Styrofoam Christmas wreath. New Year's Christmas wreath: the symbol of Christmas and its origin. Christmas wreath made from paper vines and natural materials

Good afternoon. Today I have put together - in one article - several ways to make DIY Christmas wreaths at once. I'll show you how to make the base of a Christmas wreath - not necessarily from wicker, or spruce legs (not all city dwellers have this material) - so here you will see alternative bases for New Year's wreaths - from newspaper, fabric, toilet paper rolls and other suitable material.

So let's get started.


How to make a BASE RING

for a Christmas wreath.

Let's approach our question in order. First, let's figure out what BASIS exist for New Year's verks. What are the ways to MAKE such a base ring with your own hands. And then we will decorate the finished bases.

Here are the basics for Christmas wreaths we will look at.

  1. Paper flat base for a wreath (+ ways to decorate wreaths on this basis)
  2. Volumetric base for a wreath newspaper or toilet paper
  3. Braided wreath ring(from straw or wicker)
  4. Christmas wreaths with foam core ring.
  5. And then I will show you how to make decorations for wreaths with your own hands.



WHERE TO GET. We take a large sheet of cardboard (a box from a large pizza is perfect). Or you can take large gray packing boxes (they are freely available next to the back entrance to any grocery store). You can ask at the store (they will gladly give you a chocolate bar). You can ask the supply manager at your work - he has such a good basement full.

WHAT TO DO. We put a large dish on a sheet of cardboard. Outline with a pencil. Put a small saucer in the center of the drawn circle. We check with a ruler that the edge of the saucer is at the same distance from the large circle to the west, north, east, south. We also circle with a pencil.

We cut out our flat bagel from cardboard with scissors. We take white toilet paper and wrap our future Christmas wreath. Or a lace ribbon (it will be more expensive for the money). And then we decorate the Christmas wreath ... this will be discussed below in our article.


Christmas wreath with a flat base.

DECOR of the New Year's wreath - WITH THREADS AND FELT.

We wrap the base of cardboard with threads. We twist roses from felt and sew them on a thread winding. We cut out the shape of a Christmas tree from salt dough, fashion houses (we push windows into them). In some places we sew Christmas balls in color to the general palette.

DECOR of a New Year's wreath - from an old SWEATER.

If you have a sweater among old things for a long time. Then you can cut off two sleeves from it and decorate the flat base of the wreath with them. To do this, each cut sleeve unravel along the longitudinal seam- open - wrap around the circumference of the ring-basic and again sew the same seam.

We do the same with the second sleeve - and we direct the end of the second sleeve to the top of the first sleeve - so that this the cut top is hidden inside the neat elastic band of the opposite sleeve. Further, such a flat knitted base can be decorated with snowflakes, ribbons, and even skates (or any Christmas decorations).

DECOR of the New Year's wreath - with RIBBONS

For example, you can glue this cardboard circle with corners made of pieces of fabric (or paper). Cut the fabric into triangles - each fold 2 times in half. And glue on a cardboard circle. First, we impose triangles on the outer edge of the circle, then on top, closer to the middle, then another row closer to the middle, and the last row along the inner circle with a cardboard blank for a Christmas wreath.

DECOR of a New Year's wreath - from PAPER.

You can also glue such a flat bagel for a Christmas wreath with paper-cut parts. Paper bags, paper stars.

You can not cut a hole in the cardboard ring. And make a wreath of gift paper and Christmas balls. We see in the photo below that gift paper is cut into rectangles. Each is folded into a tube and glued to a paper circle - ray-like, with a small distance between the tubes.

In this distance we fill with smaller tubes. And fill the middle with balls. We string the balls on a wire - we get a bunch of large and small Christmas balls. Punch 2 holes in the center of the cardboard. We put the ends of the wire into the holes, and on wrong side twist, forming a loop for which this vein can be hung.

You can cut pieces from music paper, roll them up into tubes and glue the foam ring over. You get such an elegant wreath.

DECOR of a New Year's wreath - from cones.

The same flat cardboard donut for a Christmas wreath can be painted with paint. And immediately begin to stick around with the prepared material - spruce paws, fir twigs, paper tinsel, Christmas tree garland or forest cones (as in the photo below). We attach the cones to the mounting foam or hot glue from the glue gun.

Decor for a flat wreath - from chopped branches.

WHERE TO GET. This option is suitable for summer residents or villagers. We need branches (remaining after pruning an apple tree, for example). A city dweller can also stock up on three or four thick branches (trees are also cut in the city).

WHAT TO DO. We chop the branches with an ax, or file with a jigsaw. Cut out a ring from cardboard (from an old box). And now on this ring we will lay out pieces of our stumps in a chaotic manner. Each piece is smeared with glue before laying.

WHICH GLUE IS SUITABLE- shoe glue in tubes, or hot glue from a glue gun ($ 3 sold at a hardware store) Or a can of mounting foam also sticks well.

We impose-paste pieces in several floors. We dry. And covered with white paint WHICH PAINT WILL SUIT- you can buy acrylic paint at a hardware store ($ 1.5 per liter). You can buy paint in a spray can (it's already much more expensive). You can dilute white gouache with PVA glue and paint with a wide brush or a foam sponge for washing dishes (very convenient). And then such a white wreath can be decorated with bright accessories.

DECOR of the New Year's wreath - natural material.

You can put nuts, cones, pieces of moss, twigs, sticks - any natural material on a cardboard circle.

DECOR of the New Year's wreath - with Christmas BALLS.

In the same way, Christmas balls of various diameters can be laid on a flat cardboard circle. Attach with glue from a glue gun. You can add strings of glass beads and Christmas tree beads to the balls.

Christmas wreath ring



And since we have reached the wreaths of Christmas balls, then this type of material (Christmas toys) can be attached to another base for wreaths - to a wire ring.

Here in the photo below we see how we twist the ring from ordinary wire. And then we hang bundles of Christmas balls on it. By the same principle as onion bulbs are hung in a braid when they are linked together in a garland and hung from the ceiling in the kitchen.

A variety of decorative material can be attached to such a wire ring.

For example (photo below), we can take ordinary foam balls, chop them into pieces of wire, attach each wire tail to the common ring of the wreath and cover everything together with silver spray paint.

You can do it even easier - make a fluffy New Year's wreath - tie many, many strips cut from paper napkins (or white airy fabric) around the wire frame. As on the Christmas wreath from the photo below.

New Year's wreath ring



You can wind flagella-twigs from sheets of newspaper. And from such newspaper branches, roll up a wreath - just like from twigs. We also make flower decoration from newspaper

We roll the sheets of the newspaper into a tube. We take a new sheet and put our tube on the edge of this new sheet and wrap it in this sheet. It turns out the tube is already almost 2 times longer. We put it on the edge of a new sheet - and also wrap it in a roll (we already get a tube 3 times longer). We continue until we get a tube long enough to be able to bend a large ring for a Christmas wreath from it. We wrap the tube with a rope, and fold it into rings - we supplement the thickness with new layers of newspaper and wrap it with a rope again. In the end, you can wrap everything with white toilet paper or tape or bandage.

You can also do wreath decor FROM FABRIC. For example, cut the fabric into squares. Fold each in half and sew the side seam and bottom seam - we get a mini-pouch. We put cotton wool (or synthetic winterizer) in it and sew up the top seam. We tie the middle of the bag with a ribbon - and we have a plump bow. We tie these bows to the wreath ring.

Chubby sweets are made from the same squares of fabric - here you can not make seams. Put a synthetic winterizer, wrap and wrap the ends of the "sweetie" with threads.

Such a newspaper base for a wreath is quite heavy (paper weighs a lot). Therefore, you can make a lightweight (hollow inside) model of the Christmas base ring. Like the one in the next idea...

New Year's wreath ring



If we want to get a WEIGHTLY light base for a wreath, then for this we string toilet paper rolls on a rope (or wire). We lay them on the table, level them so that they lie in the shape of a regular circle - we fix the rolls with pieces of adhesive tape, that is, we glue them to each other so that they do not crawl and spin on the rope and do not change their circular shape.

Then we do a newspaper wrap, or a wrap with a medical bandage, or toilet paper, or scotch tape, or masking tape.

Decor options for the Christmas wreath from LIGHT BASIS. On such a hollow wreath inside, you can attach light jewelry made from felt or crocheted, small twigs are thin and light, so that their weight does not warp the wreath, does not make the rolls empty inside crumpled.

You can tie pieces of tulle on it. We buy tulle in a fabric store different colors. We cut it into identical rectangles, so long that it is enough to wrap the ring around the wall, tie it in a knot and the ends still stick out.

Also suitable paper decorations. Fans made of colored gift paper (or elegant table napkins). We make a fan from a strip of paper and unfold it into a ring.

Christmas wreath ring



WHERE TO GET. Styrofoam rings for crafts are sold in craft stores. Search your laptop for "styrofoam ring + name of your city" and you will find a store that has such things. Or you can order with delivery from China (for example, on the Aliexpress website).

This ring is ready to use. And you can think of any winding for him. For example, coniferous or fir paws (as in the photo of the Christmas wreath below). We just take branches of a live Christmas tree, or branches of an artificial Christmas tree and tie them to a wreath. So if you want to throw away the old artificial Christmas tree, do not rush - cut good non-bald branches from it - they are suitable for wrapping a wreath.

And you can do it on a Christmas wreath simple FABRIC FLOWERS.

It is very easy. The photo below shows how to quickly make this New Year's wreath with your own hands.

We buy a wide ribbon, cut it into segments OVERALL (see photo) - we get RHOMBOS. We squeeze each rhombus in the middle(obtuse sides) rewind the compressed middle with a thread. It turns out immediately 2 petals from one rhombus.

We repeat the same with two more diamonds- and we get three pairs of petals. We add them to each other so that the wrapped centers of three rhombuses meet together (in the center of the flower) - we fix them with a thread winding so that all three centers hugged each other. We thread a needle into the end of the thread and sew a few beads to the center of the flower to hide the rough place of the winding of the flower.

With the help of pins, we attach the flowers to the body of the foam ring of the wreath.

Also, the foam ring can be glue with NATURAL MATERIAL . It could be in-shell peanuts. They are inexpensive, we glue them on the glue gun to the foam ring (the glue gun is sold in any building department of the store, it costs 3-4 dollars). And after the peanut sticks, we cover everything with gold spray paint.

And you can also make a pasting of a foam New Year's wreath from SCALES OF CONES. To do this, we collect more fir cones, take pliers and tear out the scales from them. And then we smear a section of the foam wreath with a glue gun and lay the scales on it (like tiles) ... then we spread the new area and lay the next portion of the scales. Painstakingly, slowly - but simply.

If after harvesting plum jam you have left bag of bones. Then he, too, can take part in the creation of a Christmas wreath.

You can go to the woodshed and collect PIECES OF BARK. Break them into pieces of the same size and also glue the ring for the New Year's wreath with them (as is done in the photo below).

And such a foam ring for a wreath can be tie with SPOKES or HOOK. And knit lots and lots of Christmas appliqués for the wreath (as in the photo below).

Christmas wreath ring



We take bunch of straw wrap it with a thick thread (or thin wire). Apply to the end of the bundle new beam- and we also do winding with threads. Again, we take another bunch, apply it to the tail of the previous one (we bury it in the middle of the tail) and make a winding with threads - as we work, we gradually set a circular direction for our straw tail.

We do repetitions until our curly straw tail closes into a ring. We cover the place of closure with straws and also tightly rewind with threads. Again we lead a spool of thread around the entire donut, and in the direction of travel we put thick straws in the thin places of the wreath.

And then, along the way, you can already add a green branch of a bush or spruce paws, I also fix them with the same twine.

New Year's wreath ring



And now the most time-consuming basis for the New Year's wreath. From rods. There are also several auxiliary techniques for creating such a base from branches. And I have collected all the ways and techniques by which a Christmas wreath is created from twigs and branches. Let's look at them in order.

Wreath weaving method No. 1- FROM FRESH BRANCHES.

The most important thing in a wreath of twigs is to ensure that it is a perfect circle. That is, flattened into an oval. And it is also necessary that its thickness be uniform over the entire circumference of the ring - so that there is symmetry and harmony.

Therefore, to create a wreath correct form need a PATTERN CIRCLE. You should find some kind of round guide piece that will serve as a template for the round wreath.

Here in the photo below we see how a cut round laundry basket served as a convenient form for quickly creating a wreath. The bottom of the basket itself holds the rods in a perfect circle, and all you need to do is calmly and confidently put new branches in the right places.

When the entire stacking of branches along the wreath is evenly distributed, we do the ligation with threads in several places, or wrap the entire wreath with thread in a spiral. And our craft can be taken out of the basket.

The same can be done with the top cut off part of the basket. Also use as a shaping limiter for wreath rods.

In this case, it also helps that all the branches have just been cut from the bush - so they are fresh and flexible. That is, they easily repeat the shape of a circle without breaking.

But what if we only have dry branches that have hardened in their forms at our disposal? To do this, the following method of laying branches will help us.

Wreath weaving method No. 2 - FROM DRY BRANCHES.

If we want to lay dry, inflexible branches in the shape of a circle, then this is also possible. To do this, we again need a CIRCLE TEMPLATE - for the laying stencil. It can be cut out of cardboard, or drawn with chalk on the floor (circle a round basin with chalk, put a round dish in the middle of the drawn circle, and also circle it with chalk). The circle template is ready.

Now we lay all the dry twisted twigs in a chaotic mosaic within the boundaries of this sample circle. We lay until we begin to like the outlines of our future New Year's wreath.

And then we tie up the key points with threads, gently pushing the thread between the branches, trying not to move them much from their intended places. You can lay out pieces of thread on a circle template in advance, and then (after laying the branches) just raise the ends of the threads and tie them into knots. After that, you need to carefully lift the wreath and once again make the winding with threads already in a spiral - along the entire wreath.

Wreath weaving method No. 3 - FROM SHORT BRANCHES.

And if you only have short stick branches and knots at your disposal, then you can also make a wreath out of them. This will work if short sticks are fixed on a wire frame. Two pieces of wire (shorter and longer) and 4 sticks will help to make a frame.

We turn two pieces of wire into a ring - we get a larger and smaller ring.

We put the smaller one in the center of the larger one and tie sticks on four sides (perpendicular to the center).

And now we tie sticks around the entire circumference of the rings, new sticks to these sticks, and so on until we get a nice branched base wreath. It remains only to decorate it and make it elegant New Year's.

Wreath weaving method No. 4 - FROM WILLOW RODS

Willow twigs before work keep in water otherwise they will dry out and will not bend. They cut the rods, came home, and put them in a bucket of water with the cuts down, and twisted the ends into a bucket, bent, soaked. Wet rods - perfectly fold (like rubber bands). And then already in the wreath they dry - and the wreath becomes stale.

After drying, it can be PAINTED - with white gouache using a foam sponge. And paint over the unpainted cracks of the wreath with a brush (it will crawl into the inaccessible places of the wreath). So that the gouache does not stain your hands with white - we spray the wreath on top with hairspray - this fixes the paint and adds shine.

If you take BIRCH BRANCHES, then they need to be soaked in very hot water. By the same principle as a birch broom is ripped in a bath. The twigs will become hot and flexible - and you will quickly twist them into a wreath base. Then dry and paint.


for Christmas wreaths

from branches and vines.

DECOR OPTION No. 1 - figures from dough.

DECOR OPTION No. 3 - gossamer stars.

Look at the photo below. You see on the wreath there are two stars cut out of a threaded web. Such the web is easy to make yourself.

We take a plastic file. We pour a puddle of PVA glue on it (it is possible with transparent silicate glue too). We take a spool of thread of the color you want to see the future spider web. And we begin to unwind the coil and lay the threads in a puddle of glue - in a chaotic manner. We try to lay the threads so that there are no big holes in our homemade cobweb. We leave it all to dry for a day (or overnight).

The next day, we easily separate our dried cobwebs from the file. On top of it we put a star stencil cut out of paper - and cut the cobweb with scissors, repeating the contours of the star. We get beautiful decoration for a New Year's wreath.

In the same way, you can cut gossamer flowers for New Year's wreaths of gentle design.

DECOR OPTION No. 4 - knitted snowflakes.

Everything is clear here. For those who crochet. We take. We knit. Starch the snowflake (so that it is hard and keeps its shape). We dry the starched snowflake in a straightened form - on thick cardboard, fixed with pins in a spread.

We tie our hard starched snowflake to the wreath.

In addition to snowflakes, you can knit and starch bells. Dry from the need to put on jars of yogurt.

DECOR OPTION No. 5 - crafts from felt.

We buy felt. That is, wool, from which yarn (thread) has not yet been made. Pour warm soapy water into a bowl. We take a piece of such wool, immerse it in a warm soapy solution and roll the ball with our hands, 5-7 minutes, until it becomes round and hard. We dry. We make several of these woolen balls. And we get the decoration that we see in the photo of the Christmas wreath below.

By the same woolen-soap principle we make a rose. From pieces of wool we mold flat petals of different sizes in soapy water. We twist and sew them into a rose.

DECOR OPTION No. 6 - Balls and stars.

Here, too, everything is simple and clear. We thread the wires into the ears of the balls and fasten it to the selected twig of the wreath.

BRILLIANT STARS. Cut out stars from cardboard. The inside of the stars is also made into openwork holes. Coat the stars with glue - and dip in a shiny sprinkle . topping can be bought at a craft store. Or use nail polish. Or DO IT YOURSELF. To do this, we buy a shiny fluffy Christmas tree garland and cut it finely and finely (we get a whole bunch of small shiny cuts) - cheaply and efficiently.

DECOR OPTION No. 7 - brilliant flowers.

Here on the Christmas wreath (pictured below) we see golden flowers. Of course you can find them for sale. Or you can save money and do it yourself. Now I'll tell you how...

We take cotton pads. Cut from 5 cotton pads big petals. And 5 more small petals. Now we pour PVA glue into the saucer - we dip each cotton petal into the glue, squeeze out the excess glue - we put the petals on a plastic file forming two five-petal flowers - large and small (we bend the petals in a raised state - let them dry like that). We dry them all night. In the morning we take our 2 dried flowers - and connect them - small flower glue in the middle of the big one. Next, with a brush, cover them with a thin layer of PVA glue - and sprinkle with gold sprinkles. We get such luxurious flowers for decorating a Christmas wreath. With their own hands they made beauty from cheap disks and sprinkles cut from a Christmas tree garland. Fast, simple and cheap.

DECOR OPTION No. 8 - natural material.

Below we see a photo of a Christmas wreath that is used to decorate birch bark (we wrap the wreath with it like a ribbon), stars are cut with scissors from the same bark.

Flowers roses made from corn peel- we roll the corn cake into a roll, cut the parts of the roll with scissors, form the petals with our hands.

Dried fruits (dried fruits are also suitable for compote). And sprigs of mountain ash or hawthorn. To prepare for the Christmas wreath the bright fruits of their best not to dry(they will wrinkle and lose sight) and mummify in paraffin or wax. To do this, we melt a candle cut into pieces in a saucepan (made of wax or paraffin - buy in the household department of the store) - and dip the fruits of mountain ash or hawthorn suspended by a thread into hot wax. We dry it on the same thread (we put a tree branch in a vase and call our clusters with fruits onto it.

These are the ideas of DIY Christmas wreaths I picked up today. I wish you successful searches for the material and design of your future New Year's wreath.
Let these Christmas holidays decorate your home new wreath made by hand.

Good luck with your New Year's work.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

To create a New Year's mood, in addition to the traditional Christmas tree, there is a long-standing custom to hang a Christmas wreath on the door. This tradition came to us from Western countries, and not so long ago. Such a decoration was considered unusual and exotic, and now the Christmas symbol decorates the house of almost every family.

The traditional decoration is made of branches of a Christmas tree and four candles, attached to the front door or mounted on holiday table. But how to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands, we will tell you today.

How did Christmas wreaths come about?

New Year's wreaths appeared thanks to Johann Hinrich Wiehern, a Lutheran theologian who raised children who came from poor families. During the fasting period, they often asked Johann whether it would come soon. To help poor children, in 1839 he invented a wheel wreath and decorated it with nineteen small and four large candles. Every morning, one small candle was lit in the wreath made by Vikherny, and on Sunday a large one, thus counting the time until the holiday.

What does the symbolism of the Christmas wreath mean?

In a wreath, the presence of light and fire (the light of the world) is considered an obligatory attribute. This symbolizes the approaching holiday - the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Christmas wreath has a round shape, decorated with sprigs of spruce, ribbons and candles. The circle is considered a symbol of immortality (eternal life), and four candles are the illumination of the world, green spruce branches are itself.

According to tradition, when making a symbol of Christmas, two colors should be used - three candles are purple and one is pink.

How to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands?

Currently in stores wide choose Christmas wreaths. They are made of different materials: branches of artificial spruce, fabric, knitted jewelry and other items. Huge selection jewelry will allow you to focus on one or another model that will appeal to you.

Despite this diversity, all more people prefer to make jewelry on their own, showing their own imagination and creativity. If you are thinking about how to make a wreath for Christmas with your own hands, then do not think that it is very difficult. The process of making such an ornament is very reverent, because in its creation a person puts the kindest thoughts, and is in anticipation of the long-awaited.

What do you need to make a wreath?

  • Bending wire, ring or round base for the product.
  • Sharp garden shears.
  • Liquid nails or all-purpose glue.
  • Fir branches.
  • Tapes of different colors.
  • Paint and brushes.
  • Candles.
  • Bows, berries, cones, dry flowers and other decorations.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. First, a base is created, it can be made from bending wire. Using sharp garden shears, cut the desired length of wire, and connect it into a ring.
  2. Spruce branches are superimposed on the wire base, clockwise, it is better to use thick gloves so as not to injure your hands. The branches are fixed with small pieces of wire, which then need to be discreetly hidden or painted with green paint. To add splendor to the wreath, sprigs of spruce can be applied in a second layer, only in the opposite direction.
  3. Decorate the product with decorative ribbons and cones, you can also use improvised materials. Show your imagination, and your Christmas wreath will turn out to be one and only among the rest.
  4. The material of your choice is easy to fix on spruce branches using all-purpose glue or liquid nails. Do this carefully so as not to leave smudges of glue on the product.
  5. After you have finished decorating the Christmas symbol, let it dry a bit. After 30-40 minutes, you can safely decorate the front door or the festive table with it.

Video instruction - balloon decoration

Video instruction - cone decoration

Video instruction - with sisal balls

Making your own Christmas wreath at home is not that difficult! It is quite simple to make it, the main thing is patience and a little imagination, and this holiday will become unforgettable for your whole family.

Their homes, workplaces and of course the Christmas tree.

A Christmas wreath is a great way to make any interior colorful and festive.

It is worth noting that such a wreath is a symbol of family warmth and hearth.

There are many ways to make a beautiful wreath for the New Year with your own hands.

On our website you will also find:

Here are some of the most fun and easy Christmas wreaths you can make with your kids and hang them around the house or on the Christmas tree to decorate your home.

DIY Christmas wreath of oranges and cinnamon

You will need:

Thin and flexible branches (for the frame)

Hot glue




Pine branches or leaves with berries (natural or artificial)

Dried orange slices (you can use lemons)

1. Make a frame of a New Year's wreath from branches.

* To get dried orange slices, they need to be briefly put in the oven on low heat.

2. Using glue and wire, start attaching decorations to the frame. Cones can be glued, orange slices can be attached with wire, and cinnamon can be tied with a rope or pieces of cloth.

* Pine branches or leaves with berries just stick inside the frame or you can fix them with wire or glue.

How to make a bright New Year's wreath with your own hands

You will need:

Cardboard or foam frame

Hot glue or tape

Decorations (bows, pipes, toys, etc.).

1. Cut out a frame for a wreath from cardboard or a piece of foam. You may need to cut out two circles and glue them together to make the frame stronger.

2. Start wrapping the frame with tinsel. You can fix the tinsel in some places with glue or tape, but so that the attachment points are not very noticeable

3. When the wreath is ready, you can attach decorations to it. This can also be done with glue or tape.

Do-it-yourself New Year's wreath from sweets (master class)

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (cardboard from which boxes are made)

Compasses or round object desired shape and a pencil (to draw a circle)

acrylic paint

Foam rubber

A lot of candies.

1. On a piece of cardboard, draw a large circle (in this example, the circle has a diameter of 22 cm.)

2. Cut out the circle and draw another smaller circle inside it. Cut out this circle. You can use a utility knife instead of scissors.

3. Repeat step 1-2 to make another "donut" and glue the two resulting donuts to make the wreath frame stronger.

4. Use white paint to paint the cardboard frame of the future wreath.

5. Cut a bagel of similar size from the foam rubber and cut into several pieces, which are then glued to the cardboard ring on both sides.

6. Bandage the frame.

7. Prepare sweets - for this example, it took 300 gr. truffles. Try to choose light candies - they hold better.

8. Cut the double-sided tape into small pieces and stick them to the bottom of each candy, then glue all the candies to the wreath.

9. To make the wreath even brighter, you can fill in the spaces between the candies with rain, beads and / or tinsel, which is attached with glue.

Here are a couple more options for New Year's wreaths decorated with sweets:

Candy wreath for the New Year (photo-instruction)

You will need:

Foam ring (wreath base)


Soft candies (preferably jelly).

DIY Christmas wreaths on the door

You will need:

PVA glue

Scissors or utility knife

Aerosol or acrylic paint (optional)

Decorations (ribbons, bows, small Christmas decorations).

1. Cut each cylinder into big rings. Press down on each ring to form a leaf (see image).

2. Glue all the rings together so that they form a wreath.

* You can color the wreath if you wish.

3. Start decorating the wreath with bows, tinsel, Christmas decorations, ribbons, etc.

A wreath of colored paper and cardboard for the New Year (photo instruction)

You will need:

Colored paper, colored cardstock, or patterned paper

Cardboard (for the base of the wreath)



How to make a wreath with cones and fruits for the New Year

You will need:

kitchen napkins

Green organza (if needed)

PVA glue or hot glue

Decorations (artificial fruits, cones, flowers, leaves).

1. Roll the newspaper into a tube and make a ring out of it. If necessary, use two newspapers to make a ring.

2. Wrap a few more newspapers around the ring to make it stronger and not unwind. Parts that protrude can be fixed with PVA glue.

3. Give the newspaper ring a more attractive look. To do this, use white paper napkins to wrap around the ring.

4. If you wish, you can wrap the ring with organza, fixing it with PVA glue or hot glue. This step can be skipped.

5. Now start wrapping the ring with tinsel, securing, if necessary, with PVA glue.

6. Prepare small artificial fruits, flowers, leaves and cones. Start gluing them with hot glue to the wreath.

* You can use any decoration, not just fruits or leaves. For example, you can buy bows, stick bright ribbons or small light Christmas decorations.

Wreath for the New Year from Christmas balls (master class)

You will need:

Styrofoam frame

Small Christmas toys

Glue (hot, superglue).

1. Remove the mount from each Christmas tree toy.

2. Start sticking big toys to the foam frame.

3. Continue pasting the frame with smaller toys and finish with the smallest balloons.

* Not all christmas balls glued to the frame, some glued to other balls. The main thing is to add toys until the foam ring is completely closed.

Beautiful wreath for the New Year with cells for gifts

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (thick cardboard from the box)

colored cardboard


Knitting thread (any color)

Utility knife (if necessary)

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue or hot glue

Acrylic paints.

1. Cut the cardboard cylinders into rings.

* If you want the fan to have not only small, but also large rings, then you can cut out strips from colored cardboard and glue the ends.

2. If you wish, you can paint acrylic paint all or some rings.

3. Cut a large circle out of corrugated cardboard, and cut another smaller circle in the center of the circle - this will be the base of the wreath. You can make the base more durable by gluing two cardboard circles together.

* To cut a circle within a circle, it's easier to replace the scissors with a utility knife.

4. Thread the base of the wreath.

5. Start gluing the rings to the base.

It remains to put small gifts on the "shelves". You can wrap these gifts with paper and secure with a thin ribbon, as in the image.

DIY paper wreath for the New Year (master class)

You will need:

PVA glue



Acrylic paint (white)

Scrapbooking paper, colored or wrapping paper

Pictures on thick sheets (from old postcards, packages, boxes)

Various other decorations.

1. Prepare several newspaper sheets and twist them into thin tubes (see image). Glue the tip of the newspaper with PVA glue. The number of tubules depends on the thickness of the wreath.

Click Class

Tell VK

Greetings, my dears. Today I will continue the theme of decorating the home for the New Year. last year I wrote a detailed article about manufacturing. But, I found many more ideas on this topic. Therefore, today we make Christmas wreaths with our own hands from different materials. Consider how they can be knitted from branches, yarn, glued from sweets, paper, etc. I will give a lot of master classes.

Wreaths have become popular in Russia not so long ago, but they have already taken root. Needless to say, their homeland is Europe.

They are a very beautiful decor and just a huge field for creativity.

When the house smells of resins and pine needles, the mood immediately rises. That is why it is customary to put up Christmas trees. But you can do without it by borrowing twigs from this forest beauty.

They need to take those that are livelier and have a lot of needles. By the way, ask the sellers of Christmas trees, they often cut off the lower branches and sell them too.

How to make a wreath out of them? But now I’ll tell you in detail, and even share master classes.

When you bought twigs, they need to be sorted. Divide them into sticks and the branches themselves.

Then carefully twist the ring from the sticks. It is better to fix them with wire. But advice. just take a ring of foam or paper and attach branches to it. This will be easier, because the sticks themselves are prickly, and they don’t often want to take a round shape.

Then we weave our beautiful and fluffy branches into the base.

I immediately draw your attention to the fact that since we use natural material, then your hands will be in resin. And it's pretty hard to wash off.

So, the option of making jewelry on a wire. It is more convenient to weave branches not one at a time, but immediately with a bunch.

Take a round double wire ring as a basis.

Then we fold a bouquet of 3-5 branches, tie the base with threads and put it on the ring. We try to get the base between the wires. We fix with a thinner wire or thread.

The wreath does not have to be hung on a wall or door, it will also look beautiful on the table as a decoration.

It is better to decorate it with natural material: candied fruits, dried oranges, cones and deludes, as well as cinnamon and cloves.

Master class for making a New Year's wreath from tinsel

The easiest way is to make a wreath of tinsel. It can be done in several ways. The main thing is that you must definitely choose fluffy tinsel. Otherwise, the craft will look sparse.

Option 1.

  • wire,
  • tinsel,
  • sweater or tights, cut into strips,
  • decor.

We roll a thick ring from the wire. It should keep its shape well.

Then we wrap it with shreds of clothing or fabric.

We wrap tinsel on top of it, pressing the turns close to each other. Be sure to secure the edges with wire or thread. Otherwise, the wreath will fall apart.

Option number 2.

  • newspaper,
  • White paper,
  • tulle,
  • tinsel,
  • decor.

From the newspaper we form a ring. We are trying to roll it so that it becomes dense and does not bend under its own weight.

Wrapped in white paper. It can be replaced with a cobweb, corrugated paper or fabric.

We wrap tinsel on top. Tape the edges well to the base with tape.

It remains only to decorate the craft.

Option number 3.

  • cardboard,
  • tinsel,
  • coffees.

The cardboard needs to be thick. If you think that it is too thin, then cut out of it not one, but two or three parts. Then glue them together.

Cut out a ring from cardboard. We immediately think about how we will hang our wreath and glue a loop of braid or twine to it.

We begin to wrap the ring with tinsel. We fix the edges well with tape or wire.

We take sweets and glue them to the base with adhesive tape. Alternating with coils of tinsel.

Here's what happens. Sweets can be replaced with balls or cones.

Some ideas with tinsel for inspiration!

We make from felt, I apply patterns

Now let's see what can be done from felt. I really liked the idea of ​​fabric poinsettia. This is the most New Year and Christmas flower. And we will make it from felt.

For one flower, cut out the details according to this pattern.

You need one flower and 5 petals.

Glue the petals onto the base in the center with hot glue or super glue.

Flatten the leaves at the end.

Decorate the middle with beads or beads.

This is how the blanks are obtained.

Now we cut out a ring from cardboard and fasten the flowers in random order. Between them you can put ribbons, cones, balls and Christmas tree branches.

Here is another felt wreath pattern.

You can take any toys, the main thing is to have new year theme. For example, we will attach this felt Santa Claus to the base of the wreath.

The base can also be made of fabric. To do this, cut out two rings from the fabric. We sew them together. Turn inside out and stuff with cotton wool or padding polyester. And we will decorate with Frost and a deer made of felt.

The base can simply be wrapped with yarn.

To make such a wreath, I also give patterns.

In general, crafts can be voluminous with stuffing, or they can be simple flat ones. Depends on your skill and available time.

A simple idea from knitted yarn, knit crochet

Very easy and quick to tie the base knitted yarn. To do this, you will need the ability to make single crochets. And you need to take a base made of cardboard or plywood, yarn and a hook.

First, we form a loop from the thread, insert a hook into it and stretch it through the workpiece to the thread. Then we make a single crochet.

And so we tie the whole ring.

This is how it should turn out.

If you want a more openwork wreath, then check out this master class. Here the girl shows how to apply double crochets on the above basis.

If you have been crocheting for a long time, then here are some more ideas for you.

Using yarn or the same knitting threads, you can weave a “braid” pattern and make such beauty out of it.

If you have a foam wreath blank. Then just wrap it with yarn. Choose bright, festive colors and combine the turns with each other. Be sure to fix the ends.

You can also put on the sleeves of an old sweater on such a foam base. And you will get a wreath very quickly.

Very interesting idea simple decoration from a scarf.

From simple threads, you can also tie a wreath.

I see no point in showing all the options that I found on the Internet. After all, having understood the essence, everyone will make their own individual decor.

Master class for making a wreath of cones with your own hands

Of course, we will not be left without cones. A lot of interesting things come out of them. You can take both pine and spruce cones. Of course they are different appearance, but the craft will only benefit from this.

Cut out a ring from cardboard. Let's give it a volume on one side with the help of paper sheets.

So, take a lot of paper and form a circle out of it. To prevent the sheets from unfolding, wrap it with twine.

Now, in random order, we plant the cones on the base using a thermo gun.

For decoration, take nuts, candied fruits, vanilla sticks. Or just tint some bumps with gouache. This will give the impression that they are covered with snow.

The back can be draped with fabric or crepe paper.

Now I'll show you how you can make a similar craft using only one type of cone.

To get the same as in the figure, the cones must be placed on the ring in rows. We do the very foundation in the same way as in the upper master class.

The craft with illumination or a garland looks very nice.

A special rigid base for a wreath is also sold. If you have one lying around, then here is a master class on how to use it.

Did you know that if you put the cones in water, they will open.

Also, for decoration, the cones can be covered with artificial snow and sparkles. This is all sold in hardware stores and departments for creativity.

Making a Christmas candy wreath with the kids

Those with a sweet tooth will definitely want to participate in the creation of such a delicious and alluring wreath.

It can also be done different ways. The easiest option is to glue or tie the candies together.

A more difficult option is to string sweets on wire hangers. To do this, take the shoulders, pull the lower part towards you. So we will stretch the circle, and it will be very convenient to hang the craft on the hook.

Now the most time-consuming - you need to tie each candy with tape to this wire ring. Ask the kids to help you, otherwise you will waste a lot of time.

Do not spare sweets, you may need from 2 kg. But, it is important that the craft is magnificent.

Another way to create a sweet decoration is to glue the candies to the cardboard base using a heat gun.

The same idea, but with large oblong candies.

The wreath can be of any size. If there are not enough sweets, then first lay out a circle of them on paper. To understand what diameter of the ring you need to cut.

Christmas paper wreath

Now we will make a wreath already from paper poinsettia. Above, we made it from felt. You can also take that master class as a basis. But now I will show a slightly different technique for creating these beautiful flowers.

  1. From paper, you need to cut three parts according to the template below. We make folds on the petals in the middle and curl the ends a little with a pencil.

We connect the blanks into one flower.

Here is the diagram for this flower.

As a result, you can get such a wreath.

2. Now take toilet paper and paper towel rolls.

Let's color them in green color and dry. Now we will apply strips on each of them, 1 cm wide. And cut all the blanks. We will get a lot of cardboard parts. From them we will form flowers. It is convenient to fix the parts themselves with each other with a thermo gun.

Lay out a circle from the resulting flower, not forgetting to glue the edges.

3. I offer you this a simple idea paper wreath with stars.

The first step is to cut out an even ring of cardboard. This can be done with a compass or as shown in the photo. Namely, you need to take two pencils. measure the length of the thread, equal to the radius of the circle with allowances. Allowances will go to tying pencils. Now we put one of them in the center, and the second we draw a circle.

The cut out cardboard part must be wrapped with paper. We will first shake it with our hands to give volume.

It remains to cut out the stars and stick them on the base.

4. This master class shows that the ring was made without a compass, but simply by attaching two plates of different diameters to the cardboard.

Decorate with paper leaves.

5. I also liked the idea with three-dimensional stars. Also, as above, we make the base-ring. We wrap it with zhamka paper.

And then we cut out the stars, as shown in the diagram and bend all the beams exactly in the middle.

As inspiration, I suggest you make a craft from the silhouettes of children's hands.

Or from snowflakes.

A very beautiful craft will turn out from voluminous paper snowflakes.

Fragrant wreath with oranges and tangerines

Not so long ago I saw the idea of ​​a gift craft made of tangerines and oranges. After all, it is their smells that are associated with the New Year. Therefore, I hasten to show you how you can make this fruit wreath, which can even be used as a gift.

For such beauty, you need to take at least 8 pieces of tangerines. You will also need a transparent packaging film and braid or tape.

On the expanded film we will lay out all the tangerines that you want to use for crafts. So we will determine how long we need to cut off from it. The width should completely cover the tangerine.

We wrap our fruits in this segment. To prevent the film from unfolding, we glue it with tape at the edges.

Now we need to use a braid, thread or twine to separate each fruit from its neighbor.

We turn the resulting workpiece into a ring and fix the edges.

You can decorate this craft with cones, felt elements or branches.

Tangerines can also be cut into thin circles and dried.

It will turn out a very fragrant decor for any type of wreath. Orange circles are combined with all materials.

How to make a decoration with Christmas toys

Crafts with Christmas toys look very festive. Let's consider the most simple version of making such a wreath.

Let's take:

  • Christmas balls in two colors
  • hanger,
  • fir branches
  • decor.

And we need the same notorious wire hanger.

It again needs to be straightened and shaped into a circle.

To be honest, I couldn't get it to work on my own. Therefore, my husband helped with pliers.

We put our balls on the free edge. They can be alternated in shades or colors. The toys themselves are better to take small sizes and try to hang them very tightly.

Now we take the branches, tie them and attach a wire loop to their ends. We string it after the balls on the open end.

It remains only to twist both ends so that the wreath does not fall apart and we go to decorate the room.

Video on how to make a wreath from newspaper tubes

Since I myself have never wove crafts from newspaper tubes, but I know that such an idea exists. I offer you a master class in video format. Where the master tells in detail how you can weave such magical beauty.

I think that it may not work the first time, because you need to adapt to work with a paper vine. But with due care and attention, everything should work out.

Ideas for New Year's wreaths from improvised materials

Now I want to combine many different MKs in one section. We will make wreaths from various improvised materials. You will definitely find something for yourself here!

Wreath of disks

Let's take the most ordinary and few people need disks now. So that they do not roll, we will make a decor out of them.

You can take cardboard or plywood 5 mm thick as a basis.

Along the entire circumference of the ring, we begin to glue the discs with a thermo gun.

If you have a lot of disks, you can make a second and third layer.

It remains only to decorate the craft with New Year's decor.

Clothespin wreath

Clothespins are now also not only used in everyday life, but also actively participate in creativity.

So, we cut out a ring from cardboard, 15 cm in diameter. We paint it with green gouache and dry it.

We paint the clothespins with the same gouache and also dry them by pinning them to the box.

Now we take the wire, turn it into a circle and distribute clothespins over it. They can be pinned next to each other, or they can be alternated with beads, balls or bows.

A wreath of ice cream sticks caught my eye. I don't think it would be difficult to repeat this idea.

Pompom wreath

Very elegant and fluffy, it turns out such a handsome man from pompons. Easy to do, looks amazing.

You need to take a cardboard base, yarn, threads, scissors and a needle.

We will make pompoms in two sizes - 7 and 5 cm.

To do this, we take yarn and cut off threads from it, 7 cm long. At least 15 pieces are needed for each pompom. We tie them together with a thread and fluff them.

We make two holes in the cardboard with a thick needle, into which we will stretch the ends of the pom-pom threads and tie them from the wrong side.

We will make the sides of the wreath from small parts with a thread length of 5 cm.

We tie a small workpiece next to a large one.

Rows of two pompoms should be repeated every 3 cm.

Of course, it's not very fast. But it turns out very nice.

Based on this technique, you can make such a version of the wreath.

And one of the pompom snowmen.

Wreaths of fabric and yarn

There are many ideas for wrapping the warp-ring with fabric and yarn. Let's see what comes out of this.

First, let's see what happens from burlap.

By repeating this idea, but already from a strip of fabric, you can get this version of the craft.

You can not wrap, but cover the base with a cloth.

Or just wrap the base with yarn. By the way, the winding from "Grass" will look very nice here. there is a kind of yarn.

Now I bring an idea from tulle.

We will need a lot of scraps of this fabric. We fold them and impregnate the fold in PVA glue. Then we fix the blanks on the base.

Another technique for creating a tulle wreath. We cut the material into thin long strips (5 * 12 cm) and tie them around the entire perimeter of the ring.

Based on this technique, such crafts are obtained.

This idea inspired me a lot.

It is also very easy to make a wreath of cotton pads. See how easy it is!

It is tedious to roll the disk in half, then in half again. And sew the bottom fold with a needle so that the workpiece does not fall apart.

We fix these blanks on the finished foam ring and enjoy the beautiful snow-white decor.

A lot of bows will also make beauty.

To make them you need wire and braid.

We tie bows on the wire, placing them close to each other.

Wreaths from plastic bottles

We need only the bottoms of the bottles. To make it elegant, they can be taken in different colors.

So, the bottom can be left in the same form as you and the cuts, or you can give the cut a zigzag shape.

We make holes in the center. And from the wire we make a ring.

Now we turn the two parts towards each other with petals and in this position we string them onto the base.

We distribute them very closely relative to each other.

You can also just plant them alternately one after the other.

From pasta

Pasta products are very malleable. They come in different sizes and shapes and are therefore great for crafts. And yes, they are quite economical.

On any basis, purchased, cardboard, fabric or paper, we glue spirals, butterflies or shells.

Best of all they will hold on hot glue. But you can take liquid nails and super glue. When you fix all the products on the base, then paint it with spray paint.

I also liked the fur decor. See how self-sufficient and chic it looks.

You can make it even easier, just buy a lot of packaging bows.

From traffic jams

Some masters came up with a very interesting idea to make decor from corks. I bring two master classes.

The first option involves two turns.

The second option is also easy. But you just need a lot of plugs.

If you have a foam base, then you can use a toothpick to fix the parts.

Here's what comes out of this material.

We also get festive decor from cocktail tubes!

From photos

Such decoration will remain in your house not only for the holiday period. After all, memories that are presented in photographs fit in this decor.

To maintain style, it is better to take black and white pictures. They will look like one.


Tell VK

Very often, needlewomen create wreaths to decorate a room, to create a festive mood. A decorative wreath can be made for any holiday. But sometimes when creating it, there is a difficulty at the very beginning of the creative process - there is no basis for a wreath. Today I will tell you about 10 ways to make the basis for a wreath with your own hands.

First way

The easiest and most expensive is to buy a ready-made base for a wreath in a store. Ready-made bases come from foam, vine, rotogan, straw, iron rods. You already choose the material that best suits your composition.

Second way

The second method was suggested by Igor Linnik. First, you need to cut out the stencil base of the future wreath from cardboard. By the way, it does not have to be a ring, the shape can be any - a circle, a star, a heart.
Then with the help of some thick paper ( wrapping paper, newspaper) it is necessary to create volume for the future wreath. The paper must be tightly compressed and connected with a cardboard stencil using a rope or wire, carefully equalizing it.
The result is a beautiful base for a wreath.

Third way

The basis for a wreath is easy to make from paper, even without a stencil. Simply by forming with your hands the shape that you have in mind. We can say that this is a lightweight version of the previous method.

Fourth way

You can make a base for a wreath out of paper in another way. Wind the tubes from newspapers and form a ring out of them, gluing the tubes around the perimeter.

Fifth way

If you are planning a small wreath, the base can be cut out of an aluminum baking dish. The shape of the future wreath will depend on the configuration of the baking dish - round, square or rectangular.

Sixth way

What is not made of plastic bottles! It turns out you can make the base of the wreath. It is necessary to cut the bottles, connect them together in a ring, fastening with glue or tape.

Seventh way

The bases for a foam wreath can be bought at the store, or you can do it yourself. Styrofoam can be taken packaging, or you can buy a sheet of foam at a hardware store. It is necessary to apply the contour of the wreath to the foam and cut out the base with a sharp clerical knife.

Eighth way

In my opinion, such bases for a wreath are very pretty and practical. I made the base for the heart in this way.
To work, you will need a heater for pipes. You can take the remnants of the repair or buy in plumbing stores. Such a heater costs a penny. You can buy a heater of different diameters, the choice is very wide.
Everything is done very simply. Cut off the insulation of the desired length and glue the ends. There is just one little trick. In order for the base for the wreath to keep its shape well and not to bend, it is necessary to bend the insulation with the seam outward. As a result, you will get a perfectly round wreath base.

If the insulation is large in diameter and does not bend very well, then you can glue the ends with a piece of pipe.

Ninth way

The basis for a wreath can be formed from cardboard tubes from toilet paper. They just need to be glued together and secured with masking tape.

Tenth way

Some craftsmen use clothes hangers to make wreaths. Two circles are formed from the hanger, which are connected to each other with a bandage or wire.

If there are no wire hangers, then use ordinary plastic ones.

When the basis for a decorative wreath made with your own hands is ready, you can turn on your imagination and decorate the wreath depending on the holiday and your equipment.

Watch a master class on making the base for a wreath from deciduous tree branches.