Games for a child in 1 year. Games that will help a one-year-old baby get to know the world. Game for the development of gross motor skills and speech

By the age of one year, the baby is ready to consciously join the game. He discovers the unknown with great interest, learns the world, imitates adults in many ways. The child is not yet ready for independent games, so the task of expanding the horizons of the baby, teaching him games, consolidating knowledge and skills should be solved by loving parents.

The more time adults devote to a one-year-old child, the more groundwork they give for the formation of a developed and harmonious personality in the future. Children per year, like a sponge, absorb all the information and are open to the perception of everything new, which allows parents to open new horizons through the game.

How to take a baby?

Classes for a child at 1 year old are games that are constantly repeated throughout the day. Do not overload the child, trying to diversify their assortment to the maximum in a short period of time.

It is important for the kid to see, comprehend and remember what is offered to him. As soon as he understands the essence of the game, he will definitely join the process, delighting adults with his ingenuity. To do this, on one day you can only feed the pupae, put them to bed, roll them in a stroller, on the other - hide and find objects or play with a ball. The main thing is to ensure that the child remembers the entire process and understands what they want from him.

At the first stages, you need to choose the simplest "developers" and introduce the child to them as follows:

  1. only an adult plays, the kid just watches;
  2. all actions are repeated with the child and fixed several times;
  3. The child is invited to play by himself.

It must be said that for many new mothers, these boring repetitions are a real test, and they do not have enough patience and experience to let the child delve into the game. An erroneous expectation of a momentary result can play a cruel joke - the baby, on the contrary, will fall into a stupor and simply will not understand what they want from him.

In addition, adults should show a sincere interest in the games that are offered to the child! It is wrong if the parents:

  • do not show enthusiasm and do not charge the child with it - in this case it will not be possible to captivate the baby and achieve any noticeable progress in mastering skills from him;
  • seek to isolate themselves from the child, accustoming him to independence. A child of one year old is in dire need of communication, in joint games with adults - they are his guides, through his parents he learns the world.

A child who is left alone becomes even more attached to his parents and subsequently has problems with socialization - it is difficult to build communication with peers, refuses to attend kindergarten.

Therefore, parents at this stage of the child's life will have to work hard and turn his communication with the world into an amazing, interesting, creative process through the game.

What to play?

Answering the question of parents, what to do with a child for a year with benefit, experts suggest paying attention to the following games:

  • cognitive character. They are carried out with objects that have a different shape, texture, size and sound. During the game, a small person learns to manipulate objects, put them in and take them out of the box, distinguish them from each other, and listen to the sound they make. For such games, cubes, kegs, pyramids, boxes with lids, large books with three-dimensional pictures, musical mallets or maracas are suitable.
  • Strengthening nature. These games can be played both outdoors and at home. In a playful way, the kid is offered to squat and climb, stand up 1-2 steps, hold several objects in his hand, and step over obstacles. For the development of large motor skills, large dolls, cars, balls are suitable, and for the development of fine motor skills, playing with sand or, for example, with clothespins fastened to the edges of the box, which the child is offered to unfasten.
  • Developing character. For the development of speech, it is recommended to talk a lot with the baby, comment on him and his actions, name objects. In addition, some time should be devoted to reading together with looking at vivid illustrations or flipping through a photo album, where the child will recognize familiar faces.

For children, plot games with toys are very interesting and useful - the doll is fed and put to bed, the dog hid from the bunny, and after searching, he finds it, the kid treats the teddy bear with cookies, and he says: "Thank you." Also, the child can be shown that the bunny is jumping: "Jump-jump", - and the bull is mooing and butting: "I gore, I gore."

A one-year-old baby actively reacts to music. To the incendiary rhythms, he can dance himself or portray his toys dancing.

A child of one year old can be offered to do drawing with finger paints or crayons. His first doodle art will delight him himself, and besides, it will help strengthen the visual center, coordination and fine motor skills hands, which is directly connected with the brain center of thinking.

Finger games, such as “Ladushki”, “Forty-white-sided”, during which each finger is assigned a role and with its help perform an action, not only amuse the child very much, increasing the positive emotional background, they are excellent developmental games that train fine motor skills, strengthen muscles, develop coordination.

What skills to teach?

With the help of educational games, a one-year-old learns skills that should correspond to his age and by which the level of development of the baby is determined.

Yes, thanks active games child per year:

  • learns to walk more confidently, run;
  • knows how to squat;
  • climbs on a low surface;
  • jumping;
  • throws and tries to catch the ball.

Cognitive games encourage kids to imitate adults, arouse interest in new objects and toys, form a desire to examine the toy from the inside.

The child in the form of a game must be taught:

  • respond to your name;
  • distinguish body parts and show them both on yourself and on others;
  • recognize family members, distinguish them by name;
  • imitate animal sounds, characteristic signals;
  • understand what adults want from him.

At a year and a half, a child, thanks to the acquired skills, can already hold a mug, distinguish objects around, understand the meaning of such words as “hot - cold”, “how big I am”, “goodbye”, “sleep”, “walk”, etc. d.

Examples of interesting games

Games for a one-year-old baby do not require serious expenses and very often include household items, kitchen utensils and improvised material. How and at what time to do it depends on the regimen of the baby, on his well-being and on his mood. If everything is in order, then you can play the following games.

  • "Magic Bag"

Put several toys and objects in a bag and invite the child to take them out in turn, each time naming the toy distinctly and characterizing it with sounds: a bunny - “jump-hop”, a car - “bee-bee”, a doll pillow - “bye-bye”. Then invite the child to fold them back, while adults name the item, and the baby takes exactly the one that is needed and puts it in a bag.

  • "Come on."

You need to put the child in front of you and, holding out an object to him, say: “On!” - then stretch your hands to the child and say: "Give!". These manipulations can be carried out with several toys at once or with one. It must be repeated until the child loses interest.

  • "Animation Poems".

The simplest nursery rhymes need to be told to the child, while accompanying each word with a certain action - “top-top”, “clap-clap”, “bang-bang”.

Jumping gallop!

Jumping gallop!

That's how the boy grew up!

Jumping gallop!

Jumping gallop!

Look how high!

Leg - top,

Palm - clap,

Rattle - right in the forehead!

Bear clumsy walks through the forest

Collects cones, sings songs,

The bump flew right into the bear's forehead

The bear got angry and kicked - top!

  • "Mom's Helper"

You will need several cups, a spoon and small balls that need to be transferred from one container to another. Then you need to wipe the cups with napkins.

A child of one year, compared with a one and a half year old, has less perseverance and requires more attention. Games for the baby should not be dangerous (that is, you should not use small, sharp, fragile objects) and should take place not only under the close attention of adults, but also with their direct participation. Only in this case the child will receive everything necessary in order to please his parents with his physical health and high intelligence in the future.

At the age of about 1 year 3 months, the most interesting and most important for a baby are still object games, i.e. games during which the child twists and turns toys and other objects, feels them, gets acquainted with their purpose. Repeating many times the same actions with objects, the baby learns their physical properties, accumulates his own experience of interacting with them, and, of course, improves motor skills, hones skills and abilities.

I have previously published several articles with a selection of our games for developing sensorimotor skills. In today's article - a little more difficult classes, approximately designed for babies older than 1 year 3 months. The breakdown by age, of course, is somewhat arbitrary and is done only to make it easier to navigate in a variety of games. So don't wait until a certain age, but use the activities in this article when you feel that the child is ready.

I want to note that many of the games from the articles "Educational games for children 1 year old" are still relevant even after the age of 1 year 3 months, in particular,.

Well, now I present to your attention another 10 options for educational games:

1. Sort items

At this age, you can begin to offer your baby the first "analytical" games. Those. the baby will need not only to touch, press, open something, but also think it over carefully before doing it.

So, invite your child to sort with you any items into two boxes. For example, divide the cubes into red and green. You can sort not only by color, but also by size (large and small) or shape (circles and squares). At the first stage, use only one criterion for sorting! Besides, try to ensure that at first, in all other properties, the objects are completely identical . Those. for example, if you are sorting the cubes into red and green, it is desirable that they be the same size. This will make it easier for the child to understand.

What else can be sorted? In-shell nuts are good for sorting: put large (walnut) in one bowl, small (forest, or cedar) in another. In the kitchen, you can sort sweets into 2 varieties, separate beans from pasta, etc. Yes, in principle, you can sort almost any small things that come to hand.

You can also make special cards for sorting . On some cards, draw all large objects, on others - exactly the same objects, only small ones. Alternatively, draw circles on some cards and squares on others. In our games, we used ready-made sets from the "School of the Seven Dwarfs" to sort by bloom and by size. The sets, frankly, are nothing special, but if you are too lazy to make cards yourself, then they will do.

To begin with, sort the objects into only two groups, when the child catches the essence of the game, you can add more varieties. Those. increase the number of colors, shapes or sizes involved in the game.

To maintain interest in the game, you can not only sort objects into faceless boxes, but distribute the boxes to your favorite toys and announce to the baby that, for example, the Cheburashka loves only circles, but the bear loves only triangles, so we need to help them arrange everything correctly.

A separate layer are games on sorting by color . In the article "" you can find several options for such sorting. For example, here is such a sorter from a tea box and multi-colored mosaic details. No worse are sorters with designer details, multi-colored paper clips, buttons, etc.

Of the non-homemade options, the best color sorter, in my opinion, is magic chest of drawers. Here, in addition to the fact that the child learns to distinguish colors, he also trains fine motor skills - he learns to direct small details exactly into the hole, and also to put them in insert frames. The task is not easy and very exciting. The child can sit for an hour

If colored sorters are already tired, then you can take a closer look at the chests of drawers " Forms" or " Animals"

And finally, if you want to include more colors and shades in your game and at the same time are a lover of beautiful and eco-friendly Montessori toys, then sorters in the form colored gnomes, nesting dolls And wooden bowls.

2. Play with water

According to my observations, games with water transfusion become interesting to a child even earlier than at 1 year 3 months. The first actions that need to be mastered are pouring from a glass into a glass, filling one large container with another smaller dish (for example, we scoop water into a bucket with small glasses). After these actions are mastered, you can learn pour water into glasses from a small teapot or jug . We studied on a teapot 20 centimeters high.

During such a game, the main thing to teach the baby is to hold the kettle correctly. Explain to the child that the kettle should be held with the right hand (if he is right-handed) by the handle, and with the left hand a little hold on the other side, while lifting the kettle so that it does not touch the edge of the cup, otherwise the glass will fall. Of course, at first you will need to keep the kettle with the baby, because. this task is not easy.

The pouring of water from the kettle into glasses, of course, can be played in an interesting way. Seat the toys and tell the baby that he is now facing a responsible task - to pour tea for all the toy guests.

3. Sift cereals through a strainer

Another educational game invented by the famous. This game is aimed at introducing the child to the sieve and its interesting property- to separate large from small. For class, you must first mix semolina and beans in a bowl. And then, together with the baby, you need to use a strainer with a handle to separate the beans from the semolina. Put the sifted beans in a separate bowl.

During the game, explain to the baby that the beans remained in the strainer, because they are large and cannot pass through the holes in the sieve, and the semolina is small, so it is sieved through the holes.

4. Collect puzzles from 2 parts

Show your child how you can get a single picture from two parts. For this fit the most simple puzzles or split pictures (labyrinth, My shop, KoroBoom). At this age, Taisiya and I played like this: I took one half of the animal and began to substitute different variants second halves, Taisiya showed which half, in her opinion, is suitable and which is not. My daughter really liked this game, but she did not want to collect pictures on her own at this age, the real "" we started at 1.5 years old.

5. Cut vegetables and fruits

This game will require set of cut vegetables or fruits (Ozone, KoroBoom, My shop) . Typically, such vegetables consist of two halves (and sometimes more pieces) that adhere to each other with Velcro. Also included is a wooden knife.

The game is very useful, because in it the child learns to coordinate his actions. It is not as easy as it might seem - to guide the knife exactly along the cut, and even holding the vegetable with the other hand. And it is necessary to teach the baby to hold the vegetable with the second hand, this is how we develop in him the ability to do different actions simultaneously with both hands. And the child learns independence, and the more persistent he is, the faster he will amaze you with his “culinary” skills.

6. Collect the pyramid, choosing the right size ring

Because at this age, the baby is already quite good at distinguishing small objects from large ones, you can slowly teach him to assemble a pyramid, stringing the rings in the correct order. To do this, you need to explain to the child that when collecting a pyramid, you always need to focus on the largest ring. We found the largest ring - put it on the rod, from the remaining ones we are again looking for the largest. At first, it is better to use small pyramids of 3-4 rings, or if the pyramid is large, you need to limit each choice of the baby to 3-4 rings.

Similarly, you can learn to assemble a pyramid from. In addition, the caps can also be assembled in reverse order - starting with the smallest one, and then sequentially cover with larger caps, as if hiding the previous ones.

Taisia ​​and I regularly practiced building pyramids and towers from caps. At 1 year 4 months, she was already building them (from 6-7 rings or caps) practically on her own, with a minimum amount of my help. I offered my daughter a choice of 3-4 parts, from which she chose the right ones. But most of all, Taisiya loved to consistently hide the caps one under the other.

7. Assemble a nesting doll, picking up a half on your own

The essence of the lesson is similar to the previous one - the game teaches the child to navigate in size and select the appropriate ones. Naturally, while the baby will not fully collect nesting doll (My shop, labyrinth, KoroBoom) without your help, at this stage he needs to constantly prompt, explain and clearly demonstrate why one half is suitable and the other is not.

When we were just learning how to assemble a nesting doll, we played like this: I put all the “heads” in one direction, and the “legs” in the other. Then she took one “head” and offered several “legs” to choose from. The understanding that not every “legs” will fit one specific “head” came to Taisiya somewhere in 1 year 2 months, since then we began to slowly but surely learn the art of sizing.

8. Collect mushrooms / berries

Another one interesting game was born in our house by itself, when in our house appeared counting set "Mushrooms" (labyrinth, My shop, KoroBoom). The essence of the game is as follows: the baby needs to find the mushrooms pre-arranged around the room (instead of them there may be other identical objects, for example, berries, small balls, leaves).

Mushrooms need to be arranged in advance while the child is not in the room. Some mushrooms must be placed in the most prominent places so that the baby feels interest in the game and understands that everything is working out for him. And some need to be placed in such a way that you have to look a little, for example, behind the leg of a chair, under a typewriter, etc. But don't overdo it! The game develops attentiveness and observation well.

9. Dress up dolls by putting on clothes

So far, the baby is unlikely to cope with dressing ordinary dolls, but on flat dolls, he will already be able to fully realize his design endeavors. On sale you can find various sets (Ozone, My shop, KoroBoom) (usually for bathroom play), consisting of dolls and a rich assortment of clothes and accessories for all occasions - wear whatever your heart desires.

Taisiya fell in love with this game very much just somewhere at the age of 1 year 3 months. And to this day, we periodically return to it, bathing in the bathroom. There are two characters to dress up in our set, so there is room for story games as well.

10. Study opposites on real objects

The older the baby becomes, the more things begin to interest him, the more concepts he is able to understand. You can also study various concepts from books, but the baby will learn everything much better if he is shown the essence of certain things in reality. For example, it is very interesting to study opposites. What exactly to study?

    Take two plastic bottles and fill them with water, pour a little into one, and a lot of water into the other. Let the child pick up each of the bottles, explain that one of them is heavy and the other is light.

    Take two plastic bottles, pour into one of them hot water and the other cold. Feeling the bottles, the baby will learn these concepts well.

    Lie down with the baby first on the pillow, and then on the floor. Explain that it is pleasant and comfortable to lie on the pillow - it is soft, but not so on the floor - it is hard!

    You can explain the concept of "empty" and "full" to the baby using the example of an empty and full glass, or a bucket of sand.

Well, and stuff like that, you can come up with a lot of similar examples in life!

11. Play with simple mosaics

And another 1 year 3 months is a great time to start joining mosaics! But only, of course, to the simplest, baby ones. The main task of the mosaic at this age is not to teach the child to create pictures and not to develop imagination, but to teach the child to work with small details and learn colors.

It is not at all necessary to immediately insert the details “correctly” when playing. As a rule, at first, children are too passionate about the process to pay attention to the color of the details. First, let the child simply insert the parts into the holes, training unyielding fingers. Well, you pronounce the names of those details that the child takes, so that this information is slowly deposited in his head. And only when the baby is comfortable with the game and you understand that your information “did not go past your ears”, offer to insert the blue part into the blue hole, and the red one into the red one.

Here are examples of very good, baby mosaics. From wooden (and quite budget) - this is " butterflies"(as in the photo just above)," cars". From plastic - " funny buttons".

That's all. If everything from this article has already been mastered, go to the next collection -!

Educational games with a child aged 1 year -1 year 3 months.

1. Didactic games: we develop the cognitive activity of the baby during the game!

The task of all these games is to teach the baby to perform interconnected direct and reverse actions with objects.. For example: lay out and collect, take out and put in, shift the balls into a box, bucket, roll them along the groove, lay out and collect colored liners, string a pyramid, put hollow objects (smaller into a larger one).

Such games will develop the child's cognitive activity, fine motor skills, enrich his sensory experience, mental activity- the first concepts of analysis and synthesis, comparison and the first generalizations in the mind of the baby.

In games with a child, you need to use items made from various materials- metal, wood, polyethylene, paper, fabric. It will be great if the toys will make different sounds.

We play cubes


In practical actions, introduce the child to the features of the cube - a stable geometric figure that has the same faces. Tentatively give the baby an idea about the properties of filled and hollow containers.

You will need:

A set of cubes. Cubes (edge ​​approx. 4 cm) are placed in boxes with lids, the lids are closed. Boxes should be different in shape (for example: flat and high).

A game:

Rattle a flat box and give it to the child in his hands, ask: "What is there?". The kid opens it and takes out cube after cube one by one. At the end, an empty box is shown to the baby: "No! There is nothing!" The box is closed with a lid and shaken again: “It doesn’t rattle. An empty box,” you explain to the baby.
. Then the baby is offered a tall box, the mother shakes the box: "Knock-knock! What's there?" Tilt the tall box and one by one, shaking out, pass the cube after the cube to the baby (this is how the sequence of actions with objects is observed). When the box is empty, the baby is offered to look into it, shake it: "No! There is nothing!"
. In the third part of the lesson, together with the child, build a tower (you lay out the cubes one on top of the other - vertically), and then a train (you put the cubes one on top of the other in a horizontal plane).

Lesson on inserts


On an emotional-sensory, indicative basis, introduce the child to objects of a conical shape (hollow cones of different colors and sizes) - "caps".

You will need:

A set of inserts-caps, sequentially nested one into the other. The color of the caps can be chosen arbitrarily or in accordance with the main colors of the spectrum.

A game:

Place a toy in front of the baby - caps, stowed sequentially one into the other. The child sees only the top, largest cap. Move the whole structure to the baby and offer to remove the top cap, then the next one, what is under it. Tell us about the shape and colors of each cap, try to line them up sequentially (in a row) one after the other.
. Then, in front of the child's eyes, "fold" all the caps, successively covering the smaller cap with the larger one. All this is accompanied by a cheerful conversation, emotionally played out - "Let's hide the cap!". Give your child the opportunity to act with caps the way he wants.
. Then you can show how you can build a beautiful turret from the caps by placing each smaller cap successively on top of the larger one. Or maybe your kid will guess before that himself?

What a matryoshka!


To acquaint the child with the folding design of nesting dolls: from one, large, a second, small, appears, and so on.

You will need:

Two toys - nesting dolls - big and small. Make 2 tables for them (one bigger, the other smaller) - from boxes, or by bending cardboard. And also a “tea set” - cups, if there are no toys, can be made from a nut shell or a thin paper strip folded into a spiral - this will only further develop the baby’s imagination.

A game:

Come up with an entertaining story for playing with nesting dolls. For example, they can dance, play "hide and seek", ride cars, hide under a handkerchief in front of the baby. And let him discover them under a handkerchief.
. Consolidate the knowledge gained by the baby by comparing matryoshka dolls of different sizes. Voice the matryoshkas - as if speaking for them: “I am a bigger matryoshka!” (said in Basque, stretching out sounds), “And I am small!” (Voice thin, spoken quickly). Putting alternately one or the other toy into the baby’s hands, ask them to show where the “big” and where the “small” nesting dolls are.
. At the end of the lesson, offer to “drink” them with tea, treat them. Nesting dolls are placed at impromptu tables. Large - for a high (large) table; small - for low (small). Brightly beat the tea drinking situation, and then let the nesting dolls thank the child.
. Next, the baby plays with nesting dolls arbitrarily, as he wants.

We collect the pyramid


It is necessary to teach the child to perform the action of stringing on the rod. It is useful to practice two grips - with your fingertips, wrapping around it from above, or with your thumb and forefinger, wrapping around it from the side.

You will need:

Pyramid - colored rings on the rod (5-6 pcs).

A game:

In front of the child lies 5-6 rings of the same size. Encourage the baby to take the ring in his hands, run his palm over the surface, try to put it on the side surface, roll it left and right; teach the child to take the ring with his fingertips - "rehearse" two grips - clasping the ring from above and from the side. Use all the possibilities of the pyramid - tell us about the colors, the shape of the rings, show where is big and where is small.
. Invitingly invite the baby: "Let's collect the pyramid!" Then show how it's done - put the first ring on the rod yourself. Then invite the child to repeat this action - give him the ring and say - "Now you!". If the baby is at a loss, then perform the action with his pen, or repeat the show again.
. You can use a sound technique: the ring, passing through the rod, descends, falling on the support, makes a sound. "Knock!" - comment on the sound cheerfully, let the baby repeat after you. Then the pyramid is assembled completely. Be sure to focus the child's attention on the result of his "work" - "Oh, what a beautiful pyramid turned out - multi-colored!".
. If the child is still interested, you can repeat the game with rings from the beginning.

Activity with balls


In the process of practical actions on an emotional-sensory, orienting basis, introduce the child to the shape of the ball, teach him to perform actions with objects, taking into account their shape and position in space. To form the ability to take the ball with your fingertips, roll it along the tray.

You will need:

Balloons. Tray for rolling balls. It can be made from cardboard. The lesson can be done sitting on the carpet.

A game:

Give your child a box of balloons. Let him play with the box, choose the balls, see how they roll out. Roll one or the other ball to the child.
. Then take the box and invite the baby to give you the balls one by one, which you again collect in the box.
. In the next part of the lesson, teach your child to roll the balls along the groove. They roll out again. Collecting balls in a box and rolling them out is repeated several times.

The game "What's in the pot?"


Introduce the child to various objects, colors, help him remember their names.
You will need:
A set of "vegetables and fruits" (carrot, cucumber, turnip, tomato), saucepan with a lid. A set of "vegetables" is inserted into the saucepan in advance, covered with a lid (you can replace the set with real vegetables - fruits, after washing and drying them).

A game:

Give the child the cherished saucepan: "What is there?"
The kid opens the lid and takes vegetables and fruits. Offer to consider them. Put them alternately in the hands of the child, offer to run your fingertips over the surface of each object. Comment: "This is a cucumber, a green cucumber, and this is a carrot." Then the items are again put into the saucepan. The activity is repeated.

Story games: we bring up cognitive activity in getting to know the outside world

Introduce your child to household items. Child 1 year - 1 year. 3 months introduce furniture, dishes, clothes. Be sure to pay attention to the baby on their purpose and how to act with them. Tell and show the simplest vehicles - a stroller, a cart, a wheelchair. For example: show a car standing near the house (it drives, buzzes, there are wheels, they spin). Show also animals living next to a person: a cat ("kitty"), a dog, birds. They note the external features of each animal (what eyes, tail, ears), as well as their voices.

home theater


Continue to acquaint the child with the surrounding objects, their features and possibilities of use. To teach lightweight names, animal voices (doll - "lyalya", dog - "woof-woof"). To give the concept of commonly used names of these objects, to encourage the use of a lightweight version of the name or onomatopoeia in active speech.

To stage everyday situations from life that the child has already seen or participated in - they should be clear to him. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the purpose of the objects surrounding it - furniture, clothes, utensils, transport. To diversify the emotional inner world of the child with experiences played out in skits.

You will need:

Subject toys: animals, birds. Doll with clothes (it is advisable to choose a toy depicting a child of the same age as the baby, with a friendly, smiling face). Cars, toy furniture and utensils.

A game:

Show simple stories with figurative toys, staging situations from life. These can be toys depicting animals (dog, cat, bunny, bear) and a doll. But at the same time - the doll must perform "human" actions, and animals - actions inherent in animals.

For example: a dog eats from a bowl, a bird flies and pecks grains, a bunny hides from a bear. And with the doll, show everyday and funny situations, including vehicles (cars with a body, cars, carts, sleds). In staging situations with a doll, fix the idea of ​​​​pieces of furniture, clothes and utensils (spoon, plate, cup), their intended use.

1. An example of a game lesson with a doll:

Remove toys toys so that the baby does not see them at the beginning of the lesson. Attract the attention of the child with a cheerful conversation, trying to concentrate his attention, and then play a scene: there is a knock. "Someone is coming to visit us" - a doll appears in front of the baby's eyes. "Doll - Lyalya came to Vanya (child's name)." The doll greets, if the baby wants to pick it up, give the toys, comment on the child’s actions: “Where are Lyalya’s eyes (mouth, nose, arms, legs)?” If the baby does not show - show yourself. "Where is Vanya's?"
. Then ask the baby to repeat aloud after you: “Lalya” and immediately specify: “Doll”. Next comes the display of a picture depicting a doll: "Look - here is Lyalya - a doll in the picture. Where is Lyalya? - Here! In the picture - Lyalya."
. In the next part of the lesson, suddenly there is a bark and a dog appears, the doll hides. As in the first part of the game, a scene with a dog is played, the lightened word "Wow-wow" is introduced. “This is a doggy, a doggy saying “Woof! Woof!
. In the third part of the lesson, the doll reappears, the dog is happy to meet her. Once again, try to “talk” to the baby: “Lalya”, “Woof-Woof”. Shows pictures: “Where is Lyalya?”, “Where is the dog, how does the dog say?” If the child is at a loss, just answer for him after a short pause.

2. An example of a game lesson with a toy car (car)

Attract the attention of the crumbs: "Vanyush, let's play!?". You are in the doorway to the room and are acting out the first part of the activity without showing the toy right away. So you will strengthen the orienting activity of the baby. Behind the door there is a sound of "machine". "What is this? Do you hear: "beep-beep-beep"?" A car drives into the room. .
. Play out a scene of a car trip, enter new words - how the car is buzzing: "beep-beep-beep." Ask the child: "How the car is buzzing, repeat!" During the lesson, focus the baby's attention on the actions of the car: it drove, it stopped, it buzzed, it drove again.
. In the next part of the lesson, a doll sits in the back of the car: "Lalya" went; stopped "beep". The scene "doll in the car" is played out situationally, you come up with various simple stories, amusing the baby. Introduce new and repeat babbling words and onomatopoeia familiar to the child. Try to activate the speech of the child himself. At the end of the lesson, the doll leaves by car, promising that he will come to visit soon.

Indicators of timely cognitive development for a child by the age of 1 and 3 months:

So, if you play with your child in all of the above games, then by the end of the first trimester of the second year of life, he will be able to:
1. Find, at the request of an adult, voluminous geometric figures: cube and ball.
2. While playing, distinguish between two objects of different sizes: large and small.
3. Removes and strings the pyramid (maybe inconsistently).
4. Consistently removes insert items (cubes, colored caps).
5. Covers a smaller object with a large one: "the cap is hidden."
6. Following the example of an adult, he pushes balls into a ball thrower.
7. Puts a cube on a cube ("house", "turret").
8. Rolls balls from the tray (at the request of an adult).
9. Knows how to reproduce learned actions in the game (feeds the doll, rocks the bear) Transfers familiar actions from one object to another. For example, he strings rings of the same size on the rod. Then, at the request of an adult, he does the same with the balls.
10. Imitates household actions: coughs like a grandfather, “reads” the newspaper like a dad, “talks on the phone” like a mom.

Approximate educational games for a child from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 6 months.

How to develop a child in the game?

How can you develop a child in the game in the second year of life? In this article, we will guide you WHAT exactly needs to be developed and HOW to do it. Several developing game activities will be presented to your attention, the first part of the article contains didactic games that develop logic and cognitive activity, and the second part contains story games that introduce the baby to the outside world, leading his emotional and social development.

Three rules of an effective developing game:

1. Do not forget that a child at this age without movement quickly gets tired. Therefore, try combine play with walking and movement.
2. Of course, you need to finish the game before how tired the child is.
3. Classes must be based in active communication between you and the baby, because this will help him quickly and better master speech.

1. Didactic games - we develop the cognitive activity of the baby in the process of playing!

It would seem that you can play with such a little one! Yes, so as not only to enjoy communication - but also to get useful fruits - new knowledge and skills of the child. We offer you several educational subject games, simple, but aimed at achieving high goals, here are just a few of them:

The purpose of didactic games for a child:

To develop the child's ability to act in space, and at the same time act in a coordinated or synchronous manner with the right and left hands;
. Enrich the sensory experience of the baby, inviting him to interact with objects and toys that are different in physical properties;
. To develop the tenacity and strength of the baby's fingers - the fine motor skills of his little hands;
. Try to complete tasks with objects of the same color or size, focusing on one of these properties;
. Try to solve problems: to choose an object according to its property, and at the same time - try not to be distracted by other properties of objects that are not related to the task - that is, to teach purposefulness.

Exemplary methods of didactic developmental games:

1. Ball, ring, cube ....

Target: Teach the child to act with objects depending on their physical properties, explain to the child. For example - to put a pyramid on the rod - you can only wear a ring, but you won’t be able to put on a ball, since there is no hole in it. It’s also impossible to make a turret out of balls, the best material for this purpose is cubes ...

Material: Pyramid rings, cardboard circles.

Lesson progress:

  • Show your child the colorful rings. Roll on the floor first one ring, then the second, the third. Explain: "This is a ring. And this is a circle!" (show it). Then show how the ring is strung on the column of the pyramid. "Look, a ring can be put on a post, but a circle cannot, because there is no hole in the circle!" (Show).
  • Take mixed rings and circles, roll-lay out on the floor. One and a half year old baby can already be offered - sort, collect circles and rings separately. Circles can be folded into a basket, and rings can be strung on a toy rack. Encourage the baby - if the action is performed correctly, note its results.

2. "Girlfriend-matryoshka"

Target: Teach your baby to play with collapsible toys (matryoshka).

Material: Matryoshka, inside it is a colored handkerchief.

Lesson progress:

  • Put a house on the table, behind which hide the nesting doll, and say that a nesting doll lives in the house. "Let's call her! Matryoshka, come out to us!"
  • "Matryoshka has prepared a present for you: let's open it and see what she has brought us!" Show how the matryoshka opens (in a vertical position). Help the child open the matryoshka if he can’t do it for a long time. Direct his hand, transfer a light effort, laying your hand on his handle and on the matryoshka. Or you can - first put a loop of tape inside and use it to pull up the upper part of the toy.
  • Examine together with the baby a handkerchief taken from the nesting doll. Describe in words its properties, drawing.
  • Then invite the baby to close the matryoshka, first combine its parts, then firmly connect by pressing.

Note: in the future, you can complicate the game: using not one nesting doll in it, but several.

3. "In the forest, picking mushrooms ..."

Target: To teach the baby to act with objects, taking into account their position in space, shape, size. Learn to perform sorting tasks - selecting objects with the same properties, focusing on one of them (color or size).

Material: Fungi of one color and two sizes - 3-5 pcs. Note: they can be drawn on cardboard and cut out, or made like this: the legs of the mushrooms are spools of thread, and the hats are pieces of foam covered with fabric.

Lesson progress:

  • Arrange the mushrooms throughout the room so that the baby could not immediately find them, but, for example, bending down and looking under the chair. Give the baby a basket (box) and show how to pick mushrooms.
  • When all the mushrooms are in the basket, examine them with your child. Then invite the baby to divide the mushrooms by size - large in one direction (for example, for a large toy), and small in the other (for a small one).

Note: Such classes are held with mushrooms of different colors and the same size, or also, different shapes, but the same size.

2. We cultivate a craving for knowledge, when getting acquainted with the outside world:

We continue to introduce the child to household items. We expand the boundaries of its orientation in the world around us. For example: you need to constantly supplement the baby's knowledge about the properties and purpose of furniture (wardrobe, sofa, bench), dishes (spoons and plates - of various shapes, sizes), as well as clothes (tights, T-shirt, socks).
For this purpose (consolidating knowledge about surrounding household items), often ask the baby to complete a simple verbal assignment, which will consist of one action: “Please take a mug from the table” or “Please pick up a pencil.” Accompany the words with gestures, for example, pointing with your hand at the subject in question.

. Strengthen the ability of the crumbs to recognize familiar objects in the picture. By 1 year 6 months, let the child learn to find the image of the object you ask to find - choosing it from several pictures.

. Encourage humane treatment of animals. Feed the cat in the presence of the child, watch her with him. Even if there is no possibility of direct contact with animals, you can just read picture books about them, watch short presentations. While walking, pay attention to the dog, pigeons, note their external features. If the zoo is not so far from your home that it causes difficulties - then it's time to visit it! This day will be remembered by the baby for a long time, the main thing is not to overwork him with new impressions.

Ask the baby to imitate the voices of animals(“Woof-Woof!”, “Meow-Meow”, etc.) - usually children do this with great pleasure, and this has a good effect on the development of speech in a general sense.
Teach your baby to find the right image of an animal from 4-5 pictures, and after that - answer the questions: "How does the cat say? What does she do?" If the baby finds it difficult to answer - answer for him.

Story game

Continue to play story games with your baby: show everyday situations with dolls and animal toys, over time, complicating the content of the scenes. Especially for an adult, rationally thinking parent, at first glance it may seem that story game- It's pretty boring. But this is not so - imagine that you are the director of a small theater, and the spectator is your own child, and you need to play your roles so believably in order not only to attract the attention of the "hero of the occasion", but also to entice him to participate in this action!

Experiment in the game, turn on your imagination. In order to truly captivate a child with a game, you yourself need to forget yourself for a while, return to childhood ... and get carried away by it yourself! It costs a lot, but it works flawlessly - your baby will love to play games - and it's great if it's you, the dearest person for him, who will help him in this. And the importance of the game for the formation of a person's personality is difficult to overestimate. It is no coincidence that the famous Russian teacher - L. S. Vygotsky called the game "the ninth wave of children's development."

"Love childhood; encourage its games, its amusements, its sweet instinct. Who among you has not sometimes regretted this age, when laughter is always on the lips, and peace is always in the soul?" Jean Jacques Rousseau

What is useful to do in a story game:

Reflect in the game - a sequential chain of routine moments that usually happen to the baby (walking, feeding, bathing, going to bed) - this will help the baby better draw a parallel in his own life and understand the relationship of these actions.

In the game, too, the crumbs' ideas are fixed - about reality, therefore, in the same way - as in reality - introduce the child to items of doll clothes, furniture and utensils . It's good if their arsenal is varied (dishes of different colors and shapes, a full wardrobe of doll clothes - for all occasions).

It often happens that a small child, especially a boy, has “heaps”, as they say, of plastic cars, robots, but there are absolutely no puppet household items for a plot game. This is wrong, because the boy is also a person;) - and he needs a boy doll, approximately his age - with all the “outfits” - for story games. We will talk about the arsenal of toys for the boy in another article, as well as about how to choose the right toys in the store.

To diversify the game and nourish the cognitive interest of the child - include in the game plots - pictures depicting birds and animals: a goose, a chicken, chickens, a goat, a cat, a bunny.

Sample story games for children:

Getting to know the doll

Target: Presentation to a child new toy, the game is combined with the description of the toy, using poetry, poems, songs and nursery rhymes.

We will need: Medium-sized doll (30-40 cm) - corresponding to the gender of the child (girls - girl dolls, boys - boys)

Lesson progress:

Let's analyze the game using the example of the Katya doll:
. Show the baby the doll. Let the doll “speak” to him: “Hello! What is your name?". Pay attention to the crumbs Nice dress dolls.
. It's playing out here small scene. For example - psnya and dance of the doll. Say: "Katya doll wants to sing a song for you and dance." Further, to the tunes of a cheerful song (folk songs are well suited: “Is it in the garden in the garden”, “Oh, you canopy, my canopy”), the doll “dances” (swing it, let it “jump” forward / backward, turn it - spinning). You can also use audio recordings of children's songs, and there will also be nursery rhymes in place:

Oh, what a dress Alena has,
Yes, with a green border!
My heel, stomp harder
And dance - spin more cheerfully!

Katya, little Katya,
Katya is remote
Walk, Katya, along the path ..
Stamp Katya with a leg!

Note: a story game, unlike a game with a doll in the period from 1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months. differs in this: now not just individual actions with the doll are played out (feeding, combing, etc.), but already plot-based, detailed dramatizations, using various accessories and additional toys.

As, for example, in such a game as: "Katya doll treats friends." It will be in place here - to give an idea of ​​the proper names of animal toys (Muska the cat, Quack the duck, Burenka the cow). With further shows, the plots should be enriched by the inclusion of these characters in the actions.

Kitty and Goat

Target: Fix the names of toys (cat and goat) in the child’s speech - at least simplified ones. Learn to imitate the voices of animals ("meow-meow" and "me-e-me-e").

We will need: Toys - a cat and a goat, corresponding pictures (or other animals, at your discretion).

Lesson progress:

First you need to show the baby pictures with depicted animals, name them, pronounce onomatopoeia in their voices. On the example of a cat and a goat: “Meow! Meow!" and "Me-e-Me-e!". Ask the child to repeat.

Further, with elements of surprise - we include toys in the game. The baby will be especially interested in the "hide and seek" technique - the toys "hide" in different places and give "voices", and the child finds them. It will be great if every time he manages to find a toy - immediately ask him to name the animal and show how it “speaks”.

At the end of the lesson, we again draw the attention of the child - to the picture, please name who is drawn on it and how he can “speak”.
Note: various verses are well suited to such games, for example, A. Barto "Who screams like that?"

Who is screaming
I guard chickens.
Ran down in the bushes.
Drink, drink, drink!
Drink water.
I'm scared of chickens.
Kra, kra, kra!
Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.
Moo, moo!
Milk to whom?

Puppet theater (glove puppets) - example: "Petrushka"

Target: Acquaintance with Petrushka - a folklore character. Enrich the emotional experience of the baby. Use a surprise moment - the appearance of Petrushka to increase interest in the situation being played out and the development of the child's speech.

We will need: Glove doll, in our example - Parsley.

Lesson progress:

Put the doll on your hand and hide it behind your back or in your pocket. We play out the scene of Petrushka's surprise appearance. Show by example - surprise, joy, introduce Petrushka to the baby. You play as two persons - for yourself and for Petrushka.

Parsley "plays": hides in different places and suddenly appears. He greets the baby by the hand, asks questions. Just like in the game with a doll - you can show how Petrushka sings and dances, and even plays musical instruments.

The article was compiled in accordance with the recommendations of Lyubov Pavlova (leading researcher at the Center for Preschool Childhood named after A.B. Zaporozhets, candidate of psychological sciences).

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you and your baby a successful conquest of new horizons in its comprehensive development!

Physical activity is very important for physical development child. The irrefutable expression “Movement is life” is well known. Soviet scientist I.A. Arshavsky repeatedly proved the connection between a high level of activity and good health, emphasized the special importance of physical activity in the development of the whole organism.

And you can also ask dad to file thin branches in the forest (about 1-2 cm in diameter, 20-30 cm long), lay them in a row and walk along them like a bridge, you can tie them with a thin strong rope so that you can easily fold and remove .

Rolling toys. It is worth mentioning wheelchair toys here. They are now sold in all sorts of shapes and colors, some children are happy to learn to walk by rolling such toys. Maybe this method will suit your baby?

Outdoor games for children at the age of 1, training running

Who is faster? Invite the baby to race to get to the toy, to the dad, to the kitchen. It's easy to play this game all day long. Who will run to the sandbox faster?

Catch me. Another game that can be played all day long. Invite the child to catch you and run away, then you catch the baby, and he runs away.

We ran to visit. Prepare two toys, for example, a bear and a dog, place them in different corners of the room or in different places on the street and offer to run to visit the bear, and then visit the dog, and even race. Turn on moving music, it will be more fun.

We tease the beast. This is a whole block of games, reminiscent of the game "at the bear in the forest", familiar to you from childhood. The main idea is this: the baby sneaks up to the sleeping animal, the animal wakes up, and you need to run away from it. Pairs for this game: a bear and rabbits, a frog and mosquitoes, bees and cubs, a wolf and kids, a fox and rabbits. It's more fun if a big company is playing.

Outdoor games for children at the age of 1, training jumps

We jump on numbers and letters. Draw numbers or letters on the pavement, and let the child jump over them, at the same time teach the count and words. Or lay out and fix with adhesive tape on the floor pictures of animals, and to which animal the child jumped, he calls.

By the islands. Draw with chalk or tape paper islands on the floor and say that you can only jump on land. On the islands, you can put a small treat, or you can lay out the puzzle pieces and then assemble the picture, it is convenient to use cubes with a picture for this.

Through puddles, over clouds, over bumps. One day, invite the child to jump through the puddles to the bath, on the other, through the clouds to get to the kitchen for dinner. Jumping over bumps in the swamp, you can look for a treasure that you hide under the last bump.

Get some candy. Hold the candy slightly above your baby's height and let him make several attempts to get the candy before he jumps. If you don't eat candy, replace it with a toy or fruit.

Jumping rope or objects. An easier option for yearlings is to jump over a rope or ribbon, stick, etc. lying on the floor. Make the game more difficult by raising the rope, ribbon, etc. higher.

Let's have fun jumping. You can just jump to fun music with your child. With seeming simplicity, this game can bring you a lot of positive emotions.

Entertaining outdoor games for children in 1 year

Show the animal. Guess the animal and show it to the baby with the help of pantomime, make a sound that is characteristic of this animal. Let the kid guess. And then invite him to guess the beast for you. Or just think together how you can show a sparrow, a horse, a bull, a dog, a cat, bees, a bear, a hare, etc.

You can imitate different mechanisms - cars, trucks, steam locomotives, airplanes.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Hide and Seek. Everyone's favorite game! Hide yourself, then look for your child. Yearlings hide their faces under a scarf or cover them with their palms and think that they hid well. Walk around a little, saying out loud how difficult it is for you to search, and that you can’t see where your child is hiding at all, and then “find” the baby and laugh together.

Sun bunnies. Take a mirror and let the sunbeams, and let the baby catch them. Then change places.

Physical education minutes

And a few more ideas from enthusiastic mothers who play with their babies according to scenarios "Fairytale Kaleidoscope". As part of one of the creative tasks for the Three Little Pigs, they spent physical education minutes with their crumbs. Such simple and funny exercises to songs well known to mom will be a good help in organizing the physical activity of kids.

Physical education minute to the song of the three little pigs

I tried to come up with a warm-up for the child after sleeping to the song of three little pigs, so I left the melody, but replaced the words with my own, except for the chorus. It turned out like this:

It's time for us to wake up
We've got to go, we've got to go (let's stretch)
Waiting for Naf-Naf for a long time in the morning,
We are with you in the morning (clap our hands).

We will call Nif-Nif,
Let's call, call, (waving with one hand)
And we'll call Naf-Naf,
Let's call, call (waving with the other hand).

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf.
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

Let's stretch our arms together
Knead, knead, (squeeze-unclench fists, raise-lower elbows, or any other hand movements)
Let's stretch the legs together (we walk, raising our legs high)
And we will build a house (raise our hands high up and spread apart - we show how big the house is).

To the chorus we crawl on all fours:
We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf.
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

The daughter rushes around with laughter when her mother gets on all fours, depicting a wolf. Therefore, the warm-up smoothly flowed into catch-up hide and seek from the mother wolf.

Anna Popova and daughter Euphrosinia 1 year 6 months, St. Petersburg.

Fizkultminutka on a poem about pigs

For physical education, they took a poem about pigs:

This pig dances briskly, (jump)
This one is waving its tail at us, (we wag our booty)
This one washes a piglet, (we wash)
This one wears a wig, (put hands on head)
This one eats a gingerbread, (we show with our hands how we eat)
And her name is Baby (hands to the sides).

Elena Gevorgyan with her daughter Nastya, 1 year 10 months old, Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region.

We hope that we have offered you such outdoor games for children 1 year old, which will help you to move with your child in a fun and useful way.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

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Hello blog readers! Today I want to talk about the most popular games with a one-year-old child. There are a lot of them, but I will highlight a few. How to play with a child at 1 year old?

Your baby is one year old… He crawls well, begins to walk independently, pronounces some words “mom, dad, give, nanny-yum” and actively learns about the world around him. From a year to two, a child is interested in everything: he begins to use a spoon on his own, spread porridge on the table and on his own, taste everything, touch it.

Parents and adults who work with him should help the kid increase vocabulary in a playful way, develop his thinking, walking skills, motor skills and other skills.

In order to understand how to play with a child at 1 year old, you need to learn that classes should bring joy and positive emotions to your child. You can play with the little one everywhere: on the street, at home and at a party. On a walk, tell him: this is the sky, trees, sand, etc. Show, pronounce what color objects are. So the child will remember more words, learn shapes, colors.

Outdoor games

Tear off a leaf, let the child sniff it, stroke it, shake it. An adult at this moment must describe the object. For example, the leaf is green, small, smooth. In the learning process, let the baby touch the tree trunk and say "it's big, rough." Try to remind more often “this is a tree”, “this is a leaf”. To check if the child remembers the names, ask him the question “where ...”, if he remembers, he will point to the desired item.

Playing with nature one year old baby Seemingly elementary actions help develop spatial thinking in a child. Show the difference far/near, thick/thin. Come or bring the little man to the tree. Let him try to hug him, and say in a low voice: “thick trunk”, then let the baby hug the trunk thinner, and you say in a thin voice: “thin”.

Children show great interest in playing with pebbles. You can draw a circle and show them that you need to hit a stone within it (you can change it to a hoop with a ball) or draw a line and throw stones beyond it. In the warm season, you can allow the child to throw stones into a puddle, touch it, stamp a foot into it (of course, if you have wet wipes on hand). All this is included in the cognitive process: how the sprays fly, how the puddle changes.

It’s good if a child at 1 year old knows how to focus on the game, and does not stick around on the playground. Interest in stones can be interesting to beat. Divide the pebbles into piles: in one large, in the other small, or in one light, in the other dark. Let a one-year-old child compare which pebble is larger / smaller. In the sandbox, the stone can be buried / dug up.

Parents should be glad that the baby shows interest in stones, sticks and other objects and actions with them, because this develops his figurative and logical thinking. He needs to independently throw, touch, break, shift. Ordinary objects, in comparison with ready-made toys, provide more opportunities for the development of imagination.

One year olds love to play in the sandbox. You can draw on the sand with your finger or stick. Molds and spatulas will come in handy. If these are not available, ordinary sour cream cups and spoons will do to make sand cakes.


You can spend leisure time with a child of 1 year using the designer. This activity develops sensorimotor skills and fine motor skills. The pieces should be about the size of a baby's palm (too small blocks can be swallowed by a child). Compiling figures (castles, garages, etc.), he develops a fantasy. Blocks at the designer are produced in different colors in order for young children to study them. Adults, during the game, should pronounce the name of the color so that the learning process is organic.

With the help of different sizes of parts of the designer (large and small), the baby will learn to understand the difference which parts are larger / smaller. Together build towers of different heights, and explain to him which is higher and which is lower. The development of fine motor skills in a one-year-old baby is promoted by elementary actions for adults, for example, tearing off adhesive tape from a designer. Teach him to wrap the details of the designer in foil, and then unfold them back.

Bring to life interesting ideas. For example, stick one picture on several parts of the designer, separate it and ask the kid to assemble the whole picture from the parts.


From the age of one, you can teach your child to work with plasticine (dough). It can be plucked, cut, rolled, created in different shapes (kolobok, sausage and others). Classes with plasticine train fine motor skills, develop creative thinking, imagination. Modeling makes it possible to perceive three-dimensional images, positively affects the intellectual and emotional development of the crumbs.

Music lessons

Children's songs are good educational games for a child of 1 year old. They contribute to mental development, memorization of certain actions, parts of the body: “we stomp our feet, clap our hands”, etc.

Development of the imagination

Drawing is one of the most necessary activities at this tender age. This is a way to build a trusting relationship between an adult and a child. You can start by using finger paints. It is better to take sheets of large size so that he feels room for action (you can take wallpaper). Sponges, napkins can serve as prints. Give the child the opportunity to draw kalyaki malaki as much as he wants.

Over time, he himself will want to highlight lines, shapes, colors. As writing implements, you can offer a child wax crayons, and felt-tip pens are better to postpone for later.

Doll games

With a one-year-old child, you can play the same thing many times. Like feeding a doll. Only then does he realize what is required of him and remember the game. Help him push the stroller with the doll, or feed the whole army of toys, or roll the car. Some children themselves are included in the game, others will study the simplest entertainments for a long time. The main task is to teach the action with the subject (combing, putting to bed, etc.), so that later he can play on his own.

In a playful way, it is necessary to develop the baby's breathing so that he can easily pronounce all the sounds. Let him blow snowflakes from the palm of his hand, which will be made of cotton, polystyrene, pieces of paper. Teach him how to blow out the candles.

Children are delighted with games on their knees, which end with the words “into the hole of boo”, and the child seems to fall into the abyss. It is useful to play with a massage ball.

Before going to bed, a child at 1 year old can be entertained with calm games, picture books (show in the picture “the dog is sleeping”, “the cat is washing himself”), massage with rhymes.