Lesson on moral education in elementary school. Morality lessons in elementary school. "Teach your heart to be kind"

Summary of extracurricular activities on spiritual and moral education for junior schoolchildren"Friendship is a wonderful word"

Target: the formation of an understanding of the value of friendship, the consolidation of children's knowledge about the positive and negative qualities of a person's character.Tasks: Tutorial: determine the essence of the concept of "friendship", the qualities of a true friend; help children realize what qualities are important in friendship.Developing: develop communication skills necessary for the formation of friendship and collectivism in the children's environment;Educational: to form moral qualities (the ability to be friends, to cherish friendship) and friendly relations in a team of peers, to cultivate collectivism, mutual assistance.Equipment: presentation, pedagogical situations, musical accompaniment, cards with proverbs about friendship, cards with fairy-tale characters, illustration depicting islands, color templates.Lesson progress 1. Organized class start
1.1. Get students ready for class Good afternoon dear guests! We are glad to see you. (slide 1)Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We've got guests, let's greet them.(Children welcome guests)Our guests want to see what kind of guys you are. Let's say together: (slide 2)We are friendly!We are attentive!We are diligent!We are excellent studentsEverything will work out for us.Well done boys. Now you can sit quietly in your seats.2. Introductory part of the lesson Today we have an unusual lesson and a very interesting, serious topic, and to find out, you need to guess a crossword puzzle. (slide 3) I will read riddles to you, and you will answer by raising your hands, but I will ask those who raise their hand correctly.1. Little girlNail growth.Born from a grainHer home is a flower.Who is this? (Thumbelina)2. He is cheerful, groovy,And a propeller in the backlifts the mood,Likes sweet jamThe kid always laughs.Who is this? Tell me!(Carlson)3. She is beautiful and sweet.And her name is from the word "ash". (Cinderella)4. She was a dwarf's girlfriendAnd, of course, you know.(Snow White)5. The father has a strange boy,Unusual, wooden,On land and underwaterLooking for a golden keyEverywhere the nose sticks its long ...Who is this?..(Pinocchio)6.C blue hair And with big eyes."Brush your teeth! Wash your hands!"Loves to lead! (Malvina)

Guys, what is the keyword? That's right, today our conversation is dedicated to friendship and friends. (slide 4) We will decide what true friendship should be and define the laws of friendship.3. The main part of the lesson
3.1. Conversation about friendship

What is friendship, everyone knows?

Maybe it's funny to ask?

Well, what does it mean

This word? So what is it?

1 student:

Friendship is if your friend is sick

And he can't come to school

Visit him willingly

Bring school lessons

Patiently explain tasks

Take on some of his worries.

Give him your attention

Days, weeks, month or year...

2 student:

If your friend is something, sorry.

Badly done or said

We must honestly, directly, without a doubt

Tell the truth to his face.

Maybe he can't understand everything.

Maybe he will be offended all of a sudden.

You still have to tell the truth

After all, that's what a best friend is for.

3 student:

Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.

A friend will always give the last.

A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues,

The one who does not deceive will not betray.

Well done guys, and now I'll give you the definition of friendship from Ozhegov's dictionary:Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests (slide 5)Who do we consider friends? Children's responses are heard.You pronounce the word "friendship" - and you immediately remember the funny cartoon characters: this is the funny Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, (slide 8) this is the musical Lion cub and the wise Turtle. The world of cinema, the world of books, our world in which we live, gives us wonderful communication - communication with a friend.A friend is a favorite book that you read and you are interested in with it, a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times, a friend is a school teacher, an educator who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge, a friend is (slide 9) an old teddy bear with an ear torn off who will listen to you when you feel bad.3.2. The game "Who is friends with whom?" (slide 10) We read a lot of different fairy tales and I suggest you play the game "Who is friends with whom?" Each on the desk is a white piece of paper on which fairy-tale characters are depicted. Let's remember which of these fairy-tale characters is friends with whom and connect friends with arrows.Winnie the Pooh Piglet,Baby Carlson,Cat Leopold - mice,Baba YagaLion cub - turtleCinderella-mice,Malvina - Pinocchio,Cinderella - miceCheburashka - crocodile GenaMalvina-PinocchioLet's see what we got. Who is out of place here? Why is no one friends with him? Children's answers.3.3. The game "Dark and light bags" (slide 11)On my board is a bag of good qualities, which we will fill with qualities that help make friends. I offer you cards with words. Choose the qualities you need a true friend and attach the labels to the bag. Now let's read the rest of the words. These are dark, bad qualities that we must eradicate from our lives. Let's crush these leaves and throw them away."Light qualities" "Dark qualities"Honesty SlothNeatness CunningKindness Disobediencecaring deceitfulnessFriendliness Envy

Politeness. Patience.

Mindfulness Rudeness

Anger Hate Greed

3.4 Role modeling.

Each group acts out the situation.

Story "Friends"

Once Sasha brought an electronic game "Football" to school. Maxim immediately ran up to him and shouted: “We are friends, let's play together!”.

Let's! Sasha agreed. Other guys also came up, but Maxim blocked the game from them.

I am Sasha's friend! he said proudly. - I will play with him.

The next day, Denis brought transformers to the class. And again Maxim was the first near him.

I am your friend! he said again. - Let's play together.

But then Sasha came up.

And accept me.

No, we will not accept, - said Maxim.

Why? Sasha was surprised. You are my friend, you said it yourself yesterday.

That was yesterday, - Maxim explained. - Yesterday you had a game, and today he has robots. Today I am friends with Denis!

Conclusion: you need to be friends not because it is profitable, but disinterestedly. You need to be friends because this person is close to you, his interests, views, inner world are close.

The story "Identical"

There lived two inseparable girlfriends, first graders. Both of them are small. Rosy-cheeked, fair-haired, they looked very much alike. Both mothers were dressed in the same dresses, both studied only for fives.

We are the same in everything, in everything! - the girls said proudly. But one day Sonya, that was the name of one of the girls, ran home and boasted to her mother:

I got an A in math, but Vera only got a C. We are no longer the same...

The mother looked at her daughter carefully. Then she said sadly:

Yes, you've gotten worse.

I? Sonya was surprised. But I didn't get a three!

Vera got a triple, but she got it because she was sick ... And you were delighted - and this is much worse.

Conclusion: Know how to empathize with a friend, support him.

The story "Before the first rain"

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to school together. Either Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya - for Masha. One time, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

Take off your cloak, we will cover ourselves together, - Tanya shouted on the run.

I can't, I'll get wet! - Bending her head with a hood, Masha answered her.

At school, the teacher said:

How strange, Masha's dress is dry, and yours, Tanya, is completely wet. How did it happen? You were walking together, weren't you?

Masha had a cloak, and I walked in one dress, ”said Tanya.

So you could cover yourself with a raincoat, - said the teacher and, looking at Masha, shook her head. - It can be seen, your friendship until the first rain!

Both girls blushed deeply: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.

Conclusion:help a friend in difficult times.

3.5. Physical education dance "Friendship" (slide 18)And now it's time for us to relax a little, a cheerful mouse invites us to dance.3.6. Quiz "Fairy-tale heroes" (slide 19)1. Once four musicians got together and became friends. They gave concerts together, chased out robbers together, lived together - they didn’t grieve ... Name these musician friends. (Bremen Town Musicians: Rooster, Cat, Dog, Donkey.) (slide 20)2. Which girl rescued her friend from ice captivity? Do you respect her actions and why? (Gerda rescued her friend Kai.) (slide 21)3. This hero fell on the bed and, clutching his head, said: “I am the sickest person in the world!” He demanded medicine. They gave him, and he answered: “A friend saved the life of a friend!” Who are we talking about? And what medicine was given to the patient? (Carlson. The medicine is raspberry jam.) (slide 22)4. Which two friends were lying on the sand and singing a song about the sun? Name them? (Lion cub and turtle.) (slide 23)5. The girl with blue hair had many friends, but one was always there. Who is he? (Poodle Artemon.) (slide 24)Well done boys! There are a lot of books about friendship and friends. By reading them, you make friends in the person of literary heroes.3.8. Game "Collect a proverb" (slide 25)There are many proverbs about friendship. Game "Collect proverbs". You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I was compiling them, I accidentally dropped and mixed up all the words in proverbs ...Can you help me collect them?

Friend is known in trouble.

Life is hard without a friend.Remember friendship, but forget evil. (Hang out on the board)4. The final part of the lesson Our lesson is coming to an end. And in conclusion, we will derive the laws of friendship that you promise to fulfill and abide by.Laws of Friendship : (slide 27)Help a friend in need.
Be able to share the joy with a friend.
Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.
Stop a friend if he does something bad.
Know how to accept help, advice, do not be offended by criticism.
Don't fool your friend.
Know how to admit your mistakes, make peace with a friend.
Don't betray your friend.
Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.
- A friend is easy to lose, much harder to find. If you have a friend, take care of friendship with him, appreciate it.4.2. Reflection "Mood Islands" Guys, look at this mood islands. You have flowers on your desks that you must stick on the island whose name matches your mood at the moment. (Children come to the painted islands and stick flowers according to their mood).4.3. Parting On this our lesson came to an end and finally I want to quote you a poem.“Who believes in friendship fervently, who feels a shoulder next to him,He will never fall, in any trouble he will not be lost,And if he suddenly stumbles, then a friend will help him get up,Always in trouble, a reliable friend will lend a hand to him.Guys, let's thank our guests for attending our lesson.

I have developed 14 classes on different topics: "To whom happiness comes", "The miracle of a smile", "My mother is the best in the world", "Industriousness. How to become industrious", "How to learn to be kind", "Wealth of kindness", "Human heart", "Friendship", "Pride", "Love", "Brothers and sisters", "Family education" . These notes can be used to extracurricular activities, class hours, use the material in the lessons of the ORKSE.



Wealth of Kindness

Target: help children understand such qualities as generosity, sincerity, kindness, charity.

Lesson progress

1. There is a proverb on the board:

A good deed is happiness.

Have there been times in your life when, having done a good deed, you felt like a happy person?

Who do you think is a rich person?

Would you like to get rich? If you found a treasure, what would you spend it on?

Who should be more generous: the poor or the rich?

Who finds it harder to be generous?

Do you think that if a person shares his wealth, does it decrease?

What is charity? Do you know people who do charity work? Can you participate in charity events? What can each of you do?

2. Work in groups.

What treasures does our earth consist of? Write a few of the most basic and justify why people could not live without these riches.

Performance of groups and discussion of works.

3. Reading the Japanese fairy tale "The poor and the rich."

A rich man and a poor man lived in the same village. The rich man had a lot of money.

Once a rich man called a poor man to his place. The poor man thinks: “I didn’t decide to give me a present. That's what he's calling for." Came and says:

What a blessing it is to have so much money!

What are you! - the rich man answers, - what happiness it is! I thought that the richest man in the village is you! You have two whole wealth: the first is health, and the second is children. And I have only money. What kind of rich am I?

The poor man listened, listened, and thought: “And it’s true, I’m not so poor.” And he went home - to tell the old woman about everything. The old woman just threw up her hands.

Didn't you, old man, know that the greatest happiness is children and health?

We have lived happily ever after! - decided the old people.

Here you and I are what rich people, we gave gifts to all the kids! - the old man and the old woman rejoiced.

Since then they have been nicknamed the rich poor in the village.

4. A conversation about a fairy tale.

What was the old man's real wealth?

What do you think, if the old man found a treasure or received a large inheritance, how would he dispose of his wealth?

Is the rich man in the story really a rich man? Is it possible to say about him that he is rich poor?

Do you think it's better to be rich poor or poor rich? Why?

What kind of person do you consider yourself?

5. Reading the Mansi fairy tale "Bunny"(you can prepare her dramatization)

Lived - there was a bunny. On the lake shore in the sedge he constantly jumped. Once, while eating sedge, he cut his lip. Went to the fire to complain:

Fire, burn the sedge on the lake shore!

What harm did the sedge do to you? the fire asked.

She cut off my lip, - the hare answered.

You have such an insatiable belly, - said the fire.

The hare went to the water and said:

Water, come, put out the fire!

She cut my lip!

The bunny went to two boys with arrows and bows, and said to them:

Children, shoot the water!

What harm did the water do to you?

Water does not come, fire does not extinguish!

What harm did the fire do to you?

The fire does not ignite the sedge on the lake shore!

What harm did the sedge do to you?

She cut my lip.

You have such an insatiable belly!

The bunny went to the mouse and said:

Mouse, mouse, gnaw the string on the bows of the boys so that they could not shoot.

The mouse took pity on the bunny and went to gnaw the string of the bows. But didn't have time. The boys grabbed their bows, pulled the string and shot arrows into the water. The boys shoot into the water - the water comes, the fire goes out to put out. The fire got scared and jumped to the sedge. The sedge caught fire, and the bunny jumps in the sedge. The bunny was confused, ran out of the fire, set his legs and ears on fire.

6. A conversation about a fairy tale. Outcome.

What proverbs came to your mind when you listened to this story?

Have you met such people?

What would you wish them? Can they change? Have you ever wished well for someone? What about evil?

What kind of people would you like to meet more often in your life? Why?


Brothers and sisters

Target: develop the ability to empathize, help and support their brothers and sisters, treat them with respect and love, be kind and sensitive.

Lesson progress

1. Conversation.

Do you have brothers and sisters?

Do you think it is better to be one child in a family, or vice versa, to have brothers and sisters?

2. Work in groups.Children are divided into groups. One will name the advantages of living with one child in the family, and the second will name the advantages of living when a child has brothers and sisters.

After the presentation of the groups - the continuation of the conversation.

Are you friends with your brothers and sisters? What are they teaching you? What are you teaching them?

Were there moments when they came to your aid, supported and reassured you?

How did you help them?

Who would you like to have - a brother or a sister? Why?

Who do you think lives easier in the family - older or younger children? Why do you think so?

3. Reading a fairy tale.

A. Stoyanov "Pumpkin"

There were five brothers. Four brothers were tall and stately, and the fifth was small, the size of a pumpkin. That's why they called him Pumpkin. And so the nickname came up to him that no one remembered what his name was. One day the older brothers said:

We have a long way to go. We will meet many people along the way. Why do we need Pumpkin, because of him we will be ridiculed. Let's leave him at home and the four of us will go - we are a match for each other. And they did not take the younger brother.

They walked and walked, and came to a deep river. The elder brother smiled and said:

You see, if Tykovka were with us, we would have to carry him in our arms.

The next evening they entered a dense forest. The second brother said:

If Pumpkin were with us now, he would get lost in the thicket. The long road is for the tall and the strong.

The forest ended, they began to climb the mountain along large boulders. The third brother could not stand it and says:

It's good that Pumpkin stayed at home. We didn't have to drag him on our backs over the boulders.

They walked and walked and lost their way. Around - a wide field. Everywhere, as far as the eye can see, only the grass sways, and the bushes rustle. No mound, no skyscrapers from which you can look around the surroundings. There is a thin tree in the middle of the field, but none of the brothers could climb it. Then the fourth brother said:

This tree cannot withstand tall and strong. Only Pumpkin could have climbed to the top and found his way. I should have taken it with me. We did wrong!

We did wrong! the older brothers answered and lowered their heads guiltily.

4. Conversation.

And what do you think?

How did the elders treat the younger brother? Was it difficult for them to carry him across the river, boulders, help in the dense forest?

Can elders treat younger ones with disdain? Should you consider yourself taller and smarter because you are older?

Can small children be better than older ones in some way? Give an example.

Do you think Pumpkin could make this journey with his brothers?

4. Creative work in groups (4-5 people each)

Come up with your own version of the fairy tale about how Pumpkin helped the brothers during a difficult journey.

5. Summing up the creative work. If the children have not finished the task, you can invite them to complete the work at home and illustrate it.


Family upbringing

Target: continue to cultivate attention, respect for parents, understanding and desire to see them as a friend, cultivate kindness, gratitude and the ability to listen to the advice and demands of adults.

Lesson progress

1. Conversation.

Do you think being a mother or father is difficult? When do parents have the hardest time with their children, and when are they happy?

2. Work with proverbs.

Children are good - father-mother's crown;

Hoods - the end of the father-mother.

What do you think, what should be the children to be the "crown" for parents?

What quality of children will make this crown “sparkle and shimmer”? Who does it depend on the most?

3. There are 4 columns on the board :

edification remarks requirements living example of parents

Each child is invited to go to the blackboard and put a “+” in the column that, in your opinion, brings up the best.

Summing up.

In what case, in your opinion, parents can demand? Is it really worth asking anything from your children?

And can they good parents grow up bad kids? What is it coming from?

4. Reading the Kurdish fairy tale "Father and Son".

The father, returning with a ten-year-old son from the field, saw an old horseshoe on the road and said to his son:

Pick up this horseshoe.

Why do I need an old broken horseshoe? the son replied.

The father did not say anything to him and, picking up the horseshoe, went on.

When they reached the outskirts of the city, where the blacksmiths worked, the father sold this horseshoe for three kopecks.

After walking a little more, they saw merchants who were selling cherries. The father bought a lot of cherries from them for the three kopecks that he got for the horseshoe, wrapped them in a scarf, and then, without looking back at his son, continued on his way, occasionally eating one cherry at a time. The son walked behind and looked greedily at the cherries. When they had gone a little way, one cherry fell out of the father's hands. The son quickly bent down, picked it up and ate it.

(You can give the children the opportunity to guess what happened next)

After some time, the father dropped another cherry, and then another, and began to drop one cherry at a time, continuing on his way.

The son bent down at least 10 times, picked up and ate dropped cherries. Finally, the father stopped and, giving his son a handkerchief with cherries, said:

(you can ask the children what the father said)

You see, you were too lazy to bend down once to pick up an old horseshoe, and after that you bent down ten times to pick up the very cherries that were bought for this horseshoe. From now on, remember and do not forget: if you consider easy work hard, then you will meet harder work; if you are not satisfied with the little, you will lose the big.

5. A conversation about a fairy tale.

Did you like your father's educational method?

How do you think he influenced his son? Did the son understand that he was wrong to be too lazy to pick up the old horseshoe?

What would you do if you were in your father's place?

Tell about your parents. What qualities have you acquired thanks to them?

What should children be like so that the hearts of their parents hurt less for them?

6. Creative work.

Draw the heart of your parents.

Final exhibition. Children's comments are welcome.



Target : to develop and improve in children mercy, kindness, modesty, the ability to empathize and sympathize.

Course progress.

1. Proverbs on the board:

Do not be proud of the title, but be proud of the knowledge.

The proud is looking for a bright place, while the wise is visible from a dark corner.

Read the first proverb.

What can you be proud of?

What kind of person can be called proud?

Does a person need pride?

Do you think parents should be proud of their children? And children for parents?

What are you most proud of in your parents? What about your parents?

Does pride make you a better person? Give examples from your own life.

Can a humble person be proud?

2. Reading a fairy tale.

V. Sukhomlinsky

"Petal and Flower"

blossomed White flower dahlia. Bees and bumblebees flew over it, took nectar. The flower has 42 petals. And now one Petal was proud!

I am the most beautiful. Without me, the flower does not bloom. I am the most important. So I'll take it and leave, what to me?

Petal pulled himself up, climbed out of the Flower, jumped to the ground. He sat down in a rose bush and watched what the Flower would do.

And the Flower, as if nothing had happened, smiles at the sun, calls bees and bumblebees to her.

Petal went and met Ant.

Who are you? Ant asks.

I am Petal. Foremost. The most beautiful. Without me, even the Flower does not bloom.

Petal? I know a petal in a flower, but on two thin legs, like you, I don’t know.

Petal walked, walked, dried up until evening. And the flower blooms. A flower without one Petal is a flower. A Petal without a flower is nothing.

3. A conversation about a fairy tale.

Why did Petal become proud?

Have you ever felt like you are the most important person in the company? Did you like this feeling?

Name your favorite trees, flowers, animals. Imagine what they can be proud of.

Do you think being proud is good or bad?

4. Creative task.Group work - children are invited to come up with a continuation of this fairy tale.

When the work is finished, each group must read out their own version of the continuation of the tale.


5. Continued work with proverbs. Outcome.

How do you understand the meaning of the second proverb?

What qualities do you think make a person noticeable in any place?

What kind of person can be said that the world around him glows?

If a man is proud of something, should he boast of it?



Target: educate children in friendly relations, learn to cherish friends, cherish them, develop a sense of responsibility, the ability to selflessly help others.

Course progress.

1. The lesson begins with reading a fairy tale.

I. Radchikov "If you want to have friends"

One tree stood by the road and was sad because it had no friends. Of course, people walked along the road, but everyone had their own business, and no one stopped at the tree. Sometimes it thought to leave wherever its eyes looked. But the trees cannot walk, they cannot run away even when they see people with axes coming towards them. This was until spring. As soon as spring came, the tree was covered with leaves, put on a beautiful green hat. But still it remained lonely.

One day the tree saw a hawk chasing a sparrow. The sparrow screamed in fear. Not knowing where to go, he darted into the green leaves of the tree.

The tree was pretty. All night it whispered with a sparrow, and in the morning the bird built a nest on it and sat down to breed chicks.

One day a cart stopped near a tree. The driver unharnessed his horses, tossed hay to them, and lay down to take a nap. Other people were driving by, saw a thick shadow and also decided to rest. Passers-by sat in the shade and began to talk different stories, and the tree listened and rejoiced that it was no longer lonely. It tried to put a thicker shadow, otherwise people would decide that the shadow was bad and leave.

Since then, everyone who walked along the road stopped to rest under a tree. True, a tree cannot keep pace with a person on the road, but it can cover him with its shadow along the way!

So the tree made friends. It realized that if you want to have friends, you need to cover them with your shadow.

2. A conversation about a fairy tale.

How has the tree changed when it began to help people? How many friends did he have? What is the happiness of the tree?

What advice would you give to someone who wants to have friends?

How many friends do you have? Tell about them.

What do you think friendship is? What is selfless friendship?

Have there been times in your life when someone completely unselfishly helped you? What did you feel? Have you ever done something similar for people?

3. Children are invited to listen to another fairy tale.

V. Sukhomlinsky "Girl and Chamomile"

On a clear sunny morning, a little girl went out to play in a green meadow. Suddenly he hears: someone is crying. The girl listened and understood: crying comes from under a stone that lies on the edge of the clearing. The stone is small, like a rabbit's head, but very hard. The girl came up to the stone and asked:

Who is crying under the stone?

It's me, Chamomile, - a quiet, weak voice was heard, - Release me, girl. The stone crushes me...

The girl threw back the stone and saw a delicate pale stalk of Chamomile.

Thank you, girl, - said Chamomile, straightening her shoulders and taking a deep breath. “You freed me from stone oppression.

How did you get under the rock? the girl asked.

The stone deceived me, - Chamomile answered. - I was a small chamomile seed. In the autumn I was looking for a warm corner. The stone gave me shelter and promised to protect me from cold and heat. And when I wanted to see the sun, he almost crushed me. I want to be your girl!

The girl came to Chamomile, and together they met the sun.

It's good to be yours! Chamomile often said.

What if you grew up in the woods or by the side of the road? If you were a draw? the girl asked.

I would have died of grief, - Chamomile said quietly. But I know that nobody's colors exist. They are always somebody. There is that fiery dome - she is friends with the sun. The sun whispers to her: "You are mine, fiery poppy." I hear that whisper as the sun rises and the poppy opens its petals. But that cornflower is a friend of the spring wind. He is the first to fly to the cornflower, wakes him up and whispers: “Wake up!”

A flower cannot live if it is nobody's.

4. Conversation.

Do you agree with Chamomile's opinion that "no one's flowers exist"?

Do you have flower friends?

What was the girl like? Can you call her a true friend?

Is it hard to be a true friend? Why?

Who do you think is friends with whom in nature? Is there someone in the natural world with whom everyone is friends, with whom no one wants to be friends, with whom it is very easy or very difficult to be friends?

5. Work with proverbs.

A true friend is better than a hundred servants.

Tell me about a time when a friend helped you a lot.

Friend is known in trouble.

Is a friend known only in trouble?

Have friends helped you in trouble? And you?

There is no friend, so look for it, but you found it, so take care.

Do you take good care of your friends?

How did you meet your friends?

6. The game "Secret friend"

Write down the first and last name of each child on separate pieces of paper. Roll them up, put them in a box and offer to pull out one leaflet. After reading it, the child should not tell anyone the name written on the leaf. The child whose name they pulled out becomes their "Secret Friend" from now on. For three days, everyone should, without betraying themselves, show as much attention as possible to "secret friends", so that they feel like the most the right people in the world. Do at least one every day a pleasant surprise to my friend.

After three days, the children can try to guess who their secret friend was. In the next lesson, you can ask what was the most important and most difficult thing for them in this task.


To whom does happiness come?

Target: to bring to the understanding of children that such qualities as kindness, diligence, mercy form the basis of a full-fledged happy life of any person.

Lesson progress

1 .Introductory conversation.

Do you think that all people want to be happy?

On the board - proverbs:

"Happiness is better than wealth"

"Every man is a blacksmith of his own happiness"

"Happy talent is given from God"

Do you agree with these statements? How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

2. Children are asked to write down 10 wishes that they think will bring them happiness. Another option is also possible: choose 5 main values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are needed for happiness:

*good family

*big house

*a good education

* perseverance


*respect for people


*beautiful appearance


Why did you choose these particular values?

3. Reading a fairy tale.

D. Bisset. "Yak".

Yak lived far in the mountains. More than anything else, Yak loved to sit in a secluded place among the rocks and listen to the sea. Somewhere he found a sea shell - very beautiful, with a steep curl - and when he put it to his ear, he listened to the sound of the sea waves.

Yak listened to the sound of the shell and dreamed of getting to the seashore ...

And then one day, taking his favorite shell with him and saying goodbye to the rest of the yaks, he set off.

Yak did not know the way, but decided: "I will go until I reach the sea." And he walked like this all day, and in the evening he nibbled grass, listened to the sound of the sea and fell asleep.

He walked another day and another, but he still did not reach the sea. There were mountains and mountains all around.

Once Yak stopped to drink from a mountain stream. His mood was unhappy. He put his shell to his ear and, sitting down on the shore, began to listen. And the stream ran its way, jumping over the stones. Suddenly the stream asked:

What are you doing here?

Listen, - answered Yak.

Let me listen, - asked the stream.

The yak brought the shell to the water, and the stream listened.

It's the sound of the sea! the stream rejoiced. - Well, yes, the sound of the sea!

Do you know the way there - asked Yak.

Do I know the way! - the stream was indignant. - Yes, I'm just running there. Follow me and you will go straight to the sea.

Thank you, - said Yak and followed the stream.

Gradually, the stream became wider and wider and, finally, turned into a full-flowing river, along which boats sailed. Yak hired a boat and sailed further in the boat. She was with a big red sail, and when the wind blew, Yak sat and rested.

Finally he reached the sea. What a miracle it was! The yak sat down on the sand and watched the waves. They were as noisy as the surf in his shell. Yak was happy.

The sea was hot, and Yak went to the hairdresser to cut his long hair. And then he came back and rolled on the back of the kids - 2 pennies per circle. And soon he had enough money for ice cream, which he had long wanted to try.

Life was going well. Yak liked it here, by the sea. But most of all, Yak loved the long evenings, when it was already dark and everyone went home, and he sat alone in front of his cave, listening to the sound of the sea and watching the ships leaving the horizon.

When it got completely dark, the stars lit up one after another, and the sea splashed and splashed against the shore.

4. Conversation on the content of the tale.

What do you think, if Yak only dreamed of the sea, but remained in the cold mountains, would he be truly happy?

How is the Yak different from other yaks?

Should a person seek his happiness or will it come by itself? How do you understand the proverb “Water does not flow under a lying stone”?

Imagine that you are listening to the shell from this fairy tale. She talks about the happiest day of her life. What story will it be?

5. Bottom line. The teacher offers to listen to the parable.

God molded a man out of clay and left him with an unused piece. "What else to blind you?" God asked. “Blind me happiness,” the man asked. God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

Who do you think your happiness depends on? Can someone "blind" your happiness?

What is the greatest happiness in your life?

Do you think there is any one common happiness for all people on earth?

Draw the Fairy of happiness.

Exhibition of drawings.

At home, you can offer to draw a flower of happiness and come up with a fairy tale about it.


How to learn to be kind

Target: to develop and improve in children a kind, attentive and sensitive attitude towards others.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory conversation.

Do you think a good person is born or does this quality need to be developed?

Imagine that the sun and kindness are one and the same. What would happen to the world if there was no kindness?

2. Game: "How to get infected with kindness"

One child says something kind to another. Then both join hands and together come up with and say something nice to another child. Then the three of them say something kind to the fourth, and so on until all the children are covered. Then all the children stand in a circle, holding hands.

Conclusion: kindness spreads very quickly, unless, of course, you try to be kind yourself. Standing in a circle, you can sing a song.

3. Reading a parable.

There are seven donations in the world that even a poor person can make.

First, it is service by one's own work.

Secondly, spiritual sacrifice is a sensitive and attentive attitude towards others.

Thirdly, the sacrifice of the eyes is a kind look.

Fourth, face sacrifice is a constant warm smile on the lips.

Fifth, word sacrifices are words of attention and participation.

Sixth, sacrificing one's place is giving one's place to others.

And seventh, sacrificing one's home is giving shelter for the night to others.

All these donations can be made by anyone.

(On the board, you can briefly indicate all these donations and first invite the children to explain their meaning, and then read the explanation from the parable)

Do you agree with the thoughts in the parable?

Have you ever made similar donations? Was it difficult to do it?

Do you know such people? What did they sacrifice?

Who would you compare good man? And the evil one?

They say there are three types of people: some are like a drought, others are like a little rain, and others are like a rain that captures everything around.

Who are these people? (Children can make their guesses)

Drought people - they give nothing to anyone, no food, no drink, no clothes.

People are like a little rain - they give something to some and not to others.

People are like heavy rain - they give everyone who needs shelter, food, drink ...

4. Bottom line. What kind of people have you met? Which ones do you like best? Is it hard to be kind? Draw at home how you feel about three types of people.



Target: continue to acquaint children with human virtues, develop an understanding that love is the source of all the brightest things on earth.

Lesson progress

  1. Conversation.

Today at the lesson we will think about love. Let's start with the box. It contains the most precious thing in the world. What do you think it is? (children's guesses)

Look into it and you will see what is most valuable.

(IN beautiful box there is a mirror. Each child takes turns looking at it.

This moment is very important. The fact is that values ​​in a person are not only accumulated, but also transformed, and this transformation largely depends on the nature of a person’s assessment of his qualities as ideal values, or as values ​​that require their development, or as non-values ​​that need to be overcome, etc. .d.

A simple technique helps to reveal the child's attitude towards himself. Many depend on it life situations with which he will face, and even more - his fate. Until now, no one has told him that the main value is himself. Therefore, a person begins to look for values ​​everywhere, but not in himself.)

Who do you think loves you the most?

What would a world without love look like?

2. Reading a fairy tale.

G. Grebenshchikov "The Tale of Ruff"

The sun smiled at the earth. Spring came. Everyone swam to the sources of the rivers. In the youngest, in the cleanest, in the fastest waters to spawn. Big and small fish swim, sturgeon and perch, tench and burbot…

A small, prickly ruff swims. He gets angry at everyone, gets scared of everyone, interferes with everyone, pricks all the neighbors with needles - the most harmful fish is the ruff ...

Decent fish shout to him:

Where are you going, ruff?.. Where are you in a hurry?

Ruff bristled:

And what do you care? .. I'm swimming, where everyone is swimming.

Then the fish shout to him with mockery:

Do you really think to put your caviar into all the seas? But who needs your prickly and unpleasant offspring?

And the ruff seemed to spring his needles - once one neighbor, once - another, soiled beautiful fish with mucus, they parted in front of him. Do not fight with a ruff ... Away from his mucus ...

The ruff slipped forward, and suddenly the fish saw how a ray of the sun played like a rainbow on the back of the ruff. Here are those on! This means that the sun sent its blessing to the ruff first, and then to the rest of the decent fish ... Well, what can we do? The fish screamed:

Rejoice, ruff! And the sun loves you...

And they set off with a ruff in a merry fish dance. Oh what was there! How the fish danced and played! How their scales shone, and with what emeralds the water shimmered in the sun!

3. A conversation about a fairy tale.

Why did the fish not want the prickly ruff to swim with them?

Why was Ruff in such a hurry?

How did the sun meet the ruff? Why didn't they turn away from him?

Do you think the ruff stopped being angry?

How did the sun love? Can this be learned?

Do you know people whose love is like the sun? Do you like such people?

With whom can you compare the sun from a fairy tale?

4. Creative work.

Draw the sun, and by its rays write everyone you already love or would like to love?

5. Summing up the creative task. Exhibition "Sunny Love".


My mom is the best in the world.

Target: cultivate a gentle, careful, caring attitude towards mother.

Lesson progress

1. Conversation with children.

Who do you love the most in the world?

And who can say whose mother is the best?

Of course, each of you has the right to say that it is his mother who is the best in the world. Today we will talk about your best mothers in the world. But first listen to the story.

2. Reading a fairy tale (with musical accompaniment)

A. Kalaliychev "Mother's Tear"

In the summer, a fire broke out in the house, under whose roof the swallow built a nest. The mother managed to take out the chicks, but one of them burned the wing of a red-hot ember. The little swallow could not fly.

The summer has passed. Autumn has come. The swallows began to gather on a long journey. One morning, an old swallow carried her crippled daughter into the garden and said:

My child, we are flying south today. You will have to stay here. In this jar I have prepared for you a soft bed of fluff. There you will lie. When you're hungry, go outside and eat something. In the spring we will return to you.

Thank you mother! - said the little swallow, hid her head under the wing of her mother so that she would not see the tears, and became quiet ...

The birds have flown away. The swallow was left alone. The bad days dragged on. The rain froze. A raindrop has rolled onto the edge of the aster and is about to fall.

Oh, how tired I am! Drop sighed.

Where are you from? From afar? asked the swallow.

And don't ask! I made a long journey from the great ocean where I was born. To tell you the truth, I'm not a raindrop - I'm a tear.

A tear? Whose tear? - the swallow was alarmed.

Mother's tear. One day, a tired and sad swallow sat on the mast of an ocean steamer. I hid in the right eye of the poor bird. The swallow began to ask:

Brother wind, you will fly over my house, look at my lonely chick and tell him to beware of the black cat that often spins in the garden. When I left, I forgot to warn her. Tell me that my heart is torn with grief ...

And where was your swallow? the wind asked.

In an old earthenware jug lying around in the garden.

Then I rolled out of the eye of an old swallow. The wind picked me up and blew me away. For nine days I flew, and then, finally, I fell near the jug. Oh, how tired I am! I would like to sleep...

The heart of the sick swallow began to beat violently. She raised herself, opened her beak and carefully picked up her mother's tired tear.

Thank you, mother! she whispered, burying herself in the down and falling asleep, warmed up, as if her mother had covered her with her wing.

3. Conversation after reading.

Do you think the little swallow will be able to overwinter? What will help her? Why is it difficult for her without her mother?

How do you feel when you don't see your mom for a long time?

4. A story about mom.

Tell me about your mom. What is your mom doing? What does she love the most?

Did your mother tell you about her childhood and her youth? What did you find interesting?

Do you like looking at pictures of your mother in childhood and adolescence?

(you can prepare in advancephoto exhibition "Our mothers come from childhood")

How do you feel when other people praise your mother in front of you? Are you proud of her?

Can you comfort your mom when she's worried or worried about something? What are you doing for this?

Do you like how your mom cooks? Are there any dishes that she cooks especially for you?

Do you find it difficult to be a mother? What is the most important thing in a mother's life?

We are accustomed to the constant care of mom. Can you take care of your mother yourself?

5. Listening to the tale of V. Sukhomlinsky "Seven daughters".(possible staging of a fairy tale).

"Seven Daughters"

The mother had seven daughters. One day a mother went to visit her son, who lived far away. She returned home only a week later. When the mother entered the hut, the daughters, one after the other, began to say how much they missed their mother.

I missed you like a dome in a sunny meadow, - said the first daughter.

I was waiting for you, like dry land waiting for a drop of water, - said the second.

I cried for you, like a little bird crying for a bird, - said the third.

It was hard for me without you, like a bee without a flower, - said the fourth.

I dreamed of you, like a rose dreaming of a dew drop, - said the fifth.

I looked out for you like a cherry orchard looks out for a nightingale, - the sixth chirped.

Here the student can pause. The teacher asks the children:

What do you think the seventh daughter said? (Children make their guesses)

Listen to the end of the story.

And the seventh daughter said nothing. She took off her mother's shoes and brought her water in a basin to wash her feet.

Who was the seventh daughter? What are you doing for your mom?

6. Creative work. Group work.Each group writes the qualities for which children love their mothers. Creation of a "collective" portrait of mother. Children complete the phrases: “My mother knows how ...”, “Mom’s heart ...”, “I love my mother for ...”, “My mother is the most ...”

7. Bottom line. Discussion of works.

8. In conclusion, a group of children performs song about mom from the movie "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". The performance is accompanied by a slide show showing mothers with their children.


My family. Family tree.

Target: develop and improve qualities and virtues in children, be able to communicate, respect each other, treat family members carefully and carefully.

Lesson progress

1. The lesson starts withreading A. Isahakyan's fairy tale "At the Sun".

Questions after reading:

What do you think a family should be like to be compared to the sun?

Have you ever met a "sun family"? What are the most important qualities of the "solar family".

You can invite children to get a notebook " a happy family". In this notebook, write down and sketch your thoughts about the family raising children. This notebook is interesting to see how the idea of ​​a family changes over time.

2. "I'll introduce you to my family"- children are invited to draw their family on a small piece of paper. Then they take turns showing their drawings.

Looking at the picture, each child should ask the author at least one question about his family. Then an exhibition of drawings is made, and later an album is glued together - “Our Families”

3. Acquaintance with the life of different families(you can use 2-3 examples of modern movie stars, athletes, etc.)


All families are different.

Not all families have the same number of people

Not all families have a father and mother

A friendly, happy family is one of the greatest joys in a person's life.

4. Family tree.

Invite the children to collect information about their family for two weeks in advance to build a family tree. Invite the children to try to learn as much as they can about the people who started their family. On the tree you need to indicate the dates of birth and death. You can indicate the professions and places of birth of your relatives. The tree must be built starting from the root. Then ask the children to explore their family tree and answer the questions:

Are there more men or women in your family?

What professions are most common?

Are there traditions in the family that are passed down from generation to generation?

Do your family members live in the same city or in different cities?

Is it important to keep in touch with all relatives?


Show the children a seed and ask what it takes to grow a good plant out of it. And if you deprive him of care, can a good plant grow?

Does a family need to take care of each other? Do you teach this in your family?


Search for beauty

Target: to develop the moral qualities of children, the ability to see the beautiful and strive for it.

Lesson progress

1. Children are invited to consider beautiful pictures, paintings, etc.

What is the most beautiful thing in the world for you? And what is the most beautiful thing in a person?

Try to find the most beautiful in your friends.

2. Reading a fairy tale. While reading, you can show slides depicting flowers, turn on light classical music.

V. Sukhomlinsky "Boy and bells of lilies of the valley"

Spring has come. A green arrow appeared from the ground. It quickly split into two pieces. The leaves are wide. And between them appeared a small, thin sprout. He got up, leaned over one leaf, and one morning blossomed with white bells. These were lily of the valley bells.

The little boy saw the white bells. He was struck by the beauty of the flowers. He couldn't take his eyes off the lilies of the valley. The boy reached out his hand to pluck the lilies of the valley. Flowers whispered:

Boy, what do you want to rip us off for?

I like you. You are very beautiful.

Okay, tear it down. But before you break, tell me how beautiful we are.

The boy looked at the lily of the valley bells. They were wonderful. They looked like a white cloud, and the wing of a dove, and something else amazingly beautiful. The boy felt it all, but he could not say. He stood near the lily-of-the-valley bells, enchanted by the beauty of the flowers. He stood and was silent.

Grow up, bells, - the boy said quietly.

3. A conversation about a fairy tale.

Why do you think the boy didn't pick the flowers?

What changed in the boy's soul when he looked at the lilies of the valley?

Have you ever wanted to tear beautiful flowers but were you able to contain yourself? What stopped you?

Why do people often have such desires?

Conclusion. If you carefully consider different flowers, you don't want to cut them off.

View slides of flowers (or photographs).

What do they look like?

Do you think if a boy picked a lily of the valley, would he be able to notice the amazing beauty? Why?

4. Work with proverbs.

The bee flies to the flower, and the human soul looks at the beauty.

Close your eyes and try to remember how many times in a week you noticed something beautiful.

He is not good who is handsome in face, but he is good who is good for business.

Have you met people who act beautifully?

What deeds and deeds can be called beautiful? Can a person become more beautiful because of this?

5. Creative work.

Will the world become more beautiful if all people learn to see beauty? Draw this world.

6. Exhibition of children's works.


Diligence. How to be industrious.

Target: to develop and educate love and respect for work, the desire to bring joy to loved ones, to learn to occupy oneself with interesting work.

Lesson progress

1. Work on proverbs.Proverbs are gradually posted on the board (or appear on the interactive board, on slides). Children explain their meaning.

Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

Do you often sit at home doing nothing or always find something to do?

What do you think, what kind of person is more interesting to live: the one who always finds something to do or the one who likes to mess around? Why?

A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized at work..

What should be a person to work well and with joy?

Were there cases when you could tell by the work done what kind of person did it?

What comes without difficulty never brings happiness.

Tell us about something you have repaired or made yourself.

What do your parents do with their hands? What have you learned from them?

When did you first make something with your own hands?

2. Consideration of the exhibition "Our hands are not for boredom"(the exhibition must be booked in advance)

Do you consider yourself a hardworking person? What is the most important thing for you?

What qualities does a person need to learn to do something well?

(You can write them on the board)

Think about who has such qualities, and what needs to be developed further.

3. Joint activity.

Try to make rules or advice for a person who wants to become industrious.

Discussion of work.

4. Conversation about professions.

Show the children pictures of different types of professions or uniforms and ask them to guess the profession.

Do you know people who have several professions at once?

And who do you want to become?

Why do you think some people suddenly change careers?

(You can tell the children about prominent people about their achievements and attitude to work)

5. Reading a fairy tale.

B. Sergunenkov "Carpenter"

There lived a carpenter. He built many houses in his life. He loved his work very much, tried to make everyone live in warmth and comfort.

Once he cut down the house of a neighbor. Day cuts, night. The neighbor sees: the carpenter is working tirelessly, he was afraid that he would not work hard, would not get sick. The neighbor says to the carpenter:

You could eat a little.

And the carpenter replied:

I like work better than bread.

You would drink a little.

To me, work is sweeter than water.

You could get some sleep.

I enjoy work more than sleep.

The neighbor took pity on the carpenter and locked him in the shed by force. Thought he'd make the carpenter rest. And he found boards in the barn - he is making a door.

The carpenter's neighbor put him to sleep, like he lulled a little one. The carpenter sleeps, but even in his sleep he cannot sleep. He holds a small block of wood in his hands and cuts out a ridge on the roof in a dream. The neighbor tied the hands of the carpenter. Now he can't do anything! And, true. The carpenter lies bound, and his hands cannot be moved. Then a neighbor at a construction site heard the sound of a carpenter's ax. I ran to look: who works there instead of a carpenter? He looks and does not believe his eyes: the ax itself amuses itself without a master, the saw saws, the logs are placed in a row crown after crown. He understood: not to tear the master away from his work. And left in peace. So the carpenter still works in hunting.

Target: to affirm in the hearts of children universal values: kindness, love, beauty, mercy.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory conversation.

The word "HEART" is written on the board in large letters.

Children are invited to pick up epithets, write them on the board.

Have you ever wondered what kind of heart you have?

What does it mean when they say, "This man is heartless"?

2. The teacher draws a big heart on the board.

This is the heart of the family. List all the treasures that are stored in this heart.

The teacher writes all the treasures in the heart drawn on the blackboard.

Children are divided into 3-4 groups, and each of them composes a small fairy tale about how the heart keeps this treasure.

3. Reading a fairy tale.

A. Karaliychev "The Winged Prisoner"

There was light snow outside. Near the house, three sparrows were sorting through straws with their beaks, looking for grains dropped into the threshing machine. Ivancho stood at the window, wiping the misted glass with his palm, and watched with curiosity as the ruffled birds approached his trap. And he made a trap from two blackened tile tiles: on one he poured a handful of yellow millet, and placed the other at an angle over it, lightly supporting the upper edge with two horns. One of the sparrows, seeing the millet, chirped happily and rushed to peck at it. Inadvertently, he touched one horn. The top tile of the tile fell, covering the sparrow. He was trapped. Ivancho cried out with joy, as he was, in his socks, he ran out into the yard and rushed to the trap. Grabbing the trap with the winged prisoner, he ran back into the warm room, closed the door tightly behind him, and lifted the top tile. Sparrow fluttered out of the trap with a noise. He decided that he was free, quickly soared up and hit his wings on the ceiling. The prisoner dangled towards the window, began to beat against the glass. Exhausted, the poor bird fell, and Ivancho grabbed her.

Yep, got it! - he said, - now I'll take scissors and cut your wings, then we'll see how you will fly!

The huge scissors with which my mother cut the fabric hung on a nail.

Just wait, - Ivancho threatened the sparrow, - mother will return and get the scissors. He put the bird in his bosom, sat down by the window and thought.

Knock-Knock! Ivancho's heart was beating.

Who is it knocking? asked the sparrow.

I knock, answered the heart.

And who are you?

I am Ivancho's heart.

You know, the bird complained, Ivancho wants to cut my wings with scissors.

Oh, this Ivancho for me! The heart took a deep breath. - He would only be naughty.

Can you help me?

No, I can't, my heart answered. - Ivancho's ears seem to be stuffed with cotton, no matter how much you shout, he won't hear. I'll call for help dream.

Evening was approaching. Sleep Ivancho became invisible before him and touched his eyelashes. His heart told him what Ivancho was up to.

Can you help Ivancho? it asked.

Okay, - the dream whispered softly and closed Ivancho's eyelids.

(Children can be asked how they think sleep can help a little sparrow. After the assumptions, you can continue reading)

The little boy fell asleep, and it seemed to him that he was walking barefoot along a crooked snow-covered path in a dense forest. He wants to eat, refresh himself, he wants to warm his cold hands, but in the white forest covered with snow there is neither bread nor fire. He walked and walked, and suddenly, out of nowhere, between the old trees, white with snow, a small red house appeared. Ivancho looks, and in front of the house lies a large wooden trough. One edge of it is raised and supported by a perch. There is a plate under the trough, and on it is a good piece of cheese, white as snow, and a slice of bread. Ivancho's stomach failed from hunger. He crept up to the trough and looked around: there was not a soul around. Without thinking twice, the poor fellow darted under the trough and held out his hand to the plate. Before he could touch the bread, the trough fell and covered him. Ivancho needs to fight, he wants to scream at the top of his voice, but he cannot make a sound. Then the door of the red house slammed. The gray-haired old woman lifted the trough, grabbed Ivancho by the legs, looked into his eyes and howled:

So you are the same boy who catches the poor sparrows? Well, wait, I'll teach you a lesson!

(Children can again make suggestions about how the old woman can punish Ivancho)

She dragged him across the snow to her little house. She pulled a huge pair of scissors from the wall, made from two crossed sabers.

What are you going to do? Ivancho asked, trembling like an aspen leaf.

I will cut off your hands with which you grab defenseless birds and clip their wings!

And the gray-haired old woman snapped her terrible scissors. Ivancho broke free and was about to run, but the old woman grabbed him with her bony hand.

Stop! she called.

He looked around. There is no one in the room. Ivancho remembered about the sparrow. And he shrank in his bosom and squeaks plaintively. Ivancho rubbed his sleepy eyes for a long time. Then he got up, put his hand into his bosom, took out the hushed bird, affectionately pressed his cheek against it, opened the window and released it. Sparrow fluttered and melted in the cold winter twilight.

Target: develop human virtues, teach to give good mood, support in difficult times, be attentive and responsive.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory conversationbegins with viewing reproductions of paintings depicting smiling people: a portrait of L. Tolstoy, a painting "Wheat" by T. Yablonskaya, "La Gioconda" by Leonardo da Vinci (or others)

What do the smiles of the people in these pictures say?

What role do you think a smile plays in people's lives?

What would life be like if people didn't smile?

2. Listening to V. Shainsky's song "Smile".Children can sing along.

What do you think it takes to learn to smile?

How often do you smile? What makes you smile?

Can a smile heal a person?

In what professions is a smile necessary condition? Why do you think so?

Examination of illustrations, which depict people of different professions.

Can a smile be called a miracle? Why?

Is it possible to speak with smiles? Try it. (Children can demonstrate this "talk with smiles")

Have you noticed how the smiles of old and young people differ? How?

Why do people use the expression "give someone a smile"?

Did you give your smile? Who would you give it to now? Donate.

Have you received a smile as a gift? Is it nice to receive such gifts?

Do you find it difficult to give such gifts?

3. Reading a treatise on smilingunknown author.

A smile costs nothing but gives so much.

It enriches those to whom we give it without making us poorer.

A smile brings happiness to the house, gives rise to friendship between people.

It gives inspiration to the weak, courage to the hopeless, sunshine to the sad.

It cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, for it has no value unless it is freely given.

Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them yours. For no one needs a smile as much as those who have nothing to give but it.

4. Bottom line.

Give your definition of a smile.

Is it only humans who can smile? Have you ever seen how animals, plants, clouds smile?

Do you like when people smile?

Draw your parents (or friends) smiling.

Can organize the exhibition "The Light of a Smile".

In the conditions of a modern elementary school, the process of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a younger student is focused on:

Formation of a life position corresponding to the democratic transformations of society;

Spiritual upbringing moral qualities on the basis of universal values;

Organization of personal and socially valuable, diverse activities.

Considering the state of theory and practice on the problem under study, a positive experience was gained in organizing the process of spiritual and moral education of younger students, which was the starting point for compiling a cycle of classes:

Conduct spiritual and moral education within the framework of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, which provides for the spiritual and moral orientation of subjects of the general education cycle;

Use the method of personal example;

To introduce active and interactive teaching methods into the educational process more widely;

Use information and communication technologies in education;

To form the key competencies of schoolchildren in the intellectual, communication, spiritual and moral sphere;

Develop a patriotic attitude towards your Country;

To acquaint schoolchildren with the system of norms and rules of moral behavior;

To form in the younger student a spiritual and moral attitude to the world around him, to master the basics of moral, spiritual and patriotic behavior.

The spiritual and moral development of the student's personality, as a priority goal of elementary school, involves the organization of spiritual and moral education, both in the process of studying school subjects and in extracurricular activities of schoolchildren.

The principle of humanism underlies the selection of the content of spiritual and moral education, methods of its implementation in the educational and cognitive process. It is aimed, first of all, at the development of moral consciousness as the basis of moral behavior, its motivation, emotional responsiveness; to the development of patriotism.

For this, various methods of working with students are used:

Personally-oriented, when the content becomes relevant for each student;

Stimulating, when freedom of expression is maintained through dialogue, which contributes to looseness, awakening schoolchildren's interest in spiritual and moral problems and the creation of public opinion;

Methods that develop moral consciousness;

activating, awakening Creative skills personality, his emotional sphere.

Among the children's ideas about the spiritual and moral relationship of a person to a person, special importance was attached to knowledge about the emotional reactions of people to attention, care, and mercy. This was facilitated by ethical stories, conversations; examples, imitation; reading bible parables, war stories.

Of great importance in the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren is the literary approach to the perception of the problem.

Getting acquainted with the moral content of proverbs about kindness, work, teaching, younger students begin to realize basic humanistic values, the nature of relations between people, the need careful attitude to people and their objects of work.

In the process of purposeful activities for spiritual and moral education, the following active and interactive methods were carried out:

Video viewing and discussion of films about the war, labor;

Discussion of the works of the military fiction which contributed to the education of the initial ethical ideas of the trainees (the concepts of good and evil, the meaning of "words of politeness", the rules of polite behavior and their motivation), the development of their emotional perception, the education of patriotism;

The system of ethical norms and tasks, which is diagnostic and training in nature, allows solving the problems of self-assessment and self-examination, repeating, clarifying and forming initial moral and patriotic ideas, introducing moral concepts;

Comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, which helps to establish the conformity of actions with moral rules, comparison of heroes, their behavior.

As part of the educational study, a cycle of classes was developed to form the foundations of spiritual and moral education for younger students as part of the implementation of the federal state educational standard.

The cycle of classes on the formation of the foundations of spiritual and moral education for younger students included:

extracurricular activities;

cool watch.

Below is a fragmentary presentation of some technological maps of lessons and class hours from the cycle of classes on the formation of the foundations of spiritual and moral education in primary school students.

Fragment of the technological map of the fine arts lesson.


Lesson topic

"Eternal flame"

1. Tell students what " Eternal flame", "unknown Soldier".

2. To cultivate respect for the soldiers, their state, a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland ...

Lesson type


Planned results




Asking questions;

The ability to analyze, compare, build a speech statement in accordance with the delivery

lazy tasks.

Lesson stages


1) Introductory conversation.

The theme of our lesson is "Eternal Flame".

What do you think "Eternal Flame" means? What does it show? Is it necessary?

45 years ago, on May 8, 1967, at the Kremlin wall on the grave of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame was lit in memory of the heroes who fell during the Great Patriotic War.

In many cities of Russia, the eternal flame is lit irregularly - on days of memory and military holidays - May 9, June 22, the days of memory of significant military operations.

Eternal fire - a constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of something or someone.

And who is the "unknown soldier"?

What does the inscription on the memorial “Your name is unknown. Your feat is immortal"?...

III.Practical work.

1. First, draw a semblance of the sun as the basis for the drawing. Circle, and from it 5 rays ...

Fragment of class.

Topic: "Be worthy of the memory of your ancestors."

Goals and objectives:

to acquaint with the feat of the participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945, with the heroic destinies of close relatives;

increase interest in the history of the family, city, country,

to involve children and parents in search activities, in performing creative tasks on a historical theme;

to form the patriotic qualities of a person: duty, honor, courage ...

Event progress:

On the board are the words "Be worthy of the memory of your ancestors."

Reader 1. - Victory! Glorious forty-fifth! But we look back: From those war years the soldiers are talking to us today.

Reader 2. - The book of memory is in front of me, The list of names in the posthumous lists. How many of them are gone. My God! Valiant sons of my Russian...

Teacher. ... The first page of the album is dedicated to MP Sobolev, who did not return from the war. Soboleva Sasha and her dad talk about him. “In June 1945, my great-grandfather was called up for military service. My wife and children stayed at home. In the rain and the scorching sun, my great-grandfather walked hundreds of front-line roads in three years. He sent many letters from the war. Now grandmother Marusya rereads them to me. I remembered many lines well: “Marusya, I inform you that I am alive and well, I do everything that is required of me, I do not reckon with any difficulties, and I devote all my strength to serving our Motherland. This is also my task - to liberate the Russian land from enemies ... "...

A fragment of the technological map of the technology lesson.


Lesson topic

"Dove of peace"

dove from palms

1. Teach them to work together, to help each other.

2. Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills hands, terminological speech, attention, imagination, creativity.

3. To cultivate respect for nature, respect for the work of other people.

Lesson type


Planned results




Respect the opinions of others, the results of work.

Listen to the teacher and classmates, express their opinion, determine the success of their assignment;

Working according to a plan drawn up jointly with the teacher, use the necessary means, monitor the accuracy of the work; to plan practical activities at the lesson;

The ability to analyze, compare, build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks.

Ability to prepare workplace in accordance with the type of activity;

Ability to maintain order during work, independently perform available tasks based on a sample;

Ability to independently select materials and tools for work;

Ability to clean your work area.

Lesson stages


Hello guys! You have to lie on the edge of the table White paper, pencil, paint, pen and scissors.

Everything is laid out before the lesson.

II. Presentation of new material.

1) Introductory conversation.

Guys, do you remember what I said about May 1 at the Kuban lesson?

What is this day?

Why is it considered a holiday?

How is it celebrated?

Who is the symbol of the holiday?

What is the motto of this holiday?

III.Practical work.

We take a white sheet of paper, put our left palm on it, take a pencil in the other and carefully trace it.

Then we cut out our “paper palm” and color it.

Having painted, let's wait a bit, ... we approach our Dove of Peace and stick it on ...

More detailed and complete classes on the formation of the foundations of spiritual and moral education among younger students as part of the implementation of the federal state educational standard are presented in Appendix B.

Thus, the use of active and interactive methods and techniques in the study of the spiritual and moral education of younger students showed that it has great opportunities for the development of spiritual and moral education of younger students.

The study allows us to conclude that a sufficiently high level of spiritual and moral education can be formed if, in the process of getting acquainted with the outside world and society, a central place is given to the spiritual and moral aspect of the content.

Formation of spiritual and moral values ​​in junior schoolchildren

Ivanova Antonina Viktorovna ,

primary school teacher

MOU "Gymnasium No. 19"
city ​​of Saransk

At present, it has become obvious that the moral aspect has become a priority in the process of education and upbringing. The moral formation of a child begins long before school. But only at school does he encounter such a clear and detailed system of moral requirements, the observance of which is constantly and purposefully monitored. It is the school today, by necessity, that is one of the main centers of spiritual and moral development and education of children.

“Education at school should go only through the joint activity of adults and children, children with each other, in which the only possible appropriation (and not just recognition) of values ​​by children. At the same time, education in principle cannot be localized or reduced to any one type. educational activities, but should cover and permeate all types: educational (within the boundaries of different educational disciplines) and extracurricular (artistic, communicative, sports, etc.) activities. This is how the question is posed in the new Federal State educational standard general education". The President's message says: "The spiritual unity of the people and moral values ​​are the same important factor as political and economic stability…”

Spiritual and moral development of a person is the formation of a person's ability to evaluate and use moral norms in practice.

How can I help my child find the right way to school? We must not forget that a child at school not only reads, writes and counts, but feels, experiences, reflects, evaluates himself, friends, adults. And it is necessary to help him, first of all, in understanding himself and his place in school life, and then the child will learn not only the outside world, but also himself. L. N. Tolstoy believed that of all the sciences that a person should know, the most important is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible, as much good as possible. One of the tasks of the spiritual and moral education of the school is to properly organize the activities of the child. Therefore, it is important to study the ways of organizing moral education (forms, methods and techniques).

A huge role in the education of morality belongs to the teacher in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading. After all, we have a very strong weapon - this is a word, artistic speech, a book. And “A book, according to A. Herzen, is a spiritual testament of one generation to another ...” (slide)
Faced daily with the book, we have the richest material for the education of young hearts. If we turn to programs for literary reading, each work of any historical period raises, first of all, moral issues. In order not to interrupt this spiritual and moral educational line, to maintain continuity in the study of various works, it is important to build a kind of program for educating high moral and patriotic qualities through the study of recommended works, including in extracurricular reading lessons.

Glorification of the best qualities of a person in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess". The spiritual beauty of the princess, the cruelty and betrayal of the queen in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", the denunciation of deceit and betrayal, the condemnation of envy and greed in the fairy tale by S. T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower". The cordiality and responsiveness of Varyusha in the fairy tale of K. G. Paustovsky "The Steel Ring". The theme of all-conquering kindness in the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, the condemnation of callousness, heartlessness and selfishness in the image snow queen in H. K. Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen".

IN primary school special techniques are required so that children can become aware of the educational task both as a general one and as relating personally to them.

The organization of the educational process, forms of knowledge assessment, value judgments that characterize the attitude of schoolchildren to learning and their comrades, the teacher is aimed at ensuring that the strengths of each student are realized by him and his comrades. This creates favorable emotional condition a schoolchild in a team, which is one of the conditions for his successful spiritual and moral development. In the process of spiritual and moral education I use different kinds and forms of work: (slides)

- Excursions, trips, hikes related to moral topics;

— themed class hours on moral topics;

— organization of cycles of conversations “Lessons of morality”;

- theatrical performances on moral topics;

— holidays, surprises, competitions;

— reader's conferences;

– study of the moral heritage of their Republic;

As part of the study of the heritage of the Mordovian people, we have developed a program of the elective course "History of the native land", the purpose of which - deepening and expanding students' knowledge about the nature, history and culture of their native land.The program includes:

content component. mastering by children the volume of ideas and concepts about the world around them that is accessible to their age: the social structure of society, the life of the people, the history of the country, culture, the development of correct views on the facts of the country's social life;

emotionally motivating component - experiencing by a person a positive emotional attitude to the acquired knowledge, pride in one's people, in one's native land; respect for the historical past of the native country, for the heroes of the war years, showing interest in information about their small homeland, the need to expand their horizons, the desire to participate in socially useful work;

active component - implementation of emotionally felt and conscious knowledge in activities (providing assistance to adults, taking care of the older generation, the desire to reflect the acquired knowledge in creative, search activities).

I also use forms such as:

      quiz games;


      participation in the International Forum "Gifted Children";

      design and research activities;

      publication of stories, poems in the newspapers "Bell", "Diagonal";

creation of baby books on various topics: "Motherland", "Family", "Good deeds", etc.

    game forms in the classroom with elements of artistic storytelling;

    theatrical lessons;

    travel lessons;

    work with proverbs and verses.

Conduct ethical conversations, oral reflections on moral topics, play out life situations.

One of the most important ways of moral education, along with traditional ones, is training.

Training is practical game situation in which students can try to realize themselves in different roles, evaluate what is happening. Jean Jacques Rousseau said: “True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises”, therefore training is an exercise that allows you to train spiritual qualities: kindness, responsiveness.

So, using the Situation exercise, children analyze and solve problems using literary sources (for example: What should the heroes of fairy tales do - Masha and the three bears; Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf; Wolf and the three little pigs - to always live together?).

The Russian language, as an academic subject, has an extremely high cognitive value: instilling a sense of love for the native language, understanding universal values, educating a person with a high sense of patriotism. To achieve these goals in the content of the Russian language, you can use such material as "General information about the language", "How our language works", didactic material: exercises, dictations, presentations, essays, etc.

In order to help students comprehend, to realize the essence of any moral concept, it is necessary to consider it in all shades, in relationship with others close and opposite to it. When going through the topics “Synonyms”, “Antonyms”, a technique is suitable that allows you to reveal the essence of a moral concept on the basis of comparison, comparison with others, close and opposite to it. Of course, the teacher must do this work himself, building for himself a kind of series of synonyms. For example: compassion, respect, care, obedience, sensitivity, empathy, love, tenderness, cordiality, sympathy, peacefulness or conscience, nobility, shame, commitment, decency, remorse, etc. However, it is hardly possible to find a person who has only positive qualities, therefore, when explaining to students the values ​​of the individual, which are the most significant, make a person a person, one should also reveal the negative aspects, explain how to get rid of them.

In practice, the student must not only learn moral norms, but also realize their value through his practical experience.

One of the effective types of lessons is a practical lesson using reproductions of world paintings, which allow you to touch the feelings, experiences and form value judgments of students.

Creative activity contributes to the destruction of the wall of indifference, causing positive emotions in students and stimulating the enthusiasm of the student.

As a result of complex work on the formation of moral behavior, high results were obtained. Most importantly, the work of moral education resonates with the hearts of children, as evidenced by student work. The result of specially organized, purposeful work with gifted children is, as a rule, the participation and victory of the child in a particular competition, olympiad, etc. However, it is obvious that the very process of preparing a student for any event is a kind of victory, since the child acquires additional opportunities for the disclosure and development of his individuality, moral judgments, and his abilities.

An example is excerpts from the mini-resume texts created for participation in the International Forum "Gifted Children" in the nominations of the Literary Salon "Burn people's hearts with a verb" and "Union of Young Ecologists".

Text #1. « My name Michael comes from the Hebrew name Michael, meaning “equal, like God”). I am sure that in my personality there is a lot of divine, that is, bright, kind, responsible for the fate of the people around me, parents, children, friends.

Text number 2. "Where are you a doctor for nature?".

How many sick people, how many who need help!

But just recently I realized that it is not only people who need to be treated, our entire planet is sick. Planet Earth urgently needs help today!!! Who, what kind of doctor, can cure the most important organism of mankind - all of nature? What medicine is needed today for our planet?

These are difficult questions... Even my parents don't know the answers to them. And I know!!!

I know for sure that there is only one doctor, he is a healer, he is a healer, he is a Savior - this is a Man!!!(Yes, yes, it's us!!!

And I came up with a universal medicine - for everything. Here is the way to use it: heal yourself inside, your soul - learn to enjoy what surrounds you (still surrounds you), do not get angry, do not do bad deeds, do not say terrible words. Respect what surrounds you (still surrounds you). And you will see that nature can come to life. I'm sure!!! Each of us is a doctor for nature!

Experience pedagogical activity shows the need to continue work on moral education with schoolchildren. It can help to raise the level of educational preparation of students at school, ensuring the development of the moral qualities of the individual.

B. Pasternak has this line: “O childhood! A bucket of spiritual depths ... ". And the fate of entire generations often depends on what this bucket is filled with.

All teachers should not forget that our student will be far from the image in accordance with which we brought him up; its formation will depend on the environment that we create for it, and on how we can ensure that it is able to independently make its decisions and act on them.

“If a person is taught good, the result will be good” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).


    Apletaev, M. N. The system of personality education in the learning process: monograph / M. N. Apletaev. - Omsk: Publishing House of Om GPU, 1998.

    Aristotle. Works in 4 volumes - M: 1984, v.4.

    Arkhangelsky, N.V. Moral education / N.V. Arkhangelsky. - M .: Education, 1979.

    Vasilyeva, Z.N. Moral education of students in learning activities. - M .: Education, 1978.

    Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language - M: 1979, v. 11.

    Zhinkin, N. I. About code transitions in inner speech / N. I. Zhinkin // Questions of linguistics. - 1964. - No. 6.

    Zhinkin, N. I. Psychological foundations for the development of thinking and speech / N. I. Zhinkin // Russian language at school, 1985. No. 1.

    Ivanova, A.V., Ovchinnikova, L.V. Program for extracurricular activities "Amateur theater, holidays", - Saransk, 2010.

    Ivenina, O.V., Ivanova, A.V., Program for extracurricular activities "History of the native land", - Saransk, 2011.

Moral education is the most important aspect of the formation and development of the child's personality and involves the formation of his relationship

  • to parents
  • to the team
  • to others
  • to society
  • to the Motherland
  • relationship to work
  • to your loved ones
  • to yourself

The moral formation of a person begins at birth. IN preschool age children develop initial moral feelings and ideas, elementary skills of moral behavior. The teacher is faced with the task of carrying out this work systematically and purposefully.

The younger school age is characterized by increased susceptibility to external influences, faith in the truth of everything that is taught, what is said, in the unconditionality and necessity of moral standards; he is notable for his uncompromising moral demands on others, and for his immediacy in behavior. These features are the key to learning and education of younger students.

The moral education of a younger student occurs, first of all, in the process of learning - the main activity at school.

The teaching of a child only with a superficial approach may seem to be a purely individual matter. In fact, the lesson is a place of various collective actions and experiences, the accumulation of experience in moral relationships. In educational terms, all subjects that are studied at school are equally important.

But in the educational sense, the lessons of morality are of particular importance.

Lessons of morality - a new direction in the content of school education. In class I use educational kit, which includes:

  • book for reading “The ABC of morality”, author E.P. Kozlov and others.
  • workbook
  • Toolkit for the teacher.
  1. Rules of conduct at school
  2. How to be neat
  3. Rules of courtesy
  4. How to be hardworking
  5. Basic moral ideas
  6. Communication with others
  7. school etiquette
  8. Culture of behavior

The process of moral education presupposes the continuity of certain general provisions that run as a single thread through all classes, all lessons and, one way or another, reveal the content of these lessons. At the same time, the content is not only repeated, but also enriched with new features, a new level of generalizations and connections with other phenomena of reality.

I try to select the material for the lessons, taking into account both its positive and negative impact on the mind of the child. But at the same time, I try not to deviate from the folk tradition that good triumphs over evil. Already in the first grade, the main attention is paid to familiarizing children with the rules of a culture of behavior:

  • at the lesson - in the dining room
  • at recess - in the library
  • in the locker room - in a public place

We start with the rules of courtesy that children show in a limited number of situations that are familiar to them, with forms of politeness that are also limited (for example, “magic words”), with a series of actions (stand up when greeting, answering, etc.).

Gradually, the course moves from individual rules of behavior to generalized provisions, including a number of rules that unite their sustainable implementation by each person, into moral qualities, and later into a group of interrelated qualities: (for example, a group of qualities associated with the predominance of volitional qualities (decisiveness) or with emotions ( impatience).The combination of qualities may be associated with the place, circumstances in which certain qualities are manifested (content and form of behavior).

Children are gradually brought to the idea that it is the rules of moral behavior that determine relationships with other people.

If the rules are observed, then the relations between people develop good, benevolent, if they are not observed, then the relations develop unfavorable.

From class to class, the transition to self-awareness, self-study, self-education intensifies. Gradually, step by step, the basis for creating the “image-I” is created.

Compliance with the rules is the indicator by which one can judge the upbringing of children. When constructing morality lessons, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of younger students:

  • emotionality
  • the predominance of visual - figurative thinking
  • concreteness

Therefore, morality lessons often go beyond their traditional framework and are held in a wide variety of forms:

ethical conversations (the main form of work)

  • role-playing games
  • matinees
  • work in small groups
  • dramatizations
  • contests
  • reader conferences
  • quizzes, etc.

Of course, the main form of work in the classroom is an ethical conversation. A collective discussion of issues important for children, as it were, unites them in a common opinion, joint acceptance and approval of certain norms. Conversations contribute to the refinement of moral ideas, the enrichment and evaluation of children's experience, the acquisition of knowledge "for the future" for new experiences, prepares them for action, the choice of behavior in new conditions.

The discussions on the following topics were very interesting:

  • Friends of Moidodyr
  • What is Mutual Aid
  • What is justice
  • Gotta be selfless
  • good and evil
  • and others

At the end of the lesson, the guys, as a rule, receive homework:

  • draw a picture
  • read a book
  • do whatever creative work you want.

If the guys, at first, did not complete the tasks, then, of course, they did not receive any reprimands, the main thing is that we always noted those who brought the work. As a result of the work, we came to the conclusion that we need a lesson report on homework. And we began to conduct such lessons once a quarter. On them the guys performed with their creative work. There were practically no students left in the class who did not do their homework. And from time to time, the work and performances of the children became more and more interesting.

I would like to talk about other forms of work where children can apply their acquired knowledge. Let's dwell on some of them.

4th grade. Section: School etiquette. Topic: How to meet and celebrate the holiday.

This lesson was held by us as a lesson-holiday “My mother is the most, the most ...”

Target: it is necessary that the child understands that a holiday only becomes a holiday if you wait for it, prepare for it, invite friends and relatives to share the fun with you.

In preparation for this lesson, we sent out an invitation to the holiday to all mothers with a request to tell something interesting about their hobby, favorite pastime. The children themselves wrote essays about their mothers, made greeting cards, decorated the class for the arrival of guests. At the celebration, mothers presented their talents:

  • how to decorate beautifully festive table,
  • read poems of their own composition,
  • presented their needlework (knitting, embroidery, sewing, modeling)
  • some parents brought their drawings and photographs and told about the history of these works,
  • We also had a miracle - culinary specialists with their national dishes.

We are very lucky that one mother works at our school as a chemistry teacher. And we all went to her office, to get acquainted not only with her, but also with the wonders of chemistry. Irina Nikolaevna demonstrated experiments to the children:

  • "eruption"
  • “growing a big snake”, which appeared during the combustion of a mixture of substances. The kids felt like they were in a wonderland.

There were also such mothers who could not attend the holiday themselves, then the guys showed miracles of ingenuity. We listened to a cassette recording of a song by Leni Ozemblovsky's mother. Demin Maxim brought a video where he and his mother danced together (Maxim has been doing ballroom dancing for several years).

Delight, surprise and pride shone in the eyes of the guys throughout the holiday.

We have not forgotten those mothers who, unfortunately, did not take our idea very seriously, did not come to the holiday themselves and did not prepare anything. We gave the floor to all such children, and they read their essays, which were prepared in advance. At the end of the holiday, our mothers received diplomas - awards: Skilled Hands, Sonorous Voice, Miracles in a Sieve, Gardener-Magician, Cool Poet, Best Dancer, etc.

Each child gave his mother a gold medal (chocolate). And the teacher received a medal in the nomination “The most “cool” mother”.

No less interesting was another lesson in the 4th grade. Section: How to be industrious. Topic: Why a person becomes better when he works

This lesson was held in the form of a project defense: “What a charm this hat is”.

Target: to show the importance of labor for the development of a person's abilities, his relationships with other people.

The class was divided into two groups (participants - girls and jury - boys). All the girls prepared and presented their hats, told how they made them, from what, what image they wanted to convey, they selected music for the demonstration.

The boys were on our jury, they chose the best works, tried to motivate their choice, to be fair. I must say that the jury was on top. Nobody was left without attention. The guys came up with as many nominations as there were participants in the project:

  • “The most elegant hat”
  • “The most poetic hat”
  • “The most exotic hat”
  • “The most unearthly hat”
  • “The most business hat”
  • “The most feminine hat”, etc.

I would like to talk about the lesson in the 3rd grade. Section: Culture of behavior. Theme: The word heals, the word hurts.

Target: show children the meaning of the word in communication, people's relationships, explaining that a word can also be an act.

In this lesson, all the guys made a “politeness” flower out of colored paper. On each petal, they wrote “polite” words. Then the whole class was divided into four teams, and each team chose one of the flower petals. The task for the guys was to prepare a mini-drama in which they would hide their “polite” word, and the other teams would have to guess this word.

Scenes for dramatization can be as follows:

  • the student was late to class, he needs to enter the lesson
  • the guys are having lunch in the dining room, they need to thank the chef
  • the student fell ill, a friend came to visit him, he needs to cheer up his friend, etc.

A few words about work in the 3rd grade. Section: Behavior at school. Topic: The common cause is everyone's concern.

Target: mutual assistance is needed to carry out common tasks.

In our school there is a museum of military glory of the 17th infantry division of the people's militia. Our class was given the task of restoring an album reflecting the heroic path of the 17th Infantry Division.

To complete this task:

  1. the guys divided all the work among themselves
  2. thought out its implementation on time
  3. carried out work on the collection of additional material
  4. completed the general task
  5. summed up (what was done, how)

To complete this task, the children repeatedly visited the school museum, met with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, activists of our museum. The result of the guys' work - the restored album - is stored in the museum in a place of honor.

In continuation of the military-patriotic education, I would like to say about the work in the 4th grade. Section: School etiquette. Theme: Gifts for celebrations and holidays.

Target: attitude towards the gifts you give and receive. Learn to give what makes you happy. Learn how to give gifts properly.

At the lessons of labor and fine arts, children prepared gifts for the “Defender of the Fatherland Day” - drawings, postcards, applications.

The children brought their handicrafts to the lesson of morality, we discussed with them why it would be much more pleasant for parents (dads) to receive a gift that is made with their own hands than bought in a store.

The children were divided into groups and played skits on how to give a gift and how to receive it.

At the same lesson, work was done in groups to make a gift for the Council of War Veterans. From the figurines and blanks prepared in advance, the guys completed a work-collage on a military theme.

No less interesting is the work that uses the continuity of generations.

Last year, I graduated from elementary school to 5th grade. The children learned a lot in our morality lessons, learned a lot. And now they can become my assistants.

1st class. Section: Communication with others. Subject: Your senior comrades.

This lesson-holiday called "Initiation into disciples." Fifth-graders, together with first-graders, selected poems for our lesson. They helped the kids learn the student's oath, tested them. Prepared joint sketches and drawings.

“We are in big and small business
Sharing joy with a friend
I won't give up friendship
I swear on that too!”

very common in our class.

The fifth grade goes forward and masters new moral standards, and first graders are only at the very beginning of their journey. But both of them are waiting for many new interesting discoveries in the lessons of morality.