Happy New Year tourists! Happy New Year travelers! Happy New Year cards from a travel agency

A few years ago noted New Year in a Uruguayan village Jose Ignacio. It is famous for the shortest, two-week, holiday season, but what! The day after Christmas, Forbes from all over the world come here. Prices skyrocket. On the beaches, a round-the-clock party begins. At the same time - no heels, gold-diamonds. Only shorts, T-shirts, flip flops and holey straw hats.

The main gastronomic assembly point is the beach restaurant LaHuella on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. This year it took 11th place in the ranking of the 50 best restaurants in Latin America. For me, he is one of the best in the world, for his sake Urguvay came back a few more times.

I'm going to meet 2016 in Rome. I rent an apartment near Campo de' Fiori, a small area between piazza Navona And Palazzo Farnese. In the morning there is an excellent market with fruits, vegetables, flowers, and in the evening you can drink a glass of wine and watch passers-by. I celebrate in Rome not for the first time. This city is one of the best for hiking. There is beauty everywhere and the weather in December is great.


Toward the end of December, I sum up the results of the outgoing year and, of course, make plans for the next one. Wherever I am in new year's eve Of course, you always want to have a decorated Christmas tree and a festive delicious dinner.


More exciting travel experiences. Discover new places and new people in them.

  • Igor Sukhomlin, owner of the coffee house "Cup"

Best New Year at the time of publication:

I remember the New Year - 2010-2011. At that time I lived in Moscow. Celebrated at home. I remember Zemfira's concert was on the Dozhd TV channel. We listened to music, ate, drank and enjoyed each other's company.

In general, if everything is fine at home, then, of course, it is best to celebrate the New Year there. We will do that this year. Dress up with the family, even put on a tie. We will drink champagne, eat delicious salads, kiss and enjoy life. There is no need to prepare especially for such a celebration. The only issue is gifts. But I'm about to solve it too.


Every New Year, we write down wishes on a napkin, burn it to the sound of chimes, pour the ashes into champagne and drink it. Checked. Everything comes true!


Love yourself, love each other, and only do what really shakes you up.

  • Yulia Voloshina, co-owner of the gallery "Mistetska zbirka"

The most memorable new year at the time of publication:

I remember December 30, 2003 by the fact that we met my husband Maxim Voloshin at a party. This meeting changed our lives. We usually celebrate the New Year with our families and parents.

This year we are going to visit our parents. In 2015, we made a lot of trips and because of this we spent little time with our family. Close to loved ones, we draw resource and strength.


I usually remember the achievements of the outgoing year and make grandiose plans for the future. By the way, usually at the end of the year it turns out that a lot has come true and even some plans have been implemented even better than expected. Therefore, you need to dream globally, and the realized dreams will surprise you with the result.


I want to dream and plan a lot! Let the realized dreams and plans surprise you with their result!

  • Yunakov Ivan, architect, head of yunakovdesign

Best New Year at the time of publication:

The most memorable holiday is not associated with a place, but with a person. Celebrated in Lvov. There were all close people and a girl with whom a very warm relationship was established. Usually I celebrate in the company of friends, and as a rule, spontaneously, rarely when we plan something, I think many have it.

This year I wanted to celebrate in Georgia. And there how it goes.


I close to the maximum all cases, both at work and related to society. I also try to forgive those whom I have not forgiven, and apologize if I deliberately offended anyone.


Live your life and try to find your experiences and impressions! It is important to understand that travel is not only going abroad. All life is a journey.

Best New Year at the time of publication:

Most bright holiday was on Koh Samui at the W hotel, where my friends and I celebrated it twice - local and Ukrainian time. It was magical: a sea of ​​champagne, a magnificent view, the whole sky in fireworks. Unforgettable atmosphere! Despite the fact that I am a supporter of the family atmosphere at such holidays, last year's deviation from the habit was to my taste.

This year I will spend the New Year with my family and friends in hometown, but immediately after I will fly away to warmer climes, continuing the celebration of the next winter holidays.


For seven years in a row, I consistently wrote a wish on a piece of paper and, to the sound of the chiming clock, burned it and washed it down with champagne. I won’t say for sure whether they came true, because over time the plan is forgotten. But since everything works out in my life, it means that desires come true)))


Don't put off your life for later! Take the essentials and fly savages anywhere in the world towards adventure. It's not scary. This is what gives a second wind to life.

  • Shulgina Alexandra, TV presenter, sports blogger, @Alessandra_Shulgina

Best New Year at the time of publication:

For many years I have had a tradition of celebrating the New Year in new country like a birthday. The most memorable was the last one, because I spent it in my beloved Italy, in the ski resort of Cortina (in the Dolomites) with my Italian friends. First we met Catholic Christmas, according to all canons and traditions (I was even at a Christmas prayer at a Catholic church at night, it’s extremely interesting). On New Year's Eve, we gathered at home by the Christmas tree with a fireplace and snow outside the window, met 2015 with Italian delicacies and went to the local night club where they sang and danced to new and old Italian hits.

For this new year, I will finally fulfill my dream ... Until I tell the city where I will fly, but I will give a hint ... This country has a black president.


Every New Year's Eve I write on a leaf of desire, burn it to the beat of the clock and drink the ashes with a glass of champagne! It looks strange, foreigners are especially surprised by what they see, but wishes usually come true! This year will be no exception.


I want to wish all readers in the new year grandiose achievements, colorful emotions, fulfillment of cherished desires, sincere love, good health and, of course, a peaceful sky above their heads. Do good and it will definitely come back to you!

  • Nadezhda Shapoval, model

Best New Year at the time of publication:

I remember the holiday in Porto. I celebrated New Year's there a couple of years ago. The weather was amazing - it was raining, and amazing fireworks were launched over incredible bridges. It was very romantic.

This year I'm going to Georgia. Already booked a room at Rooms Kazbegi. We will celebrate the New Year with a view of the Caucasus Mountains.


There are no special traditions, I just try to celebrate the New Year in the company of a loved one. Also, I always make a wish.


Don't be afraid to open new horizons, change your life and always believe in the best!

  • Rudolf Kraevsky, founder and head of the all-Ukrainian vegan community Vegano Hooligano and the service project Vegano Hooligano Kitchen / Vegan Super Market

Best New Year at the time of publication:

2014-2015 - New Year's Eve when I proposed at midnight to my wife. It is simply not possible to compare with any holiday.


Every New Year I wish harmony to the earth and the universe, and my greatest desire is PEACE.


May every journey open your hearts to our big global family. We are all children of one great love and all the universe wants to teach us is harmony.

Every New Year is like a fairy tale,
Like the birth of a dream.
New joy comes
To our world, full of beauty.

Happy New Year
And I wish you well
Lots of happiness and good luck
And warmth!

May this holiday bring
All the things that mean a lot in life!
I wish you a bright new year
Good, health and good luck!

Let cheerful laughter sound
And the heart fills with happiness
After all, Santa Claus will carry out
Everything your soul desires!

Happy New Year! Let this year you will find only joy, health and good luck! May it be the year of fulfillment of desires and the realization of all plans! May this year give everyone as many happy days and happy meetings as possible!

Happy New Year
We wish you happiness in life
Many good wishes
Fulfillment of all dreams!

The brightest impressions
The most fabulous moments.
May this year bring you
Lots of fun stuff!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
So that all dreams come true
On the holiday of winter beauty!

For happiness to come
Luck gave you
And also success and joy,
Miracles, good luck sweetie!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With new happiness and kindness.
May it bring health
And prosperity in every home.

Let the snowflakes dance
Let dreams come true.
All success and good luck,
Peace, happiness, warmth.

Happy New Year dears!
Be happy always
May dreams come true
Never be sad.

May luck come to you
And love reigns inside
I wish you health
May the days be bright.

I wish you a New Year
So that the year goes without hassle,
Gave you a lot of happiness
And sheltered from all bad weather.

Let the magic happen
Gives joy celebration.
May all dreams come true.
Happiness, peace, kindness!

May the New Year bring joy
The warmth of hearts, the love of relatives.
May every day be sweet to you.
Less days of cold, evil.

I wish you happiness full heap,
Let life play with colors.
Fun, joy, enthusiasm!
Let weekdays become fairy tales.

Let luck not recede
Let kindness surround
Let the New Year not offend you
And will always be generous to you.

I wish this New Year
So that everything was like in a fairy tale.
So that a new turn in life
Bring happiness without fail

So that the coming year will fulfill
All plans and desires
To surprise you every day
With your charm!

May everything always succeed
Let everything be fine
So that the mood "with a bang"
And happiness in personal life!

I wish you a fabulous year
Without troubles, diseases and interference!
Get ready for new twists
To unexpected success.

Let only joyful faces
Homes will surround you
And an old dream will come true
Without making you wait long!

Happy New Year! magic,
Laughter, happiness and warmth,
Peace, joy, prosperity
And in all matters of order!

Let everything be gray, bad
The old year will take with him.
From now on, only bright moments
Let them create a mood!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Don't be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.

Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth
Always be positive
So that you are always lucky in everything!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather bypass
Life will give you the best!

Happy New Year! May this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck, smiles, warmth and light. Let it be full of bright colors, pleasant impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone in the new year to be healthy, beautiful, loved and successful!

I wish this New Year
Less sadness and worries
More happiness and kindness
Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

To be true friends
And a very friendly family
So that every day is successful
And so that there is enough strength for everything!

Well, let the New Year
Brings more money
Health, peace and love,
So that there is no winter in the heart!

May a miracle happen in the New Year -
Fires will burn in the soul
And you won't have a whole year
No grief, no sadness.

Let the tree with a bright star
Bring good luck to your house
Love and good health.
May the year be fabulously lucky for you.

Guess to the chiming clock
Your cherished dreams
And let me into your house as soon as possible
Year of joy and kindness.

I wish you peace and good
Love, warmth!
May this New Year
Success and joy will bring!

Let the New Year open the doors
In the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things begin!
Good luck let you smile!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Sea of ​​happiness, sea of ​​laughter
And in all matters of success.

All wishes come true
And in everything only luck
Good health for the future
And a ball of magical days.

All the best to you, the very best,
Good luck with everything and happy occasion.
May your worries be pleasant,
Work brings good feelings.
Let the New Year not bring grief,
And only a great mood for you!

A fairy tale knocks on the door
Snow falls on the ground
The miracle will finally happen
And the New Year will come.

May he be kind, warm,
Let the light of happiness sparkle
May there be many ups and downs in it,
A lot of joy, victories!

Laughter, love, success, luck
Let Santa Claus give
A bag of dollars to boot
And a bouquet of hundreds of roses!

Let the holiday bring fun
Joy to days and sweetness to dreams,
Hello, warmth, luck!
Happy New Year! Happiness to you!

I wish you a new year
Get lucky on the go.
Surprise everyone, succeed in everything,
Laugh and don't get discouraged.

Love, hope and believe
And try on happiness,
And you never grieve
And it's just fun to live!

The time has come when everyone can
Dream about new plans
think something carefully
Yes, think of everything under the tree.
I am glad to congratulate you on the New Year!
And late this evening
You Santa Claus let in passing
Give happiness and warmth.
A herd of deer will come running to you
... they will bring gifts.
Rivers of goodness and delight to you,
Let comfort reign in you.

So, dear friends, the 2011 tourist year has come to an end, with which we want to congratulate all travelers and those who sympathize with them! This year was rich in various events - in the world, in Russia and, of course, on our website.

Of course, the tourism market has not been without upheavals and high-profile departures. So, the Avianova budget airline, beloved by many, disappeared from the market, which made flights to Moscow cheaper for residents of many regions of Russia. Accordingly, those who bought tours from the capital of our Motherland liked to use her services.

Arab countries have learned to use social networks quite well, thanks to which many of them have undergone (or are still undergoing) revolutions of various sizes. The events in Tunisia and Egypt have affected tourism the most. And if the former French colony, having updated the government, brought tourism to the pre-revolutionary level, then the country of the pyramids is still sawing the branch on which it sits - tourism was one of the three most important components of the Egyptian economy, and now it is more and more coming to naught.

Japan also excelled. Despite the fact that the Land of the Rising Sun is not a top destination for Russians, the earthquake and the Fukushima accident made everyone nervous - the destabilization of the situation in the Asian region could bury several other popular destinations, such as China and Thailand.

By the way, China in the coming year is a landmark country, because the dragon, whose year is coming Eastern calendar, is the national symbol of the Celestial Empire. And in the past year, China, like other destinations, showed an increase in the tourist flow, which is good news. Yes, partly the growth of the tourist flow in different countries connected with the situation in Egypt so beloved by Russians. But it is impossible not to note the absolute figures, which happily indicate that our compatriots have begun to travel more. More and more flights are being opened to such distant and exotic destinations as Mexico, and transatlantic flights are no longer the prerogative of the capitals: at the end of the year, a charter from Yekaterinburg to the Dominican Republic was launched.

Another positive moment of the past year is the visa exemptions for Russian tourists from a number of states. So, they plan to cancel the visas of Mexico and Guam; talk about the abolition of visa formalities with the EU does not cease; India, USA, Ireland, Estonia, Latvia, Greece and Holland are reducing the level of bureaucracy in the preparation of entry documents. From the new year, Uruguay will become visa-free, Turkey, Peru, Chile and Montenegro, beloved by all, have already canceled visas, and Schengen can be issued not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg - visa centers have opened in several other large cities of Russia.

There have been changes on the Tourist. As usual, we introduced several new services (for example, the project ""), held a competition, provided you with fresh news from the world of tourism and did not forget to regularly update our encyclopedia.

So, apparently, there are still more positives. And we want to wish Tourist users to continue traveling in a positive way, attracting joyful moments: only a green visa corridor, cheap air tickets, no bankrupt and no strike airlines, cozy hotels, polite staff!

Always with you, Tourister.ru team.