Bad behavior of the child: it's all about the unfinished brain! Child brain development: getting smarter and developing by leaps and bounds Brain development in the first year of life

The formation of the human brain begins during fetal development. The peak of activity of this process falls on the first 12 months of life. At the same time, it is important to understand that the degree of integrity of the individual depends on the fulfillment of a number of conditions that affect the coherence of the work of all body functions. The successful development of the crumbs requires maximum efforts from parents. The efforts made at this stage contribute to the transformation of the child into a self-confident person, clearly aware of his abilities and having a rich inner world.

Components of the brain

The formation of the brain occurs in a strictly defined order. At the initial stage, the changes affect the brain stem, at the final stage - the cerebral cortex.

Located at the base of the skull, the brain stem is responsible for many vital signs, including skin temperature and blood pressure. In its upper part is the midbrain, which controls sleep, appetite and motor activity. Maintaining balance and coordination of movements are under the control of the cerebellum, hidden behind the brain stem. Memory, adaptability, and emotions are all tied to the limbic system, called the central part of the brain.

The top layer, the thickness of which varies between 1.5-4.5 mm, is called the cerebral cortex. Thanks to it, the decision-making process is regulated. Among the functions performed by it is also the control over such important processes for a person as speech and thinking. The cerebral cortex accounts for 80% of the neurons in the brain. At the time of the birth of the baby, the level of development of this part of the brain leaves much to be desired. Its improvement often continues after the completion of adolescence. It is the cerebral cortex that demonstrates the greatest degree of sensitivity to the impressions that fall on the lot of the child.

Truth and fiction

Over the past decades, the luminaries of science have conducted many studies designed to unravel the mysteries of the development of the human brain. Thanks to their work, the population of the Earth became aware that The brain activity of a three-year-old baby is twice that of an adult individual. Scientists also proved that the predominant part of the brain cells is formed at the stage of the fetus's stay in the mother's womb, and the formation of a huge number of connections is characteristic of infancy and early childhood. It was also possible to establish that in moments of conversations with babies who cannot speak, the foundation of language proficiency is laid, and learning at the stage of early critical periods of development shows best results due to the ease of perception on the part of the child.

Nowadays, many doctors are convinced that most of all, children need care, love and enough new experiences. From this point of view priority remains with joint games, singing, talking and reading. As practice shows, not a single toy is able to make up for the lack of live communication. Does not contradict this statement and the statement about the invaluable experience gained as a result of interaction with other people and the environment. These factors are recognized as the most useful at the stage of development of the child's brain.

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Nowadays, there is no longer talk about the full development of the brain at the time of birth. Such a complex system works differently than the stomach or heart. As it turned out, the genome laid down at conception is not the only factor influencing the development of the brain. The list of false statements was supplemented by the phrase about the lower activity of the brain of a baby taking the first steps, compared with the level of brain activity of a university student. In addition, the myth about the need for special assistance and the importance of providing the crumbs with specific educational toys in order to develop mental abilities was shattered. It also turned out that the importance of conversations with infants who do not have their own opinion on the subject of the conversation with them was previously underestimated.

Features of the development of the child's brain

As already mentioned, the initial stage of brain formation falls on the period of the fetus's stay in the mother's womb. On the day of breaking the physical connection with the mother, accompanied by cutting the umbilical cord, the number of cells contained in this organ reaches an impressive mark of 100 billion. Separate existence excludes the presence of connections, the active process of formation of which starts after the first independent breath.

The most significant share of connections is formed during the first three years of life. In the future, there is a possibility of rupture of some of them. The degree of their strength depends on the amount of attention, care and love dedicated to the little man. It is these elements that form the necessary base, without which the full development of the personality is impossible.

The number of neurons bestowed on us by nature is about 20 times the population of the Earth and 10 times ahead of the number of stars that make up such a large galaxy as the Milky Way.

Neurons are called the nucleus of the brain. The links formed between them continue to be one of the most interesting riddles human body. The experience accumulated at the moment and fresh impressions include the mechanisms for the formation of the so-called brain circuit. The complexity of the network resulting from the interaction of individual cells with each other is most eloquently evidenced by the fact that each of the tiny elements can communicate with 15,000 of its fellows.

At the stage of brain development, the first year of life is most significant. The constantly repeated appeal by name contributes to the formation of connections in such a way that, after a certain time, the baby begins to perceive this name as an appeal that requires a response. Created at great speed connections lay the foundation of our habits, memories, thoughts, mind and consciousness.

in the brain three year old baby generated approximately 1000 trillion connections. Adults, oddly enough, are much “poorer” in this indicator (and almost twice as much). When a child reaches about eleven years of age, the process of getting rid of unnecessary connections starts in the brain. The environment and close relatives act as a stimulant for the growth of compounds and their further ordering. The learning structure reproduces repetitive experiences. Connections that are not activated for a long time are subject to exclusion. There is a theory according to which once committed positive or negative actions have a certain impact on the development of the brain.

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The daily use of connections during the first years of life transforms them into permanent units. The repetition of stable verbal constructions contributes to speech recognition and the strengthening of language ties.

Stages of brain formation

The period of brain development can be divided into several stages:

  • stay in the womb
  • infancy stage,
  • childhood
  • and youth.

Each of these time intervals is unique. Successful passage of each of them is impossible without the presence of certain conditions. Failure to comply can lead to serious problems.

Infancy is usually divided into 2 periods. More important is considered to be the first (critical) period attributable to for 1-8 weeks. These days are allocated for the formation of visual functions. Violation of the norm of visual impact in the direction of its decrease increases the likelihood of poor development of nerve cells. Such complications can haunt a person until the end of his life.

Longer sensitive period starts from six months and lasts up to approximately 24 months. It is characterized by facial recognition, a favorable attitude towards acquaintances and the manifestation of wariness towards strangers. At this stage, the baby's attachment to the mother protecting him, radiating warmth and love, is formed.

The curve that reproduces the stages of brain formation has a wave-like structure. The nature of the line reflects the level of the brain's response to impressions. The higher this indicator, the more opportunities for brain development. The burst peaks occur at different time intervals corresponding to the most productive stages of brain development.

Favorable periods for learning are called “windows of opportunity”. These days, the reception and processing of information is carried out more intensively than during periods of relative calm. Skills in various fields of activity a person hones all his life. The learning process can only be interrupted by death.

The most fruitful period of brain development coincides with the first three years of life, extending to early childhood and adolescence. This explains the ease with which children learn the grammar of their native language, with which they come into contact every day. Education at a later age is less effective due to the slowdown in the rate of assimilation of the material. Children who took advantage of the opportunities at the most suitable periods for gaining knowledge subsequently find it much easier to join the team and realize themselves.

Periods of skills formation

Parents should be aware of the timing of the manifestation of a particular activity.. Knowledge in this area will help determine the level of development of the crumbs. The shift in terms involves contacting a doctor in order to avoid complications of the physical or mental state of the baby.

Prolonged sleep and lack of obvious activity is the norm for babies 1-8 weeks. After this period, children are characterized by multiple smiles and laughter. Over the next few months head turns are replaced by head turns. four month old babies with might and main succeed in this skill and make attempts to grasp objects that are at arm's length. Nine month old babies are already sitting with support, crawling and taking their first steps with the help of adults. Dominant part one-year-olds Tomboys not only walks confidently, but also runs briskly.

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Child care 0-12 months involves more than just feeding and dressing. Active intervention in the life of the baby by the parents is welcome. Responsible mothers begin to take care of the child already during pregnancy and include meals rich in proteins in their diet. Present in their menu and food products, which include omega-3 acid. This element contributes to the normal functioning of brain cells and the formation of full-fledged connections between them.

About the benefits breast milk make legends. The food supplied by the mother protects the baby from infections, develops it immune system and favorably affects the activity of the brain.

Lack of love and attention is much worse than its excess. Fathers and mothers need to spend time with the child, sing lullabies to him, read fairy tales and not let him drift physical development. An excellent help can be toys that are safe for the baby with a pleasant to the touch surface. At the selection stage, it is desirable to give preference to developing varieties. Parents can also play with the child in facial expressions, varying the intonation and strength of the voice. A baby observing the behavior of adults will subsequently be able to reproduce the emotions corresponding to a particular facial expression.

Reading is designed to hone listening skills and develop the ability to recognize emotions, expressed by vocal vibrations. The understanding of the material in this case fades into the background. The lack of training also negatively affects the stimulation of visual functions. A child can learn to distinguish shades both at home and outside an apartment or house.

Loneliness is bad for the baby. During the waking period, he needs the company of other people. The success of communication in the future depends on the fulfillment of this condition. The conversation with the child should not take place in raised intonations. During a conversation, it is desirable to minimize the impact of distracting extraneous noise. Communication should be on a positive note. It is desirable to get rid of the negative in advance.

The maximum development of physical and mental capabilities guarantees the absence of difficulties at the stage of adaptation in society. The systematic development of babies is observed in families that surround children with attention, warmth and love. At the same time, it is extremely important to perceive the crumbs as an equal partner with their own needs.

Hearing and vision

The ability to recognize sounds and visual images is formed up to 4-5 years. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of developing vision and hearing, since it is these senses that help children perceive reality and contact with the people and objects around them. During the first months, babies should look at moving and stationary objects. various colors and forms. Thanks to this, the brain, as it were, learns to look. Equally important is the variety of sounds, a wide range of which contributes to the recognition and processing of information. At the end of these processes, in most cases, a response should occur.

Language skills

Speech is formed during the first decade of life. The greatest efficiency is observed during the first half of this period. Indistinct babble and attempts to speak should not go unanswered.

Emotional development of preschool children

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Movement and physical development

For first 12 years children demonstrate physical readiness for various aspects of motor development. Walking skills are often acquired much earlier than fine motor skills, which may include picking up puzzles and a designer, sculpting or drawing. It takes several years to develop coordination (playing with the ball). Some of the skills acquired in early childhood continue to be honed into adolescence.

Emotions and socialization

Identical period ( 12 years) is required for social and emotional development, expressed in the manifestation of trust and empathy, as well as the perception of other people. The rapid development of emotions is observed in the period 0-1.5 years accompanied by the formation of a sense of attachment to parents.

The success of a fully formed personality depends on the correctness of emotional perception. Received at an early age, education lays the foundation for an optimistic attitude, an active life position, empathy and the ability to be happy.

The support of parents is extremely important for the social and emotional formation of a person. Social development is impossible without self-awareness and the ability to interact with other members of society. Their formation can be divided into several stages. For example, two-year-olds do not understand how and why it is necessary to share toys. In children who have crossed the three-year threshold, this social skill is more developed.


Based on the foregoing, a number of conclusions can be drawn. At the stage of the formation of the child's brain, the power of daily experience, heredity, the adequacy of the diet, as well as physical activity and sensitivity on the part of parents cannot be underestimated. The baby's brain is prone to development, which is impossible without early experience, accumulated with the help of touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste. These feelings contribute to the construction of full-fledged relationships. Early impressions contribute to the learning process by connecting the neural circuits of the brain. Patterns collected from samples help the newborn to feel the presence of the mother, recognize the father's voice or favorite toy, etc. Sketches borrowed from the surrounding reality are subsequently subject to improvement and honing. This strengthens the connection between individual brain cells.

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During prenatal period the brain develops by 70%. Another 30% of development occurs from infancy to preschool age. The first 12 months of a baby's life are associated with his rapid and comprehensive development, when he grows literally every day, gaining weight and muscle mass. The brain also picks up a huge rate of development during this period.

Intrauterine development of the child's brain

The laying of the medulla begins in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this period of time, the emergence of neurons occurs, which do not stand still, but move to their permanent “place of residence” and exist separately from each other. After the second month, the division of the baby's brain into several parts begins. And already at 35 weeks, the baby's cerebral cortex can be completely compared in structure with the cortex of an adult.

Rules for the development of your baby's brain after birth

Since the baby is born with a practically formed brain, the period from birth to 3 years is a period of improvement. Neurons are constantly growing and connecting with each other. In one second, up to 2 million synapses are created in brain cells connecting neurons. Throughout life, the quantitative level of neurons does not change. Numerous skills, abilities and reflexes, including vital ones, are embedded in the brain from birth. During the first three years, the connection between neurons becomes incredibly strong, synapses grow like trees with a huge number of branches. By the age of three, the brain size of babies and adults differs by only 15%.

After three years, the formation of the baby's brain slows down. The formation ends after 6 years of age. Therefore, at this age, the abilities of the brain are practically in no way inferior to the capabilities of the brain of adults.

The influence of the environment on the formation of the brain

In order for the brain to have the opportunity to develop harmoniously, the baby needs to create a certain environment that will be saturated only with positive impressions and emotions. In such an environment, brain development is stimulated, and it begins active work. Since in the first years of a child's life the future foundations of adaptability to life and thinking, health and various skills are born, the task of parents becomes to organize assistance in the formation of the brain. The baby should be surrounded by various sounds and images, smells and touches. All this stimulates the brain for its speedy formation.

Factors negatively affecting the formation of the brain

In 2008, scientists at Harvard University conducted research that identified several negative factors that interfere with the normal development of the human brain. These include:

  • mother's educational level is below average;
  • incomplete family (divorce or death of one of the parents);
  • mental problems in parents;
  • family poverty and lack of funds for basic necessities;
  • cruel or indifferent treatment of adults with children.

If there is more than one negative factor in the family, then the development of the child's brain goes with some delay. When all five factors are present, a child's brain develops 70% more slowly.

You can see the difference between children as early as the age of three. The main sign of trouble in the family is a poor vocabulary. If both parents have a low level of education, lead an asocial lifestyle and do not have the opportunity to spend enough time with the child, the baby may lag far behind their peers. mental faculties. There are also exceptions when a child from a defective family already from the age of 3 is aware of the “abnormality” of the existence of his family and seeks to receive his first education from the social environment ( kindergarten, peers and their parents, etc.).

Not the last role in the development brain plays and nutrition. During pregnancy and breastfeeding physical and mental development the baby is completely dependent on the lifestyle of the mother and her diet. Now there is a lot of data about which products and what they contain.
substances affect the formation of the child's brain. Therefore, mothers should study the information in detail and exclude foods with a negative impact from their diet. After the introduction of the first complementary foods, it is worth paying attention to the healthy nutrition of the baby. A special role in the proper development and formation of the brain and nervous system play "smart lipids", which are contained in vegetable oils, nuts, seafood, etc.

Early child development

Today, more and more parents are learning the rules early development children, approving the latest research by scientists who talk about the need to lay the first "bricks" of future knowledge. To do this, experts recommend creating a stimulating environment from birth, which includes two factors:

  1. Organization of a continuous stream of new tasks that require effort from the child.
  2. Communication of parents with the child and assistance in mastering new information.

In the first case, it is important to find a "golden" mean when introducing tasks. The child should not be very difficult or very easy. Here, parents must take into account the level of development of the baby at each stage of his life.

In the second case, communication means the complete mutual understanding of the child and adults. Moreover, parents should express not only their approval, but also criticism. So the baby will be able to realize that in different situations there can be several lines of behavior.

According to recent data, early development implies educational a process that must begin in the womb. That is future mom, being in an “interesting” position, should already take this issue seriously. During pregnancy, you need not only to eat right, supplying the baby with the substances necessary for the development of the brain, but also to attach him to the "great". Reading, needlework, listening to music, painting, etc. - all this leads to the formation of the baby's brain. By following the rules for the development of your child's brain, you can grow a real genius!

In this article, you will learn the main points that will help you find out how children learn new knowledge, skills, and abilities.

If you are concerned about your child's development, then remember that there are learning strategies and teaching methods that can help him learn more easily.

I propose to delve into the theory quite a bit in order to understand how the brain works and how new knowledge, skills and abilities are built into it.

And then we will analyze the best learning strategies at each stage of the maturation of the child's brain.

But first some important facts:

  • Children learn by creating connections between brain cells called "neural pathways".
  • The more neural pathways are used, the stronger they are. This is why practice helps build skill.

Building a Wired Brain System

Each brain cell (neuron) looks like an ordinary tree.

As children learn information about the world, their neurons branch out and make connections with each other. Called neural pathways, these connections are like electrical wiring. Each neuron can have multiple connections to other neurons.

The "wires" do not touch each other.

Instead, they leak information at the gaps between neurons, known as synapses. Brain chemical substances(neurotransmitters) help the system receive messages.

How Neural Pathways Work

Each neural pathway is a circuit. When electricity passes through a circuit, it delivers a response.

For example, when you flip the light switch, the light will turn on. Some brain circuits, such as breathing and circulation, are already developed at birth.

Other schemes are "activity dependent".

They need input to work, and the more input they get, the better they perform. This input is more complex than just flipping a light switch.

It comes from all the experiences and events that children experience.

Sounds, sights, tastes, smells, how feelings and emotions are felt, help the brain release neurotransmitters and control these circuits.

Clipping paths or forgetting

Neural pathways that are used more often become stronger. It's like a paved road, against a regular path.

Circuits that are not used weaken and disappear over time. This process is called pruning or simply forgetting.

This is normal - everyone has more schemes than needed. Pruning occurs gradually, throughout life.

At the same time, children's brains are flexible enough to constantly work to create new circuits and improve commonly used neural pathways. This process is called "plasticity".

The strength of plasticity

Plasticity is especially important for children. Their brains process information differently, but don't always use brain chemicals efficiently.

These differences make it difficult to create or strengthen some neural pathways.

Realize that babies are made to learn new things. Ordinary activities like feeding, changing diapers, playing, singing, walking in a stroller or kissing grandpa are inherently “educational”. You don't have to invent something fancy or get stuck in "developmental activities" for your child's development.

Make sure your child is properly cared for. For full development, a child needs a full stomach, dry diapers, comfortable conditions and love.

Talk to your child. Comment on everything you do (make tea, change diapers, check email). Talk to your child like a child, in his language; it helps keep the child interested. Read a book together.

Sing to the child. Sing nursery rhymes, TV tunes, or your favorite songs.

Play with your child. Beautiful games are the classic game of “Coo-coo”, kissing the baby’s tummy, rolling the ball back and forth. Dance with your baby in your arms.

Get outside. Walking in a wheelchair is very developing, as well as visiting new places such as a post office, a bakery, a park, etc.

Give your child stretches and massages. Babies love to move their bodies. Learn the basics of baby massage and yoga for kids. This is good for calming, activating and stimulating the child. Even simple interactions with the child, such as playing patty, rocking back and forth, etc. are a great exercise, and the gentle rubbing of massage oil is great for tactile development.

Buy play equipment or a play mat. This is a favorite pastime for children from birth to 12 months. These are usually comfortable, quilted or brightly colored rugs, sometimes with raised edges and room for the baby in the middle. They may consist of detachable, hanging parts that the child may reach out to pick up. Usually these are swirling, soft, crackling objects that the child can touch, squeeze and stroke. Some have lights and bells, and some make funny sounds or play musical tunes or do all of the above.

Take a look around. Children really like things that adults do not perceive as something special: car horns outside the window, aquariums, trees swaying in the wind, clothes spinning in the dryer.

Choose toys according to age. Make sure the toy is suitable for the child. four month old baby will be enchanted by a mirror, a six-day-old child will not be able to see it normally, and one year old baby it will be boring. Typically, educational toys have an age range for the toy that can be used as a guide. Make sure the toy is safe, clean, and age appropriate.

Repeat everything many times in order to teach the child. The more you repeat everything (for example, show many times how to click on the ball so that it makes a crunch), the faster the connections between neurons are formed. Therefore, the more positive interaction that occurs between you and the child, the better his brain develops. This brain stimulation helps form new neural pathways and strengthens existing neural pathways. But as soon as you notice that the baby is bored or tired, stop.

The human brain undergoes the largest transformations in the first years of life. It is in infancy that intellect and abilities, "mind and feelings" are laid. Parents need to try to ensure that the brain of the baby develops intensively and harmoniously. What needs to be done, what methods are there? Did you know that the development of the child's brain begins in the womb and in the first year of life becomes simply an avalanche? Let's try to trace the whole process from birth and find out what adjustments parents can make to it using the latest techniques.

It often happens that mothers of babies over the age of two or more notice obvious deviations in behavior and rush to a neurologist for help. Obvious signs of disruption of the central nervous system can be corrected in most cases, but it would be worth paying attention to problems much earlier. Many mothers remain captive to stereotypes: it is believed that a baby up to a year old is just a fool, much more attention is paid by parents to the fight against digestive problems, allergies, colds and other physical health problems, leaving deviations in psycho-emotional development outside. Without denying the importance of the development of the body, one should not miss the precious days of the intensive formation of the intellect!

Brain development processes that can only be judged by the result

Here are some very convincing facts about the development of the brain in the first days and months of human life:

  • By the end of the first year, an infant's brain doubles in size and reaches a weight of 1 kg - almost half the weight of an adult's brain.
  • In one second, about 700 synapses are formed in the baby's brain. This is a neural connection that is formed in the process of getting to know the little person with the outside world, getting any experience. Billions of neurons in the brain of an infant are exceptionally active in the first year of life, especially in the sectors of the brain responsible for physical development, for emotions, speech functions, and smell.
  • Babies are very emotional, with the help of emotions they express their attitude to surrounding events. The amygdala is responsible for the manifestation of emotions, but the frontal lobes, which are responsible for intelligence, develop slowly as the child “gets smarter”.

How to learn to control the development of the brain in children, to ensure the disclosure of abilities with age, the growth of IQ to record levels?

Growth and development of the child's brain

If we take the entire period of the formation of the child's brain, then its main part (up to 70%) falls on the period of intrauterine development. For the first year - 15%, another 15% - for a period of one to 6-7 years. By the age of 6-7, the structure of the brain is almost completely formed and differs little from that of an adult. This was the reason for establishing the optimal age threshold for starting school: the brain is already ready to assimilate information that becomes more complex every year, to form logical connections.

From conception to childbirth

From the point of view of anatomy and morphology, the child's brain is laid literally in the first weeks of fetal development, and by the third week of pregnancy, it is already possible to consider the division of the brain into three parts.

Sonya is visiting her grandmothers. Talking to mom on the phone
Mom, when are you picking me up?
Do you know how many fingers are on the hand? I'll be back in so many days.
- Mom, it's a pity you don't have three fingers.

From birth to year

With the advent of tomography, scientists have found that the microstructure of the child's brain begins to form immediately after birth. After birth, a baby already has hundreds of billions of neurons - nerve cells, but the connections between them are primary and not structured. It is in the process of interaction with the external environment that stable connections are created between neurons, a kind of “network” or “web” is formed, a tree-like structure of neurons is created, and the development of the cerebral hemispheres in children is underway.

As soon as a baby is rattled with a rattle, stable connections are immediately formed in it, characterizing the image, shape, color and sounds emitted by this object, characterizing its movement and relationship with the mother’s hand and with the mother herself. The example is simple, but that's how it works, from simple to complex. No wonder a very specific baby can learn any language on the planet!

The structure of the network of neurons becomes more complicated every minute and every day, the cerebral cortex of the baby thickens (its thickness is a criterion of human intelligence). Motor activity and the development of the child's brain functions are closely interconnected: the structure of the cerebellum and the vestibular apparatus are being formed, connections are being established between the cerebellum and the frontal area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for thinking.

Both hemispheres of the brain develop, but not always evenly. Scientists believe that a certain asymmetry is the norm rather than the exception. In girls, the left develops more intensively, in boys - on the contrary, and brilliant people in most cases are distinguished by a more developed right hemisphere.

One to three years and beyond

By the age of three, the volume of the brain reaches 80% of the brain of an adult. The intellect grows, the ability to think, speech functions develop, stable social ties are formed. After three years, the rate of brain development begins to gradually decline, by the age of 10 it is too late to correct anything.

John Medina on the rules for developing your child's brain

A popular book by an American author can be bought or downloaded on the Internet. In his work, the researcher argues that "all children are different and all parents are different, so there is no advice for all occasions." Taking as a basis the individuality of both babies and their parents, Medina calls for spending as much time together as possible and turning this time into an exciting process of getting to know the baby, his needs, his already emerging character.

In his book, the scientist pays great attention to the methods and techniques for the formation of the brain and thinking in young children, warns against typical mistakes of inexperienced parents.

Early development: how good is it and what should be done?

The ideas of early development are by no means new, they are more than one hundred years old. It is believed that even during pregnancy, not only the expectant mother, but also the child in the womb receives undoubted benefits from going to concerts of classical or just pleasant, positive music, the mother should receive as many positive emotions as possible. After birth, adherents of the ideas of early development try to talk with the baby as much and on serious topics as with adults, sometimes in several languages, include Mozart in him and everything that they themselves like to listen to. It is believed that this stimulates the development of the child's brain "from the cradle."

By the way, John Medina is very skeptical about “music for the stomach”, lectures on quantum physics and showing advanced educational videos to a baby on a screen the size of half a wall. He insists on the thesis "everything has its time" and appeals to common sense and a sense of proportion. Medina says a box of crayons, an enthusiastic, cheerful parent, and a couple of hours will do much more to develop an infant's brain, and the effect will be much more lasting. Like in this video:

Today, advanced marketers have created and successfully cultivated a real fashion for early development: in any store for children, ingenious toys and devices, rugs, even gadgets are offered. All kinds of developing courses and trainings for mothers with babies are very popular. The baby is literally overloaded with information that he does not particularly need at this age. Experts say that it is quite enough for a long time proven cards and simple balls and cubes, dynamic gymnastics. Try to communicate a lot and often to stimulate the development of speech functions.

The best advice for moms and dads: read fairy tales to the baby: dozens of generations of our ancestors could not be wrong!

Interesting technique Makoto Shichida

A professor from Japan is convinced that efforts should be directed to the development right hemisphere baby, because it is known that the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity and creativity, imaginative thinking. A child with a well-developed right hemisphere learns to memorize a large amount of information, his ability to learn foreign languages ​​increases.

The method of the Japanese scientist is based on the following statements (sometimes controversial):

  • All children are inherently brilliant, that is, endowed with unlimited potential for mental development.
  • Only constant and systematic exercises with the baby will bring the desired result.
  • Repeated repetition for the purpose of memorization is not very good method, as it contributes to the development of the left hemisphere, and not the right.
  • For proper development The brain needs simultaneous stimulation of all five senses.
The kids are talking!
-Daughter, in whom are you so vindictive?
- I don’t know, mom, but our dad is kind!

For classes, special cards are used, they encourage the child to imagine and fantasize, there are special games. Finding a technique is easy: there is quite a lot of information on the Internet. Perhaps the formation of visual memory is of paramount importance for the children of Japan or China: after all, this ability is critical for mastering hieroglyphic writing. In other languages, as in Russian, there is more internal logic and grammar than visual images. Nevertheless, the technique is interesting!

5 social factors badly affecting brain development in children

How big is the influence of the environment on the development of the child's brain? Although such a study was carried out by scientists from Harvard, it is quite universal and quite applicable to our Russian realities. Here are 5 factors that hinder brain development:

  1. Poverty of the family, the inability to provide themselves with basic necessities, poor-quality food.
  2. Parents are poorly educated, their interests and social needs are primitive. It mainly concerns the mother, who spends much more time with the baby than the father.
  3. Incomplete family.
  4. The parent or even both suffer from mental disorders.
  5. Adult family members are indifferent to the child, communication is reduced to “so as not to interfere”, they play little and talk little with children. IN dysfunctional families the emotional environment is often very stressful.

Any of these factors is bad in itself, and the combination of several creates a cumulative effect. The result is a delay in the development of the child's brain with irreversible consequences, a poor vocabulary, empathy, inability to express one's thoughts, a general lag in mental development.

  1. Plan pregnancy: the child should be desired and loved, favorable conditions for a full life should be created for him.
  2. Study and learn new things about your baby's age, try to persistently apply knowledge in practice.
  3. A mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding needs a complete and balanced diet, rich in vitamins for development and polyunsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements. The relationship between the quality of mother's milk and the process of brain formation in infants has long been established.
  4. Stress, fear and insecurity are the worst enemies that prevent the baby from analyzing the environment and recognizing the correct response to their actions.
  5. Try to accept all children's feelings and emotions, even if you don't like them, devote maximum time to communications and games with the child.
  6. Movement is a powerful stimulator of the development of interhemispheric connections: oddly enough, physical activity is very conducive to learning and the development of mental abilities in the early period of life. Even “brain gymnastics” has been developed, but it is more suitable for babies after 2-3 years.

The delay in the development of the brain in infants often lies on the conscience of negligent parents who are ready to attribute the result of their laziness to "bad heredity" and claim that "they will teach you at school." You don’t need to set as your goal to raise a child prodigy and a genius, you just need to conscientiously fulfill your parental duty, create an optimal developing and stimulating environment for the baby, and you will definitely succeed.

Useful video for moms, from which you will learn amazing things!