Interesting games for a child 1.5 years old. Synopsis of a comprehensive developmental lesson for children (1.5–2 years old) with their mother. How to read to toddlers

Dry finger pool

Pour buckwheat, beans, peas, etc. into small transparent plastic bottles. Now let the baby explore what the bottles are filled with. Pour different cereals into deep bowls and place them in front of the child. Let the baby touch the cereal, run the handles deeper - give him complete freedom. It is important that the handles are dry.

The game develops coordination, vision (kids have to follow moving objects with their eyes), enhances tactile sensations and research interest.

Attention! Check if the plastic bottles are tightly closed! Do not leave children to play with loose items without adult supervision!

clockwork toys

Toddlers enjoy watching how the toys move, trying to catch them.

Show how to launch a spinning top, make a clockwork cockerel or car move. Tell: “You see, the cockerel is pecking at the grains”, “The train is buzzing:“ Tu-tu! ”,“ The car goes: “Bi-bi!”. Ask the baby: “How does the train buzz?”, “What does the chicken say?” etc.

Attention! Toys should be as similar as possible to the animal or vehicle they represent.

The game develops fine motor skills, attention and cognitive abilities.

Nimble ball

First, teach your child to play with the ball: roll the ball on the floor, push it, catch up and push it again. Explain to the baby what you are doing: “Look how great it is - the ball rolled! Well, get him! Now I'll catch up with him! Oh! He's running away from us again!"

Have your child sit on the floor opposite you. Spread your legs and let the baby do the same. Roll the ball towards the baby so that he catches it with both hands. Now invite the child to push the ball in your direction: "It's your turn to roll the ball!" Be sure to praise the baby (for accuracy, for the force of impact, etc.).

Ball games develop large and fine motor skills, the ability to communicate, negotiate.


Give the baby the assembled nesting doll. Rattle the nesting doll, showing the child that there is something inside. Let the kid be interested. Show how nesting dolls open. Ask if there is anything left inside and offer to shake the matryoshka to make sure.

Arrange nesting dolls in a row. Pay attention to the child that they are all the same (in color, shape) and different (in height). Having mixed the nesting dolls, ask them to arrange them according to their height. Show how to nest one nesting doll in another.

Games with nesting dolls develop fine motor skills, coordination, the ability to understand speech, and cognitive abilities.

Football and basketball

Show your child how to kick the ball to make it roll. Ask the child to roll the ball in your direction and show how to catch it. Try to throw the ball at close range to the baby so that he kicks it or catches it. Good or bad little goalkeeper, praise him! There will always be a reason.

It's good if you have balls of different sizes. Throw small balls with your child, trying to get into a large container, such as a box or basin.

The game develops coordination, dexterity, eye.

Chasing a toy

Wheelchair toys are different: cars, airplanes, horses, dogs on wheels, etc. Toys with fillers rustle and ring, butterflies flap their wings - kids love such “live” toys very much.

Consider a toy. Roll it in front of you, then behind you. Place the handle of the wheelchair in your baby's hand and push the toy. Let him try to ride it himself.

Attention! The toy must be durable and have a handle that is easy to grip so that the child can safely lean on it; the wheels should turn easily.

Rolling toys develop coordination, cognitive activity.

More less

Show the largest and smallest molds: “See, this is the largest mold, this one is smaller. It fits in the big one." Starting the game with four molds, gradually increase their number. Build a tower. Teach your child how to build structures.

Small objects can be put into molds, and then taken out one at a time with two fingers.

This game develops cognitive skills, eye, fine motor skills.

Funny plates

Take 5-6 multi-colored plates made of wood or plastic. Move the stack of plates closer to the child, remove the top one and give him: “Take the plate.” When the baby reaches for the handle to take the plate from your hands, make sure that he does it correctly: the thumb should be on top, and the other four should be on the bottom. If the child tries to take the plate with his fist over the edge, carefully adjust his fingers.

Having examined the plate together with the baby, tell us what it is (shape, color, size, surface - smooth, rough), etc.

Put the plates in a pile and ask the baby to set the table for the dolls and invite them to dinner. After the "lunch" ask the child to collect the plates in a pile.

This game develops fine motor skills and teaches you to take objects correctly, opposing the thumb to the index finger (the so-called tweezer grip).


Teach your baby to roll the car, sitting on the floor and directing its movements. Show how the car hums and beeps while driving (“F-f-f”, “B-b-b”), Invite the little driver to repeat the sounds. Even a little talking baby will try to reproduce the sounds accompanying traffic.

Playing with several cars, reproduce situations on the road, passing by each other, arranging "accidents".

Build a slide on the floor from a sheet of thick cardboard or plywood. Show how the car quickly rolls down the slope, Ask the child to bring the car to the hill and release it so that it moves down.

Attention! The first cars should be made of durable and environmentally friendly materials and consist only of a body and wheels.

The game develops cognitive skills, speech, imagination, large and fine motor skills.

Doll carriage

Let the kid take his friends for a walk: Stuffed Toys, doll. Walking along a flat path, you can dance a little to the song:

We are legs - top-top-top,

And in the palms - clap-clap-clap!

Hey kids!

Oh yes, strong ones!

We walk along the path

And we hit the palms:

Top-top, legs, top!

Clap, clap, pens, clap!

The game will help the baby learn to walk confidently, develop coordination.

dexterous fingers

Invite your child to play a fun finger game. Read and show:

Our ducks in the morning

(put the fingers of both hands together with a pinch, the thumb is opposite all the others - you get an open "beak"):

"Quack-quack, quack-quack!"

Our geese by the pond

(open and close the "beak"):

"Ha-ha, ha-ha!"

Our bunnies above

(raise your hands up and wave your hands):

"Goo-goo, goo-goo!"

Our chickens in the window

(tap your index fingers on the table like a chicken with its beak):

"Ko-ko, ko-ko!"

How about Petya the Cockerel?

(straighten your back, raise your head, spread your arms to the sides)

early in the morning

We will sing: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

(Flap your arms like wings and crow.)

Ask your baby to repeat movements and onomatopoeic words after you: “What do ducks, chickens, geese, gulenki say?” etc.

The game develops imagination, speech, fine motor skills.

What to do with a child in a year? Many mothers ask themselves this question! And I am no exception. After a year of activity, the child becomes more, and perseverance is still not enough.

The child quickly gets carried away with the game and just as quickly gets bored with it. You have to constantly come up with activities for him, otherwise the baby will wander around the house or misbehave.

Sure baby must be able to take care of himself. Therefore, if the baby is playing on his own, do not interfere and do not distract him. Busy - and good! When children invent games for themselves, they develop a creative streak.

What if the child does not want to play alone? What to do with him?!

let's consider 2 options: baby games with parents and independent activities of the child (when mom needs to free up some time for herself and take the baby). Here are some games for a child after a year.

What to do with a child in a year?

1. Role playing

In this age role-playing games are reduced to the actions that we do daily with the child. For role-playing games, dolls, soft toys, toy animals, glove dolls are suitable.

Try to feed the doll, cook her dinner, dress her, put her on a potty, ride a car or a stroller, walk with her, jump.

Anyutka (1.2 years old) loves to feed the doll with a real spoon, lull her, tries to put her socks, hats on her, does exercises with her (tilts, jumps with the doll, makes a "bang", sits her on the potty).

2. Active games

We also walk through books (I lay them out in the form of a path and walk beside her, holding her hand.) And do exercises together.

You can pour water into a basin and give toys. Kids love to splash in the water. And so that the baby does not flood the neighbors, a basin of water can be placed in an inflatable pool.

3. Cubes

6. If space permits, you can highlight in the kitchen one child locker, in which to put safe things: bags with cereals or pasta that have not yet been opened, a whisk, pots, boxes. While you are cooking, invite your baby to play with the contents of the cabinet. We are very popular.

And kids are always happy with gifts! surprise him new toy or development center. By the way, it is very convenient to shop through the online store, they have a million gifts. Such purchases will take you very little time, and after all, time is the most valuable resource for mom! Moreover, the choice of toys is very huge and varied. You can even buy handmade toys.

And what original ideas do you have to take a child in 1 year old?

For young children, the game is a way of knowing the world, so new knowledge presented in a playful way is best absorbed. At the same time, the baby cannot focus on one thing for a long time. One game should not last more than 15 minutes.

Toys for children 1.5 years old should be free of small parts. Watch this to avoid getting a small object in your mouth, nose, or ear.

Let's see what you can play with a baby in a year and a half.

Sculpting for child development

Pleasant and simple pastime - modeling. You can sculpt from plasticine or salt dough. It's good for development fine motor skills hands, which in turn develops the speech apparatus of the child.

Usually, children really like to knead plasticine or dough, sculpt balls, sausages, some kind of lumps, smear it on the surface. Later, the baby will be happy to sculpt figures. Just be careful not to put anything in your baby's mouth.

Drawing with a baby

You can start with pencils, felt-tip pens, finger paints. Well, kids really like finger paints, because you can put your finger in a jar, and then smear it on paper for a long time. In the warm season, you can take off the T-shirt so that the baby remains only in panties / shorts. And in the cold for this lesson, it is better to single out the blouse that you don’t feel sorry for.

You can also prepare figures of animals, fruits, etc. in advance. by type of coloring (can be printed on a printer), spread with glue and sprinkle with cereal on top. It will be useful for the child to first touch the grits, and then sprinkle the figurine smeared with glue with it.

Sprinkling and transfusion

According to the Montessori method, you can also do various useful things at home. For example, pour cereal from one container to another. You can pour water, you can look at smaller and larger pupae in order to learn the concepts of larger and smaller, etc.

Reading poetry, fairy tales with a child

Children are very fond of pictures, poems, fairy tales. Children's literature today is so colorful and the little ones like it so much. Show the baby pictures, tell who is depicted, and then ask them to show, for example, where the cat is, etc. And even if now the baby still does not succeed in this, but later he will definitely show the object or animal you have named. Usually children at 1.5 years old do not sit still to listen to a fairy tale to the end, but over time they will be able to do this.
In any case, pay special attention to books, they are very important for the development of the child.


Cubes are a definite hit with kids and parents. The child will be interested in putting one cube on another, building a tower, castles. First, the baby will destroy what you have built. Then he will be able to build the tower himself, and then serious construction will begin.
With the help of cubes you can learn - there are cubes with numbers, letters. And there is a whole program that teaches reading - Zaitsev's cubes.

Balls games for children at 1.5 years old

We would like to single out a separate item to learn how to beat with a leg. Active games are very useful for the child, and the baby will be happy to join this game.

Various interesting things

The kids will also be interested in nesting dolls (this is both unusually exciting and useful, since the child gets acquainted with the concept of more or less, and also develops hands), puzzles (it turns out that the picture can be put together from pieces), mosaic for the smallest (with its help you can learn colors), insert frames, dolls and cars (it's time to master role-playing games). Dismantling boxes, handbags, cosmetic bags can also be a great game. To do this, take, for example, a cosmetic bag with a zipper, put in beads, some empty jars, etc. and give to the baby. Well, it's so interesting - to open and see what's inside, take it all out and twist it in turn.

Hide and seek, dancing

Children are very fond of hiding, so do not deny your baby the pleasure of hiding and being found. A child of a year and a half will hide almost always in the same place, but you still play along, rejoice when you find him. But later, the baby will already be able to surprise you with the appearance in a wide variety of places, so you won’t be bored.
And with the kids you can dance, spin, dance.

So, here is an approximate list of the most popular educational games with a child of 1.5 years. Dear parents, tell us what your baby likes to do at the age of one and a half? Leave your comments below the article. Thank you!

What to do with a 1.5 year old child? At this time, you can already play role-playing games, study colors and shapes, develop logical thinking in the game. Ideas for role-playing games can be found in the article:. And today we will talk about development games logical thinking. You can come up with a lot of such games, the main thing is that they captivate the child, and he does not notice that he is being taught and developed. the most suitable option for the development of young children.

Games for the development of logical thinking

What to do with a child 1.5 years old: The game "Shh!"

This is a homemade game made from milk carton lids. We took the idea of ​​the game from the blog "Games in our life". Thanks to Irina Klimova. This game is a great mom's helper in and. Anyutka (at the age of 1g3m) learned to unscrew and tighten the lids in a couple of days, while trying to match them by color. With this game, you can learn the concepts of left-right, up-down (read more on Irina's blog).
Why do we call this game "Shh!". This is our corporate name, invented by my daughter. She is a very determined and determined person. If something does not work out, he will cry, but do it. At first, she couldn't get the lids on, she cried, and I quietly told her “Shhh…. Let's try together." Now, before screwing the lid on, Anyutka always makes a mysterious face and says “Shhh”.

What to do with a child 1.5 years old: the game "Who ran away ?!"

This game trains the child's memory well, develops logical thinking and ability to analyze. To play, you will need pictures or figurines of animals that the baby can name.

First, take two figurines. Put them in front of the child, name each and ask the child to repeat. We started with three animals: a dog, a pig and a tiger.

Here's how we play:

I start: Anyuta, look who came to us: a dog (Anyuta immediately repeats Ga-Ga), a pig (hrrr) and a tiger (arrr). Then we clap our hands, I read a rhyme, at the end of which my daughter closes her eyes with her hands, and I put one animal behind my back.

Anya opens her eyes, I ask the question: “Who ran into the forest?”. If the daughter cannot answer, I call the remaining animals, in the same order, pausing, if she doesn’t guess again, I give a little hint (for example, who barks with us?).

Now we have 5 animals in the game. Anyuta looks at them for a long time, looking for the loss, and almost always correctly guesses which of the animals ran away.

Poem for the game:

We go through the field, we go through the forest

For some interest


Appeared and disappeared!

What to do with a child 1.5 years old: the game "What's in the bag?"

This simple game promotes the development of logical thinking in the baby and teaches him to make decisions.

You will need a cloth bag or shopping bag. Take a few objects familiar to the child, but different to the touch. For example: a comb, a little baby, a ball, a spoon. Show the objects to the child and examine them together, pay attention to their properties: the spoon is cold, the comb is prickly, the ball is round, the baby has arms, legs and a head. Anyutka touches things with me and puts them in a bag herself. Then ask the baby to get you something specific. Start with one or two items, praise the baby when he succeeds.

Ekaterina Andreeshcheva

Lesson on the topic"Teddy bear goes to the birthday party".


1. Form figurative and spatial thinking.

2. Develop visual attention. Continue learning basic colors.

3. Develop fine and gross motor skills. Learn to move at a common pace for all, work in a team with mom, to develop the ability to perform movements in a certain rhythm.

4. Form views "a lot of" And "one". Learn to find one and many objects in the picture.

5. Develop a common, manual and articulatory motor skills, the ability to perform actions in accordance with the text that the teacher pronounces.

Materials and design:Toys: Bear, Doll, clown, Dog, didactic game "Cut pictures. Lotto", large beads for stringing on a cord and cords, modeling dough and molds, puzzles (for assignments, musical instruments (rattles) and baskets.

Musical accompaniment: E. Zheleznova. Music with mom. Giraffe has spots-spots, Song , MUSIC C MOTHER. ZHELEZNOVA - "Where are our hands?"

1. Greeting

2. Speech development. Misha's story.

3. Collecting puzzles - circles (4 parts)

4. Mobile game "Bring a toy"

5. Didactic game .

6. Moving dance. The giraffe has spots.

7. Development fine motor skills of the hand. Stringing beads on string.

8. Physical Minute "Doll with Mishka dance Polechka".

"One is Many". VEGETABLES

10. Modeling "Cookies for Bear".

11. Finger gymnastics. We bake cookies.

12. Round dance game "Loaf".

13. Farewell.

Lesson progress

1. Greeting

The teacher organizes the greeting on the carpet. Parents and children join hands and say:

Gathered again today

All to ready for the lesson!

Let's have fun playing

And help each other!

2. Misha's story.

The teacher takes a toy - a Bear. “Misha came to visit us. Doll Masha, my friend, has a birthday today. She is waiting for me to visit guests and will be very glad to see me. You will you go to visit her with me?" Children: "Yes!"

3. Collecting puzzles - circles (4 parts)

teacher: “The bear went to visit, walks along the path, meets Dog Laika, and she was completely upset - she wanted to give Masha pictures, but they crumbled and broke. Can you guys help her?"

Children: "Yes, sure" Children collect puzzles from 3 parts.

teacher: "Well done, now let's move on"

4. Outdoor game.

teacher: “Oh, Masha doesn’t have musical instruments at all - you need to bring her, but first we’ll put them all together!” From a common large basket, children carry music. tools (rattles, maracas) to their mothers in baskets. (to fast cheerful music).

5. Didactic game "Cut pictures. Lotto with letters».

teacher: « On the way to his birthday, Misha thinks: “What are we supposed to play when we all get together? And I came up with - he also has LOTTO. Let's also try to play - practice!. (The teacher shows and names the pictures, children and mothers put them on cards)

6. Moving dance. E. Zheleznova. Music with mom. Giraffe has spots

Children repeat the movements after the teacher and repeat the words.

7. Stringing beads on a string.

teacher: "On the way we meet the Clown (what's a birthday without a clown) He wanted to give Doll Masha beads for her birthday, but they crumbled, we will collect beads from them. (Children string large beads on laces, the pelagogue names the colors of the beads. Moms help to hold the lace.) These are the elegant beads turned out for Masha's doll "

8. Physical Minute "Doll with Mishka dance Polechka".

Children repeat the movements after the teacher.

9. Formation of representation "One is Many".

teacher: “Misha decided to make a sweet fruit salad for his birthday!”

What fruits do you know? (answers children - apple, pear, etc.)

The teacher shows a picture with fruits and names them. Look how many fruits are here! What colour? And at children in the pictures the fruits are not colored, there are different colored fruits separately - the picture must be put together. Gathered Well done.

10. Outdoor game. MUSIC WITH MOTHER. ZHELEZNOVA - Where are our pens.

11. Modeling with molds "Cookies for Bear".

teacher: “The bear loves cookies most of all. And Masha does not have time to prepare it for the holiday. Let's help Masha and make cookies for her and Mishka. (Children roll a ball out of the modeling dough, crush it into a cake and press it into a mold, decorate the modeling by pressing the dough into "imprints".)

11. Finger gymnastics.

The teacher (reads the text, on the last three lines he alternately bends his fingers, starting with the little finger, and on the last line he opens his palm, the children repeat). Let's show how Masha doll baked cookies.

Doll Masha baked cookies,

baked cookies,

gave to all guests:

I gave the bunny, I gave the fox,

I gave it to a squirrel, I gave it to a bear,

And drove the bad wolf away.

Teacher. Let's treat Masha and Mishka with cookies. Children feed cookies to a doll and a bear.

12. Round dance game "Loaf".

Children together with the teacher join hands and sing "Loaf", lead a round dance.

13. Farewell.

Children sit on the floor in a circle with the teacher and hold hands. They recite the poem in chorus, swinging their hands to the beat.

Goodbye, goodbye

Come to us again!

Goodbye, goodbye

It's very good with you!

Goodbye, goodbye

Come visit us again!

Goodbye, goodbye

Let's have fun playing!

And here are some wonderful cookies my kids got.