The boy weighs at 6 months. How much should a six-month-old baby weigh and how tall should he be? Breastfeeding and complementary foods

Six months is the first serious date for a baby. During this period, the height and weight of a child at 6 months can be called one of the most important characteristics that determine the development of the crumbs.

What determines the weight of the baby?

There is a certain range of reasons that affect the weight of a child. First of all, we are talking about gender: boys and girls of the same age will have different weight. If it so happens that the weight of a boy is lower at birth than that of a girl, then he will subsequently gain more actively gram by gram and, soon, his weight parameters will be within the norms provided for boys.

An interesting tendency to gain weight in "small" kids, because over time they gain weight much faster than "big" kids.

Equally important is the growth of the child at 6 months. Weight indicators cannot be considered separately from height, because without them the doctor will not draw objective conclusions about the development of your baby. The taller the baby, the more weight he should have. At the same time, do not forget about the constitution of the body of parents and other blood relatives.

How much should a baby weigh at 6 months?

There is an opinion that in their six months, a baby should be twice as heavy as it was at birth. And when the baby reaches a year, his weight should become three times more. This statement takes place, since, focusing on WHO indicators, the weight norm of a child at 6 months should correspond to the following figures:

  • for boys - 7.1 - 9.9 kg;
  • for girls - 6.5 - 9.4 kg.

These are the limit values. The first digit displays the lower limits of the norm, and the second - its highest value. If we take into account that the average birth weight for babies is about 3.5-4.0 kg, then the WHO parameters for weight at six months of age correspond to the popular formula indicated above.

Baby growth at 6 months

An interesting feature of growth rates is that, unlike weight, it is added spasmodically. The growth of a child at 6 months should correspond to the following parameters:

  1. in girls - 62 - 69 cm;
  2. in boys - 63 - 70 cm.

The basis of a harmonious physical development the baby is not only a proper and balanced diet, but also walks on fresh air, physical activity, good sleep. Only an integrated approach to the physical development of the crumbs will ensure his good health.

Health and weight of the child at 6 months

A significant impact on the weight of the baby has a state of his health. It is worth noting that underweight or overweight can be directly related to diseases. Only a pediatrician after examinations can exclude their presence or confirm the fact of pathologies.

Among the most common causes underweight in children 6 months:

  • weakened immunity after a viral infection,
  • different types of allergic reactions,
  • congenital pathologies of the digestive tract,
  • hereditary diseases,
  • neurotic disorders,
  • dysbacteriosis.

If the baby continues to lose the required weight, continue night feedings. This approach will allow you to maintain lactation in the future and even increase the amount of breast milk. But with excess weight in infants, night feedings should be removed.

Baby weight gain at 6 months

As mentioned earlier, babies who are born with a small weight, by six months will catch up with their counterparts who are heavier. In turn, larger children will gain weight more slowly. If earlier the child averaged 600-700 grams per month, then from the beginning of the 6th month the child will gain up to 500 grams per month.

Weight loss at 6 months

Some parents notice that their baby's weight gain at 6 months may decrease. This is due to increased motor activity and the desire to explore the world. If the weight of a child at 6 months has always been marked by an increase at high levels, but suddenly the weight gain has become below the minimum, then you should contact your pediatrician for advice.

The weight of the child at 6 months for breastfeeding and IV. The effect of nutrition on weight

Baby weight at 6 months artificial feeding depends on what kind of mixture the mother has chosen for the child. Due to the wide range of mixtures, you can make the wrong choice by buying a high-calorie formula intended for premature babies. In this case, the weight gain of a 6-month-old baby will be higher than normal.

Caring parents are always interested in whether they feed the child correctly, whether he has enough food. Pediatricians are often asked about weight norms. What should it be like for six-month-old children? What is the difference between growing up boys and girls? Let's find out in detail.

About weight and height standards

The age of 6 months is a certain milestone that separates from birth the ability of a child to smile, roll over from back to side, carefully examine objects, and sit. All of the above makes a healthy and normally developing baby. These characteristics mean that the weight of the child is normal. According to the requirements of Russian pediatrics at six months, the minimum weight of a boy should be 6.6 kilograms, the maximum - 9 kg. As for girls, their parameters are slightly lower: from 6.3 to 8.3 kg.

The growth of boys of six months of age is from 63 to 69 centimeters, and girls - from 62.5 to 68.8 centimeters.

Slightly different norms for the weight and height of children of six months of age at the World Health Organization. So, the body weight of boys should be from 6.4 kg to 9.8 kg. For girls, these figures are 5.7-9.3 kg, respectively. The growth of boys according to WHO requirements is 63.3 cm-71.9 cm. As for girls, their minimum height should be 61.2 centimeters, maximum -70.3 cm. As you can see, WHO standards differ in a greater difference between the minimum and maximum indicators of body weight and height of children.

Nutrition for six-month-old children

Feeding rates at this age should be calculated based on the baby's body weight. From 6 months to 12, this is 1/8 or 1/9 of the child's body weight. The Union of Pediatricians of Russia recommends that mothers of six-month-old babies focus on 200 grams of complementary foods and 600 ml of breast milk or formula per day.

Regardless of the type of food, at 6 months the baby must be fed 5 times a day. The night break between feedings should be at least eight hours, nine can be.

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The vast majority of a child's food is protein, which is a mixture or mother's milk. It is these substances that the child needs for growth and healthy development. Normal physical and mental development of a baby without protein is impossible. It makes up 80% of the total nutrition of the child. Further, growing up, the children's body will get acquainted with other types of protein. These are dairy products, meat, fish.

About complementary foods at 6 months

At this age, the child should already be familiar with vegetables as a type of first complementary food. Most often, it is recommended to give your baby mashed broccoli or zucchini. You need to start with a dessert spoon - in the second or third feeding. Vegetables need to be boiled, rubbed through a sieve and add a little mixture or milk. First, feeding begins with formula (breast milk), then mother gives puree from a spoon and ends as she started. It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior, stool, condition of the child's tummy. And if everything is in order, then the next day, the portion of complementary foods can be increased to two dessert spoons. So gradually the amount of puree, in which another vegetable can be added from the second week, increases to 170-200 grams per month. Accordingly, the mother does not give milk to the baby, and complementary foods become an independent type of food. Further, it is desirable to introduce porridge, yolk, meat into the menu.

Parents should understand that it is impossible to introduce two types of complementary foods to a child at the same time. It's too much strain on his ventricle.

About non-compliance with weight norms

Sometimes at this age the baby is underweight. And, most likely, this is due to an insufficient amount of milk in a woman. You can try to stimulate lactation using teas specially designed for this. Rosehip decoction, fennel infusions, which should be drunk 30 minutes before feeding, also help. When within a week such measures do not increase lactation, then you need to supplement the baby with a mixture.

But more often this childhood(more artificial) is characterized by overweight. This means that the baby is eating more than necessary. You should not allow more to be eaten, or you should simply increase the intervals between feedings. Another option is to make the mixture more liquid than recommended in the instructions. And, of course, you need to cancel night feeding.

If the weight of the baby exceeds the norm by 15%, then we are talking about mild obesity. Perhaps the reason for this is a genetic predisposition to fullness in the genus. Don't expect it to go away with age. Already now, do more active exercises with your baby, perhaps twice a day. Don't overfeed him!

According to the standards of the USSR, which are tacitly applied to this day, the weight of a baby doubles in six months, and triples in a year, relative to what body weight he was born with. But the rules are the rules, but in reality this is not always the case, and some children significantly sort out or do not gain the cherished kilograms.

Let's find out how much a baby should weigh at 6 months, because among the huge amount of information, a young mother can be confused, not understanding where the truth is.

Average baby weight at 6 months

To determine the weight of the baby, three numbers are used, two of which are the limits of the norm and the golden mean. If the child does not go beyond these limits either up or down, then he develops harmoniously. And if the indicator is in the middle, then this is generally wonderful.

But not only how much a child weighs at 6 months speaks of the harmonious development of the baby. After all, there is such a thing as growth. It is correlated with the weight in each month, calculating the average value. After all, if the child is short, and his weight is above average, this may indicate his excess.

And vice versa, a tall baby has the right to be larger, as evidenced by the table of standards. On average, six-month-old babies weigh about 7,300 kg, but the weight of babies of different sexes differs.

How much should a boy weigh at 6 months?

As you know, in the vast majority of cases, boys are born larger than girls and grow at a more active pace. By reaching the six-month mark, this difference can already be quite significant - that's why they are the stronger sex.

But there are also such boys who were born crumbs, and by 6 months did not have time to recover well, lagging behind even the girls. If the baby is cheerful, cheerful, develops well, mastering new movements, this situation is quite normal - not everyone can be heroes. Perhaps his parents also had small stature and weight in childhood - you can’t argue with genetics.

The doctor will answer the question of how much a baby should weigh at 6 months, but you should not worry too much if the child does not fit into these standards. After all, individual development is something inexplicable and you need to love your baby the way he is - the main thing is that he is healthy. The average boy is gaining weight more than seven kilograms by six months, and large children weigh almost eight, the lower limit of the norm for a boy is 6,900 kg.

How much should a 6 month old girl weigh?

Girls, as a rule, are somewhat smaller than boys both in weight and height, although individual characteristics may vary. The difference during this period is approximately half a kilogram - not much, but still there is a difference.

The lower limit at 6 months for a girl is 6,500 kg, and the upper limit is 7,000 kg. If the baby does not correspond to these figures, then perhaps this is her peculiarity, and she succeeded in a small, thin mother or, conversely, in a father of heroic weight and height.

But if a child has health problems, most often with the gastrointestinal tract, then this is a reason to change the child's diet, as well as to prescribe drugs necessary for the body to assimilate nutrients from food.

Often the cause of low weight is when food literally “flies out”, without having time to be absorbed and linger in the intestines. The solution to this problem sometimes stretches for months and parents must make every effort to help the child.

Overfeeding, that is, an excess of the mixture, and even breast milk "stretches" the child's stomach, as the people say, and the usual portion is not enough for him. The baby is crying and loving mommy strives to feed his child as soon as possible. It turns out a vicious circle, a way out of which should be sought together with doctors.

This problem cannot be ignored, because children, as well as adults, have obesity, and this is not only ugly. appearance, but also numerous concomitant diseases, weakened immunity. Everything is good in moderation, which means that the golden mean should be observed in feeding the child.

The percentage of overweight children worldwide is increasing at an alarming rate - on average, one in three adolescents or children are now overweight or obese.

Now many children spend little time on training and outdoor games, they spend more time in front of the TV, playing video games or the computer. And in many working, busy families, parents have less free time to prepare healthy, home-cooked meals. From fast food to the computer, fast and in a hurry is the reality for many families.

Keeping children from being overweight means establishing the right diet and sports in the family, as well as useful rest together. We must include our children in healthy lifestyle life by your own example.

Is your child underweight or overweight?

World Health Organization (WHO), US Department of Health, as well as most countries in the world for evaluation excess weight in adults and children, BMI - body mass index - is successfully used, which is based on the ratio of height and weight, and the subsequent calculation of the proportion of fat in the human body. The BMI calculation method is the development of Adolf Quetelet and for children it provides a special scheme. First you need to calculate the BMI of the child according to the general formula:

Body mass index (BMI) calculator using the Quetelet formula

Since children and adolescents are characterized by active growth and development, their BMI can change significantly over a short period of time. Therefore, the usual assessment of BMI, common in adults, is not suitable for them. In order to accurately and correctly estimate the body mass index of a child, scientists examined the ratio of mass and height of many thousands of children. And when it comes to determining whether your child's BMI is normal or out of range, comparison tables - "percentage curves", or distribution scales - with averages for children of this age and height will give you the opportunity to understand whether weight needs to be adjusted. In this way, your child's body mass index is compared to the average of thousands of other children. This approach takes into account the developmental stages that children go through in certain age groups. For example, if a child has a body mass index higher than 97% of children of the same age, then it can be concluded that the child is overweight.
This table contains information on the BMI of adolescents and children of both sexes from 2 to 20 years.

As a result, your child's BMI will fall into one of four categories:

  • Lack of weight: BMI below the 5th average (percentage curve);
  • healthy weight: BMI between 5th and 85th average;
  • Overweight: BMI between 85 and 95;
  • Obesity: BMI is in the region of 95 or higher.
For children under 2 years of age, doctors use weight-for-height charts and a thorough physical examination.

Table for estimating the weight and height of a child by BMI

At the same time, BMI is not an ideal indicator of the amount of body fat and can be misleading in some cases. For example, a heavily muscled teenager can have a high BMI without being overweight (muscle is added to body weight, not overweight). In addition, BMI can be difficult to estimate correctly during puberty, during which young people go through stages of rapid growth. In any case, it's important to remember that BMI is generally a good indicator, but it's not a direct measurement of body fat.

To establish the exact percentage of adipose tissue allows bioimpedance analysis. With the help of a certain device, a weak, safe electric current is passed through the body, changing its frequency. Different tissues of the body have different resistance to electric current, thus, it becomes possible to calculate what proportion of the body is muscle, and what proportion is bone and fat.

If you are concerned that your child may be overweight or underweight, arrange an appointment with your primary care physician who will evaluate your diet and physical activity levels and suggest positive changes. Your doctor may also recommend prevention for certain conditions associated with being underweight or obese.

Norms of weight and height of the child by age

Table of height and weight of a child up to a year

Age Height in cm Weight in kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

1 month

49.5 cm. 51.2 cm. 54.5cm. 56.5cm. 57.3 cm. 3.3 kg. 3.6kg. 4.3kg. 5.1kg. 5.4kg.

2 month

52.6cm. 53.8cm. 57.3 cm. 59.4 cm. 60.9cm. 3.9 kg. 4.2kg. 5.1kg. 6.0kg. 6.4kg.

3 months

55.3 cm. 56.5cm. 60.0 cm. 62.0 cm. 63.8cm. 4.5kg. 4.9kg. 5.8kg. 7.0kg. 7.3kg.

4 months

57.5cm. 58.7cm. 62.0 cm. 64.5cm. 66.3 cm. 5.1kg. 5.5kg. 6.5kg. 7.6kg. 8.1kg.

5 months

59.9cm. 61.1 cm. 64.3 cm. 67cm 68.9cm. 5.6kg. 6.1kg. 7.1kg. 8.3kg. 8.8kg.

6 months

61.7cm. 63cm 66.1 cm. 69cm 71.2cm. 6.1kg. 6.6kg. 7.6kg. 9.0kg. 9.4kg.

7 months

63.8cm. 65.1 cm. 68cm 71.1 cm. 73.5cm. 6.6kg. 7.1kg. 8.2kg. 9.5kg. 9.9kg.

8 months

65.5cm. 66.8cm. 70cm 73.1 cm. 75.3 cm. 7.1kg. 7.5kg. 8.6kg. 10kg. 10.5kg.

9 months

67.3 cm. 68.2 cm. 71.3cm. 75.1 cm. 78.8cm. 7.5kg. 7.9kg. 9.1kg. 10.5kg. 11kg.

10 months

68.8cm. 69.1 cm. 73cm 76.9cm. 78.8cm. 7.9kg.
8.3kg. 9.5kg. 10.9kg. 11.4kg.

11 months

70.1 cm. 71.3cm. 74.3cm. 78cm 80.3 cm.
8.6kg. 9.8kg. 11.2kg. 11.8kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

Table of height and weight of the child by year

Height in cm Weight in kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

1 year

71.2cm. 72.3 cm. 75.5cm. 79.7cm. 81.7cm. 8.5kg. 8.9kg. 10.0kg. 11.6kg. 12.1kg.

2 years

81.3 cm. 83cm 86.8cm. 90.8 cm. 94cm 10.6kg. 11kg. 12.6kg. 14.2kg. 15.0kg.

3 years

88cm 90cm 96cm 102.0 cm. 104.5 cm. 12.1kg. 12.8kg. 14.8kg. 16.9kg. 17.7kg.

4 years

93.2 cm. 95.5 cm. 102cm. 108cm. 110.6 cm. 13.4kg. 14.2kg. 16.4kg. 19.4kg. 20.3kg.

5 years

98.9cm. 101,5 108.3 cm. 114.5 cm. 117cm. 14.8kg. 15.7kg. 18.3kg. 21.7kg. 23.4kg.

6 years

105cm. 107.7 cm. 115m 121.1 cm. 123.8cm. 16.3kg. 17.5kg. 20.4kg. 24.7kg. 26.7kg.

7 years

111cm. 113.6cm. 121.2 cm. 128cm. 130.6cm. 18kg. 19.5kg. 22.9kg. 28kg. 30.8kg.

8 years

116.3 cm. 119cm. 126.9cm. 134.5 cm. 137cm. 20kg. 21.5kg. 25.5kg. 31.4kg. 35.5kg.

9 years

121.5 cm. 124.7 cm. 133.4 cm. 140.3 cm. 143cm. 21.9kg. 23.5kg. 28.1kg. 35.1kg. 39.1kg.

10 years

126.3 cm. 129.4 cm. 137.8 cm. 146.7 cm. 149.2 cm. 23.9kg. 25.6kg. 31.4kg. 39.7kg. 44.7kg.

11 years

131.3 cm. 134.5 cm. 143.2 cm. 152.9cm. 156.2 cm. 26kg. 28kg. 34.9kg. 44.9kg. 51.5kg.

12 years

136.2 cm. 140cm. 149.2 cm. 159.5 cm. 163.5 cm. 28.2kg. 30.7kg. 38.8kg. 50.6kg. 58.7kg.

13 years

141.8 cm. 145.7 cm. 154.8 cm. 166cm. 170.7 cm. 30.9kg. 33.8kg. 43.4kg. 56.8kg. 66.0kg.

14 years

148.3 cm. 152.3 cm. 161.2 cm. 172cm 176.7 cm. 34.3kg. 38kg. 48.8kg. 63.4kg. 73.2kg.

15 years

154.6 cm. 158.6 cm. 166.8cm. 177.6 cm. 181.6 cm. 38.7kg. 43kg. 54.8kg. 70kg. 80.1kg.
Very low Short Average
very high Very low Short Average High very high

Prevention of overweight and obesity

The key to keeping kids of all ages at a healthy weight is lifestyle for the whole family. This is what is "preached" in the family. Make physical activity and healthy eating a family hobby. To make it fun for the kids too, let them help plan healthy menus and prepare meals, and take them to the grocery store so they learn how to choose healthy and healthy foods.
Don't fall into these common nutrition traps:
  • Do not reward children for good behavior and don't try to keep them from bad behavior with sweets or treats. Encouragement or punishment should not include food, there are many other effective and correct ways of education.
  • Don't Support the "Clean Plate Policy". Watch for signs that your child is hungry. Even babies who turn away from a bottle or breast report that they are full. If the children are full, do not force them to continue eating. Remind ourselves that we should only eat when we are hungry.
  • Don't talk about "unhealthy foods" and don't completely eliminate all sweets and favorite treats from the children's menu. Children are more likely to rebel and eat large amounts of these unhealthy foods outside the home or when their parents are not watching.


It is not easy to motivate a child for a result, he cannot be “put” on a diet. In its turn, adolescence complicated by the fact that there is a danger of self-rejection, isolation, depression, anorexia. Once you've figured out if your child needs weight management, we'd like to make some additional recommendations for kids of all ages:
  • From birth to 1 year: In addition to the well-known health benefits, breastfeeding can help prevent excessive weight gain as well. And although the exact mechanism has not yet been established, children who are on breastfeeding, more clearly feel their hunger and satiety, thus protecting themselves from overeating.
  • From 1 year to 5 years: develop good habits better with early years. Help your child establish healthy eating habits by offering a variety of healthy foods. Encourage the child's natural inclination to activity and help him develop.
  • 6 to 12 years old: Keep your child physically active every day. Let it be a sports section or outdoor games in the yard. Encourage activity at home - in everyday housework and in joint games and walks on weekends. Teach your child to choose healthy and healthy foods, help him pack his own sandwiches for school.
  • 13 to 18 years old: Teenagers often lean towards fast food, but try to encourage them to eat healthier. For example, sandwiches with baked chicken meat, salads and smaller portions. Teach them how to cook delicious healthy meals and treats at home. Help them maintain physical activity every day.
  • All ages: Reduce the amount of time your child spends in front of the TV, computer and playing video games. Fight your child's habit of eating by watching TV or a computer monitor. Try to prepare and offer your child a variety of healthy foods. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with your child together. Encourage children to eat vegetables and fruits at least five times a day, limit sugary drinks, and never skip breakfast.
By eating right, exercising frequently, and incorporating healthy habits into your family's normal daily routine, you are building a healthy lifestyle for your children that they can continue to maintain. Explain to them the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition, but be sure to make it a shared family habit so that it becomes second nature to each of you.

But above all, let your children know that you love them regardless of their weight, and your main desire is to help them be happy and healthy.

It is height, weight, chest and head circumference for a pediatrician that are indicators of a child's development. A baby from birth increases in size unevenly - the proportions of his body change with different dynamics and reach certain numbers by 6 months.

During this period, the weight of the child almost doubles, the height of the child at 6 months increases by an average of 15 cm relative to the initial one, the width of the shoulders is ¼ of the body length, and the head circumference, which at birth significantly exceeded the circumference of the chest, is compared with it and is in the range of 42- 44 cm

The sixth month is considered the last in terms of an active increase in the height and weight of the baby: from now on, per month, on average, it will grow by 2-3 cm and recover by about 400-700 g. , while the chest girth will increase by 1.5 cm.

Physiological indicators in the table

The six-month milestone in a child's life is characterized by a significant jump in height and weight compared to birth data. The fact that the child has grown and recovered enough not only pleases his relatives, but also demonstrates his physical health - the child has enough milk, no ailments overcome him, he is in favorable social conditions.

There will be no more such increases in weight and height, as for the first six months, in the life of a baby, therefore these indicators are considered the simplest and most informative criteria for assessing the general physiological state of a baby.

The norms established by WHO and domestic pediatricians do not differ significantly and guide parents to the following figures.

Table of indicators of weight and height of boys at 6 months

ShortBelow the averageAverageAbove averageHighSuper high
Weight in kg6,4 7,1 7,9 8,8 9,8 10,9
Height in cm63,3 65,5 67,6 69,8 71,9 74,0

Girls, by their nature, weigh less than boys at birth, and are also inferior to them in height. At the beginning of life, this difference is insignificant, by 6 months it can average 600 g in weight and about 2 cm in height.

Table of indicators of weight and height of girls at 6 months

ShortBelow the averageAverageAbove averageHighSuper high
Weight in kg5,7 6,5 7,3 8,2 9,3 10,6
Height in cm61,2 63,5 65,7 68,0 70,3 72,5

Premature babies also double their body weight by 6 months and can grow quite a bit. They have every chance to catch up with their full-term peers, keeping up with them in intelligence and physical parameters.

Table of indicators of weight gain and growth of premature babies at 6 months

Birth weightup to 1000 gUp to 1500 gBefore 2000Up to 2500 g
Weight gain in g750 g800 g700 g700 g
Height gain in cm3.7 cm2.8 cm2.3 cm2 cm

If a premature baby is still underweight at 6 months, night feeding is mandatory for him. In addition, lactation improves in a nursing mother from additional feeding and milk is added - a valuable, irreplaceable, unique food for a child.

Reasons for the difference in performance in 6-month-old babies

Of course, each child is individual, develops and grows according to his own plan. At the same time, significant deviations from the norm become the reason that pediatricians begin to find out the factors affecting the too low or too high rates of physical development of a six-month-old baby. Deviations are indicators that differ by more than 10% relative to the average figures.

Do not panic if your baby's weight at 6 months is unstable due to one of the following factors:

  • transferred diseases;
  • climatic conditions;
  • infant colic;
  • physical and emotional discomfort due to teething.

Periods of intensive growth and weight gain, alternating with periods of inhibition, by 6 months as a whole will give a picture of a normal harmonious development baby.

Reasons why 6-month-olds gain differently include:

  • birth rates - smaller babies lag behind their larger peers, although monthly increases in numbers may be higher;
  • gender sign - boys, as a rule, are physically more developed than girls, they gain in height and weight at a more active pace;
  • nutrition - weight gain on breastfeeding depends on the fat content of milk, and on artificial milk - on the calorie content of the mixture (at the same time, it is harmful both to pass on and to undernourish, excess and deficiency of mass will prevent the child from developing harmoniously);
  • physical activity - at this time the baby begins to crawl, tries to stand up, spends more energy on getting to know the world around him. In especially mobile children, weight gain may be minimal.

Factors provoking a lag in physical development for a 6-month-old child are:

  • prematurity;
  • genetic features (all family members are low);
  • chronic diseases (anemia, heart defects);
  • deficiency of vitamin D and calcium (rickets may develop);
  • lack of growth hormone;
  • dysfunction of swallowing due to pathology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal form of cystic fibrosis, malabsorption syndrome in the intestine).

After establishing the causes of non-compliance with the norms, the pediatrician should take the baby under observation, clarify his living conditions, diet, give recommendations to parents or prescribe appropriate treatment.

So, in nature, there are no identical people, and babies, just like adults, have different builds, constitutions, and genetically incorporated parameters. Tables with norms and indicators are designed to give doctors and parents an idea of ​​how much a child should weigh, what the range of numbers can be, which can be considered the norm, and which numbers can mean hidden health problems.