The child is 3 months old and does not eat. What to do if the baby does not eat milk or formula well? Refusal to wrap

Constipation is infrequent, painful, hard stools. Normal bowel function indicates good health of a child of any age. In the first months of a child's life, parents are especially attentive and painful about the frequency of bowel movements in their baby. On average, babies in the first weeks of life have 4 bowel movements per day, with a gradual decrease in their number with age. Often, parents feel that their child poops too rarely, and they believe that their child has constipation that requires immediate attention. But, in fact, in babies, especially those on breastfeeding , true locks happen seldom. Breast milk is so well digested that babies can have a bowel movement once a week, or even once every 2 weeks. If the stool is soft or mushy, then there is no constipation, even if defecation, according to the parents, is rare. The same is true for formula-fed babies. The fact that the baby is pushing and groaning during bowel movements does not at all mean that he has constipation, provided that the stool is soft or mushy. Remember also that the iron found in all iron-fortified formulas does not cause constipation. N-to words about when to see a doctor. If you note that the baby rarely poops and, at the same time, each act of defecation is painful for him, and the child constantly cries during defecation, the feces are hard, like raw smoked sausage or resemble "sheep feces", if you see blood in the feces, then all this - a reason to show the child to the doctor. now what to do with GW - this is a breast rejection clinic. Sometimes during feeding, the baby may behave unusually - he worries, throws the nipple, cries, arches, prefers only one breast or position. This condition is a sign of the "refusal" of the child from the breast. The refusal makes the mother nervous and insecure - after all, it becomes difficult to feed and calm the child, weight gain can slow down or even stop. The reasons for refusal may be the illness of the baby, improperly organized breastfeeding. To successfully overcome the refusal, it is necessary to create the most comfortable environment for the baby, to identify and eliminate errors in care and feeding. Why can a baby refuse to breastfeed? A child may be worried and not take a breast if he feels some kind of discomfort: stuffy nose, fever, pain in the ears or abdomen, erupting teeth can prevent him from sucking, cause discomfort during feeding. The use of a pacifier or a bottle can also cause reluctance to suckle: the principle of sucking a nipple is different, the child gets used to it, and in the future refuses to make certain efforts to “get” milk from the breast. In the first 6-8 weeks, until lactation is established, the flow of milk may be too strong, the child can not cope with it, chokes - this can cause a temporary rejection of the breast. For some children, rejection can also cause stress: for example, being too active, swimming early and "diving" during bathing, being in the hospital or medical procedures that he needs to endure (instill in the nose, taking bitter medicines). One of the reasons for the refusal is mistakes in child care. If the mother is often absent, delegates her duties to numerous assistants, rarely takes the child in her arms or ignores his needs - this breaks the psychological connection between them, undermines the child's trust - he has a “resentment” towards his mother. If the baby drops the breast at the beginning of feeding - is it a refusal? Anxiety at the beginning of the next feeding does not always mean refusal of the breast, there are also "false" refusals. It is important to know that in the first weeks of feeding, the child can “aim” when he takes the breast, shakes his head, grabs the nipple not the first time - this behavior at the breast is not a refusal and goes away by itself, usually by 4-5 weeks of the child's life. At the moment when the baby grabs the nipple, you can gently direct his head towards the chest - gently, without pressing on the back of the head. After 4-5 months, the child during feeding is actively interested in the environment, can easily be distracted by noise, throw the nipple and look for it again - this behavior also does not indicate breast rejection. Does not breastfeeding mean not enough milk? Yes, a long-term unwillingness of a child to take a breast can indicate a lack of milk, if accompanied by a slow weight gain, rare urination. In this case, you need to make sure that the method of feeding meets the natural needs of the child (on demand, without night breaks, the child is attached to the breast correctly), and if necessary, take measures to increase lactation - offer both breasts during feeding, feed more often, do not limit the duration feeding. Can refusal be a signal of a violation of the relationship between mother and child? There is an opinion that breastfeeding is a way for a child to tell his mother that something does not suit him, an expression of “resentment” towards her. Breastfeeding for a child is not only getting food, but also a way to communicate with mom, a guarantee of safety and comfort. Ignoring the needs of the baby by the mother - for example, trying to wait for the “correct” feeding time when the baby is already crying, or involving too many assistants in caring for him at a time when physical contact with the mother is very important for the baby, unpleasant manipulations - all this can disrupt a close psychological connection between mother and child, to cause him "resentment" and "strike", which will be expressed in the only way available to him - refusal of the breast. If a mother feels insecure, worried, doubts whether she has enough milk, her nervousness can be transmitted to the child and cause him anxiety. How to overcome breast rejection? First of all, you need to try to find the cause, and, if possible, eliminate it - a lactation consultant can help with this. If the refusal is caused by the use of a bottle and a pacifier, they will have to be abandoned (the child can be supplemented with a spoon or syringe without a needle). A strong flow of milk can be handled by using the breastfeeding position while lying on the mother's chest, or by taking short breaks during one feed. If the reason for the refusal is stress from hardening, diving, a massage course, for the time of overcoming the "strike" you need to abandon these activities (perhaps in a month and a half the child will react to them more calmly). For two or three weeks, the mother should go into a state of “symbiosis” with the baby: take care of him without involving any assistants, ensure maximum bodily contact (joint sleep, sling), quickly respond to his needs. It is better to limit or temporarily exclude visits to friends and relatives, trips with the child to visit; bathing and changing the baby is also better only for the mother. You need to continue to feed the baby on demand, often offer the breast, but do not insist if the baby refuses to take it; distract him, rock him. Be sure to offer the baby to suck on the breast before going to bed: a sleepy baby will eat more willingly. It is very important to offer the breast immediately after sleep, at the moment when the baby has just woken up. Usually in 2-3 weeks the situation is normalized. The rhythm of breastfeeding during overcoming the refusal is determined by the mother - this is once every half an hour or an hour for a newborn and once every hour or two for a baby of 4-6 months. This "mode" gives the baby more opportunities to breastfeed, even if the feedings are very short. Do I need to switch to mixed feeding when I refuse to breastfeed? If a child stubbornly refuses to breastfeed, weight gain may slow down or stop. It is necessary to find out if the child has enough milk, with the help of urination control: there should be more than 8-10 per day. If there is enough or more than 12 urination per day, and the child agrees to breastfeed before bedtime and after sleep, sucks a little, but often, supplemental feeding is not required. If urination is less than 8-10 per day, the child needs additional nutrition (supplementation with formula or expressed milk). The volume of supplementary feeding and the type of mixture will appoint

The baby, who was recently born, needs the minimum: mother's warmth, food and comfort. And if the child is completely healthy, then providing these three needs is enough for him to grow and develop well. But the older the baby becomes, the more questions and worries arise in newly-made parents. So, a situation in which the baby refuses to eat can lead to a complete stupor. So, what to do if the child refuses the mixture at 3 months?

Many babies have been bottle-fed since birth. Parents have many reasons for such a decision, and today we will not talk about them. Fortunately, modern formulas are able to provide the crumbs with all the sufficient nutrients when it is impossible to breastfeed or, if necessary, organize mixed feeding.

At the age of one year, the baby may repeatedly experience a natural physiological decrease in appetite when his body needs fewer calories. Most often, this situation is explained by changes in the seasons (changes in climatic conditions). And parents cannot influence her in any way, they can only observe the baby, assessing weight gain and general condition.

Babies at the age of three months may refuse the mixture for the reason that they have not yet had time to get hungry. If the baby suddenly began to cry, this does not necessarily indicate hunger. Perhaps he is worried about his tummy, or maybe he just wants to be with his mother. Therefore, do not immediately poke him with a mixture. In addition, mixtures artificial feeding are digested rather slowly and give a feeling of fullness for a long time. On average, the duration of the interval between feedings should be three to four hours.

Perhaps the child refuses the mixture because it has some kind of unpleasant smell or taste that an adult simply cannot feel. If you haven't changed your mixture recently, try opening new packaging and make a new batch for the baby. If the child’s diet has recently undergone changes, most likely, innovations are not to his liking. Therefore, consult your doctor about the possibility of replacing baby food.
By the way, consider the option that the mixture may not be of sufficient quality. Therefore, if you always buy the same mixture, and suddenly the child refuses to eat it at all, there may really be something wrong with it.

If the child refuses the mixture, look carefully at his gums and inspect his mouth. Perhaps the reason for the refusal lies in the discomfort. Sometimes, as early as three months, the gums swell in babies, which indicates the imminent germination of the first teeth. And such a process can deliver a noticeable discomfort to the crumbs. Also, the baby may feel pain if some inflammatory processes occur in his mouth, for example, thrush or stomatitis. Having found redness, incomprehensible plaque, white dots or sores, you should consult a pediatrician as soon as possible and not self-medicate.

Quite often, children refuse to eat if they are simply uncomfortable. You may have picked up a bottle with a new nipple and the hole is either too small or too big. Both options will be completely uncomfortable for the baby. Indeed, with a large hole, he can literally choke on the mixture, and with a small one, he will need to make a huge amount of unusual efforts to get food. But even if the holes in the nipple are normal in size, the new nipple itself can be simply uncomfortable and unusual for the baby.

Babies at the age of three months quite often suffer from colic. And if the baby is worried about the tummy, if it hurts, then he may not want to eat at all. Therefore, stroke the child on the tummy clockwise, carry it in your arms, do a little gymnastics with him on the ball. And when the discomfort passes, the baby will eat with pleasure.

By the way, pain in the tummy can be caused not only by colic. The child may refuse the formula if after its consumption he feels discomfort. Perhaps you are preparing the mixture incorrectly, do not keep the proportions. Rethink your approach to preparing baby food.

Quite often, children refuse the mixture during illness and when they just get sick. If the baby as a whole behaves capriciously, seems lethargic and not too healthy, it is better to play it safe and call the pediatrician. Of course, refusal to eat in such a situation is quite natural, but only a doctor can understand its cause and choose the best treatment methods. A very common reason for refusing to eat is a sore throat or earache, because in such situations, sucking and swallowing only increase discomfort. Also, very often, children refuse to eat if they develop a runny nose. In such a situation, it is better not only to consult a doctor, but also to acquire a special device for sucking mucus from the baby's nose. After all, with a clogged nose, the child simply will not be able to eat.

Quite common is the refusal of the mixture during the transfer of a child from breastfeeding to artificial. After all, the taste of new food is not at all familiar to the baby, and he may not have come across a bottle yet. In such a situation, you only need time, the child will get used to the innovations and will eat well.

If the baby completely refuses to eat, behaves restlessly, or, conversely, constantly sleeps, it is better to play it safe and call a doctor.


    My daughter is 3 months old. She has been eating very poorly for the past month. On artificial nutrition. Almost every feeding eats 40-60 g. With rare exceptions (and not every day) he eats up to 150 g. Eats every 4-5 hours. Before, there was no way to feed. He holds the pacifier in his mouth and smiles, and if something flows into his mouth, he simply spits it out. Changed the mix, same result. She eats a mixture of Nutrilak anti-reflux (she spit up heavily from birth). In the second month she ate well and gained 1 kg 100 g. Over the last month, only 350 g. And she eats worse and worse. Sleeps at night, does not wake up. Active during the day. The pregnancy was hard. Childbirth with a large anhydrous period (7 hours). There was a double entanglement of the umbilical cord.

    I still think that all children are individuals. Well, how to make such a little one eat !!! Not all kids like the mix! Try Baby Plus for kids who are not gaining weight well. Kids eat these mixtures much more willingly than any other chemicals.
    My friends had a daughter who was breastfed, they literally counted in sips how much mother's milk she would suck. Now she is 5 years old and she eats very little and very poorly, which does not prevent her from being a healthy child ...

    I still think that all children are individuals. Well, how to make such a little one eat !!! Not all kids like the mix! Try Baby Plus for kids who are not gaining weight well. Kids eat these mixtures much more willingly than any other chemicals.

    From birth, the girl vomited heavily during the day (it was different at night) and was constantly hungry. We went through a bunch of mixtures (including the Baby they tried from her, her tummy was twisting a lot). Came to Nutrilak antireflux. I ate well for a month. And the last month ... Today, the time is 16-30, and my daughter ate only twice (the first time - 6o g at 7-30 and 110 g at 12-30). And it's like a snowball. First we started eating after 3 and a half hours. Now breaks reach 6 hours (daytime)

    And my baby has been on GV + Nutrilon 50/50 since birth. Exactly a month later she herself refused the bottle, I thought it was about the nipple, I tried to feed from a spoon, but no - she flatly refused both the nipple and the mixture (tried different ones). Each feeding - crying, tears, or vice versa - "nibbles" the nipple and smiles. The pediatrician said not to force otherwise you can injure the child, recommended to feed only breast milk. Fed, as a result, we lose weight every month. From the age of three months she began to give mashed potatoes - she ate with pleasure, then she almost stopped eating. At four she began to give porridge. Now we are 5 months old and we do not gain 1 kg in weight. He eats very little (no more than 2 tablespoons at a time) and then you have to force him, and if I don’t force him, he may not eat anything at all for a whole day. At the same time, the child is absolutely calm, plays, smiles, sleeps peacefully all night. I don't even know what to do.

    My daughter is 4 months old, she also refuses to eat formula. Now I am the king of her buckwheat porridge 2 times a day, she eats with pleasure, but the mixture does not want to. I trick her with the mixture, add a little porridge to it for taste, then she eats everything. try it might work

    I refused to eat formula at 6 months. Accidentally left the induced mixture for several days in the bottle. When they opened it, there was such a synthetic stench! Avent's pacifier corroded from the inside
    The child refused to eat: a few sips and that's it! Once she poured milk into a bottle, she threw it away, threw it away, and when she tasted that it was not a mixture, she blew everything to the last drop and did not give the bottle away for a long time, periodically applying it to her. After that, they began to give milk or cream constantly. I also diluted carrot juice with cream. And we began to eat porridge, too, only cooked - natural

    now I looked at the notebook, I write down every week what happens in my daughter’s life. Weight at 4 months was 6.4 kg. it was necessary to give decoys as before, at least my daughter-in-law at this age fed her with might and main.

    I tried to dilute my mashed potatoes with a mixture - it didn’t help, it would taste it and start spitting it out, or I just didn’t want to open my mouth. And if I shoved this mixture into her all the same (tried different ones), the chair acquired a green tint. And from the nature of the products - everything is OK, even the stool returned to normal (there were constipations from birth). So kids know what they need. Now I cook porridge on the water, we have diathesis from cow's milk.

    to what norms is your daughter not gaining a kilogram in weight? Still, at 3 months, mashed potatoes and 4 cereals are very difficult for a child, his gastrointestinal tract is still completely unadapted to such food.

    my children at 6 months weighed approx. 6 kg, a year - 8500. no one panicked, everything is fine - children grow up, every month at least a little bit in weight, but they add. now they are 7 and a half years old - quite average height-weight, normal healthy (ttt) children.

    What made you need to supplement with formula from birth? Maybe after the abolition of the mixture, she just had enough breast milk? Did she lose weight?

    And my baby has been on GV + Nutrilon 50/50 since birth. Exactly a month later she herself refused the bottle, I thought it was about the nipple, I tried to feed from a spoon, but no - she flatly refused both the nipple and the mixture (tried different ones). Each feeding - crying, tears, or vice versa - "nibbles" the nipple and smiles. The pediatrician said not to force otherwise you can injure the child, recommended to feed only breast milk. Fed, as a result, we lose weight every month. From the age of three months she began to give mashed potatoes - she ate with pleasure, then she almost stopped eating. At four she began to give porridge. Now we are 5 months old and we do not gain 1 kg in weight. He eats very little (no more than 2 tablespoons at a time) and then you have to force him, and if I don’t force him, he may not eat anything at all for a whole day. At the same time, the child is absolutely calm, plays, smiles, sleeps peacefully all night. I don't even know what to do.

A healthy baby eats well and puts on weight. He is active, sleeps peacefully and cries a little. If the baby does not eat well, you need to understand the reasons.

If the child does not ask for food or refuses to eat, then the parents immediately have a question why this is happening. The most common reasons why a baby does not eat well are the following.

If the problem occurred during breastfeeding, then, perhaps, the reasons are that there is little or, conversely, a lot of milk. If the mother has little milk, then the baby refuses the breast and does not ask for it. In this case, you need to introduce complementary foods. If there is a lot of milk, then it can enter the baby's mouth with strong pressure. He will begin to choke, and this circumstance will push him away and reduce his appetite.

If the child stopped eating at night, he may simply not want to eat. At the same time, the type of feeding affects the timing when this happens. At what age do babies stop eating at night? Babies who eat formula at night may not eat as early as 3-4 months. At breastfeeding the baby can hang on the chest all night.

If the baby eats only breast milk for a year and day and night, you need to start weaning him from this. In this case, you can try to follow a few recommendations.

  • Every day you need to give more food, milk, he must drink such an amount that is equal to the daily norm. Before going to bed, you should have a hearty dinner.
  • You need to communicate more, play and pick up the child in the daytime.
  • A baby a year goes to bed earlier than his parents, and before going to bed you will need to wake him up to feed him. In this case, he will sleep longer at night and wake up a maximum of once.
  • It is necessary at the same time to wean the child from joint rest at night. It is better if the baby sleeps in another room.

You can start weaning from feeding at night from 6 months. In a year, the child will no longer ask for anything in a dream.

How many times a day does the baby eat? In the first months, a child who is breastfed should eat up to 12 times a day with an interval of 2 hours. And he can only eat in his sleep. How long should one act of feeding last? The time spent at the breast can be 15-40 minutes. But you should not increase it, as the child falls asleep and simply begins to play with the breast in a dream.

How many grams of breast milk should a newborn eat? In the first days when colostrum is produced, one teaspoon is enough, and nothing else needs to be offered to the child. Gradually, every day the amount of milk will increase by one teaspoon. By the fourth day, the baby should drink 30 ml of breast milk. On the fifth day, the amount of milk needed for the baby increases to 70 ml.

If a child eats only in a dream a year, it means that during wakefulness there are many distractions (sound, light, the presence of other people). A child a year can eat only in a dream simply because such a regime is set.

Poor appetite with artificial feeding

If a baby who is being fed mixtures refuses to eat, then there may be several explanations for this.

  • Formula is more nutritious than milk and takes longer to digest. The feeling of hunger comes after a longer interval. How long does it take to give the mixture? Do not give formula earlier than 4 hours after the last feeding.
  • Perhaps the taste of the mixture is not to your liking. You can try to buy a mixture of a different brand. The main thing is to make the right choice. Carefully read the composition, take into account the age of the child.

  • Wrong nipple. The size of the hole in it should correspond to the age and developmental features of the baby. If the child is sick, born ahead of time, choose a non-rigid nipple with a large opening.
  • Refusal to eat may be due to abdominal pain.
  • Teething, oral diseases, infections also lead to the fact that the child does not eat anything other than milk or formula.

If the child eats only the mixture, then you can not overfeed him. In this case, it is better to underfeed. Correctly calculate how many grams of the mixture you need to dilute, the instructions and recommendations of the doctor will help. You can calculate on your own how much mixture you need to make in the first week of life. To do this, the number of days from birth is multiplied by 10. For example, in 5 days he should drink 50 ml.

The day should be planned so that the baby receives the mixture in 3-4 hours. It is very important how long to give the mixture at night. At night, the interval is extended to 5 hours. The mixture is absorbed and digested by the stomach harder and more slowly, unlike breast milk.

Problems with new products

Often mothers face a problem when the baby refuses to eat complementary foods. Why is this happening?

  1. Perhaps the previous portion of food has not yet been digested, and the baby is not hungry.
  2. The baby may not like complementary foods; you should not insist on eating the dish.
  3. Too hot or vice versa cold dish.
  4. You should choose the right spoon for the first feeding. It should not be too big and metallic.
  5. Inflammation of the nasopharynx or ear also causes refusal to eat.

It happens that the child is one year old, and he, apart from breast milk, does not eat anything. Breast milk fully performs its functions only up to 6 months, after which it is necessary to introduce complementary foods. By this time, the digestive organs begin to work quite well, and the child shows interest in new products. Such interest can be easily discouraged if you start complementary foods with the wrong foods or food that the baby did not like. A large portion and feeding through force can also push the child away.

If the baby does not ask for anything other than breast milk per year, then you need to take action:

  • Play more with the baby, distract from the need for the breast. How much milk does a baby need per year? After the child is one year old, 500 ml of milk per day is enough for him. If he gets more, he will not want to eat complementary foods.
  • Remove all sweets from the menu.
  • Choose a dish that your baby will like.

What to do to fix the problem

After the reason that the baby is not eating well or completely refusing to eat is established, a further plan of action will be outlined.

If the baby does not want to eat or eats only in a dream, while being active, playing, communicating, it means that he has enough nutrients. You can try to increase the time interval between feedings.

Perhaps complementary foods are introduced, which are offered to the baby from a bottle. Eating from a bottle is much easier than sucking on your mother's breast. Any complementary foods are given from a spoon, all bottles and pacifiers are removed.

Any disease requires a doctor's consultation. Therefore, if the baby refuses to eat due to illness, appropriate treatment should be started. Stomatitis, cough, otitis and other diseases can lead to loss of appetite and other complications.

During teething, you should use special teethers, gels. You can massage your gums. It is not necessary to offer new complementary foods during this period.

If colic periodically begins to disturb and this leads to weight loss, you need to give the child medication, do gymnastics and massage. It helps to put the baby on the tummy before each feeding.

A nursing mother needs to adjust her daily routine and adjust her diet. Do not eat too fatty, spicy, salty foods. It is necessary to abandon products containing dyes, stabilizers and flavor enhancers.