How to make a ball from twigs. Wicker balls - do-it-yourself decor. How to make a Christmas ball from willow branches

Hi all! Many probably already know that I really love technological, versatile decor that is quickly assembled. It helps a lot when I'm preparing for fairs or when I get a lot of orders. Today I want to talk about wicker balls that I use in candy bouquets.

I wanted to make balls as a faster alternative to cones and berries. The decor with wicker balls has several useful features that help not only arrange the bouquet, but also balance the colors.

  1. Choose the right color and the ball in the bouquet can become an imitation of a cone, Christmas ball on a Christmas tree or berries.
  2. You can make a braided ball in the same color as the main flowers in the bouquet. And the main color of the composition will also receive support in the decor.
  3. The spherical shape fits perfectly into any bouquet. And due to the rapid production of such balls, you can improve the layout and fill in empty spaces.
  4. Decor can be made in any color and size, as well as from different materials.
  5. Well, an important point - the decor turns out to be super inexpensive!
Making time: 7 minutes

Making a ball For work, we need napkins, glue and corrugated paper Cartotecnica Rossi. I took number 562, but you can choose absolutely any color. For example, balls of orange paper will resemble tangerines, red - small apples or Christmas balls, brown - cones, and pale blue - snowflakes.

From paper, we need to cut out one rectangle for the core 3x10 cm and three strips 50 cm long and 8-10 mm wide.

We turn all three strips into a tourniquet.

The tourniquet must be rolled tight enough so that it is tight and does not turn around.

Now let's take a rectangular piece of paper. Exactly in the middle we turn it in half a turn. It turns out a bow.

Stretch each half of the bow with your fingers.

Feel free to stretch the paper more. The halves should take on a rounded shape.

So that the middle of the ball is not empty and keeps its shape, we fill it with a ball from a napkin. To make it, just take one napkin, crumple it and roll it into a ball. I got a ball with a diameter of about 2 cm.

Now we put the ball into the rounded halves of the bow.

We glue the edges so that the napkin does not look out.

We also glue the bottom to close the ends corrugated paper

Now we twist the ends at the base so that the ball from the napkin inside is slightly crumpled and takes on a more rounded shape.

Cut off the excess paper.

We start the decor with bundles with a drop of glue at the base of the ball, where we just cut off the extra ends.

We glue one end of the tourniquet and begin to wrap the ball around.

We place the tourniquet on the ball in the way that threads are usually wound into a ball.

When the length of the tourniquet ends, glue its tip.

Then we take a new tourniquet and continue to work.

An ugly protruding tip needs to be trimmed.

Glue the tip with a small drop of glue.

And with the tip of the scissors, carefully hide it under the adjacent tourniquet.

I made the winding of the bundles tight enough and all three bundles left me. If you did it more freely, two may be enough. We fix the third tourniquet in the same way and hide the tip. Our ball is ready! Let's now figure out how to fix it in a bouquet.

Ways of attaching to a bouquet A ball can be added to completely different bouquets with a static arrangement, and with a dynamic one, and in spherical bouquets, and in elongated ones.

In desktop compositions, the decor is attached to a skewer and a toothpick, and in manual compositions, to a wire.

Apply a drop of glue to the base of the braided ball.

With effort we stick a toothpick into the glue so that it gets between the bundles.

The wire attachment is very similar. Make a small loop at the end of the wire.

We put a drop of glue between the bundles at the base of the ball.

We put a loop of wire in this place so that the fastening is not visible.

Fasteners are ready and decor can be safely added to bouquets and compositions!

Material Capabilities

As I said, you can choose any color and size and imitate berries, fruits, cones, nuts ... For small sizes, you do not need to cook the core from a napkin. We simply fold the bundles like a ball of yarn for knitting.

You can also experiment with the material! Paper, thick threads, yarn, sisal, wire, even from natural herbs! In the photo below, I made a decor from lime bast.

Experiment, create and share your decor in the comments!

Your Maria Uskova

Home decor: a ball of branches + MK

A ball of branches with your own hands. Photo

In this article, we will show a simple master class on creating a ball from branches. A very unusual decor idea, isn't it? Making such a ball is quite simple, here it is used, dipped in glue, on balloon. Only the threads need to be replaced with peeled and cut tree branches (smooth sea branches can be used).

To create a ball of branches you will need:

Enough tree branches (you can use sea branches)

inflatable beach ball


Hot glue

The technology of creating a ball from branches with your own hands:

Collect twigs and sticks. If necessary, remove the bark from them, and with a pruner, cut the branches into small pieces, about 3 inches in size.

Take an inflatable beach ball as a base. You can, of course, use a simple balloon, but then you need to be extremely careful not to accidentally pierce it with a branch.

You need to glue the branches closely to each other and try not to get the glue on the inflatable ball, then at the end of the work it will be easier to remove it (fluffy) from the finished ball (Fig. 1-3).

When the beach ball is completely pasted over with tree branches, lower and eliminate the inflatable ball from it (Fig. 4).

At the end of the work, a ball of branches can be varnished or painted in a suitable color.

Such a ball of branches can be an excellent element of decor, and it can also be used in the design of the holidays. For example, you can put a candle in the middle, and you get a pretty beautiful and romantic glow. Also, a similar ball of branches can be used as a ceiling lamp or a candy bowl (if the hole is made a little larger).

Photo used:

Factory New Year's decorations can never replace the warmth and soulfulness of products made with my own hands, and let the homemade hand-made be not quite perfect, but all the soul will be invested in it, and it's worth a lot! Today we will show you how to make Christmas balls with your own hands, so that you would not be ashamed to decorate the interior of your beloved home with them. In addition, you can involve children in the creative process, firstly, such work is useful for the development of children's motor skills, secondly, any common cause unites you very much, and thirdly, together you will have time to make much more unusual Christmas balls.

One of the legends says that the first Christmas balls appeared in Germany in 1848. In those days, Christmas trees were decorated with real apples, but 1848 was a lean year, and local glassblowers urgently created glass "apples" that successfully replaced the real ones. Locals appreciated the idea of ​​glass decorations, and so they gradually pushed the fresh candy with apples.

Christmas balls from newspaper tubes.

We take a sheet of the magazine, twist it into a bundle, if required, you can create several bundles by gluing them together. Then we take a foam ball, glue the end of the magazine flagellum on top, and start winding around the perimeter of the ball, as in the photo below, gluing each layer with polymer glue.

Christmas balls made of felt.

On paper we draw patterns of flowers, one more than the other less. We take tracing paper, lay it on a pink felt fabric and outline a large flower, we will need a lot of such flowers, so we create the required number of them. Then we take white felt, put tracing paper on it and circle a small flower, they will need exactly the same amount as pink flowers. We cut out all the details with scissors, sew two flowers together, glue a bead in the center. According to this scheme, we sew the rest of the flowers. We glue the resulting flowers with a glue gun to a foam ball.

DIY Christmas balls from paper flowers.

With a figured hole puncher with a flower nozzle, we create a lot of purple and white paper flowers. White flower we put it in purple, bend the edges to the center, then pin them to the foam ball with bead-headed pins.

Christmas balls in corrugated paper roses.

We create miniature roses from corrugated paper (the process of creating roses is captured in the photo below). We tie the leg of the flower with a thread so that the bud does not fall apart, cut off the long legs, closer to the threads, glue the flowers with a glue gun or glue of the moment to the surface of the foam ball. Fill in the gaps with large beads.

New Year's balls from sequins.

Each sequin needs to be fixed on the surface of the foam ball with sewing pins (these are used by dressmakers). Sequins need to be pinned with an overlap.

Christmas balls decorated with beads.

On a carnation pin with a bead cap, we string beautiful beads of different sizes, we stick each such carnation into the surface of the foam ball. Don't forget to glue or pin the ribbon to the pendant.

How to make paper Christmas balls.

First way. According to the template below, we cut out a lot of parts that we connect together as in the photo below, forming a ball.

The second way. We cut the paper into strips (4 pcs.), Lay them crosswise, connect in the center with a carnation, connect the ends together from below, forming a ball, fasten with a stapler. From the rope we create a suspension, which we fix on a carnation.

The third way. We cut the paper into circles, bend the sides of the circles to the center, we get a semblance of a triangle. Glue the pieces together to form a ball.

Balls for the Christmas tree from cinnamon sticks.

We cut the cinnamon sticks into segments of the same length, each of which is glued to the polymer glue to the surface of the foam ball.

Christmas tree balls decorated with paper scales.

With a round large hole punch, we create a lot of circles, which, using a glue gun, glue overlap to the surface of the foam ball.

Christmas balls with their own hands from branches.

Let's think of a ball (it's even better to take a thin round rubber ball that can be blown off and inflated), cut the dry branches into small segments with secateurs, apply the branches to the surface of the ball and glue them together with a glue gun. When the glue dries, blow off the ball, and pull it out through one of the wide holes.

How to make a Christmas ball of thread.

We inflate the ball, wrap it with threads, then carefully soak it with PVA glue, hang it in a dry place to dry the glue. As soon as the glue dries, we pierce the ball with a needle and pull it out through one of the holes. To make the ball of thread look more impressive, immediately after applying the glue, it can be sprinkled abundantly with large glitter.

How to make a "chocolate" ball.

We take any unnecessary ball, cover it on top with glue from a gun, creating spectacular streaks, when the glue dries, paint the ball with paint from a spray can in chocolate color. After the paint dries, cover the spectacular chocolate drip with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with large white glitter. From above we glue red decorative berries and twigs.

How to make a rope ball.

We inflate the medical fingertip, tie it with a thread, soak the rope in PVA glue, wind the rope around the fingertip ball. We leave the product to dry, after which we glue a hat for hanging on top. Details on creating such a ball in the article.

How to decorate a balloon with acorn caps.

Paint a styrofoam ball acrylic paint V Brown color, we take polymer glue, generously lubricate the acorn cap with it and glue it to the surface of the ball, according to this scheme, we completely cover the ball with acorn caps. Finally, gaps can be masked with beads and silver glitter particles.

How to make a ball of cones.

We take tight garbage bag, inside tightly lay cotton wool, tie a bag. We separate the tops from the cones, and glue them to the surface of the ball using polymer glue or a glue gun.

How to decorate a ball with scales of cones.

With wire cutters, we separate the scales from the cone. Then we take a foam ball and, using a glue gun, glue all the scales overlapping to its entire surface.

How to decorate a ball with decorative balls.

Such synthetic winterizer balls are sold in the departments of everything for creativity, we glue them to the surface of a foam ball with a glue gun, alternating simple white balls and shiny balls.

How to decorate a balloon with lace.

We cut out details from lace, for example - flowers, glue the flowers to the surface of the foam ball on PVA glue. We paint the ball with white acrylic paint, then bronze, after which we take a sponge and with wetting movements we walk along the surface of the ball. The surface acquires the effect of aging, it remains to glue the hat to the pendant and tie it beautiful ribbon.

10 ideas - do-it-yourself Christmas decorations (video)

How to make Christmas decorations (video master class 21 ideas):

Today we showed how to make Christmas balls with our own hands, without extra financial and time costs, such beautiful jewelry definitely will not go unnoticed, and your friends will certainly appreciate all your efforts.

One of the obligatory attributes of the New Year is an elegant Christmas tree. It is believed that the decoration of a green beauty helps any wish come true. In this material you will find step-by-step instructions for making 5 different decorations: from coffee beans, jute twine, raffia, willow branches and burlap.

To create Christmas balls with our own hands, we need:

  • foam balls of different diameters (5 pcs.)
  • glue gun + 3-5 glue sticks
  • paint cans (brown and beige)
  • capron
  • coffee beans
  • raffia
  • jute twine (2 types)
  • willow twigs
  • sackcloth
  • decorative elements (ribbons)

How to make a Christmas ball from coffee beans

Coffee beans enrich the interior not only visually, but also with their aroma. They are used in decor by many craftsmen who create great things for the home.

Tools and materials for creating Christmas balls from coffee beans:

  • foam ball
  • glue gun
  • capron
  • coffee beans
  • jute twine (2 types)

First, we make a loop for our ball. We need jute twine, scissors and a thermal gun.

We make a hole with scissors, drip a little glue there and fix our rope.

We fix the capron with glue and coffee beans.

We continue to glue the ball with grains, placing them as close to each other as possible.

When we have finished the first layer of coffee beans, we proceed to the second.

The second layer is necessary in order to remove all the gaps that we got. We place coffee as close to each other. If this is not done, the ball will look extremely sloppy.

If desired, you can make several dissimilar balls, just alternating grains different ways(with and without slot). The first ball is ready. Let's move on to the next one.

How to make a Christmas ball with jute twine

Jute twine is made from long and soft natural strands, which are obtained from plants of the same name.

Tools and materials:

  • foam ball
  • glue gun
  • jute twine (2 types)

We start to make a ball from a loop. Then we wrap it with jute twine.

We fix the thread with a glue gun. For best view we do it precisely.

This should be the first jute ball.

For the second, we take a ball of a different diameter and a coarser thread.

The principle of operation is the same.

In the final version, wonderful Christmas decorations are obtained.

How to make a raffia Christmas ball

Raffia is palm, palm is raffia. Literally, this is how you can summarize all the available information about the origin of this material.

Tools and materials:

  • glue gun
  • foam ball
  • raffia
  • jute twine
  • beige paint

We start with a method already well known to us. Styrofoam - jute - eyelet.

We fix with a thermal gun.

We do it in several layers.

You can leave it as is if you want...

But we will color the ball in beige color, since he is a little out of our common tandem.

How to make a Christmas ball from willow branches

After a walk in the park, you can collect beautiful branches, but decide to throw them away. Do not rush, because they can come in handy in the process of creating New Year's decor.

Tools and materials:

  • glue gun
  • willow branches
  • jute twine
  • brown paint

The branches must not be dry, otherwise they will not accept desired forms and they will break.

First we make two circles of branches. We connect them together with a rope and make a loop for the future ball.

Then we straighten the branches ...

And we put on new ones.

We do as close to the ball as possible.

Approximately such a ball you get.

We prefer brown. Therefore, we will also paint this ball with a spray can.

How to make a Christmas ball decorated with burlap

According to the combination of colors, burlap will be in perfect harmony with beige and dark brown.

Tools and materials:

  • glue gun
  • foam ball
  • jute twine
  • sackcloth
  • needle and thread

With the help of a needle and thread, we place our ball in a kind of bag.

We tie a bow and cut off the edges, freeing the loop.

Here is our last ball.

You can stop there.

In total, we got 6 different Christmas decorations made by hand.

If you want to give them individuality, you can add them with decorative elements.

We use ribbons and decorative keys.

With a thermal gun, we glue everything prepared for the balls.

Such original jewelry turned out for our Christmas tree.

Happy holidays everyone!