What can be made from small glass balls. We use glass beads in crafts to decorate the house. Dogs from long balloons

Air balloons used to decorate the room or serve to entertain kids. Crafts made from cotton or plasticine balls are also relevant, and you can also dream up with tennis balls, glassware and other materials.

How to decorate a room with helium balloons

Balloons filled with helium create a festive mood and unrecognizably transform the room. Collect several of these balls in a bundle and tie them to the back of a chair or even to a table, you get a rainbow fountain. Another original version- buy balloons in the form of numbers or letters and put a word on the ceiling or significant date.

Surprise ball

It is necessary to place various colored pieces of paper, small toys and candy wrappers with wishes in the balloon and inflate it. The decoration is suspended from the ceiling and bursts at the right moment, and the contents rain down from above. Such entertainment will be especially interesting for children.

Cotton ball poodle

Crafts from balls using cotton wool can be created with young children. Stuffed Toys or handmade panels will be a great gift or decorate a nursery.

To work, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • cotton wool packing;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • markers;
  • scissors;
  • paint brush.

Step by step work:

  1. On thick paper, a silhouette of a poodle and a separate ear are drawn.
  2. Small balls are formed from cotton wool.
  3. On upper part glue is applied to the dog's head, cotton balls are placed on it.
  4. According to the same scheme, the tail, boots and part of the poodle's back are formed.
  5. Separately, the dog's ear is covered with balls and glued in the right place.
  6. To make the white poodle look good, it is glued to colored cardboard and placed in a beautiful frame.

The portrait of a four-legged pet is ready, you can decorate a children's room with it.

Such crafts from small balls twisted from cotton wool can be created at labor lessons at school or kindergarten. They develop well fine motor skills and improve mental capacity child.

Crafts from ball plasticine

On sale there is a special hypoallergenic plasticine based on glycerin, which consists of small round particles connected by a plastic material that practically does not stick to hands. The mass of plasticine balls is fine-grained or coarse-grained.

The child can mix colors, forming a multi-colored ball mass. After hardening, the sculpting material becomes hard, and simple crafts keep their shape well. Such products can be safely given to small children.

DIY crafts can be made both from plasticine itself, and combined with natural material, creating whole compositions.

Styrofoam snowman

For a product made of foam balls, you need to prepare:

  • foam balls of different sizes;
  • felt;
  • colored marker.

Work sequence:

  1. Connect the two largest foam balls together. This will be the head and body of the snowman.
  2. Using a felt-tip pen or a colored marker, you need to draw a face, if you wish, you can take a piece of red felt and make a nose out of it.
  3. Two smaller balls are glued to the body on both sides, these will be the hands of the snowman. Below are three balls of the same size - the legs.
  4. One foam ball is cut in half, and these halves are glued to the snowman's legs, feet are obtained.
  5. From felt fabric, you can sew a hat, scarf and make gloves. The snowman is decorated with tinsel.

Dogs from long balloons

Often children ask to buy them funny toys made of balloons, elongated in shape. You can also make them yourself. In order to make a dog from long balls, the following steps are performed:

  1. The balloon is inflated with a pump, about 8 cm should be left uninflated.
  2. You need to make 3 sections, each about 4 cm. The first bubble will serve as the dog's muzzle. It must be fixed by hand.
  3. One department needs to step back and twist the lock.
  4. Three more identical sections are twisted together - these are the legs of the dog.
  5. 4 more sections are twisted.
  6. One bubble recedes, and the lock is made again.
  7. The resulting muzzle of the dog should be turned on its side and the tail raised up.

From tennis balls

Tennis balls can be used in completely unexpected ways. If there are a few old tennis balls lying around on the farm, you can cut them and put them on furniture legs - this way you protect the floor from scratches.

It is enough to put on the cut-off part of the rubber ball on the tightly screwed lid of the jar and twist it - the jar will quickly open.

If you need to protect yourself from loud sound or noise, you can make a device for your ears out of tennis balls: cut an object in half, attach the parts to an arc and use it as noise-isolating headphones.

Christmas tree toy made of plastic ball

Once such balls were popular, they were often taken for bathing, as they float well on the water.

Now these balls have not lost their relevance either, because you can make an original Christmas tree toy out of a plastic ball.

For work you will need:

  • plastic ball;
  • bright fabric, if the diameter of the ball is 7 cm, then it is enough to take a piece of material measuring 25x25 cm:
  • thin braid from which the loop will be made (20 cm);
  • elements for decoration (braid, lace, tinsel, etc.);
  • glue gun;
  • large needle for sewing;
  • rhinestones, beads.

Work sequence:

  1. The nylon braid, from which the loop will be made, is held over the fire, and its rigid side is threaded into a needle with a large eye.
  2. The same needle pierces a plastic ball.
  3. Pass the braid and tie it into a knot so that it is closer to the ball, the knot can be hidden under the fabric.
  4. A square of fabric is glued to the ball, a kind of bag is obtained. At the base, where the loop is, the fabric is tied with a thread, the excess material is cut off.
  5. The silk ribbon wraps around the ball, the excess is cut off and glued to the workpiece in a circle.
  6. over satin ribbon lace is glued on.
  7. A bow is formed from a satin ribbon and lace and glued at the base of the ball.
  8. Additionally, you can decorate the toy with decorative elements.

The Christmas tree ball is ready.

Glass ball decorations

Surely everyone in the house has these items. Glass balls are used to create compositions in aquariums or use them in home interiors. You can also make a diamond pendant out of them. Especially this decoration will interest girls.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Put the balls on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 20 minutes.
  2. A bowl of water and pieces of ice is prepared in advance.
  3. Remove the balls from the oven and immediately put them in a bowl with ice.
  4. As a result, the balls become embossed from the inside, overflows resemble the brilliance of diamonds.
  5. A device for pendants is bought in a specialized store, the balls are pierced, a pendant is formed.
  6. After that, put the pendant on the braid.

The decoration is ready.

paper balls

Surely many of New Year made crafts from paper balls. One of the options:

  1. Cut out 12 circles of the same size in 4 different colors.
  2. You need to add the circles like this: first 2 of the same color, then two of the other, and then 2 circles of the third color, after which everything is repeated all over again.
  3. When all the circles are folded, they need to be bent in half.
  4. If you intend to hang the ball, then lay the thread in the middle of the fold.
  5. The middle of the fold is stapled in two places.
  6. One semicircle is divided into three equal parts.
  7. Glue is applied diagonally to one upper part and glued to the next semicircle.
  8. On the next part, the glue is applied at the bottom, on 1/3 of the half circle and glued with the next semicircle.
  9. You need to do this with all departments.

New Year's toy will turn out original and colorful.

If you dream up, you can come up with different uses for balls of different shapes and sizes. They can be adapted in everyday life, save on buying toys, work with young children, creating interesting crafts.

If you love unusual, original and beautiful things, it would never occur to you to throw away empty glass wine bottles. After all, glass bottles are an ideal basis for so many beautiful and useful crafts that are perfect for home interior decor.

So, for example, a very attractive and original candlestick from a glass bottle, which will become a worthy decoration in your home, can be made very easily and you will not have to spend a lot of time and money on its creation. Such a beautiful scented candle will decorate any living room interior.

We offer you a simple master class on how you can make an original candlestick from a wine bottle with your own hands.

In order to make beautiful and unusual scented candles, we need the following materials:

  • Cleaned and washed wine bottle.
  • Glass colored balls for decoration.
  • Burner fluid (alcohol based).
  • Wick right size.
  • Wick holder.

Wine bottle, colored glass beads, burner fluid and wick

candlestick making step by step

Step 1

At the very first stage, you need to carefully pour the decor balls into the bottle so that they fill it 1/3.

We fall asleep balls for a glass bottle

Step 2

Using a watering can, pour alcohol-based burner liquid into the bottle, and add essential oil, as much as you see fit, but about 15 drops will be enough. You can use absolutely any essential oil, everyone chooses the aroma according to their own taste.

Filling with alcohol-based burner fluid

Step 3

For the wick, we place a metal holder in the neck of the bottle, for this you can use any cylinder or metal ring, which will fit in size. In order for the holder to sit tightly in the neck, you can wrap it in several layers with electrical tape.

Any metal ring will work as a wick

Step 4

At the final stage, we insert the wick of the desired size (so that it reaches the decorative balls) into the holder and place it in the bottle, fixing the holder well in the neck. That's all, our candle is ready!

We fix the wick on the bottle

It remains to place such candles in your living room, after which you can light them and enjoy the bewitching flame and pleasant aroma! These wine glass candles will be a great addition to a romantic evening.

Finished candle holder from a bottle

Have a nice romantic evening!

Today in the blog of the online store site we will talk about what crafts and useful gizmos for home decoration you can do with your own hands using decorative glass balls.

In the category "Flouristry" of our online store site you will find sets of glass balls designed for creativity and home decoration. Decorating a room with multi-colored glass is not difficult - you can put them in a special flat vase for table compositions, pour them into a large wide glass, or simply arrange them in small groups on shelves and a coffee table. We are all well aware of their decorative properties, because glass beads are often used in the design of shop windows and interiors of modern cafes, restaurants and shops, where you can peep a lot of useful ideas.

Another thing is needlework. Not many people know that with the help of semicircular glass pebbles, you can create very interesting gizmos for the interior, homemade gifts and just trinkets for the soul. Working with glass is of great interest to children - a good reason to do something useful together. In this post, we're going to show you some interesting glass bead crafts that should give you some creative inspiration.

Transparent glass balls, cut in half, look like large drops of water - if you put them on cloth or paper with a small pattern, you can get an interesting visual effect. Use this property to create simple crafts! Carefully glue the cut out circles with images (you can draw them yourself) under the glass hemisphere and see how beautiful and voluminous they will look.

This simple technique is an excellent basis for creating a mass of useful gizmos and gifts. Starting from fridge magnets, handles for furniture cabinets and other small things to various kinds of jewelry. Take a look at these photos.

Multi-colored glass balls open up even more scope for creativity. They can be glued to various interior items: trays, flower pots, vases, photo frames and lamps, laying out patterns in one color or combining them like a mosaic.

From colored pebbles, you can create interesting collages and paintings that will become an unusual and stylish decoration for your home.

Well, for classes with a child, one more interesting idea- applications with colored glass pebbles of children's pictures.

Working with glass is very interesting, this material is decorative in itself, so to achieve good result it won't be difficult. Try your hand at creating unusual crafts, using one of the ideas we suggested or come up with something new. .

Girls, hello everyone! Who is familiar with glass marbles Marbles?

I just love them and so does my baby! I buy for him for games, and for myself to implement various ideas in decorating (however, my hands have not yet reached all the ideas to implement).

What is marbles? These are glass balls with multi-colored patterns, they can be played in various games, they can be collected, collected, exchanged, as well as decorate the decor of an apartment or cottage with them.

Were in Moscow - they bought these pebbles in such small automatic devices, in such they still sell chewing gum or sweets, toys, you probably saw such automatic devices. The child really likes the process: you put a coin, scroll the handle, and a ball or toy falls out. (We did not take chewing gum, because we are still small for them)

But in our city there are no such machines, so I had to surf the Internet in search of stores. I found it here, there you can order both 125 pieces, and a large box in bulk, if it really bakes needlewomen like me

Still, they say, you can find it in stores, but I didn’t find it in our city, it’s easier for me to order via the Internet.

We make this beauty

this is how we store it on the shelf when we are not playing

I also found a bunch of decor ideas, for example

how to make a candlestick from Marbles balls with your own hands

another version of a candlestick with marbles with your own hands, easy and simple

Decorating a marbles brush stand

Marble beads

My husband dreams of buying an aquarium, I don’t mind, I think the child will also be interested, it’s not so difficult to take care of the fish, and I even know how to decorate the aquarium with Marbles

Can you give me some more ideas on how else to use marbles?

Why they were not in our childhood, I don’t understand, they are such cool things !!!