Ways to stretch shoes at home. How to stretch leather shoes at home - the best methods

The fact that it is comfortable to walk in shoes depends on the working capacity, mood of a person and his health. Wearing tight shoes can provoke certain problems - the formation of corns, calluses, curvature of the fingers, this also adversely affects the spine. It is extremely important that everyday shoes are comfortable and convenient. If new shoes are too tight in width or length, the best way out is to trust the shoemaker. He will stretch it with the help of machine tools and shoe lasts. If it is not possible to take the shoes to the workshop, you can resort to simple folk methods for stretching leather shoes at home.

Use of special tools

The first option, and the most logical one, is to spread the tight leather shoes. A special spray can be purchased at a shoe store. We apply the product on the inner surface of the shoe, trying not to get on the skin from the outside. If it is not possible to purchase a spray, do not despair - you can break tight shoes using ordinary water. We take problematic shoes, pour water inside and put a pair on a thick, preferably woolen sock. After that, we walk around the apartment as long as possible in order to break in shoes. Please note that if the skin is not natural, unpredictable and unpleasant consequences of this wearing method are possible.

Breaking in with chemicals

The next option is to break in using alcohol, cologne or vinegar. We pour the solution into shoes, put on woolen socks and walk around the apartment. The disadvantage of this method is a rather unpleasant specific smell. A soap solution will help get rid of it.

Breaking in with boiling water

With this method of wearing tight shoes, we take a pair, pour boiling water over the skin from the inside and drain the water. After that, we break in problematic shoes using warm socks. Do not remove shoes until they are completely dry.

Stretching with a hair dryer

We put on a warm sock and shoes on our feet, after which we direct a hot stream of air into the opening or fold of the shoe with a hair dryer. We hold the hair dryer for 5 minutes and turn it off - you need to let the shoes cool down without removing them. The heat treatment option is dangerous, but has the right to exist. Shoes will stretch slightly, but if the material is of poor quality, there is a chance to ruin appearance.

Stretching with wet paper

A fairly popular way to stretch tight shoes is to use wet newspapers. We hold the shoes over the steam, then stuff them tightly with damp paper. We do this carefully, avoiding its deformation. Leave shoes at room temperature until dry. Keep in mind that heaters and the sun will deform the shoes and can damage the leather.

Stretching leather shoes with cold

An option opposite to the thermal method is stretching tight shoes with cold. We put in each pair a plastic bag with water. We put the shoes in the freezer overnight. We take it out of the freezer and, after waiting for the ice to melt, carefully remove the bags. This method is effective in stretching tight shoes both in width and length. Spilling, water fills the entire space of the shoe, and freezing begins to expand and stretch the shoe.

If you have purchased tight leather shoes, which for some reason cannot be returned or exchanged, do not despair. There is a unique opportunity using folk recipes at home, effectively stretch it. To do this, you need to apply one of the above simple methods, choosing from them a more acceptable option.

How to stretch shoes at home? Stretching shoes is necessary for each of us.

This happens due to the mismatch of shoe sizes in different countries and standards applicable in those countries or continents. In a word, it is necessary to increase the size of your shoes quite often.

But how to do this using improvised means or special devices? Follow the suggested tips.

Much when choosing a way to stretch shoes up to bigger size decides material,from which this shoe is made. For example, you can not use thermal methods of exposure to natural skin.

That is, if you have shoes or boots made of this material, then you cannot do manipulations of a similar plan with them, that is, heat or cool, especially doing it sharply. But there are other methods, which we will discuss in more detail later.

First of all, in order to stretch the shoes to the desired state, you need to buy special lasts in a shoe shop. These lasts have a shape and appearance that resembles the look of your foot, so they are especially suitable for stretching shoes.

The main thing is to choose the pads of exactly your size and suitable for the anatomical features of your foot. To be sure, you can make them to order by measuring the specific size of your feet.

When measuring, two points should be taken into account - they should be carried out when the leg has already gained in volume due to constant tension during the working day, that is, it has become a little swollen.

The second important factor is a reminder that a person's feet are not the same among themselves. The right one differs from the left in overall dimensions and appearance.

If ordering an individual last is financially difficult for you, you can use handy tools to stretch your shoes. In particular, do the following:

1. Moisten the shoes from the inside with a solution alcohol and water in a proportion of fifty percent and then, wearing cotton socks, try to spread it.

2. You can also moisten the shoes on the outside with the same solution using a spray bottle, and then place inside any materials that have a fabric base or newspapers. This is done tightly in order to support the shape of the shoe.

3. If you have castor oil or any vegetable oil at home, you can also use it to stretch your shoes. It is enough just to lubricate the inside of your slippers with these products - this will soften them and make them more flexible.

4. You can use the most common boiling water. Just pour it hot inside the shoe and after some cooling, put it on your leg and walk around.

5. Inside the shoes, you can leave a cotton cloth soaked in castor oil e. It is clear that the amount of fabric should provide a dense filling of the inner space of the shoe.

6. From the inside you need to douse the shoes with a three percent solution vinegar which will also soften it.

7. If we are not talking about the natural materials from which the shoes are made, then it is perfect for stretching them. wet paper,which the shoes are stuffed from the inside and left to dry completely.

8. By the way, in this case, you need to dry your shoes only in the natural environment. That is, you do not need to succumb to its influence of heat sources, such as radiator batteries or other "heaters" or the rays of the sun.

9. Many people use paraffin for stretching shoes, which is rich in candles. You need to drip it inside and leave it overnight. After that, in the morning you can moisten places that seem uncomfortable to you with castor oil. But first, of course, you need to remove the paraffin itself.

10. Some "craftsmen" use kerosene to stretch shoes, which "grind" the effect of water on shoes. But you need to understand that this can affect the smell emitted by your shoes afterwards.

11. Stretching shoes with frost is also a common method in the case of non-natural shoe materials. Need to be filled plastic bags water, close them tightly and fill the inner space of the shoe. Putting all this in the freezer, we get a stretching effect due to the fact that the ice increases in volume when it freezes.

12. It is undesirable to apply this method in the case of genuine leather or other natural materials, as this is fraught with damage to the appearance of walking products.

13. Opposite in essence, but no less effective way in order to stretch the shoes, exposure to a source of targeted heat is considered. For example, hair dryer can be used.

14. In the case of using this method for leather products, you need to bend the leg in the fingers as much as possible, bending them under you. At the same time, apply a hairdryer to the place of the fold, which will gradually heat the surface. Continue stretching in this way until you can tolerate high temperature on foot.

15. To improve the effect thus obtained, you can lubricate shoes with a special tool - stretcher.

Leave in this position overnight, as a result of which the shoes will stretch due to the increase in wet grain in volume. In the morning, it is worth removing all the remnants of the grain and thoroughly rinse the inner surface of the shoe, and then immediately wear it on your foot.

17. Those people who have their own household can be advised to use potatoes to stretch their shoes. In this case, you need to choose the right size for your shoes and peel it first.

18. Returning to the stretchers that can be ordered from a shoemaker, it is worth noting that it is best to use those made of cedar or maple.

19. Shoe shops, by the way, also have special devices with which shoemakers stretch your shoes. True, in this case, contact an experienced specialist who will be able to choose the necessary load, which will prevent possible damage to your property.

20. In order for shoes to stretch better, you can lubricate problem areas while wearing them. Vaseline on the front.

21. Also, for faster stretching of shoes, a solution of cologne, alcohol and water in the same proportion is used.

Good luck with putting your tips into practice!

Probably every person in his life experienced discomfort from uncomfortable shoes. Often women cannot resist buying beautiful patent leather shoes, even if they are not on sale. right size. The euphoria from the purchase passes with the appearance of the first calluses, and there is a desire to return the shoes to the store. And even if everything was great at the fitting in the store, after a few hours beautiful new shoes can rub and crush. The thing is that our legs sometimes swell. And the more load we give them, the more they swell. What to do with expensive shoes that are too tight? You can give it to the shoemaker, who with the help of "magic" will fix everything. And you can stretch the shoes at home.

There are many ways to stretch your shoes. All of them are good, but on different shoes the effect is also different. For example, nubuck shoes are very sensitive and delicate, while patent shoes can crack from temperature changes.

How to stretch leather or suede shoes

As you know, suede and leather - natural materials. Due to this, shoes made from these materials can be easily adjusted. And even stretching the shoes to size is not a problem if the shoes are made of suede. Below are a few ways to do this.

  1. Leather shoes can be adjusted to fit your feet with boiling water. It sounds scary, of course, but in fact everything goes painlessly. You just need to pour boiling water into the boots, and then immediately pour it out. As soon as the shoe cools down a bit, we put it on our feet and walk until it dries. However, if your shoes are faux leather or from leatherette - the trick with boiling water should not be carried out, since only the skin can withstand high temperatures.
  2. The second way to stretch shoes is also based on the laws of physics. You will need a regular tight bag or a balloon. Put it in your shoes and fill it with water. Put everything in the freezer overnight. Water, turning into ice, will expand and increase the volume of your favorite shoe.
  3. A very common way to break tight shoes quickly is to treat them with alcohol. Even vodka or the good old, known since Soviet times, Triple Cologne will do. It is enough just to treat them with shoes inside and out, put them on a thick sock and take a walk for two hours. Better, of course, at home. On the street in this form they will not understand you. Alcohol should be thoroughly treated with the heel of the shoe. So it will become softer and stop rubbing.
  4. Put on socks, tights or stockings and wear new shoes for several days around the house. This is enough to slightly adjust the shape. For best results, wear wet socks.
  5. You can purchase a stretching spray at a shoe store. Just make sure it's suitable for suede before buying. At home, the shoes should be treated from the inside and allowed to dry.

After buying shoes, many are faced with the problem that it is small. Often this is due to the fact that the shoes are new and need to be broken in. But this process can be painful and accompanied by very painful calluses. You can take your new acquisition back to the store or use the services of specialists with a special machine. And you can stretch shoes at home. Consider in detail the methods of self-stretching.

Stretching with special tools

Now it is easy to find on sale means for stretching shoes in the form of balloons, which are considered the most professional solution for stretching a particular shoe. Before using them, you should carefully read the instructions for use. There needs to be free access fresh air into the room, cover the floor in the place where the shoes are processed and put on rubber gloves. First, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth inside and out, and then the bottle is shaken and an aerosol or foam is applied to the areas of the shoe that need stretching.

The material from which the narrow pair is made will be important. If it is suede or patent leather, you can not apply shoe stretching spray on its surface. Can only be used inside shoes.

After that, the shoes need to be put on and be in it for about 15 minutes. If after the end of the allotted time the shoes continue to press, the procedure should be repeated.

Stretching with liquid soap

The next remedy for stretching shoes is liquid soap. It is used diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 part soap to 4 parts water. For uniform application, it is convenient to use a spray gun. For some time, the shoes will need to be well soaked, so it is worth applying soap both from the inside and from outside. After you need to walk around in your naughty shoes, put on for 2-3 hours.

Stretching with cologne

Cologne can also stretch shoes. Best Option there will be a “Triple Cologne”, but in its absence, you can get by with the simplest and cheapest toilet water. The procedure for stretching shoes in this way is as follows: you need to soak two rags well in cologne and put them in shoes in places that are tight. After the shoes are wrapped in a bag for 10 hours. To avoid an unpleasant smell, it is better to carry out such a stretch at night, leaving your shoes on the balcony. In the morning, you should put on shoes and walk around for several hours until the leg “sits” comfortably. It is also possible to replace cologne with vinegar if the latter cannot be obtained at all.

Stretching shoes with alcohol

This will require several stages of breaking in. It is necessary to moisten the problem areas with plenty of alcohol and walk for a while. After the shoes are wetted again, put on for several hours and the stretching continues. You can repeat the procedure until the wearing of shoes ceases to cause discomfort. This method is used especially for rubber shoes, which by their nature are very difficult to stretch.

Stretching with balloons

Air balloons are a simple, painless and reliable way to stretch shoes at home. This method is as follows: the balls are filled with water and placed in shoes, which in turn are placed in the freezer. There, the water in the balls freezes and expands, thus stretching the shoes. But synthetics do not have plasticity and will simply break. Therefore, for synthetic material this method is unacceptable.

Stretching with vegetable oil

A very effective ancient way to not only stretch the material and increase the size of the shoe, but also significantly soften the skin. Shoes are lubricated from all sides, and the oil is absorbed even by the oldest boots or any shoes that have not been worn for a long time. But keep in mind that the oil will darken the skin and will have an unpleasant odor.

This is probably the easiest way to stretch your pair of shoes: the shoes you put on are heated with a hair dryer, as a result of which they stretch over the leg. Repeat heating as many times as necessary.

Stretching with boiling water

You can consider this method brutal, since it is suitable only for picky shoes. Its essence is to pour boiling water over shoes for half a minute, after which the water is poured out and the unbroken pair is immediately put on two woolen socks. Considering that most modern shoes can be washed at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees, not every pair can withstand such a test.

This simple method of stretching shoes consists of rubbing a paraffin candle on the problematic parts of the shoe. Having processed it in this way, you need to wait about 10 hours and remove the remaining paraffin.

Heel stretch

For stretching this particular part of the shoe the best way kerosene, alcohol, soap or wax are suitable (you can use an ordinary paraffin candle). You just need to process the heel and wear as usual. Almost immediately, it will stop rubbing, and a little later the discomfort will completely disappear.

How to try on shoes

It is known that in the afternoon the legs begin to swell. So, it is after dinner that it is better to go shopping for shoes. And no matter how the couple looks, it should be discarded if discomfort is felt during the fitting. You should not pay attention to the seller, who assures that a new purchase is easy to break in. The foot should immediately comfortably "settle" in the shoe. Especially if the one is made of synthetic material. And further breaking in does not apply to mandatory activities after buying shoes, but is only a way to solve a problem that can be avoided with correct fitting. Not for nothing there is a saying: “Do you want to forget about all the problems? Buy shoes one size smaller! And it is true.

Stretching device

In addition to professional aerosols and various folk ways You can also increase shoes with the help of mechanical devices. Typically, such stretching of shoes is performed by a specialist who sets the required size. Here it is possible to increase not only the width, but also the length of the product without the risk of damaging the shoes with proper use of the stretch. This method is the only way to increase shoes up to two sizes without losing their appearance. Moreover, in the mechanical stretch for shoes, there is even an adjustment of the personal position of protruding bones or the thumb with the help of anatomical inserts. True, this option is only in expensive models. The features of mechanical stretching also include the adjustment of the place of elevation of the foot.

These methods of stretching shoes at home are really effective. But do not confuse ways to make it easier to break in shoes with independent attempts to increase their size. Otherwise, you can get a significant deformation of the recently purchased shoes, which have become like slippers.

Shoes are among the essentials that no one can live without. At the same time, everyone wants to purchase a quality item that will retain an attractive appearance for a long time, provide maximum convenience and remain strong and integral.

But it often happens that the purchased shoes do not meet the requirements of comfort due to the fact that they are too narrow. The condition for overcoming this problem is the quality of the raw material to be processed. Such requirements are best met by leather shoes, which always look stylish and do not lose their characteristics for a long time. This article is devoted to the question of how to stretch leather shoes at home.

Features of leather shoes

Everyone knows that leather shoes are able to stretch, taking the form that is most comfortable for a person. However, this can only be said about products made from leather of good dressing, made in compliance with all technological processes. Only such things are evenly stretched in the process of wearing both in length and in width.

Before stretching leather shoes at home, it is worth remembering that it does not always diverge correctly, acquiring or maintaining an attractive appearance. For example, if you choose boots or shoes that are tight in your fingers, you will soon have to throw them away or throw them into a closet, because in such cases the product either continues to be uncomfortable and rubs, or, stretching, deforms in the toe, which leads to a complete loss presentable look. It should also be borne in mind that such shoes can only stretch in width. Therefore, you should think carefully before buying, which is too tight or does not match the size of the foot.

When to Stretch Your Shoes

Shoes have their own characteristics. In some cases, the product you liked in the store turns out to be uncomfortable or cramped during wearing. This may be due not only to a certain cut of the model, but also to the peculiarity of the legs of a particular person. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to stretch leather shoes has remained quite relevant for many years.

Yes, it is possible, but not in all places. The front part and the toe area are very well affected by such a procedure. If the problem is related to these parts, then you can safely take on the elimination of discomfort. This should be done primarily because uncomfortable shoes not only interfere with normal walking and cause pain in the legs, but can also lead to deformation of the leg joints. And this is already fraught with serious consequences.

How to stretch leather shoes in length in the workshop

Almost all modern shoe shops have special equipment with which you can quickly stretch too tight leather shoes.

As such equipment, there are special metal pads that heat up and cool down, which leads to stretching of the skin in the right direction.

There are also custom wood lasts with adjustable widths and plug-in bone simulants that can be positioned in different holes depending on the shape of the foot.

However, such methods involve some risk, since no workshop can guarantee that in the process of such stretching any seam will not disperse, which will lead to the need for subsequent repairs.

How to stretch shoes at home

At home, you can buy a special foam that is intended for stretching shoes. It is easy to use: you just need to spray on the inside of the product and quickly put it on. After a few minutes, the foam will harden, which will allow you to slightly distribute leather shoes, moccasins, boots, and so on. How to stretch leather shoes 1 size? You should repeat this procedure several times until the product is stretched to right size. If it just rubs or presses a little, a one-time procedure for applying the foam will be enough, which will quickly affect the thin fibers of the skin.

Of course, you can try to break in your shoes, periodically putting them on for short walks and walking around the apartment. To achieve more quick effect better to wear thick socks. However, this method requires a certain amount of time and provides for some discomfort that will have to be experienced in the process of wearing.

How to stretch leather shoes with water

Many people buy leather shoes for daily use, but their inconvenience is discovered only after the start of active use. In this case, it may simply not be possible to give the shoes to the workshop or try to break them in while walking around the apartment. Therefore, quite often you can meet the question of how to quickly stretch leather shoes at home. In fact, there are many similar methods that are very effective.

One of the most effective methods, which nevertheless raises many doubts among many, is the use of an ordinary dense bag of water. The essence of this method lies in the fact that a bag filled with water is placed inside leather shoes. It is noteworthy that thin plastic bags should not be used as containers, as they can simply tear, which is very undesirable. After that, the shoes are placed in the freezer for a while so that the water in the bag freezes. As you know, water expands when freezing, which allows you to both stretch leather shoes in width and a little in length, without experiencing discomfort and without wasting extra time going to the workshop.

One of the methods that can be applied to products from genuine leather, is the use of boiling water. Boiling water should be poured into the shoes and hold it in this form for 5-10 minutes. After that, the water is drained, and the product, after cooling, is put on and worn out. You can enhance the effect with cotton socks, which should also be pre-wetted and worn in shoes until they are completely dry.

other methods

Since stretching leather shoes at home is not difficult, you can try the following methods.

Hot air can help make leather shoes more comfortable. To do this, you just need to warm up the places where the product presses or rubs with a hairdryer, and walk around the room a little. This procedure should be repeated until the shoes are comfortable. However, you should be aware that on shoes in which the skin is abundantly glued before stitching, glue smudges may appear, which will have to be removed with a special eraser. Do not try to remove glue droplets with cologne or other means, as the skin may be damaged or discolored in these places.

Another option on how to stretch leather shoes at home, which causes a lot of conflicting opinions, is the use of wet newspapers. The method provides that you need to stuff leather shoes with wet newspapers and put them in a dry place for a day. You should not try to speed up the drying process of newspapers by placing them on a heater or radiator. In this case, leather shoes, although they expand, can be deformed under the influence of heat. In addition, you should be aware that before using wet newspapers, you need to stretch the insoles, as they will absorb all the moisture that is needed to affect the skin. Newspapers should be taken out only after they have dried themselves, which happens after about a day (depending on the humidity in the room).

How to quickly stretch shoes

How to quickly stretch leather shoes? There are several stretching methods that are suitable exclusively for genuine leather products. It is not worth using them on goods made of leatherette or poor quality leather, since in this case the material can not only be severely deformed, but also become completely unusable.

An effective way to stretch leather shoes to size is to use a 3% vinegar solution. With this solution, you need to moisten the inner surface, and then put it on and wear it in for 30-60 minutes. If after that the shoes do not stretch enough, the procedure should be repeated. This method is especially effective when it is necessary to stretch the shoes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toes.

What to do if leather shoes creak?

Another problem that is often encountered when purchasing leather shoes is the appearance of a characteristic unpleasant squeak. Many people believe that this is one of the skin effects that you just have to put up with, but this is not the case. In fact, the squeak of leather shoes can be eliminated with the help of ordinary vegetable or castor oil. A few drops of it should be carefully rubbed on the sole.

If desired, the oil can be replaced with natural heated drying oil. However, do not wear shoes immediately after such treatment. It should stand until the oil or drying oil is completely absorbed into the sole.