What color are the New Year's toys in the year. How to decorate a Christmas tree: original ideas and photos. Live or artificial Christmas tree

Christmas tree - a must-have attribute of a loved one winter holiday. Even in the absence of a real forest beauty, people decorate artificial Christmas trees or try to bring a coniferous twig into the house. Decorating a Christmas tree is a great custom that helps bring the family together and create a sense of the approaching holiday. The house looks completely different if it has a decorated Christmas tree. What colors to decorate the Christmas tree to attract good luck in 2018?

What colors does the Earth Dog prefer?

2018 is the year of the yellow earth dog. The hostess of the year loves natural tones, sparkling colors and shades of red. When choosing jewelry, do not use all the colors. Give preference to two or three primary colors so that there is no clutter of colors.

To please the Yellow Dog, be sure to use gold color in the decoration of the Christmas tree. Combine it with red, orange, yellow, you can pay attention to purple. The gradient from red to orange, from brown to yellow and others looks original.

The decoration should contain sparkling elements. It can be golden rain or golden paper snowflakes. On a classic green Christmas tree on New Year's Eve 2018, the following combinations are appropriate: red with gold, red with white, gold with white, gold with brown, red with yellow.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the year of the Dog?

Initially, the New Year's green beauty was decorated with sweets - these were sweets in a bright wrapper, gingerbread. Subsequently, they also began to hang on the Christmas tree wooden Toys. Christmas decorations appeared relatively recently.

Interestingly, traditional Christmas balls symbolize eggs and apples, that is, they can be called a symbol of fertility and prosperity. If you want the year to be satisfying, then decorate the Christmas tree with balls, golden, silver and red.

To attract wealth, hang coins, banknotes, or even gold jewelry on branches. You can use chocolate coins in gold foil. The more money different types will hang on the Christmas tree, the more favorable the hostess of 2018 will be to you. Also, do not forget to decorate the house itself with tinsel and accessories in sparkling colors.

If you crave to attract love into your home, use red decorations. And let among them be balls in the shape of hearts, as well as with images or in the form of birds.

Nuts are designed to protect the house from evil spirits. For those who want to give birth to a child, toys in the form of booties, rattles and pacifiers will be ideal decorations. Edible accessories can be hung on the Christmas tree now. Then you will definitely not starve in the new year. Another little secret is to hang all the toys on red strings.

If you follow the color scheme and correctly use the knowledge about the form of Christmas decorations, then you will be able to decorate the interior in an original way and attract wealth, love and happiness to your home in the New 2018.

With the onset of winter, the time is approaching to decide how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018 year of the Dog. You can celebrate the holiday in the traditional style, but if you want to make friends with the mistress of the next astrological cycle, then you need to know her favorite colors, treats and toys.

You should prepare in advance for the arrival of the Christmas holidays in order to correctly think over the program, menu, decor, and choose the appropriate costumes. The problem with the decor is among the main topics that should be considered in the New Year's Eve. Many owners do not acquire real trees by dressing up colorful products made from artificial needles. When deciding how to decorate a blue or silver beauty in 2018 according to all the rules of the eastern calendar, many difficulties can arise.

Types of Christmas trees for the New Year of the Dog:

How beautiful to decorate the Christmas tree 2018?

If you read the advice of popular astrologers, how to decorate a Christmas tree on New Year 2018, then you need to remember that the symbol of the upcoming starry period prefers home comfort to luxury and has a bad attitude towards lush decor. It is advisable to use traditional techniques, natural materials, not to resort to defiant design, bright and flashy colors to celebrate the Year of the Dog.

If you make the wrong decision in what color to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018, then it makes no sense to follow Eastern traditions in other details. The Chinese prefer to decorate the interior on the eve of the meeting of the Earth Dog in golden, brown, yellow, orange shades. Decor in these warm colors is perfect for a festive atmosphere. For example, combining gold with red or in green, available chic outfit for or living forest beauty.

If you do not have the opportunity to find special toys in the shape of a dog, then you can solve the problem of how to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018, in a simple way- install a soft plush dog at the foot of a coniferous tree. You can sprinkle it with sequins and serpentine, put a red cap on your head, and cover the floor around with foam plastic chips or cotton wool. There is a plethora of modern store decor that is sold in stores and is chic for the year of the Earth Dog:

If you have already come to the solution of the question of how to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018, then you need to try to find suitable balls on the appropriate topic. It is recommended to meet the year of the Dog with balls of yellow, gold, light brown, orange color. Products decorated with drawings with cheerful yellow or red puppies, dogs with a light brown color are perfect. If there is no suitable decor, then it is allowed to embroider or knit a piece of fabric with the desired image and wrap it around the finished glass ball.

The New Year tree 2018 is approaching, how to decorate an apartment in an original way and make an elegant forest beauty in the year of the Dog using affordable means? Experienced needlewomen know that it is easy to make elegant home decor from transparent and elastic tulle with its dense and uniform thread. Popular crafts made from this material are miniature Christmas trees, they are suitable as table decor or in the form of Christmas tree decorations. The trunk is made of wire, and the tiers of decorative needles are made of strips of green or multi-colored tulle.

Examples of tulle toys for the Christmas tree 2018:

Shop decorations look elegant, but homemade toys made personally or in the company of your children are more pleasing to the eye and often become family heirlooms. When designing a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 of the Dog, take a little time to make homemade decor from cones, fabric, plasticine, various gilded or silver-plated tinsel.

Types of homemade Christmas tree decor 2018:

The most pleasant process on the eve of arrival new year's eve- decoration of the forest beauty. Previously, it was believed that thorny evergreen branches of trees drive away evil spirits, with the advent of Christianity, Christmas trees turned from a scarecrow into the main festive element of the interior. Candies and apples eventually began to be replaced with gilded glass balls, lanterns and other decor. The USSR has its own tradition of decorating a Christmas tree, with stars and Soviet symbols, and recently everything more people trying to decorate his house in oriental style.

Christmas tree design depending on the style:

What date to decorate the Christmas tree 2018?

Picking up the best decoration Christmas trees for 2018, it is advisable to pre-set the day when you bring the tree into the room and start decorating it. If you want to celebrate the New Year in a Western way, then this should be done in early December a couple of weeks before catholic christmas. There are no problems with an artificial tree, but a real forest beauty without moisture can crumble in a few days. It is advisable to mount it on a stand in a bucket of water or in a container of wet sand.

The two main attributes of the New Year's celebration are a richly laid table and a Christmas tree. And if a luxurious feast is intended, rather, for bodily pleasure, then beautiful Christmas tree is the soul and symbol of the holiday, without which it is difficult to imagine the joy of meeting the coming year. If there are kids in the house, then this, of course, must be a living tree, spreading an indescribable aroma around itself, and creating a special fabulous atmosphere. Of course, you need to imagine how beautifully to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, and we'll talk about this. Plus, at the end of the article you will find many photo ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year.

The forest beauty will look amazing if you decorate it according to the rules.

You can’t hang everything on it, too much tinsel and toys will not give it beauty, but tastefully selected garlands, balls and other accessories will make it stylish.

  1. First you need to choose a tree that is ideal for a living room. IN ideal, it should be sufficiently large and high, corresponding to the height of the ceiling and the total area. A small spruce will look inappropriate in a large room, just like a large one in a tiny room.
  2. Care should be taken to ensure that it has a well-visible tip, which is necessary for the tip. Also, a high-quality Christmas tree has proportional fluffy branches.
  3. Most important point is the choice of location for spruce. We are accustomed to believing that it is better to put it on the balcony before the festival, however, this is a wrong opinion. The tree perfectly deserves to be held
  4. food, because it feels great in a warm room. However, you should not put it next to the battery and other heating devices - so its needles will quickly turn yellow, dry and crumble. The best option- Placement near a window opening, where there is light and good air ventilation.
  5. When assigning her a place in one of the rooms, you need to consider that the best way she will look if her green fragrant paws spread freely in space. Tight corners are not for a real tree and are only suitable for artificial Christmas trees, although even those lose some of their charm. True, if someone from the household has a tendency to allergies, this is probably the best solution.
  6. If the room is large, and there are a lot of children in the house, then it makes sense to place this New Year's decoration in the center. Round dances and dances around her will make the celebration especially lively and joyful.

It is equally important to securely fasten the tree so that it stands firmly in place, but this is only the beginning of the preparations - you need to understand how to decorate the tree beautifully, and what decorations are needed for a certain style.

Types of Christmas tree accessories

When the same balls and other Christmas decorations are used every year, for sure, at some point everyone will find it boring, even if they are used in different combinations.

Therefore, it is advisable to at least periodically update the toy arsenal, especially since there are currently a lot of interesting and original gizmos on sale that help to design a Christmas tree in any style:

  1. You can use traditional toys, purchased and made with your own hands, as decorations:
  • they can be classic - in the form of multi-colored glass balls, animal figures, stars, snowflakes, icicles, gnomes, lanterns;
  • if you wish, you can use your own crafts made of plastic, fabric, cones, paper, and even dough - such little things will look very original, but this style will have to be supported by the corresponding types of garlands;
  • A retro Christmas tree will delight lovers of antiquity, and for this it is enough to rummage through your grandmother's chest with old things and find old toys, cotton and paper decorations there, which will give the design a vintage look.

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  1. You can beautifully decorate a green beauty with bows - gift, home-made, large and small, double and single from various materials, including shiny ones. Usually they are perfectly combined with glass and polymer balls of the same tone of various sizes. In general, colors should be chosen based on the overall color palette of the room.
  2. Decorative tinsel makes the tree especially elegant, but this decoration should not be abused. It should be chosen strictly in the style of the overall decor and combined with other accessories.
  3. It's a good idea to decorate the Christmas tree with sweets - sweets in bright wrappers, chocolate figurines in gold or silver foil, gingerbread and candies. For this purpose, you can even specially bake cookies in the form of small figures that will look great among fluffy spruce branches.
  4. And, of course, for any Christmas tree, a necessary accessory is beautiful garland. By the way, depending on the style, it is not necessary to choose voluminous and bright attributes. They can be small, refined and monochromatic, for example, only with golden yellow or blue lanterns, but then they will also need toys of similar color.

When the decorations are chosen, you should think about the color palette, it is she who will set the festive tone of the Christmas tree composition.

How beautiful to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year

The main recommendation when placing decorative elements is not to overdo it and know when to stop. Second important rule Don't try to combine incompatible things. In the design process, any randomness is undesirable, which will spoil appearance tree, personifying the beloved, winter celebration.

Understanding how beautifully to dress up a Christmas tree for the New Year, it is necessary to maintain the chosen style, which provides for a certain color solution. For decoration, you can use the color wheel, which is a visual aid even for professional artists and designers:

  • for the Christmas tree, you can take toys and other decorative elements different shades one tone;
  • placing the decorations in the same order as on the circle, moving to the right or left side;
  • pick up opposite colors, such as lilac and green, or blue and red.

However, this is not the only condition for the main New Year's attribute to look impressive and aesthetically pleasing - you need to correctly place the toys chosen for decoration.

With horizontal decoration, in addition to garlands and tinsel, as a rule, only balls of various sizes are used as additional elements, however, it is allowed to dilute them with stars and snowflakes.

Three types of placement are expected:

  • it makes sense to dress a low tree vertically, that is, from top to bottom, then it will appear taller and slimmer;
  • the horizontal arrangement of toys and lights is more suitable for tall trees that do not have a large span of branches;
  • spiral placement is suitable for different Christmas trees and always looks amazing, as long as it is to the taste of the household.

Knowledge of such subtleties will help not only dress up a symbolic tree, but also competently combine interior items, different flowers in bouquet compositions, in a word, such information is useful in different situations.

How to stylishly decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year: video

Where to start decorating

First of all, a garland is placed on the tree, and only after that the rest of the decorations are hung. So, it remains to be decided which lines it will be located on, and, based on this, it will be necessary to perform the following actions:

  • with a vertical arrangement, it is better to choose two or three middle elements and, one by one, fix them on the top of the Christmas tree, carefully lowering them down;
  • fixing it anywhere, lay out the decoration on the branches horizontally at several levels;
  • attach a long garland to the top, place it in rings, wrapping it around the spruce.

If a small number of toys are expected, then you can wrap the composition in a spiral in several rows, the main thing is to ensure that the pronounced geometry is respected, which will make the whole structure more refined and aesthetic.

The Christmas tree top is a kind of crown of the whole composition and it definitely requires a decorating decorative accessory. Today, it is not necessary to wear a star-shaped decoration on the top branch, and other, sometimes very exotic design options are suitable for this.

An element of decor can be:

  • pointed shiny spire with a pot-bellied thickening in the lower part;
  • a beautiful big star (not necessarily pointed) or a snowflake;
  • a lush multi-layer bow made of lurex or other material;
  • figurine of an angel;
  • a hat made of sparkling rain or a garland;
  • beautiful soft toy - a symbol of the year;
  • Santa hat.

In general, this important part of the Christmas tree composition should match the overall style and color scheme, and you can come up with many other options for how to decorate it to your liking.

When decorating, one should not forget that smaller toys, in particular, balls, should be at the top of the tree, and larger ones at the bottom, it is better if such a transition is gradual.

Using different styles

With the style in which the Christmas tree will be decorated, you need to decide right away and stick to it to the end.

They choose it based on personal preferences, the surrounding interior, a special children's option can be selected for the children's room:

  1. Many people love the classics, and this design involves decorating with all kinds of jewelry. Toys in the form of glass balls, sweets and small figures are placed evenly throughout the crown. As a rule, the color palette of such a Christmas tree is blue, red, gold or silver, complemented by bows and garlands of the same tone.
  2. Country style is the use of homemade toys, wooden figurines, do-it-yourself snowflakes, cones. The arrangement is predominantly spiral or horizontal. Such a Christmas tree will appeal to those who love the naturalness of the decor. It is also better to make garlands for this composition yourself from paper, natural textile fabric, acorns, nuts and dried fruits.
  3. The rainbow composition will appeal to both children and adults - it consists of glass balls of different colors, arranged on a tree like a rainbow spectrum. The color scale is displayed at an angle, along longitudinal or transverse lines, but always from top to bottom.
  4. Some do not like the abundance of colors and colors, well, then they can be offered a Scandinavian, minimalist design style. To do this, you can purchase a small compact tree by placing it in a pot or basket. On such a Christmas tree there can be only a few plain balls, or even one at all. original accessory author's work.
  5. Knowing how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, for children you can decorate a tree with a large number of different toys, most importantly, they should be bright, beautiful and placed close to each other.
  6. Shabby chic style, created through artificially aged things, is quite popular today. The main material for decoration are vintage ribbons, bows, lace. You can also use any pendant jewelry, beads. Such a composition can be complemented by all kinds of stars, hearts, roses and other cute paper flowers. At the same time, the Christmas tree can be either miniature - desktop, or regular size.
  7. You can also create a particularly sophisticated, luxurious composition if you dress up a spruce tree with toys of white, silver or golden color, complement with small light bows and long thin beads. By the way, than fewer toys will be present on the branches, the better the forest guest will look.

How beautiful to decorate a Christmas tree: video

Knowing how beautifully to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, you need to not only follow the generally accepted rules, but, if possible, put your soul into your decoration. And then it will really bring joy and a feeling of a real holiday, becoming a happy talisman for the whole family in the coming year.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year: photo ideas

It's time to make our homes more comfortable, give them a festive look and fill them with joy and anticipation of the New Year. The Christmas tree is one of the main attributes of this holiday. So let's get it out of the box christmas balls, garlands, rain and serpentine. And here questions arise. What kind of Christmas tree to choose? In what style to decorate it?

Live or artificial Christmas tree

When buying a tree, we have two options: a natural tree grown in a special nursery, or an artificial tree from a store.

If you're leaning towards a natural Christmas tree, here are a few tips on how to choose live Christmas tree for the New Year and under what conditions it should be kept.

Before buying, first check the leaves (needles). They must be green. Try moving them around a bit and see if they fall off.

A recently cut tree can be identified by its smell. Breathe a little on the tip of the twig and feel pleasant pine aroma. If this does not happen, the green beauty will not please your eyes for long.

Then carefully inspect the trunk. It should not show any signs of any fungus or disease. You will see dark spots on the cut, know that the tree was cut down a long time ago.

Finally you have chosen Christmas tree of your dreams and joyful return home. Of course, I immediately want to install it in order to bring the feeling of the New Year closer. However, at first it is better to hold it on the balcony or in the garage, so that she doesn't fall apart from sudden temperature changes.

While the Christmas tree adapts to more high temperature, decide on its place in the house. Remember that in order for the tree to stay green longer, it is preferable to put it away from heat sources, for example, batteries or a fireplace.

The next step is to clean the bottom of the trunk from the bark and apply a series of shallow cuts for easier absorption of moisture. Then place the New Year's beauty in a specially designed stand with water or in a bucket of sand. Add a spoonful of sugar and an aspirin tablet to a bowl of water for a delicious pine scent.

So that the tree does not dry out, add water periodically. Approximately a couple of times a week. In the case of a bucket, immediately pour a liter of water and add a little glycerin. If you spray needles and twigs with water from a spray bottle once a day, the tree will be doubly grateful to you.

By the way, in the spring you can plant a live Christmas tree in your garden, if you have one. Just imagine how much joy it will be! Especially in children.

On the other hand, have artificial trees has its advantages. They tend to be cheaper, come in a variety of colors, their branches hold up decorations better, and are less likely to cause a fire. You choose!

Christmas tree decor

Currently, the variety of decorations is amazing, but there are several traditional ones, without which almost no decoration of the Christmas tree can do.

Firstly, these are balls rooted on thorny branches and entrenched in traditions like the New Year itself and Christmas.

Secondly, tinsel. Another classic decoration that gives our tree splendor and shine.

Thirdly, holiday electric garlands, which, like small miracle lights, radiate magic. When you turn them on for the first time and the tree lights up, some kind of switch clicks inside you, and your mood improves. Joy circulates through the veins. The smile doesn't leave your face.

And finally, Her Majesty is a star on top.

Decorate the Christmas tree with electric garlands

If we include garlands in the design of the Christmas tree, we will give our tree a brighter solemn look. Begin?

First of all, we are all waiting for an exciting lesson. We need to unravel the tangle of wires and light bulbs that we took out of the box. After that, tangled headphones seem like nothing. Is it true?

Do not rush to hang a garland. First stretch the garland on the floor and connect it. Check if all bulbs are working. Replace if necessary.

Now let's start decorating the beauty. Remember first of all we hang garlands, and then christmas toys. Take the end of the wire, without the plug, and begin to wind the tree from top to bottom in a spiral, preferably away from the trunk. So the tree will look more spectacular. Then, in the same way, braid the Christmas tree with a second garland, placing the lights on the tips of the branches. If you see fit, add a few more garlands. Plug them into an outlet and enjoy the beauty.

And on a note, when you go to bed or leave the house, turn off the garlands from the outlet.

And now the most interesting. Hear the drum roll!

Examples of Christmas tree decorations in different styles

Red, white and green- three colors that are primarily associated with the New Year and Christmas, like Santa Claus and tangerines. Hang red and white balloons, bows and stars on green branches.

golden tones- one of the most traditional decoration options. Decorate the Christmas tree with golden balls, ribbons and figurines.

New Year's Christmas tree in scandinavian style breathes harmony and tranquility. It is not replete with many bright flowers and garlands. White color prevails in the design. Simple elements are great as decorations: white balls and snowflakes, small silver decorations and pine cones, for example.

If you have children, decorating the Christmas tree will inevitably end up mixing all colors of the rainbow and a mix of various figures. But there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary! The house will acquire a funny and certainly unique look. Dress up the tree with your kids, imagine everything as a game, let your imagination and creativity run wild. Together you will create your original style imbued with the spirit of the New Year and Christmas.

white tree in multi-colored toys looks very elegant.

Do you want to impress relatives and children in a pleasant way? bizarre curved Grinch tree will delight everyone around you.

Christmas Tree Decoration Ideas for children's room.

If you just want home warmth and comfort, look at these cute, endearing Christmas trees.

prefer more sumptuous decoration? Use extravagant decorations, ribbons, twigs of other plants.

Replace red with apple green and cream. Add more natural elements: cones, flowers, twigs, figurines of birds or animals. And create your own unique natural, elegant style.

Do you love the sea and the beach? Show your love, decorate the Christmas tree in a nautical theme! Shells, dried sea ​​stars, ropes, anchors - this is the decor that reflects the marine style.

There is a desire to arrange white Christmas tree in modern style? How do you like the combination of white, black and gold stripes and polka dots decor? Black feathers with shiny golden tips look very exotic.

You might think, black trees- a bit sad and depressing. However, if they are decorated properly, they will look chic. They look best with rich metal jewelry in gold and silver, as well as white and lilac.

Do the last two options above seem too eccentric? Dress up a living tree using black and white jewelry, photos and garlands with printed words. The tree will look very original!

Bright red ribbons are a beautiful classic but worth adding checkered texture, and the tree will instantly change.

Two types of ribbons, medium and small balls, several large elements and twigs - this is the recipe for a luxurious New Year's decoration.

White, silver and pink colors wonderfully harmonize with each other. Long live romance!

Without Pink colour the design is no less touching and light, maybe more wintery. But with the onset of evening, when the lights light up, image snow queen melts before your eyes.

Look how tender the Christmas tree looks with white flowers and balls, lightly powdered with artificial snow (in the photo on the left). The tree in the photo on the right looks great due to silvery purple color.

New Year is not always snowy, but you can always create winter fairy tale in the house. Wrap your Christmas tree in a thick snow blanket that will remind you of childhood winters or winter trips to the mountains.

But what is curious: there is a trend in general do not decorate the Christmas tree. Maximum naturalness. Only the bottom of the Christmas tree is made out. As they say, everything ingenious is simple.