sponge or brush in the solution, wipe the shoes, paying particular attention to contaminated areas. Then, in the same way, wipe the suede with cold water, wipe with a dry silk cloth and dry. To restore "fluffiness" you can hold the shoes over the steam (at such a distance that it is safe for both your hands and shoes).

Speaking about the care of suede, one cannot fail to mention the special products available for sale for this capricious shoe: all kinds of brushes, cleaning foams, sprays, aerosol paints, etc. They help to clean and “fluff” the pile, restore the brightness of the color and the attractive appearance of suede shoes .

Ugg care

Recently, such type of shoes as UGG has been very popular. Ugg boots - sheepskin boots with a suede surface, sewn like boots. It is recommended to wear them only in dry weather. Ugg care- the same as for suede, except that the cleaning is even more gentle, excluding any strong pressure.

In order to make the boots less dirty and wet, it is best to purchase a special kit for caring for ugg boots. It includes a water-repellent spray with which boots are treated at the very beginning of their socks, a product that can be used directly to clean shoes, a suede brush and a freshener.

Felt care

Despite the fact that our grandmothers dried felt boots on warm stoves, today it is strongly not recommended to use any artificial heat source for drying. From elevated temperatures, the felt turns to stone, felt boots lose their shape and shrink. After improper drying, you may even have to throw them away ... In addition, modern models of boots with rubberized or glue-on soles, in principle, cannot stand elevated temperatures. So they should be dried at room temperature, pre-stuffed with newsprint. The temperature maximum when drying boots is plus 40 ° C. Valenki can not be washed, it is recommended to clean them with a brush or wipe with a damp cloth. From time to time they need to be carefully knocked out from dust.

Do not forget that the moth loves to feast on felt and wool. Therefore, when storing boots in the summer, it is worth treating them with a moth remedy and periodically taking them out into the sun.

High boots care

Fur boots are designed to be worn in extreme cold from minus 10 degrees and below. You will avoid significant cleaning problems if you do not wear them in warm and slushy weather. As a preventive measure during the season, high fur boots are brushed, you can even wear clothes.

Before you start cleaning high fur boots, they should first be dried - also at room temperature, stuffed with crumpled newspaper. Dirt is brushed off with a suede brush. Heavily soiled boots, you may need to wipe with a sponge dampened with soapy water. If your boots need a thorough cleaning, it is still better to use the services of dry cleaning.