The composition and properties of fabrics: flannel, fleece, tulle and technical. Flannel material - what kind of fabric, how to sew a flannel rag or shirt What flannel fabric looks like

Many of us from childhood remember this warm, homely fabric - flannel. Many people know that flannel is our shirts, diapers, undershirts, etc. What is flannel fabric? Where is it used? What are the features of this material? All information can be found in this article.

Flannel is woven of cotton and is a fabric with a light pile, and the pile can be on one side or on both. In the manufacture of flannel, the technology of "twill weaving" is used, forming a scar, small and almost invisible. To preserve heat, a pile is made on the surface of the fabric. To reduce wrinkling, the fabric is treated with special agents at the manufacturing stage. The name of such a canvas comes from England, from the Welsh language it is translated as “woolen fabric”.

Material Features

Its production began in this country four centuries ago, and then spread throughout the world, also to Russia. And not without reason, because flannel, like a natural fabric, has many advantages:

  • Keeps warm for a long time;
  • Very hygroscopic;
  • Good air permeability;
  • Wear-resistant;
  • The color on it retains paint for a long time.

Flannel is used in many types of textiles. For women - sleep shirts, bathrobes, aprons, for men - pajamas, home trousers and sweatshirts, and many other home clothes. But not for kids better fabric. Almost everything is sewn from it for them: from diapers to suits. Flannel and manufacturers of workwear did not ignore. Mittens and gloves, jackets and bathrobes - all this is made from flannel. It is difficult to list everything, but in everyday life we ​​meet at every step.

Everything that we wear from flannel can be described in two words - coziness and comfort. You can add to this that it does not cause allergic reactions, irritations. And in the care of this fabric is very unpretentious: you can use both machine and hand wash.


What is flannel fabric? Let's get acquainted with its main varieties:

  • printed;
  • plain dyed;
  • Bleached.

And now more about them.

What is printed flannel? This is a patterned fabric. The pattern is applied (stuffed) to the fabric during production, usually on one side. This allows the body not to come into contact with the dye, so it is used to make children's and home clothes.

Plain dyed flannel is made of already dyed threads. Drawing on such fabric remains for a very long time.

Fabric bleaching is where the dyeing process begins. Given that the cotton from which the flannel is made does not initially have a white color, it is subsequently bleached. This allows you to get a snow-white fabric. Any other color that falls on the bleached threads turns out to be even and saturated.

So, in cold, windy Wales, a long time ago, local weavers invented and made such a warm, so soft and delicate fabric. It is known to us from childhood and accompanies us all our lives until old age.

Advantages and disadvantages

I would like to dwell on some of the features of this wonderful fabric:

  • Thanks to the gentle light hairiness, a comfortable touch with the body is provided;
  • The softness of the flannel fabric does not decrease over time, moreover, it becomes softer after each wash;
  • The body in flannel clothes warms up very quickly, and the fabric retains heat for a long time. And this is so important in winter time for both children and adults;
  • With all this, flannel is a very durable material. The tight weave of the threads allows you to wear products for a long time;
  • The canvas is resistant to abrasion, stretching and mechanical stress. It is these qualities that contribute to its durability;
  • The hygroscopicity of the fabric plays an important role in the choice of clothing. The ability of flannel to absorb moisture is one of the arguments in its favor;
  • Moreover, in flannel clothes, in addition to comfort, the body "breathes";
  • Products from this fabric are one of the safest in terms of allergic complications;
  • To all this, we can add that the care of flannel products is very simple and does not cause much trouble.

It is necessary to mention a few minuses:

  • Although the product will last a long time, spooling is possible when worn;
  • Some types of flannel can wrinkle, but very easily restore their shape with an iron;
  • If you overdo it with the temperature of the water when washing, the fabric may decrease in size, shrink;
  • After washing, clothes do not dry as quickly as in the case of synthetic fabrics.

What can be sewn from flannel?

Each person in the family will be comfortable and comfortable in clothes made from this fabric. Men will be pleased with woolen flannel jackets and trousers. Those involved in sports, especially croquet lovers, will also appreciate flannel sports suits. It is simply indispensable for sewing bathrobes, pajamas and, of course, children's clothing. Everyone remembers how popular bright plaid shirts were in the 90s of the last century. Surprisingly, they are still in demand. Demand for them has not diminished at all. And even vice versa, the color gamut has expanded: from discreet gray to bright red, blue, and even yellow.

And babies from the first days of their lives meet with this fabric. Bed sets for them, diapers, linen are sewn mainly from flannel.
For a long time (until 2007) in the Russian, and then in the Soviet, army, soldiers used flannel footcloths. And, traditionally, until now, musicians wrap the hammers in the piano with it, using its properties to absorb sounds well and especially softness.

How to wear?

Flannel is a material available to a wide range of customers. But it requires compliance with certain conditions when compiling a wardrobe. Flannel trousers are usually worn with jackets that do not match in color. For example: trousers are gray, and a blue or brown jacket goes well with them. Pants can be worn without a jacket, but then you should wear a vest. You should not worry about strict shoes, they will be clearly superfluous here. It is suggested to use suede shoes in a suitable color.

A dark flannel suit with a subtle pattern will look great with any shirt, but it is preferable to use a solid color in this case.
A cashmere or wool tie will perfectly complement this democratic set. Flannel shirts are appropriate in combination with any casual trousers. It can be jeans, breeches and all models with a free cut. If necessary, you can add a sports jacket, cardigan.

How to care?

  • Flannel products do not require special care. They wash well at any temperature;
  • Bed sets should first be turned inside out and fastened with zippers or buttons;
  • First, wash in cool water, then, as usual, in hot. The temperature can be raised up to 90°C;
  • It is recommended to use a powder from the "soft" category, for colored linen;
  • If there is a need to remove a stain, then you should use stain removers specifically designed for this fabric. Otherwise, you can destroy the tissue structure;
  • A specific feature of flannel is its fleecy top layer. Therefore, when leaving the product can not be rubbed;
  • Woolen flannel requires some attention during care. It is washed at 30-40 ° C with special products intended for washing woolen products;
  • Twisting and rubbing is also not recommended;
  • When drying, avoid direct sunlight and devices with heating elements. Ironing should not high temperature;
  • In order for the products to retain their softness for a long time, glycerin should be added during washing, one tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Of course, flannel clothes look very informal, democratic, but this should not be considered a disadvantage. This is perhaps distinguishing feature this wonderful fabric. And everyone is happy to use this feature: both adults and children. Now no one will have questions about what flannel is and what products are made from this fabric.

Flannel is a soft warm fabric familiar to each of us from childhood. Young mothers choose diapers, undershirts and bodysuits from this material for newborns. Checked flannel shirt is a youth trend of the last few seasons. What else can be sewn from this fabric, what types does it come in and how to wash flannel clothes correctly?

Description, history and methods of production

The flannel fabric has a soft fleecy surface on one side and a smooth one on the other. Such a description cannot capture the tactile sensations that you will experience when wearing a flannel shirt or pajamas. Incredibly soft and warm material will give a feeling of comfort and coziness, whatever the weather outside the window!

Flannel is made from cotton or wool. As a result, a fine ribbed fabric is formed. There is also material made ordinary. Thanks to the fleece, it acquires the ability to retain heat.

The name Flannel itself is translated from the Welsh language as “woolen fabric” and until the end of the 19th century, no other raw material was used for this fabric. Flannel was first woven in Wales in the 17th century. Used as a basis sheep wool. In damp and rainy areas, this fabric has become a real discovery.

Material types

According to the method of production, there are several varieties of flannel fabric.

  • Bleached. The canvas is of even white color, during the processing of which dyes were not used. Eco-friendly and inexpensive material.
  • Plain dyed. Made from pre-dyed yarns. It can be either plain or with a simple geometric pattern. The pattern is obtained due to the interweaving of colored threads with each other.
  • Stuffed. WITH front side the image is applied in the form of a pattern, with the wrong side the fabric remains white.

The division into types according to the scope is also common.

  • Shirt. Dense ribbed material, used for sewing men's and women's shirts.
  • Dressing gown. durable and dense fabric, it is used in the production of bedding, children's underwear, pajamas and bathrobes.
  • Technical. Severe and unpainted material for technical needs. They are used in food production as filters for juices, syrups, as cleaning material in car repair shops, pasted over hammers in pianos, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flannel, like any other fabric, has its advantages and disadvantages. If you are going to sew or buy clothes, home or children's textiles from this material, you should pay attention to them.

The advantages include the following properties:

  • pleasant tactile sensations when touched;
  • with each new wash, the flannel product becomes softer;
  • fabric warms quickly and retains heat well;
  • high strength, resistance to tearing and tensile deformation;
  • the ability to quickly absorb moisture;
  • breathability;
  • natural fabric does not cause allergic skin reactions.

If you are allergic to wool, choose cotton flannel.

Warm material also has disadvantages:

  • a tendency to form pellets on the fleecy side of the canvas;
  • many types of flannel are very wrinkled;
  • after washing in hot water a product made of woolen or semi-woolen fabric may decrease in size;
  • fabric takes a long time to dry.

How to wash and iron flannel products?

  • Cotton fabric can be washed both by hand and in washing machine in hot water.
  • Wool and wool blend fabrics must not be washed at temperatures above 30°C.
  • Do not twist when spinning.
  • Dry not in the sun, but in the shade.
  • Iron on wool or silk setting.

On flannel products on the fleecy side, pellets appear over time. If you do not have a special machine to remove them, use the usual wide adhesive tape. Glue the strip to the surface of the material, smooth and rip off with a light movement. Process the entire product in this way. The spools will be much smaller.

What can be sewn from flannel?

Bleached cotton flannel or printed fabric is most often used for sewing diapers and baby clothes. This material does not cause allergies, is pleasant for the baby's skin, retains heat. A separate advantage over other types of fabric is that there is no contact of the dye with the child's skin.

Bed linen is best made from plain weave flannel. With all the heat-saving properties, this material has a smooth surface, which is better suited for pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers than ribbed fabric. From this material you can sew pajamas, home or bathrobe, towels, napkins for cleaning the house.

Thick wool blend or cotton flannel, made with twill weave, is traditionally used for sewing men's and women's shirts. Classic variant- shirt in a cage. For the first time the model came into fashion back in the 90s, but remains popular today.

Warm coats, jackets, suits for both men and women are obtained from coarse woolen fabric. Trouser sets in the style of Marlene Dietrich look especially stylish. Also, woolen and half-woolen flannel is used for the production of blankets, bedspreads, rugs.

Soak wool flannel in warm water before cutting out pieces for sewing clothes or linen. After 20 minutes, wring out without twisting and dry flat on a flat surface. Cotton material must be washed in hot water before use. Slices must be processed on an overlock or a zigzag stitch.

Flannel is worn by both women and men. Baby diapers are made mainly from it. But what kind of material, its characteristics and properties - few know. It can be confused with other materials. In the article we will understand what kind of flannel fabric is, and also talk about its properties and features.

A bit of history

Where the name came from is unknown. According to one version, the word "flannel" is "blanket" in translation from Old French. Another version claims that the name came to us from the Welsh language and meant "woolen fabric."

But the use of flannel fabric began in the 16th century in England. But in Russia it appeared at the end of the 18th century. Initially, it was only light shades, but over time, manufacturers have learned to weave fibers of various shades and apply dyes.

For a long time, few people knew about flannel, and what kind of fabric it is. It was considered medicinal and pantaloons were made from it. In Russia, footcloths for soldiers were made from it. But at the end of the 19th century, flannel materials began to be used for sewing sportswear, a few decades later men's suits from such matter have become fashionable.


Flannel fabric is a material characterized by special softness and fleece, which can be on one side or on both sides. In its manufacture, threads of various origins are used: cotton or wool. Many people have a question, what does flannel material look like? It looks dense and heavy due to the density, which eliminates gaps in the weave.

Then be sure to read, and where it is used.

Often, up to 20% viscose is added to products. This gives things a special strength and durability. The classic look of flannel is made of wool threads. The color scheme is very diverse: products are produced from whitish-white to deep black. Usually, flannel fabric has a checkered pattern or striped patterns.


Depending on the composition, flannel fabric is semi-woolen, woolen and cotton, sometimes synthetic threads are used. What determines its scope:

flannel fabric - versatile and practical. The use of material varies, it depends on the composition and type of weaving. According to GOST, at least 100% cotton must be used for production, but modern manufacturers add synthetic threads in order to reduce the price per 1 meter finished product and improve its performance.

Flannel - what kind of fabric and its characteristics

In the photo, the material of the flannel and the bike are very similar, but they differ, despite the fact that they have a number of similar characteristics. The bike is denser and heavier, its structure is less loose. At the same time, the flannel is silky and less rigid than the bike, which is made using cotton thread.

The composition of the flannel fabric provides the characteristic properties of products:

  • wear resistance, thanks to which the products can withstand a huge number of washes;
  • soft and pleasant to the body material, which is suitable for children and people with sensitive skin;
  • quickly warms and keeps warm for a long time;
  • carelessness.

Does flannel shrink after washing? This does not happen, while it perfectly absorbs moisture. That is why it is often used for sewing baby diapers.


Having learned what it is, flannel fabric began to be used in various fields, depending on the type. What can be sewn from flannel? It is universal, and various things are made from it:

How much does flannel fabric cost? Due to its properties and the use of natural fibers, its cost is quite high. But this is exactly the case when things are bought for many years.

Care rules

Flannel does not require special care. You can even wash it in hot water. High-quality material will not shrink and will not shed. But you should not use products that contain chlorine. It can destroy the structure of the fabric, so special gentle stain removers are used.

If you have flannel bedding, turn it inside out the first time you wash it and wash it in cold water to set the design. Then you can wash textiles at 90 degrees. But when removing stains of various origins, try not to rub the problem area, because, in this way, the upper fleecy layer rolls off.

Now you know what kind of fabric - flannel. The scope of its application is truly wide, thanks to its properties: strength, softness, wear resistance. The material is great for both adult clothes and children's clothes. Easy to care for, yet it can last for many years. You can also read our tips on that in another section.

Read about the features of caring for woolen, semi-woolen and cotton fabrics in the special section "".

We read the article together - all the parameters in one place.

With the advent of cold weather, there is a desire to surround yourself with warm, soft and cozy things. All these properties are endowed with flannel. This fabric consists exclusively of cotton, has a small fleece on one side of the fabric.

Characteristics and composition

Flannel fabric is a dense fabric that is made from thick cotton threads intertwined in a linen way. On the front side, a small fleece is made by special machines.

The main difference between the fabric is a soft and delicate pile, evenly spaced. It can be on one or two sides of the matter.

Flannel first appeared in England in the 18th century. And only a century later they learned about it on the territory of Russia. At that time, fabric was very expensive. Only wealthy and noble people wore costumes from it. Initially, flannel was made exclusively in light shades, which gave the material a special luxury and chic.

The composition of the flannel fabric is represented by several options. The cloth can be woolen, semi-woolen, cotton. Its density is 175+250 g/m2, but deviations are possible. Woolen fibers are rarely used in the manufacture of fabrics, usually cotton is combined with a small amount of synthetics. This composition gives the material the following characteristics:

  • strength;
  • softness;
  • wear resistance;
  • thermal conductivity.

The width of the fabric produced by manufacturers is 80 cm; 90 cm; 150 cm; 220 cm. As a rule, 80-90 cm are used for diapers, the rest for both bed and dress production.

The description of flannel fabric is not limited to these properties. Even despite the increased density, it is a “breathable” material that has high vapor permeability and has many advantages.


Flannel is divided into the following types:

  • Stuffed. A pattern is applied to the surface of the canvas. It is used for sewing baby diapers and clothes for newborns. Typically, the pattern is applied to one side of the fabric so that the dyes do not come into contact with the baby's skin in order to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions.
  • Plain dyed. The fabric has a solid color on both sides.
  • Bleached. At the initial stage of preparation for painting, the fabric is bleached. In this form, it is also used in the clothing industry when sewing bed linen, baby diapers, and footcloths.

The fabric is subjected to bleaching for the reason that cotton, the plant from which cotton is produced, is not only white, but also of other shades. To get an even color when stained, it is pre-bleached.

There are such concepts as white-earth and ground flannel. The first is a bleached fabric on which a pattern is embossed.

The second type of material is when a drawing is applied to some background (not white).

Material Application

Not only bed and underwear, diapers and bathrobes are sewn from flannel, but also shirts and suits. For such garments, woolen and half-woolen and cotton fabrics are used.

Women's, men's and children's coats are made from plain-dyed woolen flannel. In the wardrobe of many men there are also trousers made of this natural fabric. Soft and delicate material will bring warmth and comfort to the house, if you use flannel bedspreads and blankets in the interior.

Product Care

Caring for things is not difficult at all, but you should still know some rules and features:

  • You can wash cotton flannel even in hot water in manual or automatic mode. Before washing, the product is turned inside out, fastened with buttons and zippers. The first time before use, things are washed in cool water. All subsequent times, its temperature should be 60-90̊ C. It is recommended to use soft powders or liquid ones, for colored laundry.
  • Even white products cannot be washed in chlorine-containing products, they destroy the structure of the fabric. To remove stubborn dirt, special stain removers must be used.
  • At hand wash flannel items should not be rubbed. Such actions lead to the erasure of the upper fleecy layer.
  • Products are dried natural way away from heating appliances, avoiding direct sunlight on them.
  • You can iron at a slightly high temperature - the "Cotton" or "Wool" mode, depending on the composition.
  • Add a spoonful of glycerin to the water to keep the softness of the products after washing.

Woolen flannel is more demanding in care. It can be washed in water at 30-40̊ C. If the temperature is higher, upon contact with hot water, the fabric with wool in the composition may shrink after washing, greatly decreasing in size.

Advantages and disadvantages

Given the properties of the fabric, flannel has many advantages:

  • The material is very soft and pleasant in contact with the body. It has an amazing feature - with each wash it becomes softer and more tender.
  • Products warm well and retain body heat, while the fabric passes air and does not create a greenhouse effect.
  • The canvas is resistant to bending, abrasion and stretching, therefore it has a long service life.
  • It is endowed with hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture.
  • Given that the flannel contains cotton, it is hypoallergenic. However, woolen and semi-woolen fabrics can cause allergic reactions.

You should know that this material has its drawbacks:

  • during prolonged use, pellets may form on the surface of the web;
  • cotton flannel wrinkles a lot, but is easily smoothed out;
  • when washed in hot water, the fabric may shrink;
  • wet products take a long time to dry.

Flannel is a high-quality and soft natural fabric, endowed with many positive properties. It is characterized by a wide range of applications and ease of care, making flannel products one of the favorite things of many housewives.

In the cold season, in bad weather, it is natural for a person to want to surround himself with soft, cozy, and most importantly, warm fabrics. Flannel is ideal for this purpose. What is the fabric? The question is perhaps redundant. But for those who do not know, this is a fairly dense material with a pile, which can be located both on both sides, and only on the wrong side.

Flannel has long been used as a fabric for warm underwear. Since the time of Peter the Great, it has been an indispensable attribute of the Russian (and Soviet) army - footcloths were made from it.


Flannel can be cotton and woolen, linen and serge weave. The threads of the fabric are intertwined so tightly that they do not have gaps. Flannel is natural, eco-friendly. It has vapor permeability, so they say that the skin in it "breathes". When buying flannel fabric, it is better to view its photo in advance. On them you can see the correct cut and tailoring. In terms of its heat-saving properties, flannel is not inferior to wool, but it does not prick and does not cause irritation. The material absorbs moisture well, however, it takes a long time to dry.
There are the following types of flannel:

  • Stuffed.
  • Plain dyed.
  • Bleached.

Now it has become clear what advantages flannel has, what kind of fabric and what kind it is. Now you can pay attention to the picture. If it is applied on both sides, it means that pre-dyed threads were used, from which the flannel fabric was created. If the drawing is present only on the front side, then it was applied to the finished canvas. The cost of the first is higher, however, and the pattern will not fade after many washes.

Flannel types

Printed flannel can be either cotton or wool. It is thick and tear resistant. This type of flannel got its name due to the way the pattern is applied to the fabric. It is stuffed, printed using special equipment on the finished canvas. Each color is applied separately to pre-bleached or dyed flannel on one side.
Printed flannel may be white ground when the design on the bleached surface occupies a small area. Typically, fabric dyed in this way is used to make diapers to reduce the risk of developing dye allergies in newborns. In addition to white earth, there is a covered and ground flannel. The area occupied by the pattern is increased in these views.

Quite often you can find one-colored flannel. What kind of fabric and how is the image applied to it? The pattern on one-colored flannel is created by threads different color. This method of coloring is more durable than printed. Whitening flannel is the initial stage of "painting" work. With the help of special technologies, it is possible to achieve a monophonic, even, light shade. Bleached flannel is the most environmentally friendly and cheapest, but somewhat faded.

Application of flannel

For a long time, before the advent of modern synthetic underwear, flannel fabric was used as a material from which underwear for men, women and children was sewn. However, even today, many prefer it. people working under open sky(builders, lumberjacks) who are fond of winter sports (skiers, skaters), lovers of winter fishing appreciate flannel for its naturalness, high heat-saving properties.

In cold weather, especially in the off-season, when the heating is not yet turned on, flannel bedding becomes in demand. Even sweating in a dream, a person will not get cold and will not catch a cold after a while, since the linen perfectly absorbs moisture and has an optimal vapor permeability coefficient. In other words, the cold from the room will not reach the human body, and excess moisture in the form of steam will be removed to the outside, contributing to the creation of a cozy and healthy “microclimate” in bed.

For sewing home clothes (robes), natural flannel is used. Printed items are worn in the warm season, and flannel home clothes are a real salvation on cold days.

Flannel for kids

Young mothers try to answer the question before the birth of the crumbs: flannel, what kind of fabric, what things are sewn for the baby from it? This is an ideal material for children's things, it is soft, warm, hypoallergenic. All this makes him best material for sewing children's clothes. Flannel rompers, semi-overalls, baby's undershirts and bonnets, traditionally become the first clothes of the baby. Such things can be worn as the first layer under a tighter suit or overalls, for example, for a walk. In any case, you can be sure that the baby is warm and comfortable.
If you need a warm fabric for also becomes the best option. In addition to softness and environmental friendliness, it should be noted the high absorbent properties of flannel fabric, which is important when sewing diapers.

Flannel Care

Caring for this material is not burdensome. It is interesting that after washing it becomes even softer, more pleasant to the touch. Flannel products can be washed both in automatic mode and by hand using warm water, since hot water shrinks the fabric. First, the thing must be soaked in cold water, after which the fabric will become soft.

You should not rub the products hard, because pellets quickly form on the material, which give things a sloppy look. To get rid of stubborn dirt, it is better to use a stain remover.