Poncho autumn crochet scheme and description. Crochet cape: openwork detail of the snow queen. Video: Cape with an openwork pattern

It is safe to say that the cape was one of the first types of clothing for a person. During its long history, it has undergone many changes. In the last century, the peak of its popularity fell on the 50-70s of the XX century. Today, knitted capes are back in trend, and they are offered in a wide variety of variations: very short, extra long or reaching mid-thigh, classic A-line or original shape. They can be warm or light, have a hood, shawl or stand-up collar.

Why are wraps so popular?

To tie a cape means to provide yourself with a stylish, democratic element of your wardrobe. The popularity and demand for such products is due to the variety and versatility of models. They can be worn in almost any weather all year round. In addition, a fashionable knitted cape perfectly hides minor figure flaws. Due to the feeling of comfort and freedom of movement, many fashionistas prefer such products to traditional sweaters or coats. Modern needlewomen are offered a variety of cape patterns with a description for a hook or knitting needles. When choosing, it is important to focus on the end result. For the most part, openwork summer capes are crocheted, and with the help of knitting needles - warm autumn or winter models.

Choosing a wardrobe option

Knitting capes for the cold involves the choice of elongated rectangular or asymmetrical products. The cape, which is characterized by pronounced lines of the shoulders and slits for the arms, is especially loved by fashionistas. Currently, cape patterns with wide flared sleeves are becoming increasingly popular. To make the image look harmonious, the voluminous top should be balanced by tight-fitting things at the bottom of the figure - a pencil skirt, tight trousers, jeans, etc. Crochet knitting patterns for capes allow you to create lightweight products that fit perfectly into the style of boho, casual, etc. They will decorate an evening dress and protect from a cool. Light flying models will hide the shoulders and arms from the scorching sun.

We knit with pleasure

Some women believe that only experienced needlewomen can knit capes according to the pattern. However, this is not at all the case. Detailed descriptions and explanations will help to master such work even for beginners in the world of knitting needles or hooks. The main thing is to sensibly weigh your skills and start conquering peaks with simple models.

Knitted women's capes are trendy accessories that allow you to cover your shoulders and create a gentle charming look. They are cozy and comfortable, they are in perfect harmony with different outfits for every day and on special occasions. Make up your mind - knit a cape according to the pattern with knitting needles or crochet and make sure that this needlework is for you!

The schemes of this element of clothing are quite diverse. But all of them were created with one goal - to make a really beautiful and unique outfit that will distinguish a woman from the crowd, draw attention to her and at the same time warm her.

Threads, hooks and other little things

Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the techniques of working with a crochet hook knows that it is absolutely impossible to repeat the proposed product scheme exactly and get the same result. And all because there are a number of factors that affect the process of work.

Before you figure out how to crochet a cape, with the patterns of which we will get acquainted, we recall that even the numbers of the working tool from different manufacturers differ significantly. For someone, hook No. 3 will answer No. 3.5, and for someone, it will barely reach the indicated size.

The thickness of the yarn of different brands also varies. It may be a few millimeters, but for the finished product this is a significant difference. And the professional skill of the knitter also plays a role. Some craftswomen make the loops more dense, while others, on the contrary, stretch them greatly.

So it turns out in the end that crocheting capes (we will consider the patterns) does not always lead to the creation of products with the dimensions indicated in advance. To make a really beautiful and unique product, you need to connect all the imagination and your own vision of the finished cape.

Plain Hexagonal Drape

A beautiful openwork crocheted cape, the scheme of which does not have any particular difficulties, is knitted from the usual hexagonal motif. The only ambiguous point here is knitting not in a circle, but with a cut that creates beautiful shelves in the product.

The pattern itself consists of alternating rows of simple double crochets and lush groups of the same double crochets with a common top. We start knitting from a chain of air loops of the desired length. The second row consists of single crochets in each loop.

Next, we divide the chain into 6 equal parts. In the third row we knit two air loops and again a double crochet in the third loop of the previous row. At the end of each of the parts, we knit 2 double crochets in the same loop with two air loops between them.

In the next row, 3 double crochets are knitted, while they are combined with a common loop. The expansion of the canvas is obtained due to the corners in which 2 elements are knitted at one point.

Round cape

Most often, it is in a circle that a cape is crocheted. Schemes of such products are extremely diverse. Therefore, to begin with, consider the main principle of their creation. Before us is the simplest scheme of a round motif. To make a cape out of it, we collect not 6 loops in an air chain, but as many as necessary to make a neck. We close the chain and start knitting in a circle.

The pattern here is quite simple: from one point 2 double crochets, an air loop, two double crochets. So we knit several rows. Then we gradually add between the groups of columns, first 1 air loop, then one more. We continue to knit until the product reaches the desired length.

On this basis, it is easy to crochet a cape, the patterns of which cannot be found anywhere else. For example, instead of two columns, we knit three and not at one point. It is possible to combine groups of columns with a common upper loop. And another interesting option is to alternate the columns with and without a crochet. You get beautiful waves. The main thing is not to forget about the expansion of the canvas.

Openwork fans

It does not have to be as simple as a crochet cape. With schemes of a more complex level, let's try to figure it out now. The pattern is built on the basis of individual motifs that are knitted simultaneously in a continuous canvas.

Traditionally, we start with a chain of air loops. We knit the second row as in filet knitting: double crochet, air loop, double crochet into the second loop of the previous row. Next, we move on to knitting a separate motive.

We retreat 9 cells from the edge, we knit 5 air loops and connect them with the fifth cell from the beginning. We knit the second row in the opposite direction with single crochets. The third and fourth - fillet knitting, only in the fourth we perform 2 double crochets from one point. Gradually we bring the number of columns to 5. At the same time, do not forget to connect the beginning and end of each row with the knitting base. In the last row we knit all the columns with a common top, and between them we collect 10 air loops. When 1 motive is ready, we move on to the next one. In this way, the work on it is not easy, but the result is worth it.

Drape from motifs

Many craftswomen like to work with individual motifs. In this way, you will get a crochet openwork cape. The scheme of a single motif determines the entire appearance of the product. Therefore, it is worth choosing carefully.

A round cape is best made from six- or octagonal elements. They are perfectly combined with each other and make it possible to gradually expand the finished canvas, without which a round cape is impossible.

We will not analyze a specific scheme, since each craftswoman has her own set of favorite motifs. The main thing is to understand that they will make an excellent cape. Crochet patterns are always easily reconfigured to suit specific needs. Therefore, there is always the opportunity to experiment.


This model is suitable for those who are interested in extravagant crocheted capes. The schemes and description of the model are quite simple, the main thing is to understand the principle of working on it.

The base of the cape is a square motif. It is knitted from columns with several crochets and air loops between them. We start with a double crochet and three loops. The number of columns must be a multiple of four, because they will form the square itself.

In subsequent rows, we slightly increase the number of yarns and air loops and leave their number until the end of knitting. At the same time, we increase the number of air loops near the corner posts. Due to this, we achieve the effect of expansion. At the end, we combine 4 finished motives into one cape.

Age preferences

The models we have considered are focused more on adult women. But if you need a cape pattern for a girl, you can crochet it from any of the options we have considered. The point here is not in specific schemes, but in the size of their execution. In addition, we urge you not to be afraid to experiment and create something of your own, unique.

If you use this approach, you will definitely get the most beautiful crochet cape. The diagrams for this will only be a general guide. And such a detail of clothing will delight both little girls and adult fashionistas.

An easy and enjoyable creative activity for a needlewoman will be crocheting capes. It's hard to resist such beauty!

The most delicate cape with a magnificent pattern and fur trim is thrown over the black cocktail dress, which fits the figure beautifully. Looks rich, airy and elegant! Each novice craftswoman, with the right yarn and tools, can easily knit such a cape for a warm summer evening.

Recommendation! For knitting a model, it is advisable to take a thin hook No. 2.5 and two types of yarn - smooth and fluffy. Dial 72 air loops and knit 1 and 16 rows with threads with pile, and the rest according to the pattern with plain or booklet yarn.

Olive Fishnet Drape

Crochet will help replenish the closet with a new chic cape cape.

A short openwork cape that covers the shoulders and does not reach the waist will complement the casual look with an original fashionable accent.

To create a dark olive cape, you need 300 g of cotton yarn and hook number 4. We collect 128 air loops, and knit according to the pattern of 8 rapports. After 15 rows, the cape with tulips will be ready, it remains to supplement it with unusual pendants with buds, and wear the thing for your own pleasure.

Mini cape: openwork collar with fringe

For the attention of needlewomen, a luxurious black collar covering the shoulders. Let's crochet an attractive fashionable cape in two stages with diagrams and descriptions.

For work you will need 400 g of wool and hook number 4. First, we perform 12 motives according to scheme No. 1. We get flowers, which, in the process of knitting the last row, are connected to each other in a circle. Further, according to scheme No. 2, we knit from floral motifs and finish work on the 14th row.

Note to needlewomen! The length of the collar can be increased by repeating several rows of the central part of scheme No. 2, and making the flowers contrasting, it is desirable to knit rows 1 and 4 of scheme No. 1 with dark yarn, and rows 3 and 4 with light threads.

A chic black cape is worn over a dress, sweater, jacket or coat. Such a little thing will decorate any blouse, and make a gentle female image stylish and romantic.

Cape collar: autumn gold on the shoulders

An easy-to-work openwork cape complete with mittens will appeal to young charming ladies.

Take 100 g of thick woolen yarn and hook number 9. We collect air loops along the girth of the head and knit 4 rows according to the scheme. Thanks to a thick hook and yarn, the canvas quickly rises, and creative work takes a maximum of 1-2 hours.

If desired, you can cast on loops from the neck on circular knitting needles and knit with an English elastic band 15-20 cm. Such an original cape will replace a warm scarf or fashionable snood, protect the neck, chest and shoulders from colds.

Baby pink cape

For little princesses, we will knit an openwork cape in the color of airy cotton candy. A step-by-step master class will help you understand the scheme, and with a detailed description, we will quickly complete the work.

Note to crafters! Hanks with a long length of 400-500 m are beneficial for knitting, yarn consumption is minimal and less than half of the ball is spent on one little thing.

Take threads from thin mohair with acrylic and hook No. 3. We carefully study the diagram.

We knit a chain of 117 air loops + 1 additional for lifting. Further, according to the scheme, we perform 1 column b / n in the first loop of the base, 5 air and column b / n through three loops of the chain.

You should get 29 arches.

We turn the knitting inside out and knit the 2nd row according to the scheme. After 4 lifting loops, we carry out s / n columns and connecting air arches into the arches.

Now we turn to the implementation of the lace frill according to the second scheme.

We knit from the 13th row, and in the 14th, the rays of future fans are already beginning to emerge. On the 17th row, the first frill ends, and to make 2 more frills, we fasten the threads to the 4th and 8th rows. We repeat knitting from 13 to 17 rows, and we get 2 more openwork frills on the front side.

To connect the model on the chest, we knit a long chain, skip after 2 rows and decorate the ends with pompoms. A baby 2-5 years old will definitely like the cape and will decorate any weekend dress of a little princess.

Do you want to please your beloved girl? Then you should watch an interesting video lesson in two parts and learn how to knit an incredibly beautiful children's cape with a change of threads and hooks.

Lace collar with shells

The perfect white cape will suit both adults and little flirty fashionistas.

To work, you will need 3 skeins of acrylic yarn and hook number 3.

We collect a chain of 100 air loops and knit a s / n column in each loop. Then we start adding and add 1 column s / n every 10 loops. So we knit 10 rows, and then go to the pattern of knitting an openwork mesh.

We carry out the mesh to the desired length, increasing the number of air loops, and then we move on to openwork shell motifs. The cape can be knitted in the round or made with a slit on the chest. We tie the edge of the neck with a crustacean step with bumps.

A lace cape with a pattern of fans is ready. It remains to sew on buttons or come up with ties, and you can attract the attention of others with a beautiful snow-white cape.

White collar with chocolate pineapples

An unusually beautiful cape was created for a real snow queen.

For the creative process, we need 100 g of fluffy "grass" and 100 g of cotton creamy chocolate yarn. Knitting begins according to the scheme with the implementation of rings, there should be 18 of them. Next, we proceed to the execution of the “pineapple” pattern through each ringlet, in total 8 “fruits”. To expand the cape and highlight the pineapples, we knit a sirloin net with fluffy yarn between rapports. We continue to work to the required length, and decorate the bottom row with arches of brown yarn. A chic model for going out will decorate, rather, a dress of delicate milky color.

Fashionable purple cape

An openwork cape fastened with one button will complement your everyday look and warm your shoulders.

From mohair yarn, crochet No. 6, we collect 113 air loops and knit according to the pattern of 11 rapports. The length of the cape is 35-50 cm, depending on the size of the model. Crochet No. 3 for strapping on the bottom of the product and make out cute planks with a hole for a button.

Unusual two-layer cape

The highlight of the model is a delicate powdery color in a non-standard cut. Here, the more flounces, frills and lace, the more intricate and attractive the picture.

First, the central part is made in the form of an irregular oval. To help the needlewoman, fragments of patterns that can be used when knitting a fabric. The edges of the oval are decorated with semicircular motifs and a thin trim of white and pink lace. The finished cape is folded in two layers, as in the photo, and fastened in front with one large button.

In conclusion, to the pleasure of needlewomen, a video lesson with step-by-step training. The craftswoman will show the entire knitting process of the coffee holiday cape. Beginners will discover the secrets of Tunisian knitting and the transition from planks to openwork. Choose a model to your liking and knit to your health!

Video: Cape with an openwork pattern

Here is a variant of the wonderful needlewoman-country mother Natasha (Nakhodka 77)

And this is in other colors.



We knit 2 fabrics, 55-56 cm wide and 65-67 cm long.
Next, openwork inserts from motifs that we sew to these two canvases.
We sew all the ponchos according to the scheme, decorate with a fringe. Poncho is ready!!!

Here are my strings, Diamond from Vita (380m / 100g), hook No. 4.5. for the main canvas and No. 3 for the motive.
I will knit in 2 threads, because I want to be warmer.
The color is red, deep so beautiful
I want exactly red, with black trousers and a sweater and red shoes

Here is my start

One fabric is knitted (width 56cm, length 67cm), I start knitting the second, exactly the same.

I had to break away from knitting the main fabric and move on to the motive, since so many people are concerned about this particular issue.
Yes, indeed, the motive here is the most difficult thing.
I myself dealt with him only after a hint.
But when I started knitting, everything turned out to be not so difficult and it worked out right away.
The girls here suggested to me the idea that you can first knit an openwork border, and then, based on its width, knit the main fabric.
This is also an option ... Of course, I did not do this, because I was sure that in any case I would find a way to align everything.
But for beginner knitters, this method is probably just as good...think

We begin to knit the motive from the mesh-middle. I think it's not difficult.
After the middle is tied, immediately at the corner, we collect an air chain of 12 loops and close at the base of the first c. n the same chain. It turns out, as it were, a loop from the v. P.
We tie this chain-loop 20 sc (the 20th is already attached to the mesh)
Next is the turntable. Flips knitting to the other side and knit 10c. n, 1SN (which is attached to the middle of the previous row with a connecting loop), 2c. n, again the same 1SSN, 2v. p, 1SSN, 10v. n and attach to the grid with. P.
Turn knitting over again, 3c. n (replaces 1СН) we attach to the mesh c. p. and we begin to tie the resulting chain of the previous row with 40 CCH

We attach to the grid sbn.
Girls, I have my own numbers, the scheme is slightly different, knit as you like best.
We tie the edge of the mesh-middle of the RLS, we reach the next corner and knit the second petal, in the same way as described above.
And so all 4 petals.

Here is an approximate diagram of the direction and sequence of knitting all the petals.
Thank you MissNatalia

Next, we knit the edge of the petal with connecting loops (i.e. 4СН of the previous row) and start tying, I think everything is clear according to the scheme.
Clarification - instead of 2. c. n after pico I did 3c. n, the petal itself was very tight.
We knit the first motive completely and break the thread.
In the same way, we knit the second motive and in the last row we connect it with the first, in three places, through the picot.

Openwork insert connected.
My threads are thick, so only 3 motives came out, you can have more.