A device for connecting parts and assemblies in assemblies. Industrial device for solving various problems

Pumping unit - a pumping unit, the component equipment of which is mounted according to a certain scheme that ensures the operation of the pump. The article considers the scheme and principle of operation of the pumping unit. Figure 2 shows a diagram of a pumping unit for pumping liquid. The pump 9, driven by the electric motor 10, sucks liquid from the supply tank 2 and pumps the liquid into the receiving tank 16 through the suction line 5 and the pressure line 13.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the pumping unit:
1 - building (room) for the pumping unit; 2 - consumable capacity; 3 - filter; 4 - check valve; 5 - suction line; 6, 7, 14, 17 - valves; 8 - line for filling pumps; 9 - pump; 1 O - electric motor; 11, 12 - manometers; 13 - pressure line; 15 - flow meter; 16 - receiving container; 18 - control panel of the pumping unit; 19 - fire fighting equipment; 20 - auxiliary equipment; 21 - drain line
The pumping unit has the following elements:
- hydraulic tanks (hydraulic tanks);
— hydraulic lines (mains, pipelines);
- control and measuring equipment (pressure gauges, flow meters, electrical measuring instruments);
- start-control equipment valves, gate valves, electrical equipment devices);
- fire-fighting equipment;
-auxiliary equipment (hoists, crane beams).
The composition of structures, the type and quantity of the main and auxiliary equipment of the pumping unit is determined based on the purpose of the pumping unit.
To use the pump for its intended purpose, it is necessary to supply energy to it. Exist different kinds energy to drive the pump, for example, Electric Energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, solar energy.
A pumping unit is a unit consisting of a pump or several pumps connected to each other and a driving motor.
Types of pumping units can be classified:

by type of drive:
1) an electric pump unit in which the driving motor is an electric motor;
2) a pipe-pumping unit, in which the driving engine is a hydro- or pneumatic turbine;
3) diesel pumping unit, in which the driving engine is a diesel engine;
4) a motor-pump unit, in which the driving engine is a carburetor engine;
5) a hydraulically driven pumping unit, in which the driving motor is a hydraulic motor;
6) pneumatic driven pumping unit, in which the driving motor is a pneumatic motor;
according to the structural combination of the pump with the drive:
1) electric pump - a pumping unit driven by an electric motor, the components of which are included in the design of the pump;
2) turbopump - a pumping unit driven by a turbine, the components of which are included in the design of the pump;
3) steam pump - a pumping unit driven by a steam cylinder, the switchgear of which is included in the design of the pump;
4) hydraulic pump - a pumping unit driven by a hydraulic cylinder, the switchgear of which is included in the design of the pump;
5) pneumatic pump - a pumping unit driven by a pneumatic cylinder, the switchgear of which is included in the design of the pump.
In water supply, drainage, heating and other systems, electric motors are usually used to drive the pump. Thus, the electric pump unit is the most common element of hydraulic installations.
Possible operating modes of the pumping unit:
1) continuous operation, in which the pump must operate continuously for a long period of time, for example, a pump in an active well;
2) uneven mode of operation with the pump constantly on, for example, when the liquid level in the supply tank decreases or when liquid is consumed unevenly from the receiving tank at different times;
3) intermittent mode of operation of the installation, characterized by periodic switching on and off of the pump, for example, when working in a technological process;
4) uniform operation of the installation with uneven consumption of liquid from the supply tank, for example, due to the installation of an additional pressure control tank;
5) short-term operation mode, for example, a fire pump, etc.
The pumping unit consists of various systems: hydraulic system, power supply system, automation system, etc. The concept of a system is partly subjective, since it is necessary to single out from the pumping unit those elements and phenomena that meet the objectives of the study and are quite easy to analyze, synthesize or various calculations. The content of the concept of a system is related to the fact that real systems have spatial or functional closure. An element is a part of a system that performs certain functions.
The hydraulic system is a collection of tanks, pipelines, pumps, instrumentation and control gear and is designed to perform certain functions.
The power supply system of the pumping unit provides electrical connection with the power system and ensures the continuous supply of all consumers of the pumping unit with electricity.
The automation system provides remote control of the pumping unit, power supply system, etc.

The eggs settle to the bottom, after a few days fry hatch from them.

I was told that the word hatch is a colloquial style. What word can replace it?

In the given meaning, the word hatch is not colloquial. If necessary, you can replace it with a synonym appear.

Question #248145
Which is correct: on Wednesdays (emphasis is not on "a" or on "e")?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

If it's about day of the week, then the possible options for setting the stress: on Wednesdays And on Wednesdays. If we are talking about the environment, then only: on Wednesdays.

Question #248141
Good afternoon
This question has already been asked, but the answer has not been revealed.
Which spelling is correct: pallet place or pallet place? The term is actively used in warehouse logistics.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: pallet place(from the word pallet).

Question No. 248108
While editing stories based on Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers, our team had a question. In what cases should the word "rescuers" be capitalized, and in which cases - with a lowercase letter?

Dear friends, please check if we have the right way of thinking?

1. If you mean the name of the movie, then, of course, with capital letters and in quotation marks:
I love "Rescuers" - this is one of my favorite cartoons.

2. If a sublime stylistic connotation is meant, then without quotes and with a capital:
- At that moment, Dale realized for the first time what it means to be not just a responsive chipmunk, but a real Rescuer.

3. But if with an ironic tinge, then with lowercase and in quotation marks:
- And these squirrels have nothing to do, - rumbled Fat Belly, - I also found "rescuers"!

4. Another simple and obvious case. If the word is used in the meaning of "rescue service", then with lowercase and without quotes:
- Mr. Myshkovsky, my baby is stuck in a soda can. Rather, call the rescuers!

5. Now we come to the most important thing. Here our opinions are divided. What to do when our heroes are meant in a collective sense.

Cartoon examples:

Well, (S, s) pastors, what are we waiting for? We have to save the egg.

Well, I guess you can be a (C, C) rescuer.

Where are you going?
- I'm leaving (C, c) pastors.

With a lowercase letter (as instinct and a sense of modesty suggests) or with an uppercase letter, according to, say, paragraph 98 in the Rules?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

We agree with points 1-4. In the 5th paragraph, it is required to write with a lowercase letter, quotes do not need to be used.

Question #248098
good afternoon!
please help me figure it out. What is the difference between accentological and spelling errors. Please provide examples, if possible, to illustrate.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Accentology studies only word stress, orthoepy - general issues of pronunciation of words, sounds, phrases (articulation of speech sounds, intonation, etc.).

Question #248077
what is the definition of the word "generally"? [Including at the beginning of a sentence, for example: "In general (,) Bulgarian and Serbian scribes often replaced words and expressions of the Russian original that they did not understand."]
thanks in advance

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Word at all can be separated by commas if, according to the author's intention, it is used in the meaning of "generally speaking".

Question #248065
Hello! Please tell me how the surname Varga declines in the genitive and instrumental cases.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

R. p. - Varga, etc. - Varga.

Good afternoon
Please, very urgent!
New models of foreign cars are equipped with so-called curtain airbags, which is one of the safety elements. Question: are quotation marks needed in the phrase (curtain pillows)?
Please reply as soon as possible.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In the given example, it is correct without quotes.

Question No. 248018
Hello, please answer: 1) is it possible to say "He heard only in one ear" in the sense of "he was deaf in one ear"? Or is it better to "hear with only one ear"? 2) is the first (non-)British director who... 3) teaches (in) piano - or is it better with no pretext at all? Thanks a lot

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Correct: deaf in ear. 2. Preferably continuous spelling. 3. Combination piano teacher perhaps in oral colloquial speech, in written speech this option should be avoided.

on Question No. 247978.
Based on the Recommendations from the developers of GOST R 6.30-2003 "Execution of official documents":
Text: In business correspondence, the form of presentation of the text in the first person plural is accepted (we ask, we inform, we send, we remind, we send, etc.), since the official who signed the letter speaks on behalf of the organization, or from the third person plural - OOO Navigator considers it possible...
The form of presentation of the text of the letter in the first person singular (I ask, offer, send, etc.) is possible in two cases:
- the letter is issued on official letterhead;
- the letter is personal in nature and contains a personal appeal to the addressee.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Thanks for the interesting addition!

Question No. 248009
"... are accepted at a general meeting, but not in a close circle." Please tell me, is it correct?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right here: ...but not in close quarters.

Question No. 248008
Good afternoon, experts in the Russian language! Recently, I rarely turn to you for help, I try to solve all the problems myself. Therefore, I hope that you will not leave my questions unanswered.
... protect with nets, combs (the so-called "sparrows") - in this turn, the word is taken in quotation marks - and if possible, give a link to the rule
...a window without "wet surprises" - do you need quotes?
...in the case of flat roofs or roofs?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #248000
I was recently corrected when I used the verb "remember" with the preposition "about". Is it really correct to say "remember about" and "remember about" is a mistake? And is there a source on your portal where you can find out the control of verbs with prepositions?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The prepositions O and PRO are synonymous when referring to a person, object, phenomenon, but differ stylistically: the preposition PRO introduces a colloquial connotation (see "Handbook of the Russian language. Management in the Russian language" by D. E. Rosenthal).

The invention relates to mechanical engineering and can be used when connecting parts, assemblies of units containing rotating parts, such as gas compressor units (GCU). EFFECT: invention makes it possible to eliminate the possibility of thermal stresses in the compressor housing in cases of unregulated clamping of the legs during thermal expansion. This technical result is achieved by the fact that in a device for connecting parts of units, for example, a compressor with a frame in a gas-pumping unit, according to the invention, between the nut 6 and the washer 3, an L-shaped ring 4 is installed, covering the pin 1 with a gap and contacting the cylindrical part with the inner surface of the washer 3, and on the stud 4 there is a cylindrical belt 8 in contact with the inner surface of the washer 3 below the L-shaped ring 4, while between the shelf of the L-shaped ring 4 and the washer 3 there is a gasket 7 made of an easily deformable material, such as aluminum, and between the washer 3 and paw 2 has an additional washer 5 in contact with the washer 3 on a spherical surface. 1 ill.

The present invention relates to mechanical engineering and can be used when connecting parts, assemblies of units containing rotating parts, for example, gas compressor units (GCU).

The main requirements for a device for connecting parts, units of units, ensuring the reliability and durability of their work, are:

The strength of the details of the connection device;

Possibility of compensating thermal stresses in the connected parts;

The absence of a gap between the elements of the device along the axis of the tie rod in the steady state mode of operation of the unit;

Absence of bending stresses in the tie rod;

Elimination of vibrations from alternating loads caused by static and dynamic imbalance of the rotating parts of the units.

Devices are known for connecting parts, assemblies, in which, to eliminate thermal stresses and reduce vibrations, the following are used:

Materials with different coefficients of linear expansion;

Means and methods for equalizing the temperature of the connected parts, assemblies by additional forced heating or cooling - elastic washers. (P.I. Orlov "Fundamentals of Design". M., "Engineering", 1988, vol. 1, p. 25, fig. 236).

A device for fastening the compressor housing (its paws) to the GPA frame is known, compensating for thermal stress in the compressor housing by ensuring the mobility of the paws relative to the frame.

Mobility in the connection is ensured by the introduction of gaps between the fixed and movable (during thermal expansion) parts of the assembled units (P.I. Orlov "Fundamentals of Design". M., "Engineering", 1988, vol. 1, p. 267, fig. 254) . This device is selected as the closest analogue.

Devices for connecting parts and assemblies of assemblies, manufactured using materials with different coefficients of linear expansion, are quite complex, since the selection of these materials is associated with experimental work.

The use of elastic washers as compensating elements in the device in the presence of alternating loads is dangerous due to their tendency to destruction with negative consequences for the operation of the unit in the event of vibrations.

The simplest in design is a device with guaranteed clearances that provide thermal expansion of parts of the units, excluding thermal stresses.

The disadvantage of the device, selected for the closest analogue, is the difficulty in determining the thermal gap along the axis of the tie rod. In the practice of NPO Iskra, the gap is determined and established by calculation according to the actual dimensions of the thickness of the joined elements of the units. In fact, during the operation of the GPU, the elements of the compressor housing (and its legs) have different heating temperatures and, of course, different values ​​of linear expansion along the axis of the tie rod. In some cases, the specified gap is insufficient, which leads to thermal stresses in the tie rod, up to its destruction. The presence of a residual gap, not chosen during thermal expansion, leads to an increase in vibration in the joined parts of the units.

The technical objective of the invention is to eliminate the noted shortcomings in the device for connecting large and massive parts and assemblies.

The technical result is achieved by the fact that in the device for connecting parts of the units, for example, a compressor with a frame in a gas-pumping unit, containing a tie rod, a paw, a washer and a nut installed with a compensating gap relative to the paw, an L-shaped ring is installed between the nut and the washer, enclosing the pin with a gap and contacting the cylindrical part with the inner surface of the washer, and on the pin there is a cylindrical belt in contact with the inner surface of the washer below the L-shaped ring; an additional washer is installed with a washer and a paw, contacting the first one along a spherical surface.

The figure shows a device for connecting the compressor to the frame in the gas compressor unit.

The device includes a tie rod 1 passing through the foot of the compressor 2, a washer 3, an L-shaped ring 4, a washer 5, nuts 6, a gasket 7, a cylindrical belt 8 is made on the tie rod 1, the compressor is installed on the frame 9.

Centering the washer 3 along the cylindrical belt 8 of the tie rod 1 eliminates the possibility of displacement of the washer 3 relative to the tie rod 1 in the horizontal plane (perpendicular to the axis of the tie rod 1). Centering of L-shaped ring 4 relative to washer 3 provides a constant contact surface of gasket 7 with washer 3 and L-shaped ring 4. for possible misalignment of the assembled parts during installation. The presence of a spherical surface between the washers 3, 5 eliminates the bending stress in the tie rod 1 due to the non-parallelism of the contacting planes along the axis.

The device is mounted in the following sequence:

The compressor with paws 2 is installed on the frame 9 of the GPU along the surface L;

In the frame 9, through the holes in the paw 2 with a gap P, a tie rod 1 is threaded;

Washers 5, 3 are installed on the paw 2 along the surface K, while the washer 3 is centered on the cylindrical belt 8 of the tie rod 1;

A gasket 7 and an L-shaped ring 4 are installed on the washer 3;

They are installed along the thread of the nut 6, the nuts 6 are tightened until the surfaces of the L-shaped ring 4 and the washer 3 come into contact with the gasket 7.

Thus, the device is assembled without gaps along the axis of the tie rod 1. During operation, the compressor housing is heated and elongated with the movement of the foot 2 along the surface L of the frame 9 within the gap P. The linear expansion of the foot 2 in direction B (along the axis of the tie rod) occurs with the collapse of the gasket 7 by the actual value of the linear expansion of each paw, thereby ensuring a backlash-free connection of the elements of the connected units. The remaining part of the gasket in the gap T is a vibration damper (quencher). The gap T during heating is reduced by the total value of the linear thermal expansions of the connected elements in the device until the unit reaches the steady state operation. After stopping the unit and cooling it down, the gap T increases by the value of the linear expansions during heating. The restart occurs with a gap between the deformed gasket 7 and the L-shaped ring 4, which disappears in the steady state of the unit.

Thus, the implementation of the proposed invention allows:

Eliminate the possibility of thermal stresses in the compressor housing in cases of unregulated clamping of the legs during thermal expansion;

Eliminate individual adjustment of the gap T according to the actual dimensions of the connected elements;

Ensure gap-free connection of elements in the steady state mode of operation of the gas compressor unit;

Eliminate bending stress in the tie rod;

Additionally reduce the vibration load of the connected parts due to the damping of the gasket material.

A device for connecting parts of units, for example, a compressor with a frame in a gas-pumping unit, containing a tie rod, a paw, a washer and a nut installed with a compensating gap relative to the paw, characterized in that an L-shaped ring is installed in it between the nut and the washer, enclosing the pin with a gap and contacting the cylindrical part with the inner surface of the washer, and on the pin there is a cylindrical belt in contact with the inner surface of the washer below the L-shaped ring, while a gasket made of an easily deformable material, for example, aluminum, is installed between the L-shaped ring flange and the washer, and between the washer and the paw there is an additional washer in contact with the first one along the spherical surface.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the field of mechanical engineering, can be used in the assembly of centrifugal blowers of gas-pumping units and, when used, increases the reliability of the centrifugal blower and reduces the complexity of its assembly process.

Electricity generators are becoming more and more popular every year not only among private users, but also in industry. This is directly related not only to the savings in the funds spent, but also to a decrease in the extraction of exhaustible minerals. However, the most common fuel for them is still fuel. Their breakdown products are toxic and cause pollution environment. Another thing is fuel-free generators, which have a lot of advantages over their fuel counterparts. Which ones, we will find out later.

Saving minerals for many states occupies a key place in the economy. This is successfully achieved through the use of fuel-free generators, whose operating principles are based on elementary physical phenomena of magnetic induction current. Of the most successful and effective today, the following types of BG are used:

  1. Dudyshev motor - basically uses a magnetic current that is converted into an electrical impulse.
  2. The Minato magnetic motor has an increased efficiency of 100%, which is achieved through power amplifiers.
  3. Johnson motor - has a compensator, but is not effective in industry due to low power;
  4. The Adams generator is the most popular and efficient magnetic motor with a simple design but a high level of efficiency.
  5. Solenoid motor Dudyshev - has an external magnetic rotor, which is effective only when using low power (in the presence of a "wet" design).

Let's take a closer look at Adams generators, which are most often found on the electricity market.

The manufacturer VEGA is engaged in the production and sale of generators of this type, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

Vega generators: features and benefits

Fuelless generators operate on the principle of generating free energy, converting it into an induction current. Such great physicists as Adams (after whom the device is named) and Bedini devoted their research to this physical phenomenon. These units can be used as an autonomous power supply for private houses, as well as:

  • in shipping;
  • in the automotive industry;
  • farm and forest land;
  • in aircraft construction and astronautics.

They are effective where there is no possibility of transporting fuel (diesel, gasoline, coke, gas, etc.), and the energy of nature (wind, solar energy, tides) is not powerful enough to provide electricity at full capacity.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of "perpetual motion machine" and "energy generator of Adams memory". They are similar in operation, but the last require constant maintenance and periodic repairs.

Their work does not depend on environmental factors, therefore, the Vega fuel-free generator has the following features and advantages.

Today the next issue of "AiF" No. 37 dated September 13, 2017 was released and we have prepared questions and answers for this issue of the crossword puzzle.


1. Which of the classics of Russian poetry "did not get tired of hinting" that he became the successor to Boris Pasternak? The answer has 12 letters: Voznesensky
3. A medicinal plant whose infusion is taken to get rid of eczema. The answer has 8 letters: CLEANEL
9. How did the character of the Disney cartoon "The Mystery of the Red Planet" leave the spaceship? The answer has 12 letters: GARBAGE DUCT
10. The first spring vegetable. The answer has 5 letters: RADISH
12. Who killed Achilles in the heel? The answer has 5 letters: PARIS
14. What kind of wine is given for the "blood of Christ"? The answer has 5 letters: KAGOR
15. Abandoned Cyrillic letter. The answer has 3 letters: YAT
19. "Address" of the communication channel. The answer has 12 letters: RADIO FREQUENCY
20. Tonal. The answer has 4 letters: CREAM
23. What does the artist prime? The answer has 5 letters: CANVAS
24. Jeweler of hope. The answer has 8 letters: OPTIMIST
28. What comedy did the Russian Emperor Nicholas I allow to be staged in person? The answer has 7 letters: INSPECTOR
33. The generation of "complete discord." The answer has 11 letters: DISHARMONY
34. A device for reconnecting a person with a unit. The answer has 8 letters: HANDLE
35. Home nickname of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The answer has 3 letters: SHEN
37. What engineer Garin staked on, wanting to become the ruler of the world? The answer has 11 letters: HYPERBOLOID
39. A fragment of the mechanism. The answer has 6 letters: DETAILS
40. What does the heroine of the story “The Shoulders of the Marquise” by the Frenchman Emile Zola give to the beggar? The answer has 5 letters: BOUQUET
41. Postman at the royal court. The answer has 5 letters: MESSENGER
42. “While I was walking into this light of a large hall, in front of me for so many years ... stood.” The answer has 5 letters: WALL
44. "Autumn cold friend" for Alexander Pushkin. The answer has 4 letters: WINE
45. Which goddess helped the hero of the Metamorphoses of Apuleius regain his human form? The answer has 5 letters: ISIDA
46. ​​What does Sargsyan drive from the drama "The Edge"? The answer has 7 letters: PAROVOZ
48. Which fairy-tale heroine made shirts from cemetery nettles for her brothers? The answer has 5 letters: ELIZA
49. Soviet soldier for an Afghan. The answer has 6 letters: SHURAVI
50. What biblical hero did Titian capture on the same canvas with Cain? The answer has 5 letters: ABEL
51. Prayer beads. The answer has 5 letters: ROSARY
52. Lion element in the circle of the Zodiac. The answer has 5 letters: FIRE
53. "Common place" in reasoning. The answer has 6 letters: TRUISM


1. "Kitty from the registry office." The answer has 12 letters: VOROBYANINOV
2. Chief of monks. The answer has 6 letters: IGUMENE
4. The perpetrator of the "beating of babies." The answer has 4 letters: HEROD
5. Titanic Hell. The answer has 6 letters: TARTAR
6. "Crimean" wheelbarrow. The answer has 6 letters: TAVRIA
7. "In the struggle of ideas perish ...". The answer has 4 letters: PEOPLE
8. Jester on stage. The answer has 5 letters: COMIK
11. Literary drawing room. The answer has 5 letters: SALON
12. Emergency in the cat's house. The answer has 5 letters: FIRE
13. The actor of the very background. The answer has 7 letters: STATIST
16. With what incident is the loss of an eye by Prince Grigory Potemkin connected? The answer has 5 letters: FIGHT
17. “In the same conditions, different people make different mistakes” (Austrian psychologist). The answer has 5 letters: ADLER
18. What should the attacking side be ready for? The answer has 5 letters: RESPOND
21. "Natural heating pad." The answer has 3 letters: FUR
22. For the sake of whom did Alexei Batalov dyed his hair black? The answer has 5 letters: TIBUL
23. "Meat jellyfish" in Russian cuisine. The answer has 7 letters: JELLY
25. The best spice for cabbage dishes. The answer has 4 letters: cumin
26. "Velcro" for pushpins. The answer has 6 letters: MAGNET
27. Serpent scientist. The answer has 11 letters: SERPENTOLOGIST
29. Clothes of the hero of the Disney cartoon "Ralph". The answer has 10 letters: OVERALLS
30. Movie star Evangeline ... can't live without scented candles. The answer has 5 letters: LILLY
31. Who made the same cello that Mstislav Rostropovich played? The answer has 10 letters: STRADIVARY
32. Blindness to colors. The answer has 10 letters: DALTONISM
33. "Night ..." at the nurse. The answer has 9 letters: DUTY
36. The shortest time. The answer has 3 letters: MIG
37. “I would be annoyed to give people only pleasure. My goal is to make them better” (classical music). The answer has 7 letters: HANDEL
38. The final operation. The answer has 7 letters: DOVODKA
39. Hooligan scuffle. The answer has 5 letters: DEBOSH
43. "Fish". The answer has 5 letters: MALEK
47. Symbol of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The answer has 4 letters: ZUBR