Tie a satin ribbon bow with your own. Learn how to tie a beautiful ribbon bow. Bow on a gift box

Today you can find a wide variety of hairpins, bows and hair ties. Agree, girls with bows look very elegant and elegant. You can make a beautiful bow yourself. This process will not take you much time, and all necessary materials, as a rule, can always be found at home. So, let's make a beautiful ribbon bow with our own hands together.

DIY ribbon bows: step by step instructions

Bows can be made from various materials, for example, from satin, nylon or rep ribbons. Let's look at how a satin ribbon bow is made.

Necessary materials:

  • satin ribbons of any color (5 and 2.5 cm wide);
  • silver satin ribbon (0.3-0.4 cm wide);
  • felt circle;
  • flower for decoration;
  • thread, needle;
  • glue gun;
  • rubber;
  • scissors.

Stages of work:

  1. Take a 5 cm wide satin ribbon and cut it into 6 pieces (each should be 14 cm long).
  2. The resulting segments should be folded in half and collected on a double thread, making a strong knot at its end.
  3. We got petals that need to be connected into a flower and secured with a thread.
  4. Now the same actions need to be done with a satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide. Thus, we got two flowers: a large one and a small one.
  5. Glue a felt circle to a large flower on the back side so that our bow is stronger. You can do this with a glue gun.
  6. We cut the silver ribbon into six pieces 15 cm long, fold the ears out of them and glue the ends, as shown in the photo.
  7. Now we cut the silver ribbon into six segments 8 cm long and also make ears out of them.
  8. All the preparatory work is done, it's time to assemble our bow. To do this, on a large bow with a glue gun, you need to glue the ears 15 cm long.
  9. Glue a small bow on top.
  10. Glue the remaining ears on the small bow. To make our bow look spectacular, you need to attach any small decoration, for example, a heart, to the middle of the resulting flower.
  11. The last thing we have to do is to glue the hairpin. And our bow from satin ribbon ready!

Do-it-yourself bows from nylon ribbons: a master class

Do-it-yourself bows made of nylon ribbons look original and beautiful.

Necessary materials:

  • nylon tape 8 cm wide;
  • 45 cm satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • a simple hair band;
  • kapron braid - 40 cm;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • glue gun.

Stages of work:

We make beautiful bows from rep ribbons with our own hands

We have learned how to make bows from satin and nylon, now we will try to create original decoration for hair from a rep tape. We will consider the simplest and fast way creating a bow.

Necessary materials:

  • rep ribbons 20 mm wide and 12 cm long - 2 pcs.;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • rubber.

Stages of work:

DIY ribbon bow: master class

There are a lot of options for making bows from rep ribbons. So, if you want your product to be more lush and colorful, combine satin and rep ribbon bows. In this case, you need to take a satin bow as a basis, and attach a rep bow on top of it. Also, such a bow can be decorated with braid and make it the middle. Especially since we already know how.

We have learned how to make bows from different ribbons with our own hands, now you can safely fantasize and try to create your own masterpieces. By the way, such bows are used as a decoration not only for hair, but also for gift wrapping. Creative success to you!


Sooner or later, everyone has to learn how to tie a bow: both men and women. And if someone is limited to tying shoelaces, then someone discovers the real art of creating magnificent products that can decorate both the daughter’s festive hairstyle and wedding cars, gifts and clothes, interior and even pets. To create, you can use both a traditional ribbon and very unusual materials, and to master tying, you can turn to a master class.


This is the most common and, at the same time, the simplest option, for the creation of which you do not need anything other than:

  1. satin ribbon;
  2. Scissors.

1. Cut enough tape first.

2. Then fold it, according to the illustration, crossing the folded sections.

4. Then one of the sections must be skipped into the resulting ring.

5. And tighten the knot. Now you can straighten.


To create it, you will need more materials and tools:

  1. Satin ribbon of the main color;
  2. A piece of satin ribbon for decoration;
  3. Fabric glue or clear instant glue;
  4. Scissors.

1. Cut off a piece to the size of the future bow.

2. Fold it, according to the method indicated in the figure.

3. The connection is fixed with glue.

4. Then this area is gently smoothed out.

5. Now the junction is closed with a finishing tape and the resulting bow is wrapped around it.

6. On the reverse side and carefully glue it.

These bows can be made from different materials, and they are good for decorating shoes, accessories, in particular, bags, as well as children's and women's clothing.


To make this multi-tiered bow, you will need three types of satin ribbon of different widths, a small segment of a narrow one to secure the entire structure, and scissors.

Colors can be different, the main thing is that the bow turned out to be harmonious and fit the range chosen for the entire festive package.

1. At the ends, having folded them lengthwise, triangular cutouts are made with scissors.

2. Then put one on top of the other, from the widest to the narrowest.

3. The resulting blank in the center is intercepted with a narrow ribbon, tied into a knot, and long ends used to tie boxes.


Despite the ease of manufacture, the bow looks very impressive. To create it you will need:

  1. Two types of tape of different widths;
  2. Narrow tape;
  3. Fabric glue or other transparent glue;
  4. Scissors.

1. The tapes are laid one on top of the other, then a ring is made from them, which is carefully glued together.

2. Now the center of the doubled ring is intercepted by a narrow auxiliary one.

3. The bow is smoothed, and the knot is fastened with glue.

4. After tying, there should be ends of sufficient length to cover the gift being made out.

Openwork "Dior"

An extremely effective bow for decorating magnificent gifts will require a little more strength than previous samples, but after a little training, the design will no longer have secrets. To create this splendor, you need to prepare:

  1. A skein of satin ribbon of the desired width and color;
  2. Fabric glue or stapler;
  3. Scissors.

1. Cut off four segments of ever-increasing length.

2. Rings are glued from these segments.

3. Then these blanks are superimposed on each other so that the largest ring is at the bottom, and the smallest is at the top.

4. In the center, the resulting workpiece is fastened or carefully glued together.

5. Now this place can be covered with another piece of tape, which is glued to the back of the bow.

It is important not to wrinkle the design during manufacture, but to gift box the bow can be glued with double-sided tape or tied

DIY flower gift

If the previous bow is mastered, then it's time to move on to the study of the most elegant and complex decoration. For a flower, it is important to take a sufficient amount of the main tape and a narrow additional tape to pull the structure.

1. First you need to form a ring from the tape, holding it with your thumb and forefinger.

2. Following the example of the first ring, about ten more similar ones are made. In this case, it should be noted that the more turns will be on the fingers, the more magnificent and denser the bow will turn out.

3. When all the planned turns are made, the bow in the center is pulled with a narrow auxiliary tape.

4. The bow can be straightened and decorated with a gift or costume.

Almost every day in our life is a holiday. You won’t have time to spend the New Year, and then Valentine’s Day is on the way, and after it is March 8, and even friends celebrate their name days. All these dates have something in common - gifts. Choosing the perfect present is only half the battle, but wrapping it is an art. At the same time, it is important not only to find the right paper and ribbon, but also to wrap the box beautifully with them. Let's figure it out

Preparatory work

We use bows not only during the holidays, but also in everyday life. They can decorate the house (for example, cling to curtains), decorate hairpins, clothes, use in needlework. There are a lot of options for their use, as well as ways to do it. First you need to choose the most suitable material for your craft.

Choosing a tape

First of all, you must clearly define what you are going to make a bow for and what color it should be. If you are wrapping a gift, the width of the ribbon must be chosen depending on the size of the box: wide ones are better for large presents, and narrow ones for small ones. Although, if you decide to go against the rules and tie a huge wide bow on a small package, it can look very good.

Remember the golden rules

If you are planning to make a beautiful ribbon bow for a dress, pay attention to
its texture. It should go well with the fabric from which the clothes are sewn.

To determine the length of the tape for gift box, you can use the following method: wrap the gift twice and add about 60 cm to the resulting length for the bow itself.

Most often, satin fabric is used to tie a beautiful ribbon bow. But if you do not have experience in this matter, this material may seem too slippery and inconvenient for you to create. In this case, it is better to objectively assess your abilities and give preference to a rougher material.

A very convenient option for bows for gifts and bouquets is a ribbon, along the edges of which a thin wire is attached. It allows you to give the product any shape and keep it for a long time.

Always remember the most important rule when choosing ribbon: if you can tie it into a tight knot that won't fall apart, then it's perfect for your creation.

Gathering other materials

To make a bow, you will also need:

  • glue (test it in advance for the ability to fix the fabric);
  • sharp scissors that will clearly cut the tape and not chew its edges;
  • floristic wire (this material is not always necessary, but in the manufacture of some models you can’t do without it);
  • additional decor elements - beads, flowers, stars and any other trinkets that you want to decorate your product with.

So, we picked up the materials to make a ribbon bow. A master class on its creation can be mastered by everyone, regardless of their experience in needlework.

Classics of the genre

To begin with, let's try to make the most ordinary bow, without extra layers and details. But do not think that if it is simple in execution, it will look less advantageous than its magnificent counterparts.

So, how to tie a beautiful ribbon bow? You must do the following:

  1. Measure the required length and cut the desired piece. It is better to take the material with a margin so that it is sure to be enough, and the tails of the bow are long and graceful, and not microscopic and sticking out in different directions.
  2. Remove everything superfluous from the table and lay out the tape on it (you can do this on the floor or bed - this does not matter, the main thing is that you have a flat surface in front of you, not cluttered with foreign objects).
  3. Unfold it and lay it out in front of you. If there is such a need - iron it with an iron.
  4. Cross the ends of the ribbon in the center to properly tie the satin ribbon bow. If you did it right, you should end up with two even droplets of the same size. This will be the ears.
  5. Before taking the next step, carefully check the dimensions of the parts so that one half does not turn out to be larger than the other. Take the same measurements with the ponytails - they should also be perfectly the same (unless, of course, you conceived the concept of a bow with ends different lengths).
  6. Now we cross the droplets, while laying them on top of each other.
  7. Wrap the left eye around the right and pass through the loop that appeared in the central part.

Tighten the resulting knot tightly so that it does not come loose at the most inopportune moment. Correct each part of it - and that's it, our decoration is ready!

Fork help!

If you want to make a small beautiful bow from a thin ribbon, it is very convenient to use auxiliary items when creating it. Since it is quite difficult to tie it by hand, the most ordinary fork will come in handy for this purpose.

This cutlery, which is in any home, will help you make even the smallest beautiful ribbon bow. You can independently adjust the size of the future product by increasing the width of the teeth with cardboard. To make a beautiful bow with a fork, you must follow these steps:

  1. Unfold the tape and wrap it around the appliance.
  2. Make a twist with one end and pull it under the ribbon between the middle tines of the fork.
  3. Pick up this end on the opposite side. This way you wind the entire plug.
  4. Pass the same part of the tape in the upper zone, stretch it to the front of the cutlery.
  5. On the one hand, you have a loop that so far does not need to be touched.
  6. Continue working with the same tip. Wrap it around to the right and slide it through the bottom part into the loop.

Now tighten the resulting composition, carefully remove it from the fork - and that's it, the miniature bow is ready.

Wire won't hurt either.

Another useful assistant when creating bows is floral wire. With its help, you can make both classic single-tiered and lush crafts.

For gifts, bouquets, hair ornaments, clothes and interior decor - you can use this ribbon bow anywhere. The master class on its creation is extremely simple:

  1. Cut the tape to the length you need.
  2. Lay it out on a flat surface and smooth it out.
  3. Bend the material on both sides and cross the tips in the central part. Lay them on top of each other. This way you will form the ears of the future bow. Do not forget that their ends should hang freely in the form of ponytails.
  4. Hold the resulting composition in the central part so that all its elements remain in place.
  5. In the middle, wrap the workpiece tightly with wire.
  6. Cover the connection with a piece of tape of the same color or goes well with the main one. Fix with glue or sew with thread.
  7. Tidy up the ears and tails, adjusting them and spreading them symmetrically.

So we make a beautiful ribbon bow. Feel free to use it for any decorative purposes.

Two in one

If you want to make a simple bow, but not with two ears, but with four, folded in two layers, you do not need to cut out each of its elements separately. To create this craft, as in the case of a regular bow, you also need one complete ribbon.

This jewelry is perfect for decorating gifts, as well as for decorating hairstyles and any other type of decor. So, let's get down to business.

  1. Cut off a large piece of tape and lay it out in front of you.
  2. Bend the first loop, then the second. Don't release central part from the hands so that the composition does not fall apart. If you find it difficult to hold the tape and work with it at the same time, ask someone to help you until you learn how to do it yourself. When you get the hang of working with ribbon, you can make multi-level decorations in this way, but for now it’s better to limit yourself to a two-layer craft.
  3. Cut off the excess parts of the tape, and drag the rest in the center with a wire or sew with a thread.
  4. Wrap the center part with a matching tape so that the fixing point is not visible. Secure it with glue or sew it on too.

You've made a beautiful two-layer bow. Now you can hook it wherever your heart desires!

Making a curvaceous bow

To make a beautiful bow from a wide ribbon, it is best to use material along the edges of which a wire is stretched. In this case, it will be much more convenient for you to give the decoration a shape and volume. This craft is perfect for gift boxes.

For a medium-sized presentation, you will need the following materials:

  • about 2 meters of tape;
  • glue gun;
  • double sided tape.

So, your actions in order to make a beautiful ribbon bow:

  1. Wrap the box in gift paper;
  2. Cut off the desired amount of ribbon and wrap it around the present.
  3. Fix the future bow on the box with glue. In this case, you can not cut the ends of the tape, as you will need them for further creativity.
  4. Bend one end of the material to make a loop. Glue the resulting drop to the box in the central part.
  5. Fold the loop several times to create folds from it. Each of them is a separate ear of the future bow.
  6. Fasten the loops together and glue them to the package.
  7. Similarly, you can make even more of these drops and fix them on the box.
  8. Follow the same steps to create the second half of the bow.
  9. Use scissors to trim the hanging ponytails.

To hide the place of fixation of all elements in the center of the craft, cover it with a separate piece of fabric.

Finishing the ends of the tape

When creating any bow, each of its elements plays a very important role. Not only the ears of the craft, but also its ponytails should look neat and symmetrical.

When we tie a bow from a satin ribbon (or any other), we need to ensure that its hanging ends are as long as possible. You can shorten them at any time, but to increase them without untying the loops is extremely difficult and virtually impossible.

To make the bow look neat, you need to cut the ends of the ribbon correctly. Thanks to this, the material will not crumble, you will remove excess threads sticking out of the edges, and the whole appearance products will become much more presentable.

For best results, use sharp scissors that won't chew through the fabric. To trim the tips, you can choose one of the two most common methods:

  1. Diagonally: Run the scissors over the tape at any angle you like.
  2. V-shape: find a point in the center of the ribbon near its end, mark it with a pencil or pen, cut two lines coming from the corners of the tail towards it. If the triangle you cut didn't come off the fabric on its own, carefully peel it off where it's still attached.

Choosing additional decorations

Finishing the ends can be the last step on how to tie a beautiful ribbon bow, unless you want to decorate it with extra trinkets. Depending on the occasion, your tastes and the content of the gift, these can be a variety of elements.

For example, a bow for a New Year's present can be decorated with a small decorative snowflake, bell, Santa Claus. Rhinestones, beads, flowers, stars, hearts, etc. are suitable for crafts for a hairpin or clothes.

We decorate wisely!

In any needlework store you can find a lot of suitable parts. They can be attached not only to the ribbon itself, but also to the wrapper next to it, if we are talking about presentations.

When choosing additional elements for a bow, it is very important not to overdo it. It's better to just tie a beautiful ribbon bow and decorate it with one cute trinket than to wrap it around with a bunch of all sorts of decorations, which together will look cheap and tasteless. Create with wisdom and inspiration. And you will definitely succeed!

Today, bows are becoming the perfect decoration, decoration holiday table. However, the appearance remains unchanged when you need something individual for the hair. Gifts are also decorated with this accessory. Each girl has various tricks in stock to make the holiday more solemn and look more elegant at the same time.

If there is a question about how to beautiful bow with your own hands, then in the presence of small arsenal tricks of the hostess, it is quite easy to implement.

Paper or ribbon bow

You can make similar decorations different ways, you just need to be smart. They are implemented using various materials, but paper and tape are considered the most popular.

Technology or how to make a paper bow for a gift:

  • cut thick paper into strips;
  • each piece should be of a different length;
  • collapse segments without distorting them;
  • it is necessary to make six "eights" large, three small;
  • leave one figure, straight, as it will serve as a border ribbon for the "eights";
  • each figure obtained is crossed, and in the middle they fix the straight mold left for the border with glue.

To understand the process of the algorithm of actions, there are photos of ready-made bows and at the implementation stage.

There is another option for creating such a decoration:

  • various shapes are cut out of colored paper;
  • drawings will be an additional touch;
  • implemented according to the previous principle, only immediately gluing them together, tying them with a straight strip;
  • From the bottom of the bow, you can cut the paper in the form of a triangle.

Tape technology

If you need a voluminous, lush bow for a gift, then you can use the following instructions:

  • the material used will be tape thick enough;
  • then she folds herself into several rings to appear right size, volume;
  • loops are smoothed out;
  • corners are cut;
  • straighten, then fold with rectangles to the center;
  • the middle is fastened with another tape, stapler, wire;
  • after that, the loops need to be deployed on different sides;
  • fix rings.

Ideas for classic decors

For gifts, you can use traditional decorations:

Butterfly. The tape is divided into equal halves, crossed among themselves. The loops alternately go down, then up. Then you need to pull the decoration in the middle.

Strict. Two ribbons are cut off, a smaller one and a larger one. The long one is used directly as the main blank, its edges are dipped in glue and both sides are glued together. The other is wrapped around the middle, at the place of gluing.

A simple ribbon bow can be made with two crossed figure eights. These figures are attached. The highlight can be various beads, beads. simple decorations made from thin ribbons.

Multilayer. This type is carried out with three ribbons of different lengths and widths. If desired, they can differ in tone palette. The widest will be at the bottom, and the narrowest at the top. The ends are cut off with a corner and left stretched so that the product can be attached to the package. Another piece will be required to tie together three layers.

Double layer. This will require two segments: one is wide, the other is narrow. They are also connected with a ribbon in the middle. The ends of the primary figures are fastened together.

Lush compositions

Mostly chic, voluminous bows are made to decorate the exterior. Not so long ago, hair decor was in fashion, and most girls today are wondering how to make a bow for their head.

A lush composition is made as follows:

  • the length, width of the material is chosen based on the final intended result;
  • a two-meter tape is folded like an accordion;
  • in the middle, the accessory is tied with a nylon thread, the ends are cut off so that it is convenient to attach to the hair;
  • in addition, decorative elements or other colors of fabric are glued, only of a different color.
  • additional strokes are also bandaged.

There is another way to make a lush fabric head accessory:

  • material of two meters, cut into 20 cm;
  • fold in half;
  • the wrong side will turn out;
  • in a folded line, it is necessary to glue the fabric;
  • the product is turned out after the glue dries;
  • the tips are folded;
  • after they are stitched with a thread;
  • sewn to the base;
  • you can decorate the accessory with beads, rhinestones, beads.

Satin, floral bow options

The technology of how to make a bow from a satin ribbon:

  • the material is folded several times in a figure eight;
  • fixed in the middle;
  • the coils are fluffed;
  • the ends are trimmed or burned.

To implement the conceived accessory, in any case, a certain set of tools and materials is required. In most situations, it is better to stock up on fabric more than two meters long, twenty centimeters wide.

A master class on how to make a bow with your own hands indicates a clear sequence of actions. Only tools are taken as a basis, the algorithm is always different, because there is fantasy at the head of the rules.

For example, the attribute in the form of a flower can be done like this:

  • one tape is fastened with the ends inward, while creating loops;
  • retreating a little space, continue the same actions until it becomes magnificent;
  • the base is tied with a thin cloth, sometimes a stapler, glue are used;
  • then straighten the product.

And it can be implemented in a different way, where the sequence will be similar, but at the same time, the ribbons are cut in the loop area. Today, often the ideas and instructions on how to make a bow are Western.

A common variant is the following:

  • a thin ribbon from which eights are made;
  • some parts are fastened in two pieces;
  • a base of several tapes connected in the middle, while being straight;
  • the edges are serrated;
  • two parts are assembled, beads and rhinestones are placed on top.

There are other ways to implement an accessory. Especially unique, it looks interesting on Christmas trees, at Christmas and other wonderful holidays.

DIY photo of bows

1) classic bow

A classic bow out of time, fashion, space and circumstance. The main thing is that the ribbon does not wrinkle when tying.

2) Strict bow

Fold the ribbon in half as shown in the picture. We fix the junction of the ends of the tape with glue and smooth it with your hand. We take a small piece of tape (you can use a different color) to wrap it around an unsightly joint. We glue the ends of the second ribbon on the back of the product - and the bow is ready.

3) Tiered bow

To create such a bow, you should take three ribbon cuts of different widths and colors. Cut them so that the widest piece is the longest, and the narrowest is the shortest. Form the ends of the bow. Now tie the folded pieces together with another piece of ribbon, leaving long ends to secure the tiered bow to the gift bag.

4) Two-color bow

After such manipulations, dealing with a two-color bow will be as easy as shelling pears. We take narrow and wide ribbons different colors. First, we form a loop from a wide tape, fastening its ends with glue, and then we do the same with a narrow tape superimposed on it. We iron the resulting “sandwich” tightly with our hands and fix it from the inside in the center with glue or a paper clip. The final bow is formed with a third piece of ribbon long enough to tie to the gift bag.

5) Dior bow

Some say that the Dior bow is a complicated version of the "strict" bow. We glue the “rings” from pieces of tape of different lengths, which we then connect with each other using glue or a stapler. A half-finished bow is placed on the base - a ribbon with cut ends. And with the third - small - piece of tape, you should mask the paper clip by gluing its ends from the inside of the bow.

6) Flower bow

The first step in creating this fantastic flower will be a simple ring, which you will make from ribbon, holding it with your thumb and forefinger. This movement should be repeated until there are more than ten such rings in the hand, depending on the desired size of the bow. We will tie the rings in the middle with a long narrow ribbon, straighten the loops one by one - and fix it on the gift.

7) Terry bow

A terry bow (in foreign sources called the ambiguous playful Pom-pom) will look more spectacular and more elegant if you take a ribbon made of a rigid material that can hold its shape.

We turn it into several rings, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the future bow. We smooth the loops and make diagonal cuts as shown in the figure. We fold the loops again so that the cut out triangles are in the center of the folded strips of fabric lying in front of us. Then you should tightly pull the slots with tape or wire and alternately straighten all the loops on each side of the bow, starting from the inside: one to the right, the other to the left, etc. Let's fluff up the bow - and mentally admire the beauty that, playfully, we just created.