How to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year. How to decorate a Christmas tree What balls should be on the Christmas tree

Hello, dear readers. New Year's festivities are associated primarily with a decorated Christmas tree. And it doesn’t matter in what form she visits the house. Natural or synthetic, a sprawling beauty or a modest twig - a Christmas tree always brings a special flavor even to the pre-holiday atmosphere. Her presence gives a feeling of comfort, magic and hope for a probable miracle. Therefore, this festive guest is decorated with special care. Many people believe that it is necessary to decorate the Christmas tree in a special way. This will help to lure good luck, stability, prosperity, and even your soulmate. And for this it is necessary to appease the main character of the coming year. According to Eastern beliefs, in the coming 2018 the Yellow Dog will dominate. Given this point, Feng Shui experts offer a number of recommendations on how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018, the year of the dog.

Following these tips will help create a special aura that will attract good luck and happy accidents into your life for the next year.

Where to put a Christmas tree

I would like to note right away that no matter what place in the house you designate for placing a festive tree, this will not become a bad sign.

Its installation in a certain zone will only emphasize what is most important to you, what exactly you would like to improve in the coming year in your life.

So, according to the rules of Feng Shui, the most optimal point for installing a Christmas tree will be the center of the apartment. It is here that all energy meridians converge.

Therefore, if you place the central festive attribute here, you will be able to have a beneficial effect on all areas of life.

But putting a Christmas tree here is not always convenient, expedient and even safe. Then you need to define it in another place.

It should be borne in mind that according to the ideas of Feng Shui supporters:

- South determines popularity, fame, promotion.

- The southeast is responsible for the material component.

- Southwest helps to solve issues related to love, relationships, family.

- The West is joy, children, creative impulses.

- The North-West is interesting for those who want change, long for travel, seek to find friends, patrons.

- The North is responsible for promotion and self-realization.

- The North-Eastern zone will help in learning, encourage you to work on yourself, and lead to the accumulation of experience.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog

When decorating a Christmas tree, you should remember which symbol patronizes in 2018. This role is assigned to the Yellow Earth Dog.

As it turned out, this character is characterized by modesty, friendliness and a craving for naturalness.

Color palette

Therefore, the preferred palette of festive decoration should include the following tones:

Yellow, golden.

Brown, beige.

White, silver.

Natural green.

Other shades are also allowed. But in everything a measure and some restraint must be observed.

Excessively bright colors are best avoided. The same applies to the abundance of tinsel. But the use of jewelry made from natural materials is welcome.

So, you can hang fruits, nuts, crafts using small branches, cones, dried berries, etc. on the Christmas tree.

Christmas decorations

The central figure will, of course, be the image of a dog. It is placed in a conspicuous place. The symbol of the year can also be placed on the crown of the forest beauty or placed below, under it.

The paraphernalia associated with it is also used - dog houses, bowls, bones, etc. They can be purchased or handmade, flat or voluminous, artificial or edible (from dough or chocolate).

Christmas symbols can be widely used. The presence of cherubs, angel wings, stars of Bethlehem, postcards with biblical stories will not spoil the New Year's atmosphere at all.

Edible decorations have been used to decorate the festive tree for a very long time. So, nuts and fruits (apples, tangerines, lemons, oranges) symbolize a good harvest, and bags of wheat grains will bring prosperity to the house.

Also, dried berries, gingerbread, cookies, candies, small chocolates or chocolate figurines, dough products can serve as decorations.

Traditional characters look good on the Christmas tree:

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.


Deer, penguin, northern bear.

Heroes of popular cartoons decorated with New Year's colors.

Well, the Christmas tree cannot do without traditional balls, icicles, bows, bells and snowflakes. Christmas tree beads, electric and paper garlands, rain and serpentine will complete the decoration.

Jewelry and Feng Shui

Little tricks that Feng Shui suggests.

  • Material wealth and good luck in financial affairs are lured with the help of various coins, folded banknotes tied with a ribbon, treasure chests. You can also use jewelry.
  • If you want to find your soul mate in the new year or strengthen relationships, then you should use paired toys, hearts and red shades.
  • Coffee beans collected in mini-bags will help streamline family life.
  • The desire to get an addition to the family can be expressed using pacifiers, rattles, and baby socks as Christmas accessories.
  • Large plain balls are symbols of longevity and good health.
  • Christmas tree bells will help drive away evil spirits and attract good ones.
  • The presence of figurines, toys and images of a dog will help streamline your life and harmonize all areas of your life.

Christmas symbols are also quite appropriate on the New Year tree. It will help win the favor of traditional Christian patrons.

The procedure for decorating the Christmas tree

When a live Christmas tree enters the house from frost, it needs to be given time to thaw. It would be nice, if possible, to rinse it from dust accumulations so that its aroma can fully reveal itself.

A Christmas tree, spruce or pine, especially a large one, needs reliable fastening. You can install it with a massive cross.

It is possible to use a bucket of sand. The mount is covered with a cloth or clods of cotton wool, imitating snow.

The bottom can be decorated with armfuls of tinsel, including substandard ones, and extra toys. Often, figurines of Santa Claus with his granddaughter, an animal-symbol of the year and gift boxes are placed below.

If garland bulbs are used for decoration, then they are first hung up. The orientation of the garlands will emphasize the basic principle of the arrangement of Christmas tree decorations. There are several.

The principle of using garlands

  • Spiral - each subsequent detail of the decor is hung with a slight indent to the side and down. The garland surrounds the Christmas tree in a spiral from top to bottom. The screw orientation can also be done with the help of color accents. Here different toys of the same color are hung in a continuous narrow strip in a spiral, covering the Christmas tree. Colors alternate from top to bottom, observing the same helicity.
  • Pyramidal - the size of the toys gradually increases from the top to the lower branches. The largest of them are hung from below. The garland is hung in a circle in overhanging waves. You can do without it.
  • Intermittent - a checkerboard pattern is used to place jewelry or a consistent alternation of large and small accessories. Two lighting lines can be used. At the same time, one of the garlands is wrapped in a spiral from left to right, and the other, on the contrary, from right to left.
  • Horizontal or vertical orientation - Strict lines are observed. Design elements either encircle the Christmas tree in circles or are arranged in vertical straight lines. Garlands are hung accordingly.
  • Intuitive - at first it seems that the toys are hung chaotically, but at the same time the impression of complete harmony is created. Here, colors, shapes and sizes of jewelry alternate in accordance with the tastes of the owners. The most attractive decor elements take center stage. The orientation of the Christmas tree lights doesn't really matter. Here it is important to decorate the Christmas tree from all sides, even with the one that is adjacent to the wall.

The chosen principle of decorating the Christmas tree is emphasized by the location paper garlands, rain, Christmas tree beads, serpentine, tinsel.

These items are hung last. The final touch is the crown decoration.

To do this, they use a traditional star, a special spire-shaped toy, a spherical design of their rays directed in all directions.

You can also place a large bow on top, a figure of Santa Claus or a symbolic animal - a dog. And sometimes they just put a red New Year's cap on the top of their head. It also looks good.

Decorated Christmas tree should have a harmonious finished look. Nothing should stand out from the general design style.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018 - colors and design styles

There are several established styles that you should stick to when dressing up. Christmas tree by 2018.

Everyone, in accordance with his taste, will be able to choose the closest decor option for him. It should be recalled that an elegant Christmas tree should harmoniously fit into the overall decoration of the room.

European style. The Christmas tree is decorated in one color, you can use different shades. Another option is a design using two or three well-matched colors. Toys are hung in a small volume.

Accents can be made by evenly placing fairly large elements on the Christmas tree. It can be bows, bells, flowers, small postcards or pictures. The tree turns out to be strict and elegant. Tinsel is usually not used here.

1. Handmade

Homemade Christmas decorations are used. They can be made not only from paper, cardboard and foil.

Various improvised materials (old jewelry, plastic containers, vinyl records, etc.), fabric and knitted crafts are widely used here.

2. Eco style

The peculiarity of this style is the use of exclusively natural materials, primary use light shades and simplicity. Here you can even do without a Christmas tree, imitating it from all kinds of materials.

Dried fruits, berries, cones, shells, twigs, etc. serve as decorations. And various figures can be made from salt dough. It is preferable to use a garland of yellow bulbs.

3. Scandinavian style

Also suggests bright hues and simplicity of decoration. Use white and light-colored toys.

Preference is given to small sizes and simple shapes. No frills. There are few accessories, but they are chosen with taste.

4. Minimalism

You can use silver or white Christmas tree, or sprinkle the needles with sparkles. For decoration, they take a very small number of toys, as a rule, of one discreet color. One-color unblinking garlands with a sparse arrangement of lights are appropriate here.

5. Victorian style

This is a classic outfit. The main colors are gold and red. The Christmas tree is generously hung with toys, figurines of cherubs, ribbons, bows, golden beads.

The garland should be red or yellow. Availability required gift boxes under the tree and no tinsel.

6. Vintage

A riot of lights and colors is foreseen. A large amount of tinsel, the presence of tangerines and apples, vintage toys.

Under the Christmas tree they put wadded or foam New Year's characters: the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, a snowman, an astronaut. And at the crown is placed a traditional scarlet star.

7. Modern

Artificial Christmas trees of flashy colors will be appropriate here. Often, coniferous wood is spray-painted or not used at all. It is replaced by a stylized imitation of any materials.

It is not even necessary to imitate a Christmas tree, it is enough to achieve a pyramidal design. This piece can be decorated with anything, including junk, wire scraps and spare parts. Agree that this option will not be appropriate in every interior.


Before decorating a Christmas tree in 2018, read the safety rules.

  1. The tree must be stable. Fastening must be secure
  2. There should not be any open fire either on the Christmas tree itself or in its immediate vicinity. If there is a desire to use candles or lamps, they should only be electric. Otherwise, let them be only decorative elements. They should not be lit.
  3. Electric garlands must be in good working order. They should be positioned so that there are no difficulties with plugging them into the outlet.
  4. If the family has small children or active pets, then you need to carefully select Christmas tree decorations. Too small accessories are best avoided so that the baby does not have the opportunity to swallow them, put them in his nose or in his ear. Animals may also try to eat some new Year decoration. For the same reason, all figures must be solid, without removable elements. Also, do not use fragile and breakable objects. The Christmas tree should be safe for everyone without exception.

The New Year tree is a green beauty, which is the main symbol of the winter holidays in almost every home. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree decorates the interior, creates a mood and a warm atmosphere of the upcoming holidays. In this article we will tell you how to decorate a Christmas tree for the upcoming New Year, make it beautiful and stylish.

The Christmas tree can be decorated with the most various decorations: purchased Christmas toys, glass balls, cones, tinsel, lights and garlands, homemade crafts, gingerbread, sweets, flowers and many, many others. Below we will take a closer look at several options for how to decorate a Christmas tree, which will be relevant in the coming year.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018

By eastern horoscope the coming year will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. And this means that the main shades of the New Year holidays will be bright and warm colors: yellow, red, gold, orange. They should be used not only in your outfits, but also to decorate your Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree, decorated in warm colors, sparkling with golden tinsel and cheerful lights, will definitely please the “hostess” of this year. Use yellow not only to decorate the Christmas tree in style, but also to decorate the table and the whole house. So you will be able to decorate the entire interior, adhering to a single style.

Now you know what colors to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018.

On a note: The main rule for the upcoming New Year is the use of warm, bright and joyful colors.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in the year of the dog

To decorate the Christmas tree, most of us use purchased toys and tinsel. However, there are many more ways to beautifully decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys, children's crafts, delicious edible surprises and other items. Let's look at some original and interesting options decorations that are perfect for meeting the new year 2018.

glass balls

Christmas balls suspended on threads or ribbons are the most common decor. Large glass balls, plain or decorated with a beautiful new year pattern look traditional and festive.

If you decorate your Christmas tree with colorful toys every year, we recommend that you try to maintain a single color scheme. Don't know what color to decorate the Christmas tree? Stop your choice on warm shades. The most organic in the year of the Yellow Dog will look like a Christmas tree dressed up with gold and red glass balls.

edible decorations

Puzzling over how to decorate the Christmas tree in the most unusual way for this New Year? A real holiday surprise for guests and their kids will be a Christmas tree decorated with edible goodies. On the Christmas tree you can hang figured gingerbread cookies and honey gingerbread, painted with sugar icing, walnuts, wrapped in golden foil, apples, dried citrus slices and all kinds of candies strung on threads.

Decorated with sweets natural or faux Christmas tree will look festive and homely, will become an interior decoration and a real joy for all children.

Electric garlands

What New Year can do without sparkling lights? Long beautiful candles, sparklers and electric garlands are essential attributes of the main winter holiday.

If this year you decide to pay close attention to the issue of how to properly decorate a Christmas tree, we recommend using our next tip. Decorate the Christmas tree not with multi-colored, but with plain yellow lights. Their warm glow and joyful shimmer will definitely please the hostess of the coming year - the Yellow Dog.

Tinsel and rain

Similar advice can be given to those who are going to use rain and tinsel to decorate the Christmas tree. When choosing these Christmas tree decorations, you should also pay attention to warm shades. Instead of the usual silvery rain, buy gold and red tinsel.

Flowers and plants

A Christmas tree decorated with flowers is relative new tradition that came to us from the West. But every year this way of decorating a green beauty can be increasingly found in the homes of our compatriots. The earthen dog, which is the symbol of the coming year, will surely enjoy the use of flowers, cones and plants in decorating the house.

Photo gallery

In the gallery we have collected a variety of photos of decorated Christmas trees for the New Year. Among the many presented pictures, you will surely be able to choose a photo of a beautiful decorated Christmas tree that will harmoniously fit into the interior of your home.

We hope that the presented tips and photos will tell you how to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully, and it will become the main decoration and a worthy symbol of the upcoming holiday.

With the onset of winter, the time is approaching to decide how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018 year of the Dog. You can celebrate the holiday in the traditional style, but if you want to make friends with the mistress of the next astrological cycle, then you need to know her favorite colors, treats and toys.

You should prepare in advance for the arrival of the Christmas holidays in order to correctly think over the program, menu, decor, and choose the appropriate costumes. The problem with the decor is among the main topics that should be considered in the New Year's Eve. Many owners do not acquire real trees by dressing up colorful products made from artificial needles. When deciding how to decorate in 2018, a blue or silver beauty in accordance with all the rules Eastern calendar, many problems can arise.

Types of Christmas trees for the New Year of the Dog:

How beautiful to decorate the Christmas tree 2018?

If you read the advice of popular astrologers on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018, then you need to remember that the symbol of the upcoming stellar period prefers home comfort to luxury and has a bad attitude towards lush decor. It is advisable to use traditional techniques to meet the Year of the Dog, natural materials, do not resort to defiant design, bright and flashy colors.

If you make the wrong decision in what color to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018, then it makes no sense to follow Eastern traditions in other details. The Chinese prefer to decorate the interior on the eve of the meeting of the Earth Dog in golden, brown, yellow, orange shades. Decor in these warm colors is perfect for a festive atmosphere. For example, combining gold with red or in green, available chic outfit for or living forest beauty.

If you do not have the opportunity to find special toys in the shape of a dog, then you can solve the problem of how to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018, in a simple way- install a soft plush dog at the foot of a coniferous tree. You can sprinkle it with sequins and serpentine, put a red cap on your head, and cover the floor around with foam plastic chips or cotton wool. There is a plethora of modern store decor that is sold in stores and is chic for the year of the Earth Dog:

If you have already come to the solution of the question of how to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018, then you need to try to find suitable balls on the appropriate topic. It is recommended to meet the year of the Dog with balls of yellow, gold, light brown, orange color. Products decorated with drawings with cheerful yellow or red puppies, dogs with a light brown color are perfect. If there is no suitable decor, then it is allowed to embroider or knit a piece of fabric with the desired image and wrap it around the finished glass ball.

The New Year tree 2018 is approaching, how to decorate an apartment in an original way and make it elegant forest beauty per year of the Dog with available funds? Experienced needlewomen know that it is easy to make elegant home decor from transparent and elastic tulle with its dense and uniform thread. Popular homemade products from this material are miniature Christmas trees, they are suitable as a table decor or in the form of Christmas decorations. The trunk is made of wire, and the tiers of decorative needles are made of strips of green or multi-colored tulle.

Examples of tulle toys for the Christmas tree 2018:

Shop decorations look elegant, but homemade toys made personally or in the company of your children are more pleasing to the eye and often become family heirlooms. When designing a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 of the Dog, take a little time to make homemade decor from cones, fabric, plasticine, various gilded or silver-plated tinsel.

Types of homemade Christmas tree decor 2018:

The most pleasant process on the eve of the arrival of New Year's Eve is the decoration of a forest beauty. Previously, it was believed that thorny evergreen branches of trees drive away evil spirits, with the advent of Christianity, Christmas trees turned from a scarecrow into the main festive element of the interior. Candies and apples eventually began to be replaced with gilded glass balls, lanterns and other decor. The USSR has its own tradition of decorating a Christmas tree, with stars and Soviet symbols, and recently everything more people trying to decorate his house in oriental style.

Christmas tree design depending on the style:

What date to decorate the Christmas tree 2018?

Picking up the best decoration Christmas trees for 2018, it is advisable to pre-set the day when you bring the tree into the room and start decorating it. If you want to celebrate the New Year in a Western way, then this should be done in early December a couple of weeks before catholic christmas. There are no problems with an artificial tree, but a real forest beauty without moisture can crumble in a few days. It is advisable to mount it on a stand in a bucket of water or in a container of wet sand.

With the approach of the new year, many are trying to decorate their homes. This helps to fill the premises with a festive atmosphere, adding even more comfort. Important decorate the Christmas tree for the new year in 2018 year harmoniously. Therefore, you should use the recommendations so that the symbol of the holiday is decorated correctly and beautifully.

The eve of such a holiday as the New Year always turns into the most wonderful time, because it at least briefly returns adults to childhood, and gives children the opportunity to experience the feeling of a fairy tale.

The coming year will be held under the sign of the Dog, when decorating the New Year tree in 2018, this should be taken into account.

You should start with large toys. They can be placed at the bottom of the Christmas tree or evenly around its entire perimeter. The final choice is up to you, based on your own taste. You can create the effect that the toys, like in a pyramid, increase in size closer to the crown. Or they will hang in a checkerboard pattern. Do not place nearby products that match in shade, size or shape.

Jewelry colors should be bright and catchy.

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, so the shades of this element should prevail in the Christmas tree attire.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year

The symbol of the coming year is of key importance. This time it's the Yellow Dog. Keep in mind that she prefers naturalness, is distinguished by friendliness and modesty. The color scheme may include golden, yellow, shades of beige or brown. Suitable for the Christmas tree is white or a natural palette of green. The Christmas tree should be distinguished by restraint, no frills. Give up or reduce the amount of tinsel.

Give preference to natural decorations like cones, fruits, nuts.

In what style to decorate a Christmas tree for 2018 - photos, fashion options, ideas

It is important to decide in advance on the style of the Christmas tree. It must be fully combined with the overall design of the room. Therefore, it is worth relying on your own preferences and the organicity of the chosen style entering the overall picture of the house. There are many design options. It is important to consider each in order to choose the most suitable one. Most often they stop at the classics, but there are other decor options.

When decorating a festive interior, you need to use as many shiny objects, tinsel, sparkling Christmas garlands.

Please the mistress of the year, and she will give you good luck and success in various areas of life.

Christmas tree in European style-2018 (photos, options, modern ideas)

It has a luxurious look and is popular. The key features are the elegance of the created image and its restraint. Bows, angels and balls are suitable for decoration. Be sure to have a consistent color palette. More often you can find elements that have the same shape. Do not combine more than three tones in one composition. Bows are often used in red. Elements of blue, silver or golden hue can be added to them.

In order for your green beauty to look as stylish and bright as possible, you can use the basic algorithms for decorating her.

Christmas tree in a marine style-2018 (photos, options, fashion ideas)

If you want to surprise guests and add originality to the overall design, you should choose sea ​​style. Such a tree will look very unusual. Toys and decor items can be made with my own hands. To do this, you will need shells, pebbles from the sea, figures and pictures of the inhabitants of the sea. Everything related to the marine theme can be used. The composition will look unusual, original and beautiful.

More often Christmas balls hung in a chaotic, random order, the garlands are wound around, and the tree seems to be ready.

Christmas tree decoration in the style of Provence-2018 (photo)

It features a combination of pastel colors with natural materials. Looks very gentle. For jewelry, light colors, such as blue or lavender, are suitable. The decor consists of balls, bows, snowflakes. You can add small snowmen and Christmas trees.

There are several rules that can turn a Christmas tree into a real work of art.

Handmade jewelry looks great. It is important to observe the measure. There should not be a flashy composition. The Christmas tree should exude tenderness and tranquility, filling the house with a soft, cozy atmosphere.

Do not forget about the competent selection of shades of jewelry, dressing up a festive tree.

Feng Shui Christmas tree decoration in 2018 (photos, examples, options)

If you want to do everything according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is recommended to start by choosing the right place to install the Christmas tree. If you want to increase the financial condition of the family, you should choose the area in the southeast of the room. The decor should be in red, silver and gold.

In 2018, the coniferous beauty should shine and sparkle as much as possible, but this does not mean that you need to hang toys of all the colors of the rainbow on it.

Be sure to place rain, a garland of bright flowers on the forest beauty. From this, it will turn into a money tree. It doesn't matter if you put a real spruce or an artificial one. If you prefer to choose a different design and colors for the composition, it is recommended to install it in the northwest of the room. If you need to strengthen, improve relations in the family, choose the eastern region.

In modern times, handicraft style in decorating a festive tree is becoming increasingly popular.

For the symbol of the coming year, it is important to place coins, money or gold jewelry on the beauty. It is recommended that the balloons hang on red strings. Remember that the place where you put the Christmas tree and the decorative elements located on it are a kind of "order" from you to the universe. Therefore, you should carefully think about what you want to get, adjust and place the right jewelry on the beauty.

The Christmas tree greatly contributes to creating the right atmosphere in the house.

Snowmen to decorate the Christmas tree, photo

A similar decoration is sold in the store. But it is more interesting and exciting to make snowmen yourself. You can enlist the help of children. Fabric, cardboard, felt and even chocolate are suitable for manufacturing. If you have everything you need and skill, you can make a snowman out of wool. It will look very unusual and beautiful. Not only hung on the Christmas tree, but also presented to guests as a gift.

A beautifully decorated Christmas tree will create a festive atmosphere in the house and become the center of the New Year's interior.

New Year's Eve preparation is a great opportunity to spend time with family and children, to captivate them with the process of creating New Year's toys with your own hands.

Christmas tree in country style 2018 (photo)

The key feature is the maximum engagement of jewelry self made. Therefore, you will have to show all the talent and imagination to create the decor with your own hands. You can connect all family members to the process and have a good time.

A luminous garland is an integral part of the New Year's decor.

Toys can be knitted, made from paper or cardboard, sewn. Make garlands and beads. Country reflects the rustic style, where natural materials and elements made by yourself are in priority.

Longitudinal arrangement of toys on the Christmas tree

Toys on the Christmas tree can be arranged in various ways. One option is longitudinal. According to this principle, a garland is also placed, fixed at the top and stretched along the branches to the base of the beauty.

You can hang garlands on a Christmas tree in three ways: vertically, horizontally (floor) and in a spiral.

If you don’t want to arrange all the decorative elements in this way, you can tie the tinsel with a bow and place it between the passing lines. Looks original and beautiful.

The original idea of ​​decorating with balloons is in the order of rainbow colors.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018?

The order of decorating the Christmas tree is shown in the table. It is recommended to stick to it so as not to forget anything and arrange everything correctly.

Beautiful, shiny, elegant glass balls are the main element of a beautiful Christmas tree "outfit".

Stages Description
Stage #1 Start by fixing the beauty. This is especially true if there is Small child or animals that can topple the tree. Therefore, it is important to take care of reliability. A heavy metal stand will do. You can hide it from the eyes with tinsel.
Stage #2 Then move on to the garland. Make sure it is correct first. It should be wrapped around the structure so that you can conveniently reach the outlet and turn it on.
Stage 3 Proceed to the main design, using decorative elements prepared in advance. Toys must be placed evenly so that there are no gaps in the composition. But it's not worth covering everything completely. Otherwise, the tree itself simply will not be visible.
Stage 4 The final action is the design of the crown. It all depends on the chosen style. You can place a star, pike or a beautiful, large bow.

Thanks to the different colors of the balls, you can create completely unexpected Christmas-tree "outfits".

A fashionable trend for decorating a festive spruce is beads.

Christmas tree in eco-style-2018 (photo)

A feature of this design is moderation and maximum simplicity. The minimum number of colors, a variety of materials. The ideal option it becomes not a purchased Christmas tree, but made by you personally from improvised means.

Do not use an excessive amount of toys - everything should be in moderation.

Forest beauty should look beautiful, but modest. Without pomp and pomposity. This decor is perfect for families with children. After all, you can make a Christmas tree and decorations for it with your own hands.

To create a unique decoration, you are not limited in your fantasies.

VIDEO: How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018.

50 original Christmas tree decor options for the New Year 2018:

Very soon, the windows of apartments and houses will shine with the colors of New Year's garlands. We offer spruce decoration ideas so that in 2019 it will attract good luck and prosperity to the house! A green forest beauty will flaunt in each apartment - an essential attribute of the upcoming holiday.

Ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 will be discussed below. Regardless of whether you have a living tree or an artificial one, there is various ways how to decorate it winter holidays. Let's go through them briefly and give some tips, given that 2019 is the Year of the Pig.

New Year is always the birth of a fairy tale, magic and sorcery. New Year's Eve is famous all over the world for sincere love, kindness and amazing comfort. How is this festive and at the same time cordial atmosphere created?

In the tense bustle on the eve of the enchanting New Year's event, any housewife will ask herself the question: how to dress up a Christmas tree for 2019so that the holiday becomes unforgettable? The magic of transformation, cheerful dressing up affect not only the ubiquitous kids, but also the main "culprit" of the celebration - the green forest beauty. There is a little less than a month before the onset of everyone's favorite holiday - the New Year.

Most likely you already know that the new 2019 a year will pass under the sign of the yellow pig. How to make this year successful for you in every way?

The New Year is the holiday that is always looked forward to and for which they begin to prepare in advance. The Christmas tree is one of the most important symbols of the New Year holidays. Christmas and new year holidays some are associated with relaxation, others with travel, and others with hopes for the fulfillment of cherished desires.

However, for almost all people, the New Year is accompanied by the smell of fresh spruce - a fluffy forest beauty dressed up in bright toys and shiny tinsel. Winter is a wonderful time of the year. All nature seems to fall asleep under a soft snow cover, lulled by snowstorms. The onset of the New Year at this time adds a certain mystical mood.

In anticipation of miraculous changes, people begin to actively prepare for the holiday. And, of course, what is the New Year without an elegant forest beauty. Many are already starting to think about how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019? IN new year's eve this is exactly the element of the interior, which is focused on the most attention. Therefore, the design of the Christmas tree should be such that it can please not only you, but also all your guests.

The best photos of the New Year tree 2019 Year of the Pig

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree ancient history. Initially, the main symbol of the New Year was decorated with sweets, then with wooden crafts, and later with Christmas tree decorations.

However, at all times, the choice of certain Christmas tree decorations was not just a tribute to fashion, but also a way to attract good luck to your home and appease the chief New Year's guest which came to us from the pages of the Eastern calendar.

In 2019, the Earth Pig will be such a guest. In this regard, the main task arises - how to decorate the Christmas tree this year? This will be discussed today, and we will try to answer all your questions as fully as possible.

The Yellow Pig, who will become the mistress of the next year, does not like pomp and pretentiousness. This symbol is designed to bring peace and tranquility to people, giving everyone long-awaited happiness. Therefore, so that a guest from Eastern countries does not bypass your house, decorate the Christmas tree with small concise toys that will emphasize the beauty of the New Year tree.

In color design, it is recommended to give preference to green, blue, silver and brown tones. Thinking about how to decorate the 2019 New Year tree, be sure to make or purchase a figurine main character holiday - Pig, and hang it in the most visible place.

Also, this oriental symbol favors all natural objects, so toys made of wood, hay, dried twigs or dough will come in handy more than ever. Eastern traditions and culture are closely intertwined with the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, which has special rules regarding the process of decorating a Christmas tree.

For example, those people who most of all want to meet their love next year should install a Christmas tree in the farthest right corner of the house. Decorating an evergreen beauty in this case should be paired with toys of pink or red tones.

How to hang toys on the Christmas tree 2019 New Year photo ideas

First, we take large specimens and, in accordance with our taste, distribute them evenly over the Christmas tree or place them below.

The fact is that someone likes the pyramidal way of decorating, when the toys increase in size as they approach the bottom, while others, on the contrary, seem more beautiful when all the sizes of the toys are staggered. Note! Never hang toys of the same size, shape and color side by side!

Experienced housewives are advised to attach them with a green thread. You can make your Christmas tree more spectacular by hanging the most beautiful toys in the center of the composition, and placing the less attractive ones on the sides and on the back of the tree.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in 2019

In order for your Christmas tree to look like a real queen, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions. All decorations should look harmonious, not stand out by individual elements.

  • First you need to take care of a reliable mount for your Christmas tree.. This stage is especially important for those families in which there are small children or animals that can turn it upside down with one movement. That's why the best option there will be a heavy metal stand. You can disguise it New Year's tinsel, a beautiful shiny fabric (satin is quite suitable) or fluffy cotton wool.
  • The next element of decoration is a garland.. Pre-check its serviceability, then wrap the wires around the Christmas tree, twisting in a spiral. Calculate everything so that the garland reaches the outlet so that you do not have to drag the tree to a new place.
  • Next, hang chains, rain and fluffy tinsel in a horizontal position(green with white tips will look chic and give volume to your Christmas tree).
  • The next step is to place the toys. Fill the empty spaces between the garlands and tinsel with them, evenly distributing them throughout the Christmas tree. However, do not veil your beauty too tightly. The main thing is to emphasize its natural beauty. Try to hang toys not only at the tips, but also in the depths of furry paws.
  • And the finishing touch is the crown. Depending on the style of your winter beauty, you can place a pointed peak, a star or a chic bow on top of it.

Symbolic decorations for the Christmas tree in the New Year 2019

Pigs love to decorate themselves with bells. Note! This melodic bell in 2019 will be the trend of the year. A few bells on the Christmas tree, decorated with blue or green bows, will become a bait for your happiness. Their beautiful sound will be a kind of beacon for your well-being next year.

The pig loves to graze among cornflowers, buttercups, daisies. Although it is not customary for us to decorate the Christmas tree with fresh flowers, you can find a way out by arranging a couple of baskets on the New Year tree. Since then, love and romance will be the companions of your happiness in the coming year.

The symbolic object will be the Horn of Plenty, which you can make yourself from cardboard or wood, so that it reminds you of the well-being of life. Then the whole year you will live in abundance.