What are sensitive periods of human development. Adolescence as a sensitive period for the development of creativity Critical and sensitive periods in primary school students

With the entry of a child into a new age phase - adolescence - his social position at school, family, on the street changes significantly. He learns new disciplines, in the family he is assigned more complex and responsible responsibilities, he no longer plays "these children's games with the kids", but seeks to cling to the youthful "party". That is, he is no longer a child, but not yet an adult. In this regard, a favorable atmosphere arises for influencing his social and age self-determination.

By adolescence, a child accumulates a fairly large amount of a wide variety of information. From the entry into a new age phase, he learns to build logical schemes, to capture cause-and-effect relationships. On this basis, the amount of knowledge gained turns into a new quality, and, coupled with expanding life experience, a higher level of self-awareness arises in him, he turns his gaze to the inner world and spiritual appearance of other people and builds a stable moral ideal on this basis. Thus, adolescence is sensitive for the formation of an ideal.

For adolescents, the opinion and assessment of peers is of great importance, and at the same time, in the adolescent environment there is a kind of behavioral charter, in which the priority belongs to the manifestation of will. It is in this regard that adolescence is sensitive for the formation of a strong will, in particular such traits as purposefulness, independence, endurance, determination, courage, initiative, endurance, masculinity, and more.

Note that all these features will develop one way or another, and if not these, then alternative ones will be directed, if not at creation, at least at destruction, so it is important for society not to miss the chance to “educate a citizen”.

The moral and ethical core of the personality also has the peak of its formation. Of course, the moral core of a person begins to form with the awareness of his "I", i.e. from the age of three, but during this period of childhood, he is mainly directed by adults “possible” and “impossible”, most often not reasoned and working, mainly due to the child’s self-restraint.

The process of moral and ethical formation of an individual enters a completely different qualitative channel in adolescence, when a teenager evaluates himself through the correlation of his inner world with the inner world of other people. A teenager develops conceptual thinking, he can understand the connections between a specific act and personality traits, on the basis of which there is a need for self-improvement.

A teenager, in the process of accumulating life experience, as well as turning his gaze to literary and film heroes, begins to worry about deeply ethical questions about the meaning of life and human happiness, about justice, honor and dignity, as well as about his own role in shaping the moral and ethical environment in his immediate environment.

The moral and ethical norms of a teenager are very far from ideal, they are fragmentary and unstable, but they, and this is most important, are formed consciously and independently for the first time. hallmark Of this process, however, soon fading, or rather stifled by society, is sincerity and intransigence, that's where the intransigence to what he denies comes from.

In adolescence, significant biological changes occur - a significant increase in muscle strength, overall body resistance and performance, both in boys and girls. There is a natural need to "use physical force." The indicated circumstance creates more than favorable conditions for active sports and physical labor both at home and outside it - public labor (and not only gratuitous, but also paid).

At the age of 13-15 years, boys and 12-14 years old, adolescent girls form the profile of energy capabilities and contractile properties of skeletal muscles with which a person is destined to live the rest of his life. Therefore, during these years, it is effective for boys to develop speed, power and speed-strength qualities; it is possible to purposefully train middle-distance runners and sprinters, weightlifters and wrestlers, throwers and jumpers. (Note that earlier specialization in all these sports often results in a developmental disorder). For girls to smooth the angularity of movements, the formation of plasticity and grace, it is advisable to engage in all types of dance, shaping, rhythmic gymnastics, athletics. Note, however, that the adolescent organism is still very far from complete physical formation.

Adolescence characterized as a pubertal period associated with a deep restructuring of the endocrine system, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as sexual desire, caused by abundant secretion of hormones. This is the period when the issue of gender should be reinforced by behavioral acts of relations between boys and girls, this is the most favorable time for the formation of masculinity and femininity.

Features of the interaction of the organism and the environment are reflected in the concept of critical periods. In the process of individual development, critical periods when the sensitivity of a developing organism to the effects of damaging factors of the external and internal environment is increased. There are several critical periods of development:

1. the time of development of germ cells - ovogenesis and spermatogenesis;

2. the moment of fusion of germ cells - fertilization;

3. implantation of the embryo (4-8 days of embryogenesis);

4. formation of the rudiments of axial organs (brain and spinal cord, spinal column, primary intestine) and the formation of the placenta (3-8 weeks of development);

5. stage of enhanced brain growth (15-20 weeks);

6. formation of the functional systems of the body and differentiation of the genitourinary apparatus (20-24th week of the prenatal period);

7. the moment of the birth of the child and the neonatal period - the transition to extrauterine life; metabolic and functional adaptation;

8. the period of early and first childhood (2 years - 7 years), when the formation of relationships between organs, systems and apparatuses of organs ends;

9. adolescence (the period of puberty - in boys from 13 to 16 years old, in girls - from 12 to 15 years old), when, simultaneously with the rapid growth of the organs of the reproductive system, emotional activity is activated.

Critical periods partially coincide with the so-called sensitive periods (periods of special sensitivity), which arise on their basis and are least of all genetically controlled, i.e., are especially susceptible to environmental influences, including pedagogical and coaching ones. sensitive periods these are periods of high sensitivity of children to external influences, special susceptibility to certain methods, types of activity, methods of emotional response, behavior in which the most intensive development of certain body systems and the corresponding stimulating effect take place environment takes on special significance.

For a person, the most important are three sensitive periods.

1. up to 2-3 years of life, when the corresponding areas of the brain are formed, coinciding with the formation of speech.

2. At the age of 5-7 years, the child has well-developed motor skills and speech, he knows how to analyze the situation, he has a developed sense of “psychological distance” in relations with adults. At the same time, self-criticism and self-control are not enough. The child has not yet developed the ability to visual concentration. Game elements predominate in the activity. When entering school, various deviations may occur due to the child’s insufficient psychological readiness for systematic studies.

3. At the age of 12-16, a teenager enters the third critical period: puberty. There is a rapid growth of a teenager. Motor skills become awkward, sharp, impetuous. There are changes associated with sexual metamorphosis. The behavior of teenagers changes especially significantly. They become restless, restless, naughty, irritable. A teenager shows a desire to be or appear to be an adult.

During sensitive periods, the means and methods used in physical education achieve the best training effect. So the sensitive period of development of absolute muscle strength is observed at the age of 14-17 years (the quality of strength reaches its maximum value by the age of 18-20 years). The sensitive period of development of various manifestations of the quality of speed falls on 11-14 years (the maximum level is reached by the age of 15). For general endurance, the sensitive period appears at 15-20 years (the maximum value is at 20-25 years). The development of flexibility especially rapidly occurs from 3-4 to 15 years, and dexterity - from 7-10 to 13-15 years.

Critical periods switch the body to new level ontogenesis, create a morphofunctional basis for the existence of an organism in new conditions of life. Sensitive periods adapt the functioning of the body to these conditions. This is the reason for the high sensitivity of the organism to external influences during sensitive periods of development.

Favorable effects on the body during sensitive periods optimally contribute to the deployment of the body's hereditary capabilities, the transformation of innate inclinations into certain abilities, while unfavorable ones delay their development, cause an overstrain of functional systems, primarily nervous system, violation of mental and physical development.

Questions for self-examination:

1. The subject and tasks of age-related anatomy and physiology, connection with other sciences.

2. Levels of organization of the human body.

3. The structure and functions of the cell.

4. Main types of fabrics.

5. What is an organ? List the major organ systems.

6. List the properties of the human body.

7. Name the features of the growth and development of the child's body.

8. Name the causes and negative aspects of acceleration and retardation.

9. Ontogeny: definition, age periodization.

10. Name the features of the anatomical and physiological development of the human body in the prenatal and postnatal periods.

11. What is called the critical period? Describe the critical periods in human development.

12. Sensitive periods: definition, significance in human life.

13. What is calendar and biological age?

14. What are the main criteria for biological age.


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  4. Kurepina M.M. Human anatomy: textbook. for universities - M.: Vlados, 2002.
  5. Obreimova N.I., Petrukhin A.S. Fundamentals of anatomy, physiology and hygiene of children and adolescents. - M., 2000.
  6. Sapin M.R., Bryksina Z.G. Anatomy and physiology of children and adolescents. - M., 2000.
  7. Sapin M.R., Sivoglazov V.I., Anatomy and physiology of children and adolescents with age characteristics child's body. - M., 2005.
  8. Solodkov A.S., Sologub E.B. Human physiology: general, sports, age. – M.: Olympia, 2005.
  9. Human Physiology (under the editorship of A.G. Pokrovsky). - M., 1997.


Goals and objectives of studying the topic:

Give the basic concepts of genetics;

To study the causes of hereditary and teratogenic pathology;

Familiarize yourself with some types of hereditary and teratogenic diseases;

To formulate the principles of prevention of hereditary and teratogenic diseases.

The name of the sections of the topic:

1. Basic concepts of genetics.

2. Hereditary diseases: definition, causes, classification, features of clinical manifestations.

3. The main types of chromosomal diseases.

4. The main types of gene diseases.

5. Teratogenic diseases.

6. Prevention of hereditary and teratogenic diseases.

Basic concepts of genetics

Heredity and variability - the two most important properties of living organisms are closely related to the concept of reproduction.

Heredity- the ability of living organisms to accumulate, store and transmit hereditary information to offspring. The transmission and storage of hereditary traits is provided by DNA and RNA. The leading role in the transmission of hereditary information belongs to DNA. The section of the DNA molecule that determines the development of a particular trait is called genome.Each DNA molecule includes hundreds of genes and represents a program for the development of many features and properties of an organism. Combining with special proteins, the DNA molecule forms chromosomes in the nucleus. The number of chromosomes is constant for each species of animals and plants. The nuclei of somatic cells contain 46 chromosomes arranged in pairs (23 pairs). Twenty-two pairs of chromosomes (somatic) are responsible for the growth and development of the body. The 23rd pair is made up of the sex chromosomes. Women have two X chromosomes, while men have one X and one Y chromosome. The nuclei of germ cells contain 23 chromosomes. When the egg cell merges with the spermatozoon (fertilization), the chromosomes again become 46. The nascent organism receives half the signs from the mother and half from the father.

sign any property or quality that characterizes given organism or group of organisms. A trait that appears in the offspring and suppresses the manifestation of another trait is called dominant. A trait that does not appear outwardly in the offspring is called recessive.

Genotype is the totality of all the genes of an organism.

Phenotype- a set of properties (features) of the body acquired in the process of life.

Each child has an individual genetically based development program, the implementation of which takes place in specific environmental conditions.

Variability- the ability of the body to acquire new signs under the influence of various factors.

2. Hereditary diseases: definition, causes, classification, features of clinical manifestations

hereditary diseases- these are diseases caused by changes (mutations) of the hereditary apparatus.

At the heart of hereditary diseases are violations (mutations) of hereditary information (chromosomal, gene).

Classification of hereditary diseases:

1. Chromosomal diseases are diseases caused by changes in the number of chromosomes or their structure:

a) quantitative diseases;

b) qualitative diseases.

2. Genetic diseases are diseases caused by structural changes in the gene:

a) polygenic diseases - a disease in which several genes are affected;

b) diseases with hereditary predisposition - diseases, for the manifestation of which certain external factors are necessary;

c) monogenic diseases - a disease in which one gene is affected:

Autosomal recessive - the affected gene is recessive in relation to the healthy one,

Autosomal dominant - the affected gene is dominant in relation to the healthy one,

Linked to the sex chromosome - the affected gene is located on the sex chromosome.

Features of clinical manifestations of hereditary pathology:

1. Hereditary diseases often run in families.

2. Diseases manifest themselves at any age.

3. Diseases have a progressive chronic course.

4. Rarely occurring specific symptoms or their combinations are observed. For example, a mouse smell indicates phenylketonuria.
5. Many organs or organ systems are involved in the pathological process.

6. Resistance to therapy.

7. Cause disability from childhood and reduced life expectancy.

Adolescence as a sensitive period for the development of creativity. Creative activity is the activity of a person, which manifests itself in the process of creating material and spiritual values ​​that are distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. The psychological basis for the manifestation of creative activity is the ability, motives, skills of a person.

Creative activity is a motivating beginning in the formation healthy lifestyle teenagers' lives. The material is better absorbed by teenagers with its original presentation. In addition, creativity in adolescents is manifested in playing various kinds of situations, forcing him to comprehend what is happening in reality. When creating conditions for creative activity, a teenager will be encouraged to be interested in activities related to a healthy lifestyle.

Also effective condition formation of a healthy lifestyle is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to convince teenagers that life can provide them with a lot of interesting things, that there are no insoluble problems and hopeless situations. Engage teenagers in social activities which will require them to develop positive qualities, will contribute to the prevention of deviant behavior. The task of a teacher from an enlightened teenager is to educate a socially indifferent person who in any situation will be able to resist alcohol, smoking and drugs.

Informing adolescents about a healthy lifestyle is carried out through training aimed at the transition from a passive form of information perception to an active one and ensuring the subject-subject nature of the interaction between the teacher and the student: lectures, conversations, debates, training exercises.

The use of these forms and methods makes it possible to use such basic characteristics of a teenager's personality as the ability to know and self-knowledge, higher-level needs, and value relations. In addition, they contribute to the reassessment by schoolchildren of the meanings of their own life, the fulfillment of the need to achieve, recognize, realize their various abilities, including changing their lifestyle.

At the same time, students are being prepared for the implementation of the practice-oriented part of the work, since the actual in orienting the student to a healthy lifestyle is his emotional and value acceptance at the personal level as a necessary basis for self-organization of healthy life. We consider the actualization of the emotional and value attitude of the student to a healthy lifestyle as the next condition for the implementation of the pedagogical strategy of orienting the pupil to him. Actualization of the emotional and value attitude of the student to a healthy lifestyle is a purposeful pedagogical activity on the transfer of his valuable valeological guidelines (thoughts, views, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, abilities) from a potential state to a real one and the realization of their significance in human life.

In the practical solution of problems, we proceed from the theoretical provisions of pedagogical axiology about the essence of the value attitude. Value gets its actual existence in activity, when the subject, interacting with the object, forms a relationship. It becomes valuable when the properties of the object satisfy the needs of the subject, involve emotional sphere and generate personal meaning, forming the internal position of the individual. Under the influence of real life practice, in the presence of a person's internal activity, a value attitude arises.

In accordance with this, a choice was made of such socio-pedagogical conditions that would contribute to the formation of an internal picture of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents. The main components of such a picture are: cognitive (a set of knowledge, ideas, conclusions about a healthy lifestyle) and emotional (sensory side), which contribute to awareness, emotional and value acceptance and modeling of a healthy lifestyle as an activity guide.

The social pedagogue informs students about the possibilities of the school in this direction, participates with them in various activities, supports them in the implementation of a healthy lifestyle. The choice of forms and methods of organizing the activities of adolescents at the stage of enrichment with relevant knowledge includes consultations social educator, participation of students in sports and recreation, cultural events, leisure forms of work, which contributes to their familiarization with the health of creative activity, enrichment of creative and activity experience, manifestation of activity and independence in organizing their own healthy lifestyle.

For the successful formation of a teenager's attitude to a healthy lifestyle, these conditions must be met.

Thus, the formation of a healthy lifestyle in a teenager through the implementation of a set of socio-pedagogical conditions, methods, techniques and means of information-cognitive, emotional-value and creative-activity nature can be carried out in the educational process of the school and contribute to solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle for a student.

sensitive type. Since childhood, shy and timid. They are often afraid of the dark, shun animals, especially dogs, afraid to be alone, to be locked at home. They shun lively and noisy peers. They do not like outdoor games and mischief. Timid and shy around strangers and in unusual surroundings. Unwilling to communicate easily with strangers. All this can leave a false impression of isolation and isolation from the environment. In fact, such children are quite sociable with those they are used to. They often like to play with kids, feeling more confident and calmer with them. They are attached to relatives and friends even with cold and harsh treatment of them. They are distinguished by obedience, they are known as "home children". The school scares them with noise, fuss and fights at breaks. They usually study hard. They are afraid of all kinds of control, checks, exams. Often they are embarrassed to answer at the blackboard. They are afraid of being branded as an upstart. Having become accustomed to one class and even suffering from the persecution of some classmates, they are extremely reluctant to move to another.

The onset of puberty usually occurs without major complications. Difficulties begin in older adolescence, from the moment they enter an independent life. Then two main features of this type are revealed: excessive impressionability and a sense of one's own inferiority. They see many shortcomings in themselves, especially in the field of moral, ethical and volitional qualities. Onanism, common for adolescence, can serve as a source of severe remorse in boys. They are afraid that others will find out about him, accuse them of “vileness” and “lechery”. Children's attachment to relatives remains. Guardianship of loved ones is usually obeyed. Reproaches and punishments on their part cause more tears and despair than protest.

A sense of duty, responsibility, excessive moral requirements for oneself and others are formed early.

The reaction of hypercompensation is expressed. They seek self-affirmation for themselves not where their abilities can be revealed, but precisely in the area where they feel weakness. The timid and shy put on the guise of gaiety, even arrogance, but in an unexpected situation they quickly give up. With a confidential contact behind the sleeping mask of “nothing at all”, a life full of self-flagellation, subtle sensitivity and exorbitantly high demands on oneself opens up. Their unexpected sympathy can impute bravado to violently gushing tears.

They do not fence themselves off from their peers, they even strive for them, but they are picky in choosing friends, and affectionate in friendship. They prefer a close friend to a noisy company, willingly give him a leadership role, feeling more confident behind his back.

Hobbies of sensitive adolescents, according to the observations of Yu. A. Skrotsky [Patological disorders ..., 1973], are of two kinds. Some are of an intellectual and aesthetic nature (music, drawing, modeling, domestic flowers, songbirds, etc.), and the very process of these activities gives pleasure - they do not strive for any high results at all, they even evaluate their real successes very modestly . People are often embarrassed to talk about this kind of hobby with others. Another kind of hobbies is due to the reaction of hypercompensation. The achieved result and recognition from the outside are important here, sometimes they are engaged in "overpowering themselves." Boys try to overcome "weakness" by doing power sports (wrestling, dumbbell gymnastics, etc.). Adolescents of both sexes hope to overcome their shyness and shyness by rushing to public positions, where they usually carefully carry out the formal part of the assignments, but the actual leadership is tacitly given to others.

Sexual attraction increases shyness and feelings of inferiority. Due to overcompensation, declarations of love can be so unexpected and decisive that they frighten and repel the one to whom they are addressed. Rejected love asserts in thoughts about its worthlessness, while suicidal intentions may arise.

Neither delinquency nor alcoholism tendencies are noted. There is often a very negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages. In alcoholic intoxication, instead of euphoria, depressive experiences can be exacerbated. Sensitive young men do not usually smoke.

Self-assessment has a high level of objectivity. They do not like to lie and pretend and do not know how. They prefer to remain silent than to tell a lie.

A blow to the weak link is usually the situation when a sensitive teenager becomes the object of malevolent attention of others, ridicule or suspicion of unseemly deeds, when a shadow falls on the teenager's reputation or he is subjected to unfair public accusations.

Features of the dynamics in a sensitive situation are that this type is relatively resistant to transformations. With age, in favorable conditions, especially with a good family environment, sensitive features can be smoothed out. In other cases, they are able, on the contrary, to sharpen (especially in lonely "old maids"). With mixed types of accentuation, features of another type (schizoid, psychasthenic, astheno-neurotic) may come to the fore.

Sensitive accentuation serves as the basis for acute affective reactions of the intrapunitive type, phobic neurosis, reactive depressions, as well as endoreactive psychoses - pubertal anorexia and adolescent dysmorphomania. Apparently, it is sensitive accentuation that is associated with an increased risk of progredient schizophrenia.

Vyacheslav V., 17 years old. From childhood, he grew up quiet, timid, shy, shunned boys, and played with girls more willingly. Once on the street he was beaten by hooligans. Since then, she has been afraid of unfamiliar teenagers - bypasses them. He studied diligently, but with difficulty, was afraid of tests and exams. The only son. Two years ago, my parents divorced (my father drank), but continued to live in the same apartment. He experienced a divorce hard - he began to study worse, although he sat on homework for a long time. Before the final exams, he “panicked”: it seemed that he would not be able to pass them. He told his mother that he did not want to live. Was exempted from examinations by a psycho-neurological dispensary. Rejoiced, calmed down. Having received a certificate, he immediately entered the factory where his mother worked as an apprentice. I am satisfied with the work, among adults I felt calmer. I did not make new friends - I went to the other end of the city to visit a childhood friend. Recently, at work, his peer herself showed interest in him - she was very happy about this, quickly became attached to her.

During the conversation, an embarrassed smile appeared on his face. When asked about the conflicts between mother and father, he burst into tears, for a long time he could not calm down. At the mention of his girlfriend, he brightened up, spoke of meetings with her as the most joyful event in his life. He said that he considers himself very shy and impressionable, especially shy of strangers ("whom I know - it's somehow easier with those"). Comrades always terrified him with a desire to drink, smoking and foul language. He doesn't smoke and doesn't drink wine. When strangers look at him, he blushes easily and is embarrassed.

IN physical development signs of unsharp hypogenital infantilism.

Pathocharacterological examination with the help of PDO on a scale of objective assessment diagnosed a sensitive type with features of emotional lability. Tendency to alcoholism and delinquency is not established, the reaction of emancipation is not expressed. Self-assessment is satisfactory: sensitive, labile and conformal traits are noted on the scale of subjective assessment, unstable traits are rejected.

Conclusion. Mentally healthy. Explicit accentuation of the sensitive type.

Catamnesis. Collected after a year. Continues to work. He intends to marry a girl to whom he remains very attached.

In the process of individual development, there are critical periods when the sensitivity of the developing organism to the effects of damaging factors of the external and internal environment is increased. There are several critical periods of development. These most dangerous periods are:

1. the time of development of germ cells - ovogenesis and spermatogenesis;

2. the moment of fusion of germ cells - fertilization;

3. implantation of the embryo (4-8 days of embryogenesis);

4. formation of the rudiments of axial organs (brain and spinal cord, spinal column, primary intestine) and the formation of the placenta (3-8 weeks of development);

5. stage of enhanced brain growth (15-20 weeks);

6. formation of the functional systems of the body and differentiation of the genitourinary apparatus (20-24th week of the prenatal period);

7. the moment of the birth of the child and the neonatal period - the transition to extrauterine life; metabolic and functional adaptation;

8. the period of early and first childhood (2 years - 7 years), when the formation of relationships between organs, systems and apparatuses of organs ends;

9. adolescence (the period of puberty - in boys from 13 to 16 years old, in girls - from 12 to 15 years old), when, simultaneously with the rapid growth of the organs of the reproductive system, emotional activity is activated.


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