Christmas wrapping paper. Christmas gift paper. Christmas wrapping paper for gift wrapping

Coming new year holidays? New Year is waiting for adults and children. Everyone wants to receive a treasured gift package on the eve of December 31 or show their good attitude by handing a holiday surprise wrapped in a beautiful original wrapper. Adults are preparing, buying gifts, and children are impatiently waiting and dreaming about New Year's magic. This holiday brings a lot of positive emotions. It is filled with the aroma of sweet tangerines, sweets and new desires. Especially for the surprises that people find in new year's eve under the tree, purchased christmas paper for gift wrapping New Year . It allows you to hide a surprise of any size and give it a festive symbolic look. Competent and beautiful packaging of a New Year's gift is half of a successful holiday, and the long-awaited contents inside will cause delight and leave pleasant impressions.

What gift New Year's paper to buy in Moscow for your gift?

Before doing right choice wrapping material, decide who you will give a gift to. If for a child, choose a wrapper option with images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, snowmen printed on it. Red, gold and green colors predominate. If you want to present a presentable present, prefer packaging material with an image in the form of toys, Christmas trees, with a non-slick print. Do you have your sketch? Fine, send it, we will print it .

Paper for New Year's gifts will help to pack a wide variety of gifts, and do not forget to add them with ribbons or bright bows, Christmas tree branches and other decor. You can wrap gifts for the team at the factory with such material, kindergarten, schools, charities, corporate employees. New Year's wrapping paper for gifts can be used to wrap both miniature surprises and large ones.

New Year's gift paper: the technology of wrapping a festive surprise under the Christmas tree!

  • Even if you have a super manicure on your nails, carefully pack the present. Any varnish can leave strokes on the white side of the paper surface.
  • Gift New Year craft paper is perfect for dressing up surprises in boxes, boxes-cylinders-tablets. For the design of soft and fuzzy forms, any New Year's gift wrapping paper in a roll will do.
  • On a note. If you have a soft form of a gift for the New Year, wrap it first with film material, which can also be bought from us. And then put it in a bright paper wrapper. Then what is wrapped in it will keep a clear shape until the moment of deployment.

We offer to buy paper for New Year's gifts in Moscow in bulk

Buy Christmas paper in Moscow with fast delivery can be found on our website on the current page, where wrapping different sizes and different designs. Our online gift shop in Moscow offers a wide range of gift wrapping paper. We are engaged in wholesale sales of our own goods of this category, which are always in stock. Our products are in demand far beyond Moscow. GIFTPACK is a brand of choice, and this is confirmed by many positive feedback about Us.

Implemented Christmas wrapping paper in rolls and layers. If you are wondering how much it costs Christmas paper roll, view its price under the item number provided. The wrapped gift can be put in a gift bag, which you can also buy from us.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to our consultants. Contacts for contacting them by phone are listed on the site.

Bright Christmas paper and a beautiful bow are the best way to wrap a gift for the holiday! In our catalog you can buy creative wrapping paper with a magical New Year or Christmas design.

With the help of gift paper, you can neatly arrange a gift of any shape and size that does not fit in. And yet, in our online store you can use an unusual service, thanks to which your gifts will be unforgettable! A real hit of festive packaging is the original New Year's paper with personalization.

You have the opportunity to add a beautiful design pattern that adorns the wrapping paper with your own wishes and the name of the gift recipient. He has never received such a gift! This is a great way to show that you prepared a New Year's present with all your heart, sincerely wanting to surprise and please you for the holiday. A personalized New Year's paper is also an opportunity to show respect if you are preparing a congratulation for an important person - a boss, an older relative (for example, a mother-in-law or father-in-law), an attending physician, a head teacher or class teacher at your child's school.

Beautiful packaging can make even the most practical and ordinary gifts festive. New Year's wrapping paper, which you can buy in the Tvoy Print online store, is the best illustration of this. A bright wrapper with traditional winter and fairy-tale patterns will add a hundred points to the attractiveness of any present! Elegant bundles will look great under the tree, intriguing their recipients, and bringing the spirit of a fairy tale to the interior of the room.

Christmas wrapping paper for gift wrapping

Giving gifts for the New Year is a long tradition. But they began to be packaged in our country relatively recently, only at the end of the 80s of the twentieth century. Prior to this, it was almost impossible to buy New Year's gift paper with a print, and indeed, at least some kind of festive packaging. In addition, it was simply not accepted, since it was associated with bourgeois traditions.

Happy that everything has changed! Gifts in beautiful New Year's wrappers and with bright bows really look more festive and elegant, and you can buy such packaging very cheaply.

  • Photo prints;
  • Imitation of knitted fabric;
  • Portraits of New Year's heroes;
  • cartoon pictures;
  • Winter "ice" ornaments and much more.

We sell wrapping paper at retail, but at very reasonable prices. We will help you pack at least a hundred gifts for the New Year, and make it beautiful!