What do they wish for Catholic Christmas? Catholic Christmas: congratulations in verse and prose with pictures. Congratulations in prose: Happy Catholic Christmas

Today, December 25, is the most important day of the year for Catholics, because today they celebrate big celebration- Christmas. Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to congratulate relatives, friends and acquaintances on this bright holiday during a personal meeting. But there is always an opportunity to contact people dear to you and send them the warmth of your heart and best wishes via messages on social networks and SMS!

Congratulate your friends and loved ones on a bright Catholic Christmas, send them beautiful animations and cards, as well as warm words of congratulations in poetry and prose. We have collected in our article for your convenience the most touching and beautiful congratulations. We hope you enjoy and find this article useful!

Merry Christmas to you, our dear readers, and Happy New Year! good mood and good luck on the path of life and, of course, stay with us - because with us you will be interested in every day of the coming year!

Beautiful animations of Merry Christmas, short and beautiful SMS greetings in poetry and prose

Catholic Christmas
Gives a fairy tale, dreams come true.
May goodness come with birth
And people have patience.
Let everyone believe in themselves,
Your strength, family and desire.
And let the holiday bring warmth,
On a winter evening, love, understanding.

Let the Christmas miracle
Will give you its warmth,
May it never be bad
Meet every day with goodness!

In the middle of winter let it illuminate
The house is radiant and warm!
Light flows from the Star to you.
With Salvation! Merry Christmas!

Today the world will touch a mystery,
Came to us from antiquity,
They won't be random this night
Everyone has Christmas dreams!

We wish you dreams of happiness,
Descended with joyful warmth.
And so that the Lord will take away the bad weather,
Yours, illuminating a cozy home!

On Christmas evening we congratulate you,
Let your cherished wishes come true now,
Let everyone's hearts be filled with joy,
And the joy, the fun, so that there is no end.

Don't forget - it's a wonderful evening,
Christmas has come to visit us!
Let the meetings be joyful,
May you always be lucky in everything!

Merry Christmas,
The holiday is so warm, even if it’s winter.
And I wish you that
What do you wish for yourself!

The star lit up
Christ was born
And the world was illuminated with love!
Let happiness come in
To every home!
With beautiful, bright
Merry Christmas!

I sincerely congratulate you
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the light illuminate you
From the stars
And your wishes will come true
Plans and dreams.
Let unexpected luck
It will excite the blood.
And of course they mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Merry Christmas, happy anniversary,
May life be rich in happiness,
The Lord will reward you with health
And he will protect everyone from harm!

Happy Catholic Christmas. From pure heart and with a bright soul I wish you joyful events and prosperity in the home, happy occasions and great successes, family happiness and close relatives at a friendly table, a wonderful mood and strong faith in luck.

May you have a Merry Christmas greetings
SMS is coming to you!
Happiness awaits you at dawn,
With the first rays of the sun!

We congratulate all Catholics on the magical holiday - Merry Christmas. Let the Christmas star shine brightly over your homes and let this light fill your souls with warmth and joy. Merry Christmas to you.

Let holy christmas
Will bring good to the family,
Will bring happiness to your home,
So that it remains in him.

A star lit up in the dark sky,
Evening has fallen to the ground,
And on Christmas with magical light
The whole huge world lit up...
Health and happiness! Merry Christmas!
Let your life be filled with goodness!

Merry Christmas. Let, together with this holiday,
love and joy, generosity and luck, prosperity and
happiness, kindness and love.

Merry Christmas!
Be healthy everyone
Christmas star light
Let him keep you from harm.

Health to those closest to you,
More faith in magic!
May it be infinitely kind
Wonderful Christmas holiday!

Merry Christmas!
Let happiness come to your home.
Let hearts melt with love,
The eyes sparkle mischievously.
May God reward you with luck,
Will give you strength and inspiration.

Merry Christmas.
Let the holiday come to the house,
Joy, happiness will bring
And love for the whole year.

Merry Christmas to you,
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart.
Let the magic happen
After all, that's Christmas.
Let your dreams come true.
Health and beauty to you
And I wish you continuous miracles.
It will be so, I know for sure!

On Christmas Day
I wish you a lot
Love, health and goodness,
Hope, happiness and warmth.

Merry Christmas.
Let the cheerful magic
Your life will be fulfilled.
All dreams will come true.

Special spirit Christmas Nativity
May it bring you hope and faith.
Love, prosperity, peace, goodness to you
And true happiness without measure!

It smells like pine, there is joy in the heart,
The holiday has come to your home again!
To love, to dream,
So as not to remember the bad things.
And may your dreams come true!
Merry Christmas!

Christmas - family celebration,
There is no room for offense in it.
With faith in the heart, life is beautiful,
May the Lord protect your home!

This day is holy and clear
I wish you now
Faith to everyone, goodness and happiness.
Merry Christmas to you!

Christmas star ray
Let him keep you from harm,
I wish everyone well
IN Holy holiday Christmas.

Let your dreams come true
On Christmas Day,
Let gifts from fate
There will be a lot in life.

Merry Christmas -
With sacred celebration!
May the Lord live in our hearts,
Happiness shines in the eyes.

Christmas is coming
With it comes magic.
Believe in miracles with your soul,
Open the door towards me,
And may it be a wonderful evening
Gives joyful meetings!

I wish you on Christmas Day,
May you all be healthy,
So that the star of Bethlehem
Leading you to goodness and happiness!

I wish for Christmas
Meet a miracle, magic.
Let happiness come to your home,
To stay in it forever.

Let them come to you on Christmas
Joy, happiness, peace, goodness.
May all your dreams come true.
Love and beauty to you!

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings

Bells in the frozen air
They announce to us with triumph:
Our world is reflected in the stars
Catholic Christmas.
This holiday is both young and eternal;
It’s impossible not to give in to him...
Well, on a wonderful Christmas evening
WITH winter's tale you, friends!

Everyone is waiting for magic at the end of December,
After all, the holiday of Christmas is coming.
And let the snow swirl outside the windows -
Today we will sing and have fun!
May happiness knock on your home,
Problems will all disappear overnight.
Today you believe in the wonderful, new
And you will have a merry Christmas!

Christmas brings a magical fairy tale.
He has a gift for everyone.
An unquenchable star lit up in the sky,
To give us hope, to give us forgiveness.
May illness and evil not touch you!
May the angels overshadow you with their wings!
May your family and home be blessed!
We will sing about the bright birth!

I sincerely congratulate you
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the light illuminate you
From the stars
And your wishes will come true
Plans and dreams.
Let unexpected luck
It will excite the blood.
And of course they mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Christmas evening, mysterious, tender,
He visited us again with snow and a fairy tale.
So let us be faithful to the all-humane cause,
Son of God, to whom he dedicated his life.
Goodness and health, and faith with hope,
Good luck with good luck in good deeds.
We wish you peace in your soul and love,
May the angel protect you both in life and in dreams!

Bright, clean, starlight,
Fired up that night.
God's son kept from troubles -
Driven sinfulness away.
Tenderness, joy and love
At Christmas the family is kept
Congratulations again and again
Let them fly like snowflakes.
So let this day
Only happiness enters the house
And A Christmas Carol
May it always be kept in it.

The most wonderful and bright
A festive moment every year -
The moment when on a December night
Christmas is coming again.
Believe: miracles exist
Know what will happen to you.
May it come to your heart
Faith Hope Love!

December 25th is Christmas Day for Catholics.
Let this great holiday bring magic.
On the day when God's son came to earth,
And he delivered the world from sins and evils.
May this sacred holiday give love,
Let it bloom in your soul again and again.
On this joyful day, accept congratulations
It contains love, kindness and not a drop of doubt!

There is no holiday more beautiful than Christmas -
Family, bright celebration,
A gift awaits every family member,
Let's quickly turn on all the lights!
On Christmas evening we congratulate you,
Let your cherished wishes come true now,
Let everyone's hearts be filled with joy,
And the joy, the fun, so that there is no end.

The house is filled with festive smells,
And the atmosphere is joyful in it,
Wishing you goodness, love and joy,
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!
Today everyone, all over the earth, is Catholic
Celebrate the bright holiday of Christmas!
Chronicles from the Bible are heard everywhere,
And the most beautiful words!

Funny greetings on Catholic Christmas

Catholic Christmas -
Beauty all around
Snow falls on the glass,
Everyone is waiting for a miracle.
Let it come into your life
Joy crystal,
Dreams come true
The heart rushes into the distance.

The winter air is frosty and cold,
Well, triumph reigns in souls.
This means today is a special day -
Catholic Christmas.
We congratulate you on this holiday,
Let faith help you live.
And let fate be kind,
Let him give you happiness.

The darkness is quietly receding,
Light today is Christmas,
The world, rejoicing, glorifies
New life celebration!
The stars shine on the spruce tree,
Snow hung outside the window,
Santa rushes through the snowstorm
Everyone is waiting for his surprise!
And with spiritual prayer
Let the words of love ring out,
Glorifying the Battle of Light
On Holy Christmas Day!

Let Christmas shine
Every house
Strengthens faith in God
For in it -
Consolation, and joy, and support,
And the hope is
Which is very, very soon
We will understand:
Nothing more expensive in the world
No love,
With her we seem to be higher
From the earth.
Christmas is about this to us
Reminds me again
Will give way to miracles
Let love.

In December we celebrate
God is the son of Christmas,
We celebrate with the whole family
I believe in miracles and goodness.
On this day love is the mistress
He will enter every house, knocking,
Like a seagull will fly up,
And in a moment the candle will be lit.
On this day the soul becomes kinder,
An angel gives magic.
Love warms the heart very much,
After all, today is Christmas.

Frosty night at the end of December,
And the month shone brighter.
The soul rejoices on this Christmas night,
And again the Savior was born.
Congratulations to all Catholics now,
Love fills every home.
AND more significant than the holiday no for us
After all, God guides everyone.

There's mistletoe hanging on the doors,
The holiday is knocking on every home,
The strength of the spirit inspires the body,
Everywhere they echo: “Merry Christmas!”
On this day of the baby Jesus
The Mother of God gave birth to
For our sake he endured trials,
Doing good deeds.
Let a miracle happen this night
Forgiveness, greatness of soul,
If Christ could forgive Judas,
So don’t hold a grudge.
Become kinder by cultivating in your heart
Unselfish deep love,
So that I can warm myself in its rays
Anyone who is in pain.
Merry Christmas! May you be filled with joy
There will be a home from now on forever,
Lightning flashes in the distance,
And all trouble will pass.

A difficult night is coming for us,
And joy, and happiness, and magic
Our hearts instantly surround you.
And it’s all for good reason, because Christmas is coming.
Health to all of you! And a lot of good.
Success, luck, love over the edge.
You do good deeds more and more often,
And the earth will be beautiful, like paradise.

You are waiting for the Star of Bethlehem today.
In December, Christmas comes with an asterisk.
The wise men bring news to every house,
So that a Catholic can celebrate the occasion.
Let there be tenderness and warmth in the family circle.
Whatever fate sends will be on your shoulders.
Your thoughts are joyful and bright,
Happiness, joy and loyalty to dreams.

On this pure and sincere holiday of the Nativity of Christ, I wish you
find yourself, accept the given life as it turned out in
to please the Lord, do not complain, but thank him for what he
gave us the happiness of existence. May all those sent by God
the trials will be feasible, any intrigues of fate will not force you
turn away from faith, and the support and love of our Father will be felt
in all matters.

Catholic Christmas 2017. Happy Catholic Christmas greetings

On Catholic Christmas
All the people feel good:
Gifts, noise, fun, laughter
May everyone find success!
May a miracle happen to everyone,
And the heart will be filled with joy,
Champagne sparkles your mood,
And the soul soars with happiness!

Catholic people, Merry Christmas everyone,
We sincerely congratulate you!
On a wonderful winter day, celebration
We celebrate together as a family,
Happiness, health, success in everything,
We wish all our loved ones,
So that love fills your home
Let your thoughts be filled with faith!

This is how it happened -
Catholic Christmas has come!
Time flies quickly,
It amazes me every time!
I raise my glass
And I wish you more happiness
May a miracle come to everyone
And all misfortunes will recede!

It's the end of December...
Don't be sad in vain
After all, it's Christmas now,
And we have a celebration!
So rejoice, Christian world,
Gather for a joyful feast,
Congratulate each other,
Forgive each other's insults.
Christmas is a stream of happiness,
Compose congratulations to your family,
Decorate the Christmas tree for the whole family
And put gifts under the tree!

Winter is coming, December is coming,
Catholic Christmas is coming!
On this long winter night
It’s magic coming down to us from heaven.
The light of the star will announce
About the coming of Christ,
Happiness, joy, kindness and love
Let heaven enter our hearts!
On this joyful day for all of us
Heaven will write us congratulations.
And they will give us holiday and joy,
After all, of course, they hear everyone!

I hasten to congratulate you on Christmas,
It’s not in vain that I was able to save my memory
Those stories of Christ's life
All the teachings, lessons learned
Of which we can easily.
He didn’t help me understand this world.
Happiness to you and all the blessings that exist in the world!
I present you with my congratulations!

The Christmas tree is decorated and the turkey is on the table!
We are waiting for it to be time to sit down at the table!
And gifts to give us,
Santa Claus is racing on reindeer.
Joy and fun, we sing hymns again,
And we rejoice that Christ was born!
Happiness spills into the heart and soul,
Everyone strives for harmony again!
Congratulations will be different now,
And the rainbow of desires sparkles!
Christmas, like a miracle, will knock on our house,
And teach you to enjoy life!

Christmas Eve is a gift from heaven,
Even if it’s Monday, it’s full of miracles!
Beautiful gifts, let's fill the house with warmth.
It will be hot today, let's gather everyone together.
Let's put out treats, keep them in honor of the Lord,
Let's whisper instructions and just be silent.
The fire burns in the soul, and the heart wants to sing,
And everyone would like to just not get sick!

Congratulations on the bright holiday
Hunting anyone who knows
Why do children need Catholicism?
What is it like?
This religion is known
Analogue, like Lutheranism,
Everywhere, all over the world is possible
To say this is “Christianity”.
Of course, we are all Christians,
If so, then happy holiday to everyone
It beckons us to respect and congratulate.

Fragrant spruce is a symbol of life and fertility,
We decorate it with love in honor of Jesus Christ,
There are also mangers and glass santons,
The figures will tell us events, like lips!
Living a great moment every year!
By candlelight, in silence, or with family singing hymns,
This holiday inspires hope and faith,
He gives us miracles and joy in the chilled winter.
There will be congratulations, gifts and Santa,
The table is bursting with food, waiting for the star.
Let's make a wish quietly under the flame of the lamp,
We wish everyone joy and happiness in the new year!

Congratulations for Catholic Christmas 2017 in prose

Happy Catholic Christmas! I wish that in every home
there was peace and quiet, harmony and prosperity. Let miracles happen and
wonderful events, filling life with delightful moments,
happy smiles and kindness of human hearts. Love,
well-being and prosperity!

Happy Catholic Christmas, a wonderful and kind
holiday. I wish you comfort in your home and soul, the wonderful aroma of spruce and
sincere hope of the heart, good blessings along the way and great happiness in
life. May the bright star in the sky always give joy and faith, may
fate will be generous with gifts and good news.

On the bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in the family, comfort,
family peace, true friends. May there be a lot in your life
happy days. Let the magic begin this night and fill
Warmth of your hearts! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all troubles, and
the blizzard will bring good luck, love and wealth. Happy Catholic

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. Let this one
light and good holiday will bring joy, happiness, comfort and
harmony, may there be many wonderful days that will delight
cheerful family gatherings, sincere conversations and pleasant

On December 25th, candles and lights are lit everywhere. Christmas has come
it's time for magic. On this wonderful winter night, I want to wish you
happiness, new emotions, interesting and pleasant interlocutors and discoveries.
May this year be special, incredible, sensual and
unforgettable. I wish you all the best, brightest and
amazing! Merry Christmas, with a new fairy tale and with a new life!

Congratulations on the kindest, brightest, cleanest, wonderful holiday
Catholic Christmas! Let goodness, anticipation of happiness, warmth,
the joy of meeting loved ones, peace, and a festive atmosphere will fill
thoughts. Let the pleasant chores become: choosing gifts, refreshments,
observance of traditions. Faith, love, beauty, magic!

Happy Catholic Christmas. From a pure heart and light
I wish my soul joyful events and prosperity in the house, happy occasions and
great success, family happiness and close relatives at a friendly table,
wonderful mood and strong faith in luck.

Merry Christmas greetings to those who celebrate it on 25
December. Have a wonderful Christmas holiday. May joy and luck
smile at you throughout the next year, may your souls be open and
full of light and happiness, may your family please you with gifts and smiles.
Merry Christmas!

Happy Catholic Christmas and on this holiday of miracles and
I wish you joy, pleasant crackling of wood in the fireplace, bright lights of garlands
on the spruce tree, cheerful and flickering candles, bright hopes of the soul and sincere
love in the heart. May she be happy and long life, let in it
there are good and kind people.

Congratulations on Catholic Christmas and I want to wish that on this
bright holiday heavenly light sent grace into the house and into the heart
joy for a good miracle to happen to you and your loved ones
people, so that under the elegant fragrant spruce there will be wonderful gifts,
and the smiles of relatives shone at the table.

On the night of December 24-25, Western Christians (Catholics) celebrate Christmas in 2018. In addition to Catholics, on these days the brightest day of the year is celebrated by Protestants and those who follow the Gregorian calendar in church chronology.

The Nativity of Christ is such a significant event that it is reflected even in chronology: in many countries of the world, what happened and is now divided into two parts - before the Nativity of Christ and after it.

The Christmas holiday was first mentioned in the first half of the 4th century. From the sacred writings of Matthew and Luke it follows that the rising of the first evening star on the night of December 25 marks the birth of the Son of God.

Christmas services in churches

The day before, on Christmas Eve, believers always go to the Church. Not only are services held there, but also Christmas songs are sung and even plays are staged on the theme of the shepherds coming to Jesus. Little Christ was born in a cave where shepherds sheltered their cattle from bad weather. The angels announced that the Savior had come to the world to the shepherds, who went to the cave and bowed to the newborn. And the wise men, guided by the light of a bright star, brought their gifts to the Son of God - incense, gold and myrrh.

It was this scene that became the main symbol of the Nativity of Christ. It is embodied in Catholic churches and in residential buildings using volumetric figures, made from various materials(wood, porcelain, clay).

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings in prose

Dear friends in Christ! I wish for all of you, your family and friends, your neighbors and colleagues, all our fellow citizens and all people on earth, that the Nativity of Christ becomes for each of us a new opportunity to hear the message addressed to all people of good will: today a Savior has been born to us for all people. May the Nativity of Christ bring us strengthening in faith, a new encounter with Christ in prayer, in the Christian community, in brotherly love.

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, good health, optimism in work, always a good mood! Let all the problems remain in the old year, and New Year will bring only joy and success into your life! Sincerely…
Dear brothers and sisters! Please accept my congratulations on Merry Christmas! May the Baby Jesus, the true God with us, now born in the flesh, through the intercession of the Ever-Virgin Mary and all the saints and martyrs, bring faith, joy and peace to our homes. With blessings for the upcoming celebration of the Merry Christmas of Christ, may Christmas Eve bring you peace, and may the coming Christmas bring you happiness! Let the gifts be unexpected and pleasant, and let the elegant Christmas tree, like a symbolic tree of paradise with abundant fruits, bring the spirit of holiday and fun to your home!
On this bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in your family, preserve comfort and family peace, true friends, may there be many joyful days in your life. Let the magic begin this night and fill your hearts with warmth! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all adversities, and let the blizzard bring good luck, love and wealth. Merry Catholic Christmas to you!
On a magical, mysterious Christmas night, Santa Claus goes from house to house and gives out gifts... Of course, we behaved well all year, which means we can ask him for love, good luck, good mood, inspiration for any work for ourselves and our family, reasons to smile and, of course, happiness for those who are especially dear to us.
If you make a wish on Christmas night and then look at the sky, you can see Santa racing in a sleigh with six reindeers, and behind him a mountain of gifts. And when one of the stars winks at you, rest assured that the good keeper of Christmas will remember you and will certainly make your dreams come true and give you a whole bag of happiness!
On Catholic Christmas Day, we understand that faith is one, and everyone can touch it. She has different levels, but it serves as a common thread for different beads - countries. Happy holiday! Merry Catholic Christmas.

Congratulations in verse for Catholic Christmas 2018

Every year at Christmas
Without being lazy or embarrassed,
May good things come to you,
Embodied in your happiness.
Merry Christmas! May the holiday be bright
He will bring you a carriage,
Prince, fairytale palace,
Pumpkin, at worst,
Wedding dress,
And heartfelt love!
I send my bright congratulations,
Church and blessed holiday,
I will give you good wishes,
What kind of day is today for everyone?!
Catholic Christmas,
I congratulate him today,
Happiness, joy, everything in general,
I just need to wish it!
Silent night, wonderful night!
A voice from heaven announced:
Rejoice, today Christ is born,
He brought peace and salvation to everyone,
The Light has visited us from above!

Silent night, wonderful night!
God called us to heaven,
Oh may our hearts open
And let all lips glorify Him,
He gave us a Savior.

Silent night, wonderful night!
Everyone sleeps, but doesn't sleep
The holy couple is in reverence;
Their hearts are filled with the wonderful Baby,
Joy burns in their souls.
Catholics today
Glorious holiday - Christmas,
Joy only and fun
Let it bring you!
May your family be close
Let there be comfort in the house,
And with fluffy snowfall
These holidays will pass!

Happy New Year and Christmas!

The bells are ringing,
Sleighs are flying across the sky,
Under the Christmas trees
Boxes will be hidden
And in socks over the fireplace
They will pour out various sweets,
Merry Christmas to you, Merry Christmas,
Peace and happiness in every home,
Let your wishes come true
All efforts are well deserved
Will be rewarded
May all inhabitants of the Earth
They will be happy, loved,
We are protected from harm by God!
In December the world celebrates
God the Son Christmas.
Blooms in our souls
Belief in miracles and goodness.
We're trying to get better.
And more tolerant, wiser,
Let the love of our heart
At this moment the whole world will warm up!
Merry Christmas!
Happy twenty-fifth of December!
The one who loves this holiday
It was not in vain that I expected it!

Let your Christmas tree sparkle
Hundreds of bright lights,
So that everyone is lucky
Happy, cheerful and healthy!

We also wish you:
Let your dreams come true
So that they multiply
They bloomed like flowers!
Decorate last days December.
All Catholics, adults and children
They love this holiday more than anyone else in the world!
Here the Christmas tree is lit with lights,
Here are the gifts under it,
Christ's name reigns over hearts,
This day is both joyful and holy!
December is coming to an end
And a bright holiday - Christmas -
You again solemnly welcome,
How everyone is waiting for him today.
Born: the stars shine clearly,
Born: there is a good light in souls...
So Merry Christmas! And we are like children
We are waiting for a secret in the red felt boot.
Christmas Eve is a gift from heaven,
Even if it’s Monday, it’s full of miracles!
Beautiful gifts, let's fill the house with warmth.
It will be hot today, let's gather everyone together.
Let's put out treats, keep them in honor of the Lord,
Let's whisper instructions and just be silent.
The fire burns in the soul, and the heart wants to sing,
And everyone would like to just not get sick!

Merry Christmas!

May Christmas, like a fairy bird,
Under the fairy tale of sleep he will enter your home,
May all the good things that happened be repeated
And let all the bad things go away!
When the snow covers the ground,
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief without doubt
May you live many bright days!
Preserve comfort and family peace
And respect from friends!
Merry idle Christmas,
Sacred, Catholic,
Let it come to the house
And the mood will be enchanting,
Let the relatives gather at the table,
And everyone's hearts will be one,
Happy holiday, great celebration,
May all sorrows always pass by!
The stars are brighter this night,
And the moon burns stronger
This night is more important than others,
And of course for good reason!
Christmas will arrive at midnight
Every Catholic will be glad
And I rush to you in absentia,
A whole treasure trove of wishes:
First of all, good health,
So as not to grow old and get sick,
Let your life be with love,
Luck will follow you
And most importantly, Jesus Almighty,
May he bless everything,
So that there is a surplus in everything,
So that happiness is like a magnet!

Quietly happiness looked into the house,
Open the doors quickly:
Happy Catholic Christmas!
I wish you the best to believe!
Generous Santa Claus gives smiles,
Decorative lights on the Christmas tree and toys.
Christmas brings joy to people!
Everyone has hope and faith only in the best!
Happy twenty-fifth of December!
Christmas is with us!
May it be bright and beautiful
It will become everything!

May the Lord bless
Will give us happiness
Let in the fatal moment
It won't leave you crying!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Adults and children!
There's no better Christmas
Holidays in the world!
At the Christmas table
We were brought together by a wonderful occasion:
The holiday has blessed your home
Defeating the winter cold.

Call back
Will swirl with a December blizzard.
A bright life, like a dream,
We wish each other!

Merry Christmas! Let only good
Fills your souls
And there will be warmth in our hearts,
Summer amid the winter cold!
In the Catholic calendar,
The great holiday is coming today,
Nativity of Jesus on earth
And everyone congratulates each other!
And there are words for you too,
I will write everything sincerely, from the heart,
I wish only good things for you,
May the door be open fortunately!
And you live, always do good,
Don't judge others, give everyone help,
Then the Lord will bless everything,
And even midnight can become bright!

In a cold, wintry December,
There is one day for joy,
Christ was born on earth,
And the world became like a fairy tale!

Angels from heaven today
Sing Merry Christmas!
Harmony, peace and comfort,
Let them never leave your home!
Merry Christmas
I wish you only the best -
Happiness, joy, love, goodness.
May good luck and success always accompany you.
Christmas night will not be in vain:
Fill every home with miracles!
And God will not bypass you -
All your wishes will be fulfilled!
I want to wish you Merry Christmas
Wonderful friends
May everything work out well,
Many happy days to you!

And love and positivity,
And smiles and warmth,
So that life turns out beautifully,
She was wealthy!
Merry Christmas! I wish you love,
Good luck and warmth!
Live happy, knowing for sure
What a dream has come to you!
Merry Christmas,
We wish you happiness and health!
Without offending your neighbor in any way,
Serve, people, all good deeds!
Our city is covered with powder,
Christmas is coming to us again.
We wish you only the best,
Something you can wish for your friends.

On Christmas Day
Dreams come true,
May there be a lot of happiness
And a sea of ​​kindness!

Wish you luck
And many clear days
Big, hot love
And loyal friends!

Let the Catholic Christmas
Will fill hearts with warmth and kindness,
Will give you miracle and magic,
It will send both comfort and prosperity to your home!

I wish that every moment brings
More joy, smiles and happiness to you!
May there be a lot of health and strength,
May you live a hundred years, and maybe even longer!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. May this bright and kind holiday bring joy, happiness, comfort and harmony to your home, may there be many wonderful days that will delight you with cheerful family gatherings, sincere conversations and pleasant surprises.

Christmas Eve has died down, Christmas has come.
The Gospel of Mary - A miracle has come!
On this day, I wish miracles for you,
May Holy goodness from heaven be sent to your home.

Let the star show the way to long-awaited happiness,
And the Magi will present you with the desired gifts:
Good health for you and your loved ones,
Firm faith in God, only pure thoughts.

Stable income and love without deadline,
Let the difficult road be possible,
Let friends not betray you, work goes well,
And happiness and care always reign in the family.

Catholic Christmas,
The snow is spinning quietly
People believe in magic
And faces brighten.

In anticipation
The soul froze
Life throws up fairy tales
How good!

Let the light shine on everyone
Joy, warmth,
Much happiness to you, love
On Christmas Day.

Happy Catholic Christmas
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May your home be filled with happiness,
I wish you well on your holiday!

May luck always be with you,
May life always be good!
Positive, kind charge
The soul will be illuminated on this holiday!

Merry Christmas!
Happiness, light, peace:
The Lord will overshadow with goodness
Everything that is dear to the heart.

And the star in the sky
Let it warm your soul,
And the dream will come true,
If you believe in miracles!

Happy Catholic Christmas
I now congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Only peace, comfort, goodness
I wish to fill every day!

So that the soul sings with joy,
So that the radiance of a smile sparkles,
May life always be good
And all your wishes come true!

The Catholic world celebrates today
The brightest holiday - Christmas!
I cordially congratulate you on this,
May it bring celebration soon

Much love, health and patience,
Participation, joy, prosperity and goodness.
Let the holiday erase all your doubts,
And let, of course, today the dream come true.

December. Today is Christmas
There is magic all around.
On this wonderful bright holiday
I wish you not to be sad in vain.
I wish you health and faith in your heart,
God will open any door.

Merry Christmas to you
On a beautiful December day,
May all requests and prayer
Yours will not be in vain.

May the Lord help you in everything,
The right one will show you the path,
Let it only become cleaner
And the spiritual temple is brighter.

In verse:

All Catholics congratulate each other,
They are celebrating Christmas today!
I join in the congratulations,
I try to wish you the best:
So that adversity recedes away,
So that everyone helps each other,
So that life is filled with luck,
May she greet you all with warmth!

Kolokoltsev sweet sound -
God is knocking on the door.
Whatever happens suddenly
Believe in good things!
Believe that this Christmas
Happiness will enter the house
And the Lord is a holy star
Will bring joy!
Let the white snow sparkle -
The holiday is coming to us!
May there be one joy for all
It will come down from the sky!

Quiet, peaceful Christmas Eve and the spirit of Christmas
Decorate the last days of December.
All Catholics, adults and children
They love this holiday more than anyone else in the world!
Here the Christmas tree is lit with lights,
Here are the gifts under it,
Christ's name reigns over hearts,
This day is both joyful and holy!

December is coming to an end
And a bright holiday - Christmas -
You again solemnly welcome,
How everyone is waiting for him today.
Born: the stars shine clearly,
Born: there is a good light in souls...
So Merry Christmas! And you, like children,
Wait for the secret in the red felt boot!

A clear star rose in the sky,
The night of the Birth of Christ has arrived.
We congratulate you on the holy holiday.
We wish happiness to your friends and family.
May Christmas bring peace to your souls,
And let him give you a noisy, good feast.
Which will give us the joy of meeting.
When divine speeches ring.
When people's hearts are open to God.
When we see the star road to Jesus.

There is not the slightest bit of sadness -
We are all full of joy today:
Are you Orthodox or Catholic?
All people are equal before God!
Let us not tire of praising the Almighty!
And with triumph seething in my soul
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Catholic Christmas!

Christmas magic
With the Star of Bethlehem
Again it came to every home
Happiness brought with it.
May Christmas bring everyone
Wonderful joyful moments
And a lot of New Year's themes
For a new life, experiments.
May you live in abundance, in peace,
May prosperity reign
And friendship became the main force,
And every day everything got better!

All the people are now rejoicing,
Celebrates, celebrates
Day - Christmas.
It has finally come to us.
We glorify the good news,
That on this day I was born here,
In Bethlehem, Jesus,
So that our earthly load becomes lighter.
We wish you not to be discouraged,
Be cheerful, give
Bring your smile to everyone!
Don't make mistakes.

Night has fallen to the ground.
Star of Bethlehem
It lit up brightly in the sky -
And that fate was fulfilled,
That she saved people from filth,
Protect from evil evil,
Helped me find the right path,
To live in goodness for everyone.
I wish to keep light in my soul,
Believe and live with love.

A cozy home and native warmth,
We welcome guests on Christmas Eve,
For a long time festive table,
Gathered together, we expect a miracle.
Christmas candles are slowly melting,
And someone's shadow is creeping outside the window,
Everyone's soul sings with joy,
Baby Jesus was born on this day!
We wish all our friends a Merry Christmas,
May the light of the Star give clarity of thought,
With hope, happiness, faith and goodness,
We wish you to go through life!

On Holy Christmas Day,
At a beautiful table
Let the words of love ring out
Happy holiday!
I want to wish now
Good health,
There will be light every hour,
Christmas today!

My dear man,
Merry Christmas!
May your peace and may your century
It won't be harsh
God's grace will flow
In the soul and in the breath,
So as not to know and not meet
Pain and suffering.
Have clear days and milestones,
And new discoveries!
My dear man,
Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a special holiday,
It really smells like New Year,
And gifts, as always,
The kids ask for a lot,
Christmas, the birth of light,
Lots of joy for everyone
After all, every year, during this,
Nostalgia is calling us!