Proper henna painting. How to dye your hair with henna at home. Different shades with henna

Henna is a natural hair dye that was used by women many thousands of years ago, but is still popular today. First of all, henna as a hair dye is chosen by those women who want to restore their hair, prefer only natural ingredients, or those who are in an interesting position or are breastfeeding.

On the one hand, henna is not dangerous, but on the other hand, it is difficult to use. Indeed, very often you can get the wrong shade that you wanted, or not dye your hair at all. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to go to one of the salons at For those who decide to dye their hair with henna at home, we will tell you about the stages of dyeing.

Henna hair coloring: the main stages

1. We wash our hair with our usual shampoo and dry our hair a little with a towel.

2. The line along the hair growth must be lubricated with a cream that acts as a protective barrier of the skin from red spots.

3. Cooking henna. To do this, dilute the henna mixture in warm water, and stir it well. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency.

4. Using a comb and brush, evenly paint over each strand. Everything should be done very quickly, as the henna cools down and in the end may not give the expected result. In order to make henna easier to apply to the hair, you can add one raw yolk to it.

5. After completing the painting process, wrap the head with a bag or film, and then with a towel. The time of exposure to henna depends on the color and thickness of the hair, and thus, the process must be kept under control. For blonde hair 15-20 minutes will be enough, for dark ones - from 40 to 60 minutes.

How to get a shade when staining with henna

Today, henna is already on sale with the addition of color components: a shade of chestnut or chocolate, mocha. But you can add different components to the henna for a shade yourself.

For example:

1. Red shade: obtained without any additives. If you want your strands to shine, then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

2. Chocolate shade. To achieve such a shade in henna, you will need to add: ground cloves, strong coffee, black tea, cocoa and basma, in the proportion of 1 part basma to 3 parts henna. Recall that basma is a grayish-green powder that is obtained from indigo leaves.

3. Golden Honey Shade:

■ turmeric and weak coffee;
■ decoction of chamomile;
■ tincture of saffron. As in the case of chamomile, we adhere to the proportion with saffron: per 200 ml. boiling water 1 teaspoon of herbs;
■ decoction of rhubarb.

4. Red Tint:

■ cloves and hibiscus;
■ red wine, but only natural, can be homemade;
■ cranberry juice and a decoction of onion husks.

5. Blue-black shade:

■ basma: 2 parts to 1 part of henna;
■ very strong black coffee.

If, after all these experiments, your hair shade is not what you would like to see, then washing off the henna from your head will not be so easy. To do this, you will need to make special oil hair masks several times, which we will discuss in the next article.

Most girls prefer to experiment with their appearance. The thing is that modern fashion trends change so often that a person does not even have time to get used to them. And this applies not only to clothing, but also appearance: hairstyle, manicure, hair color. Today we will talk about how to dye your hair with henna at home.

"Why henna?" many of you will ask. The thing is that henna is safe natural remedy for hair coloring. It is not capable of harming the health of the hair, unlike many chemical dyes. There is an erroneous opinion that with the help of henna you can only get a red or red shade of hair. If you use natural dye correctly in combination with some components, the hair color can turn out exactly the way you want. The only thing henna can't handle is white coloring.

The world famous natural dye consists of the dried leaves of the Lawsonia plant. The homeland of the plant is Central Asia and the Middle East. The most high-quality and useful henna is obtained, which has grown in India. Additional components that make up the dye contribute to the toning and rejuvenation of the hair. Hennotaninovaya acid prevents the formation of fungal diseases, as well as the appearance of dandruff. After regular henna staining, the hair becomes noticeably thicker and stronger. Appears volume and splendor.

Absolutely any type of hair can be dyed with a natural and useful dye. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to henna components. This coloring is recommended for use by those women whose hair is dull, brittle and unhealthy.

Features of the use of henna

Many girls often wonder how to properly dye their hair with henna. However, there is nothing complicated in the painting technique, but in order to achieve the desired color, you need to try a little. Of course, you can go to the salon, where an experienced master will quickly and efficiently perform the procedure. But why pay crazy money when painting is easy enough to do at home?

Before proceeding with the description of the hair dyeing algorithm, it is necessary to identify a few secrets that should be considered when dyeing with henna:

  • The result of henna hair coloring is a purely individual criterion, which depends on many different factors. The resulting shade is affected by the current hair color, their density, length, etc. Experts recommend trying the tone on one curl before coloring the entire surface of the head.
  • Henna-dyed hair can keep its color for up to one month. At the same time, the shade remains fresh and bright even when exposed to the sun and water.
  • The final result of staining can be seen only on the fourth day. As a rule, during this time, the curls darken and become more saturated;
  • The unique property of henna is to accumulate its pigment. This means that the more often you dye your hair with a dye, the more saturated the shade will become each time.
  • Another feature of natural dye with prolonged use is overdrying of hair. Therefore, if your hair is dry, it is recommended to add a few drops in the process of kneading henna. olive oil or kefir.
  • Experts strongly do not recommend dyeing hair with henna immediately after using synthetic dyes. This combination can turn into an unpleasant surprise in the form of an extraordinary color or shade.
  • If basma was additionally used during the henna staining process, it is not recommended to use chemical dyes for four months after such a procedure. Ignoring this advice, most likely, you will have to walk with green hair.

Rules and techniques for dyeing hair with henna

Wash your hair thoroughly before dyeing your hair with henna. Dry your hair in half naturally and start moving on to the coloring procedure. First, calculate the amount of henna. If you are the owner short hair, it will be enough to use about 200 grams of paint. If your hair is below your shoulders, you will need from 250 to 500 grams. It is also necessary to take into account the thickness of the hair. In addition to the dye, you will need to acquire the following components of the procedure:

  • A bowl for mixing the coloring mixture;
  • Water, kefir or milk;
  • Egg yolk or olive oil to moisturize hair;
  • Basma with the required shade is used as desired;
  • Gloves;
  • Cream for protecting delicate facial skin;
  • Paint brush;
  • Towel;
  • Cellophane shower cap.

If you will use water to prepare the dye, then you need to take a small amount of water and heat it up to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. Gradually pour water into the powder, constantly stirring the gruel. The consistency of the mixture should be similar to thick sour cream. Lack of lumps and homogeneous mass - important point properly prepared dye. If necessary, basma is added to the mixture.

Kefir is often used instead of water. It is used when your hair is prone to excessive dryness. Kefir should be at room temperature. The process for preparing the dye is exactly the same as in the case of water.

Now take an old towel or diaper and wrap your neck, put on rubber or plastic gloves on your hands. Next, you need to apply fat cream on those areas of the face where henna can drain from the hair. As a rule, this is the forehead, temples and the area behind the ears. It is necessary to dye the hair carefully, but at the same time very quickly, until the mixture begins to dry out. For girls with long hair it is recommended to place a bowl of diluted henna in a container with warm water. We divide the hair into small strands and gradually begin to color them with a brush. If this is inconvenient, you can apply henna with your hands. After the whole head is painted, you need to comb the hair along the entire length and put on a cap or a regular plastic bag. It is recommended to wrap a towel over the covered head.

The time of interaction of hair with the dye directly depends on the desired shade. For those who want to get a non-saturated color, it is necessary to wash off the henna after about 40 minutes after application. When you want to get a darker and more saturated shade, the mixture must be kept on the hair for about 1.5 - 2 hours. Rinse henna from hair should be very carefully and long time. In order for the color to be fixed, and the hair to acquire a natural and healthy shine, you can rinse your head with a small amount of vinegar diluted in water.

Color palette of natural dye

We figured out how to qualitatively dye your hair with henna. But how to achieve the desired shade, now let's talk in more detail. If instead of red and red colors you prefer other shades, basma should be added to henna powder. To obtain bronze shades, it is necessary to mix henna and basma in proportions of 2: 1. Dark chestnut hair color can be achieved by first mixing henna and basma in equal proportions. Girls who dream of becoming brunettes are recommended to mix two ingredients in a ratio of 1: 3, where 1 part is henna, and 3 is basma.
An interesting fact is that you can get the desired shade of hair when dyeing with henna not only by adding basma, but also by other natural ingredients. A light nutty tone can be achieved by adding a little turmeric or chamomile tincture to the henna. For a rich red color, dilute a natural coloring powder based on heated red wine, it is better if it is Cahors. A light brown shade will turn out when a little ground coffee is added to the diluted dye. The amount of coffee powder depends on the desired color. The more additional component, the darker the hair color will turn out.

The most important thing about henna dyeing is that it is completely safe for hair health. Moreover, useful vitamins and the substances that make up the natural dye can heal your hair and make it incredibly beautiful. There is nothing complicated in the process of dyeing hair with henna, just read our article once and follow the instructions described.

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How to dye your hair with henna at home? Henna for hair (natural dye) has been used for many years by girls and women to color their hair. The choice of this particular dye is due to the fact that it makes the hairstyle attractive without harming the hair.

Compared with synthetic dyes, henna, in addition to giving a beautiful shade to the hair, has a strengthening effect. Using natural powder, specialists make various tattoos on the body without causing any damage to health.

Henna: types of dye based on natural ingredients

Lavsonia is a plant from the leaves of which a natural dye is extracted. The birthplace of culture is India, Iran, Sudan, and the places of countries where the climate is the hottest. Lavson leaves are dried and made into powder, which contains green chlorophyll and red-yellow lawson. It is with the help of lawson that a red tint is obtained on the hair.

When hair is dyed with henna, the coloring component remains only on the upper surface of the hair, it will not penetrate into the center of the rod itself. Therefore, the type of henna staining cannot be called durable. When washing your hair, it can be washed off after a certain period of time. If a girl wants to use this tool to have a lasting shade of curls, she must constantly dye her hair with henna.

Using a natural dye, you can become the owner of: reddish-red, bright orange, chocolate shade of hair, depending on what the lawson pigment will be. A variety of shades can be obtained by mixing natural green powder with various herbs that can color hair, for example, basma.

Henna happens:

  • colorless;
  • colorful
  • brightening.

When grinding the stalks of lavsan, henna is obtained without a coloring effect - colorless. Since there is almost no coloring pigment in the stems of the plant. Colorless henna is used when the purpose of dyeing is to strengthen and heal hair. Specialists studied this unique type of henna and developed many different hair masks.

Henna from Iran has become one of the most popular. This is due to the excellent price-quality ratio. Using it, a woman can become the owner of the most interesting shades for her hair. Iranian henna also restores damaged hair structure.

Indian henna does not have medicinal qualities, like Iranian, it has a rich tint range.
To decorate the body with drawings, it is advisable to use green powders from plants growing in Sudan and Yemen.
With the help of a certain plant variety, you can lighten curls by 1-1.5 tones.

The benefits and harms of henna for hair

Those females who prefer to use natural cosmetics for hair care choose henna. But some women continue to argue that henna is harmful. Is it so? It is necessary to understand the controversial issue, having considered in more detail the "pluses" and "cons" of this tool.


The substance was considered useful even when there were not a huge number of various brands of hair dyes in stores. Indeed, it is difficult to “overpraise” the qualities that henna possesses. It is enough to pay attention to the chic braids of the most beautiful ladies of the East, and they used a powder from Iran not only to give their hair a shade, but also to improve their health.

With henna:

  • Effectively get rid of dandruff, because it is a natural antiseptic;
  • You can color your hair well without disturbing the structure of the curls;
  • Get a bright, lasting shade.
  • Hair scales are smoothed. Hair, in the process of dyeing, does not exfoliate and does not split.
  • There is a strengthening hair follicle.
  • The hair, as a result, is shiny and smooth.
  • Not a single allergic reaction will occur, which is especially important for those ladies who react to aggressive chemical components contained in hair dyes.
  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated, the condition of the skin of the head improves. This is because henna contains tannins responsible for these processes.
  • You can dye your hair for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding babies, since this remedy has almost no contraindications.
  • Girls, young girls, ladies of mature years, women of advanced age - representatives of all age categories can dye their hair. There are no age restrictions.
  • Strands are not so prone to breakage.


Each of the girls (women) dreams of their hair shining with health. Were attractive. Therefore, the question of whether henna is harmful to hair constantly arises, introducing doubts into women's hearts. Like any remedy, it must have its downsides.

So what are the "cons"? Natural dye:

  • It “fights” with gray hair inefficiently, without painting it completely.
  • Cannot be combined with traditional paints. In the event that a girl wants to use henna, and her hair is dyed with chemical-based dye, the resulting shade may turn out to be a “surprise”. Sometimes, unpleasant, because the color will turn out unexpected. Such a not very pleasant moment can also happen when, after the curls are painted with henna, paint is applied. The girl becomes the owner green hair.
  • If there was a perm, and then henna painting, you need to prepare for the fact that the strands will become even, and very quickly!
  • In the process of dyeing, the hair dries out, the skin becomes very dry. If the hair is classified as oily, then the tannins contained in henna will have a positive effect. Owners of dry hair can "suffer" as they become even more dry, prone to falling out. The fragility of the hair will increase, because they have lost a large amount of moisture.
  • You can not abuse henna, using it too often. The protective layer will be broken. They will begin to fade, split ends will appear. With frequent use natural paint the girl will become the owner of naughty, hard hair that has lost its shine and elasticity.
  • Henna under the influence of direct sunlight, loses its original shade. It should be noted that this applies not only to henna, but also to other paints.
  • If the result turned out to be bad, then it will not work to fix it using chemical paint. Henna envelops the hair and prevents other pigment from getting into the middle of the hair.

How to dye your hair with henna at home

It is unlikely that someone will find it difficult to dye their hair with henna while at home. The process of dyeing hair with henna is possible even for those who have never dyed their heads on their own, at home. The general recommendations of experts are as follows:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo, without using a balm.
  2. While the head is drying, start preparing the coloring composition using green henna powder. They will be discussed in more detail later.
  3. You should wear old household items so that you don’t mind getting dirty. A diaper (towel) is thrown over the shoulders. Put on gloves. Nearby should lie: comb, brush. The coloring composition is carefully applied to the curls, strand by strand.
    Usually, for the convenience of work, the head is divided into three zones: the right, left and rear end.
  4. At the end of the hair treatment, a plastic cap is put on the head. If this is not at hand, a regular plastic bag will do. Carefully inspect the face, and wipe if smudges are found on the skin. After that, you can relax by doing household chores.
  5. After the dyeing process is completed (the dyeing time depends on the desired degree of shade intensity), wash your hair with water at room temperature. Shampoo is not necessary.

You should be aware that, when using henna, you can become the owner of a bright and rich shade of hair. Over time, this color may not be able to get rid of. In the event that a girl dyes her hair with henna for the first time, it is better to test it before dyeing. It is necessary to apply the mixture to the strand and see: how did the hair react? If everything is in order, start working with all the hair.

You can use this secret. To avoid the appearance after painting: on the face, in the forehead, ears, age spots, you need, first, on all zones, next to the hairline, apply a greasy cream.

Video tutorial: how to dye your hair with henna at home

What can be shades

To get new unusual shades, it is customary to mix henna with dyes containing natural ingredients.
Most often, henna's partner is basma. Henna makes it possible to modify the color that is obtained when stained with basma. Usually from green - it turns out black. At the same time, the combination of basma + henna gives, as a result, a rich chestnut shade.

To make the shade golden, it is advisable to use:

  • saffron
  • onion peel;
  • ginger;
  • chamomile;
  • cinnamon;
  • honey;
  • rhubarb;
  • gooseberry
  • turmeric.

To make the hair tone dark, you need to add to the composition of the mixture for coloring: walnut shells, black tea, coffee, iodine.
If there is a desire to turn into a "red beast" can help: beetroot juice, red wine, barberry, hibiscus, cloves. There is one caveat: these components, or Lavsonia powder, must be used for a long time.

When the hair is dry, or it needs to be strengthened, it is worth considering the use of kefir, vitamins, yolk, vegetable and essential oils.

Attention! With frequent use of henna, the color will be quite bright and saturated. You can connect fantasy to hair care by trying to experiment with additives. Being creative, consider using new components in various combinations.

Do not forget that henna will not radically change the color and shade of the hair, it will only bring in a red color. It will not work to lighten the hair for several tones using natural dyes. Today you can see in stores and markets among the types of henna "white" or "cold shades". It is worth treating such a product with caution - fraud is possible, the purpose of which is simply to sell the product, with the absence of the claimed effect. The second option - henna may contain chemical components.

Wherever henna is brought from (from Egypt, Sudan, Israel, Turkey, Iran, India) is a natural product. He gives a "red" as a result of staining. It is these coloring properties that henna has.

Henna dyeing technology in trendy chocolate color

Today those girls who strictly follow fashion trends prefers to dye her hair chocolate. It is becoming more and more popular. It is possible, with the help of ingredients, to make chocolate paint with henna on your own, at home.

To create a chocolate palette, you need to use pure henna and add basma, taking into account the proportions.
How to get a shade of "chocolate" for hair:

  • Basma and Lavsonia powder are taken in the same ratio. Water is not used. Strongly brewed coffee took its place. If it is not available, it can replace black tea, pre-brewed. As a result, the color of "milk chocolate" will turn out.
  • If you want the shade to be richer and deeper, you need to add more bass. You get a shade that is called "Bitter Chocolate" in the color palette. He looks just great!
  • The color of natural dark chocolate can be obtained when they take: henna, red wine, ground cloves (1 part each). Wine should not be boiled, only warmed up a little. In order not to disturb the process, the powder is brewed in advance. Then warm wine is used.
  • Walnut shell tincture, combined with brewed lavsonia powder, gives a magnificent “chocolate” shade. So that fair-haired girls are not disappointed in the end result, they should not experiment. It is better to add basma to the resulting solution.

Ways to get rid of henna

When a girl wants to change her image, and her hair is dyed with henna, all kinds of tricks are indispensable. The property of this dye is to stay on curls for a long time. How to get rid of it? There is a way - to wait until the hair grows back on its own.

Of course, you have to wait not 1 - 2 months, but six months or more. Impatient women of fashion, wanting to say goodbye to henna faster, use an aggressive method of “getting rid of”: applying a mask with alcohol.

To do it, you need:

  1. Take 70% alcohol.
  2. Moisten a washcloth in alcohol, and rub the hair.
  3. Somewhere around 7 minutes to wait.
  4. From above, on strands saturated with alcohol, sunflower oil is applied (if available, olive oil is better).
  5. A plastic bag is put on the head. Above is a towel.
  6. Keep the mask a little more than half an hour.
  7. Wash off with a mild shampoo.
  8. After two or three days, the procedure is repeated.

There are many more harmless methods of getting rid of henna, not so "hard". The problem is that they are not very efficient. In order to 100% wash off henna, it will be necessary to repeatedly carry out procedures. Among the most common methods, the following are noted: rinse hair with vinegar, use laundry soap to wash your hair, apply a mask of kefir and yeast, use a mask of olive oil.

Hair masks with colorless henna

Henna hair coloring: before and after photos

This article is about how to dye your hair with henna correctly. To obtain an excellent result, the dissolution and application of the powder should be carried out according to the instructions. It is optimal to use henna once a month. This useful article describes all the nuances and discusses the advantages of the technique.

Instructions for dyeing hair with henna

A set of accessories for dyeing

For a simple procedure you will need:

  • comb with ponytail;
  • natural dye (several packs of henna may be needed, the volume of the powder is calculated based on the density and length of the hair);
  • hot water;
  • a special brush with a wide bristle;
  • warming cap;
  • towel;
  • neutral vaseline or fat cream;
  • a suitable piece of parchment;
  • unnecessary clothes or a tight cape;
  • an enameled or porcelain container for brewing paint and a wooden or glass tool for stirring the substance;
  • cotton wool;
  • gloves - a rubber or polyethylene product for protecting hands and nails.

Proper preparation of henna

To properly prepare the coloring composition, systematically stir the powder diluted with very hot water, adding the liquid little by little until an elastic consistency convenient for application, homogeneous without dense lumps, is obtained. It is necessary to achieve optimal density, since a too dense mass can unevenly color the hair, and an excessively liquid one will flow. Hair must be washed first traditional way and dry slightly. You should change into home work clothes in advance or use a cape. Lubricate the face and neck with plenty of cream or petroleum jelly, which will protect the skin from accidental staining.

Application of natural dye

It is important to distribute natural dye through the hair at a fast pace. The warm mixture colors the curls as intensely as possible. Good for fixing the optimal temperature of the contents of the container, place it in a large bowl filled with hot water. The process of applying henna should start with the processing of a parting that delimits the entire mass of hair into the front and back. Both halves of the parting, extending from one ear to the other, should be thoroughly soaked with gruel. A properly selected brush allows you to work through the entire hair and, importantly, to paint the root zone with high quality.

Separating small strands alternately with a comb with a ponytail, soak them with henna. Some sources recommend that at the first staining, first work with the bulk of the curls and their ends, and then apply the dye to the roots. Other sources point to the primary treatment of the roots to obtain a therapeutic effect. The border of hair growth, passing along the forehead and temples, should be smeared last, otherwise the brightest accents that differ from neighboring strands may be fixed in these areas. Having finished working with the occipital area, you need to move on to the front section. It is not necessary to comb the dye at the ends, it is better to soak them with a slightly diluted gruel residue. Having dyed your hair, you need to create a warm environment, for this you can take a plastic shower cap or parchment soaked in hot water. It is not bad to lay twisted cotton wool along the growth line. A warming cap is put on top, it can be a tight hat, scarf or towel.

Completion of the staining process

The instructions on the package describe in detail how to dye your hair with henna correctly, and you can also find recommendations on the desired color. The exposure time is selected on an individual basis, it is difficult to predict the final result, since it depends on the condition of the hair. At the end of the session, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair without using shampoo. It is advisable to refrain from washing your hair for 3 days. It is important that the use of henna produces a cumulative effect, that is, with each procedure, the color will become deeper and more beautiful, and the structure of the curls will be stronger and more elastic.

Henna hair coloring: herbal treatment mask that gives beautiful deep colors

Facts about henna hair coloring

The use of paint of natural origin has a number of undeniable advantages, we list them:

  • with regular dyeing, the hair acquires a healthy shine;
  • henna is unable to damage the hair and destroy the natural pigment, it smoothes the scales, creating a gently enveloping film;
  • using a natural dye, you can masterfully mask gray hair, getting natural colors;
  • the richest palette can vary at the request of a woman, this is achieved by making various additives;
  • the composition does not contain dangerous components (peroxide and ammonia), since henna is made from the dried leaves of a plant called lavsonia;
  • a stable result of staining, treatment of dandruff and disinfection of the scalp;
  • the dye is ideal for women of any age, is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation;
  • the density of each hair and the density of the hair as a whole increases;
  • elastic and non-porous hair is easy to style;
  • due to the presence of tannic components, a complete nourishment of the scalp is achieved and hair growth is accelerated;
  • Henna has always had a low cost, so using a dye, you can significantly save on hair care.

If your hair has not been bleached, chemically dyed or permanently permed, then feel free to start using natural Lavsonia powder. Otherwise, due to damage to the curls, you can get unexpected colors. Having studied in detail how to dye your hair with henna correctly, start changing. Be sure that henna is in harmony with basma, natural coffee, turmeric, egg yolks, kefir, herbal decoctions, vegetable oils, essential oils, ginger, onion peel decoction, red wine, ginger, cocoa, black tea and hibiscus. Using additives, you can get different attractive colors, such as dark blond, chocolate or fiery red.

In red hair color, many women want to dress their hair, regardless of style and age. Oriental beauties have long given their hair a copper noble shade, using henna hair coloring. Since then, little has changed in technology: the product and the result have remained the same. Let's look at the effect of using this natural dye, whether it is beneficial or harmful, and how to properly dye your hair with henna.

Powder for henna hair coloring made from the leaves of lavsonia, this plant is common in the territories of India, Egypt, and in the countries of the Middle East. It is made from the lower leaves by grinding them to a state of fine "dust". There are 2 main types of paint according to the territorial principle:

  • Indian henna;
  • Iranian henna.

Now a little about each variety. Indian henna for hair is more expensive, you can choose one of seven basic tones. Due to the finer grinding, it is more convenient and faster to dye hair with henna from India, it is easier to wash off after the procedure. Natural Iranian henna is also quite common, which is more affordable and gives the same shade of copper. Both Indian henna and Iranian henna solve a number of curl problems, in addition to color changes. Ask: “Can pregnant women use henna?” Yes, it's completely safe.

Before using the coloring powder, make sure it is fresh. You can determine the degree of shelf life by color: it should be marsh, while brown indicates an expired shelf life. If you like more elite Indian henna, you can buy it in specialized stores, including on the Internet. It is difficult to answer unequivocally which henna is better: Indian or Iranian, it depends only on personal preferences. On the absolute basis of Iranian henna, Phytocosmetics tint paint is produced, it is also used trademark"Artcolor".

How does henna affect hair?

If you decide to dye your hair with henna, the following knowledge will come in handy. The natural pigment contained in the natural dye penetrates into the upper layers of the hair without affecting its core. Indian henna, along with Iranian henna, does not guarantee a red or copper color, the shade depends on the original tone of the strands. If your mane is a light blond or ashy shade - yes, henna staining will really make it sunny. Owners of naturally dark curls will get a pleasant golden or reddish tint, but we are not talking about any lightening. If you are promised that henna-based hair dye is capable of lightening, then the product is not natural.

The main advantage that distinguishes henna staining is the therapeutic effect on the structure of the hairs and the scalp. If henna is used as paint, the benefits will be of this kind:

  1. Sun protection for hair sea ​​water, wind and other external factors. Natural dye envelops each hair shaft along its entire length, henna dyeing is relevant and safe at any time of the year.
  2. Your choice may be Iranian natural henna or Indian henna slightly different in production technology, each of them will give the hair visual density and volume due to its enveloping properties.
  3. Deep, rich color that provides regular henna hair coloring. The pigment accumulates in the hair shaft, becoming more intense with each repetition of the procedure.
  4. The fight against dandruff and the restoration of a balanced work of the sebaceous glands, which is associated with the composition of the coloring powder. Before you dye your hair with henna, make sure that the mane is not too dry.
  5. Regular, but not too frequent henna painting helps restore curls.

If you want to improve your hair without changing the color, Iranian natural colorless henna or its “sister”, Indian henna, also without a shade, can be a way out. During pregnancy, henna staining is also possible.

How to dye your hair with henna powder

So, you have decided, and it's time to consider how to properly dye your hair with henna.

  1. We test the mixture on a small strand in an inconspicuous place. This test is performed rather than for an allergic reaction, which, when henna coloring practically does not happen, but on the resulting color.
  2. Before dyeing your hair with henna, wash your hair with shampoo, dry it a little for a more convenient distribution of the coloring mixture.
  3. Apply the cream on the ears, forehead and temples, stepping back a couple of millimeters from the hairline to eliminate unwanted pigmentation.
  4. After studying the instructions, dilute the powder, and only in non-metallic containers.
  5. Start application from the back of the head, separating narrow strands of 2-3 cm. Treat the entire length at once, this will avoid unpainted spots and reduce the time of the procedure. When staining with henna, do not save the mixture, apply it with a noticeable layer. This is the only way to get a uniform color.
  6. For faster and stronger penetration of the pigment, you can wrap your head with polyethylene. It is better to neglect this advice when dyeing hair with henna for ladies with light curls, otherwise, instead of a pleasant redhead, you can get an orange or carrot shade.
  7. We leave to act: for blondes - from 5 minutes to half an hour, for brunettes - from 40 minutes to 2 hours, for Brown hair The paste should work for 20-30 minutes. This difference is only due to the fact that dark hair they absorb pigment worse, you can even leave henna overnight, washing it off only in the morning. How much to keep the mixture on your head is indicated in the instructions, but you should be guided by your preferences.
  8. Rinse off the mixture with separate strands of running warm water, it is better to do without shampoo. To facilitate combing after henna hair coloring, you can apply your usual balm.

Before you paint with henna, you should dilute it. This is done 20-30 minutes before staining with hot water or pour liquid at room temperature overnight.

What shades can be achieved with henna

To give different shades, henna hair coloring can be done with the addition of natural ingredients:

  • a golden tint to the hair will give a powder diluted with water with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, rhubarb, saffron or turmeric spice;
  • it is useful to fix the copper shade with onion broth, which is used as a rinse or added directly to the mixture;
  • we dress the hair in a chestnut color, adding brewed coffee or tea, a decoction of cloves to the mixture;
  • you can dye it in chocolate color by boiling walnut foliage in water to dilute henna;
  • henna hair coloring will give a shade of burgundy in the case of “seasoning” the mixture with red wine, hibiscus, beetroot or elderberry juice, you can also brew madder root for the mixture.

To create a bright image, Indian henna is suitable, which has several basic shades. And if Iranian natural henna tints the hair in a copper color of one shade, Indian henna can give it other overflows. As an example of a possible color scheme using henna, see the photo below:

In order for henna hair coloring to be carried out with maximum color return, professionals recommend diluting it with an acidic liquid. How to dye your hair with henna in this way: in the same proportions as indicated on the package, mix the powder and kefir, dry wine, tea or water with lemon, apple cider vinegar. To prevent overdrying of curls, we use lemon and vinegar in reasonable quantities and preferably only for oily hair types. If you dye your hair with henna with the addition of "sourness", the color turns out to be more noble and soft.

Do not forget that for fair hair there should be restrictions on the duration of henna, otherwise the color may turn out to be too bright. This rule also applies to gray hair.

Negative sides when painting with henna

In general, dyeing your hair with henna does not harm the condition of your mane, but you may still not like some of the nuances:

  • Iranian henna, like Indian henna, is practically not washed out;
  • any tone that Indian henna gives to hair is extremely difficult to cover with another paint;
  • certain difficulties arise when strands treated with henna interact with paint: the final color may differ greatly from that indicated on the package;
  • if you have already begun to dye your hair with henna, do not try to lighten the curls completely or partially, you still won’t achieve white color, just spoil the condition of the hair;
  • gray hair dyed with henna will look a little brighter and lighter against the general background;
  • repeated or frequent staining with henna can stiffen the hair, which negatively affects styling;
  • at the first coloring with henna, it is difficult to predict what color is the result.

If you are offered henna-based hair dye for coloring, make sure it is natural. Keep in mind, Indian natural henna is not able to lighten curls, and white brightening henna, which is passed off as natural powder, is just a chemical fake. She can not only disappoint with the resulting color, but also cause serious harm to the hair.

Paints using henna

In order to give the hair a long-awaited red tint, you can use not only pure henna powder. Henna-based paint contributes to a softer, natural coloring, it is easier to apply to the strands. As in the case when Iranian natural or Indian henna is applied, the finished paint will not be able to radically change the original color of the hair, it will darken by a maximum of one tone.

When purchasing a package of natural paint, carefully study its composition. If henna-based hair dye contains aggressive components, it is better to refrain from buying it, it will definitely not bring any benefit. High-quality paint based on henna damages the structure of the hairs, unlike chemical compounds in permanent coloring mixtures, the pigment is absorbed only into their upper layer. Most famous natural paints based on Indian henna TM "Aasha" and "Lady Henna", their tint palette is quite rich, and the composition includes components useful for the mane.