Children's New Year's toys on the city Christmas tree. City Christmas tree toy - Clock. Do-it-yourself New Year's foam plastic toys

Hi all. Yesterday in the kindergarten I was given the task to prepare some kind of toy for the city street Christmas tree. I saw only one of these toys - a candy toy, and one mother made it for 2 years in a row. But this year they (the district administration) do not like such candy toys and were told to come up with something new.

Of the options proposed by the educators were:

1. Color the flower pot and make it in the form of a bell.

2. Wrap the children's ball with foil so that you get a Christmas ball on the Christmas tree.

To be honest, my head is occupied with something completely different, so we will look for what other craftswomen and sites offer. I share the most interesting.

Toys for a street Christmas tree with your own hands - a selection of ideas and master classes.

Insert an aluminum wire into the first tube (I got it from the "noodle" electrical wire) so that it does not break under the weight of the disk.

Put the disk on a reinforced tube and fix it with silicone glue (hot gun) so that it does not hang out.

So that hot silicone does not flow out of a sufficiently wide hole in the center of the disk, cut 2 "washers" out of cardboard. String a "washer" on the tube, apply hot silicone on it and glue the disk to the washer and, at the same time, to the center of the tube. Glue the second "washer" with on the other side. Thus, the disk is securely fixed in the center of the straw.
String a straw with a disc and 2 more straws on a strong thread. Close them into a triangle.

The joints of the tubes and cardboard "washers" can be decorated with tinsel.
Interesting toy ready to decorate the street tree!
The description may seem incomprehensible - in fact, this toy is made very simply.

From V E N E R A.

Mini mk.
1) 2 identical packages of semi-finished products - glue together. (only glue for ceiling tiles)
2) paint with silver (diluted with water-based varnish)
3) decoupage .. for festivity, I covered the edges with sparkles and outlined the contours)))
4) wrapped around the joints with a ribbon. also on titanium glue .. and made a loop for her
You can do the same with plastic bowls...

I received a task from school to make a toy for a street Christmas tree, I thought and decided to make a ball. I took cut packages, crumpled them up, twisted a ball, periodically dripped PVA glue, cake strings and sequins + gold paint. Diameter 20-22 cm.

Made from plastic bags, fixed with masking tape, painted with gold spray paint and decorated as they say, what it was :), in this case, tinsel, bows, a garland of flat snowflakes

New Year's toy on the street tree, author Olga Gulyomina.

It took to work:
two ceiling tiles;
ruler, pencil, scissors;
small rectangular box;
food foil;
colored foil;
small toys for decoration;
12 M&M`S sweets;
clear nail polish;
braid 60 cm;
2 tubes of glue-moment.

To get started, take a ceiling tile, put a box on it and draw a house with a pencil and a ruler. Then measure the sides and prepare blanks for the side walls, roof and floor of the house. Then cut out all the details. Cover large parts with food foil, and small ones with colored foil.

Glue the box to the front and back of the house. Cut two holes in the top of the box and thread the ribbon through them. Sew the ends together to form a loop and tuck them into the box so they stay inside the house.
Connect and glue all parts of the house. Paste with yellow foil a circle for the dial previously cut from the ceiling tile. Glue it to the house.

Coat M&M`S candies with two layers of nail polish, dry and glue instead of numbers on the dial. Cut out arrows from colored foil and glue.
Decorate the roof of the house with small toys. To do this, simply glue them on the glue moment. The clock house is ready.

Such a lamp will look good in the nursery, as children love bright and unusual things. Such polyhedra can be made from disks: a cube (four faces), an icosahedron (20 faces in the form of triangles), a dodecahedron (12 faces in the form of pentagons - shown in the photo), a tetrahedron or a pyramid - 3 faces.
Each face is one disk. First, you need to make a template out of paper according to the shape of the face required for the figure. For example, for a cube it is a square, for a dodecahedron it is a pentagon, and so on. According to this template, we mark the cuts on the CDs. The cut itself is made on half of the side of the template, and for all sides of this craft from disks, this part of the side (the place of cut) should be the same - for all parts it is left or for all it is right. Cuts can be made with a hacksaw, a red-hot awl, or even a grinder. In this case, the melted edges of the discs are cut off with a clerical knife. When assembling, one element is inserted into the cut of the next, and so on the entire lamp. It is necessary to carefully assemble the elements, so if the disks are bent, they can break.

, author Irina Yufereva.

New Year's ball from 12 computer disks. Economical, environmentally friendly and sustainable. Especially good for outdoor Christmas trees, because it does not deteriorate. Tape connection. Still a little unfinished.

I mark the pentagon with a protractor at 72 degrees, the distance between the faces is 8 cm. I cut it with scissors, I didn’t think that they cut so well.

Christmas balls from CDs on a street tree, author I am Oksana.

We prepare materials:
1. old and unnecessary CDs (12 disks are needed for one ball)
2. A soldering iron with a sharp tip (I think you can somehow do without it, but it will work faster with this device)
3. Glue gun
4. Wire
5. Tinsel (I used thin) - about 4 meters
6. Good mood and time about 40 minutes.
STEP 1: cut out a template - a pentagon with sides of about 6.5 - 7 cm. We will need it for the next step
STEP2: we apply our template to the disk and use a soldering iron to make 5 holes in the disk according to the corners of the pentagon. And so with all 12 disks
Step 3: cut the wire. In the future, we will fasten our parts together with this wire.
Step 4: Begin to collect the ball. The ends of the wire look in wrong side our future ball. Then we begin to connect the last 5 disks to each other (see the arrows)
It looks like a vase.
Step 6: Place the second row of disks in a checkerboard pattern relative to the first row. and then we close everything with the last (12th) disk. Our ball is ready. You can decorate with tinsel.

In general, I found a ball from plastic cups, just what you need. Doing it turned out to be very simple, and for the money it turned out only 28 UAH (200 cups - 16 UAH, a pack of paper clips - 2 UAH and 5 rains - 10 UAH). I bought 300 cups. - so it was written everywhere, and it took 190 pieces to make a ball.

I want to tell you how I did it, otherwise in the net step by step instructions did not find. In general, there were two options on the net: 1) first make a circle of cups, and then build rows on top, reducing the number of cups in each, 2) first fasten 3 cups, and then attach "flowers" - hexagons, step by step there was no and I decided do it your own way, focusing on a soccer ball, which has both hexagons and pentagons.

I fastened the cups with a stapler at the bottom and at the top, but this was at first, then mostly only at the bottom, in general, this is according to the situation, some could not be fastened from all sides

And so, let's go:
1) fasten the cups into a "flower" (so far 1 pc.)
2) fasten the cups into a "flower without a petal" (3 pcs.)
3) and also fasten the "flower with three petals" (1 pc.)
4) lay it out like this. It turns out that the "flowers" have 2 common petals
5) now we fasten these details + 1 cup, so that in the middle we get a "donut" - a pentahedron (from 5 machines)
6) do the same "bottom" of the ball
7) make "taxi checkers" (10 pcs.)
8) attach 5 "checkers" to the "top" and "bottom" of the ball like this:
9) make "flowers" (10 pcs)
10) attach 5 "flowers" to the already obtained "top" and "bottom". Attention!!! Here difficulties begin - the ball begins to round, the cups bend and even break a little, but this is not critical. So, when you attach a "flower", then between the base and the "flower" you should get a "donut"
11) now you need to put the two halves together like a puzzle. When folded, you get "flowers" without a middle, into which you need to insert one more cup, there will be 10 such cups-middles. For now, we are inserting 9 of them.
12) what do we do with the 10th cup-middle? For strength, we insert another cup into it, pierce a hole with an awl, substitute metal washers into the cup and under the cup (for strength), stretch the synthetic cord right size in the form of a loop, we tie a few knots under the cup and tie a knot in the cup too. It turned out a loop on which we will hang our ball. Then we also insert this cup-middle already with a loop into the ball.

On the eve of the New Year, every person wants to dress up the Christmas tree in their home as soon as possible. But often the preparation for the celebration does not end with this occupation. In schools and kindergartens, children are given tasks to make decorations for the city Christmas tree. Therefore, in this article we will make Christmas decorations with our own hands for a street Christmas tree.

Beautiful and large Christmas decorations

Santa Claus from a bottle.

How many crafts can be made from plastic bottles? The answer is simple - a lot. New Year is the holiday when bottles become the basis for creativity. For the first craft, you will need a 5 liter bottle. It is painted with red paint. While the paint dries, you need to prepare plastic spoons. Cut off their handles.

To make the face of Santa Claus, you should use white paint. Her facial features are outlined, and a beard is formed with the help of spoons. They are glued with super glue to the bottle. Spoons are glued as sides. They also make gloves. For additional decoration use shiny tinsel.

Aircraft from plastic containers.

It is worth noting that plastic containers for shampoos and cleaning products should not be thrown away. Having your own imagination, you can make something interesting out of it. And the plane will become such a toy. Initially, a plastic container is pasted over with strips of colored paper, and then wings are attached to the toy. Now you just need to attach a thread so that the toy can be hung.

Christmas toys from cotton wool.

This article will tell you how to make Christmas decorations for a street tree. For example, they can be built from cotton wool, and now we will tell you how to do it. So:

Initially, they make a frame for the toy. It will be made from wire.

After that, take the cotton wool that you have prepared. Mittens and felt boots are made from the material.

To make the body, you need a little bit of paper. It is glued to the frame, and after that cotton wool is glued to the layer of paper.

After that, proceed to the creation of the head. For this, foam is used. Paints are also used to color it and give it colors.

And the hat and braid are made of cotton wool. As a result, everything will look not only beautiful, but also spectacular. Use glitter to make your toy's clothes even prettier.

Christmas toys made of glue and thread.

An ordinary thread can turn into a real work of art. But here without imagination and necessary materials it's impossible to get by. Use balloons of different sizes, as well as glue. If you explain the process of work, then even a child can succeed. So:

Glue is poured into the vessel, and the thread itself is lowered into this vessel. If you use a thick thread, then your craft will be voluminous. As a result, it will take longer to dry. This thread is wrapped around the ball, and then it is allowed to dry. Then balloon pierced and it turns out a beautiful work. Now you can paint it with spray paint, and then attach a loop to it.

Volume ball.

Today we are making large New Year's toys for the street tree. It is worth noting that handy materials can be used for such toys. For example, ordinary disks can turn out to be such material. There are probably a lot of them in every house. So for crafts you will have to cut several unnecessary disks into pieces.

A foam ball is used as a base. Next, with a glue gun, each piece is attached to the base. Don't forget to make a loop for hanging.

Christmas tree house clock.

If you need a big Christmas tree decoration on a street tree, then our article is ready to present you a lot of interesting things. The next toy will be interesting because it looks voluminous and beautiful. Several materials are used to make this craft:

  • A couple of ceiling tiles
  • Scissors, pencil and ruler
  • rectangular box,
  • Foil color and food,
  • Candies and small toys for decoration,
  • Braid and nail polish,
  • Glue moment.


Initially, take the ceiling tiles and put the box on top of them. Using a pencil, draw a house on the tile. Then measure the sides and prepare blanks for the side walls. Blanks will be required for: walls, roof and floor.

All details are cut out and large elements are pasted over with food foil. Colored foil is used for small details.

The box is glued to the back and front wall of the house. A hole is cut in the upper part and a braid is threaded through them. The ends of the braid are then sewn together. You will have a loop. She is put in a box.

Now all parts of the house are connected, and then glued together. Yellow foil is glued over the round dial of the watch. It is cut from ceiling tiles. After it can be glued to the toy in this form.

Round candies must be varnished. He needs to dry them. After they are glued to the dial instead of numbers. Small toys decorate the roof of the house. And after the product can be sent to a competition or a Christmas tree.

Christmas tree candy.

Each christmas tree cannot imagine its existence without the traditional decoration - sweets. Indeed, this craft is the simplest Christmas toy. This requires cardboard, which is rolled into a cylinder. Then the object that you have turned out is wrapped in a bright cloth. Beads and tinsel are used for decoration.

Gift toy.

The next simple toy is the gift toy. It requires a simple box, which is packaged wrapping paper. In order for your toy not to deteriorate, it is pasted over with cellophane. For even more decoration, a bright and large bow is glued to the box.

Big star.

Here are ideas for Christmas toys for a street Christmas tree. They are usually performed from different materials. This Christmas tree star is made from simple branches. But first you need to find the right ones, then they are cut to the required length, and then they are folded in the form of an asterisk. The structure is tied with wire, and then additionally fragile places are coated with silicone. For decoration, the craft is sprinkled with artificial snow. Also use cones for decoration.


If you work hard, you will get a great toy. Styrofoam is required, preferably dark in color. To get a beautiful figure, use a stencil. Cut out the snowman with a utility knife. How about decorating a snowman? acrylic paints. It remains to make a hole and the toy will be ready.

Big ball.

If a competition is planned on the theme of a New Year's toy for a street tree, then in our article we have collected the best specimens for you. To make a ball, take a styrofoam base and attach pine cones to it using instant glue. To decorate the composition, bright berries can also be attached to the ball.

Summing up

Of course, this is a small part of the crafts. But here are only the most interesting ones. They, for sure, will take their rightful place on the Christmas tree or at the competition.

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Very soon a snow cover will cover the earth and the New Year holidays will smell in the air. If you have a coniferous tree (pine, spruce, thuja) growing in your yard or in your country house, then it's time to think about their festive decoration. Do not rush to run to the Christmas tree decorations store and buy everything there that shimmers beautifully with sparkles. It is better to make decorations for the Christmas tree with your own hands. If nothing comes to mind, then carefully look at the photo and read the secrets of making different toys.


How Christmas tree do without a traditional toy? This is the simplest thing you can do. Take cardboard, roll it into a cylindrical shape and wrap the resulting object with a bright cloth or colored cellophane. Tie it around the edges. Use tinsel and beads as decorative elements.


Another simple Christmas toy. To make it, you need to “hide” any old box under wrapping paper and glue a layer of cellophane on top. Don't forget to tie the package beautiful ribbon with a big bow. Such a gift looks very good against the background of pine needles.


As a base, take a regular foam ball and paste over it pine cones mixed with small balls of beige sisal. All components are attached to the foam with a silicone hot gun.


For the manufacture of this toy, you need to take a dense polyethylene of green and white shades. Cut it into square pieces and form triangles from each. Use a glue gun to glue the blanks onto the base so that you get a Christmas tree.

big star

And this toy is made of ordinary twigs. Fold the cut branches into a star shape and tie with wire. The most fragile places should be additionally coated with silicone. Sprinkle the craft with artificial snow and decorate with cones, acorns, plastic snowflakes.


From a thin sheet of foam, cut out a snowman figure using a stencil. It is best to do this work with a clerical knife. Draw a hat, scarf and muzzle with acrylic paints.


The basis for this bird, as well as for the snowman, is foam. But it is made not only with paints, but also with sequins, rhinestones, half beads.


This toy will be mastered by the one who knows how to sew. It is made from waterproof fabric. It is necessary to cut 2 identical blanks, sew them and fill them with padding polyester. Tinsel is sewn along the edge of the star, and bows are sewn on the fabric.


Another styrofoam toy. If you like it, do it like this: cut out a snowflake with a head using a stencil, and then paint the workpiece with acrylic paints on both sides. The wind will spin the toy, but whatever one may say, it is still beautiful.

little asterisk

Such a toy can be made of hardboard or wood. To do this, cut out an asterisk, paint it in golden color and decorate with glitter. To secure them, drill small holes in the corners. This toy looks very original.


The pine cones on this craft are fixed onto a styrofoam ball. There are also red beads that imitate small berries.


Take a cardboard blank as a basis. Cover it with cellophane and decorate with a floral net, and tie a golden ribbon bow on top. This bell looks very cute.


Cut out the base from thick cardboard or hardboard. Self-adhesive film and colored cellophane can be used as decor.


This toy is made from the same materials as the previous one. We need cardboard blanks pasted over with a self-adhesive film. The waves along which the boat will sail can be laid out from blue tinsel.

small house

Take 1 big box and 1 small one. Decorate them with wrapping paper, glue them on top and bottom white cloth and tinsel of the same color. A small box is connected to a large one with silicone, resulting in a house with a porch. Near it, you can fix the figure of Santa with a bag of gifts in his hands.


The base of this toy is cut from hardboard using a stencil. On the dial, draw houses, windows, Christmas trees in the snow, a snowman, children, or something of your own. Glue arrows in the center of the clock to indicate that New Year is about to come.


This cute toy is made on an oval-shaped foam base. It needs to be pasted over with strips of white polyethylene. Paws, wings and comb can be made from self-adhesive film and cardboard.

Father Frost

No one will guess that there is a five-liter bottle inside this one. Do you want to do the same? Then find the right one plastic container and paint it with spray paint. You can use blue and white. Make a beard and hair from foam balls, fixing them with silicone. The nose will be a bottle cap, the eyes can be bought at a craft store, and the mouth is a piece of red plastic. The craft is decorated with silver tinsel.

There is still plenty of time before the New Year, you can have time to make all these decorations and even come up with something of your own. The more crafts you get, the more elegant the street spruce or pine will look.

Go to the product catalog section » Trees ■ Artificial Christmas trees ECONOMY (PVC needles) . Table Christmas trees up to 0.8 m Christmas trees 0.9-1.0 m Christmas trees 1.2-1.4 m Economy. Christmas trees 1.5-1.7 m Economy. Christmas trees 1.8-1.9 m Economy. Christmas trees 2.0-2.2 m Economy. Christmas trees 2.3-2.6 m Economy. Spruce 2.7-3.0 m Economy. Tall spruces from 3.5 to 5 m Economy ■ VIP artificial Christmas trees (needles, fishing line and PVC) . Table Christmas trees up to 0.8 m VIP. Christmas trees 0.9-1.1 m VIP. Christmas trees 1.2-1.4 m VIP. Christmas trees 1.5-1.7 m VIP. Christmas trees 1.8-1.9 m VIP. Christmas trees 2.0-2.2 m VIP. Christmas trees 2.3-2.6 m VIP. Spruce 2.7-3.0 m VIP. Tall artificial Christmas trees from 3.5 to 5 m VIP ■ Artificial Christmas trees DELUXE (cast PE needles) . Christmas trees up to 1.0 m Deluxe. Christmas trees 1.2-1.4 m Deluxe. Christmas trees 1.5-1.7 m Deluxe. Christmas trees 1.8-1.9 m Deluxe. Christmas trees 2.0-2.2 m Deluxe. Christmas trees 2.3-2.6 m Deluxe. Ate 2.7-3.0 m Deluxe. Tall spruces from 3.5 to 7 m Deluxe ■ PREMIUM artificial Christmas trees (100% PE cast needles) . Spruce up to 1.55 m Premium. Fir trees over 1.85 m Premium ■ Table trees. Christmas trees with PVC needles. Christmas trees with needles from fishing line. Christmas trees with cast (PE) needles ■ Wall and wall-mounted Christmas trees ■ Narrow Christmas trees ■ Christmas trees with bulbs. Christmas trees with lights up to 1.55 m. Christmas trees with lights from 1.80 m ■ Decorative Christmas trees. Artificial Christmas trees with cones · Fir-trees up to 1.4 m with cones · Fir-trees 1.5-1.9 m with cones · Spruces above 2.0 m with cones. White fir-trees · Table-top fir-trees up to 1 m white · Fir-trees 1,2-1,9 m white · Fir-trees above 2,0 m white. Snow-covered fir trees · Fir-trees up to 1.4 m snow-covered · Fir-trees 1.5-1.7 m snow-covered · Fir-trees 1.8-1.9 m snow-covered · Fir-trees from 2.0 m snow-covered. Shiny foil Christmas trees. Decorated Christmas trees. Original "fantasy" Christmas trees ■ Elite Christmas trees of world brands. TRIUMPH TREE, Holland Spruce up to 1.55 m Triumph Spruce 1.85 m Triumph Spruce 1.95-2.15 m Triumph Spruce 2.3-2.5 m Triumph Spruce over 2.6 m Triumph Coniferous decor Triumph Electric garlands Triumph . BLACK BOX, Holland Fir from 0.6 to 2.4 m Black Box. NATIONAL TREE Co, USA Spruce up to 1.4 m National Tree Spruce 1.5-1.7 m National Tree Spruce 1.8-1.9 m National Tree Spruce over 2.0 m National Tree Coniferous decor National tree. KAEMINGK, Holland Table Christmas trees up to 0.9 m Kaeming Spruces 1.2-2.4 m Kaeming Coniferous decor Kaeming. NORDIC Collection. EverChristmaS Tsar Elka, Russia Spruce 0.6-2.4 m PVC and fishing line, EverChristmaS Spruce 0.6-3.0 m cast needles-PE, EverChristmaS Coniferous decor EverChristmaS. CRYSTAL TREES, Russia, Thailand. BEATREES MOROZCO, Russia ■ Fiber optic Christmas trees ■ Spruce stands, storage bags ■ Bedspreads, skirts, snow, baskets for fir bases High-rise Christmas trees ■ High outdoor spruces 4-45m. Ate stem MOSCOVIA and others, PVC needles. Ate stem CRYSTAL and others, FISHING needles. Spruce stem WHITE PVC needles, LINE. Fir-tree frame URAL, PVC needles. Fir-tree frame URAL, needles LINE. Spruce frame EURO-2, PVC needles and LINE. Spruce frame IMPERIAL, PVC needles and FISHING LINE. LIGHT DYNAMIC CHRISTMAS ■ Decorations, fences, installation and decoration > Decorations for high-rise Christmas trees

Expectation new year holidays always exciting. Of course, this is not only because of the most fabulous New Year, but also because of the upcoming "holidays" that both adults and children are waiting for. Many go to the festivities on the night of December 31 to January 1, and the event next to the beautiful Christmas tree is also a must. Usually it is placed somewhere in the center of the city or in several places where the main celebrations will take place. Street trees are usually decorated ahead of time, but you can do your part to decorate and make big toy on city ​​tree with your own hands.

At the same time, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, look for some expensive materials in stores, you can only show your imagination and make everything from improvised means, which often lie around unnecessarily in almost every home. It is especially interesting to do this with children. This fun will help develop imagination, improve motor skills and just have fun with the family.

Big New Year's toy - "Angel"

Option number 1 - a toy made of tubes and a disk

You will need:

  • a computer disk - now few people use them, so for sure you will find 1-2 unnecessary ones,
  • straws for cocktails (it is better to use those that are thicker) - from 16 pieces,
  • hot glue,
  • aluminum wire (you can thick wire),
  • 2 thick cardboard mugs
  • thick thread.


  1. One of the tubes needs to be strengthened. To do this, insert a wire prepared in advance along the length inside it. This is done so that the tube does not break. It will be the basis of the entire frame.
  2. Prepare 2 “washers” of cardboard in advance with a hole cut out in the middle so that the tube can be inserted there so that it stays inside.
  3. Glue both circles on both sides of the disk in the middle, where there is a hole.
  4. Next, we put the disk on a reinforced tube and grease it with hot glue so that the structure holds. When it dries, you can continue to work.
  5. Pass a strong thread through a straw with a disk, string 2 more straws on it and make a triangle out of this design.
  6. Add 2 more straws with a thread. You will get 2 triangles with one common side.
  7. Then continue in the same order, as a result you get a polyhedron.

If desired, you can use more tubes, as long as there are enough opportunities and your imagination to create a figure

The joints between the tubes and the core, where cardboard mugs are glued, can be sealed with tinsel or something else in the New Year theme.

Option number 2 - a ball of packages

This version of a large Christmas toy for a street Christmas tree with your own hands is suitable even for the smallest. The instructions are simple, and the packages can be found in any home.

Christmas tree toy "Ball"

You will need:

  • paper (any)
  • colorful glitter bags
  • ropes from a cake or gift bags,
  • PVA glue.


  1. The insides of the ball will consist of crumpled paper. To do this, take absolutely any paper, you can even use old newspapers. Crumple them one by one, gradually “winding” the next one onto the already formed ball. To keep the layers better, they can be periodically lubricated with PVA glue. Surely he will be found in a student's briefcase, this necessary thing At school.

When the ball has already turned out to be large enough, the right size for a street tree, then elegant packages will already be used. It can also be wrapping paper, in which gift boxes are usually wrapped.

  1. Wrap the paper ball with wrapping paper or colored bags, secure with glue.
  2. Tie the resulting shiny ball with elegant colored ropes and make a loop at the top so that the toy can be easily hung on the city Christmas tree.

If desired, the ball can be additionally decorated with beads, beautiful hair clips, bows, snowflakes.

Option number 3 - a Christmas tree toy from a plastic bottle

This option is suitable for people who are creative and able to draw. Although children can also leave their "scribbles" on this uncomplicated subject. After all, the main thing is creativity and joy from the work done!

You will need:

  • plastic bottle (any size),
  • decoupage paints.

Action plan:

We do not take into account a glass bottle, although it would look more spectacular, but this item is too heavy for a Christmas tree, it can break branches, so we brush it aside right away.

In this version of the toy for a street Christmas tree, only imagination is needed. On the bottle, you can depict anything you want. It's better that it concerns New Year theme. For example, this is a fabulous hut, powdered with snow. Or the face of Santa Claus, or maybe the depicted figures of grandfather along with the Snow Maiden. It can be an elegant Christmas tree, a drawing of a beautiful ball toy, a snowman. Yes, whatever your heart desires!

The main rule when working with such a toy is that you first need to completely sketch the plastic with one common background color.

Option number 4 - "delicious" candy

This toy is one of the simplest and most standard in terms of making it yourself for the Christmas tree. It is done very easily. You will need paper or something soft, such as cotton wool or foam rubber, synthetic winterizer. This will serve as the inside of the candy. Make a "filler" in the form of a thick sausage of the desired size. Wrap it on top with shiny colored gift wrapping paper. Roll the paper tightly on the sides and tie with bows. Don't forget to attach a loop.

Big Christmas tree toy "Candy"

Option number 5 - penguins from a burnt out light bulb

You probably have burnt out incandescent light bulbs in your home. You collect them, and then all at once carry them to a special bin for such things. But do not rush to do this, because the New Year is coming soon, and it is necessary to make a toy for the Christmas tree. For manufacturing, you will need ordinary incandescent light bulbs and decoupage paints. In fact, to draw a penguin, you do not need special artistic skills, it is very simple. Paint the front of the bulb white. Make, as it were, 2 circles - on the top of the light bulb (below the base) and on the bottom most convex. As an association, mentally imagine the number 8, and you need to draw it with white paint in front. The top will be the face, the bottom will be the stomach. Paint the rest of the unpainted surface of the light bulb with black paint. It remains to make only a cute penguin face: eyes and a beak, everything is ready! Glue the loop to the plinth. Alternatively, you can wrap the base with a rope or twine.


Show your imagination, create, and then the New Year holiday will be remembered for bright moments. If you want to do something more unusual and intricate, then look on the Internet for a photo of a toy on a street tree. There are a lot of options, and these five do not need to be limited. You can use papier-mâché, soccer balls, and even hats as a base!