Plan of entertainment with children of the middle group. Leisure in the middle group "Feast of good deeds" material (middle group) on the topic. Leisure with the participation of parents "Maslenitsa" in the middle group

Guzyal Matrukhova
Entertainment for children of the middle group "Good Day"


with kids middle group

Subject. « good day»

Target: shape u children's idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality, to clarify ideas about the concepts « good» , "evil", « benevolence» , bring up benevolent attitude towards others. Encourage the child to make good deeds. Create a festive mood.

Event progress.

Leading. Woke up? Smiled! Let's raise our hands, let's reach for the sun. Hello Sunshine! (children repeat). -Hello everyone! Hello dear guests! We are very glad to see you at our holiday Of good. Today we will share with you kindness. Let's join hands and give our good, warmly to each other in a circle, lightly squeezing the palms. This is the sun kindness warm your hands.

Psycho-gymnastics "Don't be angry, smile!". (Children sit on chairs)

Against the background of music, a poem sounds and slides are shown on the topic « Good deeds in kindergarten»

Be lighter good or evil?

Probably easier for the evil ones.

Be good means to give

Your warmth to others.

Be good means understanding

Both relatives and strangers.

And sometimes you don’t know joy, taking care of others.

Certainly, it's harder for the good,

And yet, look:

How many friends he has!

And the evil one is always alone ... (L. Polyakova)

Leading. Guys, what do you think « good» And « kindness» ? (Children answer)

You know, a good is different. One goodness is treasure: books, paintings, toys, jewelry. Such good can be seen and even touched. Other good you can hear - this is music, sincere poems, tender words. But there is good that everyone should have Human: and you, and I, and your parents. What do you think this is good?

(Children answer)

Leading. Every person must have kind heart, kind soul, be able to speak good words help everyone, pity and save those who are in trouble. And, of course, the most important thing is to love.

The song sounds « Kindness» performed children.

Leading. And now we're going to the country Of good. Want to? (Children answer)

And what should be a resident of this country?

Children: Kind, caring, friendly, to help everyone.

Leading. Well done guys! You said everything correctly.

There is a good game

called "Friends".

You look at me

Repeat after me.

(A logarithmic game is being played "Friends"- 2 times.

I'm not afraid of anything with a friend (hands from chest spread apart)

Neither the darkness (close eyes with palms)

Neither the wolf (show the mouth of the wolf with your hands)

No blizzard (simultaneous circular motions hands)

Not a spider (with fingers to depict running spiders)

And no dog (show the dog with palms)

Not a bully boy, (put your fingers to your nose - Pinocchio)

Together with a friend I am stronger (hands to shoulders up)

Together with a friend, I'm bolder (hands to shoulders forward)

We will protect each other (put your arms around yourself)

And we will conquer all fears! (throw hands down to sides)

Leading. Get ready, friends! It's time to travel! Let's start our journey with a smile. Let's all smile and in a good mood hit the road. And we will go by train, and the sun will shine for us all the way. (Children get on a makeshift train and go.)


There is a letter on the floor.

Leading. Guys, look, the sheet is lying. There is something written here. Now I am you I will read: "Hello guys! We learned that you are going to the country Of good, which means that you are all kind. We got in trouble. A strong wind came up and tore off all the petals from the flowers. Please help me collect them."

Leading. So guys, can we help? (Children answer)- Petals, guys, are not simple, but magical. Need to say first good word and then put the petal. (Children take turns saying words: thank you, please, goodbye, hello, Good morning and t. e).

Leading. Well done boys! Station residents "Flower" very glad that you helped them and tell you "Thank you". And it's time for us to go! In places! Go!


(There is a letter on the floor)

Q. Guys, look, another letter! Let's see what's there? (Reads and says that the inhabitants of this station were bewitched by an evil sorceress. They went for a walk and got lost. So that they can find their way home, you and I must perform a dance.

A dance is being performed "Dolls"

In places! Go!


Q. Look who is meeting us? This is a fairy Of good.

Fairy. Hello guys! How I love you all. My assistants have already told me about your good deeds . But I myself want to make sure that you are dexterous, skillful.

Here is your first task.: Find your mitt. (Children are given one paper mitten, which depicts geometric figures. The remaining mittens are laid out on the floor. Children should find a pair for their mittens.)

Fairy. Well done guys, you did a great job.

Second task: "Hearts". They are magical. You need to answer the question and glue a small heart on a large one. (Children respond to questions:

What words are spoken at the meeting? (Who answered correctly, he sticks)

What do you say if you accidentally push someone?

Who must give up their seat on public transport?

How would you ask a friend for a toy?

A girl is crying. How will you calm her down?

What would you say if someone helped you?

You have one apple, and a friend asks you to treat him. What will you do?

Fairy. Well done guys! All questions were answered correctly. large, got a good heart.

And the third task will show to me: Are you attentive or not.

The game is being played "Magic Scarf".

Cheerful moving music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. Suddenly, the music stops playing. Children squat and cover their eyes with their hands. The fairy, straightening a large scarf, goes around children and covers one of them with a handkerchief.

Fairy. Once! Two! Three!

Who is hiding inside?

Don't yawn! Don't yawn!

Answer quickly!

(Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, then the scarf is raised.) The game is repeated three times.

Fairy. You guys have done a great job. Completed all my tasks and now I see what you really are kind, brave, skillful, attentive, caring.

Sounds like music, slideshow « Good deeds» facilitator reads a poem

How to learn kindness?

The answer is simple - she everywhere:

in a smile kind and at dawn,

In a dream and in an affectionate hello.

All over the earth good particles.

They need to be noticed

And collect in your heart.

Then there will be no malice in him. (M. Skrebtsova)

Q. Guys, you made little suns. You can give them to whomever you want as a sign goodness and care. (Children give each other and guests).

B. A fairy Of good We will ask you to come with us to kindergarten. Let's always be kind, polite, caring.

(Children get on the train and leave).

Q. So we returned to our kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip?

Exercise them in the ability to determine the action by the name of the profession;

- to cultivate respect for the work of people, their activities and their results.

Equipment: Game "Bus" - three cards: yellow, green, red, rope; the game "Hairdressers" - blanks (drawings) combs 2 pcs., blanks (paper wigs) scissors, paints; game "Doctor Aibolit" - drawn or toy thermometers 4 pcs., vials with vitamins 4 pcs., pills 4 pcs., music center.

The course of entertainment for the middle group

Educator: Guys, who brought you to kindergarten today? (Children's answers) And where did moms and dads go then? (children's answers) Dasha, what does your mother do? Lisa, what is your father's job? Sasha, what does your mother do?
Dunno enters to cheerful music.

Stranger: Hello guys. I was now walking through the kindergarten and met people of different professions along the way. First a janitor, what does a person of this profession do? Then the guard, what is he doing? Then the head of the kindergarten, what do you think she does in kindergarten? Then I walked past the kitchen and saw the cook, what do you think he was doing? And in the group with you there are always a teacher and an assistant teacher, what they do. That's how many people of different professions I met.

Educator: Yes, Dunno, every adult has a profession. A profession is a business that is done every day, which is useful to other people.

Dunno: And what will happen if there is no profession?

Educator: let's play the game "What will happen if ..." and find out.

The game "What happens if ..."

The teacher asks the children a question, according to what will happen if, including various professions.

For example: What happens if chefs stop cooking?

Dunno: I also want to work and benefit other people. From tomorrow I will work as a policeman, a cook and a fireman.

Educator: Dunno, but it’s not so easy to work, and for a start you should learn to go.

Dunno: Yes, what is he studying there, I already know how to do everything!

Educator: Well, if you don't believe me, let's try to play.

The game "Policeman, cook or fireman."

I invite everyone to the circle! While the music is playing, everyone moves in a circle to the right. As soon as the music stops, if I call the profession "Policeman", you put your hand on the visor, if "Cook", then you pretend to stir the soup, and if "Fireman" - we pretend to put out the fire. Started!

Dunno: (sadly) You are right, it is too difficult to be a policeman, a cook or a fireman, and even more so all at once ... (pause), (thought joyfully) ... But I think that I will make an excellent hairdresser !!!

Educator: Dunno, do you think that the profession of a hairdresser does not require knowledge and skills? Let's try to play "Hairdressers" then.

Game "Hairdresser"

Children are divided into two teams, they run in turn to the other end of the hall, the first player draws “comb teeth” - vertical lines of the same length on the drawn blank. The second runs, takes paints and paints the wig-blank, the third player, running, takes scissors and cuts the bangs of the wig-blank. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Dunno: (indignantly) That's all you have to learn, learn, learn! And the hairdresser did not work out of me, because I'm afraid of scissors. I'd rather be a bus driver! I can definitely cope with this profession, you twist the steering wheel for yourself, you twist and go and go.

Educator: And let's play a game called "Bus".

Mobile game "Bus".

Dunno driver, 3 pairs of children stand in a column, holding hands. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord. This is a bus. The driver stands in one of the corners of the room, holding three cards in his hands: yellow, green and red. The bus goes on a green signal, slows down on a yellow signal, and stops on a red one. Passengers can get on or off the bus at the designated stop.

Dunno: This is how much the driver needs to know the rules of the road! And what is a crosswalk, do you guys know? And at what traffic light can you cross the road? And which one can't? It's not an easy job to drive. Well, I wasn’t, then I will treat the children !!!

Educator: Oh, guys, rather hide all the medicines from Dunno, otherwise he will heal us so healthy now.

The game "Doctor Aibolit".

Two columns of children stand one behind the other behind the line. In front of them, “stumps” are laid out on the floor. Aibolit (player) must move from "stump" to "stump" and thus reach the line. As soon as he is below the line and puts a toy thermometer in the basket, the second player starts moving along the stumps with toy pills in his hands, etc.

Stranger: (sadly) Okay, okay! Do not be afraid of me, I will not treat anyone. I got it. In order to become someone, you need to study well and for a long time, first in kindergarten, then at school, institute. And I, perhaps, will go to school right now, I will carefully listen to the teacher, I will not skip classes. See you again.

Educator: Guys, today we talked about various professions. And who would you like to become? What does it take to become a professional in your field? You are absolutely right, you need a lot and study well, starting from the very kindergarten and do not forget to appreciate the work of the people who surround you. After all, any profession is difficult in its own way and any person makes great efforts.

Children really like to play and invent different stories, they seem to live in a fictional world that only they understand. Based on this, we adults can draw the following conclusion: the way to the heart of every child, without any doubt, can be found through play, fantasy and imagination. In addition, we ourselves, the organizers of children's leisure, are given a great opportunity to fall into the cloudless and wonderful world of childhood for a while and break away from the gray everyday life.

It seems to us that not only children participating in such events, but also the organizers of children's events themselves will be interested in working on non-traditional programs that are offered by the author from the experience of his own work.

This manual provides a broad retrospective of children's activities:

Show programs;

Entertainment programs;

Game programs;

Theatrical performances;

Creative living rooms;

Creative laboratories;

Fairy tale games;

dance shows;

travel games;

Various relay races;

Infotainment programs;

Development programs;

Wellness programs.

The proposed development of activities for preschoolers is permeated with the world of those hobbies and wonderful adventures, surprise, playful and unusual moments that every child must "live" so that the amazing country with the name "Childhood" remains in memory forever as a science, as a miracle.

Children love to move, this is their need! This, no doubt, will help children's health, entertainment, games and dance programs. After all, it is so important and, at the same time, attractive for a child to throw out his inexhaustible energy in fun, games, dances. The task of teachers in this aspect is to direct this energy in the right direction so that not only the body, but also the soul, as they say, rejoice!

Always play, play everywhere, play from morning to evening, and at the same time grow and develop - this is what can be defined as the motto of our children's activities. It's quite natural! The nature of children is inseparable from the nature of play. Here, of course, playing, developing, informational and educational programs will be indispensable, in which the child not only plays, but at the same time (and above all!) learns the world around him.

All scenarios are written in a simple and intelligible language, so that from the first moment of the organization of the event everything is extremely clear not only to children, but also to adults - the organizers of programs and holidays.

Fairy tales... Children live in this world, in fairy tales there is something that sometimes cannot be seen in the real world. Here, not only people, but also animals, and fruits, and even objects, and natural phenomena can talk, move, that is, be animated. Therefore, fabulous moments are present in so many programs as an element of moral and spiritual wisdom, which a child comprehends in an unpretentious form.

Nowadays, many children have a lot different toys, books, but there is nothing better and dearer than what is created by one's own hands. The child feels almost like a magician - a creator, if he makes, fantasizes, focuses. This collection contains a lot of creative programs but the development of skills artistic creativity and imagination.

From childhood, a child begins to feel his importance as a person in such programs! And that is great!

Dear educators, teachers and leaders of circles, try to implement and improve the proposed developments and, perhaps, a new amazing and colorful world of play, celebration, joy, smile will open before your wards!

Leisure and entertainment scenarios for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

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Zarina Shovalieva
A promising plan for entertainment in the middle group

A promising plan for entertainment in the middle group

№ I week II week III week IV week


1 "Knowledge Day".

Development children have cognitive motivation, interest in school, books. Formation of friendly, benevolent relations between children. Continued acquaintance with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child (paying attention to what happened changes: the fence was painted, new tables appeared, the expansion of ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor).

Sports entertainment: "Evening of outdoor games"

Target: Develop motor activity. Play famous outdoor games, introduce new games. Increase the emotional tone of children, meet the need for children to move theater: "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Target character. Exhibition children's creativity "Colorful Autumn"

Expanding children's ideas about autumn. Development the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (it got colder - butterflies disappeared, flowers faded, etc., to conduct seasonal observations. Expanding ideas about agricultural professions, about the profession of a forester. Expanding knowledge about vegetables and fruits (local, exotic). Extending the Rules safe behavior Outdoors. Upbringing careful attitude to nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas.

2 Entertainment"Visiting Aibolit"

Continue to acquaint children with parts of the body and human senses. Raising the need to comply with the diet, eating vegetables and fruits, etc. useful products. Expansion of ideas about the importance of sleep, hygiene procedures, hardening for health.

Entertainment for fire safety "Cat house"

Target character. Develop creativity and active participation in tasks. An evening of poetry and riddles "Golden Autumn"

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of autumn. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Sports entertainment: "Autumn has come to visit us"

Target: Develop

3 Thematic talk "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character, develop emotional response to fairy tales characters. Develop speech activity, the ability to correctly build a sentence, convey the true meaning of a fairy tale. Thematic entertainment"Who to be?"

Expansion of preschoolers' ideas about the work of adults, about different professions. Continued acquaintance with professions (driver, postman, salesman, doctor). Formation of interest in the professions of parents, emphasizing the importance of their work. Theme evening "About the work of Pushkin A. S" Recitation competition

Target: To introduce children to the work of A. S. Pushkin. Cultivate a love of poetry. Creating a festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: "Healthy"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about healthy way life; about the meaning exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

4 Evening of riddles about winter.

Target: Create a joyful mood. Recognize the signs of winter. Continue to form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Dramatization of Russian folk tale "Mitten"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character. Continued work on the formation of interest in books. Reading art and educational books. Formation of an understanding that a lot of interesting things can be learned from books. Examining illustrations. Development interest in theatrical play. Education of artistic qualities, disclosure of creative potential, involvement of children in various theatrical performances.

Holiday "In the circle of friends on New Year's Eve"

To form ideas about the New Year, as a fun and kind holiday, as the beginning calendar year. To form the ability to bring joy to loved ones, and to thank for New Year's surprises. Sports entertainment: "Sports Winter".

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to shape children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of physical exercises for the human body, interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

5 Entertainment: "Christmas"

Target: Develop interest in Russian folk art, in Russian public holidays their traditions and rituals. Create a happy mood. Leisure "The Secret of Magic Words"

Target: To form in children the skills of cultural behavior, to teach to use polite words in speech ( "Thank you","Please", "Hello", "Sorry", "Goodbye". To form the ability to see shortcomings in their behavior and correct them, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people around them.

"An evening of riddles and poems about winter"

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of winter. Cultivate a love of poetry. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Creating a festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: "We are not afraid of frost"

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of winter fun, games. Continue to shape the idea of ​​health and a healthy lifestyle.

6 Theme night: "Good and Evil in Russian Folk Tales"

Target: To form ideas about good and evil, forms of manifestation. Determine the importance of kindness in people's lives. Cultivate kindness in children. dramatization fairy tales: "Zayushkina's hut"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character.

Competition program "My dad is the strongest"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. Formation of primary ideas about the Russian Army, about men as defenders "small" and the Great Motherland, all weak people. Introducing children to "military" professions (soldier, tanker, pilot, sailor, border guard); with military equipment (tank, aircraft, military cruiser); with the flag of Russia, fostering respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Sports entertainment: "physical training"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

7 Concert "Beloved grandmothers and mothers"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. To cultivate a feeling of love and respect for a woman, a desire to help them, take care of them. Organization of all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Raising respect for teachers, other employees of the kindergarten. Thematic evening: "We are little wizards"

Target:Creating conditions for expanding children's ideas about the world around them. Continued acquaintance with the features of objects, improving the ability to determine their color, shape, weight, size. Develop skills to compare and group items on these grounds. Stories to children about the materials from which objects are made, about their properties and qualities. Explanation of the expediency of making an object from a certain material. Helping children to establish a connection between the purpose and structure, purpose and material of objects.

Entertainment"Leisure according to traffic rules"

Target: To form elementary knowledge about traffic rules, about safe behavior on the street and roads, about the need to comply with traffic rules, etc. Sports entertainment: "Russian folk games"

Target: Develop motor activity. To acquaint children with the games of different nations. Arouse interest in folk games. Education of tolerance and respect for representatives of different cultures and peoples.

8 Entertainment"April Day"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Develop a sense of humor, ingenuity. Involve parents in joint activities and active participation in entertainment program. Entertainment"Space trip"

Target: Continue to introduce children to outer space (stars, planets, meteorites, etc., with famous people - the discoverers who conquered space. Creating a festive atmosphere. "Oh blessed spring"- spring fair

Target: Expansion of children's ideas about spring. Development the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, to conduct seasonal observations. Expansion of ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Education of respect for nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas. Formation of ideas about the work carried out in the spring in the garden. Sports entertainment: "Happy Starts"

Target: Develop motor activity Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

9 Fun with paint: "Beauty - Spring"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Contribute development of children's creativity. dramatization fairy tales: "Two Greedy Little Bears". Target: Draw children's attention to the elements of acting (attention, communication, observation). To improve the technique of speech, the correct articulation of vowels, consonants. To promote the unification of children in joint activities. Learn means of facial expressions, gestures convey the most characteristic features fairy tale character.

Entertainment"Bubble Festival"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Learn about the properties of soap bubbles. Entertainment"Friendly family"-

Target: To form a sensitive, affectionate attitude towards the closest people - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. To form an interest in the blowers in their family and teach them to share their impressions with them.

Leisure for children "Holiday of good deeds"

Teacher of the middle group No. 4 Kuzina Z.V. spent leisure time "Festival of good deeds"

Purpose of the event:

  • the formation in children of ideas about kindness, kindness, about good, kind deeds;
  • to develop the ability to correctly evaluate oneself and others, to learn to see positive qualities in people, heroes, characters;
  • stimulate the desire to show empathy, care and responsiveness to others;
  • encourage the child to do good deeds;
  • develop verbally logical thinking, connected speech.

The teachers together with the children played the games “Good elves”, “Magic chair”, “Evaluate the deed”, “Who will say more kind and warm words to each other”; had a conversation about good deeds; read and discussed the work of V. V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”; danced to the music of the children's group "Barbariki".

Social partnership with parents:

  • creation of the album "Our good deeds"

Entertainment progress


Good afternoon, guys and dear guests! I am very glad to see you and your kind faces, radiant eyes! Let's give a piece of our good mood to each other. Look, guys, at each other and smile at each other, the guests. Children, did you enjoy giving each other a smile? It turns out that it is pleasant not only to receive gifts, but also to give them.
When you smile, you have a happy and kind face. It means that good-hearted people have gathered here. Guys, good kind people act kindly, do good. A good person is capable of love. Guys, what kind of a good person is this?


A kind person is one who plays together, helps adults, does not offend anyone, protects the weak, cheerful, attentive to everyone, polite, speaks only kind, good words, yields to each other.


That's right, guys, you have to be polite, kind, you have to give in to each other, learn to negotiate among themselves. A kind person, like the sun, radiates light and warmth, people are always drawn to him, because this person gives them his kind heart.

(I draw the attention of children to the sun depicted on the paper)

And here is the sun. Guys, look, something is sad, and the rays do not shine. It looks like some evil wizard deliberately decided to confuse us! He bewitched the sun. We need to do something good to disenchant him.

(Music sounds, the Fairy enters with a magic wand and a chest.)

Guys, hello. I am the Good Fairy. I heard what you were talking about. Listen to my words and remember:

Being kind is not easy at all,
Kindness does not depend on growth,
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.
If kindness, like the sun shines,
Adults and children rejoice.

I will help you to make the sun shine. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Are all fairy tale characters good? There are good and bad characters in fairy tales. Now we are going to play a game.

Various fairy tale characters hid in my magic chest (Gold fish, Ivan Tsarevich, Koschei the Immortal, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, swan geese, gray wolf, Baba Yaga, Malvina.)

I will give you cards, you look carefully and remember the fairy tale and its hero. If the hero is kind, then the card should be put in a yellow hoop, like the sun; if the hero is evil, then we put the card in a red hoop - the color of danger.

Game "Good - evil"

(Children complete the task to calm music)


Well done guys, you did a great job! In fairy tales, good fellows and red girls are always good, good wizards defeated evil.(Opens the first ray.)


A kind person always uses magic words. Do you know the magic words? I will touch you with my magic wand, and you must name the magic word.

(Children say polite words to quiet music)
Educator: And now I propose"Make no mistake, please" game

I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete it only when I call the “magic word” - please. Be careful!

Stand up please!

Please clap your hands!

Hands up!
-Sink, please.
- Jump, please.
- Hands forward.
Sit down please.


Well done guys, you know the magic words.(opens second light)


(referring to the teacher) Are your guys friendly?


Our guys are friendly and peaceful. Even if someone quarrels a little, he will immediately make peace.

If you quarreled with a friend,

Then go and make peace.
Don't pout and don't frown
If necessary, apologize!
And then everything around is brighter
And suddenly it becomes brighter
Because right next to
There will be a real friend!

Children take their little fingers and say "myrilochka":

Don't scold, don't scold.

And you say: "Make friends"

And you say: "Make peace"

We will always be with you

Inseparable friends!


Yes, your kids are friendly!(opens third light)Guys, are you funny? And how do you know how to have fun?


From a bad mood
Excellent treatment for singing.
Any work will become easier,
If the song is with you!

Song "I go with flowers"(music by E. Tilicheeva)


What a wonderful song! What funny kids!(opens the fourth ray)


Our children are very funny and friendly. They can not only sing, but also dance.

Here we spread our hands
As if they were surprised.
And to each other, to the ground,
They bowed to the belt!
Bent over, straighten up
Bent over, straightened up.
Down, down, don't be lazy
Bow and smile.

Children in pairs, standing opposite each other, perform the dance “Quarreled - reconciled” to the music (music by T. Vilkoreiskaya).


Well done, you really are funny, polite and friendly guys(opens the fifth ray).


Guys, do you like animals? Who lives in your house?


Cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, fish, parrots.


And I have horses. Let's ride horses!

(Children become in two teams, the Fairy gives horses on a stick)
Relay "Horses"


Well, how clever!(opens the fifth ray)Guys, are you affectionate?


Now we will find out. Let's playgame "Affectionate word".

I will name the name, and you must change it so that it sounds kind, for example, Ira - Irochka.

(Throws the ball to the child, calling his name, the child throws the ball back, calling the name affectionately).

The game "Affectionate word" with the ball(quiet calm music sounds).


Well done guys, I liked your kind words.

Yes, an affectionate, kind word warms the soul(opens the sixth ray).

Educator: (referring to Fairy)So our children are good?


Yes, your children are very kind. Guys, and good people what a heart.


Kind, warm, affectionate, knows how to love.


Guys, we did beautiful hearts from paper, bright flowers, multi-colored peas-circles were pasted on them.

Who do you want to give them to?




Of course, to your beloved mother, because mother is the dearest and closest person for her child. Mom will sip, regret, caress. She, like the sun, will warm with her love. Even the proverb says: "It's warm under the sun, good under the mother."

Give kindness to people

Care and love

And understanding and dream -

Give again and again!

Let there be no thought about the reward
And never will
Reciprocal heart warm light

People will give you.

And your life will change
Will be luckier
When the flow is on you
The wave of love will come!
Give kindness to people...

Children go to their mothers and give them "valentines". Everyone goes to the center of the room together.

Fairy opens the seventh ray


And now, friends, I will ask you: please close your eyes for a minute, be sure to smile from the bottom of your heart.(At this time, the Fairy imperceptibly turns the solar circle over with the image of a cheerful smile)

Open your eyes, look: it has become brighter in our hall. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth.

Open your eyes and see

We love you all and you love us!


Now this is a good sun! It smiles and illuminates everyone with its rays. And from its rays we feel warmth. May they warm our hearts today.

There is a big sun - it is in the sky. And there is a small sun - it shines in each of us. This is our love and kindness. That is why we are sometimes addressed: Sunshine, my sun.

A kind person is one who loves people and helps them. He loves nature and takes care of it. And love and the desire to help warm us ourselves, like the sun. I wish you all good, love and happiness!


Thank you, good sorceress Fairy! You helped to disenchant our sun.


And I thank you guys for a warm, confidential conversation, for kind, smart thoughts, and I want to present medals to all of you. Kind heart”, and may your heart be kind!

All together sing the song "Smile"(V. Shainsky)


No matter how life flies
Do not regret your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To make the heart burn
And not smoldering in the mist
Do a good deed
That's how we live on earth.
(A. Lesnykh)

And now I invite everyone to the group for tea!